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NIM : A1I120109

Please,i,m sorry your to small a number you go out and six and four we’re all bigger numbers
than you but I want to go you’ve got loads of things to play with her.I’m half I,I better get some toys
play with then get my collection of beautifulshapes out.You’re making a terrible mess.Sorry just
getting a few things out mybe our gets the bullying ball out.Come now down my control.
Right you don’t have to come you know.Yes I do I can do it just watch me loose will guess
best piece checking it so cliff launching.Finding a three and five to land on got some threes and fives
can you get them both together i’m looking. Found a 35 thats convenient.Well right sign come on
then I’m out and about.Can you see me back a base yes I’m.

1. Number 3 is between number 4 and 6
2. Number 35 is next to child
3. Number 5 in the front of number 3 and number 3 in the backside number 5
4. Number 3 is on the inside of the red box
5. The red box is on the outside of number 3
6. The TV is on the wall
7. Number 6 is next to of the score board
8. -Number 0 is above of number 5
-Number 0 is on the wall
9. Number 5 is the front of the scoreboard
10. -The sofa is in the room
-The pictures is on the wall
11. Number 35 is at the door
12. The pencil are on the table
13. The pencil case is on the table
14. The travel bag is at the back of the car
15. Number 3 and 5 are standing in the middle of the road
16. -Number 1 is above and beside of number
-Number 1 is above number 2 and below number 3
-Number 1 is between number 3 and 2
17. Number 3 is on the scoreboard

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