D&D3 Companion Set

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for ANY number OF PLAYERS, AGES i o AND UP

pl ayers COMPANION: Book One


TSR, Inc.

Throughout the revisions of the BASIC and Thanks to Garry Spiegle for his develop-
Expert Sets, and now in creating this one, my ment work on the 1Dominion system, and for
work has been guided by three simple rules. his work on the pre vious two sets. His contri-
First, the game must be fun-else why play butions have been numerous.
the game? Second, it must be playable. Many This game is liki a huge tree, grown from
historically accurate details of medieval times the seeds planted in 1972 and even earlier.
are complex and disorganized-generally all But as a plant need s water and sun, so does a
too human to use in a game. game need proper ‘ ‘backing”-a company to
Third, and perhaps most important of all, make it. As the saying goes, “for want of a
it must be true-true to the spirit of the Orig- nail, the war was lost”; and for want of a
inal D&D@game. That unique combination company, the D&l3 game might have been
of fantasy wargaming and role playing lost amidst the lean and turbulent years of the
spawned a new type of game, not merely new last decade. This sf:t is therefore dedicated to
rules-a precious thing indeed. an oft-neglected IC:ader of TSR, Inc; who,
Few of today’s players can remember the with Gary Gygax, 1Founded this company and
excitement of a decade ago, when “Tactical made it grow. Tht: D&D Companion Set is
Studies Rules” was just a new name on a new dedicated to
game. T h e amazing ideas in those little BRIA.N BLUME.
brown boxes took the gaming world by sur-
prise-and by storm.
This box is larger, and is the third of a
series. Comparing these to the Original, you
might ask-why is all this necessary? And
where did all this come from?
The original ideas were both simple and
complex. They were simple, giving the brief-
est instructions for various new concepts, but
complex in their implications. To grab just
one: if a cleric can create food and water,
what does that do to famine.. .to siege warfa-
re.. .indeed, to a whole fantasy world? Lack-
ing time, space, and experience with the new
game system, the designers left much for
future development-and their future has
now become our present. It’s time.. .so here’s
the Companion Set.
The names of the creators of the game are
on these booklets; I’m proud that they also
bear mine. Herein are many of the details
found in the Original set and its Supple-
ments; many others, now needed, are also
included. I’m delighted to have the opportu-
nity to add to the game.
Many thanks to Garry Spiegle, Doug
Niles, Mark Acres, and Carl Smith for devel-
opment of the “War Machine” mass combat
system included in this set. They merged
years of experience in wargames with the cur-
rent range of fantasy role playing styles. The
resulting system can handle the clash of arm-
ies without miniatures or boardgames-and
thus, the very roots of the D&D game surface
once again.
Fantasy Adventure Game
by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson

Players Companion: Book One

by Frank Mentzer

Editing: Anne C . Gray TABLE OF CONTENTS

Illustrations: Larry Elmore
Jeff Easley
Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer INTRODUCTION ................................................. 2
T h e Changing G a m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
CI 1984 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved .
U p p e r Level Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Paths to Immortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
T r a v e l o r Settle? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

CHARACTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
d the Expert Set (Set #2. the blue New Armor and Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
explain how to play the Unarmed Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
st have the Basic and
Striking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
efore you can use this set .
Wrestling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Strongholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
H u m a n Strongholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS' and D&D' are registered Demi-human Strongholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
trademarks owned by TSR. Inc . "1984 TSR. Inc . All Wilderness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Rights Reserved .
O r Civilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
This book is protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America . Any reproduction or other
Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained Peasantworkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
herein is prohibited without the express written consent of Advisors and Officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
TSR. Inc .
O t h e r Character Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Ran-
dom House. Inc., and in Canada by Random House of
Class Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Canada. Ltd . Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by H u m a n Character Class Descriptions .............................. 11
regional distributors . Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Printed in the U.S.A. First Printing - April. 1984 Cleric Spells: Fifth to Seventh Level ........................... 12
Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
TSR. Inc. TSR UK. Ltd . Druid Spells: First to Seventh Level ........................... 14
PO Box 756 The Mill. Rathmore Road Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Lake Geneva. WI Cambridge. UK
53147 CB14AD Magic-user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Magic-user Spells: Fifth to Ninth Level ........................ 20
Thief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Demi-human Character Class Descriptions ......................... 29
Dwarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Halfling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

TSR. Inc .

can survive and prosper as an individual.

The persons with whom a character adven-
This is the third boxed set of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ tures are now more important as friends,
game series. The first, the D&D@Basic Set, introduced the game than as each others’ bodyguards.
The campaign world plays a large part in
and explained rules for 1st-3rd level characters. In the D&D D&D games of this range. Although dungeon
Expert Set, character levels 4-14 were detailed, along with notes or wilderness adventures are fun, consider
on the fantasy world in which the characters live. the characters’ reasons for being. Determine
If you started with a 1st level character, and have enjoyed the your character’s purpose in life. Set your
wilderness expansion of Expert level play, then you are ready for character’s goals, such as power, riches,
this set. fame, or knowledge.
You can also use this set if you’d like to discover what it’s like to
own a medieval castle. You can rule a land, bring civilization to Paths to Immortality
These paths will be explained in detail in
the wilderness, and cope with all the threats to your territory, the D&D Master Set, but you should know
while facing monsters and magic of all kinds. some general details at this time, so you can
Your adventures will be different than ever before. Lower level plan your character’s future.
characters must keep busy surviving and learning; but when you After reaching level 26 or greater, a charac-
find the challenges lacking, or treasure too easily found, you may ter can gain Immortality by following one of
start to wonder-“Is there anything more? ” four paths:
A dynast is a character who builds a great
and powerful empire. The dynasty must be
There certainly is. Read on! vast, and must stand for a long time.
A hero (or Epic Hero) is a character who
represents the ultimate ideals of heroism.
The character must display the traits of the
classic Epic Hero in every thought and
a strongly fortified castle complex or secret action. Among other things, the character
The Changing Game stronghold. Epic Quests and other-planar must travel to far lands and perform great
and noble deeds.
problems are typical adventures. High level
Your characters have visited dungeons, characters are detailed in this set. A paragon is a character who reaches the
defeated many strange and evil creatures, Master level characters (levels 26-36) fulfill ultimate in his or her profession. The para-
and found great and wondrous treasures. But their hopes and dreams. They are (or are gon must invent or discover new skills and
games for higher level characters are often about to become) Great Powers, or even mas- knowledge, and must be reknowned as a
different-as new as when the characters first ters of the earth! Their frontiers are Other master professional.
braved the unknown wilderness. Planes of Existence and magical lands; their A polymath is a character who learns
To see how the game itself changes to suit interests turn to the Paths Of Immortality. much about everything, not only in the origi-
all levels of characters, we need to think of the These greatest of mortal characters are nal profession, but in all areas. The character
long-term game: drawn onward toward even bigger and better must give u p all known skills before gaining
things. Master level characters are detailed in others, and becoming a member of a mysteri-
Beginning and low-level characters (levels the D&D Master Set. ous and unique brotherhood.
1-6) learn the ways of adventuring, and do
not usually think about the many years Upper Level Games Travel or Settle?
ahead. Dungeon adventures are common, So you have a 15th level character. What At this point in your character’s career, the
and a few short wilderness journeys usually are you going to do now? Paths to Immortality lie far ahead; no deci-
occur. Where the characters live may be con- From this point, your character may travel sions need be made at this time. For this
sidered to happen without playing, or it may far and near, or may settle down to rule a greatest of all goals, Immortality, a traveller
be in a boardinghouse of the home town. land. Both can be exciting, adventurous and has as much chance as a settled ruler.
“Name” (9th level or above, except for fruitful paths to follow. Rulership does NOT mean that the char-
halfling) and mid-level characters (levels 7- Whichever you choose, the games you play acter never travels; it does, however, carry
14)often travel far and wide. Longjourneys, will be somewhat different than they have many obligations. Travelling gives the
deep dungeons, and special tasks are typical been at lower levels of play. Characters in this advantages of more and wider experiences,
adventures in this range. The character usu- range have many powers, and can easily han- but the disadvantage of less power. A country
ally builds or buys a stronghold, or takes dle the more “routine” monsters. T h e is usually controlled by its rulers, not those
rooms in another’s castle in exchange for adventures are much more than simple “kill who wander within its boundaries.
services or payments. This range of charac- the monster, grab the treasure” affairs. Role Read through the character information
ters is detailed in the D&D Expert Set. playing is more important, and more fun. that explains the differences between settling
Companion or upper level characters (lev- Characters are more independent. When and travelling. Review the “Dominion”
els 15-25) continue the exploration (or con- the characters started their careers, they rules for information about resources, popu-
quest!) of the world. They may become PC needed each other just to survive. But now a lations, and other details of rulership. Then
rulers to gain power and wealth, or remain few trolls present nothing more than exercise, make a decision as to which path your charac-
travellers to gather knowledge and fame. By rather than deadly danger. Now the charac- ter will take. It is not a final decision; you can
level 25, the “home base” has become either ters aren’t as dependent on each other; each try other things later.


All details for character levels 1-14 are given

in the D&D Expert Set. The Companion Set
covers levels 15-25; the Master Set covers lev-
els 26-36. The following topics are discussed
in this section.
New Armor and Weapons
Unarmed Combat
Character Knowledge
Class Descriptions

New Armor and Weapons

The following items are optional. Your D M
will tell you which (if any) are available. The
weapons involve new options for combat,
and several special effects.
All classes able to use normal swords may
use the bastard sword and the heavy cross-
bow as well as all other new weapons, except
for thieves.
- AC rvDe Encumbrance
Knockout: T h e victim is immediately
Note: Weapons available to characters are
also available to humanoid monsters! 7
1 .
Leather Armor zuu cn unconscious, and remains helpless for 1-100
Armor Add two new types of armor, Scale 6 Scale Mail 300 cn (d%) rounds.
mail and Banded mail, to the existing list. 5 Chain Mail 400 cn Stun: The victim may move at 113 normal
All Armor Classes from 7 to 3 (not counting 4 BandedMail 450cn rate, but cannot attack or cast a spell until
shield, magic, or dexterity) are now possible. 3 Plate Mail 500 cn another Saving Throw is made successfully.
(-1) Shield 100 cn A new Saving Throw can be attempted each
Weapons: round, a t theendofthe Hand-to-HandCom-
bat phase of the round. While stunned, the
victim suffers a -2 penalty to all Saving
Name cost Enc. Damaee Ranees Throws, and a +2 penalty to Armor Class.
*Bastard Sword 80 cn 2-7 (ld6.1) one-handed Delay: The victim loses Initiative on the next
2-9 (ld8+1)two-handed round.
Blowgun 6 cn Poison 10'120'130'
Bola 5 cn 1-2 plus Entangle 20 'I40 'I60 '
Death: The victim is reduced to 0 hit points
*Heavy Crossbow 80 cn 2-8 80'1160'1240' immediately.
Blackjack 5 cn 1-2 plus Special Paralysis: The victim is helpless for 1-6 turns
Net 1 cn Entangle only 10'120'130'
(as normal paralysis).
Trident 25 cn 1-6 10 '120 '130'
Percentage ofhitpoints: The victim loses this
Whip 10 cn 1-2 or Entangle As length (5-30')
percentage of original (fully healed) hit
points. This may cause death if the victim is
(a) Includes blowgun and 5 darts. Add cost of poison (if available) already damaged.
(b) Cost and encumbrance per square foot of net
(c) Cost and encumbrance per foot of whip (5-30' length) BOLA, NET, and WHIP:
* This weapon requires two hands for use. Attacker may not use a shield and always loses initiative. Entangle: The victim cannot attack, cast
spells, or move until a Saving Throw is suc-
Special Effects: cessful.
Slow: The victim is slowed, moving and
Victim's Bonus to Failed Saving Throw Results* attacking at 112 normal rate. No spells can be
Level or Saving Bola, Net, cast.
Hit Dice Throw Blackjack or Whip Blowgun Delay: The victim automatically loses initia-
tive for the next round.
u p to 1 None Knockout Entangle Death
1.1 to 3 +1 Knockout Entangle 75 % hp +Paralysis
3.1 to 6 +2 Stun Slow 50 % hp +Paralysis
6.1 to 9 +3 Stun Slow 50% hp
9.1 to 12 +4 Delay Delay 25% hp
12. or more +5 Delay Delay 25% hp

* Saves are explained in weapon descriptions.


1. Swords 2. Missile Weapons and Devices If the hit roll is successful but not a 20, the
Bastard Sword: This popular weapon is Blowgun: This weapon is a tube, 6 inches to victim must make a Saving Throw vs. Death
similar to a normal sword, but with a long hilt 4 feet long. The user places a small dart or Ray, possibly with a bonus (see chart). If suc-
(handle). It may be wielded either one- or thorn into it, aims the tube at a target, and cessful, the attack has no effect except dam-
two-handed. Unlike other two-handed weap- blows air into it, forcing the dart to fly toward age. If the victim fails the Saving Throw, the
ons, it does not cause the loss of Initiative the target. result varies by the victim’s size (see chart). A
because of its smaller size; however, a shield The darts can cause no damage them- new Saving Throw must be made during the
cannot be used with a n y two-handed selves. They are usually treated with a poison Hand-to-Hand Combat phase of each round,
weapon, including this one. of some sort. The victim must make a Saving until one is successful; this indicates that the
Throw vs. Poison or suffer the effects if hit. Bola has been removed.
Depending on the size of the victim, he may Heavy Crossbow: This is very similar to a
gain a bonus to the Saving Throw (see chart). light crossbow, and it fires the same missiles
Bola: This weapon is a cord with weighted (quarrels). Light crossbows are made of
balls on the ends. It is whirled around and wood, but a heavy crossbow has metal limbs,
thrown at a victim. It causes very little dam- increasing its strength for better range and
age itself (1-2 points), but may entangle, damage. However, it is heavy, takes 2 hands
slow, or delay the victim. to use and is slower; a character with 18
If the Hit roll is a 20 (not counting any strength can fire every round, but any weaker
modifiers whatsoever), the victim must make character can only fire it once every 2 rounds,
a Saving Throw vs. Death Ray or be immedi- because of the time needed to string it.
ately paralyzed, and die in 3-8 (ld6.2) rounds
from strangling unless rescued. If freed, the
victim remains effectively paralyzed for 2-12


3. Miscellaneous Weapons Net: A Net is an open mesh of rope or cord. long or less, such as a normal fish) hit by a tri-
A small net (up to 10’ square) is commonly dent becomes stuck on the spiked prongs.
Blackjack: This weapon is a small leather
sack, 4-8 inches long, filled with sand or used in hunting and adventuring, and can be Whip: This weapon is a long braided leather
used as either a hand-to-hand or missile strap with a handle. It may be from 5’-30’
metal shot, and with a looped strap attached.
It is often used to strike a victim’s head or weapon. The encumbrance varies by the long. It is a hand-to-hand weapon, and may
neck, causing little damage (1-2 points) but size. be used either to cause damage (1-2 points) or
possibly causing unconsciousness, or stun- A net inflicts no damage on the victim, but to entangle. During the Intentions phase of
ning. may entangle, slow, or delay. A normal Hit the combat round, the user must declare
roll must be made; if successful, the victim which option is being used. Whichever is
The user of a blackjack can swing at the
head of the intended victim (DM’s judgment must make a Saving Throw vs. Death Ray, used, a normal Hit roll is made.
possibly with a bonus (see chart). If the Sav- If a hit is scored, the Whip either inflicts 1-
required) if he can reach it. If the victim is
taller than the attacker, he can only inflict ing Throw succeeds, the victim has avoided 2 points of damage, or (if entangling is
the Net, and it has no effect. If the Saving attempted) forces the victim to make a Saving
normal damage.
If the head or neck is the target, and if a hit Throw is failed, the result varies by the vic- Throw vs. Death Ray, possibly with a bonus
tim’s size (see chart). A new Saving Throw (see chart).
is scored against the normal Armor Class of
must be made during the Hand-to-Hand
the victim, the victim must make a Saving
Throw vs. Death Ray (possibly with a bonus; Combat phase of each round, until one is suc-
cessful; this indicates that the Net has been
see chart) or suffer additional effects, deter-
torn apart, and becomes useless.
mined by its Hit Dice (see chart).
A magical net cannot be damaged except
by fire or acid. An entangled victim can only
remove the net, not normally damaging it.
Trident: This is a light spear with three
barbed prongs on the end, designed for
underwater use. Any very small creature (1 ‘


Unarmed Combat effects of Striking. would cause the Saving Throw to be made
with a -2 penalty (added to the +4 bonus
If a creature can be hit only by magical
Unarmed combat occurs when a character already given, for a total adjustment of only
weapons, Striking should have no effect
attacks an opponent without using a weapon. +2. With 7 Strength (-1 penalty), a +1 bonus
unless a piece of magical apparel is worn by
All classes and levels of characters may use would be added, for a total of +5.
the attacker (a magical glove or gauntlet for
unarmed combat to stop or capture an oppo- 5 . Objects in Hand: A small, heavy object
fist Strikes, magical boot for kicks, etc.).
nent while inflicting little or no damage or may be held while Striking. If the defender is
Lycanthropes and other creatures immune
when no weapons are available. Note that if hit, a -2 penalty applies to the Saving Throw.
to normal weapons, but not requiring magic
an unlisted weapon is used, normal weapon 6. Regenerating Victims: If the victim has
to hit them, cannot suffer damage from
combat systems apply (such as, in brawls, a power of regeneration (wearing a ring, for
Strikes (unless magical apparel is used, as
throwing mugs, tables, and chairs; these are example), the duration of a Knockout is
described above), but may suffer Stun or
all unlisted weapons). much less. Each point of regeneration ability
Knockout results.
In Unarmed combat, the attacker either is treated as 1 round of Knockout used. For
strikes an opponent (with a fist, kick, etc.), or Striking Procedure example, a troll (regenerating at 3 hp/round)
tries to grab an opponent (jump on, tackle, 1. During the Intentions phase of the com- suffering a Knockout of 8 rounds would
etc.). Thus, two systems are used; one for bat round, the player announces the awaken after only 2 rounds.
“Striking,” including all unarmed blows, and intent to Strike. If a fist is used, the char- 7. Fighter Options: The additional combat
one for “Wrestling,” for all other forms of acter must be empty-handed, or may options for fighters and demi-humans may be
unarmed combat. drop or put away an item in hand. applied to all forms of Striking.
If desired, the DM may award a 10% 2. Normal Initiative and Hit rolls are made. Parry: Instead of attacking, the character
bonus to Experience Points earned for defeat- 3. If the Strike hits, the base damage may gain a -5 bonus to Armor Class by block-
ing monsters if the monsters are not slain but inflicted is 0 (zero); if a fist is used to ing with a weapon.
conquered by using Unarmed combat. Strike, Strength bonuses (if any) may be Multiple Attacks: High level characters
added. (Ignore any Strength penalties to and demi-humans may make multiple
Striking damage.) attacks (2 per round at level 12, 3 per round
Restrictions 4. A victim hit by a Strike must roll ld20, at level 24, 4 per round at level 36). In addi-
Although any creature may attempt to and subtract his Constitution* score from tion, attack forms may be mixed; the charac-
Strike an opponent, few can do it well. A the result. If the total is 1 or more, the vic- ter making two attacks may, if desired, attack
Strike normally results in either a Stun or a tim is Stunned for 1 round. The victim once with a weapon (or spell or magic item)
Knockout. However, if the attacker has less must also make a Saving Throw vs. Death and once with an unarmed Strike.
than 4 Hit Dice, a Stun is the only possible Ray with a +4bonus to the roll, or suffer a “Haymaker”: When Striking with a fist,
result. Knockout. The duration of the Knockout the character may accept a -5 penalty to the
is simply the result of the previous roll of Hit roll, and give up Initiative. If the Hit roll
Effects ld20 minus Constitution*, in rounds. succeeds, a -4 penalty applies to the Saving
* If the victim is an NPC with an Throw, negating the +4bonus given. In addi-
Stun: The victim cannot attack or con-
tion, any creature can be affected; creatures
centrate (and thus cannot cast spells, use unknown Constitution score, roll or select
one. For monsters, use double the Hit Dice of twice the size of the attacker are not
magic items, etc.). Movement is possible,
(ignoring “plusses”). immune to a “Haymaker.”
but at 1/3 normal rate. In addition, a +4
penalty to Armor Class applies while Optional Rules for Striking
Stunned. Some, all, or none of the following optional Wrestling
rules may be added to the Striking system, as Restrictions
Knockout: This is simply a short sleep.
desired. Any level character, and most humanoid
The victim is unconscious and completely
1. Punching: Only a fist Strike can cause a monsters may use Wrestling. The Wrestling
Knockout. All other Strikes result in Stuns at option must be stated in the Intentions phase
A Strike has no effect if the defender is twice most, but for a duration determined by the of the combat round.
the size of the attacker (or larger). A halfling roll of ld20 minus Constitution score. When attempting to Wrestle armed oppo-
cannot Strike a human with effect, but any 2. Results: A Knockout is not possible if the nents, those armed always gain Initiative
other combination of characters (halfling vs. victim has more Hit Dice than the attacker. automatically. Unintelligent monsters will
elf, dwarf vs. human, etc.) is possible. The 3. Using Strength: A character may decide always choose to attack instead of Wrestling,
DM’s judgment is required in determining not to use all of his or her Strength, “pulling unless controlled.
the exact size of monsters. the punch” so that no damage is inflicted. Several types of creatures should be
Creatures whose weapons are parts of their The character may either use the entire immune to some or all of the effects of Wres-
bodies (such as claws) do not normally Strike. Strength bonus, or no Strength bonus (as if tling. The following guidelines should be
Creatures with multiple heads may suffer few having a Strength of 12), but may not choose used:
or no results until all of the heads suffer Stun a number in between. Non-corporeal Undead (wraith, spectre,
or Knockout results. 4. Saving Throws: If an adjustment applies etc.), oozes, jellies, slimes, and similar crea-
Several types of creatures should be to the attacker’s Strike because of a high or tures cannot be Wrestled. Ethereal or Ele-
immune to some or all of the effects of Strik- low Strength score, the victim’s Saving mental creatures can be Wrestled only by
ing. The following guidelines should be used: Throw is modified, using the reverse of the opponents in the same form.
Undead, constructs, and all oozes, jellies, Strength adjustment. For example, a Strike Special “touch” abilities (Energy Drain,
and molds are completely immune to the from a character with 17 Strength (‘2 bonus) Turn to Stone, etc.) function normally during

Wrestling. For example, a character wrest- highest WR (called the “leader”). That score Summary
ling a cockatrice must make a Saving Throw is used for the entire group, modified as fol- By using Unarmed combat rules, characters
vs. Turn to Stone every round while in con- lows: are free to perform acts of heroic fantasy-
tact with the monster. 1. For each group member with 1/2 the Hit wrestling huge opponents to the ground, or
Preparing for Wrestling Dice of the leader (or less), add 1 to the escaping from imprisonment when no weap-
Before the game, find each character’s Wrest- group WR. ons are available. Unarmed combat is actu-
ling Rating (WR) as follows: 2. For each group member with more than ally the most common of all forms, and can
a . Divide the character’s level by 2 , 1/2 the Hit Dice of the leader, add 5 to the now be used as often as desired.
rounding up. group WR. These systems may be applied to any
b. Add the bonuses (or subtract the penal- Unarmed attack. A giant may attempt to kick
When a creature has Pinned a Wrestler and is a halfling; a character may attempt to use a
ties) for high (or low) Strength and Dexterity then attacked by another, the defender may
scores. shield to “bash” an opponent. (Both attacks
either release the Pinned victim and defend are Strikes.) If a purple worm attacks a town,
c. Find the character’s Armor Class with- normally, or hold the Pinned victim and try to
out magic or Dexterity bonuses, and add the the guards may all try to pile onto the crea-
defend against the new attack with a -4pen- ture, rather than risking normal combat and
result to the total. For monsters, the D M alty to his WR. While holding a Pinned vic-
should calculate the W R as follows: being swallowed (though dozens would be
tim, no other Grabs can be made. Each roll needed to stop the monster).
a. Multiply the monster’s Hit Dice by 2. he wins merely indicates he successfully
b. If the monster is not wearing armor, The DM and players should try the sys-
avoids the new attack, while holding the pre- tems, and decide whether to use them. How-
add 9. If the monster is wearing armor (orc, viously Pinned victim.
kobold, giant, ogre, and other humanoids), ever, if the DM does not allow Unarmed
A maximum of four attackers can Wrestle combat, the DM must also decide what to do
add its Armor Class number instead of 9. an opponent of equal size. U p to 8 attackers when characters attempt something of this
can Wrestle an opponent of twice their size, sort. For example, if a party member is
Wrestling Procedure 12 against an opponent of triple their size,
Each opponent involved in Wrestling enchanted in some way and attacks other
and so forth. characters, the others will probably want to
(whether attacking or defending) makes a
simple roll of ld2O+WReach round. The first Optional Rules for Wrestling stop the victim without inflicting damage.
Wrestler to win 3 rolls in a row Pins the oppo- Some, all, or none of the following optional This is quite reasonable, but only Unarmed
nent: rules may be added to the Wrestling system, combat systems (or magic) can handle the
as desired. resulting situation.
In the first round of Wrestling, each oppo-
nent rolls ld20 and adds his or her WR. 1. Instant Pin: When comparing the die
The higher total wins, a tie indicates no rolls (WR+ldZO),if one opponent’s total is
result. The opponent with the higher roll 20 or more than the other, the loser is
Grabs, (or may choose to Hit or Strike). instantly Pinned.
In round 2, if a Grab has been made, roll 2. Class Adjustments: When calculating a
again (WR+ld2Ofor each) and if the same character’s WR, adjustments are made
Wrestler wins again, the victim Falls. due to class: -1 penalty to magic-users; +1
Otherwise, the victim breaks the Grab; bonus to fighter, dwarf, and thief; no
return to step 1. adjustment for other classes.
In round 3, if a victim Falls, roll again and 3. Opponents with Multiple Attacks: If a
if the same Wrestler wins again (3 consec- creature has multiple attacks and is
utive rolls), the opponent is Pinned. Oth- Pinned, one attack is negated by each
erwise the victim gets up from the Fall; Pinning opponent. For example, two
return to step 1. attackers Pinning a troll would negate its
bite and one claw, but the troll would be
Effects able to use its second claw attack each
A Pinned victim can do nothing. His oppo- round.
nent may inflict 1-6 points of damage each 4. Simplified Rolls: When comparing die
round (plus Strength bonus), if desired. This rolls (WR+ld20), subtract the lower WR
is not required, and the intent to inflict dam- from the higher; the opponent with the
age must be stated during the Intentions higher WR adds the ld20 roll to that total
phase of the round. to find the net difference.
The victim may make a Saving Throw vs.
Death Ray to avoid all damage. In addition,
if the result is a “natural” 20 (the actual roll),
the victim escapes from the Pin (stands up).
If a group has Pinned a single opponent, all
the attackers can inflict damage, but the
defender only makes one Saving Throw.
Multiple Wrestlers
Whenever 3 or more opponents all decide to
Wrestle, find the single Wrestler with the

Human Strongholds often seek others who might be willing to Herald, Magist, Chief Magistrate, Reeve,
Any character of Name level or greater may help, offering h n d and titles in exchange for Sage, Seneschal, and Steward.
have a stronghold. It may be purchased, built loyalty and ser Jice. If your character settles Other Officials may be needed for the
(if there is land available), or seized. A char- in a civilized area, there will be fewer prob- proper handling of a stronghold or dominion,
acter can ask a ruler for a territory or strong- lems with survival, but more problems with including a Bailiff, Chamberlain, Equerry,
hold, or may find a remote area and settle it. other people. Magistrates, Marshals, Provosts, Sheriffs,
However, a character who owns a stronghold and Wardens.
The following “background information” is When costs are not noted below, the Offi-
is not automatically a ruler. Your DM will tell not needed for normal play, but is provided
you what must be done to become a ruler. cial is paid the same amount as a Mercenary
for more details for campaign play. soldier (Expert Set, page 24).
Demi-human Strongholds Staff
Any demi-human character may build a An Artillerist (750 gp/month) is a
Every stronghold is maintained through Retainer whose specialty is siege weapons
stronghold when he reaches maximum level. the work of many people-the “staff.” A
If the character’s clan has a smaller strong- (see Catapult and Ram, Expert Set, page
staffs size can vary widely, depending on the 44). This person also advises the ruler on
hold than the new one, the clan will want to title of the ruler, the size of the stronghold,
move in. Otherwise, they will still support the some military details. An artillerist is usually
and so forth. The following details apply to a fighter, level 3-5.
new stronghold by moving up to 40% of their an “average” human stronghold.
clan into the new location. A Bailiff is a minor official in charge of one
The staff is all the same race as the PC. area of the stronghold (dungeon, walls,
The political leader of a clan is called the Any mixed staff will eventually cause prob-
Clanmaster; the spiritual is the Keeper of the tower, etc.)
lems. Troops may be kept in a stronghold A Castellan (2,000 gp/month) is an impor-
Relic. A player character does not normally (“garrisoned”), but again, problems (fight-
gain any of these titles; they require great tant Retainer who is responsible for all mili-
ing among themselves, taking orders) will
amounts of work and time, leaving none for tary aspects of the stronghold, both offensive
arise if they are of a different race. and defensive. The Castellan is usually a
adventuring. The highest rank normally The ruler is directly served by Retainers
achieved by a PC demi-human is that of fighter, level 5-9.
and Servitors. A Retainer is a noble-born The Chamberlain oversees the cleaning/
Clanholder. A Clanholder serves the clan, person, or an unusually loyal follower. A Ser-
and may indeed own the structure of the clan food serving staff.
vitor is a faithful servant, often gaining the The Chaplain (500. =/month) is the chief
stronghold, but does not control the clan
job through inheritance. The many types of Cleric of the stronghold, and possibly of the
common Servitors include Armorer, Barber, dominion. This title is added to the cleric’s
The demi-human races care little for Carpenter, Cellarman (Wine Steward),
human politics, and Clanmasters and Keep- normal title. The relatively low cost is
Cooks, Dairyman, Falconer, Forester, Gar- because 10% of all dominion income must be
ers do not seek human dominion titles. But a dener, Grooms, Kennelman, Miller, Por-
PC Clanholder may seek and achieve a title paid to the Theocracy. If this tithe is not paid,
talman, Potter, Poultryman, Stonemason, the Chaplain will not serve.
(Baron, Count, etc.) by representing the clan and Weavers.
in its dealings with humans. Permission must An Engineer (750 =/month) is a Hireling
first be obtained from the Clanmaster and Peasant Workers experienced at construction-of a road,
Keeper, but this is a common practice (espe- Most of the normal work in a stronghold is moat, building, wall, and so forth. (Expert
cially if the PC owns the stronghold). done by peasants without pay; it is their duty. Set, page 26.)
More information on the clan Relic is Household servants, herdsmen, and others An Equerry is in charge of the care and
given in each demi-human class description are trained and given food, but nothing else is feeding of horses and other animals.
(pages 29-31). Your Dungeon Master will tell provided-not even a bed. The Guard Captain (4,000. gp/month)
you what your character can do in your own The number of peasants available is deter- commands all the ruler’s personal guards,
campaign. mined by the population. As an average, posts watches within the stronghold, and is
responsible for the safety of the ruler-and
Wilderness. .. each peasant family consists of 5 persons; 5 %
of the peasants are available to serve the the treasury. The Guard Captain is usually a
Life is hard in the wilderness, but can be 9th or higher level fighter.
simpler than in “civilized” areas. The wil- ruler. For example, in a Barony of 100 fami-
lies (500 persons), the Baron has 25 peasant A Herald (300-500 gp/month) is a
derness settler faces problems of survival, Retainer who knows the signs, symbols, and
fighting off marauding monsters and bar- servants. The total habitants of a stronghold
is the number of servants plus servitors, seals of most or all dominions near and far.
baric hordes while trying to attract new set- (“Heraldry” is a topic too vast to discuss
tlers. Years may pass before the newly created retainers, and family. When visitors come,
another 5% of the peasants can be used as here; consult your local library.) The Herald
community can thrive in peace. also makes announcements, both in Courts
servants, if needed. In large dominions, even
...or Civilization? the original 5 % may not be needed to serve and around the stronghold. The Herald is
“Civilized” lands have owners, who either all at once, except for tournaments. also familiar with the requirements of honor
live on the land or merely claim and rule it and chivalry, and advises the ruler as needed.
from afar. Many established rulers have Advisors and Officials A Magist (3,000. gp/month) is a 9th or
problems keeping order; many areas of a Most rulers have Advisors to handle the higher level magic-user who is responsible for
realm are “Borderlands,” where aspects of many details ofthe dominion and stronghold, all the magic needed in the stronghold,
civilized and wilderness life mix freely, and and to advise the ruler as needed. The most including its defense. The Magist may have a
where some may not even believe that their common Advisors are the Artillerist, Castel- Tower elsewhere, serving as needed, or may
ruler exists! The rulers of large territories lan, Chaplain, Engineer, Guard Captain, simply be a hired NPC (or PC). A Magist


may cost 10,000 gp/month or more, depend- eschal is appointed by the ruler, and is When the title of Count is acquired, a PC is
ing on his level. responsible for anything with which the ruler offered 1-6 Squires by the lesser rulers of the
The Chief Magistrate (2,000 gp/month) is does not choose to bother. The Seneschal is dominion. Squires become 1st level fighters
a judge of law, acting for the ruler. The Mag- the ruler when the ruler is not there. after 6 months of training, and then gain at
istrate also learns the laws of the greater A Sheriff is a policeman, responsible for least 1 level of experience per year. A Squire’s
dominion (if any), and advises the ruler of law enforcement, arrests and investigations. training is finished when he reaches level 5;
them. The Magistrate oversees the Sheriffs (Cases are brought before a Magistrate for the Squire then returns home, and is usually
and lesser Magistrates. judging.) replaced by another (beginner) Squire.
A normal Magistrate travels among the The Chief Steward (1,000 gp/month) is Knights are usually have 1-3 Squires,
towns and cities of a dominion, acting as responsible for all the day-to-day affairs of the assigned to them for training by the Noble
judge for the peasants. stronghold, including food preparation, involved.
A Marshal is an aging fighter hired to train housekeeping, and so forth. A Lady-in-waiting is the daughter of a
troops and guards. A Warden is a person charged with the Noble within the ruler’s realm, acting as a
A Provost is a tax collector. protection of some part of the dominion servant but actually in search of a husband.
A Reeve is a bookkeeper, responsible for (game warden, town warden, etc.). From 1-4 Ladies-in-waiting will be sent to a
the records of taxes, tithes, gifts, and so forth. PC Count only if the PC is female or is mar-
Special Positions
The Reeve costs 500 gp per month. ried. Ladies-in-waiting are trained and
When a ruler is the liege of other rulers
A Sage (2,000 gp/month) is a specialist in closely watched by the matron of the strong-
(Count and higher), the lesser rulers may
lore and obscure knowledge. (See Expert Set, hold.
send their sons and dau:ghters to the liege as
page 26.)
servants and for training
A Seneschal is the most important person
A Squire is the son of a I . v v I b , llllv acts as
in a stronghold, except for the ruler. The Sen-
a servant y\ fighter.

