IAL IT - 3 - WS - Online - Environment

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Worksheet 3

Topic 3: The online environment

1. Find an example of a website that uses client-side scripting, e.g. Javascript. Write
down what the client-side scripting is used for and give some example code that you think it
uses. If your browser permits it, you may be able to view the actual code and describe what
this does.

2. Find an example of a website that uses server-side scripting, e.g. PHP. For example,
it might access a database. Write down what the server-side scripting is used for and give
some example code that you think it uses. If your browser permits it, you may be able to
view the actual code and describe what this does.

3. Open your favourite online environment, e.g. social networking site. Write down:
a) all the tools and features it has
b) all the different types of people who might use this site (e.g. individuals, companies)
c) the positive impact of this online environment on the individuals you identified
d) the negative impact of this online environment on the individuals you identified.

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