Bone Turnover Markers To Monitor Oral Bisphosphonate Therapy

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Nikita Ashcherkin, MD Archna A. Patel, MD, MPH Alicia Algeciras-Schimnich, PhD Krupa B. Doshi, MD, FACE
Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathol- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division
Scottsdale, AZ Scottsdale, AZ ogy, Department of Laboratory Medicine and of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine,
Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ

Bone turnover markers to monitor

oral bisphosphonate therapy
Bisphosphonates are widely used as first-line therapy to
P rimary osteoporosis and its precur-
sor, low bone mass, affect more than 53
million Americans, the majority of whom
slow bone loss and decrease fracture risk in postmenopausal are postmenopausal women.1,2 The preva-
women with osteoporosis. Nonadherence to oral bisphos- lence of osteoporosis in adults over age 50
phonates diminishes the benefit of reduced bone loss and is 12.6%, while prevalence of low bone mass
fracture risk of these medications. Strategies to enhance is as high as 43.1% in the same age group.1
osteoporosis monitoring and adherence to therapy are crucial Lifestyle and pharmacologic intervention
to improve outcomes. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry can halt osteoporosis at any point, stabilize
(DXA) is the gold standard for monitoring bone mineral or improve bone density, and greatly reduce
density but is slow to detect change after initiation of oral fracture risk.
bisphosphonate therapy. Bone turnover markers (BTMs)
See related editorial, page 32
are by-products released during bone remodeling and are
measurable in blood and urine. We review how the rapid
Oral bisphosphonates (eg, alendronate,
change in BTMs can be a useful short-term tool to monitor risedronate, and ibandronate) are the most
the effectiveness of oral bisphosphonate therapy, which may prescribed treatment for postmenopausal
ultimately improve adherence to therapy and outcomes. women with osteoporosis and individuals with
KEY POINTS low bone mass and high fracture risk. Alen-
dronate and risedronate have broad-spectrum
Oral bisphosphonates slow bone loss and reduce the risk efficacy to reduce hip, spine, and nonverte-
of fracture in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. bral fractures. Their long-established safety
and efficacy profile, generic availability, and
Nonadherence to bisphosphonate therapy diminishes the affordability make them excellent first choices
benefits of these medications. for patients at high fracture risk.3–5 Ibandro-
nate is also an appropriate initial therapy in
BTMs are a simple, low-risk, and convenient way to mon- patients needing treatment for spine-specific
itor effectiveness and adherence to oral bisphosphonate bone loss.6 Although a number of random-
therapy in addition to DXA. ized controlled trials show a reduction in the
number of osteoporosis-related fractures and
Bisphosophonates induce a rapid dose-dependent an increase in bone mineral density (BMD)
decrease in bone resorption markers, making them an with oral bisphosphonate therapy, adherence
excellent tool to ascertain adherence to and efficacy of to these medications may be as low as 43%.7–9
A recent systematic review of 89 publications
oral antiresorptive therapy.
confirmed that early treatment discontinua-
tion is a global problem.10 In this study, about
doi:10.3949/ccjm.90a.22002 35% to 70% of individuals remained on oral
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bisphosphonate therapy at 6 months and only 18% or urine samples should be drawn after an overnight
to 75% had continued use 1 year after initiation.10 fast. Discontinuation of multivitamins and supple-
Low adherence to oral bisphosphonate therapy sig- ments containing biotin for 24 hours before CTX or
nificantly hinders its effectiveness in reducing fractures. urine NTX measurement is prudent to prevent assay
However, capturing the efficacy of treatment (or lack interference. Fasting is not indicated for measurement
thereof) using current surrogate markers is a challenge. of N-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PINP)
Current guidelines vary widely regarding repeat dual and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), and
x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for treatment monitoring, multivitamins and biotin-containing supplements
with most indicating every 1 to 3 years because it takes need not be discontinued. Serum-based BTMs tend
time for a significant bone density change.11,12 More- to show less individual and analytical variability when
over, there is no numeric cutoff to indicate a clinically compared with urine-based markers.17 Renal and liver
effective treatment response or a practical way to assess dysfunction alters the clearance of the majority of
adherence based on the change in bone density. BTMs. Thus, it is important to be aware of the limita-
We propose that clinicians consider using bone tions associated with specific markers. Table 1 provides
turnover markers (BTMs) to assess the effect of and a summary of common BTMs and their properties.18–20
adherence to oral bisphosphonate therapy. BTMs
decrease with oral bisphosphonate therapy, and ■ BONE TURNOVER MARKERS
changes in BTMs are more rapidly detected than bone AND ORAL BISPHOSPHONATE THERAPY
density is with BMD testing.3 Furthermore, many
studies have found a positive association between BTMs are lowered by bisphosphonate therapy. In our
BTMs and fracture reduction.13–15 clinical practice, we consider at least a 25% decrease
in CTX, PINP, or BSAP and at least a 30% decrease
■ BONE TURNOVER MARKERS: CLINICAL OVERVIEW in urine NTX at 3 to 6 months from baseline levels
(ie, prior to starting therapy) to be an indication of
BTMs are collagenous and noncollagenous compo- adequate therapeutic response to bisphosphonate
nents released in the bloodstream during the process therapy. Therapeutic intervention is considered
of bone remodeling. They reflect a kinetic measure- effective when the marker continues to remain sup-
ment of bone formation and resorption. BTMs are pressed from baseline along with BMD stability at
elevated during childhood, growth, and fracture heal- 12 months. The magnitude of change in the markers
ing. In these scenarios, elevations in bone resorption on antiresorptive therapy correlates to the reduction
and bone formation markers are balanced. In other in fracture risk.13–15 Table 2 presents the case of an
words, markers of both formation and resorption 82-year-old postmenopausal woman treated with oral
increase proportionately, thus maintaining a state of alendronate for osteoporosis. The patient tolerated
equilibrium. Measuring BTMs in these states is of no the oral bisphosphonate well, did not report gastro-
diagnostic value. intestinal upset, and no fractures occurred during the
BTMs (resorption and formation markers) decrease treatment period.
in response to hormone replacement therapy and oral When using a BTM for monitoring, it is important
or parenteral antiresorptive therapy. In contrast, bone to determine the critical difference or least significant
formation markers increase within days of starting change (LSC). The LSC is the smallest difference
anabolic therapy with teriparatide and abaloparatide, between a measurement and a previous measurement
and bone resorption markers increase months later.
that is associated with a true change in the patient. The
Romosozumab, another anabolic agent approved for
International Osteoporosis Foundation and European
osteoporosis, increases bone formation markers and
Calcified Tissue Society (IOF-ECTS), the Endocrine
decreased bone resorption markers.16
Society, and the American Association of Clinical
Endocrinology, whose contemporary guidelines are
followed worldwide, recently proposed using CTX or
It is important for clinicians to be aware of the unique PINP for monitoring adherence to bisphosphonate
pharmacokinetic properties associated with the BTM treatment.3,4,21 According to the IOF-ECTS guidelines,
they plan to monitor. Some BTMs such as C-terminal if the magnitude of decline in BTMs is greater than
telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX) or urine N-ter- the LSC, then treatment should be continued; if the
minal telopeptide of type I collagen (NTX) show decrease is smaller, clinicians should reassess possible
variation with circadian rhythm and meals, so blood problems with treatment, including adherence.21,22
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Common bone turnover markers, their properties, and pros and cons
Markers of Diurnal Renal function
bone formation Measured in variation variation Pros Cons
Bone-specific Serum No No No postprandial changes Roughly 20% cross-
alkaline Stable sample due to half- reaction with other types
phosphatase life of 1–2 days of alkaline phosphatase
(BSAP) Widely available

