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Sam McCartney

ENG 111

Research Proposal


Hazing: Conspiracy of Silence?

(Write 2 paragraphs, ending with your thesis)
Hazing is defined as the imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a program of
rigorous physical training and initiation. According to Thomas Law Offices, hazing originally began in 387
B.C. starting with the founding of Plato’s Academy. Back in 387 B.C, it wasn’t classified hazing but was
called “pennalism” which is defined as a system of mild oppression and torment practiced upon first-year
students. Throughout the years, hazing has evolved with people and the way society has changed. It
hasn’t changed for the better and has gotten much worse especially in Greek Life at Universities and
These acts of “initiation” within fraternities or sports teams have gotten out of control. They’ve
lead to deaths, hospital visits, permanent bodily damage, and suicide. After every case that comes out
people still participate in these initiations because they want to fit in. Being cool or completing challenges
that people know will hurt themselves or even kill themselves just to be accepted should not be allowed.
Hazing should be outlawed in the entire US because it can be taken too far leading to emotional trauma,
permanent physical damage and even death.

Literature Review
(Write 2 -3 paragraphs about the information that you found, including in-text citations as
Most of the information I have found while researching has been about serious cases of
hazing, usually about someone that has died. They have all been about fraternities and their
initiation hazing for their pledges. Although I came across one case about a 12 year old boy
from Michigan and how he was hazed in his middle school football team to be able to participate
in their end of season game. He ended up breaking his right leg in two places, getting 3
surgeries, and getting screws put in his bones. Another case I came across was a high school
student getting hazed in his highschool fraternity band. The initiation was led by their band
teacher. This led to a legal battle. Turns out the band teacher got so upset about this
confrontation he purposefully hit this children's family and caused a car accident. The family
ended up getting $5 million dollars from the school district. More research showed that almost
all college students have been a part of hazing but never spoke up about it. They call it the
“Conspiracy of Silence” which basically means students knew that it was hazing but never
reported or talked about it. Fraternities claim that it tests who is weak and who is strong but also
gives a sort of group bonding effect due to the trauma they experience together. Another case
that I found was about hazing at Virginia State University in one of their African- American
organizations called the Men of Honor. Two students drowned after the current rose in the
rushing rapids of the Appomattox River when seven students tried to use a “human chain” to
cross it. This was only one event during the reported week-long pledging and hazing process for
the social club, Men of Honor. Howard Bailey and Aaron Hughey of Western Kentucky
University stated that hazing in white fraternities is centered around alcohol, whereas hazing in
African-American organizations is centered around bodily harm. VSU being a Historically Black
College and University, causes there to be more African-American organizations rather than
white fraternities resulting in more bodily harm indicedents. Forty-four states, including Virginia,
have anti-hazing laws set in place. These laws still have not restricted fraternities and black
organizations enough to put an end to hazing. There are still many fraternities and organizations
getting suspended from colleges due to this issue. Hank Nuwer, journalist and author, reported
that since 1970 there have been more than 100 hazing related deaths at colleges and
universities in the US. Nuwer also stated that 90% of hazing is not reported.

Research Questions
This research will serve to answer (insert 2 -4) questions:

● Has anyone ever died from hazing?

● Is hazing only found in fraternities?
● How many states have anti-hazing laws?

(Write 1 -2 paragraphs which explain how you are going to conduct your research)

I plan to do more in depth research, meaning look into specific hazing cases. In my research notes I
only touched the surface on a few reported hazing cases. There are so many cases out there that
have either not been reported, investigated, or have been heard of. I also plan to ask people I know.
Whether that includes people I know that are currently in college who are also in fraternities, people
that have gone to college who were in fraternities, or even people who have been involved in sports
and see how many people will confess and hopefully share their stories. Everything I have found
online has been about serious cases of hazing leading to either death or serious permanent injuries.
But I would like to find cases that weren’t severe that still left people with emotional damage. Those
are usually the cases that get overlooked, and that may be a reason why most people don’t report
hazing incidents. I’ve also heard that people in fraternities that secretly haze, that they are sworn to
secrecy. If anything ever gets out or if anyone talks about it to someone other than a frat brother
from their own fraternity, they threaten to torture or even kill you. I would love to investigate further
into these conspiracies and see just how far certain frats or even people will go to keep this a secret.

