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Subject: Software

Kumar Ramrakhyani - 72
Teena Juryani - 37

Whether you want to withdraw cash, deposit cash or undergo any important fund
transfers immediately, it is not exactly convenient to always visit the bank branch
and wait in long queues to perform such quick and easy transactions. This is
where an Automated Teller Machine or an ATM comes into play. You must
already be pretty familiar with the term ATM as it has sort of become a necessity
to carry out day-to-day transactions in an easy and convenient way. You don't
need to go to the bank or wait for your turn to interact with the teller for such
minimum transactions. This saves a lot of your precious time and also proves to
be of great use in emergencies and time of need. Although we use the Automated
Teller Machines or ATMs pretty often in our day-to-day lives, how much do we
really know about the service? There is a lot more that goes behind these three
easy words, and to make you understand that, here we will go through the details
about the Automated Teller Machines or ATMs and see how it proved to be a
revolutionary step for the Banking sector.

Purpose of this topic:

This project is aimed at developing a web based leaves management tool which
is of importance to either an organisation or a college. This is an intranet based
application that can be accessed throughout the organisation or a specified group
or department. This system can be used to automate the workflow of leave
applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leaves is also
automated. There are features like email notification, cancellation of leave,
automatic approval of leave, report generators etc in this tool. It provides an
easy way to apply for a leave. To apply for a leave an employee simply login to
their account by using their login password and apply for leave. All the
employees must have to provide a reason for the approval of leave. The status of
their leave is also displayed on the employee account.

Existing System:-
The existing ATM Simulation System was built for the original concept of
regional private banks. Small banks in villages and towns will service the needs of
the local community and will only require ledgers to record account details. This
system is prone to human error and causes undue frustration to users. This system
was augmented with the introduction of excel sheets and emails. Banks could now
record all information in an excel sheet and then set an update schedule when they
will mail all records to a central hub where these records will again be processed
and consolidated to form a unified record of all account transactions. These systems
did not enable easy access to money and were greatly prone to grievous errors.

Solution of the above problems:

The proposed system aims to solve all this by constant updating of bank records.
The Java based construction of the system will enable transactions at any bank or
ATM to be registered within a matter of seconds. Security of these details is also a
top priority in this system. This central hub will be accessed by an ATM for
secure customer transactions.

● User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.

● The system makes the overall project management much easier and
● It provides a high level of security with different levels of authentication.
Process model: Spiral Model.

1. The Spiral model is easy to user.

2. It helps to find the errors earlier.
3. Easy to understand & easy to implement.
4. It provides the risk for support handling.
5. Clients will be engaged during the hall project.
6. Less time consuming compared to other models.
7. Less risk throughout the project.
8. When new requirement is added, that can be easily implemented which
does not impact on the Existing System.

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