0ther Character Activity

The D M may apply the same principle to (depending on the situation). The D M and
many game situations. One game mechanic players should discuss this, and decide how
often used is an ability check-rolling one or much should be played, and how much
more dice and comparing the result to one should be assumed. Be careful not to make
ability score to determine success or failure. things too easy for the players-nor too hard.
A roll of the Ability score or less on id20 This principle of Character knowledge is
means success (3d6, 4d6 or 5d6 for difficult used often in Companion level play. For
tasks may be used). For example, if a charac- example, a character with a stronghold would
ter tries to move a huge boulder, the D M handle routine details of administration,
could make a check against the character’s inspections, and so forth; so these are consid-
Strength score. ered to happen without playing in the
If the D M wants to include riddles and Dominion rules.
puzzles in games, they need not all be pre- There are still plenty of things to discover
sented to the players; a character might solve and explore in the D&D world; but it is time
a puzzle by making a check against Intelli- to shift your perspective from minor details to
gence. Some of the puzzles may provide greater things. Avoid getting “bogged down”
When playing the role of a fantasy charac- entertainment for the players, and may be in minor details, and concentrate on having
ter, many things are ignored, and rarely or discussed in detail-but the players should fun!
never mentioned in the game. For example, not be required to be the characters in this
an adventurer must clean and oil his weapons way. A character with 18 Intelligence should
and armor; someone cooks breakfast; and be much smarter than most players!
someone probably snores in their sleep. But After reaching “Name” level, characters
these things do not affect the adventure or the know their professions, and would not make
game. major errors. Though the player of a thief
A character with a high Charisma score might forget to mention some detail of exam-
could be a “smooth talker” in negotiations- ining a treasure chest, the character would
whether or not the player could do the same. not make a fatal mistake-and the D M may
Thus, you only need to remind the D M of the prompt the player for the “right action.” A
adjustment to the reaction roll; the D M con- spell caster would be aware of the proper use
siders the actions and abilities of the charac- of the spells known; if the player makes a
ter, not those of the player. minor error, the D M may correct the player


Character Class Descriptions

Character Classes - Human

A 15th-25th level cleric is called a Patriarch
(if male) or Matriarch (female). The follow- CLERIC TURNING UNDEAD TABLE
ing XP, Spells and Saving Throw Tables
Cleric’s Level
apply to clerics of all types, and should be
combined with the charts given in the D&D
Undead 7 8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-20 21-24 25
Expert Set. 11, 9, or 7 = total dice roll (2d6) Skeleton D D D D+ D+ D+ D+ D+ D#
needed for successful Turn. Zombie D D D D D+ D+ D+ D+ D+
T = automatic Turn, 2d6 Hit Dice of Ghoul D D D D D D+ D+ D+ D+
Undead Wight D D D D D D D+ D+ D+
D = automatic Destroy, 2d6 Hit Dice of Wraith T D D D D D D D+ D+
Undead Mummy T T D D D D D D I)+
D+ = automatic Destroy, 3d6 Hit Dice of Spectre 7 T T D D D D D D
Undead Vampire 9 7 T T D D D D D
D# = automatic Destroy, 4d6 Hit Dice of Phantom 11 9 7 T T D D D D
Undead Haunt - 11 9 7 T T D D D
Spirit - - 11 9 7 T T D D
CLERIC EXPERIENCE TABLE Nightshade* - - - 11 9 7 T T D
Lich* - - - - 11 9 7 T T
Spells by spell level Special* - - - - - 11 9 7 T
Level XP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 800,000 6 5 5 3 3 3 - * The nightshade, lich, and “special” Undead will be described in the D&D Master Set
16 900,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 -
17 1,000,000 6 6 5 4 4 3 1
18 1,100,000 6 6 5 4 4 3 2 CLERIC SAVING THROW TABLE
19 1,200,000 7 6 5 4 4 4 2
4 4 3 Level: 13-16 17-20 21-24 25
20 1,300,000 7 6 5 4
21 1,400,000 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 Death Ray or Poison 6 5 4 3
22 1,500,000 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 Magic Wands 7 6 5 4
23 1,600,000 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 Paralysis or Turn to Stone 8 6 5 4
24 1,700,000 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 Dragon Breath 10 8 6 4
25 1,800,000 8 7 6 6 5 5 5 Rod, Staff, or Spell 9 7 5 4

Becoming a Land Owner Choosing to Travel 4. The cleric often visits local rulers, and
Before building a stronghold, a cleric who A cleric who decides to travel may follow may gain special knowledge (rumors,
decides not to travel must report to a superior one of two routes: in civilized lands, or in wil- maps, etc.) from them. However, conflicts
of some type, either a church official or a derness. with powerful land-owning clerics may
political ruler, to ask for land. Some land is A cleric who travels within the boundaries arise, and they might banish, exile, or
usually granted, unless the cleric has had of the civilized world usually looks for ways to imprison the travelling cleric if their dis-
problems with his superior in the past; if so, help those of the same Alignment (whatever agreements cannot be resolved.
some service may be required (such as a that may be). The cleric may travel alone, 5. The cleric gains fame, for better or worse.
quest) before the land is granted. with hirelings, or with other clerics. The fol- Tales of the cleric’s deeds will remain after
(The Dungeon Master must decide lowing details exist for a cleric who doesn’t the cleric leaves, and these tales may
whether the cleric’s church has the power to own land. attract other powerful characters-and
make such grants, according to the civiliza- monsters to the cleric.
1. The cleric cannot rise in authority in the
tion and politics of the campaign world.) A cleric who travels to the wilderness usually
Theocracy (the rulership of the church).
A land-owning cleric gains the ability to 2. The cleric should gain experience points searches for enemies of the church, to convert
rise in power among the Theocracy (the gov- or destroy. This cleric normally travels with
for helping those of the same Alignment.
ernment of the church). More lands can be 3. Special adventures are frequent, as the other characters as an adventuring party
gained, more “Normal Men” will settle the problems encountered in other lands often (though the others may all be NPCs). The
area around the cleric’s stronghold, and more require a great leader (the cleric) for a suc- benefits and problems are similar to those of
income will result from the settlements. clerics travelling within civilized areas, with
cessful solution.


the following additions. Fifth Level Cleric Spells

The cleric may discover a long-lost ruin or Cure Critical Wounds*
shrine (a new dungeon) to either destroy Range: Touch
or sanctify. Duration: Permanent
The cleric may discover a new race or civi- Effect: Any one living creature
lization. This spell is similar to a cure light wounds
The tales of the wilderness cleric’s deeds spell, but will cure one living creature of 6-2 1
are usually more distorted, so that little (3d6.3) points of damage.
truth remains. Myths and legends about The reverse of this spell (cause critical
the cleric may arise, for possible misun- wounds) causes 6-21 points of damage to any
derstandings at a future time. living creature or character touched (no Sav-
neutral cleric may choose either of the ing Throw). The caster must make a normal
options above, or (if desired) may choose to Hit roll to cause the critical wound.
live and travel in the wilderness, becoming Raise Dead*
familiar with nature and the ways of the ani-
mals. After 1-4 months of study and medita- When cast at an Undead creature of more
tion, the cleric becomes a druid, and may Hit Dice than a vampire, this spell inflicts 3-
learn new spells (see page 14). 30 (3d10) points of damage. The victim may
The life of a druid is far different from any- make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to take 1/2
thing the cleric has ever known. It is a diffi- damage.
cult path, but can be very rewarding. The reverse, finger o f death, will actually can carry up to 5,000 cn. It can become ethe-
cure 3-30 points of damage for any Undead real at will, and thus can travel to most places
Spells with 10 or more Hit Dice (phantom, haunt, easily. However, it cannot pass a protection
All rules on spell casting are given in the spirit, nightshade, or special). from evil spell effect. If it cannot perform its
D&D Basic and Expert Sets. duty within the duration of the spell, the ser-
Any spell marked with an asterisk (*) may Truesight
vant becomes insane and returns to attack the
be reversed, as given in the spell description. Range: 0 (cleric only) caster.
Any reversible cleric spell may be reversed Duration: 1 turn 1 round per level of caster.

during the casting, and need not be memo- Effect: Reveals all things
rized in reversed form. When this spell is cast, the cleric is able to Barrier*
All spells of 5th and 6th level are listed, clearly see all things within 120’. The spell is Range: 60’
including some of 7th level. Most 5th and 6th quite powerful; the cleric can see all hidden, Duration: 12 turns
level spells are explained in the Expert Set; invisible, and ethereal objects and creatures, Effect: Creates whirling hammers
additions are explained hereafter. More 7th as with the magic-user detect invisible spell This spell creates a magical barrier in an area
level spells are given in the D&D Master Set. (including secret doors). In addition, any up to 30’ in diameter and 30’ high. The bar-
The Druid description and spells are given things or creatures not in their true form- rier is a wall of whirling and dancing ham-
after the normal cleric spells (page 14). whether polyrnorphed, disguised, or other- mers, obviously dangerous. Any creature
FIFTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS wise-are seen as they truly are, with no passing through the barrier takes 7-70 points
1. Commune possibility of deception. Alignment is also of damage from the whirling hammers (no
2. Create Food “seen,” as is experience and power (level or Saving Throw). This spell is often used to
3. Cure Critical Wounds* Hit Dice). block an entrance or passage.
4. Dispel Evil Sixth Level Cleric Spells The reverse of this spell (remove barrier)
5. Insect Plague will destroy any one barrier created by a
Aerial Servant
6. Quest* cleric. It can also be used to destroy a magic-
7. Raise Dead* Range: 60’ user’s wall o f ice, wall o f fire, or wall o f stone
8. Truesight Duration: 1 day per level of caster spell effect. It will not affect a wall ofiron.
SIXTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS Effect: Servant fetches one item or creature
1. Aerial Servant An aerial servant is a very intelligent human-
2. Animate Objects Create Normal Animals
oid being from the Ethereal Plane. With this
3. Barrier* spell, the cleric summons one of these beings, Range: 30’
4. Create Normal Animals which appears immediately. The cleric must Duration: 10 turns
5. Cureall then describe one creature or item to the ser- Effect: Creates 1-6 loyal animals
6. Find the Path vant, or else it will depart. The approximate The cleric is able to create normal animals
7. Speak with Monsters* location of the target must also be named. from thin air with this spell. The animals will
8. Word of Recall When it hears this description and location, appear at a point chosen (within 30’), but
SEVENTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS the servant leaves, trying to find the item or may thereafter be sent (by command) up to
1. Earthquake creature and bring it to the cleric. The ser- 240’ away, if desired. The animals created
2. Holy Word vant will take as much time as needed, up to will understand and obey the cleric at all
3. Raise Dead Fully* the limit of the duration. times. They will fight if so commanded, and
4. Restore* The aerial servant has 18 Strength, and will perform other actions (carrying, watch-


ing, etc.) to the best of their abilities. They to shake, and opens large cracks in the This spell is similar to the 5th level raise dead
are normal animals, and may attack others ground. A 17th level caster can affect an area spell, except that it can raise any living crea-
unless their instructions are carefully up to 60’ square, adding 5’ to each dimen- ture. Any human or demi-human recipient
worded. sion with each level of experience thereafter. awakens immediately, with no wounds (full
The cleric may choose the number of ani- For example, an 18th level cleric affects an hit points), and is able to fight, use abilities,
mals created, but not the exact type; the D M areaup to 65’ square; lgthlevel, 70’ square; spells known, etc., without any penalties-
should decide that (or randomly determine). and so forth. except those existing at the time of death. For
One large (elephant, hippopotamus, etc.), 3 Within the area of effect, all small dwell- example, a victim cursed or diseased at death
medium-sized (bear, great cat, etc.), or 6 ings are reduced to rubble, and larger con- would still suffer the affliction when raised
small (wolf, rock baboon, etc.) animals can structions are cracked open. Earthen fully. If any other living creature (other than
be created. “Giant” animals cannot be cre- formations (hills, cliffsides, etc.) form rock- a human or demi-human) is the recipient, the
ated. The animals disappear when slain or slides. Cracks in the earth may open and guidelines given in the raise dead spell apply
when the spell duration ends. engulf 1 creature in 6 (determined ran- (including time limitations, rest needed,
domly), crushing them. etc.).
Cureall A 17th level cleric can use this spell on a
Holy Word human or demi-human body that has been
Range: Touch Range: 0 dead up to 4 months; for each level of experi-
Duration: Permanent Duration: Instantaneous ence above 17th, 4 months are added to this
Effect: Cures anything Effect: All creatures within 40’ time. Thus, a 19th level cleric could cast raise
This spell is the most powerful of the healing This spell affects all creatures, friend or foe, dead fully on a body that has been dead up to
spells. When used to cure wounds, it cures within a circular area of 40’ radius, centered 12 months.
nearly all damage, leaving the recipient with If cast at an Undead creature of 7 Hit Dice
on the caster. When the cleric casts this spell,
only 1-6 points of damage. It will remove a all creatures of alignments other than the or less, the creature is immediately destroyed
curse, neutralize a poison, cure paralysis, cleric’s are affected as follows: (no Saving Throw). An Undead creature of
cure a disease, cure blindness, or even 7-12 Hit Dice must make a Saving Throw vs.
remove a feeblemind effect. However, it will up to 5th level: Killed
Spells, with a -4 penalty to the roll, or be
cure one thing only; if the recipient is suffer- level 6-8: Stunned 2-20 turns
destroyed. An Undead of more than 12 Hit
ing from two or more afflictions (such as level 9-12: Deafened 1-6 turns
Dice takes 6-60 (6d10) points of damage, but
wounds and a curse), the cleric must name level 13.: Stunned 1-10 rounds
may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to take
the one to be cured. If cast on the recipient of Any victim of 13 levels or more or of the same 112 damage.
a raise dead spell, the cureall eliminates the alignment as the caster, may make a Saving The reverse of this spell (obliterate) will
need for 2 weeks of bed rest; the recipient can Throw vs. Spells to avoid the effect entirely. affect a living creature just as the normal
immediately function normally. This powerful spell cannot be blocked by form affects Undead (destroy 7 Hit Dice or
stone, nor by any other solid material except less, et al.). If cast at an Undead creature of
Seventh Level Cleric Spells lead. (It can be blocked by an antimagic any type, obliterate has the same effect as a
Earthquake shell.) cureall would on a living creature (curing all
Range: 120 yards Raise Dead Fully* but 1-6 pointsofdamage, or curing blindness
Duration: 1 turn or feeblemind, etc.).
Range: 60’
Effect: Causes earth tremors Duration: Permanent Restore *
This powerful spell causes a section of earth Effect: Raises any living creature
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Restores 1 Energy Drain
This spell will restore one full level of energy
(experience) to any victim who has lost a level
because of Energy Drain, whether by
Undead or some other attack form. It will not
restore more than one level, nor will it add a
level if none have been lost. Furthermore, the
casting of this spell causes the cleric to lose 1
level of experience, as if struck by a wight;
however, this effect is not permanent, and the
cleric may rest for 2-20 days to regain the
The reverse of this spell (life drain) will
drain one level of experience from the victim
touched, just as if touched by a wight or
wraith. The casting of this spell does not
cause any loss to the cleric, nor does it require
any rest, but it is a Chaotic act, avoided by
Lawful clerics.


only apply per continent (DM’s choice). THIRD LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
1 . Call Lightning
Druid Philosophy
2. Hold Animal
A druid character studies life itself-the 3. Water Breathing
balance of Nature and all living things. Druid
items and equipment are all made of items 1 . Control Temperature 10’ radius
that were once alive (leather, wood, etc.).
2. Plant Door
“Dead” things that have never been alive are
3. Protection from Lightning
repulsive to the druid; the character simply
won’t want to use or touch them. However, FIFTH LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
the character should not object if others use 1. Anti-Plant Shell
“dead” things. Thus, a druid can be a chal- 2. Control Winds
lenging character to play, but the role can be 3. Pass Plant
very entertaining. SIXTH LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
Druid The great enemies of all druids are the 1 . Anti-Animal Shell
A Neutral cleric of 9th level or greater may Undead. Druids have no power to “Turn 2. Transport Through Plants
choose to study nature instead of remaining Undead” and may contact town churches if 3. Summon Weather
among “civilized” areas. This type of cleric is Undead threaten their realms. SEVENTH LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
called a druid. The cleric must find and live Every druid lives in, protects, and tends a 1 . Creeping Doom
in a woodland home, meditating for 1-4 section of woodlands. Druids do not think of 2. Metal to Wood
months. During that time, the cleric is found, themselves as owners, but rather as care- 3. Weather Control
tested, and taught by a higher level druid takers. Nearly every tree in every woodland
(usually 25th level or greater), and then joins is cared for by a druid. Although minor dam-
the realm of the druids. age to the woods is a fact oflife, deliberate evil First Level Druid Spells
A druid is pure Neutral, never Lawful or destruction of trees or nature is often pun- Faerie Fire
Chaotic. The druid’s way of life is devoted to ished by druids. Even Chaotic monsters
the balance of all things, and the study of nat- Range: 60’
know this, and avoid harming things of the
ure. Any change of alignment results in the Duration: 1 round per level of caster
woods lest they incur the wrath of the local
loss of all druid benefits (given below) until Effect: Illuminates creatures or objects
Neutral alignment is restored. The DM and players should be sure not to With this spell, the druid can outline one or
The main differences between a druid and abuse this role; druids are not all-powerful, more creatures or objects with a pale, flicker-
a normal cleric are: and believe in the balance of all things. For ing greenish fire. The fire does not inflict any
1 . A druid cannot cast any spell that affects example, a party foraging for food would not damage. The objects or creatures need only
good or evil (personal or ranged protec- be attacked by a druid unless they killed more be detected in some way (such as by detect
tion from evil or dispel evil). animals than they could eat. magic) to be the object of this spell.
2. New spells only for druids may be cast. The battles of Law and Chaos are not the All attacks against the outlined creature or
The total number of spells that may be affairs of the druids, and they may simply object gain a +2 bonus to Hit rolls, as it is
cast in one day does not change, but a watch such encounters from afar, helping nei- more easily seen.
druid may select from both the cleric and ther side. When characters perform good The druid can outline 1 man-sized crea-
druid lists. deeds in the woodlands, such as curing ture (about 12 feet of fire) for each 5 levels of
3. A druid must live in a woodland home, wounded animals, this does not make the
rather than in a town or city. druid automatically friendly. However,
4. A druid may not wear metal armor of any assistance in fighting a huge disaster-such
type, nor use metal items. Leather is the as a magical storm or major forest fire-could
only possible armor for druids, and while earn the gratitude and help of a druid.
a shield may be used, it must be made Spells
entirely of wood. The standard weapon The following druid spells may be learned
restrictions for clerics apply to druids, and and cast along with normal cleric spells. The
they may only use wooden weapons (a total number of spells usable in one day does
specially made wooden hammer, wooden not change from those of a cleric; the charac-
staff, etc.). ter may select freely from both lists, except
5. There are only nine* druids of 30th level, for spells that affect Good or Evil.
and lesser numbers of each higher level. Druid spells are not reversible.
When the character gains enough X P to
reach 30th level, one of the Nine must be FIRST LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
found and fought by unarmed combat. If 1 . Faerie Fire
the character loses, 30th level is not gained 2. Locate
(but a new challenge may be issued every 3. Predict Weather
3 months). Details on this combat, and SECOND LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
the higher ranks of the druid realm, are 1 . Obscure
given in the D&D Master Set. 2. Produce Fire
*For large-scale campaigns, limits might 3 . Warp Wood


experience. Thus, at 20th level, 48’ of fire oil, etc.) without harming the magical flame. to Hit Dice. For example, a 20th level druid
can be produced (outlining one dragon-sized While holding the flame, the caster can cause could cast the spell at 10 giant toads (2.2 Hit
creature, 2 horse-sized, or 4 man-sized crea- it to disappear and reappear by concentration Dice each). Note that the spell can affect sum-
tures). once per round, until the duration ends. moned, conjured, or controlled animals.
Other items may be held and used in the
Locate Water Breathing
hand while the fire is out. If desired, the fire
Range: 0 (druid only) may be dropped or thrown to 30’ range, but Range: 30‘
Duration: 6 turns disappears 1 round after leaving the druid’s Duration: 1 day
Effect: Detects 1 animal or plant within 120 hand. Effect: One air-breathing creature
feet This spell allows the recipient to breathe
This spell allows the druid to sense the direc- Warp Wood while under water (at any depth). It does not
tion of one known normal animal or plant. Range: 240‘ affect movement in any way, nor does it inter-
The druid can locate (similar to the locate Duration: Permanent fere with the breathing of air.
object spell) any normal or giant-sized ani- Effect: Causes wooden weapons to bend
mal, but not fantastic creatures, plant mon- This spell causes one or more wooden weap-
Fourth Level Druid Spells
sters, nor any intelligent creature or plant. ons to bend and (probably) become useless. Control Temperature 10 ‘ radius
He must name the exact type of animal or The spell will affect one arrow for each level Range: 0 (druid only)
plant, but does not need to see the specific of the caster; a spear, javelin, or magic wand Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
one he wishes to locate. The animal or plant is treated as two arrows’ worth, and any club Effect: Cools or warms air within 10’
gets no Saving Throw. (This spell is most or staff (magical or otherwise) as four. The
often used to find special plants.) This spell allows the druid to alter the tem-
spell will not affect any wooden items other perature within an area 20’ across. The max-
Predict Weather than weapons. If a magical wooden item is imum change is 50 degrees (Farenheit),
Range: 0 (druid only) the target (such as a s t a q , the wielder may either warmer or cooler. The change occurs
Duration: 12 hours make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid the immediately, and the effect moves with the
Effect: Gives knowledge of coming weather effect. Items carried but not held get no Sav- druid. The temperature may be changed by
ing Throw; magical items with “plusses” mere concentration for 1 round, as long as
This spell enables the druid to learn the accu- might not be affected, at a 10% chance per
rate weather to come for the next 12 hours. It the spell lasts.
“plus.” (For example, an arrow +1 would The spell is useful for resisting cold or heat
affects an area 1 mile in diameter per level of have a 10% chance of being unaffected.)
the druid; for example, a 20th level druid so the caster may survive any temperature
would learn the weather within a 10 mile extremes.
Third Level Druid Spells
radius. The spell does not give any control Plant Door
over the weather, merely predicting what is to Call Lightning
Range: 0 (druid only)
come. Range: 360’
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: Opens a path through growth
Second Level Druid Spells Effect: Calls lightning bolts from a storm
For the duration of this spell, no plants can
Obscure This spell cannot be used unless a storm of
some (any) type is within range of the druid. prevent the druid’s passage, no matter how
Range: 0 (druid only) dense. Even trees will bend or magically open
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster If a storm is present, the druid may call 1
lightning bolt per turn (10 minutes) to strike to allow the druid to pass. All equipment car-
Effect: Creates a huge misty cloud ried can also be moved through such barriers,
at any point within range. The lightning bolt
This spell causes a misty vapor to arise from descends from the sky, hitting an area 20’ but no other creature can use the passage.
the ground around the druid, forming a huge across. Each victim within that area takes 8- Note that a druid can hide inside a large
cloud. The cloud is 1 ‘ high per level of the tree after casting this spell. The druid cannot
48 (8d6) points of electrical damage, but may
druid, and is 10’ across for each level. For see what is happening while he is in the tree.
make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to take 1/2
example, a 20th level druid would cast an damage. The druid need not call the light- Protection from Lightning
obscure 20’ tall and 100’ radius. The cloud ning every turn unless desired; it remains
has no ill effects except to block vision. The Range: Touch
available until the spell duration (or the Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
caster, and all creatures able to see invisible storm) ends.
things, will be able to dimly see through the Effect: Protects against electrical attack
cloud. All other creatures within the cloud Hold Animal Any recipient of this spell is immune to a
will be delayed and confused by the effect. given amount ofelectrical damage. The exact
Range: 180’ amount is determined by the level of the
Produce Fire Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster druid: for each level of experience, one Die of
Range: 0 (druid only) Effect: Paralyzes several animals damage is negated. Thus, a 20th level druid
Duration: 2 turns per level This spell will affect any normal or giant- could be protected against 2 full call lightning
Effect: Creates fire in hand sized animal, but will not affect any fantastic attacks (of 8 dice each), plus half of a third.
This spell causes a small flame to appear in creature, nor one of greater than animal Any electrical attacks partially negated are
the druid’s hand. It does not harm the caster intelligence. Each victim must make a Saving handled normally for the remaining damage;
in any way, and sheds light as if a normal Throw vs. Spells or be paralyzed for 6 turns. in the example above, the druid would take 4-
torch. The flame can be used to ignite com- The druid can affect 1 Hit Die of animals for 24 points ofdamage, or 2-12 points ifthe Sav-
bustible materials touched (lantern, torch, each level of experience, ignoring “plusses” ing Throw were made.


Fifth Level Druid Spells This spell creates an invisible barrier around Severe weather (hurricane, severe heat
Anti-Plant Shell the druid’s body (less than an inch away). wave, etc.) may only be summoned by a
The barrier stops all attacks by animals, both druid of 25th level or greater. The range of
Range: 0 (druid only) normal and giant-sized, as well as insects and summoning is 5 miles at levels 12 to 15, add-
Duration: 1 round per level of the druid all other non-fantastic creatures of animal ing 1 mile for each level of the caster above
Effect: Personal barrier which blocks plants intelligence or less. The druid cannot attack 15th. (For example, a 20th level druid could
This spell creates an invisible barrier around animals while protected except by use of summon weather from up to 10 miles away.)
the druid’s body (less than an inch away). magical spells; the animals are protected
Seventh Level Druid Spells
The barrier stops all attacks by plants and from the druid’s physical attacks, just as the
plant-like monsters, so that they can inflict no druid is protected from theirs. Creeping Doom
damage. If the caster pushes through normal Range: 120’
Transport Through Plants
but dense growth while protected, an open- Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
ing will result, passable by others. While pro- Range: Infinite Effect: Creates a 20’ x 20’ insect horde
tected, the druid cannot attack plants except Duration: Instantaneous
This spell magically creates a huge swarm of
by magic spells; the plants are protected from Effect: Long-range teleportation
1,000 creeping insects, appearing anywhere
the druid’s physical attacks, just as the druid This spell may be used once per day at most. within 120’ of the druid (as chosen by the
is protected from theirs. The druid must be near a plant (of any size), caster). They fill an area 20’ x 20’ at least,
Control Winds and must choose either a general location or a and can be ordered to fill any area up to 60’.
specific known plant elsewhere. After casting 60’ (at most).
Range: 10’ radius per level of the caster the spell, the druid magically enters the The creeping doom can move at up to 60‘/
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster nearby plant and steps out of a plant at the
Effect: Calms or increases winds turn (20 ‘/round) if the caster remains within
destination (the exact plant determined ran- 120’ of any part of the swarm. They vanish
With this spell, the druid can cause all the air domly if not specified). There is no limit to after the duration ends, or whenever the
within range to behave as desired, either the range, but the plants must both be living druid is more than 120‘ from them.
increasing to gale force or slowing to a dead for the spell to work, and must both be on the The insects always attack everyone and
calm. One full turn of concentration (can’t same Plane of Existence. If either plant is everything in their path, inflicting 1 point of
move or attack) is needed to change the wind dead, the spell fails. Otherwise, the caster damage per 10 insects-a total of 100 points
completely (calm to gale, for example). The immediately reappears at the new location. per round per creature-to all within it (no
effect can be countered easily by any higher The caster can transport 2 additional, will- Saving Throw). Normal attacks (such as fire)
level caster using the same spell. The effect ing creatures. can damage the horde slightly, but even a
moves with the caster. fireball spell will only slay 100 of them (reduc-
Summon Weather
If used against an air creature (such as an ing the damage accordingly). The creeping
elemental), the victim may make a Saving Range: 5 miles or more
doom can be destroyed by a dispel magic spell
Throw vs. Spells. If this is failed, the druid Duration: 6 turns per level
(at normal chances for success), but it can
may slay or control the air creature by proper Effect: Brings weather to druid’s area penetrate a protection from evil effect, and
use of the wind force. The creature will only When this spell is cast, some known nearby can move over most obstacles at the normal
obey as long as concentration is maintained; weather is pulled to the druid’s location. The movement rate.
if concentration is broken, the creature will druid does not have control of the weather,
attack (in a manner identical to elemental but merely summons it.
control) . Metal to Wood
Pass Plant Range: 120’
Duration: Permanent
Range: 0 (druid only) Effect: Changes metal into dead wood
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell can be used to change any metal
Effect: Short-range teleportation
item or items into wood. The amount that
With this spell, the druid can enter one tree, can be transmuted is 50 cn per level of the
teleport, and immediately step out of another caster. Any magical metal item is 90% resist-
tree of the same type. The trees must be large ant to the magic. The effect is permanent,
enough to enclose the druid. The range a and cannot be changed back with a dispel
druid can teleport varies by the type of tree, magic spell.
as follows. Any armor changed to wood falls off the
Oak 600 yards wearer and any weapons affected turn to
Ash, Elm, Linden, Yew 360 yards non-m ‘-a1 wooden clubs.
Evergreen trees 240 yards
Other trees 300 yards Weather Conti
Range: 0 (druid only)
Sixth Level Druid Spells Duration: Concentration
Anti-Animal Shell Effect: All weather within 240 yards
Range: 0 (druid only) This effect is identical to the 6th level magic-
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster user spell (see page 21).
Effect: Personal barrier which blocks animals


