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Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal

Cristina Povedano-Priego, Inés Martín-Sánchez, Fadwa Jroundi, Iván Sánchez-Castro,
Mohamed L. Merroun ⇑
Department of Microbiology, University of Granada, Campus Fuentenueva s/n 18071, Granada, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present work describes lead phosphate biomineralization by a wood-decaying fungal isolate,
Received 28 July 2016 Penicillium chrysogenum A15, after incubation in solid medium with metallic lead (Pb shot pellets).
Revised 7 November 2016 This fungal isolate showed high tolerance to this element, being able to grow on solid medium containing
Accepted 9 November 2016
8 mM Pb(II). Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) observations of abiotic controls
Available online xxxx
showed the presence of lead oxide crystals on the lead shot surface after 8 weeks incubation.
However, in presence of P. chrysogenum, lead phosphate mineral phases were detected as aggregates
on the surface of lead shots after 2-weeks and 8-weeks incubation. The morphology of the biotically
deposited secondary minerals showed significant differences in comparison to those produced under abi-
Lead phosphates otic conditions, appearing globular, prismatic and acicular crystals. High Resolution Transmission
Environmental Scanning Electron Electron Microscope (HRTEM) analysis indicated deposition of lead phosphates on the cell surface which
Microscopy could be considered as Pb resistance mechanism used by this isolate to cope with toxicity of lead. This
High Resolution Transmission Electron study extends the spectrum of fungal isolates with potential on the biomineralization of lead phosphates
Microscopy useful for the bioremediation of lead contaminated sites.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Merroun and Selenska-Pobell, 2008; Morcillo et al., 2014), intra-

cellular accumulation (Brookshaw et al., 2012), biomineralization
Lead is a well-known and hazardous heavy metal that may (Merroun et al., 2011; Mondani et al., 2011) and chelation by
cause serious ecological and human health problems as was organic acid production, leading to the immobilization or mobiliza-
reported by European Commission (2002). This element is widely tion of heavy metal (Gadd et al., 2012). Among the soil microorgan-
used in several industrial activities such as lead smelting, leaded isms, indigenous fungi are able to solubilize metal compounds
petrol production, and reactional shooting and hunting products releasing phosphates and other ligands, which in turn lead to the
(Dermatas et al., 2006; Sullivan et al., 2012). Many occidental liberation of metal cations (e.g. Pb). Conversely, fungi interact with
countries like USA, Canada, England, etc. reported high annual lead through immobilization processes such as biomineralization
deposition rates of metallic Pb in the environment through anthro- of lead oxalates, phosphates and carbonates (Gadd et al., 2012).
pogenic activities associated with angling, hunting and reactional Lead phosphate biomineralization by fungi and bacteria is con-
shooting (Sullivan et al., 2012). In soil, the speciation of metallic sidered an attractive and efficient bioremediation strategy, due to
lead used in shooting activity, is controlled by several processes the long-term stability of this mineral phase. Pyromorphite (Pb5[-
such as sorption, precipitation and complexation with various PO4]3X, where X = F, Cl, Br, OH) is known as the most stable lead
organic and inorganic soil colloids (Zhang et al., 1997). However, mineral occurring in terrestrial environments (Casas and Sordo,
in highly heavy metal contaminated soils, the mobilization of 2006; Debela et al., 2010; Miretzky and Fernandez-Cirelli, 2008),
metallic lead may occur through processes such as dissolution, with a very low solubility product (Ksp) of 10 84.4, (Miretzky and
hydration, carbonation or oxidation mediated by abiotic (exposure Fernandez-Cirelli, 2008; Nriagu, 1974). Therefore, pyromorphite
to air, water, and varying pH conditions) or biotic factors (Cao et al., formation has previously been proposed as a remediation treat-
2003; Dermatas et al., 2004; Vilomet et al., 2003). ment for immobilization of contaminant lead (Cao et al., 2003;
Regarding the biotic processes, it is well-known that soil micro- Hettiarachchi et al., 2001; Ma et al., 1993; Miretzky and
bial populations play an important role in the biogeochemical cycle Fernandez-Cirelli, 2008). In this respect, Rhee et al. (2014)
of metals through different processes including biosorption described pyromorphite within a fungal biofilm community
growing on Pb sheeting in natural environment, thus providing
⇑ Corresponding author. novel evidences on the fungal involvement in lead
E-mail address: (M.L. Merroun). biogeochemistry.
0892-6875/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
2 C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