N-terminal Serum Yes Yes Well studied in clinical trials Hepatic function can
propeptide of Relatively low intra- affect levels depending
type I procollagen individual variability on the assay and form
(PINP) PINP measures response of propeptide being
to therapy more effectively measured
than BSAP Increased in patients on
Procollagen type I Serum Yes Renal Less studied than other
carboxy-terminal variation bone formation markers
propeptide (PICP) unknown
Osteocalcin Serum and urine Yes Yes Correlates well Less stable; must process
with bone turnover within hours
Production is dependent
upon vitamin K and can
decrease in response
to vitamin K antagonists
(eg, warfarin)
Markers of Diurnal Renal function
bone resorption Measured in variation variation Pros Cons
C-terminal Serum and urine Yes Yes Stable biomarker Postprandial variability
telopeptide of Rapidly decreases with Can be impacted by
type I collagen antiresorptive therapy hepatic function
N-terminal Serum and urine Yes Yes Minimal postprandial Fasting measurements
telopeptide of (24-hour urine collection variability recommended
type I collagen or second morning void) Impacted by hepatic
(NTX) function
Pyridinoline Urine (24-hour urine Yes Yes Can be renally adjusted Impacted by hepatic
and deoxy- collection or second function
pyridinoline morning void with
creatinine correction)
Tartrate-resistant Serum Yes No No change with renal Predominately from but
acid phosphatase function not exclusive to bone
5b Unstable at room
Increases immediately
after exercise
Based on data from references 18–20.