Fighter not be aided, and if the Paladin is on a

mission for a higher authority (such as a
A 15th-25th level fighter is called a Lord (if
Quest, serving a Duke, etc.), only a small
male) or Lady (female). The following X P
amount of help need be given, along with
and Saving Throw tables apply to fighters of
an explanation. “Assistance” never
all types, and should be combined with the
involves donations of money or items, but
charts given in the D&D Expert Set.
only service for a short time.
~~~~ ~
A N E U T R A L wandering fighter may
FIGHTER EXPERIENCE TABLE become a Knight. To gain Knighthood, a
Level XP fighter must swear fealty to royalty (a Prince,
King, or Emperor). In return, the ruler will
15 960,000
declare the character a Knight; that ruler
16 1,080,000
then becomes the Knight’s “liege.” Lawful
17 1,200,000
and Chaotic fighters may become Knights if
18 1,320,000
they do not become Paladins or Avengers
19 1,440,000
(either by choice or by failure to meet the
20 1,560,000
21 1,680,000
The following rules apply to Knights, the
22 1,800,000
most common of the wandering fighters.
23 1,920,000
24 2,040,000 1. If summoned by his liege, the Knight
25 2,160,000 must report as quickly as possible, and
must serve as the liege orders.
2. If the Knight ever refuses to obey the
liege, or ever swears fealty to any other
FIGHTER SAVING THROW TABLE liege, the Knight loses 3 levels of experi-
ence. (The DM may increase this penalty
Level: 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25
if the offense warrants it; the previous
Death Ray or Poison 6 5 5 4 4 liege may even order the offender slain. In
Magic Wands 6 6 5 5 4 addition, rumors and tales of the “traitor-
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 7 6 6 5 5 ous Knight” may haunt the character for-
Dragon Breath 8 7 6 5 4 ever after.
Rod, Staff, or Spell 9 8 7 6 5 If his liege dies, the Knight is free to
choose another. Additional benefits
(lands, money, etc.) may be awarded to
Becoming a Land Owner summoned by the church’s leaders (the loyal Knights that swear fealty to the suc-
Most dominion (owned territory) rulers Theocracy) at any time, and must do as cessor of a liege who dies.
are fighters. The art of fighting is a necessary they command, as long as the service aids A Knight may petition the liege for a
skill in the D&D world, and professional the powers of Good. peaceful end to his oath; however, this is
fighters generally survive longer than other 2. A Paladin can detect evil (as the cleric rare, and rarely granted. The Knight
people. spell) up to once per round, simply by would be banished, at the least, and could
As a land owner, fighters are less restricted concentrating (Range: 120’). be stripped of all possessions as well.
than other classes. They may remain inde- 3. If the Paladin’s Wisdom score is 13 or 3. A Knight may visit any castle, of any ter-
pendent or swear fealty to another ruler. greater, the character can cast cleric spells ritory, and request Sanctuary. The castle
Your DM will tell you what system of gov- as if a cleric of one-third the level of the owner must, by the customs of the land,
ernment is used in his campaign, and what fighter (rounded down). If the Wisdom give the Knight a place to stay for up to
the character must to do obtain land and rule score is 12 or less, the fighter can still be a three days, along with food and drink. No
a dominion. Paladin, but cannot cast spells. For exam- friendliness need be shown, but the
ple, a 17th level Paladin can cast spells as Knight cannot be challenged, attacked, or
Travelling if a 5th level cleric. refused Sanctuary. This custom is nearly
The alignment of a wandering fighter The Paladin learns how to meditate and universal.
determines his or her title, special abilities, cast spells from the clerics of the church. 4. If a Call to Arms sounds (a call for knights
and so forth. The clerics will refuse any offer of com- to battle for justice), the Knight must
A LAWFUL wandering fighter may be pensation or payment for this service. respond. This declaration can only be
known as a Paladin if he meets the following 4. A Paladin can Turn Undead, as if a cleric issued by the ruler of a large town
requirements. Otherwise, he may be a of one-third the level of the fighter, (Mayor) or territory (Archduke or greater
Knight. rounded down. status) through which the Knight is pass-
1. A fighter must swear fealty (an oath of 5. A Paladin may only travel with a number ing. When the Call to Arms sounds, the
service) to a Lawful church to gain Pala- of hirelings equal to no more than his cler- Knight must immediately travel as fast as
din status. The fighter must be Name ical level. possible to the ruling castle of the territory,
level or greater to be accepted by the 6. A Paladin must assist anyone who asks for and fight as ordered by the ruler. The
church. Thereafter, the Paladin may be for help-with two exceptions: evil need Knight is entitled to compensation for this


service; a gift must be granted by the ruler 5. An Avenger may not have human or normal damage inflicted (based on the
issuing the Call to Arms, if the Knight demi-human hirelings. However, the weapon used), plus magic and Strength
demands it (although this is not required Avenger may try to persuade monsters of bonuses if applicable.
of the Knight). Chaotic alignment. If a Chaotic creature Parry: The character does not attack at all,
There are two notable exceptions to this is not immediately hostile, the Avenger but spends the round blocking attacks with
custom. In lands where “civilization” is may offer food or treasure, indicating his weapon. All who attack hand-to-hand
unknown, this custom might not be used. (through word or gestures) friendship. If against a Parrying character suffer a -4 pen-
More commonly, if the Knight is within a ter- this fails, threats or combat resulting in alty to their Hit rolls. This does not apply to
ritory that has declared itself hostile to the surrender may accomplish nearly the any device-hurled missile, but does apply to
Knight’s liege, the Knight need not respond. same result. If the creature’s Reaction roll hand-hurled missiles.
The Knight may, in fact, be a known enemy, indicates friendship, the creature is per- Disarm: This action may only be used
and may be in great danger when the Call to suaded to follow and obey the Avenger. against a weapon-using opponent. Creatures
Arms sounds. The effect lasts for a duration identical to whose weapons are natural (claws, teeth,
a charm magic-user spell; once it ends, it etc.) cannot be disarmed. To Disarm, the
A C H A O T I C wandering fighter may
cannot be renewed. character makes a normal Hit roll. If the
become an Avenger if he meets the following
6. An Avenger may visit any castle, ruin, or attack hits, no damage is inflicted. Instead,
requirements. Otherwise, a Chaotic wander-
ing fighter may become a Knight. dungeon known to be ruled by an intelli- the victim must roll ld20 minus any Dexter-
gent Chaotic monster or character and, ity bonuses of the victim plus those of the
using his alignment tongue, demand attacker. If the modified roll is greater than
1. The fighter must make an alliance with a
Chaotic church. This is not a swearing an Sanctuary (see Knight, above). An the victim’s Dexterity* score, the victim is
Avenger may speak normally to rulers of Disarmed. The victim may either switch
oath of fealty, but a loose agreement of
other alignments and check for normal weapons, using another weapon carried (suf-
loyalty and support; the church may
reactions. The Ruler may be deceived, fering only the loss of initiative for the next
decline the offer. If the church accepts, the
believing the Avenger to be a Knight round), or try to retrieve the weapon dropped
church’s leaders may summon the
(unless forewarning or some magical (see below).
Avenger at any time, and he must do as
means reveals the Avenger’s true status); When retrieving a weapon, a victim must
they command. If they are disobeyed, all
benefits of the Avenger are lost. Even if deceived, the Ruler will give normal “Retreat” (as defined in the D&D Basic Set)
then, the fighter may regain Avenger sta- Sanctuary. to get it. Note: Many situations may make it
tus by negotiating with a different church. impossible to retrieve the weapon (losing the
Fighter Combat Options weapon over a cliff, opponents nearby pick
2. An Avenger can detect evil (as the cleric
spell) up to once per round, simply by T h e following characters may use the up weapon, etc.).
concentrating (Range: 120’). optional combat maneuvers: *DM: Roll or select a Dexterity score if the
3. If the Avenger’s Wisdom score is 13 or 1. Any wandering fighter who gains Pala- victim is an NPC. For monsters, assume a
greater, the Avenger can learn to cast din, Knight, or Avenger status; Dexterity score of 11. The DM may modify
cleric spells as if a cleric of one-third the 2. Any land owning fighter who swears this, considering the creature’s general char-
level of the fighter (rounded down). If the fealty to a ruler; acteristics (small and quick, large and
Wisdom score is 12 or less, the fighter can 3. Any demi-human character who achieves clumsy, and so forth).
still be an Avenger, but cannot cast spells. Knight status, either within or outside of
For example, a 20th level Avenger can the clan.
cast spells as if a 6th level cleric. Other human classes may not use these
The Avenger learns how to meditate maneuvers (including fighters who do not
and cast spells from the clerics of the achieve any special status) because they
church-but at a price (DM’s choice, but require special study of the art of hand-to-
a minimum of 10,000 gp per spell level hand combat, taught only by Knights, Pala-
gained is recommended). dins, and Avengers.
4. An Avenger may Turn Undead as if a Multiple Attacks: The character gains
cleric of one-third the fighter’s level, but this ability at 12th level. Demi-humans gain
with an important difference. If the result this ability at certain XP levels, as given in
is “Turn” or “Destroy,” the Avenger may the class descriptions. If the character can hit
choose to control them instead of gaining an opponent with a Hit roll of 2 (calculated
the usual result. If control is chosen, it including all adjustments), he may make 2
lasts for 1 turn per level of the Avenger. attacks each combat round. At level 24 and
Undead thus controlled behave as if higher, he may make 3 attacks; at level 36, he
charmed, obeying the Avenger as if may make 4 attacks each round. This applies
friends. to ideal circumstances, and the character
However, if the Undead are Turned or may use movement or some other action
Destroyed by a cleric during the duration instead of an extra swing.
of the control, the control is dispelled
immediately, and cannot be renewed. If Smash: The character using a Smash auto-
the duration of the control ends without matically loses initiative, and accepts a -5
incident, the Undead will flee (as if penalty to his Hit roll. If the attack hits, add
the character’s entire Strength score to the



Spells by spell level
Level XP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

15 1,200,000 5 4 4 4 3 2 1
16 1,350,000 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
17 1,500,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 2
18 1,650,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
19 1,800,000 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
20 1,950,000 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2
21 2,100,000 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
22 2,250,000 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
23 2,400,000 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2
24 2,550,000 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 2
25 2,700,000 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3

A 15th-25th level magic-user is called a Wiz- MAGIC-USER SAVING THROW TABLE
ard (if male) or Maga (female). The following Level: 11-15 16-20 21-24 25
XP, Spells, Saving Throw and Hit roll charts
apply to magic-users of all types, and should Death Ray or Poison 9 7 5 4
be added to the charts given in the D&D Magic Wands 10 8 6 4
Expert Set. Paralysis or Turn to Stone 9 7 5 4
Becoming a Land Owner Dragon Breath 12 10 8 6
Rod, Staff, or Spell 9 6 4 3
A magic-user who wants to settle down,
rather than travel, may choose to remain
independent or to live with an existing ruler. cal research and potion making. This must be A Magist may go on normal adventures if
Independent magic-users often ignore done carefully, lest the remaining monsters the ruler gives permission. The ruler knows
titles completely, which adds to their mysteri- be scared away. that more experience means a more powerful
ous reputation. They are commonly referred Occasionally, wandering magic-users may Magist, and will usually give permission if no
to as “Wizards,” whatever their actual names come and offer to help with Magical immediate magical needs are pressing.
or titles may be. An independent magic-user Research (rules explained in D&D Expert). Travelling
may build or seize a tower. Permission from The offer may be accepted or ignored, as A wandering magic-user is known as a
the local ruler need not be acquired before- desired.
hand; it will almost always be forthcoming If a land owning magic-user cannot or does A Magus may visit any land owning
once the magic-user moves into the tower. not want to maintain a Tower, the character magic-user to offer to help with Magical
However, if permission is sought beforehand, may apply for a position as a Magist (MAY- Research. If the offer is accepted, any
the ruler will probably give the magic-user a jist) in any existing castle or stronghold. The items or spells researched will be com-
gift (along with the dominion) to keep the Magist advises the ruler in matters involving pleted in half the normal time, and with
favor of the character. (Only the most power- magic, and handles the magical needs of the double the normal chances for success!
ful of rulers would dare to offend a magic- ruler and the stronghold. A Magus has a chance (checked by the
user, whatever the alignment). To become a Magist, the magic-user must DM) to find treasure maps, and to hear
After the magic-user moves into the tower, first find a ruler who is willing to hire and rare rumors of powerful magic items.
a dungeon may be built beneath or near it. support him. He must negotiate payment The Magus will attract powerful wander-
The dungeon is most often constructed by and other benefits with the ruler. Finally, the ing fighters and clerics, who offer to travel
hiring specialists in mining, but can be cre- character must swear an oath of service or with and help the Magus in return for pay.
ated magically if the proper spells are known fealty to that ruler to become a Magist. These followers are of levels much higher
and used. When one or more levels of the When the agreements and terms are com- than normal (5th at minimum, no maxi-
dungeon are completed and thereafter left plete, the ruler supplies all the Magist’s mum).
open, monsters will start to arrive and build needs, including a place to stay in the strong-
lairs. Shortly thereafter, low-level adventur- hold (usually a suite of several rooms), guards Spells
ers may start arriving to seek their fortunes. and servants, and other agreed-upon benefits All details on spell casting are given in the
Most magic-users with dungeons visit (such as magic items, either to use or as out- D&D Basic and Expert Sets. Any spell
them once each month (or more), gathering right gifts). The ruler usually pays for Magi- marked with an asterisk (*) may be reversed,
any magical treasures that remain. If too cal Research costs if the item or spell as given in the spell description. All revers-
much treasure is taken from the monsters, researched will benefit the stronghold. The ible magic-user spells must be memorized in
they will probably move out. Occasionally, if Magist must serve the ruler as ordered in all reversed form to be used.
done quietly and secretly, the magic-user may respects, but is never required to fight or oth- All spells of levels 5-7 are listed, with some
capture some of the monsters for use in magi- erwise be placed in danger. of 8th and 9th levels. Most 5th and 6th level


spells are explained in the Expert Set; addi- EIGHTH LEVEL This spell may be used once a month at most
tions are explained hereafter. More 8th and MAGIC-USER SPELLS (or less often, at the DM’s option). An insane
9th level spells are given in the D&D Master 1. Dance character recovers with rest, after a number
Set. 2. Explosive Cloud of weeks of game time equal to the number of
3. Mass Charm* the plane contacted.
4.Mind Barrier* * The “distance” to any other plane of
5. Permanence existence is the number of planes that would
IMPORTANT NOTE: The maximum dam- 6. Polymorph any Object be crossed if that plane were visited. The
age produced by any single spell-including 7. Power Word Blind “distance” between the Prime Plane and the
fire ball, lightning bolt, and delayed blast fire 8. Symbol closest outer plane is 3, as the ethereal, ele-
ball-is 20 dice, of the type specified (usually mental, and astral planes lie “between”
20d6). This is very important for game bal- NINTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLS
them. There are many Outer Planes, but
ance, and should not be disregarded. For 1. Gate*
most are too far removed to be affected by
example, without this maximum, a 36th level 2. Maze
this spell.
magic-user could instantly slay any other 3. Meteor Swarm
magic-user by surprise, regardless of the 4. Power Word Kill Dissolve*
results of the Saving Throw! Range: 120’
Duration: 3-18 days
Fifth Level Magic-user Spells Effect: Liquifies 3000 square feet
Contact Outer Plane This spell changes a volume of rock to a
Range: 0 (magic-user only) morass of mud. An area 10’ deep or thick is
FIFTH LEVEL MAGIC-USER SPELLS Duration: See below affected, and may be up to 3,000 square feet
1. Animate Dead Effect: 3-12 questions may be answered in surface area. The victim may get mired
2. Cloudkill This spell allows the magic-user to contact and become unable to move. The magic-user
3. Conjure Elemental one of the Outer Planes of Existence to seek may choose the exact width and length (20’.
4. Contact Outer Plane knowledge from an Immortal creature 150’, 30’. loo’, etc.), but the entire area of
5. Dissolve* (played by the DM). The wisest and most effect must be within 120’ of the caster. Crea-
6. Feeblemind powerful Immortals live on the most distant tures entering the mud are slowed to 10% of
7. Hold Monster* Outer Planes. However, mental contact with their normal movement rate at best, and may
8. Magic Jar an Immortal may cause a mortal to go become stuck.
9. Pass-Wall insane. The more distant the plane, the The reverse of this spell (harden) will
10. Telekinesis greater the chance of a correct answer-but change the same volume of mud to rock, but
11. Teleport the greater the chance of Insanity as well. permanently. A victim in the mud may make
12. Wall of Stone The number of questions the magic-user a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid being
may ask is equal to the distance* to the Outer trapped.
plane. The caster may choose the distance, Feeblemind
1. Anti-Magic Shell
up to the maximum allowed. The chance of
2. Death Spell insanity is checked once, when the Immortal
Range: 240’
3. Disintegrate Duration: Permanent until dispelled
is first contacted. If the caster is 21st level or
4. Geas* Effect: Lowers Intelligence score to 2
greater, the chance of insanity is reduced by
5. Invisible Stalker This spell will only affect a magic-user, elf, or
5 % per level of the caster above 20. If insan-
6. Lower Water spell-casting monster. It will make the victim
ity does not result, the Immortal may still not
7 . Move Earth know the answer, or may lie. The chances of helpless, unable to cast spells or think clearly
8. Projected Image (as if having an Intelligence score of 2). The
knowing and lying are checked for each ques-
9. Reincarnation victim may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells
10. Stone to Flesh* to avoid the effect, but with a -4penalty to the
11. Wall of Iron roll. The feeblemind lasts until removed by a
12. Weather Control Distance and dispel magic spell (at normal chances for suc-
SEVENTH LEVEL Number of Chance of. .. cess) or by a cleric’s cureall spell.
MAGIC-USER SPELLS Questions Insanity Knowing Lying
1. Charm Plant
2. Create Normal Monsters Range: 120‘
3 25 % 50 %
3. Delayed Blast Fire Ball Duration: 6 rounds
4 5%
10 30 45
4.Lore Effect: 200 cn of weight per level of caster
5 15 35 40
5. Magic Door* 6 20 40 35 This spell enables the magic-user to move a
6. Mass Invisibility* 7 25 50 30 creature or object simply by concentrating.
7. Power Word Stun 8 30 60 25 The item may weigh up to 200 cn per level of
8. Reverse Gravity 9 35 70 20 the caster (a 10th level elf could move an
9. Statue 10 40 80 15 object weighing up to 2,000 cn). The caster
10. Summon Object 11 45 90 10 may move the object in any direction, at a
11. Sword 12 50 95 5 rate of up to 20’ per round.
12. Teleport any Object An unwilling victim may make a Saving


Throw vs. Spells to avoid the effect. If a tar- The level of experience does not change may select the weather condition. The spell
get is held by someone, the holder gets a Sav- unless restricted by the maximum for demi- only works outdoors, and the weather will
ing Throw with a -2 penalty. If the object is humans. If a monster body appears, the type affect all creatures in the area (including the
carried but not held, the owner may grab for of monster is based on the alignment of the caster). The effects last as long as the caster
the departing object, making a Saving Throw life force. A monster body may not gain levels concentrates, without moving; if the caster is
with a -5 penalty. The caster must concen- of experience; the character must play as being moved (for example, aboard a ship),
trate while moving objects, and the objects reincarnated or retire from play. the effect moves also. The effects vary, but the
will fall if disturbed. following results are typical:
If a wall of stone topples, it causes 10-100 (ld8) 1 Human 5 Elf Rain: -2 penalty to Hit rolls applies to all
2 Human 6 Halfling missile fire. After three turns, the ground
points of damage and shatters.
3 Human 7 Original race becomes muddy, reducing movement to 1/2
I 4 Dwarf 8 Monster the normal rate.
(use table below) Snow: visibility (the distance a creature
can see) is reduced to 20’; movement is
reduced to 1/2 the normal rate. Rivers and
ld6 Lawful Neutral Chaotic streams may freeze over. Mud remains after
the snow thaws, for the same movement pen-
1 Blink Dog Ape, White Bugbear alty.
2 Gnome Bear* Gnoll Fog: 20’ visibility, 1/2 normal movement.
3 Neanderthal Centaur Kobold Those within the fog might become lost,
4 Owl, giant Griffon Manticore moving in the wrong direction.
5 Pegasus Lizard Man Orc Clear: This cancels bad weather (rain,
6 Treant Pixie Troglodyte snow, fog) but not secondary effects (such as
*Any normal bear mud).
(The DM may add more monsters to the lists. Such Intense Heat: Movement reduced to 1/2
monsters should have 8 Hit Dice or less and should normal. Excess water (from rain, snow, mud
be at least semi-intelligent.) transmuted from rock, etc.) dries up.
High Winds: No missile fire or flying is
Wall of Iron possible. Movement reduced to 1/2 normal.
Range: 120’ At sea, ships sailing with the wind move 50%
Duration: Permanent faster. In the desert, high winds create a sand-
Sixth Level Magic-user Spells
Effect: Creates 500 square feet of iron storm, for 1/2 normal movement and 20 ‘ vis-
Move Earth ibility.
This spell creates a vertical wall of iron
Range: 240’ exactly 2 ” thick. The magic-user may choose
Tornado: This creates a whirlwind under
Duration: 6 turns the magic-user’s control, attacking and mov-
any length and width, but the total area must
Effect: Moves soil ing as if a 12 H D Air Elemental. At sea, treat
be 500 square feet or less (10’~50’,20’~25’,
This spell causes soil (but not rock) to move. etc.), and the entire wall must be within 120’ the tornado as a “storm or gale”.
It may be used to move earth horizontally to of the caster. The caster must create the wall
make a hill, or vertically, to open a large hole. so it rests on the ground or similar support. It
The hole may be u p to 240 ‘ deep, unless solid cannot be cast in a space occupied by another
rock is reached. The soil may be moved at up object. It lasts until dispelled, disintegrated, Seventh Level Magic-user Spells
to 60’ per turn, and at the end of the spell or physically broken (though it will resist all Charm Plant
duration, the moved soil remains where it is but giant-sized physical attacks). Most other
put. The spell is helpful for constructing cas- spell effects, including fire ball, lightning Range: 120’
tles. bolt, etc., have no effect on a wall of iron. If Duration: 3 months
the wall is made to topple, it causes 10-100 Effect: Charms 1 tree or more smaller plants
points of damage and shatters. Similar to a charm person spell, this effect
Range: 10’ If the wall is attacked, it has a number of causes 1 tree, 6 medium-sized bushes, 12
Duration: Permanent “hit points” equal to the level of the caster. small shrubs, or 24 small plants to become
Effect: Creates a new body The wall can only be damaged by battering. friends of the magic-user (no Saving Throw).
To cast this spell, the magic-user must have Giants inflict 1 point of battering damage per However, a plant-like monster (treant,
part of the dead body, however small that part blow, and certain other creatures might dam- shrieker, etc.) may make a Saving Throw vs.
may be. When the spell is cast, a new body age it in other ways; a rust monster can Spells to resist the effect.
magically appears, and the life force which destroy a wall of iron with a single touch.) The charmed plants will understand and
was once in the dead body returns and obey all commands of the magic-user, as long
Weather Control as the tasks are within their ability (including
inhabits the new one. The D M refers to the
tables below to find the form of the new body. Range: 0 (magic-user only) the entangling of passers-by within range,
If the life force is reincarnated as a different Duration: Concentration but not including movement, sensing align-
race, all details of the new race apply, instead Effect: All weather within 240 yards ment, etc.). The plants will remain charmed
of the old. For example, a cleric reincarnated This spell allows the magic-user to create one for 6 months, until the charm is dispelled, or
as an elf is no longer a cleric, but is able to special weather condition in the surrounding until winter (when they sleep). (This spell is
cast magic-user spells and fight as an elf. area (within a 240 yard radius). The caster quite useful around a stronghold, both inside


and out, especially when used after a 4th level with a wish. The “gem” created is pure Mass Invisibility*
growth ofplants spell, and possibly a perma- magic, not an actual object, and cannot be Range: 240’
nent spell as well.) moved magically (by telekinesis, teleport, Duration: Permanent until broken
etc.), though it can be dispelled. Effect: Many creatures or objects
Create Normal Monsters
Range: 30’ Lore This bestows invisibility (as the 2nd level
Duration: 1 turn Range: 0 (magic-user only) spell) on several creatures. All the recipients
Effect: Creates 1 or more monsters Duration: Permanent must be within an area 60’ square within
This spell causes monsters to appear out of Effect: Reveals details of 1 item, place, or 240’ of the magic-user. The spell will affect
thin air. All monsters appearing will under- person up to 6 dragon-sized creatures, or up to 300
stand and obey the caster’s commands- By means of this spell, the magic-user may man-sized creatures (treating one horse as 2
fighting, carrying or fetching things, etc. gain knowledge of one item, place, or person. men). After the spell is cast, each creature
They will faithfully obey all commands to the If an item is held by the caster, the spell takes becomes invisible, along with all equipment
best of their abilities. Each monster will 1-4 turns to complete, and the magic-user carried (as explained in the Basic Set Players
appear carrying its normal weapons and learns the item’s name, method of operation Guide, page 41).
wearing its normal armor (if any), but other- and command words (if any), and approxi- The reverse of this spell (appear), will
wise unequipped. At the end of 1 turn, all the mate number of charges (if any, within 5 of cause all invisible creatures and objects in a
monsters created vanish back into thin air, the correct number). If the item has more 20’. 20’. 20’ volume to become visible.
along with all their equipment. than one mode of operation, or more than Creatures on astral and ethereal Planes are
The total number of Hit Dice of monsters one command word, only one function will not within the area of effect; the spell cannot
appearing is equal to the level of the magic- be revealed for each lore spell used, without a reach across planar boundaries. All other
user casting the spell (with fractions clue to others. forms of invisibility are affected, both magi-
dropped). The magic-user may choose the If a place or person is being investigated or cal and natural, and all victims of this spell
exact type of monsters created, selecting any if the item is not held, the spell may take 1- cannot become invisible again for 1 turn.
monster with no special abilities (;.e., no 100 days to complete, depending on the num- Power Word Stun
asterisk next to the Hit Dice number in the ber of details already known. (The D M may
monster explanation). Humans, demi- reveal only general details if the place is large, Range: 120’
humans, and Undead cannot be created by or if the person is of great power.) A purely Duration: 2-12 or 1-6 turns
this spell. Creatures of 1-1 Hit Dice are legendary topic should require large amounts Effect: Stuns 1 creature with 70 hit points or
counted as 1 Hit Die; creatures of 1/2 Hit Die of time, and the information gained may be less
or less are counted as 1/2 Hit Die each. in the form of a riddle or poem. This spell enables the caster to stun one vic-
For example, with this spell, a 15th level tim within 120’ (no Saving Throw). A victim
Magic Door’
caster could summon 30 giant bats, rats, or with 1-35 hit points is stunned for 2-12
kobolds; or 15 goblins, orcs, or hobgoblins; Range: 10’ rounds; one with 36-70 hit points is stunned
or 7 rock baboons, gnolls, or lizard men; or 5 Duration: 7 uses for 1-6 rounds. Any creature with 71 or more
boars, draco lizards, or bugbears; or 3 black Effect: Creates one passage hit points cannot be affected. A stunned vic-
bears, panthers, or giant weasels; and so This spell may be cast on any wall, floor, ceil- tim is unable to attack or cast spells, and suf-
forth. ing, or section of ground. It creates a magi- fers a -4 penalty on all Saving Throws for the
cal, invisible doorway that only the spell duration of the stun.
Delayed Blast Fire Ball
caster may use. It also creates a passage Reverse Gravity
Range: 240’ through up to 10’ of non-living solid material
Duration: 0 to 60 rounds beyond the doorway itself. It cannot be cre- Range: 90’
Effect: Delayed blast fireball, sphere of 20’ ated in aliving object of any kind. The door is Duration: 1/5 round (2 seconds)
radius undetectable except by a detect magic spell, Effect: Causes victims in a 30‘ cubic volume
As the name implies, this is a fire ball spell and cannot be destroyed except by a dispel to fall upward
whose blast can be delayed. The magic-user magic spell (at normal chances for success). This spell affects all creatures and objects
must state the exact number of rounds delay The magic door lasts until dispelled, or within acubicvolume 30’. 30’. 30’, causing
(from 0 to 60) when the spell is cast. A small until it has been used 7 times. Note that each them to “fall” in a direction opposite normal
rock, very similar in appearance to a valuable passage through the door is a separate use. gravity. In 115 round, creatures and objects
gem, then shoots out toward the desired loca- The reverse of this spell (magic lock) is a can fall about 65 feet. No Saving Throw is
tion, and remains until the stated delay powerful version of the 2nd level wizard lock allowed, and all victims hitting a ceiling or
elapses. The “gem” may be picked up, car- spell, but cannot be affected by a knock spell, other obstruction take 1-6 points of damage
ried, and so forth. When the stated duration nor by the effects of any magic item. The per 10 feet fallen. Note that after the 1/5
ends, an effect identical to a normal fire ball is magic lock causes any one portal to become round duration ends, gravity returns to nor-
produced-a sudden instantaneous explo- totally impassable as long as the magic mal, and all victims will fall back to their orig-
sion inflicting 1-6 points of damage per level remains, usable only by the caster of the inal places, suffering more falling damage. A
of the caster to all within the area of effect (a spell. The spell can affect an empty lO’x10’ Morale check must be made for each victim
sphere of 20’ radius). Each victim may make portal-like area (such as an empty doorway). of this spell. For example, a magic-user casts
a Saving Throw vs. Spells to take 1/2 dam- The locked portal does not change in appear- this spell at a group of approaching giants in a
age. ance. As with a magic door, the enchantment 40’ tall room. The giants “fall” to the ceiling
Once the spell has been cast, the explosion remains until the portal has been used 7 times and then back to the floor, each taking a total
cannot be hurried nor further delayed, except or until removed by a dispel magic spell. of 8-48 points of damage in the process.


Range: 0 (magic-user only)
Duration: 2 turns per level of the caster
Effect: Allows the caster to turn to stone
This spell allows the magic-user to change
into a statue, along with all non-living equip-
ment carried, u p to once per round (to or
from statue form) for the duration of the
spell. The caster can concentrate on other
spells while in statue form. Although this
spell does not give immunity to Turn to Stone
effects (from the attack of a gorgon, for exam-
ple), the caster may simply turn back to nor-
mal form one round after becoming petrified.
While in statue form, the magic-user is
Armor Class -4,but cannot move. The statue
cannot be damaged by cold or fire (whether
normal or magical), or by normal weapons.
The statue need not breathe, and is thus
immune to all gas attacks, drowning, etc.
Magical weapons and other spells (such as
lightning bolt) can inflict normal damage. If
a fire or cold spell is cast at the magic-user
while in normal form, the character need
only win the initiative (through the standard
roll) to turn into a statue before the attacking
spell strikes. The caster receives +2 to initia-
tive when changing form.
Summon Object
Range: Infinite
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Retrieves 1 object from caster’s home
By means of this spell, the magic-user can
cause one non-living object to leave his or her
home and appear in hand. The object must
weigh no more than 500 cn, and may be no
bigger than a staff or small chest. The caster
must be very familiar with the item and its
exact location, or the spell will not work.
Each item must be prepared beforehand by
sprinkling it with a special powder that costs
1,000 gp per item prepared; the powder
becomes invisible, and does not interfere
with the item in any way. Unprepared items
cannot be summoned by this spell.
If another being possesses the item sum-
moned, the item will not appear, but the
caster will know approximately who and
where the possessor is.
The magic-user may use this spell from
any location, even if the item summoned is
on another Plane of Existence.


Sword spell-like abilities), or flee. While dancing, a

-4 penalty applies to the victim’s Saving
Range: 30’
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster Throws, and a +4 penalty to Armor Class as
Effect: Creates a magical sword well.
The magic-user must touch the victim for
When this spell is cast, a glowing sword made the spell to take effect (a normal Hit Roll).
of magic, rather than metal, appears next to The duration is 3 rounds for a caster of 18th-
the caster. The magic-user may cause it to 20th level; 4 rounds for levels 21-24,5 rounds
attack any creature within 30’, simply by at levels 25-28,6 rounds at levels 29-32, and 7
concentrating. If concentration is broken, the rounds at levels 33-36.
sword merely stops attacking; it remains in
existence for 1 round per level of the magic- Explosive Cloud
user. The sword moves very quickly, attack- Range: 1’
ing twice per round, and Hit Rolls are made Duration: 6 turns
at the caster’s level. Damage is the same as a Effect: Creates a moving poisonous cloud
two-handed sword, but this magical creation This spell creates an effect which appears the
is capable of hitting any target (even those hit same as the 5th level cloudkill spell (a 20’ tall
only by powerful magic weapons). The sword cloud of greenish gas 30’ in diameter appear-
cannot be destroyed before the duration ing next to the caster). The cloud is only
ends, except by a dispel magic spell effect (at mildly poisonous; all victims within it must
normal chances for success). make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be para-
Teleport a n y Object lyzed that round. Each victim within the
Range: Touch cloud makes a new Saving Throw each
Duration: Instantaneous round.
Effect: Causes 1 object to teleport The cloud is filled with sparkling lights
(visible only to those within it), which are
This spell is similar to the 5th level teleport small explosions. Each round, all those
spell, but non-living objects can be affected. within the cloud take damage from the explo-
After casting this spell, the magic-user may sions, with no Saving Throw allowed. This
touch one creature or object and cause it to damage is 1 point for each 2 levels of experi- Mind Barrier*
teleport. The normal chances of error apply; ence of the magic-user, rounding down (9 Range: 10’
an object appearing too high will fall (and points at 18th or 19th level, 10 points at 20th Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster
probably break), and one appearing too low or 21st level, etc.). This explosive damage Effect: Protects against mind-affecting spells
will disintegrate. The destination may not will affect any creature, including those and items
deliberately be one occupied by a solid object immune to fire, gas, electricity, and other
or above ground. This spell affects one creature; an unwilling
special attacks. recipient may make a Saving Throw vs.
The maximum weight affected is 500 cn
per level of the caster. If an object is a solid Mass Charm* Spells to avoid the effect.
part of a greater whole (such as a section of Range: 120’ The spell prevents any form of E S e Clair-
wall), one 10’. 10’. 10’ cube of material (at Duration: Special (as charm person spell) voyance, Clairaudience, crystal ball gazing,
most) will be teleported. If another creature Effect: 30 Levels of creatures or any other form of mental influence or
possesses the item touched, (whether held or information gathering (such as by a contact
This spell creates the same effect as a charm higher plane or summon object) from work-
merely carried), the creature may make a person or charm monster spell, except that 30
Saving Throw vs. Spells (with a -2 penalty); if ing properly. The caster or recipient simply
levels (or Hit Dice) of victims can be affected does not exist for the purposes of those and
successful, the teleport fails. at once. Each victim may make a Saving
If the caster uses this spell to teleport him- similar spell effects.
Throw vs. Spells to avoid the charm, but with In addition, the recipient gains a bonus of
self, there is no chance of error. If the caster a -2 penalty to the roll. The spell will not
touches another creature, it may make a Sav- +8to Saving Throws against mind-influenc-
affect a creature of 31 or more levels or Hit ing attacks, such as all forms of charm, illu-
ing Throw vs. Spells (if desired) to avoid Dice.
being teleported, but with a -2 penalty to the sion and phantasms, feeblemind, and the
The duration of each charm is determined like. (However, a roll of 1 always fails the
roll. by the victim’s intelligence (see the D&D Saving Throw, regardless of adjustments.)
Basic D M Rulebook, page 14). If the magic- The reverse of this spell (open mind) will
Eighth Level Magic-user Spells user attacks one of the charmedvictims, only cause the victim touched to be vulnerable to
that creature’s charm is automatically bro- the mind-influencing attacks given above. All
ken. Any other charmed creatures that see the victim’s Saving Throws against such
Range: Touch the attack may make another Saving Throw, effects are penalized by -8 for the duration of
Duration: 3 or more rounds but other creatures’ charms are not affected. the spell. This reversed spell must be cast by
Effect: Causes 1 victim to dance The reverse of this spell, remove charm, touch, requiring a normal Hit Roll.
This spell causes one victim to prance madly will unfailingly remove all charm effects
about, performing a jig or other dance, for 3 within a 20’. 20’. 20’ volume. It will also
or more rounds. The victim gets no Saving prevent any object in that area from creating
Throw, and cannot attack, use spells (or charm effects for 1 turn.

Permanence Furthermore, if the permanence fails, it (animal-vegetable, vegetable-mineral) the

Range: 10’ destroys the weapon completely. duration is 1 hour per level of the caster. If the
Duration: Permanent until dispelled Some spells used on a creature that are change is from animal to mineral (or the
Effect: Causes 1 magical effect to become commonly made permanent are: detect reverse), it lasts for 1 turn per level of the
permanent magic, protection from evil, read languages, caster. If no change in kingdom occurs (for
read magic, detect invisible, and fly. Some example, if a creature is polymorphed into
By means of this spell, the magic-user can
cause one other magic-user spell effect of 7th spells commonly made permanent on areas some other creature), the change is perma-
level or less to become permanent. No spell are light, phantasmal force, confusion, and nent until removed by a dispel magic spell (at
with an “Instantaneous” or “Permanent” cloudkill. normal chances for success).
duration (such as dispel magic, fire ball, A magic-user needs a permanence spell to Note that creatures created by means of
lightning bolt, etc.) can be made permanent. make any permanent magic item (such as a this spell are not automatically friendly. A
Cleric spells cannot be made permanent, nor sword, shield, or non-charged miscellaneous polymorph cannot affect a creature’s age or
can an 8th or 9th level magic-user spell. item). It is not needed for magic wands, hit points. (See the 4th level polymorph self
The D M must carefully consider other potions, and other temporary magic items. and polymorph other spells for other guide-
spells, and may wish to restrict the use of the lines.)
Polymorph a n y Object
permanence spell for reasons of game bal- Range: 240’ Power Word Blind
ance. A permanence spell lasts until dispelled Duration: See below Range: 120’
by a dispel magic spell from the caster or from Effect: Changes form of 1 object or creature Duration: 1-4 days or 2-8 hours (see below)
some higher level spell caster (at normal
This spell is similar to the 4th level poly- Effect: Blinds 1 creature with 80 hit points or
chances for success). When the permanence
morph other spell, except that an object can less
spell is dispelled, the other spell effect van-
ishes immediately. be affected. If the object is part of a greater With this spell, the caster may blind one vic-
Except for weapons, an item can only whole (such as a section ofwall), up to a 10’. tim within 120’ (no Saving Throw). A victim
receive one permanence spell, and a creature 10’. 10’ volume can be polymorphed. A with 1-40 hit points is blinded for 1-4 days;
can receive two at most. If a permanence creature may avoid the effects if a Saving one with 41-80 hit points is blinded for 2-8
spell is cast on an item or area which already Throw vs. Spells is made, but with a -4 pen- hours. Any creature with 81 or more hit
has one (or a creature which already has two), alty to the roll. points cannot be affected. A blinded victim
both permanence spells are immediately The duration of the polymorph depends on suffers penalties of -4 on all Saving Throws
negated, along with the spells previously the degree of the change. There are three and +4on Armor Class. A cleric’s cure blind-
made permanent. A weapon may have up to basic “kingdoms” of all things-animal, veg- ness or cureall spell will not remove this
5 permanent effects, but a 25 % chance of fail- etable, and mineral. If an object is poly- blindness unless the cleric is of a level equal to
ure applies to each permanence after the first. morphed to one of a “nearby” kingdom or higher than the caster of the power word
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates 1 magical rune
This spell creates a written magical drawing
(a “rune”) of great power. There are 6 kinds
of symbols; the caster must select one when
the spell is memorized. The rune may be
placed on an object (such as a door or wall) or
placed in mid-air. The rune cannot move; if
placed on a creature or moving object, it will
remain at that point when the surface moves
(possibly floating in mid-air).
When any living creature passes over or
through the rune, or touches the object on
which the rune is inscribed, or (foolishly)
reads the rune, the rune’s effect takes place
immediately (no Saving Throw).
There is one exception: a magic-user, and
any other creature which can cast magic-user
spells, may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells if
the symbol is merely read or touched (rather
than passed). If the Saving Throw is success-
ful, the symbol has no effect on that creature.
All symbols look similar to normal writ-
ings. Six symbols and their effects are given
below; the D M may create others (such as
polymorph, teleport, charm, geas, etc.).

Death: Slays any creature with 75 hit caster. If the caster does not have an excellent and then explodes as if a fire ball (affecting all
points or less; does not affect a creature with reason for opening the gate, the being will creatures within a 20’ radius).
76 hit points or more. probably destroy the caster. Even if the caster If 4 meteors are created, each strikes for 8-
Discord: The victim attacks allies (if any) gives an important reason, the being may 48 points of damage and then explodes for 8-
or is otherwise confused (as the 4th level con- merely leave immediately, showing no inter- 48 points of fire damage (8d6). If 8 smaller
fusion spell). The effect is permanent until est. Occasionally, if the reason is of supreme meteors are used, each strikes for 4-24 points
removed by a dispel magic spell (at normal importance to the magic-user and of some and explodes for the same amount (4d6).
chances for success) or by a cleric’s cureall interest to the being, it may actually help for a Note that if the meteors are thrown properly,
spell. short time. one creature or area may be affected by mul-
Fear: The victim immediately runs away The reverse of this spell, close gate, will tiple blasts.
from the symbol, at 3 times normal move- destroy the effect of the normal form of the The player rolls damage for each strike and
ment rate, for 30 rounds (as the wand). spell (but cannot affect an Immortal). It can blast separately, and makes a separate Saving
Insanity: The victim becomes insane, also be used to close a permanent gate to a Throw for each fire ballblast. A meteor never
and cannot attack, cast spells, or use special nearby Plane (such as an elemental vortex). misses.
abilities or items. The victim may walk, but Any victim struck by a meteor takes full
Maze “strike” damage (no Saving Throw). Each
must be carefully tended or may run away.
This effect is permanent until removed (see Range: 60’ victim within a blast may make a Saving
Discord, above). Duration: See below (1-6 turns, 2-40 rounds, Throw vs. Spells to take only 1/2 of the given
Sleep: The victim falls asleep, and cannot 2-8 rounds, or 1-4 rounds) “fire” damage. Even fire-resistant and fire-
be awakened. The victim will wake normally Effect: Traps 1 creature using creatures are fully affected by meteor
in 11-20 hours or if a dispel magic spell is This spell creates a maze in the Astral plane strikes, although they might be resistant to
used to negate it (at normal chances for suc- and places one victim into the maze (no Sav- the fiery explosions.
cess). ing Throw). The intelligence of the victim Power Word Kill
Stunning: Affects any creature with 150 determines the time needed to escape the
hit points or less. The victim is stunned for 2- maze: Range: 120’
12 turns (as the power word stun spell). Animal or Low (1-8) 1-6 turns Duration: Instantaneous
Average (9-12) 2-40 rounds Effect: Slays or stuns 1 or more creatures
High (13-17) 2-8 rounds This spell enables the caster to affect one or
Genius (18+) 1-4 rounds more victims within 120’ (no Saving
The victim returns to the point of disappear- Throw). Exception: a magic-user, and any
Ninth Level Magic-user Spells ance when he escapes the maze. creature which can cast magic-user spells,
Gate* may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid
Meteor Swarm this effect, but with a -4 penalty to the roll.
Range: 30’ Range: 240’ A single victim with 1-60 hit points is auto-
Duration: 1-100 turns or 1 turn Duration: Instantaneous matically slain; one with 61-100 hit points is
Effect: Opens a portal to another plane Effect: Creates 4 or 8 meteor-fireballs stunned (as power word stun) and unable to
When the magic-user casts this spell, he must This spell creates either 4 or 8 meteors (at the act for 1-4 turns. Any creature with 101 or
name one target: the Ethereal Plane, the caster’s choice). Each meteor can be aimed at more hit points cannot be affected.
Astral Plane, one of the four Elemental a different target within range, but one and The spell can also be used to slay up to 5
Planes, or one Outer Plane (for which the only one meteor can be aimed at any one victims if each has 20 hit points or less (again,
name of a resident of the Plane must also be creature. Each meteor slams into its target no Saving Throw).
spoken, usually that of an Immortal, a ruler &
of the outer Planes). These Planes are
explained in the Dungeon Master’s book.
The spell opens a direct connection to the
other Plane of Existence.
A gate to an Outer Plane remains open for
only 1 turn. Any other gate remains open for
1-100 random turns, and there is a 10%
chance per turn that some other-planar crea-
ture will wander through the gate. A gate to
an Elemental Plane actually creates a vortex
and a wormhole, and a wish may be used to
make them permanent.
Contact with an Outer Plane is dangerous,
and the magic-user must know and speak the
name of the Immortal he wishes to contact.
The Immortal he calls will probably (95%
chance) arrive in 1-6 rounds, but there is a
5% chance that some other being from the
Outer Planes will respond. When the being
arrives, it immediately looks for the spell


A thief of 15th-25th
Thief (whether malt
ing XP, Saving Thrc
Tables apply to th
should be added to
D&D Expert Set.
- TItheif experiencetable table

Level XP

15 880,000
16 1,000,000
17 1,120,000
18 1,240,000
19 1,360,000
20 1,480,000
21 1,600,000
22 1,720,000
24 1,960,000 Open Find Remove Pick* Move Climb Hidein Hear
25 2,080,000 Level Locks Traps Traps Pockets Silently Walls Shadows Noise

15 75 73 67 90 70 101 58 87
16 78 76 70 95 72 102 60 90
THIEF SAVING THROW TABLE 17 81 80 73 100 74 103 62 92
Level 13-16 17-20 21-24 25 18 84 83 76 105 76 104 64 94
- 19 86 86 79 110 78 105 66 96
DeathI Ray 20 88 89 82 115 80 106 68 98
or E’oison 7 5 4 3 21 90 92 85 120 82 107 70 100
Magic:Wands 8 6 5 4 22 92 94 88 125 84 108 72 102
Parallpis or 23 94 96 91 109 74 104
TurnI to Stone 7 5 4 3 24 96 98 94 110 76 106
Drag(,n Breath 10 8 6 4 25 98 99 97 111 78 108
Rod, Staff,
-- c.
UI ope11 9 7 5 4
Settling in a Town .
.. .. ,. ave first choice, in any case.
A thief who wishes to settle must contact travelling
* Pick 1pockets: Subtract 5 % per level of
the victin (Or per Hit Die’ for monsters)’
the Thieves’ Guild. The Guild will help A wandering thief is known as a rogue
establish the thief as a Guildmaster for a new 1 . A rogue must remain a member of the
Example: A 30th level thief tries to pick- branch of the Guild (perhaps in a far town
pocket a 30th level fighter‘ The chance Thieves’ Guild, though the Guild need
where no Guild currently exists), or may send only be visited once a year.
165% (normal) minus l5’% (5 times 30)’ Or
a total of 15%.
the thief to an existing Guild to fill a vacancy. 2. once a character becomes a r o g u e the
Your Dungeon Master will tell you how character can never become a Guildmas-
Percen 1’ages of 100 or more: A stuck or many new thieves arrive at the new Guild, or
exceptionally difficult lock, carefully hidden
ter in an established branch of the Guild.
the details of any existing Guild. However, a new branch may be started, if
trap, slippery wall, or very faint noise may Income will be gained from the activities of
cause a penalty to be applied to the normal permitted by the Guildmaster General.
chances (-576, - l o % , -20%, etc.). If, after
the Guild members. The character can, at 3. A rogue has a chance (checked by the
some point, ask for control of a larger branch DM once per game week) of discovering
applying such penalties, the chance of success
of the Guild (and this is recommended when treasure maps or rumors about the loca-
remains loo% Or greater, adjust it to ” % ?
18th level is reached), and may eventually tion of great treasures.
allowing a 1 % minimum chance of failure in become a powerful official in the Guild Head-
all cases. However, do not modify “Move 4. A R~~~ may visit any branch of the
quarters. Thieves’ GuiId to see the Guildmaster.
Silently” or “Hide in Shadows” chances
Skilled (high level) thieves are always Local inform:ition, tips, and rumors may
unless the thiefs specific actions warrant it needed for difficult and unique adve ntures,
(trying to move silently but quickly, hiding thus be gainec1. If assistance is desired, the
and the Guildmaster thief is the person Guild will all(DW several low-level thieves
when very near to torchlight, etc.). adventurers contact when such jobs arle avail- to be hired o nI a temporary basis.
able. You may choose to take the jobs a 5. Rumors abou t the Rogue and the charac-
one or more of the Guild members t o have ter’s activitie s will arise, for better or



All den
ited i n le
Elves are
arts of E
spellsi), and no demi-human can matcn
humain “staying power,” as indicated by hit
point S.
T h ough their hi:rtory is long, demi-
humains never develol)ed the art of combat to
a higl1 degree. However, humans did concen-
trate their talents in this area. Where demi-
hum; ins and human s interact, additional
. ..
fighting skills can be gained oy experiencea
demi..humans, who learn the adv: inced tech-
nique:s from their human friends. Thus, the
PlaYer of a demi-human charac ter should
keep itrack of XP earned after max imum level
is re;ached, and combat ability improves
accordingly (as given in each clash -- ucbuip-
J :-


Clari Relics
Eai:h demi-human clan has a sacred item,
calledI a “Relic,” which is kept in the center of
member immune to this effect is the Clan- reduces this range by 5 feet. When it reaches
the clan stronghold. The Relic is tended by a
master, the leader of the entire clan, who 0, it can do nothing further. When properly
Keep er and 2-8 aides. The Relic in each
respects the Keeper’s power but is not in awe tended by the Keeper, the Relic’s power
dwarven clan is a Forge of Power; in each
of it, recognizing it as a service and a tool for returns at the rate of 5’ range per day (but
elven clan, a Tree of Life; and in each Half-
the clan’s survival. never faster).
ling clan, a Crucible of Blackflame.
The Keeper never abuses this power; it is Cure blindness, cure disease, neutralize
T he position of Keeper is hereditary; each
always used for the best interests of the clan, poison, cure serious wounds: These effects
Keeper passes the secret knowledge of the
not the Keeper. The Clanmaster is often con- are identical to the cleric spells of the same
tendiing and use of the Relic to his or her son
sulted about important situations and orders, names, treated as if cast by a 15th level cleric.
or da ughter, never writing down any details,
and kept advised about the current amount of Identify Magic Item: To use this power,
lest t hey be stolen. This secret knowledge
power in the Relic (see “Spell-like powers,” the Keeper places a magic item by the Relic,
incluides details of constructing a special
below). leaves it there for 24 hours, and then touches
item, as given in each class description.
If the rare situation occurs where the the item. Knowledge about the item then
Ea ch sacred item gives a domination
Keeper gives an order to a Clanmaster and magically appears in the Keeper’s mind. The
powe r (as given in the Dungeon Masters
the Clanmaster counters it immediately, the name of the item and number of “plusses”
book:1 to its Keeper. It also continually radi-
recipient of the order is confused (simply are revealed, but not the number of charges
ates am aura, which has a Turn Undead effect
unable to act or think clearly) until the situa- (each as applicable). Cursed items will,
simil;ir to a cleric’s.
tion is resolved. unfortunately, be identified as normal ones.
T h e Keeper may activate the following
As with the use of cleric spell effects, this
adcIitional spell-like abilities. Turn Undead: The Relic constantly radi-
reduces the Relic’s Turning range by 5 feet.
Cure Blindness ates a magical force which has the same Turn
Cure Disease Undead effect as a 15th level cleric. Crafts
Neutralize Poison In many ways, this effect is more powerful When working with other demi-humans of
Cure Serious Wounds than the cleric ability, for even if the Turn maximum level, the Clanmaster and Keeper
Identify Magic Item attempt fails (against Nightshade or larger), can create several unusual items. Each takes
it is automatically repeated in the following great amounts of time and effort. Your D M
Domination: The Keeper of a Relic enjoys round. In addition, Undead Turned will may reveal more details about these special
great prestige among the clan; the powers of probably not return (check Morale, applying demi-human crafts.
life and death are literally in the Keeper’s a -6 penalty).
harids (much as a human cleric’s). Thus, the
Keeper is held in awe by the entire clan. Spell-like powers: The power for each of
I n game mechanics, this is a domination these effects comes directly from the Relic.
ability-the Keeper can give orders, and the The Turn Undead effect has an initial range
clan members will obey them. The only clan of 360 feet. Each use of a spell-like power


Special Attacks
Dwarven fighting ability can improve rap-
idly with human training, as indicated by the
following Hit Rolls Table. In addition, when