The present study describes the ability of a fungal strain iso- Samples were immediately mounted on aluminum stubs using car-
lated from decayed woods to transform metallic lead into lead bon adhesive tapes and coated with carbon by EMITECH K975X
phosphates. The resulting lead mineral phase was characterized coater. The coated samples were observed using a Quanta 400 FEI
by applying a multidisciplinary approach combining Environmen- ESEM operating at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and 20 kV for
tal Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) and High Resolution the observation of biocorrosion products formed on the surface
Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). and around the lead shots.
The elemental composition of the secondary minerals formed
2. Material and methods on the surface and the periphery of lead shots was determined
by energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis system. Spectra were
2.1. Fungal strains and culture conditions acquired using EDX analysis system embedded within an environ-
mental scanning electron microscope (Quanta 400 FEI ESEM) oper-
Fungal strains used in the present work, Penicillium chryso- ating at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. EDX provides elemental
genum A15, Aspergillus niger A43 and Trichoderma viride B30, were information via analysis of the X-ray emission caused by a high
previously isolated from decayed wood collected from historic edi- electron energy beam.
fications (Castro-Rodriguez, 2013). These fungal strains were main-
tained on potato dextrose agar (PDA: 4 g/L potato extract, 20 g/L 2.4.2. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-
dextrose, 15 g/L agar) and grown in malt extract agar (MEA: 5 g/L dispersive X-ray analyses
peptones, 15 g/L malt extract, 15 g/L agar) during 14 days at 28 °C. Lead-treated fungal biomass was fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde (in
0.1 M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4) for 2 h at 4 °C and then washed
2.2. Metal stock solution preparation with the same cacodylate buffer three times for 10 min. Samples
were dehydrated with ethanol gradients from 30% to 100%, fol-
A stock solution of Pb(NO3)2 at 0.1 M was prepared by dissolv- lowed by propylene oxide treatment for 10 min, then embedded
ing the appropriate quantity of metal salt in 0.1 M NaClO4. The in a mixture of propylene oxide-resin (EPON) (1:1) and kept over-
stock solution was sterilized by filtration through 0.22 lm nitro- night in pure resin, to be afterwards polymerized in heater at 60 °C
cellulose filters and stored at 4 °C until use. Working solutions for 14 h. The samples were thin-sectioned using a Reichert Ultracut
were prepared by dilutions of the stock solution. S ultramicrotome, and the sections were supported on copper grids
and coated with carbon. Samples were examined using a Philips CM
2.3. Determination of lead minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) 200 high-resolution transmission electron microscope at an accel-
eration voltage of 200 kV and MegaViewIII camera under standard
Tolerance of the tested fungi to Pb(II) was determined as the operating conditions with the liquid nitrogen anticontaminator in
Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The MIC is defined as place. EDX analysis was also performed at 200 kV using a spot size
the lowest metal concentration where no visible fungal growth of 7 nm and a live counting time of 20 s.
occurs. Discs of fungal mycelium (5 mm diameter) were placed
on MEA, solid medium containing increasing concentrations of
Pb(II) nitrate (1, 2, 4 and 8 mM). After inoculation, all plates were 3. Results
incubated in the dark at 25 °C for 7 days.
3.1. Tolerance of fungal strains to Pb(II): minimal inhibitory
concentration (MIC)
2.4. Interaction of metal lead with Penicillium chrysogenum
The MIC of Pb(II) for the growth of the three tested fungal iso-
For Pb-fungal interaction study, individual oven-sterilized
lates is presented in Table 1. The results indicated that the strains
(105 °C for 3 days) lead shots (4.5 mm in diameter) were placed
A. niger A43 and P. chrysogenum A15 were able to grow at 8 mM
aseptically at regular intervals on the surface of MEA plates leaving
lead-amended MEA medium. The MIC of Pb for the growth of T. vir-
free the center of the plate to place the fungal disc, as described by
ide B30 was 8 mM.
Rhee et al. (2012). Afterwards, the plates were inoculated with
The contact of the mycelium with incremented Pb concentra-
5 mm diameter discs of two weeks-old fungal mycelium. The
tions resulted in phenotypic changes including sporulation inhibi-
plates were incubated for 2, 4 and 8 weeks in the dark at 25 °C. Abi-
tion (more relevant in P. chrysogenum), colored-mycelium changes
otic control consisted of lead shots placed on the surface of MEA
and variations in the morphology and the size of the fungal colo-
culture medium and incubated at the same conditions as described
nies (T. viridae) (Figs. 1 and 2).
above. Experimental and control plates were prepared in triplicate.
After incubation, the lead shots were aseptically recollected and
prepared for the different microscopic analyses. 3.2. Interaction of Penicillium chrysogenum A15 with metallic lead