Calculating the least significant change ity of the assay from day to day).21,23,24 The intra-indi-
Calculating the LSC is not straightforward. The cal- vidual variability of many markers is not well known
culation relies on intra-individual variability (ie, the or established, and the impression of the assay is
amount of normal day-to-day variation in a patient) variable among laboratories. Clinicians should there-
as well as the impression of the assay (ie, reproducibil- fore become familiar with the LSC of the individual
28  C L E V E L A N D C L I N I C J O U R N A L O F M E D I C I N E   V O L U M E 9 0  •  N U M B E R 1   J A N U A RY   2 0 2 3

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An 82-year-old postmenopausal woman treated with oral alendronate for osteoporosis
• Left proximal humerus fracture 4 years prior due to a fall from standing height during a syncopal event
• Left femural neck T-score of −2.5 on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
• No history of celiac disease, paraproteinemia, or bariatric surgery
• R enal function and vitamin D levels were normal
• P atient concerned about falls and balance; another fall 6 months prior without fracture.
After ruling out secondary causes of osteoporosis, oral alendronate 70 mg once weekly was initiated.
Bone mineral density and bone turnover markers:
Before treatment At 3 months At 1 year
Lumbar spine −1.6 −1.7
Left femoral neck −2.5 −2.4
Right femoral neck −2.2 −2.1
Bone turnover marker: C-terminal 520 pg/mL 177 pg/mL 273 pg/mL
telopeptide of type I collagen (66% reduction from baseline) (48% reduction from baseline)

markers they utilize in clinical practice by consulting clinical circumstances, such as a significant decline in
with their laboratory counterparts. DXA or an increase in BTMs.
Not uncommonly, clinicians evaluate patients after Thus, monitoring for rising BTMs during a pause
they have already started oral bisphosphonate therapy. in bisphosphonate therapy may be useful in determin-
In such cases, the IOF-ECTS proposes targeting post- ing when to restart therapy. Some experts feel that
treatment BTMs to be reduced to at least the lower a rise in the markers to pretreatment levels provides
half of the premenopausal reference interval.21,23,24 early feedback about the loss of therapeutic effect and
Additionally, many women with osteoporosis signals a need to resume osteoporosis treatment. Of
and high fracture risk have baseline BTMs that may note, adequately powered clinical studies to support
already be in the lower half of the reference range this approach are lacking. Additionally, as stated
before they start therapy. In this scenario, it is hard earlier, this approach may not apply to patients with
to rely on a change in BTMs because little research osteoporosis who had low BTMs before treatment was
has been conducted on the impact of fracture risk started. With that in mind, when BTMs start to rise to
reduction when the markers are low before treatment pretreatment levels, our approach has been to re-eval-
initiation. For these patients, it is prudent to rely on uate the patient for development of new clinical risk
BMD changes to make clinical decisions. A few stud- factors for fracture and, sometimes, to repeat DXA
ies and guidelines have proposed checking an alter- earlier to initiate discussion about resuming therapy.3,4
native marker at baseline (eg, if the PINP is below
the reference level, measure BSAP as an alternative ■ BONE TURNOVER MARKERS TO MONITOR
approach).21,23,24 PATIENT ADHERENCE