the character’s X P total reaches 660,000, the
Combat Options for Fighters (see D M book)
are gained. For multiple attacks (if an attack
hits with a Hit Roll of 2), two attacks are pos-
sible at 660,000 XP, and three attacks at
2,200,000 XP. Four attacks per round are not
gained. Smash and Parry options are usable,
but the Disarm option cannot be used SUC-
cessfully against a giant-sized opponent.
Special Defenses
Experienced dwarves become more resist-
ant to magic. When the 1,400,000 X P mark
is reached, a dwarf automatically takes only
1/2 damage from any damage-causing spell
or spell-like effect (such as from a magic
item). If the effect allows a Saving Throw, a
successful roll indicates that only 1/4 damage
is taken.
Dwarf XP Attack Rank
600,000 (a) C
660,000 (a) C steal it, or may even assemble an army to 850,000 (b) D
800,000 D retake it, as a Forge is the property of 1,100,000 E
1,000,000 E dwarves and dwarves alone. However, if the 1,350,000 F
1,200,000 F “owner” sells it to dwarves for 50% of the 1,600,000 (c) G
1,400,000 (b) G amount offered (or less), the clan buying the 1,850,000 H
1,600,000 H Forge will award the title of honorary clan 2,100,000 I
1,800,000 I member to the person (or creature!) selling it
2,000,000 J unless he destroyed the owning clan.
2,350,000 J
2,600,000 (d) K
2,200,000 (c) K 2,850,000 L
2,400,000 L Elf 3,100,000 M
2,600,000 (d) M Special Attacks
After reaching maximum level, elves may (a) Same as a Fighter of levels 22-24.
(a) Gain Combat Options for Fighters. Two continue to improve in combat ability by (b) Gain the Combat Options for Fighters.
attacks are possible at this level. studying with humans. This is a slow process, Two attacks per round possible at this
(b) Automatically takes 1/2 damage from however, due to their additional interest in level.
any damage-causing spell or spell-like magic. Refer to the Hit Roll Table below for (c) Automatically takes 1/2 damage from
effect. exact details. When the character’s X P total any breath weapon.
(c) Same as a Fighter of levels 22-24. Three reaches 850,000, the Combat Options for (d) Same as a Fighter of levels 25-27. Three
attacks per round possible at this level. Fighters (see D M book) are gained. For mul- attacks per round possible at this level.
(d) Same as a Fighter of levels 25-27. tiple attacks (if an attack hits with a Hit Roll
The Elven Relic
of 2), two attacks are possible at 850,000 XP,
The Dwarven Relic A Tree of Life stands at the center of every
and three attacks at 2,600,000 XP. Four
A Forge of Power rests at the heart of every elven clan stronghold, with powers as
attacks per round are not gained. Smash,
dwarven clan stronghold, with powers as described on page 29. It also may be used to
Parry, and Disarm options are usable, as
described on page 29. The Forge also may be create the fabulous elven lightship and oil of
used to create the fabulous dwarven lens and sunlight (explained in the Dungeon Masters
the extremely rare oil o f darkness (explained Special Defenses book).
in the Dungeon Masters book). Experienced elves become more resistant This large, intelligent tree may be mis-
A Forge may only be left or found unat- to dragon breath. When the 1,600,000 XP taken for a treant. It cannot be moved, nor
tended if an entire clan is destroyed. If any mark is reached, an elf automatically takes can it move itself, except by a n elven
non-dwarf possesses a Forge, most dwarven only 1/2 damage from any breath weapon Treekeeper. It can only be left or found unat-
clans that hear of it will offer to buy the (most notably dragon breath, but including tended if an entire clan is destroyed.
Forge, for 100,000 gp or more (depending on all sorts of breath weapon attacks). If the Most elven strongholds will pay 20,000 gp or
the clan’s resources). If the “owner” refuses breath allows a Saving Throw, a successful more for accurate information about the loca-
to sell it, the clans may employ Thieves to roll indicates that only 1/4 damage is taken. tion of a living clanless Tree.

Blackflamerests at the heart
lan stronghold, with powers
tge 29. Blackflame is simply
reverse, burning ashes and
ms. The Crucible, a trun-
haped wooden container,
long with the Blackflame
Le fabulous web of shadows
rare oil of moonlight.
y only be left or found unat-
e halfling clan is destroyed.
ing possesses a Crucible,
is hearing of it will offer to
for 10,000 gp or more, or
ire if it contains Blackflame
le clan’s resources). If the
to sell it, the clan may
steal it, or may even assem-
iy to retake it, as a Crucible
of halflings and halflings
if the “owner” sells it to
of the amount offered (or
ring the Crucible will award
try clan member to the per-
!) selling it if he did not
la1 owners.

Nett)Map Symbols Q
.....::.:.: ....
<.: .

Module Location



Clan Stronghold road

u Clear

) Cleric Stronghold

Sargasso Bed

Coral Reef Stream

Desert swamp
@j Forest trail trade route
Grasslands and rolling Hills



(G) vortex elemental


Armor, new ............................ 3 Magic-User ...................................... 19
Artillerist . . .... .............. 8 Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Magist ........................................... 9
B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Bailiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 8 Marshal . . . . . . ...................9

Castellan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 P
Chamberlain ............................. Paragon .......................................... 2
Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 8 Polymath ........................... 2
Clanmaster ............................ Provost ..........................
Clan Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 R
Spells .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeve 9

Demi-human Characters .................... ............. .................9

Strongholds . . . . ....................... 8 ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .................. 9
Spells . . ............................ 14 .... ._-..... .9
Dwarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 30 . . . . . . . . .9
Dynast ............................ ........ .8
. . . . . . . . .8
E ........ .8
Elf ................................
Engineer . ............................. 8
Equerry .....................
Fighter ........................
Unarmed Corn
Guard Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warden .....
Halfling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Hero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Human Characters ................................ 1 1
Human Strongholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Lady-in-waiting .................................. .9



TSR, lnc.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS a n d PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION a r e t r a d e m a r k s o w n e d by TSR, Inc.

A D&D@Campaign is an organized frame-
work which you, the Dungeon Master, create
to provide a realistic setting for a series of fan-
tastic adventures. It should reflect the inter-
ests of both the D M and the players. The
game has a physical setting (wilderness, dun-
geons, towns, etc.), but a Campaign is much
more than that, adding realistic details of all
kinds-even for whole civilizations!
A Campaign is only useful when it fulfills
the purpose of the game: fun. An inexperi-
enced D M can easily become caught up in
the creation of a gloriously detailed medieval
empire, only to find that the players want
something simple. You should talk with your
players about their interests and create a fan-
tasy world that entertains and satisfies both
you and your players.
The Campaign and the adventures within
it are very similar to a series of fantasy novels.
The characters are the heroes and heroines in
these novels; try to focus the action on them.
Most of the world will indeed roll along with-
out them, but player character actions should
influence the history of the world-on a small
scale at first, and on a progressively larger
scale as the characters gain experience and
Fantasy Adventure Game

by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson

Dungeon Masters Companion: Book Two

by Frank Mentzer

Editing: Anne C. Gray TABLE OF CONTENTS

Illustrations: Larry Elmore
and Jeff Easley
T H E CAMPAIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Graphic Design: Ruth Hoyer
Part 1: General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1984 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved Part 2: The Fantasy World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Dominions . . ...................... 3
............................................ 12
Part 3: The Multiverse . . . . .
PROCEDURES . . . . . . .......................... 21
does [not1explain how to play the Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[must] h a \ e the Basic and Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
es before you can use this set.
Damage to Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Demi-Human Crafts . . ....................... 21
. .
Hit Points . . . . . . . . ....................... 22
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ADVENTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1. The Golden Dagger ....................................... 59
2. T h e Arena of Garald the Blue ............................... 60
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The Campaign

Part I: General Guidelines

Levels of Play This may be the majority of the terrain, or When marking your Campaign maps, you
merely an unusual feature. For example, a will probably run out of room, especially in
A carefully designed Campaign can handle single black triangle in a hex indicates moun- hexes with terrain, important lairs, or
characters of all levels. If your experienced tain terrain. If many other black triangles encounters. If there are too many notes, the
players have characters of various levels, be surround it, the entire hex is probably filled information is difficult to find, and play can
sure to have play sessions for the different lev- with mountains. However, if the surrounding be slowed, so make a key for your maps.
els of the characters. Characters should nor- hexes are jungle, the single mountain hex When preparing monster lairs in advance,
mally adventure with other characters of may represent one large mountain in an oth- avoid placing them on the map. If an encoun-
similar level. erwise jungle-filled area. ter is desired or randomly placed, note the
Encourage your players to start other Basic Many features are assumed to be present location to place the lair. By not placing
level characters. Many new rules given in this in each type of terrain. For example, a jungle encounters of this type, you save map space
set-Unarmed Combat rules, new weapons, contains clearings, hills, valleys, swamps, and time.
etc.-can help even the most experienced and so forth-all represented on the map by a Colored pencils may be used to place dots
player enjoy Basic level play the “second time palm tree. in hexes to note lairs, dungeons, and special
around.” A “clear” hex indicates normal flat terrain locations, or to color the different types of ter-
(plains and meadows, cultivated land). rain. Be sure to develop a key for either of
Maps Make up terrain descriptions as needed these systems of marking maps. A number
The standard campaign map hex (see X1) during games, but don’t try to make notes on key will provide the most information, how-
represents an area 24 miles across. Though it everything you say. The players should keep ever. Keep a separate record of the map fea-
is small on a map, this is over 450 square records if they want details on wilderness tures.
miles of area! It is impossible to describe the areas. Keep only the information you need to The standard map symbols given in the
wide range of normal terrain and vegetation remember for the Campaign-encounters, Players Companion are recommended for
in a hex by using a single symbol. lairs, and so forth. use in mapping. They require no artistic tal-
Each standard symbol (see Players Book) Make copies of all your Campaign maps. ent to use.
indicates noteworthy features in a map hex. They are easily damaged or lost.

Adventure Planning
When you create adventures, try to estimate fewer adventures can make the game too number of characters in the party, and then
the difficulty. Only characters who can match easy, and eventually bore them. use the Table to find the total X P needed to be
the challenges should play them; too power- If you play twice or more each week, 6 to 8 gained on the adventure.
ful PCs will find play unchallenging, while adventures per level gained is recommended. (Each number represents 1,000 XP. For
too weak PCs may all die. If your games are once a week or less often, 3 example, “85” means “85,000 XP.” )
You can also create an adventure for a spe- to 5 adventures per level are recommended.
cific character or group. This is more difficult As an average, humans need about
in some ways. You must select monsters, 125,000 XP to gain a level of experience. As Selecting Monsters
traps, and treasures to match the characters’ DM, you may create adventures to accom- When putting different monsters together in
level, and then put them together in a story plish whatever you wish by using the follow- any setting, ask yourself one simple question:
that makes sense. ing Adventure Planning Table. What happens when all these creatures are
When designing adventures for specific left there for a month? The setting should be
characters, review their equipment first. You ADVENTURE PLANNING TABLE “stable”; the creatures should cooperate or
can safely include many powerful monsters if # of Rate of Progress avoid each other for logical reasons. Some
the characters have special equipment to han- Characters 3 4 5 6 7 8 adventures may be based on special tempo-
dle the creatures. For example, characters 1 42 31 25 21 18 16 rary situations, but this should be the excep-
with weapons that have special bonuses 2 83 63 50 42 36 31 tion, not the general rule.
against reptiles have a good chance to defeat a 3 125 94 75 63 54 47 On most adventures, X P gained from
group of dangerous dinosaurs. 4 167 125 100 83 71 63 defeating monsters should be 1/5 of the total
Carefully consider alignment and abilities, 5 208 156 125 104 89 78 XP. This depends on the type of monsters,
as well. Lawfuls prefer Chaotic opponents. 6 250 188 150 125 107 94 random chance of treasure, etc.
Two or more Patriarchs can handle many 7 292 219 175 146 125 109 You may choose to award “bonus” X P for
lesser Undead. Remember the demi-human 8 333 250 200 167 143 125 the adventure. This could be for completion
abilities (finding secret doors, stone traps, 9 375 281 225 188 161 141 of a goal (rescue, retrieving an item, etc.),
etc.), and add special features for them. 10 417 313 250 208 179 156 special individual actions (heroic perform-
ance, exceptional or frequent use of special
Rates of Progress
First, decide how many adventures the abilities), alignment play, or other aspects of
After reaching “Name” level, characters characters should complete before gaining the overall adventure.
should gain a new level of experience for their next levels of experience. This number Select the monsters you want, using all the
every 3 to 8 successful adventures. More of adventures to increase one level of experi- guidelines given. Using the total Rate of Pro-
adventures can cause player frustration; ence is their Rate of Progress. Count the gress XP, subtract monster X P and goal and

The Campaign

activities XP, to determine the XP value of

treasure. Use the monster Treasure Types as
Part 2: The Fantasy World
guides to determine the amount of treasure,
but do roll for its selection. You have already
* determined the amount to be placed, and
should use the Treasure Types as a guide only
to the type, not the amount, of treasure.. .and
remember encumbrance!

The Adventure Planning method gives you
an organized way of designing challenges
equal to specific character levels. However,
be prepared to change the Rate of Progress.
That number is a goal, and represents proper
rewards for good play. If mere bad luck inter-
feres with success, try to compensate by plac-
ing extra treasure on the next adventure.
Watch for unexpectedly deadly situations;
the monsters may d o better than you think.
Don’t penalize the characters if your designs
are too powerful for them, but do not make
things too easy for them, either. If your play-
ers make too many mistakes, or aren’t run-
ning their characters properly-add one or
two adventures to their ideal Rate of Pro-
gress, to give them time to learn.

5/\ \A \
t ower on an acre of land, or a mighty empire
Dominions 1Nith thousands of people. All PC strong-
At “Name” or higher levels of play, the char-’- 1lolds, both human and demi-human, are
acters may build strongholds. T called dominions (see Players Book).
of building a stronghold are Clerics may have independent dominions,
Expert Set (page 23). These stro but they do not swear an oath of service or
be located in lands of your D& fealty to anyone but the Theocracy, the lead-
world; your map should have ers of the church. Fighters usually do well as
hold location marked on it. Charac dominion rulers, powerful and yet free to join
strongholds may or may not be rulers. with or fight against anyone. Magic-users do
following section provides informati not usually establish dominions, but can eas-
how to be a ruler. ily work within the dominion system if
Whenever a piece of land is own desired. Thieves may also rule in this way,
ruled, that land is called a dominion but their Guild duties must be fulfilled as
be of any size, and the ruler can be well. Demi-humans normally do not care for
PC or NPC. A dominion could be human politics at all; their political leader is

The Campaign

the Clanmaster, and the religious leader, the 3. Colonization: A PC may be authorized Settled: Civilized or Borderland
Keeper. Alliances and treaties are common by his or her liege to settle a new dominion Mountain: Borderland or Wilderness (or
between demi-human clans, human dornin- in the liege’s name. The liege will help in settled if it contains a dwarven stronghold)
ion rulers, and independent magic-users. some way, usually with either troops or Jungle or Swamp: Borderland or Wilder-
funds. The established dominions in the ness
General Notes area (if any) may interfere. Note that the Desert: Borderland or Wilderness; how-
The following information is only a guide- area may already be claimed (but not set- ever, an oasis may be any type
line. Some logical system of government is tled or developed) by other distant rulers. Ocean: Wilderness (surface) or any type
highly recommended, for ease of play, but is If the area is already ruled, it cannot be (undersea)
not required. When players want to discuss colonized; it must be conquered.
their characters’ dominions, avoid losing Apply the following guidelines, based on the
4. Enfieffment: A PC may be called upon
group playing time by having individual towns and cities placed (unless limited by ter-
by others (either rulers or peasants) to rule
game sessions with the players. The players rain):
over them; this is called enfieffment (en-
should handle most of the calculations and Every demi-human clan is considered Civ-
FEEF-ment). This often occurs when a
bookkeeping for running a dominion. You ilized, regardless of its population.
group of independent dominions are
should only have to decide results, based on Any area that is 1-6 map hexes from a city
threatened, or when an oath of fealty ends
your Campaign notes. or large town (as defined in the Expert Set) is
by the death or overthrow of the overlord.
The others all swear fealty to the PC, who
The Setting Any area that is 1-3 map hexes from a Civi-
in turn assumes an overlord title corres-
lized area is a Borderland.
The D&D fantasy world is loosely based on ponding to the dominions ruled.
All other areas are Wilderness.
medieval Europe, before the invention of the 5. Conquest: Any PC may obtain a domin-
printing press, and without firearms. The ion by the oldest method in history: con- These notes are guidelines, and the DM is
feudal system is used as the form of govern- quering it. The dominion must be gained not limited to the ranges given. An area may
ment; persons of power offer services, protec- through combat (or threatened combat) to actually contain no cities or large towns at all,
tion, and power. Most of the people are be a Conquest. and still be considered “civilized.”
peasants. The number of peasant families in 3. Population: Peasant families are needed
a dominion is a measure of the power of their Basic Information in every dominion, to work and settle the
ruler. More peasants means more surplus Most dominions are part of larger territories; land. As an average, each peasant family
food and labor available to support the ruler. the ruler of the dominion swears on an oath of has 5 members. The normal “starting
If you are already using a feudal system of service and fealty to a greater ruler. The number” of peasant families present var-
government in your campaign, try to adapt it smallest dominion is called a Barony. Any ies by the type of map hex:
to fit the additional rules given here. If no larger area, containing two or more Baron- Civilized: 500-5000 families per hex
government exists, create one through a rev- ies, is very generally called a “greater domin- Borderland: 200-1,200 families per hex
olution, war, or other method. ion,” and may have any of several names Wilderness: 10-100 families per hex
Obtaining a Dominion (county, duchy, kingdom, etc.).
Each month, the population will grow or
When a dominion is established, the
The five methods of obtaining a dominion details of its Size, Location, Population, and decrease by itself, at a rate determined by the
are by Founding, Land Grant, Colonization, Resources are needed. When these are number of families present:
Enfieffment, and Conquest. found, the Dominion Income can be deter- 1-100 +25% 301-400.10%
1. Founding: To Found a dominion, the mined. 101-200 +20% 401-500 +5%
PC finds an unclaimed wilderness* area Changes in population, income, and so 201-300 +15% 500+ +1% to+5%
and creates a new and independent forth are checked once per month (of game Also, any hex may gain or lose 1-10 families
dominion. The PC is the sole ruler, and time). per month for any of many reasons (acci-
does not swear fealty to any overlord or 1. Size: New dominions usually cover 24 dents, weather, good or bad harvests, etc.).
king. T h e PC may assume any title miles (1 map hex). Larger dominions are 4. Dominion Resources: Every dominion
desired, but existing rulers nearby may certainly possible, but a PC should start
affect that choice (see “Independent has natural resources-either animal,
with a small one at best. mineral, or vegetable. The exact type can
Dominions,” page 5).
2. Location: Every map hex of land is one vary widely. Peasants use and provide
* An “unclaimed wilderness” is any area in resources, and the ruler gains tax income
of three basic types:
which no local ruler is established, and no taxes
“Civilized”-well-settled lands from them.
are paid to any ruler.
2. Land Grant: An existing ruler may ‘‘Wilderness’’-unsettled lands First, select or randomly determine (using
“Borderlands”-between the above ld10) the number of resources in the domin-
appoint a PC as ruler of a lesser dominion
The DM should decide what type each hex of ion. For dominions larger than 1 (24-mile)
in his realm. An oath of service or fealty is
land is as needed. map hex, this may be applied to each hex.
required, and the PC must visit the over-
lord at least twice a year. The overlord When starting with a map of major terrain 1 1 resource 8-9 3 resources
may visit the dominion, and must be features, cities, and towns, the following 2-7 2 resources 10 4 resources
treated well. For offering the Land Grant, guidelines may be used to determine which Next, select or randomly determine (using
the overlord expects loyalty, productivity, type each hex could be, based on terrain: ld10) the type of resource. When selecting,
and military support. Clear, Grassland, Hills, River, or Woods: consider the location of the dominion and its
Any type
The Campaign

terrain; for example, a desert has very few The chart gives apercentage chance of a reac- help determine further actions. A friendly
vegetable resources. tion. Roll d % for each NPC ruler of a ruler may send ambassadors, seeking alliance
1-3 Animal domain near the newly founded territory. or friendship. An unfriendly ruler may send
4-8 Vegetable This If the roll indicates a reaction, the hired bandits or even an army. The exact
9-10 Mineral ruler will, at the very least, send spies and actions must be decided by the DM, based on
agents to gather information about the PC’s the nature of the campaign and further
TYPICAL RESOURCES: dominion. A Reaction Roll may be used to actions by the player character involved.
Animal: dairy, fat and oil, fish, fowl, furs,
herds, bees (honey and wax), horses, ivory.
Vegetable: farm produce, foodstuffs, oil,
fodder, wood and timber, paper, wine. Assumed Chance of Nearby Ruler Reacting
Mineral: copper, silver, gold, platinum, Title Baron Viscount Count Marquis Duke Other
iron, lead, tin, gemstones, tar and oil, clay,
Baron 100 80 60 40 20 10
stone quarry, coal.
Viscount 100 90 70 60 30 20
Count 100 90 80 70 40 20
Independent Dominions Marquis 100 90 80 80 50 30
When a dominion is “Founded,” the ruler is Duke 100 100 90 90 80 50
fully independent, and has not sworn fealty to Archduke 100 100 100 100 90 80
any liege. An independent ruler may claim Other 100 100 100 100 100 100
any title desired. If other dominions are near
the newly founded dominion, however, their
rulers may react unfavorably to the
“upstart,” depending on the title assumed.

Dominion Administration
The ruler of a dominion sets all laws and tax taxes to one’s liege, for holidays, and visiting may want to make the PC work for the Expe-
rates, and controls as much of the lives of the nobles). Peasants work the ruler’s fields, raise rience Points-fighting monster, battles,
peasants as desired. The ruler’s liege nor- and tend animals, act as servants, build the worrying about drought, etc.
mally leaves all matters in the hands of the roads, repair buildings, and so forth. This Example: A PC swears fealty to an NPC
local ruler, without interfering except in the simplified game mechanic is used to repre- Count, and receives an existing “Wilder-
most extreme cases. The greater ruler expects sent many aspects of medieval life. ness’’ Barony of one map hex, by Land
stability and very little else. Tax Income is normally 1 gp per month Grant. It has 200 peasant families, with 1
A dominion ruler is chief judge and law- per peasant family, paid in cash. The exact mineral and 1 animal resource. The player
maker. A ruler holds various “courts” for for- tax rate is set by the ruler, but higher or lower decides to use the standard tax rate. In the
mal occasions. In a Court of Law, criminal taxes can cause various problems. (See Con- first month, the PC Baron receives 3,200 gp
cases are judged. Courts of Honor are held, fidence Level) worth of Income: 2,000 gp of Standard
in which awards of all types are given out. A Resource Income varies by the type of Income, 1,000 gp of Resource Income, and
Court of Welcome is held to honor visitors, resources, as follows: 200 gp of Tax Income. For that month, the
especially nobles. Failure to properly honor a Animal: 2 gp per peasant family PC gains 1,200 X P from dominion rule.
visiting noble is a direct insult; failure to Vegetable: 1 gp per peasant family However, if the PC does nothing in the game,
honor a liege is treason. Mineral: 3 gp per peasant family he shouldn’t receive less Experience Points.
Peaceful administration of the dominion is During the second month, the population
often left to a Seneschal, a representative of When an existing dominion is obtained,
income starts immediately. When a new increases by 40 families (20% of 200), and 5
the ruler. In time of war, the Seneschal puts others come of age (by random roll), for a
his abilities at the service of the Castellan or dominion is created, all Incomes begin after 1
month. new population of 245 families. The total
other military Commander designated by the income for the second month is 3,920 gp:
ruler. A “Ruling Council” is made up of var- One other type of Income applies to any
ruler of more than one dominion-Income 2,450 gp of Standard Income; 1,225 gp
ious advisors, each with his own area of Resource Income; 245 gp Tax Income. The
from the lesser rulers who have sworn fealty
authority. X P total for the second month is 1,470.
to the PC, sometimes called “Salt Tax.” Each
Dominion Income ruler, including PCs, must pay 20% of all
income to his or her liege (a ruler of a greater Record Keeping: The player should now
Each dominion ruler receives Income from 3 dominion). have notes on the location, size, and popula-
sources: Standard Income, Resource tion of the dominion, the number and type of
Income, and Tax Income. Experience Points: A PC or NPC ruler Resources, the 3 Incomes, a total Income per
Standard Income is service equal to 10 gp gains 1 X P for each 1 gp of Resource and Tax month, and total X P gained per month. The
per month per peasant family. This is not Income, but none for Standard Income or Income is added to a dominion “Treasury,”
money; it is the value of services and materi- “Salt Tax” Income. Experience Points are kept by the character. Note that the Treasury
als from various sources (used for paying gained at the end ofeach month. As DM, you is a combination of cash, merchandise, and

The Campaign

so forth, Merchandise is assumed to be sold does not include any gifts given to the visiting ment, to prove the might of his warriors, and
when possible, using Trade Routes. The ruler (a common practice). to build the dominion’s confidence. Tourna-
value of the Treasur y is used to pay for For a Prince, cost is determined by the ments are fun and exciting during game play
troops, new construct ion, and other things. noble (dominion) title plus 100 gp. For exam- and add variety to normal play.
Only part of the Treasury (20-50%) can be ple, a visit from a Count Prince costs 400 gp A Tournament consists of a large gathering
treated as cash during; any one month. The per day. with plenty of entertainment, contests for
PC may add cash to t kle Treasury as desired. Remind players to consider these costs peasants and visitors of less than Name level,
add cash to the Treasu ry as desired. when characters visit their own lesser domin- and major combats (Lists) for Name level
The player should keep a record of each of ions. A Duke’s week-long visit to a Baron entrants. There are two types of Lists: hand-
the following domini01n details: could put the poor Baron deeply in debt. to-hand or missile fire competitions on foot,
Dominion Size and Type of Hex (each) Although peasants and other subjects of a and lance combat from horseback (Jousting).
Current Population dominion are loyal only to their immediate General Notes
Number and type o f Resources ruler, they will obey a visiting noble unless
the orders are contrary to the local ruler’s PC rulers should be aware of the cost of
Current Treasury (t)oth Cash and Total) Tournaments. They attract Nobles; see Visi-
general instructions and laws.
tors for the costs involved. When a PC wishes
Dominion Expenses Holidays to hold a Tournament and has the funds to do
The overall cost of mai ntaining strongholds is A holiday may be declared either by a Noble so, use the following guidelines.
assumed to have alre: idy been deducted for ruler or by the Theocracy. The Holiday If either 1. or 2. (below) is ignored, sub-
all Incomes; no extra money need be spent affects all within the realm; for example, a tract 10 from the dominion Confidence Level
for this by a PC ruler However, other costs King’s Holiday is nationwide. The cost of a (see page 7) and make a Confidence Check.
may occur that must ‘be paid. All dominion Holiday is deducted from the total Income of Apply results immediately, and return to the
costs are subtracted frcxn the dominion Trea- the person declaring it (the church’s tithe, the Tournament (if possible).
sury at the end of eaclI game month. overlord’s 207’0, etc.). If the Holiday is
1. A Holiday must be declared.
First, if the domini on is part of a greater declared by a Count or lesser Noble, the cost
dominion, 20% of all income must be given is 1 gp per peasant (5 gp per peasant family). 2. A great Feast for the general populace
to the higher ruler ea(:h month. Such “pay- If declared by a Duke or higher ruler, the cost must be provided, at the cost of 1 gp per
ments” are usually mi%dein the form of mili- is 2 gp per peasant. The Theocracy usually peasant family in that Dominion.
tary troops, and occasionally merchandise. declares 2 holidays per year; the King (if any) Attending Nobles and Knights
Second, 10% of i311 dominion Income usually declares one.
To determine the highest titled Noble attend-
should be paid to the ‘Theocracy (the church Troops ing, determine the highest title available, find
officials). Although t his is not absolutely One law of medieval society, perhaps the it on the chart, and roll the given type of die.
required, it is highly recommended. If this most important of all, is “support your Find the result of the roll in the third column;
“tithe” (tenth) is not paid, no Cleric will be liege.” Failure to do so can mean loss of the Title that follows the number is the high-
permitted to performI any service in that honor, loyalty, support, dominion, and even est title to attend the Tournament, modified
dominion (including iill forms of curing). If life. by the DM’s decision (see below). Divide
less is paid, certain services may be withheld; Each greater dominion can expect military remaining points among attending nobles
the Theocracy has limited patience. support (troops) from its lesser dominions, at who have a lesser status.
Other costs may in(:lude, but are not lim- their expense. No set numbers or types of The number of Knights attending is given
ited to, the following;: Advisors and other troops are required, but 20% of the total in the last column. Each Knight is a Fighter,
Officials; Entertaining;visitors; Holidays and Income must be given to, or spent for, the level 10-21 (ld12.9).
Feasts; Troops; and Tcmrnaments. higher ruler; troops are an acceptable way of Example: A PC Marquis holds a Tourna-
Visitors: spending this Income. ment. The DM determines the details of the 6
Any ruler visiting a stironghold will expect to If war comes, the overlord issues a “Call to Knights attending. The player rolls ld8 and
receive the services a nd comforts of home. Arms.” Each lesser dominion must then con- gets a 7. According to the chart, a Prince
This can become quit1e expensive, especially tribute even more troops for the armies of the should attend. However, there is no Prince in
Juring visits from nobiles: greater dominion, possibly led by the lesser the surrounding area, so the DM changes the
ruler. In addition, a Peasant Army (Troop result to a Duke (5) and a Count (2).
Class: “Poor” ) is raised in times of war, to
Title cost 1:’itle cost help defend the homeland. Normally, 1/10 of
Baron 100 1h k e 600 the total peasant population can “muster,” Noble Die * Title Knights
Viscount 150 P Archduke 700 joining the Army. This number can be dou- Baron ld4 1 Baron 4
Count 300 P’rince See below bled if sorely needed, but the Troop Class Viscount ld4 2 Viscount 4
Marquis 400 ELing 1000 then drops to “Untrained.” The only cost of Count ld6 3 Count 6
FEmperor 1500 a Peasant Army is a corresponding loss of Marquis ld8 4 Marquis 6
Income (of all 3 types). For example, if 20% Duke ld8.1 5 Duke 6
This basic cost is in gp per day of visit. When
of the peasants have mustered, the total Archduke ldlO 6 Archduke 8
more than one Noble visits at once, use the Income will only be 80% of normal for that Prince ld12 7 Prince 8
highest title applicable. For each titled visitor month. King ld20 8 King 8
accompanying the higher ruler, add 50 g p to Emperor ld20 9 Emperor 10
the cost. Tournaments (Tourneys)
The cost includes (me feast per day, but A ruler may hold a tournament for entertain- The roll should be made by the player whose

The Campaign

character holds the Tournament. The DM PC may enter any Field List, facing prese- Noble of equal title (level is otherwise irrele-
may then divide the total of the roll into any lected or randomly determined opponents. vant) to a Joust. Refusal is allowed, but at the
parts desired, and announce the Nobles Normal combat and movement rules apply; risk of scorn. All magic and magical weapons
attending. The decision should be based on two typical Field Lists are detailed below. are forbidden, and carefully checked.
the DM’s knowledge of the Campaign, along The host holding the Tournament may A Noble may challenge a higher ranked
with common sense. stage as many Field Lists as desired. A typical Noble, but the challenged Noble may send
prize is a valuable (but not necessarily magi- out a “champion” to prove the worth of the
XP Gained: cal) item of 100-1,000 gp value. Magic items challenger. This is to prevent misuse of the
A PC holding a tournament gains 1,000 X P may be offered instead, especially by wealthy challenge system. Most champions are
per number of the highest title attending (as fighters of levels 21-30.
given above), plus 100 X P for each Name A Noble does not normally challenge any-
level PC attending. Archery: All contestants pair off. Each pair one of lesser level or rank unless the provoca-
Escorts: shoots together, aiming at a given target (AC tion is extreme. In any case, victory indicates
Escorts for NPC Nobles should be decided by 10). Each pair shoots 3 times, one from each that honor is satisfied, and the matter is for-
the DM, not randomly determined. The range category (short, medium, long). On gotten. If the reason for challenging a lesser is
Escorts do not normally fight in any Lists, each shot, the entrant’s Dexterity score is not a good one (DM’s choice), then such a
and need not be detailed unless some combat added to the Hit roll (ld20). The highest total challenge may affect the Confidence Level of
or interaction is needed. They will count, if wins that shot, and the contestants proceed to the dominion, or cause some violent reaction
Noble, toward the overall cost, but do not the next longer range and repeat the process. from another dominion. (Keep the PCs from
add to X P gained. The winner of 2 of the 3 shots wins the round, becoming wandering duelists; it is neither
and advances to the next round. The round exciting nor profitable.)
Royalty: winners gather, pair off, and repeat the proc-
A visit from an Archduke, King, or Emperor ess, continuing until one pair remains. The Joust Prizes: There should be only one
should depend on their reaction to the invita- two champions shoot 5 times-once at short Grand Prize for a Joust, usually an item of
tion (a standard or modified Reaction Roll). range, twice at medium and long. The win- jewelry with great value and beauty. The base
There must actually be such a noble, and the ner of 3 of the shots wins the match. “required” cost of the prize is 1,000 gp per
ruler must be friendly enough in order for number corresponding to the host’s title. For
him to attend. Wrestling: The same method of pairing and example, a Prince (7) would have a Joust
rounds (given above) is used, but with 3 Prize worth at least 7,000 gp. The value may
Knights: “falls” per round. The Unarmed Combat be higher. The winner of the Joust will gain
Each Knight comes armed with various rules should be used. Monster types may be the prize and its “required” value in Experi-
weapons. If they fight in a joust, the Knights allowed, especially in Borderlands, Wilds, ence Points (regardless of actual value). The
must wear non-magical plate mail and shield. and Chaotic dominions. Joust Prize can also be magical if the host has
When the Knights fight in the hand-to-hand such an item available. PCs and NPCs hold-
List, they may wear any non-magical armor 2. Joust
A Joust is a very formal and rigid List, with ing tournaments may provide prizes as
and use any weapon, as long as opponents’ desired, but they must meet the “required”
weapons match. much pomp and ceremony. All entrants must
wear full plate mail and carry a shield (AC 2). values.
Any attending Knight may be a Paladin or
an Avenger (DM’s option). Combats are on horseback. Each fighter rides Optional Tournament Ranking: PCs who
forward and attempts to unseat the oppo- enter Tournaments, risking their characters
Lists nent, using a lance. There are 3 “passes.” in fair (or foul) Jousts, may earn the right to
There are two types of Lists: the Field List The victor is the fighter who wins 2 of the 3. bear one of the several titles. The following
and the Joust. Humans and demi-humans Experience Points are gained for each com- suggested list is only a guideline.
compete in Lists; monsters rarely compete. bat, plus a bonus for winning the Grand
No character of less than Name level is Prize. Number of
allowed to fight in a Joust. Whenever a hit is scored, the victim must
All damage taken during a List is real. The make a Saving Throw vs. Wands or be Won Title
host should have a cleric with sufficient spells unseated, losing the Pass. If neither opponent ~

to cure damage taken, but there is a real pos- scores a hit during a Pass, both must make 5 Champion
sibility of dying in List combat. Failure to Saving Throws. If both fall, the Pass is not 10 Chevalier
provide a capable Cleric is an insult, and may counted. If one falls, 1-6 points of additional 15 Silver Champion
cause most of the entrants to leave. damage are inflicted, and the Pass goes to the 20 Premier Chevalier
Experience Points for combat are gained in entrant still on horseback. 25 Grand Champion
Jousts, but not in other Lists. Winners are not cured; they keep all dam-
In a friendly List, any NPC damaged 213 age, without curing, for the next series Dominion Confidence Level
of his starting hit points will probably yield. (against other winners). Opponents are A dominion’s Confidence Level is a measure
Fighting to the death is frowned upon. There selected randomly in an honest list. When an of the populace’s satisfaction with their ruler.
is no dishonor in losing a List. entrant loses, curing is made available; the Ranging from 1 to 500, the Confidence Level
cured loser normally joins the crowd to watch is checked each game year, and as often as
1. Field List the remainder of the Joust.
A Field List is any type of hand-to-hand com- needed otherwise. The current Confidence
bat or missile fire competition, with any Challenges: Any Knight or Noble of Name Level should be noted, along with the notes
weapon or armor agreeable to the entrants. A level or higher may challenge any other on population, income, etc.

The Camlpaign

DeterminirLg the Confidence Level Changing the Confidence Level population growth or loss, weather, number
The base Cconfidence Level of a dominion You may adjust the base number each month Of changes in dominions,
equals the tc)tal of 151-250 (d%+150),plus the because of PC actions, Events, and other fac- existence Ofbandits, wars, number and qual-
total of all 6 of the ruler’s ability scores. This tors as desired. A maximum bonus or penalty ity Of magistrates and sheriffs, number and
Level is the same at the beginning of each of 50 per month, or 10 per item is recom- quality Of forces, number Of strong-
new year, regardless of changes or temporary mended. Many things could cause a change holds, Of and with
adjustments during the year. in Confidence Level, including (but not lim- demi-humans
(You may choose to create a more complex ited to) the following: Tax rates, number and
system, ba sed on the various factors of titles of visitors, number of tournaments
dominion nde.) held, number of advisors, officials and rulers,

Confidence Checks

A Conficlence Check is made when: E. 270-299: The dominion is Steady. J. 50-99: The dominion is Belligerent.
1. Agarne year begins. Apply effect 2. given for “A” (Ideal), Apply effect 2. as given for “H” (Defi-
2. An expected pleasure is ignored (see but with a 25% chance per agent. ant); apply effect 3., but with 1/4 or no
Holid ays, Tournaments, etc.) F. 230-269:The dominion is Average. No normal Standard Income. Apply effect
3. Anat ural disaster occurs (see Events). special notes apply. 4., but with 1/4 or no normal Resource
4. An eriemy military force enters domin- Income. Apply effect 6. as given for “I”
G. 200-229:The dominion is Unsteady. (Rebellious), but with a -10 penalty. In
ion territory. There is 1 chance in 6 that the Confi-
5. Some other situation arises that could addition, apply the following effects:
dence Level will suddenly drop by
affect most of the dominion (DM’s 1. All officials, trade caravans and
optior1). parties of travellers will be
H. 150-199:The dominion is Defiant. attacked by bandits.
To make a Confidence Check, no die roll is Apply the following effects: 2. Any of the dominion’s forces
made. Simply apply the following results
1. Half of the peasants (2.5 times the moving within the dominion will
for the ciurrent Confidence Level (possibly
number of families) form a Peas- be attacked by Peasant Militia,
modified for the situation).
a n t Militia. (Use the “War bandits, enemy agents, deserters,
A. 450-500+:T h e dominion is Ideal. Machine” mass combat system, and/or hostile demi-humans.
APPly the following effects: page 12, as needed.) Special 3. NPCs of other dominions will not
1. All Income is 10% greater than Note: If a dominion force is in any attend any Tournament within
normal. population center (town, village, the dominion.
2. Agents spying for other domin- etc.) equal to 1/3 of the number of 4. All demi-humans are hostile.
ions may (75% chance for each) peasants, the peasants in that area Clans in or adjacent to the domin-
be secretly revealed to the ruler. will not form a militia until the ion forbid trespassing and com-
3. If a random check indicates a troops leave or attack. merce; all treaties and
Disaster (see “Events” chart) 2. Tax income is zero. agreements are revoked. There is
during the coming year, there is a 3 . Standard Income is 1/2 normal at a 50% chance per demi-human
25% chance that it will not occur. best, or 1/3 normal in any area clan that the clan will provide the
4. No changes to the Confidence where a Peasant Militia exists. peasants with military support.
Level of the dominion will reduce 4. Resource income is 1/2 normal at K. 1-49: The dominion is Turbulent.
the Level below 400 for the next best, or 1/3 normal in any area Apply all effects given for “J”(above),
check. where a Peasant Militia exists. but with double normal effects and/or
5. Add 25 points to the Confidence 5. No demi-human clan within or 100% chance of all variables. In addi-
Level for the next Confidence adjacent to the dominion becomes tion, apply the following effects:
Check. involved unless attacked or pro- 1. All peasants are in open revolu-
B. 400-1149: The dominion is Thriving. voked. tion; 95% of them join the Peas-
APPl.y effects l . , 2., and 3. given for I. 100-149:The dominion is Rebellious. ant Militia.
“A” :Ideal). Apply effects 1. and 2. as given for “H” 2. h70Income is obtained unless col-
C. 350-: 399:The dominion is Prosperous. (Defiant). Apply effect 3., but with 1/3 lected by force.
or 114 normal Standard Income. Apply 3. T h e Confidence Level of the
APPl y effects 1 and 3 given for “A”
(IdeaI), and apply 2. with a 25 76 chance effect 4., but with 1/3 or 1/4 normal dominion can never rise to 100 or
per agent. Resource Income. In addition, apply above until the ruler is removed.
the following effect:
D. 300-. 349: The dominion is Healthy. 6. A -5 penalty applies to the Confi-
APPly effect 1. given for “A” (Ideal), dence Level for each game month
and apply 2. with a 25% chance per in which it remains below 200.
agen t.

The Campaign
The Campaign

Changing Rulers/Officials
Though a ruler can appoint others (as given Natural Events: All of the following depend on the terrain, location,
in each title description), taking away titles
and other details of the dominion. “Disasters” are indicated by
can be difficult. A Seneschal can be changed
without trouble, but any change in Noble asterisks.
rulers may cause a reaction, based on the
alignment of the ruler removed. If the ruler Comet 30 % Population Change
was Chaotic, no Reaction occurs. If the ruler Death (Official, Ruler, etc.) 10% (double normal)
was Neutral, there is a 50% chance of a Reac-
tion. If the ruler was Lawful, a Removal *Earthquake 10% Gain or Lose 20%
Reaction is automatic. Explosion 10% Resource Lost 10%
To find the exact reaction, roll ld20, and
compare the result to the Dominion Confi- Fire, Minor 50% Resource New 10%
dence Level, using the following chart. *Fire, Major 10% Sinkhole 5%
Flood 10-50% Storm 80%
EFFECTS OF CHANGING RULERS *Hurricane 15% *Tornado 25%
Confidence ld20 Roll Market Glut 20 %
Level 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Trade Route Lost 15%
1-99 V v v u Market Shortage 25 % Trade Route New 15%
100 - 150 V v u u *Meteor Strike (major) 1% *Volcano 2 %
151 - 199 V U U A
200 - 230 U U A A Meteor Shower (minor) 20 % Waterspout 25 %
231 - 270 U A A A *Plague 25% Whirlpool 25 %
271 - 300 A A A A
301 - 350 A A A F
351 - 400 A A F F
401 - 450 A F F F
451 - 500 F F F F
V: Violent Reaction from the peasants. Confi-
dence Level drops to “Turbulent“ (K) if not
already there. Peasant militia forces attack all
strongholds; assassination attempts, sabotage,
and other effects are possible (DM’s choice).
U : Unfavorable reaction from the peasants. Sub-
tract 20 points from the Confidence Level
(minimum 0) for the next check only.
A: Acceptable reaction from the peasants; no
~ Unnatural Events: The following events are are not based on Nature.
F: Favorable reaction from the peasants. Add 20
Assassination 10% PretenderIUsurper 10%
points to the Confidence Level for the next Bandits 50% Raiders from other dominion 25 %
check only.
Birth in ruling family 20% Rebellion (minor) 10%
Dominion Events Border Skirmish 40 % Resident Specialist, New 20 %
At the beginning of each game year, when a Cultural Discovery 10% Spy Ring 60%
Confidence Check is made, the D M should
also select or randomly determine Events Fanatic Cult 10% Traitor 30 %
(both natural and unnatural) to occur in the Insurrection 10% Accidental death of Official 25 %
coming year. A percentage chance is given for
each Event to determine randomly. The D M Lycanthropy 15% VIP Visitor 10%
may modify chances as desired. Magical Happening 30 % Wandering Monsters, 20 HD+ 75 %
Each dominion should have 1-4 Events per
year. Random results should be modified for Migration 10%
balance; four Disasters in a single year could
wipe out a dominion, which is usually unfair.
Space does not permit detailed descrip-
tions of Events; those included here will help
to stimulate the DM’s imagination.

The Campaign

Titles Royalty Baron, Viscount, Count, or Marquis:

A Noble may be anyone who has become a “Your Lordship”
ruler, but the term royalty is reserved for Duke or Archduke: “Your Grace”
The ruler of a dominion is called a Noble, a Prince: “Your Highness”
Kings (or higher rulers) and their families.
member of the Nobility. Nobles normally Crown Prince: “Your Royal Highness”
Any royal ruler may, if desired, reserve the
gain their titles by grant from a member of Imperial Prince:
right to bestow Noble titles; if so, the lesser
the Royalty (see below), or possibly form :Your Imperial Highness”
rulers may not appoint anyone but Sene-
some other sovereign (independent) ruler. King: “Your Majesty”
If the PC has a dominion within the struc- Emperor: “Your Imperial Majesty”
A royal ruler may award a lesser Noble a
ture of an existing realm, then the PC’s title is
“Conquest” (for purposes of determining Other titles are often used in addressing other
based on the following. Both masculine and
new titles) for successful defense of the important persons. For example, a Knight is
feminine terms are given (feminine in paren-
greater dominion in times of war. Bravery always “Sir“ (“Madam“) unless “Lord“
theses). All titles are cumulative; for exam-
and outstanding personal leadership are the (“Lady“) applies (which is then used
ple, a King could also be a Duke, Marquis,
primary guidelines. instead). High-ranking members of the The-
Count, Viscount, and Baron.
The following definitions are for D&D@ ocracy may be called “Your Grace.” You may
A ruler who loses or leaves a dominion may
game purposes, and do not precisely match add other titles as desired.
keep the title gained through rulership,
the historical titles of the same names.
regardless of current status, assets, etc.
An Archduke is a Duke who is a relative of Other Titles and Governments
A Baron (Baroness) rules a dominion of at
a King or Emperor, and who rules a domin- Other names and forms of government are
least 1 stronghold and the population needed
ion in the Kingdom or Empire. The domin- certainly possible, and even common. The
to support it. The dominion is called a Bar-
ion is called a Grand Duchy. This title can Expert Set map includes a group of Jarldoms
ony. Additional strongholds may be added,
also be given by an Emperor to an indepen- (ruled by “Jarls”-Earls, which are similar
and the character may appoint Seneschals to
dent Duke who joins the empire, though this to independent counts), an Emirate (ruled by
rule them.
is very rare an Emir, a King of tribes), a Republic, sev-
A Viscount’ (Viscountess) rules 2 or eral Freeholds, and others.
A Prince (or Princess) is a son (daughter)
more Baronies, at least one of them through a The following brief notes on forms of gov-
of a King or Emperor, whether by birth, mar-
Baron. The greater dominion has no special ernment may be useful:
riage, or adoption. A Prince is usually a
name. A Viscount may be a Baron, or may
Baron, but need not be a dominion ruler Confederacy: A united group of indepen-
choose not to keep that duty, as desired. A
unless desired. A Prince cannot grant other dent dominions.
Viscount can become a Count only by adding
titles unless a dominion is ruled, and the lim- Democracy: A single dominion or con-
a dominion by Conquest; other methods of
its of the dominion rank apply. For example, federacy of dominions ruled by the people,
adding dominions do not change his title. A
a Baron Prince can only appoint Seneshals. either directly or through elected rulers.
Viscount may appoint Seneschals. *(VIE-
The dominion of a Prince is called a Princi- Dictatorship: Any dominion ruled by
count) one supreme leader (but without any nobility
A Count (Countess) is a Viscount who has A Crown Prince is a Prince who will inherit or royalty).
added a dominion by Conquest, and who a Kingdom when the current King dies. An Feodality: A dominion within the “feu-
thus rules at least 3 lesser dominions. The Imperial Prince is a Prince who will inherit dal system”; greater power is gained through
greater dominion is called a County. Other an Empire when the Emperor dies. the loyalty (fealty) of lesser rulers.
dominions may be added in the usual ways. Magocracy: Dominion ruled by magic-
A Count can only become a Marquis by add- A King (or Queen) is a ruler of a large users.
ing another dominion by Conquest. A Count greater dominion, a Kingdom. The lesser Militocracy: Government by fighters.
may appoint Barons and Seneschals. dominions within it are ruled by Archdukes, Monarchy (or Autocracy): A dominion
Dukes, and/or other rulers. ruled by a leader who inherited the title.
A Marquis (Marquesa) is a Count who
has added one or more dominions by Con- An Emperor (or Emperess) is a ruler of a Oligarchy: A dominion ruled by two or
quest (in addition to the ones necessary to group of independent dominions, each ruled more rulers equal in power.
become a Count). If other dominions are by a King, Queen, Archduke, Duke, or lesser Republic: A democracy with elected
added by any method, the title of Duke can ruler. The greater dominion is called an rulers (or thieves).
be gained. A Marquis may appoint Barons Empire. Theocracy: Government by clerics.
and Seneschals. For Kingdoms and Empires, accurate
dominion details cannot be given; the types
A Duke (Duchess) is a Marquis who has vary widely. If desired, a group of duchies
added one or more dominions by any may make up a Principality, which can be
method. Further additions do not alter this part of a Kingdom, which can be part of an
title. The greater dominion is called a duchy. Empire.
A Duke may appoint Seneschals, Barons,
Viscounts, Counts, and Marquises, as long
as the dominion requirement for each is met. Titles and Forms of Address
Note: Although the requirements for a title A royal person usually uses the term “we”
may be gained, the title is not bestowed auto- instead of “I.” The following terms are used
matically; it must be granted by a higher when speaking to any ruler in formal or social
ruler able to do so. settings:

The Campaign

Mass Combat (The War Machine)

The “War Machine” is a system of game Assumptions opponents, morale, etc.). Each player then
rules designed to resolve large battles in the Several things are assumed in the War rolls d % , and adds the modified Battle Rat-
D&D game. The War Machine will work Machine mass combat system: ing of the troops. The high roll wins the bat-
with any number of troops; it is recom- 1. All troops have a “level of quality’’ that tle.
mended for any group with more than 10 can improve or drop with time and expe- The entire system has four basic steps:
combatants. To use the system, all you need rience. 1. Calculate the BASIC FORCE RATING
is a pencil and paper, plus some knowledge 2. Many other factors such as terrain, (BFR) of the troops.
of simple arithmetic. weather, etc., besides quality of troops, 2. Find the T R O O P CLASS.
influence the outcome of a large battle. 3 . Calculate the BATTLE RATING (BR).
3. Luck, good or bad, can influence combat 4. Determine and apply
results, whether in a single combat or a COMBAT RESULTS.
clash of armies. Steps 1 , 2 , and 3 are handled when a force is
4. A character knows how to survive in the hired and outfitted. Step 4 is used when a
D&D world; the player does not need to battle occurs.
know the tactics of war. Throughout the system, the person or
creature commanding a force is called the
How It Works Leader. Others, called Officers, help the
Each body of troops (called a “force”) is leader to control the force. The fighting per-
given a rating for their quality. When com- sons in a force are called the Troops.
bat occurs, this “Battle Rating” is modified In the calculations, round all fractions UP
for battle conditions (terrain, number of unless the instructions say otherwise.

STEP 1: Calculate the (Total levels of officers)/(Number of offi- (triple normal cost).
BASIC FORCE RATING cers) x 3 Add 5 if the troops are armed with a second
The Basic Force Rating is the total of 4 fac- (Total level of troop)/(Number of troop) weapon of the same quality as the first. Add 5
tors: Leadership, Experience, Training, and x2 more points if the average Armor Class of the
Equipment. A fifth factor applies if the force + 1 per victory (up to +lo) troops is 5 or better.
