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Argumentative essay:

Are men and women equally emotional?

All women have probably heard the term "emotional" used to describe their behavior countless
times. Other common descriptors people may have used include “absurd,” “overly dramatic,” and
“delicate.” Nonetheless, a male who reacts similarly is frequently regarded as having provided a
"nice viewpoint" or "welcome contribution.”

“But is it true that women are more emotional than men or is it just a Culturally Ingrained

Men and women are equally emotional. Emotional responses aren't exclusive to one gender or the
other. What distinguishes men and women in various settings is the sort of emotions they
experience and the manner in which they tend to exhibit them. Higher hormone. Levels, in fact,
are significantly associated with emotional rather than rational acts and thinking. And let’s not
forget that man has the highest level of hormone. Attempting to determine emotion and behavioral
patterns based on gender is completely absurd.
Furthermore, Emotion is a diverse category of mental and cognitive processes that act both as the
motivating mechanisms and priorities for operating in the world, an inner sensor that reacts to
events that occur in the environment. So, it’s only normal to conclude that emotions underpin
almost all human action, regardless of gender; hence it is incorrect to argue that males do not have
emotions (As society is trying to make it seem)

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