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Jhan Brigette Condes October 31, 2022

3rd Yr BEED Quantum Leadership (05100)

Learning the reference of twelve principles of quantum leadership finds me

the real meaning of a good leadership. Managing the process of leading and
creating a good leader from the future. In quantum leadership, learners will
learn mindfulness-type practices in an action learning process that allows
them to experience a greater connection to self, others, and
nature. Introduces a new leadership dimensions that involve holistic and
dynamic management aspects of our institutions that control gives way to
some more subtle, intuitive feel for the situation and the creative potential of
its indeterminacy.

In the twelve principle of quantum leadership there’s the self-awareness. Self

awareness is one of the important quality to be a successful leader. Self-
awareness has been associated with performance and achievement in what
an individual undertakes. Self-awareness is regarded as the beginning of
effective leadership.Before an individual is able to handle any group dealings,
they should be aware of themselves in several aspects.In leadership, self-
awareness is not only defined in relation to what an individual knows about
their strengths and weaknesses but also to what an individual knows about
their character and how it influences the way they behave in different settings.
With such knowledge about themselves, an individual will always be able to
conduct themselves appropriately in the different situations that they find
themselves. Next was the Vision & Value Led, here is what we need that
leaders have to. It reflects the deep beliefs, the values, mission and the vision
in every situation. Having a goal motivates one another to pursue it, to
achieve their objective and knowing the purpose of their lives. Spontaneity is
the 3rd principle, being a spontaneous leader have to respond to problems in
quick time with a plan of action. A leader would have made the decision by
drawing on knowledge and experience they have built up at a time.
Also,flexibility necessary for a leader to respond and adapt spontaneously and
creatively to changes in their environment. Next principle was the holistic,
leaders requires to bring their whole selves to their role. It's not just about their
skills, processes, and approaches to their work, but also their character,
values, and mindset. And, to take this idea a step further, an effective leaders
are skilled in encouraging others to do the same. Tend to prefer being self-
governing that you like direction to your own learning. Field independence
relates to the fact that the creativity of complex adaptive systems is destroyed
by outside control. To have the strength and the courage to do what we think
is right even if “every-one” is telling us it is wrong. Humility, in the twelve
principle of quantum leadership means, a wise leader is always alert to the
ignorance in his own mind and the wickedness in his own heart. On this earth,
there is no such thing as a Perfect Man, and thus no such thing as a perfect
leader. Ability to Re-frame for the 7th principle. To have a great leadership
need to be able to re-frame themselves, seeing something in a new way, in a
context that allows us to recognize and appreciate positive aspects of our
situation. And re-framing helps us to use whatever life hands us as
opportunities to be taken advantage of, rather than problems to be avoided.
The 8th principle is to Ask Fundamental “Why” Questions. Questioning
Jhan Brigette Condes October 31, 2022
3rd Yr BEED Quantum Leadership (05100)

yourself can improve your critical thinking and the capacity and potential for
being a good leader. Always wanting to go deeper into any question as to
reflect in the situation. Also, helps you uncover the challenges you're facing
and generate better solutions to solve those problems. The next principle,
Celebration of Diversity. Example for this principle is the campaign of Black
Lives Matter, despite of having a darker colored skin, culture, the accent and
etc. As a leader, we should have a respect to one another. Even in giving
some of their opinions and ideas, we don’t judge too quickly. Appreciating
others for their differences rather than despite them. Positive Use of Adversity
for the 10th place of the twelve principle of quantum leadership. “Victory
comes from finding opportunities in problems”, by Sun Tzu’s Art of War.
Defined as the crisis, danger and opportunity in every successions in life.
Positive use of adversity is the ability to learn from mistakes, grow and learn
from setbacks and suffering, and to turn problems into opportunities.
Becoming stronger and wiser from having been tested. Able to carry on even
though we have a tragic recognition that not all problems have solutions. Able
to look at our own weaknesses and overcome them. Next, compassion, being
a leader needs to have a sensibility. Having an empathy for concern to other
member. Understanding even of those who are our enemies or by whom we
feel threatened, thus making forgiveness possible. Showing others respect
and taking care of their dignity. Treating others as we would like to be treated.
And the last in the principle of quantum leadership, A Sense of Vocation.
Having a sense of vocation is to feel called upon to serve, to give something
back, to leave the world a better place than you found it, or having a passion
to bring something new into the world. Dedication to our Heavenly Father as
thanking him to what they’ve done to us. Having a sense of vocation
resonates with the positive force in the universe driving the cosmos toward
ever greater complexity, ever more order and information, and with the life
force in complex adaptive systems that drives them both to sustain
themselves and to evolve.

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