is Special: elves, dwarves, or powerful mon- - 1 per rout (up to -10)
+ 5, 10, or 15 (based on quality ofweapon)
sters. + 5 (if carry a second weapon of equal
Experience Factor
a.Leadership Factor: Find the level of the quality)
Leader of the force. Modify it by all the Lead- + 5 (if AC = 5 or better)
er’s adjustments for Intelligence, Wisdom, c. Training Factor: Score 1 point for every
and Charisma scores. Then add a +2 bonus week spent in training (maximum 20 per Equipment Factor
for each 1 % of the force that is “Name level” year). Add 1 for each week that the Leader
characters (PCs or NPCs). spends with them (maximum 20), and add 1 e. Special Troop Factor: If the troops are all
for each month that the troops remain either elves or dwarves, this factor is 15. Note
Leader level IN, WI, and C H adjust-
+ together and are not off in their homes or that dwarves and elves are never in the same
ment towns (maximum 12 per year). force.
+2 per 1 % of force that is Name level Costs: Use the “Mercenary” pay rates If some monster troops have two or more
(Expert Set, page 24). Training time costs asterisks listed with their Hit Dice, they are
Leadership Factor double the amounts given. “Special.” For each 1 % of the force that is
1 per week trained (up to 20) “Special,” score 2 points for this factor.
b. Experience Factor: Find the average +

Example: In a force of 290 ghouls and 10

level of the officers in the force (not counting + 1 per week leader trained with them (up
to 20) spectres, 4% of the force has two asterisks,
the leader), and multiply it by 3. For non- for a Special Factor of +8.
human troops, the Officer level is the average + 1 per month troops on duty (up to 12)
Hit Dice, plus one. Note: A force must have Add all these Factors to find the BASIC
1 officer for every 40 troops, or this part of the Training Factor FORCE RATING (BFR) of the force.
Experience Factor is zero. Record this number for future reference.
Find the average level of the troops (not d. Equipment Factor: The base value is 5, Leadership
including the Leader or Officers), double it, 10, or 15, depending on the quality of the + Experience
and add that to the Officer rating. Add 1 to weapons. Use 5 if the weapons are “average” + Training
the total for every victory the force has won in (the normal cost). All troops are assumed to + Equipment
the last 10 years (+lo maximum), and sub- have average weapons unless others are spec- + Special Troop
tract 1 for every time the force has been ified). Use 10 if the weapons are “good”
routed in that time (-10 maximum). (double normal cost), or 15 if “excellent” Basic Force Factor

The Campaign


BFR Troop Class BFR Troop Class
“Troop Class” is a measure of the overall
quality of a force. Once you know the BFR of 0-20 Untrained 71-80 Average
the force. use the chart below to find the 21-35 Poor 81-100 Good
Troop Class. Keep a record of both the BFR 36-55 Be1ow
and the Troop Class. Average 101- 125 Excellent
56-70 Fair 126. Elite

STEP 3: Calculate the BATTLE Explanations a. Start with the Leader’s level: -
RATING (BR) Mounted applies to any “steed,” including b. Add ONE of these, based on the
horses, dire wolves, griffons, dragons, etc. average Hit Dice of the Force
Divide the BFR of the force by 10, rounding
Missiles includes bows, crossbows, slings, Less than 1: 20
up. The result is the Bonus to use in all the
and others (giant-thrown boulders, manti- 1 to 2.: 30
following calculations. Examine the follow-
core spikes, etc.). 3 to 4+: 40
ing statements and their explanations, and
Magical includes magic weapons (sword 5 to 6+: 55
then add the Bonus to the BFR every time
+1,arrow +2,et a].), breath weapons, any poi- 7 to 8.: 65
one of the statements is true. Since this could
son, magical defenses, regeneration, energy 9 or more: 80
be done up to 12 times, the total bonus could
drain, wands and other devices, etc. Hit Dice Factor:
be more than the original BFR.

Spells includes only spells memorized, cast c. Add if the force has any:
The total BR is the original BFR plus all
from scrolls, or spell-like natural abilities archers: +lo+-
bonuses. Note the BR with the Troop Class
(such as a spirit’s). spell casters: +lo+-
and the BFR.
Flying includes normal and magical magical beings: +lo+-
Mounted: flying beings: +lo+-
a. 20% or more of the force is mounted. forms, but not mere levitation. It applies to
flying steeds as well (such as pegasi). d. Add the maximum damage per
b. 50% or more of the force is mounted. round of the most numerous crea-
Speed should be calculated with a crea-
Missiles: ture’s fastest mode of movement. For exam- ture type: -

c. 20% or more of the force can use missile ple, flying creatures should be used at their QUICK TOTAL BR:+-
fire. flying rate, not their walking rate.
d. 20% or more of the force has a missile fire
range of 100’ or more. Example: An elven prince named Gar has a Dividing a Force
Magical: force of 500 elves, all 2nd level and equipped To use the War Machine in a battle, each
e. 1% or more of the force is equipped with with bows and longswords. The BFR is 96, side must have the same number of forces or
magical abilities. and troop class is “Good.” One hundred of armies. If one side has a greater number of
f. 20% or more of the force is equipped with his elves are mounted on pegasi, and all can forces than the other side, the side with fewer
magical abilities. cast spells. However, only 12 elves have forces must be divided into an equal number
g. 100% of the force is equipped with magi- magic items. of armies. A player may keep the original rat-
cal abilities. To find the Bonus, 10% of96 is 9.6, or 10. ing of the force, and simply declare that
Spells: Gar adds 10 to the BFR eight times: for a. troops have been split into separate armies.
h. 5% or more of the force can cast spells. (20% are mounted), c. and d. (more than For example, 1,000 orcs (BR 72) meet 3
i. 30% or more of the force can cast spells. 20% can fire missiles, and the maximum other forces: 200 elves (BR 83), 400 men (BR
range is greater than loo’), h. and i. (the 70), and 140 dwarves (BR 88). The orcs must
Flying: entire force can cast spells), j. and k. (20% of
j. 1% or more of the force can fly. split into 3 forces, all of which will have the
the force can fly), and 1. (the average move- same BR (72). These might be 100, 100 and
k. 20% or more of the force can fly. ment rate is well over 100’ per turn). The 800, or any other combination, as long as at
Speed: total bonus of +8O; added to the BFR, gives a least 10 individuals are in each force.
1. The force has an average movement rate of total BR of 176. The player with the force having the high-
100’ per turn (or more). est BR (the dwarves in the example) picks an
Quick Battle Ratings
opponent for their force. The dwarves pick
Situations will often arise where you don’t one group of 100 orcs. The next highest rated
want to take the time to use the full system for force picks an opponent; the elves take the
determining Battle Ratings. The following other group of 100 orcs. The third highest
“Quick System” will work for most troops, rating is the orcs, so they would choose
without requiring as many calculations. If next-but there is only one remaining force,
you have a n extremely powerful force the men, so the 800 orcs will fight the 400
(because of level, abilities, hit dice, etc.), you men.
will probably be better off with the full proc-

The Campaign

* Troops properly equipped and trained or

native to the terrain do not suffer the penalty.
(e.g. Arabs in desert)
1. Troop Ratio: Find the total number
of troops in each force, and divide the
larger number by the smaller. If the
total is 1.01 to 1.5, the 1.5 ratio is used.
Only the larger side benefits from this
adjustment, and only one benefit
Steeds are only counted as members
of a force if their primary function is
fighting (such as dragons) and not
transportation (such as horses).
2. Morale: This reflects the confidence
of a force. Troops that fight in their
home territory, that know they can
beat an opponent, or are of superior
quality to the foe may benefit from
one, some, or all of these.
3. Environment: Certain conditions
may help or harm a force. Goblins in
the daylight are at a disadvantage, as
are fire giants in snow.
4. Terrain: In many cases, the ground
on which the battle is fought will give
an advantage to one side or the other.
STEP 4: Determine COMBAT RESULTS Apply as many of these modifiers as fit
The forces that have been rated according to 4. Terrain (use all that aDDlv): your force; note that some apply only
the above three steps are now prepared to +20 if higher than opponent to defenders.
meet on the field of battle. To find out what +20 for Halfling force in fields or woods Determining the Defender: When
the result of this engagement is, start with the +10 for Elven force in woods two forces arrive at the same location,
BR of each force, and add or subtract all of +20 for Dwarven ‘force in hills or moun- they must stop moving. If both forces
the following adjustments that apply. tains choose to defend, neither gets the
-20 for force with mounted troops in defender bonus.
1. Troop Ratio (use only one per battle): mountains, woods, or stronghold 5. Immunities: This reflects the advan-
+15 if 1.5 to 1 -20 for force in mire (marsh/mud)* tage possessed by some creatures who
+30if 2 to 1 -10 for force on shifting ground (snow/ cannot be hit by normal weapons; gar-
+45 if 3 to 1 sand) goyles and lycanthropes are some
+60if 4 to 1 * Defender Only (Ignore if all of attackers examples.
+70 if 5 to 1 can fly; use only 1/2 of adjustment if 5 % 6. Fatigue: Troops may become fatigued
+80if 6 to 1 or more of attackers can fly): as a Combat Result of a previous battle
+90 if 7 to 1 +10 if defending in place (holding) (see the Combat Results Table) or
+lo0 if 8 to 1 or greater +50 if defending a narrow defile, pass or because of a Forced March.
bridge Results
2. Morale (use all that apply): +40 if attacker must cross deep water
+10 if force is in dominion of their liege +20 if defending in mountains, hills, or When the BR is modified as applicable, each
+10 if they have beaten this foe before rough terrain, or behind a wall player rolls d % (a Combat Roll),and adds
+10 if Troop Class is 2 levels higher than +50 if force is in a stronghold (and see the modified BR to the result. The total is the
the enemy “Sieges”) Combat Result. The player with the highest
+30 if attacking a n enemy “ O n the 5. Immunities (use only 1 per force): Combat Result wins the battle.
March” +150if force is immune to enemy’s attacks Applying Combat Results
-10 if any accompanying force has Routed +50 if 1% of force is immune to enemy’s When the winner and loser of a battle have
3. Environment (use all that apply): attacks been identified, determine the effects of the
+25if in extremely favorable environment +50 if force is immune to 80% of enemy’s battle (killed, wounded, fatigued, etc.) as fol-
-25 if in extremely unfavorable environ- attacks lows: subtract the Loser’s Combat Result
ment 6. Fatigue (use only 1 per force): from the Winner’s. Find this difference in the
+20 if the entire force in a night battle has -10 if force is moderately fatigued left-hand column of the Combat Results
Infravision -30 if force is seriously fatigued Table. Apply the resulting Casualties,

The Campaign

Fatigue, and Location to both the Winning

(W) troops, as noted. COMBAT RESULTS TABLE
Casualties: When subtracting casualties, Difference Casualties Fatigue Location
consider half of them as dead and the other w:L W:L W:L
half as wounded. When a force contains
mixed troops (such as trolls and goblins), the 1-8 O:lO% N:N F:R
casualties must be split as evenly as possible 9-15 0:20% N:N F:R
between them. If a force retreats from the 16-24 10%:20% N:M F:R
field, treat all wounded as killed. If a force 25-30 10%:30 % N:M F:R+1
holds the field after the battle, those wounded 31-38 20%:40% M:S R:R
troops can return to action in 1-4 months. 39-50 0:30% N:S F:R+2
Fatigue: Troops will remain fatigued for 51-63 20%:50% M:S F+l:R+3
1-4 days. “Seriously fatigued” troops 64-80 30% :60% M:S F+l:R+3
become “moderately fatigued” in 1-4 days, 8 1-90 10%:50% N:S F+3:R+2
and will have their strength restored after 91-100 0:30% N:Rout F+3:Rout
another 1-4 days. 101-120 20%:70% N:Rout F+3:Rout
Location: Terrain units represents what- 12 1-150 10%:10% N:Rout F+3:Rout
ever measure of distance is most appropriate. 151. 10% :100% N:- F+5:-
On a hex or square grid map, this is one hex
or square. If no unit of measure seems obvi-
ous, use 1 mile. If multiple forces fight and 1
W Winner
L = Loser
R = The force must retreat from the field.
R+#= The force must retreat that number of ter-
or more forces on each side holds the field, # % - T h e percent of the force killed and rain units.
another round of battle may be fought wounded. Round fractions up. F+#= The force may advance that number of ter-
between them. If some of a player’s forces N = The force is not fatigued. rain units.
M The force is moderately fatigued.
5: Rout = The force ceases to exist as such. Survivors
have routed or retreated, any that remain will appear at home 1-10weeks later.
S = The force is seriously fatigued.
may choose to retreat to avoid fighting F = The force holds the battlefield after the bat-
another battle. tle.
If all of the enemy forces have left the terrain
unit occupied by your forces, a day of battle ~

ends. No more fighting occurs until the next TACTICS TABLE (OPTIONAL)
day (if applicable). SIDE A
Sieges I 2 3 4 5 6
SIDE B Attack+ Attack Envelope Trap Hold Withdraw
A force located inside a fortified structure
(walled town stronghold, etc.) may be 1 Attack+ c21c2 -201 c2 c1/+10 +2o/c2 -25/C2 31.20
attacked by another force, but has a superior 2 Attack c21-20 ClIC1 -1o/c1 +1o/c1 C-ll- c2/+10
position. This is called a “siege.” The force 3 Envelope +1O/C1 (211-10 NE -2o/c-1 c21.20 C-l/+10
within the structure is the defender. If the 4 Trap c21.20 c1/+10 c-1/-20 NE c-11-20 c-11c-1
defender comes out of the structure, unmodi- 5 Hold c21-25 -IC-1 +20/c2 -2o/c-1 NC NC
fied War Machine rules should be used. If the 6 Withdraw +20/C3 +1o/c2 +lO/C-l c-11c-1 NC NC
defender remains within the structure, a
“siege” results; use the War Machine, but A I B A / B A I B A / B A / B A I B
with the following additional rules.
Note: Attack. = forceful attack to over run C-1:casualties are decreased by 10%
The defender gets the following benefits: Attack = close and combat +lo,+25,etc: add this number to the force’s BR
1. When calculating the Troop Ratio, multi- Envelope = attempt to encircle foe -10,-25,etc: subtract this number from the force’s
ply the number of defending troops by 4. Trap = lure foe to an ambush BR
Hold = stand fast at all costs NE: the plans cancel, with no effect on the battle
2. Combat Results of “Retreat”or “Rout” Withdraw = retreat rather than fight NC: No combat occurs; no losses are inflicted
are ignored by the defender. C1, C2, C3: casualties are increased by
3. All defender casualties are reduced by 2076, or30%
The attacker has the following options:
1. The defender may be attacked normally, Special Note: Some forces have clerics Optional Rules
using the above rules; O R
available to magically create food and water. The following guidelines may be added to the
2. The defender may be “beseiged”-the If a besieged defender does not have a cleric,
attacker surrounds the defenders, keeping War Machine mass combat system if desired.
a record of food supplies should be kept. After They give players the opportunity to control
them within the structure. This adds +5to
these are exhausted, the defender loses 10% the battles more closely.
the attacker’s BR for each week of the
of its numbers (not rating points) per week
siege. (This represents the building of 1. Tactics
until the siege ends.
siege engines, and mining to weaken the A good leader will select a plan before com-
defender’s position.)
The Campaign

mitting troops to battle. The success of this tions. handedly battling a huge enemy force.
plan depends on the opponent’s plan. “Some reconnaissance” means that some
Each commander (player) chooses a Tactic scouting information has been gathered, but Other Notes
from the Tactics Table. To indicate the choice, lacks detail. A normal game session may be played in
place a 6-sided die on the table before you, “Misinformation” can be the capture of combination with the War Machine, using
with the number of your plan facing up. false plans, or belief in information provided the system to determine overall results while
Cover it with one hand until your opponent by a double agent, or other unusual circum- focusing the game on the actions of the char-
has also made a choice; then reveal both stances. acters. The shift from role playing to mass
choices at the same time. Use the Tactics 2. Surprise: combat situations (and back) can be accom-
Table to find the results. (Remember that the plished easily with these guidelines:
+40 with surprise attack from ambush
die is placed to reflect the player’s choice; it is 1. Damage to PCs: PCs (and major NPCs)
+20 with surprise attack on encamp-
not rolled randomly. Written choices can also are never killed as a result of a War Machine
be used.) battle. They may be scattered and separated
If the result gives only one effect (NE or If a character does something exceptional to (DM’s option), but any attempts to actually
NC), that effect is applied to both sides in the hide the force (camouflage them, occupy the damage the characters should be handled in
battle. If the result is two effects (separated by heights over a narrow pass, etc.), the force normal game sessions.
a slash), the result on the left applies to the has a 50% chance of surprising an enemy
that moves into the ambush. If the ambush-
2. PC items and spells: If a normal adven-
“Side A,” and the result on the right to “Side
ing force is invisible, the chance is 80%. ture is played, then only the spells and magic
B.” There is no advantage to being either A
item charges actually used are lost. If no
or B. Other adjustments for night, natural terrain
adventure is played, determine whether the
If more than one force per side is involved (halflings in woods, for example), or magic
PC is on the winning or losing side. If on the
in the battle, choose one tactic per SIDE, not should be decided by the DM.
losing side, all combat spells and 2/3 of the
per force. A surprise attack on an encampment
charges in all offensive and defensive magic
requires the elimination of enemy pickets,
2. Mercy items are used. If on the winning side, 1/3 of
guards, and any magical protections. If this
After a battle is fought and casualties have the applicable magic item charges are used,
can be accomplished with a role-playing
been determined, the winner of the battle and the PC keeps 1 combat spell uncast.
adventure without raising an alarm, the
may choose to show mercy to the loser. If so, encamped force may be attacked with sur- 3. Experience Points: XP are earned both
this is declared before the loser’s casualties prise. for commanding a force and for performing
have been subtracted. When Mercy is Heroics. If a PC leads a force, find the num-
shown, apply the following immediately: 3 . Leader Loss:
ber of troops in the enemy force. If the PC
+30 if leader is “removed”
1. The loser’s casualties are cut in half. wins the battle, the PC gets that number of
+10 if other officer is “removed”
2. All wounded may be recovered, even if XP. The PC gets 1/3 of that number if the
the loser has been driven from the field. “Removed” can mean killed, captured, battle is lost.
3. A +2 bonus applies to all the loser’s charmed, put to sleep, o r otherwise
4. Magic Items: A staff o f health or rod of
future Reaction Rolls involving the winner “removed” from the force before the battle
victory can affect a battle and its aftermath,
(including both leaders). begins. Removing an opposing leader does
as follows:
4. If the loser fights the winner again not count as a heroic task (see 4.).
StaffofHealth: If the user holds the field
within 1 year, a -20 penalty applies to the An attempt to remove an opposing leader
after a battle, up to 500 wounded may be
loser’s BR. can become a good role playing adventure.
immediately restored to full strength.
Be sure to allow a good chance of the PCs
3. Character Actions being “removed” themselves! Also, when a
Rod o f Victory: Add a +25 bonus to the
Some of the actions of player characters Combat Roll (to a maximum roll of 100). If
force led by a PC fights one led by an NPC,
may have a great effect on the outcome of a the holder loses the battle by a difference of
the enemy may send a group to “remove” the
greater than 100, the “91-100” Combat
battle. Use the following adjustments to the PC.
Battle Rating (BR). All modifications apply Results category is used.
4. PC Heroics:
to the total BR of the force. +20 if PC leader accomplishes heroic Troop Movement
1. Information (use only one per force): task
+50 with traitor, detailed plan, or spy +10if name level PC (not force leader) The following guidelines should be used
+20 with good reconnaissance accomplishes heroic task when moving forces:
+10with some reconnaissance -20 if PC leader fails heroic task Scale: The scales for time and distance may
-25 with misinformation -10 if name level PC (not leader) fails vary by the size of a force and the distance
The information must be known to the com- heroic task involved. The standard 24-mile map hex
mander of a side before the battle begins. Use Only PCs can attempt heroics, and the D M may be used when large forces move over
+50if a plan has been captured, revealing the must first create a situation where they may large distances. When opposing forces draw
enemy’s preparations, or if an enemy officer do so. The heroic act must be visible to at near each other, one move per day is recom-
defects with information, or if a high-placed least 10% of the PC’s force, and the act mended. Try to prepare a detailed map of the
spy gives good reports. A single deserting sol- should be risky (a 50% chance of failure, or area when this occurs.
dier will not provide this benefit. worse). Sample Heroics: Fighting a huge and Movement Rate: U p to 50 troops may move
“Good reconnaissance” means that the fearsome member of the opposing force together at their base movement rate. When
entire opposing force has been scouted over (dragon, vampire, etc.); rescuing a “branch more troops are involved, travel slows.
several hours, from several different direc- force” cut off from the main force; or single- Remember that a movement rate is based on

The Campaign

the speed of the slowest member of any Maneuvering: When the forces of two miles.
group. opposing sides begin to move, the order of Once the forces are in contact, neither
movement becomes important. This order is force can leave the area without allowing the
51-100 troops move at 2/3 their usual rate
resolved with an Initiative roll at the begin- enemy to attack with the “On the March”
101 or more troops at 1/2 the usual rate.
ning ofeach time unit. Dexterity adjustments modifier unless:
Movement rates for wilderness travel are do not apply to this roll. a. The loser of a battle is required to retreat
discussed in the Expert Set (page 41). If a hex The player or side with Initiative decides farther than the winner can pursue, as
map is being used, these rates can easily be whether to move first, or to force the oppo- indicated by the Combat Results Table.
applied to the scale of the map. The DM may nent to move first. The player or side chosen For example, the F/R+1 and the F+l/R+3
include a bonus or penalty for easy or rugged moves all of its forces, marking the move- results allow the loser to break contact
terrain, but most situations are covered in the ment on the map if one is being used. The with the foe; the F/R and F+3/R+2results
War Machine. remaining side then moves. After all move- do not.
Food: If a force is carrying food supplies, ment is complete, forces that are in contact b. If one player chooses the “Withdraw”
either on wagons or on individuals, keep may engage in combat. Tactic, and the other player chooses any-
track of the supplies. Remember to consider If a map is being used, two armies come thing except the “Attack.” Tactic, the
encumbrance when calculating the move- into contact whenever they enter the same player who chose “Withdraw” may
ment rate. hex, square, or space. Each force must either remove his force one terrain unit after the
If a force forages for food, modify the basic stop or allow the opponent to attack with the combat is resolved. Retreat results are
rule (Expert Set, page 21) as follows. The “On the March” adjustment (+30). added to this move if required. A with-
force Leader may choose to slow movement If no map is being used, the same effect drawing unit cannot occupy the Field or
to 2/3 normal rate, with a 2 in 6 chance of occurs whenever two forces come within 1 pursue an opponent, even if the Combat
finding enough food, or may slow movement mile of each other. If either of the forces has at Result allows this.
to 1/3 normal, for a 4 in 6 chance of success. least 5,000 troops, the range for contact is 5
Terrain may modify the chances by +1 or -1.
Without supplies, a force can travel for 1
day without penalty. After a second day, the
force becomes “moderately fatigued.” After a ORDER OF EVENTS
third day, the force is “seriously fatigued.” A in the WAR MACHINE
seriously fatigued force cannot move. One
day’s supply of food removes all of this
fatigue (either moderate or serious), but does A. When Troops are acquired: 5. The forces of the other side are moved
not affect fatigue caused as a Combat Result. as far as they will travel during this time
1. Divide the troops into separate forces or
Forced March: A force may attempt a armies, or decide that they will be one unit. ( “ O n the March” attacks are
Forced March to increase its movement rate, large force. resolved as given above.)
but this might not be successful. If it is 6. The side with initiative may declare
2. Determine the BASIC FORCE RAT-
attempted, find the Troop Class, roll ld6, that it is attacking in any and all terrain
ING (BFR) for each force.
and consult the following chart. units where the forces of two sides are in
A force that is “seriously fatigued” cannot 3. Determine the T R O O P CLASS for contact. (Resolve with Combat Order of
attempt a Forced March. each force. Events.)
4. Determine the BATTLE RATING 7. The side without initiative may attack
(BR) for each force. (as per 6.;resolve with Combat Order of
Troop Die Roll
Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 B. When Troops are Moved: Events).
1. Determine the MOVEMENT RATE C. When Troops Fight (Combat Order of
Untrained F+M F+S M M M of each force. Events):
Poor F+M F+S N N M
F+M F+M F+S M M 2. Determine a map and time scale (ter- 1 . Modify each side’s BR as given.
Below Ave.
F+M F+M F+M N N rain units and time units). 2. Modify each side’s BR for any Cam-
Average F F+M F+M N M 3. Roll for Initiative. The winner decides paign considerations.
Good F F+M F+M N N which side moves first. 3. If the Tactics Option is used, choose
Excellent F F F F+M N 4. The forces of one side are moved as far Tactics.
Elite F F F F+M F+M as they will travel during one time unit 4. Roll d ’31for each side; add the modified

(usually a day or week). BR to the roll.

F = Forced March successful; add 50% to
day’s movement Any forces that must break contact to 5. Use the Combat Results Table to find
M = Force is moderately fatigued* move may be immediately attacked “On the the results, and apply them (modified by
S = Force is seriously fatigued March.” After the battle, they may move Tactics, if used).
N = No forced march, no fatigue normally unless they received an “R+” or
*If force is already Moderately Fatigued, it “Rout” combat result.
becomes Seriously Fatigued with this result.
All results are cumulative; “F+S” indicates that
the Forced March is successful, but that the force is
Seriously Fatigued afterward.

The Campaign

Part 3: The Multiverse

The world in which the characters live is only there are many other Planes of Existence. appears to be a gray fog in its normal form. If
one of many worlds in their infinite universe; The Inner Planes are surrounded by the compressed (either by a creature or by
the possibilities for “normal” adventure are Astral Plane, which can be reached from magic), it is a sticky gray solid.
limitless. But the D&D game involves other either the Elemental or the Ethereal Planes. Any ethereal creature can sense the direc-
places and things not found in the “normal” Think of the Inner Planes as a group of tion of gravity on the Prime Plane, but is not
world; the 3-dimensional universe is only a islands in a vast ocean; this ocean is the Astral affected by it. Thus, while ethereal, a charac-
small part of reality! There are many other Plane. It is similar to the Ether, but much ter knows the direction of “down,” but can-
places waiting to be found. The most com- larger. Across the “Astral Ocean” are the not fall.
mon beyond the Prime Plane (the “normal” Outer Planes, the homes of the Immortals
universe) are the other Planes of Existence.
and other strange creatures. The Outer
Think of the entire normal universe as only Planes, and methods of visiting them, will be When on the Ethereal Plane, vision is nor-
one page in a large book. Two pages next to described in the D&D Master Set. mal, with the same range as in a dark under-
each other are touching, but are separate and ground corridor. Except for creatures,
entirely different. Moving across one page everything is the same color (gray fog) and
doesn’t take you to the next one; you must go Interplanar Adventures temperature (about 50 degrees Farenheit), so
in a different direction altogether. In a similar infravision is nearly useless. All light sources
manner, many Planes exist, and magic is
1. General Notes function normally (a torch or lantern shining
needed to travel from one Plane to another. Visualizing: When you describe a dungeon light to 30’ range, magical light to greater
The whole of existence, including all the room or corridor to the players, they can usu- ranges, etc.), but they only light the Ether,
Planes is called “the Multiverse.” ally imagine what it looks like. The charac- not reaching into wormholes or into the
ters’ surroundings are always made of Prime Plane.
Nearby Planes normal matter. Air exists, and can be An Ethereal traveller cannot see into the
Most of a Campaign takes place in a fantasy breathed. Gravity exists, providing “up” Prime Plane unless a detect invisible spell (or
world similar to our own medieval times. and “down.” These things rarely change, similar magical effect) is used. However, the
That planet, and the whole of that universe, and the players can accurately “visualize” gray fog of the Ether may be dense or thin,
is called the Prime Plane. where their characters are, what they are varying by what is nearby on the Prime
One other Plane touches the Prime Plane, doing, and what their surroundings are like. Plane. Nearby water appears as dark Ether,
the Ethereal Plane, also called “the Ether.” The hardest part of adventuring in other and rock, earth and wood as even thicker
Travel to or through it requires magic. The Planes is visualizing what they are like. Ether. Dense rock and heavy metals (lead,
“distance” to it cannot be measured in feet or An adventure in a wormhole is much like a gold, etc.), appear as solid Ether (ectoplasm).
miles; it is a magical distance, in a magical dungeon adventure, merely vertical instead Fire on the nearby Prime Plane appears as
direction. ofhorizontal. Air exists, and the flow through bright Ether. By noting these changes of den-
A potion or armor of ethereality allows the the wormhole provides a gravity of sorts. sity (which affect Ethereal movement), a
user to enter, travel in, and leave the Ethereal Thus, the D M and players can gradually traveller can tell what the conditions are
Plane. Many strange monsters wander become used to elemental adventures by nearby on the Prime Plane, or can at least
through the Ether, including banshees, exploring the wormholes, leaving the Planes make a good guess.
ghosts, and poltergeists. until ready for them.
The four Elemental Planes of Air, Earth,
Fire, and Water are “near” the Prime Plane Time: Time passes on the Ethereal and Ele- Without magical movement capability, a
(as magical distances are measured), but do mental Planes just as it does on the Prime visitor to the Ether cannot travel. A f l y spell
not touch it like the Ether does. To reach an Plane. For example, if adventurers explore allows normal movement (120’/round); a
Elemental Plane, a hole must be opened in wormholes and other nearby Planes for a potion or armor of ethereality gives the same
the Prime Plane, and a tube must be created week, then a week will have passed on the rate of travel as flying. Thus, a traveller
through the Ether, leading to the Elemental Prime Plane when they return. However, moves through the Ether at the following
Plane. The hole is called a vortex, and the time may pass at different rates-slower, rates, varying by conditions on the nearby
tube is called a wormhole. faster, or not at all!-on more distant Planes. Prime Plane:
Vortexes and wormholes can be created by Gravity: The pull created by very large Vacuum 240’/round (double normal)
gate spells, and can be made permanent with masses, exists normally on the Elemental Air 120’/round (normal)
wishes. Several of these permanent worm- Planes, but is somewhat different on the Fire or Water 90’/round (3/4 normal)
holes connect the Elemental Planes with the Ethereal Plane. Creatures in the Ether are Soil, Wood 60’/round (1/2 normal)
Prime Plane, and elemental material is con- not affected by gravity, but can sense the pull Rock 30’/round (1/4 normal)
stantly flowing between the Planes. This of gravity on the nearby Prime. Metal 0
movement creates wind, ocean currents, vol- Lead 0
canos, and occasional earthquakes.
2. The Ethereal Plane
Distant Planes A character’s first experience with another
Experienced travellers of the planes from the Plane will probably be a short trip into the
Prime Plane refer to the Prime, Ethereal, and Ethereal Plane.
Elemental Planes as the Inner Planes, for Ether, the material of the Ethereal Plane,

3. Elemental Planes a moon near the characters’ world! Planes. It is simply a round tube with wrin-
Use the following general guidelines to create Some creatures of the Elemental Planes are kled sides, appearing very similar to a dun-
adventures on and involving the Elemental described in Part 2 of the “Monsters” section geon corridor but without any corners.
Planes. Be sure to review the “Elemental (pages 38-42). You may construct whole civi- However, a wormhole seems to be a vertical
Magic” section. lizations, as interesting and complex as those passage, rather than horizontal, because of
Each Elemental Plane is a universe much on the characters’ world, with that informa- the current through it. Travelling in the
like the Prime, but all the material is a single tion. Adventuring can proceed much as it wormhole with the current is easier than trav-
element. The elemental matter collects in always has, but with entirely new settings, elling against it.
clumps (planets, moons, etc.); it can exist in encounters, and even new treasures. A wormhole is never straight, bending and
solid, liquid, or gaseous form. The strange winding along its entire length, thus its
creatures of the Elemental Planes are mix- 4. Vortexes and Wormholes name. Many of the things inside a wormhole
tures of solid and liquid material, held A vortex is an invisible hole in a Plane, with are made of elemental material (matching the
together by a life force of thought and energy elemental matter either whirling into or Plane to which it leads), but other elements
(much like creatures on the Prime Plane). erupting out of it. A current of elemental and creatures are often present. Wormholes
When a planet exists on an Elemental matter flows in one direction, to or away from cannot be seen from the Prime Plane, and
Plane in roughly the same “position” as a the elemental plane. only the outside can be seen from the Ether.
planet on the Prime Plane, natural vortexes If seen by a detect invisible spell or similar The outer surface looks like a wrinkled,
and wormholes appear, connecting the plan- magic, it appears as a shimmering colored lumpy gray tube; it is sticky. The surface is
ets on each Plane. Thus, for the “normal” circle from the front or back-but cannot be actually made of ectoplasm (solid ether),
D&D world, there are four other planets in seen at all from the side; it has no thickness. compressed by the magic needed to create the
similar positions, one on each of the Elemen- O n the Prime Plane, the color of the vortex wormhole. Wormholes vary in size, from a
tal Planes. Other planets in the Prime uni- matches the Plane to which it leads-blue for thick string size to a pillar or slightly curved
verse might not have corresponding Air, brown for Earth, red for Fire, and green wall.
Elemental planets; another world might thus for Water. Other colors match other more dis- Each wormhole is usually 10 miles long or
be missing one or more elements. tant Planes. O n other Planes, a vortex lead- more. The network of permanent wormholes
Moons, comets, and other large moving ing to the Prime Plane is a multi-colored swirl between the Prime and Elemental planes
’ looks similar to the roots of a plant; each
bodies on the Prime Plane rarely have any of the four elemental colors. A vortex may
elemental connections. They are sometimes appear to float in the air or lie on a surface. A small wormhole joins a larger one, until all
created by temporary wormholes, which natural elemental vortex is always located in the smaller wormholes connect to one huge
break when the corresponding body on the the element corresponding to its destination wormhole connected to the Elemental Plane
Elemental plane moves out of position. In a (whirlpool, volcano), but a created vortex (by itself.
similar manner, a vortex may suddenly a gate spell) may appear anywhere. Creatures and things in a wormhole are
appear on a moving body, as a corresponding A wormhole is a connecting passage between magically changed into the “proper” element
moon “nears it” on the Elemental Plane. For when they reach the Elemental Plane, unless
example, an ocean could suddenly appear on protected by powerful magic.

The Campaign

5. Elemental Magic nance and opposition have the following Spells with Limited Effects
The following notes apply only to the Inner effects:
Druid spells are useless on any Plane but the
Planes. The Astral and Outer Planes cause Dominance results in double damage; the
Prime; they are based entirely on knowledge
other changes in magical effects, because of victim may make a Saving Throw vs. Spells
of Nature as it exists on the Prime Plane. A
their differing natural laws. More informa- to take normal damage.
cleric’s create normal animals has no effect on
tion is given in the D&D Master Set. When one creature has dominance over an Elemental Plane unless the local versions
In the D&D game, magic on the Prime another, it is less affected by the other’s nor-
of animals are well-known. A cleric’s aerial
Plane is a highly developed art. However, mal attacks. Only minimum damage may be
servant has no effect on the Plane of Air, but
magic as the characters know it was created inflicted. In Example #1 above, the water ele-
functions normally elsewhere; the same
in a unique setting-the Prime Plane, an odd mental’s normal damage is 3-24 points, so
applies to the invisible stalker magic-user
mixture of all four elements. This situation is only 3 points are inflicted on any successful
spell. Weather control has no effect on any
not found in any other Plane of the multi- hit. The victim of dominance tends to fear the
Plane but the Prime.
verse! other; if a Reaction Roll indicates hostility,
Prime Plane insect-based spells will not
Some magical effects are not based on ele- “flee” should replace “attack.”
work on any other Plane.
ments at all, but on Energy. Examples Opposition results in hostility; a penalty
include most detect spells, cures, light and applies to all Reaction Rolls. The penalty is Special Spell Notes
darkness, and lightning bolts. These effects -8 if the creatures are totally opposed (good Conjure Elemental: When a magic-user
will function “normally” (as they do on the vs. evil), or -4otherwise. casts this spell on the Prime Plane, the magic
Prime Plane) when used on any Inner Plane. When two creatures are in opposition, no opens a vortex on both Planes (both the Ele-
Other effects are partially or wholly based change in damage occurs; only reactions are mental and the Prime) and creates a tiny
on matter, affecting it in various ways. These affected. The creatures’ reactions to others wormhole connecting them. The wormhole is
effects may be negated, partially changed, or are not affected; the penalty applies only to very small-less than an inch across-and it
completely different, as described in “Spells” reactions to the creature of opposition. pulls a life force from the Elemental Plane
below. Example fl: A party is attacked by a tire through the vortex. The life force appears on
Beings of different elements affect each elemental, so their magic-user casts a conjure the Prime Plane near the spell caster, and
other in logical ways. The basic principles water elemental spell. Each blow from the forms a body from material nearby.
used are dominance and opposition. If one resulting water elemental inflicts double To form a body, the elemental life force can
element has dominance over another, it has damage to the fire elemental, but it may only use material it is familiar with; a water
power over that element. If two elements are make a Saving Throw (per blow) to take nor- elemental must have water, an earth elemen-
in opposition, they are enemies, but affect mal damage. tal must have earth, and so forth. When the
each other normally. The principles of domi- Example #Z: A djinni (good) meets an magic ends, the creature’s life force goes back
nance and opposition are easily summarized: efreeti (evil); each has a ’ - 8 penalty to all to its Plane through the wormhole, and the
Reaction Rolls. A kryst meets an undine wormhole and both vortexes disappear.
Air has dominance over Water. (both good); a -4penalty applies to all their When seen from an Elemental Plane, the
Water has dominance over Fire. Reaction Rolls. elemental affected by the spell simply disap-
Fire has dominance over Earth.
Notes on Spells pears. The material of its body suddenly dis-
Earth has dominance over Air.
sipates and drifts, with no life force left to
Air and Fire are in opposition. The spells learned on the Prime Plane usually
hold it together. When the life force returns,
Earth and Water are in opposition. function normally on the Ether and on the
it immediately forms a new body, and
Elemental Planes unless affected by domi-
resumes its “normal” life.
nance or opposition (see above). Most spells
can easily be translated by replacing the Disintegrate: This spell works normally
terms “stone” with “solid element,” “water” except against an elemental on its home
and liquids with “liquid element,” and Plane. It causes an elemental to split into
“flesh” with “solid/liquid element.” many creatures of 1 Hit Die each; the num-
Spell-using creatures native to other ber of creatures is equal to the Hit Dice of the
Planes know “local” versions of many spells. elemental affected. Each new elemental has
These spells include the clerical barrier, cre- only 1-4 hit points.
ate water, and resist fire spells, and the Stone to Flesh: his spell affects solid mat-
magic-user charm person, cloudkill, fire ball, ter and often material over which the caster
delayed blast fire ball, ice storm/wall, lower has control, and turns it into living matter.
water, magic missile, massmorph, move Each Elemental Plane has a similar version,
earth, pass-wall, statue, water breathing and based on the same principles. Each Elemen-
web spells, and all wall spells. tal version changes a solid element over
A visitor from the Prime Plane could learn which the caster has dominance into a living
\ the “local” version of these spells, if taught elemental form. For example, the local ver-
by a friendly resident. However, local ele- sion on the Plane of Water is ice to water and
mental versions of spells will work only on the fire to water. The reverse of the spell has sim-
DOMINANCE - OPPOSITION same plane; a flesh to ice learned on the Plane ilar local effects, but changes an elemental
of Water would have no effect if attempted on creature into non-living solid form. For
any other Plane, including the Plane of Fire example, on the Plane of Water, the reversed
In combat between elemental beings, domi- (despite dominance). spell is flesh to ice.


final fate of mortals remains, as always, To check for damage to items, roll ld4 or
Procedures death. ld6 (using ld6 if the chance of damage is
Aging high). If the result is greater than the item’s
Constructs Constructs Strength (number of “plusses”), the item is
Damage to Magic Items A construct (CON-struct) is a monster that is damaged. Items without plusses may be
Demi-Human Crafts not actually alive, but which has been created given ratings for this purpose. Consider:
Hit Points (Maximum) magically. A Lesser construct is costly to any potion or scroll as a + I item;
Poison make, and can be hit by any weapon. The any wand or staff as a +2
Reference Charts Lesser constructs in the D&D system include and all permanent items (such as rods,
Speed living statues (Basic Set), magen (game rings, and miscellaneous items) as +3.
Treasures adventure X2), and juggernauts (X4). A This roll may be modified; for example, if
A. “Cashing” normal treasures Greater construct is very expensive, but can a character is hit by a rockslide, Dexterity
B . Buying and Selling Magic Items only be hit by magic weapons. The Greater adjustments could be applied to the rolls. If a
C. Planning and Placing Treasure constructs include gargoyles (Basic Set), character tries to break something, Strength
Weapons (new) golems (Expert Set), and drolems (this set). adjustments could be applied. No adjustment
The following general rules apply to all should be greater than +2. However, adjust-
Aging constructs: ments to the chance of survival can be any
In the D&D world, disease, blindness, and They can be created only if the proper number of subtractions from the roll. A
other afflictions can be easily cured by cleric magical process is used. This often potion bottle dropped from a tabletop might
spells. Furthermore, the raise dead and raise involves a special book, libram, or tome, require a check for breakage, but with a -2
dead fully spells seem to bestow near-immor- plus special materials (which must usually adjustment (thus, only a roll of 4 indicating
tality-but this is not quite true. be purchased), certain spells, and time. breakage).
Character aging should be a carefully The time needed varies by the size and If an item is damaged, it may either be par-
restricted element of the game. When a char- power of the construct, but is never less tially damaged or completely destroyed. For
acter reaches the end of a long natural life than a week, and may be greater than a items with magical bonuses, one or more
span, magical means of prolonging or restor- year. points may be lost, because of damage,
ing life should have little or no effect. A raise They do not heal normally; magic must be (DM’s choice). Potions, scrolls, and rings
spell should only restore the character for a used to cure them of any damage should be completely destroyed by any severe
brief period (1-10 days or whatever the D M incurred. damage.
chooses). The following ages are recom- They are immune to the effects of poison
mended as the maximum for character races: (since they are not truly alive), and mental Demi-Human Crafts
effects (charm, sleep, illusions, etc.). The rules which follow are for D M and NPC
Human 100 (95+2d12)
They do not reproduce; there are never use only; no player character can participate
Halfling 200 (190+2d20)
“baby gargoyles,” for example. in the construction of these famous, but
Dwarf 400 (375+d%)
incredibly rare items. You may place one or
Elf 800 (750+2d%)
The D M may add special treasures (such as a more of these in a campaign, but very few
The D M may modify this for individuals, book of gargoyle creation) if desired. Player should exist, if at all. Each requires centuries
using the dice given to determine the maxi- characters may wish to use constructs to help of work to create, and should be treated with
mum age of any one character. guard castles, dominions, or special trea- appropriate awe and respect by the demi-
Apotion oflongevity does remove 10 years sures. human clan involved.
of aging, but the D M may apply any restric- Details on rewards for the recovery of lost
tions as desired. For example, the potion Damage To Magic Items or stolen clan devices are given in each char-
might only affect unnatural aging (such as acter class description.
that caused by haunts), or each living crea- Any item may be damaged by rough treat-
ment. Armor and weapons, however, are Dwarf: By using the Forge of Power, the
ture might only be able to drink 5 such Keeper, Clanmaster, and several dwarven
potions in a lifetime, all further uses having made to withstand a considerable amount of
punishment. blacksmiths (all of maximum level) can work
no effect. Each use might have a chance of together to construct a dwarven lens-a sheet
creating a reverse effect, aging the character The D M should decide whether an item
might be damaged, based on the item and the of pure gold, gently hammered out to perfect
10 years. paper-thin texture. This is a long task; it
A wish should be the only magic capable of type of attack and then would make an Item
Damage roll. must be worked slowly and carefully, and
extending a character’s life to a great degree. requires centuries to complete (800-1,000
Some breath weapons (acid, fire, cold)
As a guideline, it should have a maximum years). The completed lens is a 10‘ diameter
effect equal to that of a potion of longevity, should require such checks. If the user makes
his Saving Throw against the breath, bonuses disk, mounted in a ring of pure gemstone,
but without restrictions. and is used only to create oil of darkness.
A person who has lived a long, exciting and can be applied to the item’s roll.
Long falls (100 ’ or more) should require The lens actually concentrates and distills
fruitful life will probably accept, or even wel- darkness itself to form the oil, and can only
come, the final rest brought by death. The checks. Pools of acid, rockslides, and other
cases of extreme damage should require create one ounce per year if left in complete
true Immortals, those powerful residents of darkness throughout the year; any light will
the Outer Planes, would be aware of (and checks for items carried. A scroll normally
need not be checked except against fire dam- spoil the entire hatch.
certainly resent) any character attempting to Oil of darkness, in turn, is used to make
prolong mortal life to any excessive span. age; you may also include water damage, if
desired. rockships, famous but extremely rare magi-
Ultimately, they would act, ensuring that the


cal dwarven boats made of rock, which can the wooden container). Blackflame can be Hit points for demi-humans are limited by
move through solid rock as easily as birds used to light a torch without burning it, and their maximum levels (halflings 8,elves 10,
move in the air. One hundred ounces of oil inflicts cold damage in the same manner as a dwarves 12). Halflings and elves use ld6 per
are needed for each rockship; each rockship normal fire (but reversed). Blackflame will level, dwarves ld8; thus, with 18 Constitu-
can carry 10 dwarves. also restore ashes to their original form, but tion, the most possible hit points for maxi-
The lens and oil cannot be created by any does not return an incinerated victim to life. mum level demi-humans are:
other means, magical or otherwise, including Using the Crucible and the Blackflame,
a wish. the halfling Keeper of the Flame, Clanmas- Dice Con. L 10- Maximum
Dwarven clans also can construct magical ter, and several halfling sheriffs can work RollsBonus 12 Total
hammers, shields, armor, and other items together to construct a web of shadows. ~~ ~ ~~ ~

typical to dwarves by using a Forge of Power. Occasionally but very rarely, the odd Dwarf 72 27 +9 108
The cost and time for construction are left to shadows cast by a Blackflame have material Elf 54 27 +2 83
the DM. existence for a short time; if caught and Halfling 48 24 - 72
immediately placed in the Crucible, these
Elf: An elven Treekeeper, Clanmaster, and wisps of material can be stored. When Note that a halflingcan have about halfasmany hit
several aides (all maximum level) may use a points as a fighter; that a dwarf can be as tough as a
enough shadows have been caught (a proce-
Tree of Life to create the famous but 36th level cleric; and that elves and magic-users
dure that takes over 200 years), the Keeper
extremely rare elven lightboats, in the follow- have similar numbers of hit points at maximum
can draw power from the Crucible itself level.
ing manner.
(using the ancient secrets) and weave the web
The Treekeeper draws one ounce of sap (at
of shadows, a 10‘ square net of gossamer Poison
most) each month from the tree of life, distill-
strands. It cannot be seen by any means
ing it to a single drop of golden liquid. Poison is a dangerous tool. If characters are
(even magical) except in shadows or moon-
Extreme care must be taken lest the Tree be permitted to use poison, monsters should be
light, and is carefully kept and stored by the
harmed by the drawing of sap (which could able to do the same. And there are far more
seriously reduce or even negate its special monsters than characters.. .
The web is used for only one thing- col-
powers). With the help of the Clanmaster and A potion is the most common form of poi-
lecting moonlight. When the Keeper and
aides, the Tree’s branches are guided so that a son. Its effects when used on blowgun darts
Clanmaster hold the web for an entire night
few leaves of perfect paper-smooth texture (see Players Book, page 3) are recommended
under the light of a full moon, chanting the
are grown each year. The distilled sap is as a maximum for use on any weapon.
ancient phrases known only to themselves,
mixed with the powdered leaf veins, creating any weapon.
the moonlight is caught and distilled, form-
oil of sunlight-the distilled essence of light You may wish to make poisons of lesser
ing a single drop of silvery liquid. This oil of
itself. The process can only produce one power available, lacking the strength to kill,
moonlight is collected and stored in shadow,
ounce of oil per year. but able to paralyze, intoxicate, sleep, andlor
avoiding the light of day. A full ounce is
Other perfect leaves are carefully pressed inflict slight damage.
required for any effect (gathered over 7-10
into the shape of the lightship hull, and Many natural plants are mildly poisonous,
years), and may then be rubbed into a fabric
enchantments (known only to the and saps or boiled leaves could yield poisons
(often to make a sail or kite). Any object thus
Treekeeper) are cast upon it. At the right usable on weapons. However, poison prepa-
treated gains the ability to fly at 360‘ per turn
moment of the year, the oil is spread on the ration is not common knowledge, and the
when in moonlight which propels it.
specially prepared hull, and the final danger of error is high (including the acciden-
Halfling clans also can construct magic
enchantments cast. If all goes well, the light- tal poisoning of the maker).
daggers, slings, swords, and other items typi-
ship is then complete, able to fly through the The poison used by poisonous monsters
cal to halflings by using the Crucible of Black-
air at 360’ per turn as long as it remains in comes from poison sacs or glands within the
flame. Cost and time for construction are left
sunlight (which propels it). One hundred creature’s body. After defeating a poisonous
to the DM’s discretion.
ounces of oil are needed for each lightship; monster, some of the characters in your game
each lightship can carry 10 elves. may try to get and use the poison.
The oil cannot be created by any other
Hit Points Maximum The following method of controlling this
means, magical or otherwise, including a The maximum hit points possible for any unsavory practice is recommended. Monster
wish. human character is the roll of 9 hit dice, plus poison should only remain potent while in the
Elven clans also can construct magic bows, the Constitution bonuses, plus the given hit creature, becoming useless 1-10rounds after
arrows, swords, and other items typical to point gains for additional levels. For an 18 exposure to air. Only a specially prepared
elves by using a Tree of Life. Cost and time Constitution and maximum die rolls, these potion ofpoison can last for a longer period.
for construction is left to the DM’s discretion. totals are: An intact poison sac (a rare thing after a
swordfight!) should remain useful for only 1-
Halfling: A Crucible of Blackflame is a
MAXIMUM HIT POINTS 10 rounds per Hit Die of the monster. Unpre-
four-sided pyramid (as a four-sided die)
pared (non-potion) poison placed on a
made of rare wood, with a solid base, a trian-
Dice Con. Maximum hp weapon becomes non-poisonous after 1-10
gular hole in each side, and a very odd fire
Rolls Bonus L15 L25 L36 rounds of exposure to air.
inside-the Blackflame. This is exactly the
The poisonous touch of certain powerful
reverse of a normal flame, black in color and Cleric 54 27 87 97 108 Undead creatures (spirit in this set) cannot be
emanating darkness and coolness, with flick- Fighter 72 27 111 131 153 collected or used.
ering reverse “shadows” of light. The flame Magic-user 36 27 69 79 90 The use of poison is evil, and may cause
will burn anything normally not burnable, Thief 36 27 75 95 117 alignment problems. Local and regional laws
and will not harm combustible items (hence
may punish poisoners.

Hit Roll Charts
(XP numbers are in thousands) HIT ROLLS: ALL DEMI-HUMANS
Attack Target's Armor Class
Rank Dwarf Elf Halfling 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
A 120* 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
B 300 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
C 660* 600" 600 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
D 800 850 900 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
E 1,000 1,100 1,200 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
F 1,200 1,350 1,500 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
G 1,400 1,600 1,800 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
H 1,600 1,850 2 , 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I 1,800 2,100 2,4002 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
J 2,000 2,350 2,7002 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
K 2,200 2,600 3,00O(a)2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7
L 2,400 2,850 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6
M 2.600 3,10O(b) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5
~~~ ~ ~

