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Test 3

Find the difference:

1. In the picture A there is a picture of clown but in the picture B there is no has a picture of a clown

2. In the picture A there is a clock show half past 4 but in the picture B the clock show quarter past 5

3. In the picture A is a girl who play with her doll has straight hair but in the picture B she has curly hair

4. In the picture A there is a woman who give a book for a girl broke her arm but in the picture B she give a girl

5. In the picture A there is a boy who eating but in th picture B he drinking

6. In the picture A there is a nurse who mopping and the water bucket behind her but in the picture B she
cleaning the window and the the water bucket is front she.

7. In the picture A there is a nurse who talking with a phone and she look the computer but in the picture B she
writing and there is no has computer

8. In the picture A there is a doctor and in the pocket he has a blue torch but in the picture B in the pocket he
has a orange torch

9. In the picture A there is a train toy and it smaller than the truck toy but in th picture B the train tay it bigger
than the truck toy

Information exechange:

Paul’s film

1.What the name of the film ?

-It’s name The Black Pirate

2.It’s the film funny of sad?

-It’s funny

3. When Paul see the film

-He see on Saturday

4.Who go with Paul?

-He go with his uncle

5.Where is the cinema?

--It’s on Market Street

Vicky’s film

1.What the name of the film ?

-It’s name The Blue Dolphin

2.It’s the film funny of sad?

-It’s sad

3. When Vicky see the film

-He see on Friday

4.Who go with she?

-He go with her grandmother

5.Where is the cinema?

--It’s on Caastle Road

Tell the story:

1.Last month it’s my birthday,I hoped my present it’s a drum

2.When I opened it I disappointed because it’s a bag

3. When I open the bag I saw a map guide to my garden

4. I followed the instruction sheet

5.Then,I found the drum under the tree

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