■ BONE TURNOVER MARKERS Nonadherence to bisphosphonate therapy usually

AND BISPHOSPHONATE ‘DRUG HOLIDAY’ occurs after 6 to 7 months of treatment, well before
DXA is repeated for treatment monitoring.9,10,25
Due to concerns about long-term side effects of Clowes et al26 showed that measuring BTMs can help
antiresorptive therapy, such as jaw osteonecrosis and increase adherence to oral bisphosphonate therapy.
atypical femur fractures, clinicians may recommend This association was supported by another study,
that patients with a significant therapeutic response which found an increase in persistence with oral
pause therapy and enter a bisphosphonate “drug holi- rised­ronate when a positive BTM response was shared
day.” The optimal duration of the pause has not been with patients.27 However, not all published studies
established and needs to be individualized based on have observed this effect.28
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A 63-year-old postmenopausal woman treated with oral alendronate for osteoporosis
• History of breast cancer treated with lumpectomy, radiation therapy, and 5 years of tamoxifen
• Outside DXA scans showed a progressive decline in her lumbar spine T-score from −3.1 to −3.3
• Femoral neck bone density was stable
• Past medical history was otherwise unremarkable
• No history of lactose intolerance, celiac disease, or chronic glucocorticoid use
• She did not take calcium supplements, but took over-the-counter vitamin D
• No history of antifracture therapy.
The patient was prescribed oral alendronate 70 mg once weekly.
Bone mineral density and bone turnover markers:
Before treatment 3 months 1 year
L umbar spine NA −2.6
Left femoral neck NA −1.5
Right femoral neck NA −1.5
Bone turnover marker: 653 pg/mL 361 pg/mL 188 pg/mL
C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (45% reduction from baseline) (72% reduction from baseline)

NA = Not available: baseline dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) was done at an outside facility and thus was not appropriate for comparison.

Because BTMs respond rapidly to changes in ■ LIMITATIONS OF BONE TURNOVER MARKERS

treatment, their utilization is endorsed by contem-
BTMs should not be used as a screening test for osteo-
porary societal guidelines as an effective feedback
porosis in the general population. Up to 20% of post-
tool to improve patient adherence.3,4,21,24 A positive
menopausal women with osteoporosis taking calcium
treatment response (suppressed markers) reinforces to and vitamin D supplementation may have baseline
patients that treatment is effective and helps promptly BTMs below the premenopausal mean reference
identify patients not responding to treatment (unsup- range and will not be identified appropriately for ther-
pressed markers). apy, highlighting a key problem with this approach.23
As is often encountered in the real-world set- When interpreting BTMs, one should keep in
ting, a patient’s baseline BMD testing may have mind that they fluctuate in response to any process
been done at an outside facility. Table 3 provides that manipulates the bone remodeling process. There-
details of a 63-year-old postmenopausal woman fore, BTM testing may be unhelpful in patients with
referred to our endocrinology clinic with DXA done recent glucocorticoid use (resorption markers rapidly
outside our facility and with a reported T-score of increase, formation markers decrease), recent fracture
−3.3 at the lumbar spine. Repeat DXA at our facility (resorption markers double in weeks, formation mark-
showed a lumbar spine T-score of −2.6. Since DXA ers double in roughly 3 months and stay elevated up to
done at different facilities cannot quantify bone 1 year), or autoimmune conditions affecting bones (eg,
density changes without cross-calibration, a BMD rheumatoid arthritis), where markers do not correlate
change could not be assessed. Given this scenario, with disease progression or treatment effect.16,29 ■
we felt that her early and persistent BTM response
was particularly valuable in developing confidence ■ DISCLOSURES
that her treatment was effective. No gastrointestinal Dr. Algeciras-Schimnich has disclosed consulting for Fujirebio and Roche
upset was reported, and no fractures occurred during Diagnostics. The other authors report no relevant financial relationships
which, in the context of their contributions, could be perceived as a
treatment. potential conflict of interest.

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