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Exercise on Hypothesis Testing: In-Class Activity

1.) Test the hypothesis that the average SAT math scores from students in Toronto and
Montreal are different. A sample of 45 students from Toronto had an average score of 552,
whereas a sample of 38 Montreal students had an average score of 530. Assume the population
standard deviations for Toronto and Montreal are 105 and 114 respectively. Test at the α =
0.05 level. What is the p-value for these samples?

n1=45 n2=38

x̄1=552 x̄2=530

σ1=105 σ2=114

α = 0.05

H0: µ1 = µ2

Ha: µ1 ≠µ2

σx̄1- x̄2 =24.228

Since µ1- µ2 = 0, Z = 0.91

From table, p-value = 0.36282

p-value obtained is > 0.05, therefore, null hypothesis will not be rejected.

Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence on the difference between average SAT math scores
from students in Toronto and Montreal since p-value obtained is greater than α.

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