Project Proposal Template

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Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology

Unit 8 Project Proposal

Gabrielle Unsworth
Candidate Name

Candidate Number

UAL Creative Media Production and Technology

GCSE Maths

Project Title Romantic Trailer

Section 1: Rationale (approx. 100 words)
I have learnt this year how to create a podcast, short film and a music video.Through
this I have gained a variety of skills and knowledge while creating and studying media
such as production skills while producing a music video, independent skills while I
produced my own podcast and also gained knowledge in the analysis of different
podcasts before developing my own idea for my podcast. While making a short film, I
enjoyed learning the different types of cinematography and using different editing
software when creating my short film and this has also inspired me to create a film trailer
for My final major project.

Section 2: Project Concept (approx. 200 words)

By the end of the final major project, I want to create my own trailer for a film within the
romance genre. Firstly, I will start by researching what makes an effective film trailer and
making some notes. As part of my research I am going to create a questionnaire to
research what types of romantic trailers there are, what romantic films people like
watching and what target audience will expect from my trailer and I will then evaluate
the results including using screen grabs of each pie chart and a sentence underneath
each one. Some examples that I will ask in my questionnaire will be: How long do they
think a trailer should be?. Secondly, I will make a list of the Codes and Conventions of
existing film trailers. The codes and conventions are a list of rules to follow when
creating and producing my romantic trailer. For my romantic trailer, I want to show how
loved up a couple are, some of the things that I would show are: them having a picnic,
pushing each other on the swing and having a conversation in the car.
Section 3: Evaluation (approx. 50 words)
As part of my evaluation, I will use reflective diaries to evaluate and show the skills I
have developed during each task that I complete. I will also use this to reflect on how
well my trailer is going and what I can do to make improvements to my final trailer. I
have also created a plan to outline when I want my work to be completed by. As part of
my evaluation, I will also look back at my starting aims to make sure my completed
trailer is how want it to be completed.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

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