Attack Target's Armor Class

Rank Dwarf Elf Halfling -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13

120* 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24
300 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23
660* 600* 600 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22
800 850 900 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21
1,000 1,100 1,200 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
1,200 1,350 1,500 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
1,400 1,600 1,800 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
1,600 1,850 2,100 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
1,800 2,100 2,400 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
J 2,000 2,350 2,700 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
K 2,200 2,600 3,00O(a) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
L 2,400 2,850 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
M 2,600 3,10O(b) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

*XP when maximum level is reached

(a) Same as Fighter 22-24, Cleric (or Thief)29-32, or M-U 36
(b) Same as Fighter 25-27 or Cleric (or Thief)33-35


Class & Level Target's Armor Class
Magic-User ClericlThief Fighter 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
Normal Man 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
1-5 1-4 1-3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
6-10 5-8 4-6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
11-15 9-12 7-9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
16-20 13-16 10-12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
21-25 17-20 13-15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
21-24 16-18 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
25-28 19-21 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
22-24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7
25-27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5

Magic-User Cleric/Thief Fighter -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13

Normal M a n 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1-5 1-4 1-3 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
6-10 5-8 4-6 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
11-15 9-12 7-9 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24
16-20 13-16 10-12 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22
21-25 17-20 13-15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
21-24 16-18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
25-28 19-21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
22-24 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
25-27 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16



Creature’s Target’s Armor Class
Hit Dice 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
u p to 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
1. to 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
2. to 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
3. to 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
4. to 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5+ to 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
6. to 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
7+ to 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8+to 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
9. to 11 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
11. to 13 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
13. to 15 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
15. to 17 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
17+to 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
19. to 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
21. to 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
23. to 25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25. to 27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7
27. to 29 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6
29. to 31 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5
31. to 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4
33. to 35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
35. and up 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Creature’s Target’s Armor Class

Hit Dice -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20
up to 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 31
l+to 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30
2+to 3 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30
3+ to 4 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 30
4+to 5 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30
5+to 6 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
6+to 7 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
7+ to 8 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
8+to 9 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
9.to 11 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
11. to 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25
13. to 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24
15. to 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 23
17. to 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22
19+to 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21
21. to 23 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20
23. to 25 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20
25. to 27 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
27. to 29 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
29. to 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
31. to 33 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
33. to 35 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
35. and up 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
‘Note that this chart continues. There is no limit to the Armor Class.