(Write 1 -2 paragraphs which explain why this research is important for people to know; why should
they care?) Include in-text citations if necessary.

Hazing is a very important social issue that is rarely ever talked about. All anyone ever hears about it
is either a death or if a fraternity gets suspended due to it. But no one ever talks about the mild
cases or the cases that never get reported. 90% of people have experienced some sort of hazing but
have never and will never report it. Most people that have gone through something like this get
threatened or blackmailed if they were to ever go public about their hazing process.

References (if doing APA) Bibliography (if doing MLA)

(Export your citations from Noodle Tools here)

Andu, Naomi. "To End Hazing, Students Must Be Individually Punished or Prosecuted..." Texas

Tribune, 11 Feb. 2020. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Blow, Charles M. "The Brutal Side of Hazing." The New York Times, 10 Dec. 2011, p. A25(L).

Gale in Context: Global Issues,

u=vbcps&sid=bookmark-GIC&xid=dc3d5f7f. Accessed 27 Jan. 2023.

Culolias, Grace, and Pat Mcgroder. "No One Should Have to Die Trying to Join a Fraternity."

Arizona Capitol Times, 6 Sept. 2022. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Fuller, Cricket. "Virginia State Student Deaths Renew Debate over Hazing Abuse." Christian

Science Monitor, 25 Apr. 2013. SIRS Issues Researcher,
Scott, Melanie D. "Childhood Hazing's Legal, but It Hurts." Detroit Free Press, 7 Mar. 2004.

SIRS Issues Researcher,

Research Proposal Rubric

Grade Exceeds Meets Approaching Lacking
Components Expectations Expectations Expectations

Overview/ Paper has a The opening The intro vaguely The introduction
Introduction (10) descriptive title. introduces introduces the doesn’t really
The overview everything but topic. A title is match the topic
captures the lacks an attention- missing or and focus of the
reader’s attention, grabbing opening. generic. rest of the paper.
indicates the The title is a little
intended vague.
audience, and
provides a brief
overview of the

Literature The literature The literature The literature The literature

Review (20) review is very review is relatively review is simplistic review covers
(Information on the comprehensive comprehensive and describes irrelevant material
topic) and describes and describes some relevant or is missing.
relevant material. most relevant material

Research Specific research Research Some research No research

Questions (10) questions are questions are questions are questions are
included in the included in the included in the included in the
proposal and they proposal, and their proposal, but they proposal.
are directly connection to the are unconnected
connected to the material reviewed to the material
material reviewed in the introduction reviewed in the
in the introduction. is good. introduction.

Methodology A methods section A methods section A methods section No methods

(10) clearly presents is present, and is present, but section is included
(procedure clearly the researcher’s only a few numerous in the proposal or
described, a plan, and the elements of the elements of the many key
comprehensive list of section is missing methods are methods are elements of the
source material none of the key absent or absent or methods are
provided, method(s) of elements of the described described absent.
analysis discussed, methods. insufficiently. insufficiently.
ethical issues

Discussion (10) A broad range of Some important Some implications No potential

implications are implications are are discussed, but implications of the
discussed that discussed, which they are not proposed study
connect directly to are connected to strongly are discussed.
the proposed the proposed connected to the
study and why it is study. proposed study.

Works Cited: A properly An MLA Works An MLA Works No MLA Works

(10) formatted MLA Cited is attached Cited is attached Cited is attached
(2 database sources Works Cited which which meets all but it does not or only URL’s are
+ 1 other credible meets all requirements, but meet all source listed.
source) requirements is it contains 1 or 2 requirements and
attached. formatting issues. contains
formatting issues.

Quality of Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits

Diction/Writing sophisticated adequate diction, simplistic diction inappropriate
diction, clear and is easy to with little sentence diction, sloppy
(20) concise writing understand, and variety. writing and
with effective includes some sentence structure
sentence variety. sentence variety. issues..

Grammar, Writing observes Writing generally Writing has Writing poorly

Usage, & the grammatical observes the several observes the
conventions of grammatical mechanical errors grammatical
Mechanics (10) standard written conventions of and readability conventions of
English. Paper is standard written problems. standard written
free from English. Paper English.
distracting has a few
mechanical errors distracting
(grammar, mechanical errors.
spelling, and
punct). One or two
minor typos exist
but are not overly


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