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Each and every one of us plays an important role as a person, a student, a citizen,
and many more. It doesn’t matter if our role is diverse, what matters is that it has
an impact on the betterment of our future and of this nation. However, we cannot
deny the fact that some people still fail to carry out their roles and responsibilities
for a variety of reasons.
In this regard, we are all aware that the National Service Training Program (NSTP)
aims to expand the civic consciousness of young people by developing their ethics
and patriotism. In connection with that, as a student, my primary role in nation
building through NSTP is to reach my purpose, which is to do my responsibility in
school and care for the welfare of others and the entire nation. In accordance to
that, I will establish online programs to educate my fellow students/youth about
various issues in our society, such as teenage pregnancy, bullying, and gender
discrimination, as well as participate in clean-up drives and tree planting.
Furthermore, as a student as well, I strive to be a good role model not only to my
peers, but to everyone, by initiating our values and principles, Maka-Diyos,
Makakakalikasan, Makatao, and Makabansa.
For this role of mine to be obligatory, there must be an affiliation of action,
determination, and perseverance and I believe I have all of these qualities. I am
hoping that this role will serve as a beacon of fate, a torch of truth, guiding students
like me toward a brighter future for ourselves and our country, the Philippines.
In conclusion, if we united as one and conquered our roles, we would have an
improvement of quality of life where negativity could not grow and foster, and
every one of us would have joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces.

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