2.4.1. Environmental scanning electron microscopy and The interaction of fungal hyphae with the lead shot was macro-
energy-dispersive X-ray analyses scopically monitored for a total of two months (Fig. 3). After 9 days
Lead shots and their surrounding fungal hypha collected after 2, incubation, the mycelium covering lead shots presented a greenish
4 and 8 weeks incubation were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde color in comparison to the free-lead shot mycelium, which
prepared in cacodylate buffer at 4 °C. Then, they were washed
three times for 15 min with cold-cacodylate buffer. Afterwards,
Table 1
the samples were post-fixed in 1% OsO4 for one hour in the dark,
Minimal inhibitory concentration (mM) of lead for the growth of the three tested
at room temperature. Next to washing was performed with fungal species.
distilled water (3  5 min), samples were dehydrated through
Fungal strain MIC (mM Pb)
gradients of ethanol (50, 70, 90 and 100%) for 15 min each wash,
followed by three additional times in 100% ethanol for 15 min Aspergillus niger A43 >8
Penicillium chrysogenum A15 >8
each. The dehydrated samples were then critical point dried
Trichoderma viride B30 8
(Anderson, 1951) using a Leica EM CPD300 Critical Point Dryer.

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Fungal colonies growing in presence of increasing Pb concentrations (4 mM and 8 mM): Aspergillus niger A43 (A), Penicillium chrysogenum A15 (B) and Trichoderma
viride B30 (C). Growth inhibition is observed in 8 mM lead-amended MEA medium (T. viride), along with morphological changes induced by the metal.

Fig. 2. Penicillium chrysogenum A15 colonies growing in Pb-containing MEA medium: control, 4 mM and 8 mM Pb. Darkening of mycelium is observed.

remained white (Fig. 3A). After 8 weeks incubation, the fungal bio- differing morphological changes. ESEM images showed that the
mass exhibited more uniform color (Fig. 3D). abundant mycelium covering the lead shots after 2 weeks of incu-
bation with P. chrysogenum disappeared over time (Fig. 4).
3.2.1. ESEM and EDX analyses of lead shots Corrosion products were observed on the surface of the lead
The surface of the uninoculated lead shots (abiotic controls) and shots in all cases (abiotic and biotic conditions). Control lead shots
those incubated with P. chrysogenum for 2 and 8 weeks exhibited showed the formation of crystals with different sizes on the surface

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
4 C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. Penicillium chrysogenum A15 growth in MEA medium in contact with lead shot over time: 9 days (A), 2 weeks (B), 4 weeks (C) and 8 weeks (D).

Fig. 4. Environmental scanning electron micrographs of the lead shots. (A and B) Abiotic controls: lead shots after 2 and 8 weeks incubation, respectively; (C and D) lead shots
after 2 and 8 weeks incubation with Penicillium chrysogenum A15, respectively.

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 5. Environmental scanning electron micrographs of lead shot surfaces in absence and in presence of fungal biomass. (A and B) Control lead shots after 2 and 8 weeks
incubation, respectively; (C and D) lead shots after 2 weeks incubation with Penicillium chrysogenum A15; (E and F) lead shots after 8 weeks incubation with Penicillium
chrysogenum A15.

