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Date: 10.03.2017 Vanue: BUET

09. An air tank of interior pressure is 130KPa and outlet pressure 100KPa, temperature is 23 0C.
Find jet velocity.


m/s [ air density 1.203

Kg/m3 at 230C]

10. Draw Schematic diagram of Gas turbine plant with intercooled and regenerative. also draw
there TS diagram.

11. diameter of a tank is 60mm and flow rate is 1Mm3/day . density is 100 kg/m3. Viscosity is
0.00223 poise. Determine Renold number.


Re= = =

12. Draw schematic diagram of combined GT-ST.

13. friction factor is 0.01. determine pressure of A.

P A/ + VA2/2+ZA=PB/ +VB2/2g+ZB+hf

P A/ = PB/ + flV2/2gd

P A= ( PB/ g+ flV2/2gd)

= 1000 9.81 ( 2000 103/1000 9.81 + 0.01*50*103*52/2*9.81*0.2) Pa

14. discharge pressure of air compressor is 2000kPa & inlet pressure 100kPa. how
many compressor will need if the compression ratio between 3 to 5.


Compression ratio= Pd/Pi=2000/100=20

For compression ratio 3, compressor number= 20/3=6.67

For compression ratio 5, compressor number= 20/5 =4

So, compressor number will be 4 to 7.

15. A 2 m long pressure vessel has interior temperature 800C and outlet temperature
300C. Determine thermal stress if coefficient of thermal expansion is 2 10-5
m/(m.0C). Assume E=200GPa.


= 2 10-5 200 109 (80-30) N/m2

16. A 2m long pressure vessel has a diameter of 60mm thickness of vessel is 20mm.
longitudinal stress is 100MPa and tangential stress is 300 MPa. Determine allowable
internal pressure.

l = or, P= l/D = 4 0.02 100 106/ 0.06 =133.33 MPa

t= PD/2t or, P=2t* t/ /D= 2*0.02*300*106/0.06=200MPa.

Allowable internal pressure is 200MPa.
17. A reverted gear train as shown in the figure. Determine gear speed ratio (N4/N1).
Teeth numbers are T1=10, T2=20, T3=32, T4=40.


N4/N1= ( T1*T3)/(T2*T4) =( 10*32)/(20*40)

18. Determine the Tension of the string for the following figure.



= 2*10*20*9.81/ (10+20)

=130.8 N

19. determine heat flow rate , given K=0.4 w/mk, t1=800C, t2=300C. thickness=6mm,
wide 1 m, length 1.5m. also determine thermal resistance.


Heat flow rate, Q= = W

Thermal resistance = = k/w

20.Draw TOP, Front and LSV view.


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