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Topic1: Write a one-paragraph summary of Reading 1, “From Student to Employee: A

Difficult Transition.”

In “From Student to Employee: A difficult Transition”, author Mina Alonso states that
many recent graduates find it difficult adjusting to new life on the job when making the
transition from classroom to career world. The writer mentions the reasonable
explanation for this problem can be differences in experience between working world and
class setting. While life in workplace is unpredictable consisting of numerous
uncontrollable factors which require them quick adaptation, school life can be easily
anticipated with the fixed pattern. According to the author, graduates lack essential skills
like critical thinking and decision making when facing troubles in working environment
as they just focus on memorizing knowledge while studying at school. Besides, they also
are not well-prepared for teamwork which is a common activity in workplace since they
work independently instead of collaborating in a school setting. Lastly, the writer
suggests several solutions which can help make the transition less stressful. Specifically,
internship is recommended as a requirement or doing volunteer should be encouraged so
that students can gain more practical experience. Besides, some essential skills like
teamwork, writing and public speaking should be combined in class activities to help
familiarize students with the demands of the workplace.

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