(Fig. 5B) produced by abiotic corrosion (as lead oxides), though EDX analysis revealed differences in the elemental composition
after 2 weeks of incubation no mineral formation was observed between the precipitated formed under biotic and abiotic condi-
(Fig. 5). tions. In control lead shots, at both incubation time (2 and
Microscopic observation showed the presence of lead secondary 8 weeks), lead and oxygen were determined as main elements
mineral precipitates of various shapes and sizes at the different (Figs. 6A and 3B), whereas in the presence of P. chrysogenum at dif-
incubation times. After 2 weeks incubation, coexistence of lead ferent incubation periods, EDX spectra of the secondary minerals
mineral crystals with fungal hyphae was observed, while the sam- showed a peak for phosphorus together with the peaks of lead
ples incubated during 8 weeks showed a significant increase in the and oxygen in the EDX spectra (Fig. 6C and D).
size and abundance of the lead secondary minerals, but no pres-
ence of fungal hyphae was detected. The most peculiar crystals 3.3. Interaction of Penicillium chrysogenum with metallic lead at the
were small spheroids, and those of tabular and acicular morpholo- interphase metal-mycelium
gies. Botryoidal shape also appeared in the 8-weeks sample
(Fig. 5F). Morphological differences were observed between the 3.3.1. ESEM and EDX analyses
mineral precipitates in fungal treatments and those formed in Pb-fungal interaction study was performed at the metal-
the abiotic controls, where the crystals appeared like thin layers. mycelium interphase using ESEM coupled with EDX analysis. After

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
6 C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 6. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectra of secondary minerals deposited on the surface of the lead shots. (A) Control after 2 weeks, (B) control after 8 weeks. Lead shot
incubated with Penicillium chrysogenum A15 after 2 weeks (C) and after 8 weeks incubation (D).

2 weeks incubation, bright areas were observed around the spot (Rooney et al., 2007). Environments contaminated with these
where lead shot were placed (Fig. 7A). These bright areas consisted lead-containing products, and other heavy metals, are character-
of secondary lead minerals precipitated on the surface and inside ized by a high fungal diversity and activity, due to their high toler-
the fungal hyphae (Fig. 7B and C). ance to these constraining conditions. Thus, fungi are increasingly
EDX analysis revealed the elemental composition of the sec- considered as bioremediation agents for their ability to remove
ondary minerals (Fig. 7). The minerals formed around the fungal contaminants with harmful concentrations through several inter-
hyphae showed similar EDX spectra to those biominerals found action mechanisms (Gadd et al., 2012). Remediation techniques
on the lead shot surface (presence of lead, phosphorus and oxygen have been proposed to reduce lead exposure in the environment
peaks). through immobilization by the formation of lead phosphate min-
eral phases (e.g. pyromorphite, the most stable lead mineral)
(Rhee et al., 2014).
3.3.2. HRTEM and EDX analyses
In the present work, Pb(II) tolerance by three fungal species P.
HRTEM was applied to determine the cellular localization of
chrysogenum, A. niger and T. viride was characterized determining
lead precipitates and to elucidate the key mechanisms through
the MIC of this cation. These three fungal strains exhibited differ-
which fungi interact with metals.
ent levels of tolerance to Pb. A. niger and P. chrysogenum could tol-
Images obtained through HRTEM showed the presence of
erate high Pb concentrations, being able to resist lead up to 8 mM
electron-dense precipitates on the fungal cell walls after 8 weeks
of this toxic heavy metal, while T. viride showed no mycelium
incubation. EDX spectra confirmed that the minerals produced by
development at this concentration. Besides, Pb-treated Penicillium
this fungal strain were mainly composed of lead, phosphorus and
mycelia showed phenotypic changes evidencing the occurrence
oxygen (Fig. 8). The copper peak appeared due to the copper grid
of metal-fungal interaction mechanisms. Hence we have chosen
used to support the specimen. The presence of the silicon peak
P. chrysogenum as a model microorganism to evaluate and deter-
would be attributed to specimen-burned by electron beam. The
mine the role of fungi in the transformations of metallic lead (lead
carbon peak resulted from the metallization during the sample
shots) to lead-containing secondary minerals.
preparation procedure.
In natural environments, abiotic factors such as air, water, and
varying pH conditions result in the corrosion of metallic lead and
4. Discussion the liberation of mobile lead compounds (Cao et al., 2003;
Dermatas et al., 2004; Vilomet et al., 2003). In this work, lead oxide
Lead is considered one of the most toxic heavy metals that has crystals were observed by ESEM on the lead shot surfaces after two
historically caused serious health and pollution problems world- months incubation under abiotic conditions. Similar results were
wide. This element is present in different industrial products such reported by Rhee et al. (2012), who observed the deposition of typ-
as lead shot used in hunting or shooting reactional activities ical lead corrosion products on the surface of abiotically incubated