SAVING THROWS: ALL CHARACTERS There are many magical ways for creatures to
Character Death Ray Magic Paralysis or Dragon Rod, Staff, move and fight at greater than normal speed.
Class or Poison Wands Turn to Stone Breath or Spell The following rules apply in such situations.
1-4 11 12 14 16 15 1. Saving Throws are never affected by
5-8 9 10 12 14 13 speed differences.
9-12 7 a 10 12 11 2. Hit rolls gain a +2 bonus for each speed
13-16 6 7 a 10 9 difference. A hasted character who drinks
17-20 5 6 6 a 7 a potion of speed thus gains a total bonus
21-24 4 5 5 6 5 of +4 to all Hit rolls against opponents
25-28 3 4 4 4 4 moving at normal speed, but only a +2
29-32 2 3 3 3 3 bonus against singly hasted opponents.
33-36 2 2 2 2 2 3. The Armor Class of a hasted creature is
Fighter not different from that at normal speed,
Normal Man 14 15 16 17 17 but a -2 bonus is gained for the next speed
1-3 12 13 14 15 16 effect. Thus, a fighter wearing plate mail
4-6 10 11 12 13 14 and shield (AC 2) is treated as AC 0 if
7-9 a 9 10 11 12 “double-speeded’’ (such as from both the
10-12 6 7 a 9 10 potion and the spell).
13-15 6 6 7 8 9 4. Wands, staves, rods, spells, and other
16-18 5 6 6 7 a magical effects are never affected by
19-21 5 5 6 6 7 speed. Magic always takes standard time
22-24 4 5 5 5 6 to use, without bonuses or penalties for
25-27 4 4 5 4 5 speed effects.
28-30 3 4 4 3 4 5. Two (maximum) different types of speed
31-33 3 3 3 2 3 are cumulative. For example, if a charac-
34-36 2 2 2 2 2 ter drinks a potion of speed and is hasted,
Magic-user the character moves at four times normal
1-5 13 14 13 16 15 rate-twice normal from the potion, and
6-10 11 12 11 14 12 twice normal from the spell. Four times
11-15 9 10 9 12 9 normal is the maximum possible rate;
16-20 7 a 7 10 6 attempts at “triple speeding” or faster
21-24 5 6 5 a 4 rates always fail. For every level of speed,
25-28 4 4 4 6 3 double the number of attacks that round.
29-32 3 3 3 4 2 6. Identical types of speed are not cumula-
33-36 2 2 2 2 2 tive. If a haste spell is cast on a character
Thief who is already under the influence of
1-4 13 14 13 16 15 another haste spell, the second spell has no
5-8 11 12 11 14 13 effect.
9-12 9 10 9 12 11 7. The DM may add other restrictions as
13-16 7 8 7 10 9 desired. For example, problems in com-
17-20 5 6 5 8 7 munication can develop through speed
21-24 4 5 4 6 5 differences, especially when a character
25-28 3 4 3 4 4 moving at 4 times normal speed tries to
29-32 2 3 2 3 3 talk with others moving at normal speed.
33-36 2 2 2 2 2 Speed can be an extremely valuable tool for
Dwarf characters in combat. If the bonuses gained
1-3 a 9 10 13 12 by speed make the challenges in your cam-
4-6 6 7 a 10 9 paign too easily overcome, you should add
7-9 4 5 6 7 6 any controls as needed to keep the game bal-
10-12 2 3 4 4 3 anced and entertaining.
1-3 12 13 13 15 15
4-6 a 10 10 11 11
7-9 4 7 7 7 7
10 2 4 4 3 3
1-3 a 9 10 13 12
4-6 5 6 7 9 a
7-8 2 3 4 5 4


Treasures will probably find a magic item that they can-

not use or do not want. They may then try to MAGIC ITEM PRICE SUGGES‘ ONS
A. “Cashing” Normal Treasures
sell the item for cash. Armor 10,000 to 150,000 P
1. Gems and Jewelry: At the end of each This forces you, the Dungeon Master, to Misc. Item 5,000 to 750,000 P
adventure, the characters earn Experience decide two things: whether magic items can Misc. Weapon 5,000 to 250,000 P
Points based on the actual value of all trea- be bought or sold, and where this would Missile 1,000 to 50,000 P
sures found and kept. However, they might occur. Missile Device 10,000 to 250,000 P
lose some of the value of gems and jewelry in In a world full of magic, this sort of busi- Potion 1,000 to 10,000 P
the process of exchanging such items for coin. ness should exist in some form. But it can eas- Ring 10,000 to 250,000 P
Though gems and jewelry are easy to ily get out of control; many items are cursed Rod 25,000 to 500,000 P
carry, they are also hard to convert to spend- or otherwise dangerous. Spells may be used Scroll 5,000 to 75,000 P
able money. Most specialists and mercenaries to create “fakes” (such as a light spell cast on Shield 5,000 to 100,000 P
will accept gems as payment, but they do not a normal sword or gem). Any business deal- Staff 15,000 to 300,000 P
normally “give change” for overpayment, ing with magic items should, logically, have Sword 5,000 to 500,000 P
nor do they accept jewelry (as it is easily dam- magical means of detecting, and identifying Wand 5,000 to 150,000 P
aged). For most expenses (such as normal the worth of the items, and connections with
equipment purchases, construction costs, authorities to be sure that an item is legally The most common problem you m t1st face is
etc.) coin must be used. salable, and not stolen. Protection is also what to offer adventurers to purch;ISt:items
Most pieces of jewelry may be broken up extremely important; a powerful Magic-user they bring in and wish to sell. BeX iiuse of
into its gems, metal, etc. The whole piece is should not be able to loot the local magic taxes, operating expenses, the lower‘ V alue of
worth more than the individual parts; up to shop. “used goods,” cost of identifying itc?ITis, and
half of the value may be lost by such barbaric Thus, the recommended place for this sort so forth, you could offer 10-30% oft he values
practices. of business is the Magic-user’s Guild. The given above. You may modify thi S by the
Any town or city will have a businessman “shop” should be lined with lead (blocking Charisma of the seller, adding or SUI bt racting
(jeweler, moneychanger, collector of rare most magical effects), and heavily safe- 5 % for each point of adjustment.
items, or even the town treasurer) who will guarded with magical traps. Apprentices For example, a character with 1t3 Cha-
exchange coins for gems and jewelry, and might be constantly on watch for magical vis- risma gains a +2bonus to reactions, Ein(1 could
probably vice versa. For gems, a fee of 1-5% itors (possibly polymorphed spell effects, thus “barter” the offered price UFIWard by
of the value is charged. Jewelry is harder to invisible things, and so forth. An invisible 10%. The transaction can be asst1ITled, or
sell, and a 2-12% fee may be charged. Small stalker might automatically appear if any may be role-played. You may also wi sh to cre-
towns have less cash on hand and may be attempt at theft occurs. You may design such ate local laws that strictly prohibit tlhe sale of
unable to buy expensive jewels or gems. As a a place to be as tightly secure as you wish. Try magic except by and to authorizedI Clealers,
general guideline, the population of the town to foresee the possible attempts at deception enforced by both the Guild and th e ihighest
is equal to the largest value of item it can con- and theft, and create means to counter them. authorities.
vert to coin, in g p (for example, a city of You must also decide on the prices to be Remember that these are only giiclelines.
10,000 could handle gems or jewelry of up to offered for items brought in, the items being Whatever system you use, try to bc: C consist-
10,000 gp value). offered for sale, and their prices. Many items ent. You may wish to make a list of thLe vari-
A businessman may always refuse to might have limited availability; a powerful ous items, their selling prices (if a.fa ilable),
“cash” an item, for various reasons (lack of wand would not be freely sold to Chaotics. and the prices offered for them. Inotices
ready coin, suspicion of stolen merchandise, You can assume that all powerful items might be posted, offering rewards falr 1the dis-
suspected magical origin, and so forth). would be sold to powerful persons. A church covery of certain items - giving th ec:harac-
If a businessman refuses the transaction, a would certainly buy any staff of curing that ters goals for adventuring.
wealthy private individual might be found to appears; rulers are always interested in buy- Experience Points: You may c....hrlose to
buy the item. The amount offered will be 20- ing potions, scrolls, and other items usable by award X P for cash gained through the sale of

80% (2d4 x 10) ofthe stated value, and ajew- all classes. Miscellaneous Magic Items would magic items. Beware, however, for a rare
eler is usually consulted to appraise the item. be extremely rare, and much in demand. item may bring vast amounts of un earned
2. Special Treasures (non-magical): Of all the magic items, potions are the easi- experience, and upset the balance c)f your
Unlike gems and jewelry, special treasures est to make, and thus the most commonly game. You may choose instead to awa rd a set
(such as furs, spices and herbs, woods metals, found; some might be for sale. Healing and XP value for each item, regardless o f the cash
weapons and armor, trade goods, ivory, super-healing potions are those most often acquired through its sale. This is recom-
wines and ales, perfume and incense, linens, sought by adventurers; other types might be mended; regardless of the laws, iterns will
sculpture, and art) must be sold before and available as well. occasionally be sold to characters (eithier PCs
X P award is given. The prices given are If you wish to have magic items available or NPCs), who may pay more than thc:Guild
approximately what the items will bring in for purchase, the following prices are recom- amounts. Whichever you choose, the details
markets trading in these goods. The prices mended. They are designed for higher level should be added to your price list.
will not normally be higher, except where the
items are scarce. Prices may be lower if the
characters, and for sales in a large city. Fewer
items should be available, and for higher
C Planning and Placing Treasure
goods are in common supply. prices, in smaller places. Items not listed At this level of play, obtaining coin!J is no
should not be sold. Note that these are the longer a primary goal of adventurers. Gems,
B. Buying and Selling Magic Items prices to be paid by PCs to buy items, not the
At some point in your game, the characters prices offered if some are brought in for sale.


players that, if they want their characters

to use blowguns, the monsters will have
them as well.
Any Undead creature, and any other crea-
ture immune to poison, cannot be harmed by
a blowgun. A blowgun dart merely scratches
the victim, with little penetration. No dam-
age is inflicted, and no poison will cause
instant death unless the victim is of small size.
The use of poison as a weapon is not a good
act. Because of its dangers, poison may be
declared illegal by local or regional rulers. In
this case, no Lawful character would use it.
Be sure to review the additional notes on Poi-
son in this section.
4. Bola: This weapon can only affect solid
creatures. Wraiths, spectres, ethereal
creatures, and monsters made of water
(such as a water elemental) cannot be
Remember that if the Hit roll is a “natu-
jewelry, magic, and “special” treasures that each adventure should bring them
ral” 20 (not including any adjustments), the
should be the valuables most sought by Com- 55,000 gp-if they play well.
victim must make a Saving Throw vs. Death
panion-level characters. They may pick up Five adventures to gain 1 level of experi-
Ray or be paralyzed and strangle in 3-8
some coins if convenient, but such items are ence is a good average. At that speed, level
rounds. Creatures that do not breathe (such
heavy and worth far less, “pound for pound,” advancement doesn’t come easily enough to
as constructs) are immune to this effect. For
than other treasures. cause boredom, but isn’t rare enough to
any other successful Hit roll, the Saving
To advance a mere 10% of the next level cause frustration. See the Adventure Plan-
Throw is still made, but with lesser effect
X P goal in one adventure, each character ning section, page 2, for more guidelines.
(according to the chart).
needs ten or fifteen thousand Experience
Weapons (New) When the victim hit makes the Saving
Points! With a maximum encumbrance of
The new weapons detailed in the Character Throw, the bola is removed. The victim may
2,400 cn, even platinum is barely worth the
Section may be used both by characters and spend one round destroying the Bola if an
effort. More valuable, portable treasures are
by humanoid monsters. Monsters living edged weapon is used. Otherwise, the Bola
the goals- and gems, jewelry and “specials”
within 48 miles (2 wilderness map hexes) of falls to the floor, undamaged.
are the primary targets.
towns should be able to find and use any of 5. Net: This weapon should be readily
As Dungeon Master, consider the need of
the weapons you make available to charac- available. Its cost is low, and it is easily
the characters. Don’t make it too easy for
ters! damaged. The net is one of mankind’s
them; hoards of coin should still be found reg-
All of the weapons are Optional. You may first tools, invented in prehistoric times,
ularly. But modify some of the “lair” treasure
choose not to include some (or all) of them. and should be used by most humanoid
results, exchanging bulk coins for gems and
Review the details before you decide; they monsters-for both hunting and defense.
jewelry of equal values. Otherwise, your
have unusual effects, but should not disrupt A Net can only affect creatures made of
players may become bored, if the time
your campaign. solid material. Wraiths, spectres, ethereal
between level gains stretches into months of
The following notes are for your reference. creatures, and monsters made of water (such
real time. High level characters need large
The players should discover the special tech- as water elementals) cannot be affected.
treasures-and, of course, challenging mon-
niques and effects gradually, as the characters A Net can easily be damaged by any edged
sters as well.
experiment with their new weaponry. weapon (or claw or bite), but can be repaired,
Pre-calculating Treasure: When design- if rope or cord is available. A damaged net is
Bastard Sword: A shield cannot be used useless, requiring 1-3 turns of undisturbed
ing adventures to fit the needs of the charac-
while using this item two-handed. How- repair work.
ters, you don’t need to guess the proper
ever, it does not cause the loss of initiative,
amount of treasure to place; a bit of simple 6. Whip: This weapon is somewhat popular
and can be used by a halfling or other
math will help. Use 125,000 XP as the aver- but not very useful except as a tactical
small humanoid.
age needed per level. If you want a group of 4 device. It is most often used by a thief or
Blackjack: This weapon has no effect on
characters, all level 12-25, to advance 1 level other character who wants to help a front-
a victim wearing a metal helmet (which is
after completing 5 successful adventures, line fighter somehow while not actually
included in any set of plate, banded, engaging in melee.
then they will need a total of 500,000 X P to
chain, or splint mail), or on any unar-
do so. They should earn about 1/5 of it A Whip can only entangle creatures made
mored monster of Armor Class 0 or less
(100,000) by defeating monsters a-nd another of solid material. Wraiths, Spectres, ethereal
(indicating very tough skin or protective creatures, and monsters made of water (such
1/8 (62,500) by reaching their goal and per-
plating). as a water elemental) cannot be entangled.
formance; subtracting that, the remaining
337,500 must be from treasure. Divide that
Blowgun: Of all the new weapons, this Normal damage can, however, be inflicted by
item is the most dangerous, and should be
by the number of adventures (5) and you find a Whip.
the one most tightly controlled. Warn the


This section adds to the monster lists in the creatures. An optional method of finding the
D&D Basic and Expert Sets. The terms used effect of acid damage on magic items is given
are explained in those sets, except for “Spell on page 21. Normal items will usually be
Immunity” (explained below). This section ruined if the victim of the acid attack fails a
is presented in two parts. Saving Throw vs. Breath.
Part 1 is a standard listing of monsters
found on the Prime Material Plane. Special Defenses
Part 2 is a list of monsters found on, and
native to, other planes of existence (Ethereal Spell immunity may take many forms.
and Elemental). These creatures should nor Undead are immune to all forms of charm,
be encountered during adventures in the sleep, and hold spells; many fire-using crea-
Prime Plane, except in very rare circum- tures are immune to fire-type spells. Some
stances (when specially summoned, com- powerful creatures may be immune to spells
manded to service, etc.). They are only for of low power, such as all first and second level
use in adventures on those other planes. spells, possibly in addition to immunity to a
specific type of spell. When spell immunity is
mentioned, it applies to all spell-like effects as
Special Attacks well, including those produced by monsters
Charm, Energy Drain, Paralysis, and or devices.
Poison are explained in the D&D Basic Dun- For example, immunity to all 1st-3rd level
geon Masters Rulebook (pages 23-25). spells also confers immunity to fire balls from
Charge, Continuous Damage, Petrifica- a wand or staff (since fire ball is a third level
tion, Swallow, Swoop, and Trample are spell). However, dragon breath is a natural
explained in the Expert Rulebook (page 45). ability of dragons, not a magical one, and is
Acid damage is possible from the attacks of not affected unless a description mentions it
black dragon breath, gray ooze, and other specifically.

Monster List, Part 1:

Prime Plane
Apparition to Will 0’ Wisp

Apparition: A form of Undead; see Phan- cruel, and greedy. It is normally found alone, stalk. Each target has a different Armor Clasc
tom. but is rarely (5% chance) found with 1-6 and hit points.
Banshee: A form of Undead; see Haunt. young (each with 1/10 normal Hit Dice and The body is AC 0, and has 50 hit points.
range of eye effects, bite damage 1-4). The front eye is AC 2, and has 20 hit points
Beholder The beholder’s front eye always projects an
Armor Class: 01217 An eye stalk is only AC 7 , but can withstanc
anti-magic ray, which temporarily “turns 12 points of damage. Damage to eye stalks
Hit Dice: 1 1* * * * * (see below) off” all magic within 60’ in front of it. Magic
Move: 30’ (10’) does not count toward killing the creature.
weapons used within the ray are treated as if
Attacks: 1 bite special
non-magical. Spells cast within it area of Small eyes and eyestalks: If a hit roll
Damage: 2-16 special
effect are instantly ruined; spells cast from against an eyestalk is successful, the DM
No. Appearing: 1 (0) further away are ruined when the effects get should roll randomly to see which stalk is
Save As: Magic-user: 11 within range. A beholder will usually turn to damaged. A “slain” eyestalk has been cui
Morale: 12 face any character who starts casting, ruining off, but a damaged stalk does not interfere
Treasure Type: L, N, 0 the spell. with the eye’s functioning. Lost eyes grow
Alignment: Chaotic Magic weapons and items will work nor- back in 2-8 days; partial damage to eyestalk:
X P Value: 5100 mally once they are removed from the anti- regenerates 1 hit point per day.
A beholder, also called an “Eye Tyrant” or magic ray area, and existing spell effects with Only four small eyes can aim in one direc-
“Sphere of Many Eyes,” looks like a large durations will resume once the ray is directed tion at the same time, and they cannot see the
floating ball (about four feet in diameter) cov- elsewhere. This ray cannot be aimed above area directly below the body. Each eye stalk
ered with tough armor-plated skin. Atop the or below the creature, but only straight out in can shoot a ray with a different spell-like
beholder are ten small eyes on stalks, each front of it. As this ray can affect any magic, effect once per round. Page references are
with its own magical power. A large central even that of the smaller eyes (as explained given so the DM may refer to the complete
eye is on the front of the body, with a toothy below), the small eyes cannot be used on tar- spell descriptions; reversed spell effects are
mouth below it. gets within the anti-magic ray. indicated by an asterisk.
A beholder moves by magical slow flight, If a beholder is attacked with a weapon, the Eye 1. charm person (range 120’; B39)
though this cannot be dispelled. It speaks player must declare what his character is aim- Eye 2. charm monster(range 120’; X13)
most languages, and is extremely intelligent, ing at-the body, the large eye, or an eye Eye 3. sleep (range 240’; B40)
Eye 4. telekinesis(range 120’, u p to 5,00(
cn weight)
Eye 5. flesh to stone* (range 120’; X16)
Eye 6. disintegrate (range 60‘; X16)
Eye 7. cause fear* (range 120’; X5)
Eye 8. slow* (range 240’; X12) Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50’) Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50’)
Eye 9. cause serious wounds* (range 60’; Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’) Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’)
Attacks: Up to 6 (see below) Attacks: Up to 6 (see below)
Eye 10. death spell (range 240’; X16) Breath cone: 80’~40’ 90 ‘~ 4 ‘0 Breath line: 150’~5’ 200’.
ruamage: see below
1 1
see below Damage: see below see below
Blast Spore - 1f Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2) #Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2)
Armor Class: 9 Save As: Fighter: 18 Fighter: 36 Save As: Fighter 27 Fighter36
Hit Dice: 1* (1 hit point) Morale: 9 10 Morale: 9 10
Move: 30’ (10’) Treasure Type: H.2, I Hx:3 , 1x2 Treasure Type: H.2, I H.3, 1x2
Attacks: 1 alignment Neutral Ne1utral Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Damage: Disease only XP Value: 4,200 6,600
XP Value: 3,000 4,300
No. Appearing: 1-3 (1) XP with spells: 5,150 8,900
XP with spells: 3,700 53100
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 9 Black Large L‘9“ Red Large Huge
Treasure Type: Nil - - H
- - - -
Armor Class: 0 -2 Armor Class: -3 -5
Alignment: Neutral :***
r * . - n:..
nit vice:
1 U-J
1 1 Hit Dice: 15*** 20****
X P Value:
Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50’) Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50’)
A blast spore looks almost exactly like a Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’) Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’)
beholder, and is usually (90%) mistaken for Attacks: Up to 6 (see below) Attacks: Up to 6 (see below)
one; however, its eyes and mouth are harm- Breath line: 90’~5’ 120‘~5’ Breath cone: 135’~30’ 180’~30’
less. There is a 25% chance that a character Damage: see below see below Damage: see below see below
will notice the differences if within 10’. If a #Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2) #Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2)
blast spore is damaged in any way, it explodes Save As: Fighter: 21 Fighter: 36 Save As: Fighter: 30 Fighter: 36
for 6-36 (6d6) points of damage to all within Morale: 9 10 Morale: 10 11
20 feet; each victim may make a Saving Treasure Type: H.2, I H.3, 1.2 Treasure Type: H.2, I H.3, 1.2
Throw vs. Wands to take 112 damage. When Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
approached, the creature may spray a shower XP Value: 3,000 5,150 XP Value: 4,200 6,600
of spores in a 20’4!0’~20‘ volume before it. XP with spells: 3,700 6,100 XP with spells: 5,150 10,050
Each victim must make a Saving Throw vs.
Poison; if failed, the spores penetrate and Green Large Huge Gold Large Huge
grow into 1-6 more blast spores, causing - - - - - -
death in 24 hours unless a cure disease spell is Armor Class: -1 -3 Armor Class: -4 -6
Hit Dice: 12*** 16**** Hit Dice: 16+3*** 22*’**
Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50’) Move: 120’ (40’) 150’ (50‘)
Dolphin Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’) Flying: 300’ (100’) 360’ (120’)
Armor Class: 5 Attacks: Up to 6 (see below) Attacks: Up to 6 (see below)
Hit Dice: 3* Breath cloud: 50’~40’x30’ 50’~50’~30’ Breath cone or cloud: As Green or Red
Move: 180’(60’) Damage: see below see below Damage: see below see below
Attacks: 1 head butt #Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2) #Appearing: 1-3 (1-3) 1-2 (1-2)
Damage: 2-8 Save As: Fighter: 24 Fighter: 36 Save As: Fighter: 33 Fighter: 36
No. Appearing: 0 (1-20) Morale: 9 10 Morale: 10 11
Save As: Dwarf: 6 Treasure Type: H.2, I H.3, 1.2 Treasure Type: H.2, I H.3, 1 x 2
Morale: 10 Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Alignment: Lawful Lawful
Treasure Type: Nil XP Value: 3,500 5,150 XP Value: 4,200 11,750
Alignment: Lawful XP with spells: 4,300 7,050 A XP with spells: 5.150 18.500
X P Value: 50
Dolphins are related to whales, but are much
smaller. They are 20’ long with a smooth
hide. Dolphins cannot breathe water and
must come to the surface once every 15 min-
utes for air. They are intelligent and have
their own language. Dolphins can use telepa-
thy with other dolphins in a 50 mile range,
and they can detect magic underwater (360’
range). They hate sharks and occasionally
attack them. Dolphins are the friends of most
sailors and have been known to help people in
trouble. ,*

A victim held in a claw automatically takes
normal claw damage each round, but if Ini-
tiative is won, the victim may act first (cast a
spell, use a device, etc.).
A victim held in a bite automatically takes
normal bite damage each round, and cannot
concentrate (regardless of Initiative). The
victim is swallowed when dead. A dragon
may bite a victim held in a claw, but with a -2
penalty to the Hit roll. If successful, the vic-
tim is transferred to the mouth.
Hover: When using this attack form, the
dragon pauses for a moment before landing,
its wings beating furiously. The dragon may
attack up to six opponents in one round while
hovering, using 1 bite, 2 front claws, 2 rear
kicks, and 1 tail (but no wing attacks). A
breath weapon may not be used while hover-
ing, because of the wind from the wings.
After 1 round of Hover attacks, the dragon
must land immediately, but the dragon can-
Claws, Kicks, not Crush after Hovering. (Note that the
DAMAGES: Bite or Wings, or SPELLS (by level) location of opponents might prevent the use
Dice used Crush and Tail 1 2 3 4 5 of some attack forms.)
White: Small 2d8 ld4 each White: Small 3 - Crush: This maneuver is often used if the
Large 2d8.4 ld6.1 each Large 4 2 - dragon surprises non-human victims, or pos-
Huge 2d8.8 ld8.2 each Huge 5 3 1 - sibly against any opponents if the dragon is
Black: Small 2d10 ld4.1 each Black: Small 4 - seriously wounded. When Crushing, the
Large 2d10.4 ld6.2 each Large 5 3 - dragon actually lands on its victims. Each
Huge 2d10.8 ld8.3 each Huge 5 4 3 - may make a Saving Throw vs. Death Ray;
Green: Small 3d8 ld6each Green: Small 3 3 - success indicates complete evasion of the
Large 3d8.4 ld8.1 each Large 4 4 3 - crush, and no damage is inflicted. A victim
Huge 3d8.8 ld10.2 each Huge 5 5 4 3 - may choose to remain in the area, taking the
Blue: Small 3d10 ld6.1 each Blue: Small 4 4 - full damage of the crush; if a weapon is held
Large 3d10.4 ld8.2 each Large 5 5 3 - in hand, a Hit roll may be made with a +4
Huge 3d10.8 ld10.3 each Huge 5 5 5 4 - bonus. If the attack hits, double damage is
Red: Small 4d8 Id8 each Red: Small 3 3 3 - inflicted. A Small dragon can crush one vic-
Large 4d8.4 ld10.1 each Large 5 4 3 2 - tim only. A Large dragon can crush all in a
Huge 4d8.8 ld12.2 each Huge 5 5 4 3 2 10’ radius circle. A huge dragon can crush all
Gold: Small 6d6 2d4each Gold: Small 4 4 4 - in a 20 ’ radius circle.
Large 6d6.4 3d4each Large 5 5 4 3 - Other Attacks
Huge 6d6.8 4d4 each Huge 5 5 5 4 3 Kick: Any victim hit by a Kick attack
must make a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis or
be knocked over. penalty applies io the
Considering the entire race of dragonkind, victims suffer a -1 penalty to their Surprise Saving Throw, equal to the amount of dam-
those given in the D&D Basic Set are small roll, because of the creature’s silent glide. If age inflicted. Any victim knocked over may
and weak. Only Small dragons are described the dragon Surprises the victim, each hit get up during the next round, but will auto-
there; Large and Huge dragons are detailed inflicts double damage. matically lose Initiative. A kick attack is only
here. Dragons may be found up to 3 Hit Dice effective during hovering or ground combat,
smaller or larger than the average given. not aerial.
Large dragons gain a +2 bonus to all Hit swoop
Hit Roll Attack Tail: Any victim hit by the tail attack of a
rolls. Huge dragons gain a +4bonus to all Hit Large or Huge dragon must make a Saving
rolls. Size Needed Forms
Throw vs. Paralysis or be knocked over (as
When attacking from the air, any dragon Small 20 1 claw with a kick) and disarmed. A penalty applies
may use one Swoop, Hover, or Crush (as Large 18-20 2 claws to the Saving Throw, equal to the damage
described below), but no two in combination. Huge 16-20 2 claws 1 bite
inflicted. A disarmed opponent may. spend
one round picking up the weapon, or may
Swoop: This ability is identical to that given switch weapons, merely losing Initiative.
in the Expert Set (page 45); the dragon may A victim caught by a SWOOP may attack, but
with a -2 penalty to all Hit rolls, and each hit Wing: A wing attack may be used against
pick up one or victims ifthe Hit rolls are any opponent within range-which is large.
high enough. When a dragon swoops, its inflicts only minimum damage.


The range is 3’ per Hit Die of the dragon. to inflict damage only, at the DM’s choice). If up one, two, or three man-sized victims, or
Any victim hit by a wing attack must make a its Swoop attack hits, a Small dragon may two horse-sized, or one giant-sized opponent.
Saving Throw vs. Paralysis or be stunned. A pick up one man-sized opponent. Breath: All Large and Huge dragons use
penalty applies to the Saving Throw, equal to Large dragons use all attacks except breath weapons intelligently, not randomly.
the damage inflicted. A stunned victim can- wings. Kick attacks may be used against any They are rarely aimed at single opponents,
not attack or concentrate, suffers a +4penalty opponents within 10’ of the body. A Tail and are normally saved for use against
to Armor Class, and may move (stagger) at attack may be aimed at any opponent to the groups. The volume of the breath weapon
only 1/3 normal rate. In aerial combat, wing rear or sides. If its Swoop attack hits, a Large increases with the size of the dragon; the
attacks are used instead of kicks. dragon may pick up one or two man-sized breath sizes are given in the statistics.
opponents, or one horse-sized creature. All other notes apply as given in the Basic
Huge dragons use all attacks effectively Set, including breath weapon damage and
Small dragons normally attack with claws against any opponent within melee range, type, chance of talking, chance of being
and bite when on the ground, without using through maneuvering. Wing attacks may be asleep, subduing dragons, and treasure. All
kicks or tail attacks. Their legs are too short aimed at any opponents to the sides, or, if dragons are immune to normal or smaller
for effective kicking unless an opponent is more than one opponent is in front of the versions of their breath weapons and take 1/2
close behind them. They are not proficient in dragon, against those on either side. If its damage from other types (see Basic Set, page
attacking with the tail (though it may be used Swoop attack hits, a Huge dragon may pick 29).

Dragon Turtle
Armor Class: -2
Hit Dice: 30*
Move: 30’( 10’)
Swimming: 90’(30’)
Attacks: 2 clawdl bite
Damage: 1-8 claw/10-60 bite
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 15
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: H
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 9,000
Dragon Turtles are a magic crossbreed of a
dragon and a giant turtle. They have the
head, limbs, and tail of a great dragon and
the hard shell of a turtle. These creatures live
in the depths of great oceans and seas, seldom
surfacing or approaching land. Dragon tur-
tles are so large that sailors have mistakenly
landed on ones floating on the surface, think-
ing the hard shell to be a small island.
The dragon turtle is able to use a breath extremely rare, made and used only to guard
Class: -3
weapon just like a dragon. It can breathe a 20* * * * *
Hit Dice: a special item or area. The finished drolem
cloud of steam 50’ long and 40’ wide. This Move: 120’ (40’) may look exactly like another normal dragon,
breath weapon does damage like a dragon, Flying: 240’ (80’) or may simply be a dragon skeleton.
inflicting hit points of damage equal to the
Attacks: 2 clawdl bite A drolem is non-intelligent, and obeys its
current hit points of the dragon turtle
Damage: 2-12/2-12/11-30 instructions exactly. It can see invisible things
Dragon turtles live in great caverns on the
No. Appearing: 1 (1) within 60’, and is immune to charm, hold,
bottom of the the deepest oceans, where they
Save As: Fighter. 10 (and see sleep, and all other mind-affecting spells, all
keep the treasures of sunken ships. O n occa- forms of fire and cold, and all gases. It is also
sion, they will rise under ships, attempting to immune to all spells of 4th level or less, to
Morale. 12
overturn them and devour the occupants.
Treasure Type: Special (see below) normal and silver weapons, and even magical
Note: Dragon turtles are extremely pow-
Alignment: Neutral weapons of +2 or lesser enchantment
erful creatures that should not be used unless The drolem’s claws inflict 2-12 points of
xp Value: 7,750
the player characters are of very high level. damage each, and its huge jaws cause 11-30
A drolem is a type of golem which looks like a (ld20+10) points of damage. A drolem can
dragon. It is not alive, but a construction also breathe 3 times per day. Its breath is a
made by a high level magic-user or cleric. A small poisonous cloud, 2 0 ‘ ~ 2 0 ‘ ~ 2 0 ‘all,
special book and several rare materials are within it must make a Saving Throw VS.
needed to make a drolem, so the monster is dragon Breath or die


Druj:A form of Undead; see Spirit. Gremlin

Armor Class: 7
Gargantua Hit Dice: 1**
Carrion Crawler Gargoyle ’ -
Troll Move: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 3 1 4 Attacks: Special
Hit Dice: 25* 32* 51** Damage: Special
Move: 240‘ (80’) 180’ (60 ’) 240‘ (80’) No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-6)
Flying: - 300’ (100‘) - Save As: Elf: 1
Attacks: 8 4 3 Morale: 12
Damage: 2-5 each 4-1214-121 4-24/4-241 Treasure Type: Nil
+Paralysis 4-2414-16 4-40 Alignment: Chaotic
No. Appearing: 1(1) 1 (1) 1(1) Gremlins are 3’ tall humanoids with pasty
Save As: Fighter: 13 Fighter: 32 Fighter: 36 gray-green skin, large saucer-shaped eyes
Morale: 11 11 11 (9) and pointed ears. They are whimsical and
Treasure Type: Bx4 cx4 Dx4 have an evil sense of humor. Gremlins can
Alignment: Neutral Chaotic Chaotic radiate a chaotic aura with a 20‘ radius.
XP Value: 6,500 10.000 29.000 Inside the area of effect, “If anything can go
A gargantua is a very large variety of some Movement rate: 2 times normal wrong in a given situation, it probably will.”
normal monster. These monsters are Damage: 4 times normal Characters must successfully save vs. Spells
extremely rare, the products of research of Number Appearing: 1 (except near the each round to avoid the effect of the gremlins.
the mad wizard Gargantua. Monsters Tower of Gargantua) Gremlins have no attack other than their
rumored to have gargantuan forms include Save As: Fighter of equal level, 112 level if chaotic aura. However, any creature which
various bugs (ant, bee, beetle, centipede, the monster is unintelligent attacks a gremlin and misses must roll a sec-
robber fly, scorpion, spider), carrion crawler, Morale: 11 ond attack against himself or herself. Any
cockatrice, gargoyle, hydra, lizard man, Treasure Type: 4 times normal size, at 2 character casting a spell within the chaotic
minotaur, ogre, troll, and umber hulk. Three times normal percentages aura must roll a save vs. Spells. If successful,
examples of Gargantuan creatures are given Armor Class, Alignment, Number and type the spell affects the gremlins, if unsuccessful,
above. of Attacks, and normal and magical abilities the spell affects the caster.
Because of their incredible size, gargan- are unchanged, except for regeneration (4 Gremlin magic usually affects mechanical
tuans are noisy while moving, and cannot times normal rate). Other logical changes can devices before non-mechanical devices. A
surprise anything. They also suffer a -4 pen- be made; for example, the gargantuan car- crossbow might break in half, belt buckles
alty to their Hit rolls when attacking man- rion crawler’s tentacles are large enough to might pop-open, ax-heads might fall off their
size or smaller opponents. inflict damage. shaft, etc. The exact effects of gremlin magic
The statistics for any gargantuan monster Gargantuan monsters with special abilities depend on the situation and the DM’s imagi-
are calculated as follows: (spells, breath weapons, etc.) are not recom- nation. In general, the magic is not deadly
Height: 2 times normal mended. Breath weapons, for example, but is playfully malignant.
Hit Dice: 8 times normal, counting each would be increased in both size and dam-
“plus” as one Hit Die added age- too-deadly an effect.

Ghost:A form of Undead; see Haunt. A haunt is an undead soul of some creature
(usually human) unable to rest. Haunts are
Haunt * *
Banshee -
Ghost Poltergeist
most often encountered near the spots where
their mortal bodies died-often a bog, old
Armor Class: -3 -2 -1 forest, or dungeon. They avoid, but are not
Hit Dice: 13**** 14**** 12****
harmed by, sunlight and magical light.
Move (Flying): 60’ (20’) 90’ (30’) 60’ (20‘) Haunts can only be harmed by magic
Attacks: 1 touch11 gaze 1 touch/l gaze 2 missiles weapons of +2 or greater enchantment. They
Damage: Age 10-40 years Age 10-40 yrsl Age 10 years plus are immune to all spells except those which
paralysis paralysis see below affect evil. Each haunt has its own special
No. Appearing: 1 (1) 1(1) 1-4 (0) attack form, given in the descriptions.
Save As: See below See below See below Haunts do not inflict normal damage; they
Morale: 9 10 11 cause aging with their physical blows. Each
Treasure Type: E, N, 0 E, N, 0 E, N, 0 haunt can create an Ectoplasmic Net while
Alignment: Chaotic Any Chaotic doing other things, and all haunts can use a
XP Value: 5,150 5,150 4,300 Gaze attack as we11 as its sDecial or Dhvsical
1 ,

attacks. If seriously threatened (or if Morale

DM Checklist: fails), a haunt will escape into the Ethereal
Attacks: Ectoplasmic Net; Gaze (paralysis); affecting evil; harmed only bY+2Or better Plane and not return for 1-8 days. A haunt
Aging damage per blow. Throw vs. Turning can only enter the Ether three times per day,
Defenses: Immune to all spells except those destruction (spells). but can leave it at any time.