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 7. Environmental scanning electron micrographs of the mycelium grown around the Pb pellet after 2 weeks incubation. Details of the surface at 57X (A), 920X (B) and
3996X (C). EDX spectrum of the secondary minerals deposited between fungal hyphae (C).

lead shots. The nature of these products depends on the incubation phosphate from organic phosphate substrates (Liang et al., 2015).
time: while minium (Pb3O4) and hydrocerussite (Pb3[CO3]2[OH]2) All in all these results confirm that fungi are effective biosorbents
were deposited after two months incubation, litharge (PbO) and of a variety of heavy metals, including Pb (Gadd et al., 2012).
cerussite (PbCO3) were formed after three months incubation. The interaction of metallic lead with P. chrysogenum resulted in
Under biotic conditions, the presence of P. chrysogenum led to morphological and growth alterations. At high lead concentration,
the precipitation of Pb-phosphate mineral phases as botryoidal darkening of mycelium was observed. After 9 days incubation, the
aggregates on the surface of the lead shots after 2 and 8 weeks mycelium covering the lead shot presents a greenish color indicat-
incubation. The morphology of these biotically deposited sec- ing that there is a high sporulation degree in the metal-fungal
ondary minerals showed significant differences in shape in com- interaction area. A possible explanation for this fact might be an
parison to those produced under abiotic conditions, appeared increase in the synthesis of fungal pigments such as melanin. In
meanly globular, prismatic and acicular crystals. fact, according to Gadd et al. (2012), several toxic metals can
On another hand, HRTEM observations confirmed the deposi- induce or accelerate melanin production in fungi, conducting to
tion of lead mineral phases at the fungal cell walls. One possible the blackening of colonies and chlamydospore development. This
explanation of this fact would be that the microorganism has lead fungal response could be associated to a need of a biological
enhanced biosorption mechanisms, leading after to the precipita- adaptation for the cells to synthesize some enzymes essential for
tion of the metal as Pb-phosphate minerals. This process seems the lead uptake (Ezzouhri et al., 2009).
to be the first defense of P. chrysogenum against lead toxicity. In Our findings extend the spectrum of fungal strains with ability
fact, polymeric substances found in the fungal cell walls such as to tolerate Pb-contaminated soils and transform metallic lead into
chitin and pigments (like melanin) and their functional groups lead phosphate mineral phases, what is relevant for bioremedia-
(e.g. phosphate and carboxyl groups) play an important role in tion of soils contaminated with lead shots. These stable minerals
the biosorption process (Gadd, 2007). Sarret et al. (1999), for could reduce the bioavailability of lead, avoiding ionic lead forms
instance, reported that phosphate groups were responsible for complex with dissolved organic matter and transfer to other envi-
the 95% lead bound to P. chrysogenum. Biomineralization of lead ronmental compartments (mineral soil, underground water) and
phosphates (e.g. pyromorphite) by fungi is a well-known process organisms (Akhtar et al., 2013). Therefore, pyromorphite formation
(Leitão, 2009), which has been described to be mainly mediated using fungal strains could be an efficient bioremediation strategy,
by acidic phosphatase activity. This enzyme releases inorganic converting the contaminant metals into their less toxic forms.

Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),
8 C. Povedano-Priego et al. / Minerals Engineering xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 8. High resolution transmission electron micrograph of biominerals formed by Penicillium chrysogenum A15 around the Pb shot after 8 weeks incubation and energy-
dispersive X-ray analysis of the electron-dense precipitates. Bar: 5.000 Å.

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Please cite this article in press as: Povedano-Priego, C., et al. Fungal biomineralization of lead phosphates on the surface of lead metal. Miner. Eng. (2016),

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