Net: When first encountered, a haunt will A banshee can use its special attack, a wail, of the other types.
normally start oozing Ectoplasm. This three times per day. All victims within 60’ Poltergeist: This strange being is com-
appears as wispy tendrils, slowly forming a must make a Saving Throw vs. Death Ray or pletely invisible, having the form of a cluster
net. The Net has no effect on the movement die on the spot. The creature often uses of ectoplasmic tentacles with dozens of tiny
of the haunt or others, however, and is only a one wail at an out-of-range distance to ward eyes. It cannot be seen except by magic. Its
visual effect for 3 rounds; but after that time, off approaching enemies; an immediate Ectoplasmic Net is usually the first thing
the Net is complete, forming a 10’ radius Morale check must be made for NPCs and seen. Its gaze attack will only affect creatures
around the haunt and moving with it. Any monsters hearing it, with a +4penalty to the able to see invisible things.
living creature within a complete Ectoplas- roll. The banshee may be tricked into wailing A poltergeist throws and moves things with
mic Net muIst make a Saving Throw vs. again (if the opponents are very clever), but its tentacles. It is usually found in an area
Spells or be pulled into the Ethereal Plane will not use its third wail until it is in the where loose items (sticks, rocks, etc.) can be
(where the ncEt also exists). The ethereal vic- midst of combat. If avoided, a banshee won’t easily picked u p and used; otherwise, the pol-
tim is helple 3s unless special items or spells pursue. tergeist will move items carried by the
(oil of e there;slness, teleport, etc.) permit tra- intruders. The monster can throw 2 items per
Ghost: Of all the more powerful Undead,
vel from that Plane. The haunt will attack its round; the damage done varies by the size of
only a ghost may be of any alignment. Each
ethereal victi ms when it returns to the Ether. the item, from as little as 1 point (for a small
form is explained below.
Gaze: A 1iaunt’s gaze attack has a 60’ stick) to 3-18 points (a large rock). In addi-
Every ghost has the ability to use a magic
range, and may be used once per round tion, any victim hit must make a Saving
jar effect (Expert Set, page 15; range 30’) on
(against a sinigle victim) at most, in addition one victim per turn. If successful, one item Throw vs. Spells or age 10 years; this Saving
to other attac.k forms. The victim of the gaze carried by the ghost will glow, powered by the Throw must be made for every hit.
must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be Unlike other haunts, poltergeists inhabit
life force of its victim. The ghost’s force then
paralyzed for 2-8 rounds. A haunt often only indoor or underground areas, and may
possesses the body of the victim, and causes it
ignores its piaralyzed victims, concentrating to attack others. During this time, and for as be found in groups.
its attacks on other enemies nearby, until only
helpless ones remain.
long as it possesses another, the ghost’s figure Golem, Mud -
stops, merely holding the light (but oozing Armor Class: 9
Aging dannage: Each blow from a haunt the Ectoplasmic Net). The ghost and the item Hit Dice: 8*
ages the victi m by 10 to 40 years. Elves may both remain ethereal. If its magicjar attempt Move: 90‘ (30’)
“ the effects of the first 200 years of fails, a ghost usually materializes and attacks Attacks: 1 hug
agin!5; dwarv es may ignore the first 50 years, with blows or its gaze attack. Damage: 2-12 smothering
and halflings , the first 20 years. Otherwise, Some ghosts appear in forms related to No. Appearing:
each 10 yearsi of aging will cause the victim to 1 (1)
their death. A drowned human might appear Save As: Fighter: 8
lose 1 point c)f Constitution. This loss is per- soaked in water, soaking all things around it; Morale: 12
man1ent and cumulative (each additional 10 the ghost of a person who died of fire might Treasure Type: Nil
year:5 drains another point). A wish will appear cloaked in ethereal flames. The D M Alignment: Neutral
restoire only cine point lost in this manner, and may add details of this sort whenever desired. X P Value: 1,200
less I)owerful magic cannot affect the loss. All
A Lawful ghost appears as a transparent A mud golem is a humanoid monster magi-
agin!5 should be noted on record sheets, as it
human, usually carrying a lantern or candle. cally created form mud. It can swim or walk
does not wear oEF; it can be countered with a
If attacked, it can respond with the same on the surface of mud and quicksand without
poticm of lorigevity or a wish. If a victim’s
attacks as any other ghost. If approached sinking. It can remain submerged in the sub-
Conistitution drops to 0, the victim dies per-
with caution, the ghost will gesture. If fol- stances indefinitely without sinking, rising to
mansently, and cannot be raised.
lowed, it will lead to a special clue or treasure, the surface when it wishes. Mud golems hug
TLrrning: \Yhen a cleric’s attempt at Turn- and then disappear. Some Lawful ghosts exist
ing iL haunt {ives a “D” result, the creature their victims with both arms, trying to
only to guide Lawful living beings away from smother the victim in its body. If a mud golem
may make a $avingThrow vs. Spells to avoid some area of great danger.
destiuction. If the Saving Throw is success- hits, it will automatically cause 2-12 points of
ful, 1the monsiter is not Turned or Destroyed, A Neutral ghost is a human soul who has smothering damage each round thereafter.
become trapped, unable to rest, either Like other golems, mud golems can be hit
althc)ugh the cleric can repeat the attempt.
because the body remains unburied, or only by magical weapons. They are immune
Otht:r Turnirig results are handled normally.
E;kch haun t keeps the treasure of its victims because the being was greatly betrayed, to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as all
in some are:a near the place where it is harmed, or cursed. If this type of ghost is forms of gases.
aided, and the body found and returned to a
enccmntered . Victims of haunts do not Golem, Obsidian*
churchyard, the ghost will rest in peace.
becoime haulnts themselves unless they are Armor Class: 3
When aided, the ghost usually reveals its
extrc:mely evil beings. Hit Dice: 6
treasure hoard.
Banshee: TIhis lonely haunt prefers desolate A Chaotic ghost looks like a nearly trans- Move: 120‘ (40 ’)
moors and 01 utdoor places, though it is occa- parent bundle of cloth. It may assume any Attacks: 1 weapon or 1 fist
sion,ally found underground. It is a guardian form desired, even (but rarely) that of a Law- Damage: 2-8
of soIPtC -..-
*“A may actually help one race in its
ful or Neutral ghost. Whatever the form, the No. Appearing: 1
area (often sprites or pixies) by frightening creature will always have a dark candle, Save As: Fighter: 3
and chasing enemies away. It is rumored that torch, or lantern with it. When first encoun- Morale: 12
a bainshee is the soul of an evil female elf, tered, a Chaotic ghost uses its magicjar spell Treasure Type: Nil
atoning for its misdeeds in life. immediately unless it is masquerading as one Alignment: Neutral


Golems made of obsidian will appear as In combat, a malfera attacks with pincers Manta Ray
sharp-featured humanoids carved of this
black glass. The obsidian golems have only a
and bite. If both pincers hit the same target,
the victim is dragged to the chest of the
Normal -
Armor Class: 6 6
low intelligence, but they have the power of malfera on the next round. The tentacles Hit Dice: 4* 10*
speech, and may be controlled by simple then automatically trap the victim. These Move: 120’ (40’) 180’ (60’)
commands, passwords, or riddles. In com- tentacles are coated with an acid slime and do Attacks: 1 tail 1 buffed1 tail
bat, an obsidian golem reduced to 0 hit points 2-12 points of damage each round. The vic-
Damage: 1-8 3-12/2-20
will shatter into worthless rubble. As with all tim may be freed only when the malfera is
+paralysis + paralysis
golems, these creatures are immune to sleep, killed. In addition, the breath of a malfera is No. Appearing: 1-3 1
charm, and hold spells, as well as all forms of poisonous: each time it hits with a bite, its
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 5
gases. victim must save vs. Poison (at +3) or die. A Morale: 7 7
malfera is immune to acid and may only be
Grab Grass - struck by magical weapons.
Treasure Type: Nil V
Armor Class: 9 Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Aside from its combat abilities, a malfera
Hit Dice: 1 per 5 ’ square XP Value: 125 1600
can detect invisible and open all doors as if it
Move: 0 Normal Manta Rays can grow to be 7 feet in
had a knock spell. Because of its tough consti-
Attacks: 1 width and 12 feet in length. The tail on the
tution and highly magical nature, it saves as a
Damage: Special manta ray has many sharp poisonous spines
13th level fighter.
No. Appearing: Not Applicable that can paralyze its victim. A saving throw
A malfera may appear on this dimension
Save As: Normal Man vs. Poison will prevent paralysis. When they
only through the act of a powerful magic-
Morale: 12 lie in the sand on the ocean floor they are
user. No one can describe the malfera’s
Treasure Type: Nil completely invisible.
dimension, except that it is poisonous and
Alignment: Neutral Giant manta rays can be up to 75 feet long.
deadly to humans.
XP Value: 10 A giant manta ray is also invisible when it lies
Grab grass looks like ordinary tall grass (3 ’- in sand on the ocean floor. Treasure may
Armor Class: 1
5’ tall). Grab grass is animated and will often be found inside the creature, because it
Hit Dice: 8** feeds on the ocean floor. It can buffet a crea-
attempt to hold any individual that moves
Move: 240’ (80’) ture for 3-12 points of damage.
into or through it. There is a 5% chance each
Attacks: 1 weapon/l tail
round that anyone with a strength of 12 or Mujina
Damage: 3-18/1-lO+poison
less can break free of the grab grass. For Armor Class: 4
No. Appearing: 1-8 (2-20)
every point of strength greater than 12, the
Save As: Fighter: 8 Hit Dice: 8*
chance increases by 5 % (an individual with Move: 120 ’ (40 ’ )
Morale: 10
16 strength, for example, would have a 25% Attacks: 2 weapon special
chance each round to break free). The grab
Treasure Type: (V) J, K, Mx2 +

Alignment: Chaotic Damage 1-6 or by weapon

grass patch has one hit die for every 5 ‘ square No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4)
XP Value: 1,200
area (thus 5’ square are destroyed for every 8 Save As: Fighter: 8
X P with spells, by HD:
hit points of damage done to the grass). 8*** 2,300 1 1 * * * * 4,300 Morale: 9
Malfera’ 9*** 3,000 12***** 5,100 Treasure Type: E
Armor Class: 3 lo**** 3,700 13***** 6,500 Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 9’ ’ The manscorpion is an evil combination of X P Value: 1750
Move: 60’ (20’) man and arachnid. The upper body is A mujina, in its natural form, looks like a
Attacks: 2 claws, bite special
humanoid, but its lower parts are those of a human except that it has no face. Where the
Damage: 1-lo/ 1- 1011-6 giant scorpion (with stinging tail). It may be eyes, nose, ears and mouth should be is noth-
No. Appearing: 1 (1-2) found in nearly any climate, but most fre- ing-the face is smooth like an egg. However,
Save As: Fighter: 13 quently in deserts, mountains, and dun- the mujina may create an illusion to give its
Morale: 11 geons. face any appearance it wants. It most often
Treasure Type: E This insect warrior normally wields a huge poses as a typical human until it decides to
Alignment: Chaotic pole arm (damage 3-18), but may use a long- attack.
XP Value: 2300 bow or any other weapon available. It may A mujina is very strong and can handle
A malfera is a creature from the Dimension of also strike with its dreaded deadly poisonous any two-handed weapon (other than a lance,
Nightmares. It has a large, elephant-like face tail; the victim hit takes 1-10 points of dam- pole arm, or crossbow) in one hand. In com-
and a short trunk. The head is topped by age, and must make a Saving Throw vs. Poi- bat it uses two weapons, one in each hand. It
large horns. Large fangs protrude from either son or die. Even if the Saving Throw is made, has the same chance to hit with either
side of the trunk. The chest is a mass of slimy, the victim is paralyzed for 0-7 rounds (ld8- weapon. A mujina can also cause its true face
short tentacles. Long, muscular arms end in 1). Only victims immune to paralysis or poi- to appear at will. Any creature of five hit dice
large, jagged pincers. Its feet are webbed and son can avoid this effect. (levels) or less who sees the blank face auto-
clawed. It is colored night-black but has red Some (1 in 20) of the insectoid creatures matically runs in fear for 1-3 rounds, at three
veins and eyes. are clerics, of 8th-13th level (with the corres- times normal movement rate. Creatures who
ponding added Hit Dice). However, these are have more than five hit dice (or levels) must
normally found only in their lair. save vs. Wands or also flee as explained

A mujina often joins a party of adventurers the players of as much as possible and then
as a retainer fighter. It may serve faithfully flees. Mujina can speak Common, the lan-
for a long period, not revealing its true iden- guage of their kind, and their alignment
tity. However, if given the opportunity, it robs tongue.

Odic: A form of Undead; see Spirit.

Phantom Throw vs. Death Ray or immediately fall
Apparition -
Shade Vision dead in horror.
Armor Class: 0 0 0 After this initial attack, the shade material-
Hit Dice: lo*** 11*** 12*** izes and viciously slashes any nearby victims
Move: 180’ (60’) 120’ (40’) 0 (see below) with its dagger. If seriously endangered or if
Attacks: 2 claws 1 dagger 2-8 swords Morale fails, it will dematerialize and flee.
Damage: 3-8/34 3-12 1-8 each (see below) Unlike other phantoms, a shade always
No. Appearing: 1 (1) 1 (0) 1 (1) inhabits indoor or underground areas.
Save As: Magic-user: 10 11 Cleric: 12 Vision: Quite different from other phan-
Morale: 10 9 12 toms, a vision always inhabits a specific area
Treasure Type: (L) N, 0 (L, N,V) L, N,0 of no greater than 500 square feet. The vision
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic is of 2-8 humanoids, rather than a single one,
XP Value: 3,000 3,500 3,500 and most have weapons and armor of various
DM Checklist: types. A vision often looks like the remains of
Attacks: Sight = fear; Special for each Apparition: This is a single humanoid crea- a fierce battle with no survivors. The vision is
Defenses: Ethereal at first; Saving Throw ture, appearing much like a wight but semi- actually a collection of lost souls.
vs. Turning (spells); magic weapon to hit transparent. It is always seen standing in a When first encountered, all the souls start
clear area when first encountered, and never to cry and howl. All within 90‘ hearing the
Phantoms are undead beings which lurk uses any weapons. An apparition’s first noise must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells.
nearly anywhere. They avoid sunlight, but attack is the creation of a swirling semi-trans- All those failing the Saving Throw are filled
are not bothered by magical light sources. parent mist, 10’ high with a 20’ radius. All with sorrow and sympathy for the souls in the
They are immune to all charms and cold within the mist must make a Saving Throw vision; they will believe all action is hopeless,
spells, and can only be damaged by magic vs. Spells or be entranced, unable to do any- and sit down and cry for the lost souls for 11-
weapons. thing but watch the mist until it disappears. 20 rounds (ldlO+lO). Those within range
Ethereal form: When first encountered, a Those remaining within the swirling mist must continue to make one Saving Throw
phantom is always in non-material form, and must make the Saving Throw each round. each round.
(though it can be Turned) cannot be damaged The mist lasts for 12 rounds, or until the crea- After crying out for 1-3 rounds, the crea-
at all from the Prime Plane. Each phantom ture is destroyed or Turned. When the tures in the vision start to rise (materializing)
has a special attack form, given in the entrancing effect wears off, a victim need not and attack, continuing their awful wailing.
description, which it normally uses immedi- make any further Saving Throws against the No single individual has any hit points; the
ately. The phantom then materializes for mist. The mist will move with the creature. vision as a whole has 12 Hit Dice, and all
physical combat, becoming AC 0. After entrancing at least one victim, the damage inflicted on all individuals is counted
Fear: Everyone seeing a phantom (within apparition materializes and rakes the victim against that total. The vision attacks once per
120’) must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells with both bony claws (+4bonus to Hit rolls, individual phantom within it, each individ-
or run away in fear. Creatures of 3 Hit Dice damage ld6.2 per claw). An apparition ual attacking as a 12 H D monster and inflict-
or less are automatically affected (no Saving rarely attacks moving victims, trying to slay ing 1-8 points of damage per hit. (Each is
Throw) and will utterly refuse to return to the at least one victim per encounter. typically armed with a normal sword; the
area in which the phantom was seen. Other Any human or demi-human slain by an D M may equip the phantoms otherwise,
creatures are unaffected if the Saving Throw apparition will become one in one week; the using the appropriate damage by weapon
is successful. only way to avoid this fate is to cast a dispel type. However, no magic weapons or other
Turning: All phantoms are resistant to evil spell on the body before casting a raise magic items will be used.) Within their
Turning by clerics. “D” results are handled dead (all within the week’s time). If a raise restricted area, phantoms of a vision move at
normally, but if a “T” result occurs, the dead is cast without the dispel evil, the char- 40’ per round.
phantom may make a Saving Throw vs. acter will revive, apparently none the worse If a vision is successfully Turned, it dis-
Spells; if successful, the Turn effect is for the experience -but will begin to fade a appears for 1-6 hours before returning; it
reflected back onto the cleric, who must also week later, turning into an apparition. cannot move away from the given location.
make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be para- All individual phantoms in a vision are con-
Shade: Similar to an apparition, this crea- fined within the area, and cannot pursue or
lyzed with fear for 2-12 rounds. ture looks like a single humanoid, but always
Each phantom keeps the treasure of its vic- evade.
carries a dagger. It surprises its victims 90%
tims. The apparition and shade keep their of the time, normally moving through a wall
treasures in some area near where they are or door when first encountered. It moves
encountered, but a vision’s treasure will quickly toward one target, threatening with
appear in the area if the vision is destroyed. its weapon; the victim must make a Saving

Poltergeist: A form of Undead; see Haunt. Shark _

Mako Great White
Revenant: A form of Undead; see Spirit. Armor Class: 4 4 4
Hit Dice: 2* 4 8
Rock or Cave Toad 8 Move: 180’ (60’) 180’ (60’) 180’ (60’)
. .
Armor Class: 2 Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
Hit Dice: 3.1 * Damage: 2-8 2-12 2-20
Move: 60’ (20’) No. Appearing: 0 (3-18) 0 (2-12) 0 (1-4)
Attacks: 1 bite special
Save As: Fighter: 1 2 4
Damage: 1-6 charm Morale: 7 7 7
No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4) Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Save As: Fighter: 3 Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
Morale: 7 X P Value: 25 75 650
Treasure Type: V
Sharks are vicious predators. They have little larger and gray with a white underside. They
Alignment: Neutral
X P Value: 75 intelligence and are unpredictable. They are have been known to destroy small boats.
attracted to the scent of blood within 300’ Wereshark: These are mermen, or tritons
About the size of a large dog, the rock or cave and it will drive them into a feeding frenzy inflicted with a form of lycanthropy which
toad weighs 150 pounds. It carries a hard, (they attack but make no morale checks). enables them to take the form of a mako shark
bumpy shell on its back (like a turtle). O n its They attack by making long, curving passes. anytime they choose so long as it is in dark-
head, it has bulging, multi-faceted eyes simi- Sharks are found in salt water. ness. When the moon is full they must change
lar to a fly’s. The eyes shine with a hypnotic Bull Shark: These are 8 ‘ long and brown into a shark and will maraude the seas.
glow. Any creature gazing into the eyes must in color. Bull sharks will ram their prey first Under this forced change they lose their intel-
save vs. Paralysis, or be paralyzed for 2- (save vs. paralysis lasting 3 rounds) to stun it, ligence and become bloodthirsty killers. The
8(2d4) rounds. The eyes will continue to cast and then attack the helpless prey the next only difference between a wereshark and a
a feeble light (5’ radius) for 1-3 hours after round. mako shark is that weresharks are intelligent
the creature dies, but the hypnotic powers Mako shark: These are 12’ long and and only magic or silver weapons will harm a
will be lost. When attacking, it bites with a blue-gray or tan in color. Mako sharks are wereshark.
horny, beaked mouth. The rock toad lives in extremely unpredictable, ignoring swimmers Weresharks have treasure type C in their
rocky, cold regions such as high mountains or one moment, and then, for no apparent rea- lair. They save as a 4th level fighter and have
frozen deserts. son, attacking. an X P value of 125.
Great white shark: These are 30’ long or
Shade: A form of Undead; see Phantom.
Snow Ape
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3+1 nered, the snow ape fights viciously (use the the trail of a creature, they follow it for days.
Move: 90’ (30’) morale in parentheses in this case). Although In combat, a spectral hound attacks by bit-
Attacks: 1 club/l hug they cannot make intelligible sounds, snow ing. Any one bitten by a spectral hound must
Damage: 1-612-12 apes communicate with each other using a save vs. Spells. If he saves, the character suf-
No. Appearing: 0 (2-20) complex sign language. In addition, snow fers only the 2-12 points of damage from the
Save As: Fighter: 3 apes often leave messages for each other bite. if he fails to save, he begins to fade. This
Morale: 7 (11) using a system of stacked rocks and snow- fading is very gradual: in 24 hours the char-
Treasure Type: K balls. They live in high mountains and snowy acter has faded completely, having the same
Alignment: Chaotic wastes. translucent appearance as a spectral hound.
X P Value: 50 The character’s equipment is not affected.
Snow apes are squat, baboon-like creatures Spectral Hound* When the character fades completely, he is
with shaggy white fur. They are somewhat Armor Class: -2 unable to hold any normal items. He is
intelligent, and often make simple tools, like Hit Dice: 5** unable to hear or talk to unfaded players.
clubs or sharpened bones. They cannot, how- Move: 150’ (50’) From the faded character’s point of view, all
ever, grasp more complicated concepts, such Attacks: 1 normal things appear translucent, while
as the use of a bow and arrow. Because of Damage: 2-12 special
faded things (i.e. the spectral hounds and
their camouflage, they are extremely difficult No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-6) other affected characters) seem solid and nor-
to see in snowy conditions (surprising on a 1- Save As: Fighter: 5 mal.
4). The snow ape uses one arm to attack with Morale: 12 At any time after someone has been
a weapon and attempts to hug its victim with Treasure Type: Nil affected, he may be restored to the normal
the other. Because the snow ape is so strong, Alignment: Chaotic world by a dimension door spell. When the
any creature caught in its hug takes 2-12 XP Value: 425 spell is cast, the affected character or charac-
points damage each round until freed. The Spectral hounds are creatures from the ters can step through the dimension door and
ape will maintain its hug until it is slain or its Dimensional Vortex-the void between all return to the normal world.
morale breaks. dimensions. In this world they appear as Spectral hounds may be struck only by sil-
Although generally reclusive, the snow ape ghostly dogs-pale in color and translucent. ver or magic weapons. They are immune to
is clever and cruel, preferring to ambush its Their eyes are formless pools of utter black- fire- and cold-based spells.
victims whenever possible. If trapped or cor- ness. They are excellent trackers and once on

Spirit onto its victim, causing automatic damage

each round thereafter. The damage caused is
Druj Odic
- Revenant
equal to the AC of the victim, ignoring dex-
Armor Class: -4 -4 -3
Hit Dice: 14**** 16**** la**** terity and shield bonuses, plus 1-4 points. If
Move: 90’ (30’) 0 (see below) 120’ (40’) the adjusted Armor Class is a negative num-
Attacks: 1 or4 1 (see below) 2 claws/l bite ber, 1-4 points of damage will still be inflicted
Damage: See below 1-12 + poison 2-812-813-6 each round.
(all poison)
+ (see below) (all + poison) Skull: A skull druj floats toward and bites
its victim. When first approached, the victim
No. Appearing: 1 (1) or 2-5 0 (1) 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 14 Fighter: 16 must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be
Fighter: 18
frozen with fear, allowing the skull druj to
Morale: 11 12 10
bite (no Hit roll needed) for 2-8 points of
Treasure Type: I, 0,v I, 0, v I, 0,v
damage. The normal Saving Throw vs. Poi-
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic
son applies to each bite.
XP Value: 5,150 5,150 6,600
DM Checklist: Odic: This evil spirit travels up to 24 miles
Attacks: Poison touch and presence; cleric cleric spells, no words or gestures are needed. each day, settling into a plant by night. It is
spells; other specials A spirit normally has no treasure, though it dangerous even if avoided, as it animates
Defenses: +2weapon or better to hit; immune may occasionally serve as a guard for some parts of the plant to do its bidding. The plant
to 1st-3rd level spells special item. Those characters who risk travel can easily be seen at long range (up to 300
at night may encounter a spirit with 1-6 of its yards), as the odic radiates a purplish light in
spirits are powerful evil beings inhabiting the a 20’ radius. Any living being within this
bodies (or body parts) of others. They are victims, who may treasure.
light must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or
immune to spells below 4th level, and cannot Druj: Druj appear as body parts, floating or lose 1 level because of Energy Drain (as if
be harmed by normal weapons or magic crawling about in a horrible way. A druj is struck by a wight).
weapons of less than +2 enchantment. All usually encountered in the form of a hand, Once it has settled for the night, an odic
spirits are travellers, never staying in one eye, or skull. Druj are very intelligent and cannot move from the spot until daybreak.
place for more than one night; they become strongly evil, far more dangerous than they While using its spells, it can attack by ani-
invisible and nearly powerless (except to may seem. mating part of the plant. The longest branch
move) with the light of dawn, regaining their A druj can split its essence, creating four or vine of the plant reaches out (usually to a
powers at dusk. In daylight, any spirit can (identical) forms instead of one. This can be 10-30’ range), attacking as a 16 Hit Dice
travel up to 24 miles per day (1 hex). performed only once per night. Each of the monster and inflicting 1-12 points of damage
All spirits are poisonous. When hit by a forms can attack separately, but only one of per hit (in addition to its poison effects).
spirit in hand-to-hand combat, the victim the forms is able to cast spells (as given The plant is immediately killed when the
must make a Saving Throw vs. Poison or die above). The form using the spells can often odic possesses it. The creature uses the
immediately. A new Saving Throw must be be distinguished, as it will hover nearby while plant’s parts to seek out other life to feed on.
made for each hit by the spirit. the other forms attack. If that form is slain, Most commonly, it animates individual
The poisonous presence of a spirit causes one of the surviving forms immediately gains leaves, which float away (movement rate 30’
all consumable items within 30’, including all unused spellcasting abilities. All four per round) in search of victims; it can ani-
normal food and water, holy water, all rations forms are poisonous. mate up to 6 such leaves at one time. The
(even iron) and even magical potions to If turned by a cleric, the parts of a druj leaves may be sent up to 1 mile from the odic.
become spoiled and useless (but not poi- Turned are forced to reunite into one crea- Animated leaves normally gain surprise
soned), with no Saving Throw allowed. Even ture, remaining united for 2-5 rounds. Fur- (90% chance). Each leaf attacks as if a 4 Hit
living plants and small insects within this ther success at Turning is handled normally. Dice monster; no damage is inflicted, but
area are paralyzed, dying if the spirit remains Druj are always encountered singly unless each victim hit must make a Saving Throw
there more than an hour. This effect negates commanded into service by a Lich or more vs. Spells or be charmed. A charmed victim is
all forms of plant control, insect swarms and powerful member of the Sphere of Death. In drawn toward the odic, and has a -4 penalty
plagues, both normal and magical. such cases, two druj eyes may rest within a on the Saving Throw against the energy
All spirits can sense invisible things, and druj skull, accompanied by two druj hands; drain when entering the purple aura.
can attack them without penalty. All spirits no more than these 5 druj can ever gather in If the plant possessed has no detachable
can once per round, at will, create the follow- one place. leaves, the odic may animate other portions
ing cleric spell effects: darkness, silence 15 ‘ Eye: An eye druj darts about, trying to (pine needles, flowers, etc.) in similar man-
radius, cause disease, animate dead, finger of touch (poison) its opponent; a touch does not ner, as described above-up to 6 at once,
death (all as if cast by a 16th level cleric). A inflict any damage other than poisoning. each with a charm ability per touch.
spirit will often pause to animate the body of Each eye druj can also gaze at one victim per Odics occasionally inhabit the bodies of
a fallen victim, creating and controlling it as a round (30’ range), in addition to its physical plant-like monsters. The creature may make
zombie to fight for it and add to the chaos. attack. The victim must make a Saving a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid the posses-
(Attempts at Turning such zombies are made Throw vs. Paralysis or be paralyzed for 1-4 sion, but may die from the level draining and
as if Turning the Spirit itself!) All of these turns. The eye druj may touch a paralyzed other abilities of the odic even if the Saving
spell-like abilities require concentration, as victim automatically. Throw is successful. The odic gains the abili-
do normal spells, so while using an ability, a Hand: A hand druj inflicts 1-4 points of ties of any plant-like monster possessed.
spirit cannot attack physically. Unlike normal damage when it hits, and thereafter holds They may be used in addition to the normal


abilities of the odic. Weasel, Giant A giant weasel is 8‘-9‘ long and covered with
Odics are always encountered singly. Armor Class: 7 a richly colored fur of white, gold, or brown.
Revenant: This horror appears to be a zom- Hit Dice: 4.4 These quick and vicious predators hunt sin-
bie, though it walks at a faster rate. It never Move: 150 ‘ (50 ‘) gly or in groups. Once they bite, they will
carries weapons of any type. The revenant Attacks: 1 bite special
+ hold on and suck blood, doing 2-8 points of
roams the night in search of victims, surpris- Damage: 2-8 damage each round until their prey is dead or
ing them 50% of the time. It can leap once No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-6) until they are killed.
per turn to a 60’ range; when both surprising Save As: Fighter: 3 Giant weasels have infravision to 30’ and
and leaping on a victim, its three attacks all Morale: 8 can track parties by scent. They will pursue
hit automatically (no Hit rolls needed), caus- Treasure Type: V wounded prey in preference to all other. They
ing normal damage and three separate Sav- Alignment: Neutral live in tunnels underground, and their trea-
ing Throws vs. Poison. X P Value: 125 sure will be found on the bodies of creatures
Once per night, a revenant can summon 1- they have slain and pulled to their lair to eat.
4 spectres to come to its aid. The spectres will Whales
arrive 3-6 rounds after being summoned, and Killer Narwhal Sperm
will obey and fight for the revenant. They
may be Turned as normal spectres.
Armor Class: 6 7 6
Hit Dice: 6 12 36*
Revenants are resistant to Turning
attempts. If any “D” result is indicated, the
Move: 240‘ (80’‘1 180’ (60’) 180 ’ (60 ’)
Attacks: 1 bite 1 horn 1 bite
revenant may make a Saving Throw vs.
Damage: 2-20 2-12 3-60
Spells; if successful, the attempt has no effect
No. Appearing: 0 (1-6) 0 (1-4) 0 (1-3)
(but the cleric may repeat the attempt). A
Save As: Fighter: 3 12 15
“Turn” result gives no Saving Throw, but
Morale: 10 8 7
the revenant will return in 1-4 turns.
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Revenants are always encountered singly.
Alignment: Neutral Lawful Neutral
Undead XP Value: 275 1,100 12,000
The types of Undead creatures found on
Killer whale: These are 25‘ long and are Their horns are worth from 1,000 to 6,000
land are Ghoul, Skeleton, Wight, and Zom-
found mainly in cold waters. They live by gold pieces each for their ivory.
bie (Basic Set); Mummy, Spectre, Vampire,
hunting other sea creatures. Creatures of Sperm whale: This huge whale can grow
and Wraith (Expert Set); Apparition, Druj,
halfling size or smaller will be swallowed to be 60’ long. It preys on the most feared
Ghost, Odic, Poltergeist, Revenant, Shade,
whole if if the killer whale scores a 20 on its hit denizens of the deep (such as the giant octo-
Spirit, and Vision (this set).
roll. Those swallowed take 1-6 points of dam- pus and giant squid). Man-sized or smaller
Undead creatures may also be found in the
age per round and will drown in 10 rounds creatures will be swallowed whole on a die
water. Undersea skeletons, zombies, ghouls,
unless freed. roll that is 4 or more than the score needed to
and wights are common, with the same
Narwhal: The narwhal is 15’ long, gray hit. A swallowed creature will take 3-18
descriptions as their land-bound forms plus
swimming movement (usually 20’-50’ per to white in color, and has an 8‘ long spiral points of acid damage per round. Sperm
round). horn on its head (like that of a unicorn). It is whales will sometimes (10%) attack ships,
an intelligent magical creature, very inde- attempting to ram. The whale does 6-36 hull
pendent and secretive. It is rumored that points of damage in a successful ram.
Vision: A form of Undead; see Phantom. their horns vibrate in the presence of evil.

Monster List, Part 2:

Other Planes
Aerial Servant to Undine

See page 20 for notes on spell effects on Ele-

Type Double Normal Min. mental Planes. When double damage is indi-
of Damage Damage Damage cated, the elemental may make a Saving
Elemental from from from Throw vs. Spells to take normal damage.
Air Earth Air. Fire Water Note: Most other-planar creatures do not
have “normal” treasures, but may have the
Earth Fire Earth, Water Air equivalent in the material of their Planes. For
example, valuable gems on the Plane of
Fire Water Fire, Air Earth Water may appear as bits of colored ice.
When the Treasure Type given is “Special,”
An elemental takes double, normal, or no Water Air Water, Earth Fire the D M may use any Type desired, changing
damage from certain attack forms.
the treasures to match the Plane.


1 Servant * (Haoou) Elementalplane Statistics: A C 6, HD 1 +1, form in only 1 round. This form inflicts 3-36
r Class: 0 MV 240’ (80’), NA 1-20 (2-40), Save F1, points of damage to all in its path and slays
lice: 16** M L 7, TT Special, A L N, XP 15. any victim of less than 5 hit dice unless a Sav-
240‘ (80’) ing Throw vs. Death Ray is made. These
>. 720’ (360’) Djinni, Lesser nobles may fly with up to 20,000 cn of weight
CS: 1 T h e following additional information without tiring, or twice that if walking.
Ige: 8-32 applies to djinn encountered on their own Pashas cannot be summoned by spells, and
.ppearing: 1 (1-4) Plane, the Elemental Plane of Air. The are influenced by very few magic items. They
4 s: Fighter: 16 details given in the Expert Set (page 48) normally appear on the Prime Plane only in
le: 9 always apply to djinn encountered on the response to the cries of a mistreated djinni.
ire Type: Nil or Special Prime Plane.
ment: Chaotic A djinni is normally invisible, with a form Efreeti, Lesser
due: 3,250 like a shifting misty multi-colored cloud. It is The following additional details apply to
1 servants are beings native to the Ele- immune to normal weapons, all 1st level efreet encountered on their own Plane, the
d Plane of Air. They are only encoun- spells, and to all attacks based on water. A Elemental Plane ofFire. The details given in
3n the Prime Plane when conjured by a djinni can detect invisible at will (120’ the Expert Set (page 48) always apply to
O n their home plane, they are known range). efreet encountered on the Prime Plane.
lame which sounds like “haoou.” Elemental Plane Statistics: A C 3, HD An efreeti is normally invisible, with a
en summoned, an aerial servant will 7.1 *, M V 240 ‘(80 ’), #AT 1 strike or special, form like a shifting mass of flame. It is
rht, and can only be harmed by spells or D 2-1 6 or special, NA 1-4 (1 -1 00), Save F14, immune to normal weapons, all 1st level
weapons. It travels at super-speed, M L 9, TT Special, AL C, XP 1,025. spells, and to all attacks based on earth. An
surprising its prey (1-7 on ld8). It can Djinn are basically good-hearted, though efreeti can detect invisible at will (120’
th up to 5,000 cn at normal speed, or their behavior is very Chaotic. Their benevo- range).
3 cn at 112 normal. The percentage lent empire is noted for its lack of laws. The
Elemental Plane Statistics: A C 1, HD lo*,
air elementals and the djinn are generally at
e of breaking free of the servant’s grip is M V 240 ’ (80‘), #AT 1 strike or special, D 2-
to the victim’s Hit Dice. peace, though occasional quarrels and rare 16 or special, NA 1-4 (1 -1 00), Save F15, M L
their home Plane, the haoou have their fights do occur. Their enemies are the haoou
8, TT Special, A L C, XP 1,600.
evil empire, which reigns in places and the efreet, and they fear earth-type crea-
tures and attacks. Efreet are irritable and often evil. The fire
there are few or no other creatures. elementals and the efreet are generally at
enemies are the helions and the djinn.
Djinni, Greater* (Pasha) peace, though the efreet pick fights and have
fear earth-type creatures and attacks.
Armor Class: -2 been at war with the elementals in the past.
Hit Dice: 15*** Their enemies are the helions and the djinn,
: See Efreeti, Greater.
Move: 120‘ (40’) and they fear water-type creatures and
sk Flying: 360’ (120’) at tacks.
ilisks are native to both the Prime Plane Attacks: 2 fists or 1 whirlwind
ieir original home, the Elemental Plane Damage: 3-3013-30 or 3-36 +special Efreeti, Greater* (Amir)
-th. The details given in the Expert Set No. Appearing: 1 (1) Armor Class: -2
46) apply to both Planes. Save As: Magic-user: 30 Hit Dice: 20***
the Plane of Earth, a basilisk is merely Morale: 11 Move: 120‘ (40’)
rd-like creature made of rock. Its 90’ Treasure Type: Nil Flying: 360‘ (120’)
rlows creatures made of earth (as the Alignment: Chaotic Attacks: 2 fists
e of the magic-user spell haste for 1-6 X P Value: 4,200 Damage: 3-3013-30
s (no Saving Throw). The gaze can still In the Elemental Plane of Air, the rulers of No. Appearing: 1 (1)
r creatures not made of earth (Saving Save As: Magic-user: 36
the djinn are known as pashas. They appear
N applies). A basilisk can burrow Morale: 11
as very large normal djinn. A pasha cannot
;h very dense rock at a 180’ (60’) rate. Treasure Type: Nil
be affected by normal weapons, or even by
ally avoids other life forms. weapons of less than +2 enchantment. They Alignment: Chaotic
regenerate at the rate of 3 points per round. X P Value: 5,450
itrice A pasha can perform all the abilities of a In the Elemental Plane of Fire, the rulers of
:katrices are native to both the Prime normal djinni (Expert Set, page 48) as often the efreet are known as amirs (or ameers).
and their original home, the Elemental as desired, up to once per round. It can also They appear as very large normal efreet ( 15 ’ -
of Earth. The details given in the enter or leave the Ethereal Plane by concen- 30’ tall). An amir cannot be affected by nor-
‘t Set (page 47) always apply to cocka- trating for 1 full round. mal weapons, or even by weapons of less than
encountered on the Prime Plane. Special powers usable once per day are +2enchantment. Amirs also regenerate at the
u n the Plane of Earth, a cockatrice is a grant another’s wish, cast cloudkill, water to rate of 2 points per round.
one-foot long bird-like creature made of soft gas, or weather control. An amir can perform all the abilities of a
earth. It is nearly harmless, able to inflict A pasha’s whirlwind is 120’ tall, 40’ normal efreeti (Expert Set, page 48) as often
only 1 point of damage with a beak attack. Its diameter at the top, 10’ diameter at the base, as desired, once per round. It can also enter
touch can still petrify a creature not made of and can move at 240’ (80’) rate. Unlike nor- or leave the Ethereal Plane by concentrating
earth (Saving Throw applies). mal djinn, it can enter or leave whirlwind for 1 full round.


Special powers usable once per day are this shape without limit. These nobles may Gorgon
grant another’s wish, cast fire ball, earth to fly with up to 25,000 cn weight without tir- Gorgons are native to both the Prime
flame, or explosive cloud(al1 as if a 20th level ing, or twice that if walking. Plane and their original home, the Elemental
magic-user). Amirs cannot be summoned by spells, and Plane of Earth. Most details given in the
An amir’s pillar of flame ignites all flam- are affected by very few magic items. They D&D Expert Set (page 51) apply to gorgons
mable objects within 15‘ and adds a bonus of normally appear on the Prime Plane only in on both Planes.
2-16 points to each fist attack. It can retain response to the cries of a mistreated efreeti. Plane of Earth Statistics: HD 4, #AT 1
horn, D 1-4, NA 1-8(3-36), Save F4, M L 5,
TT Nil, AL N, X P 75.
Elemental *
Armor Class: 5 or better (see below) Save As: Fighter of equal level O n the Plane of Earth, a gorgon is a local
Hit Dice: 1* or more (see below) Morale: 9 herd animal, bred by the horde creatures and
Move: 360’ (120’) Treasure Type: Variable “milked” (though this fluid is bitter and oily,
At tacks : 1 Alignment: Neutral in human terms) or slain for food. Its breath
Damage: By size (see below) X P Value by can still petrify creatures not made of earth
No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-100) Hit Dice: Variable (Saving Throw applies).
H i t Dice Armor Class Damage H i t Dice Armor Class Damage Armor Class: 1
Hit Dice: 9*
1-2 5 1-2 17-18 -3 3-30
Move: 90’ (30’)
3-4 4 1-4 19-20 -4 4-32
Flying: 240’ (80’)
5-6 3 1-6 2 1-22 -5 5-40
Attacks: 1 grasp
7-8 2 1-8 23-24 -6 6-48
Damage: See below
9-10 1 2-12 25-26 -7 7-56 No. Appearing: 1-4 (2-40)
11-12 0 2-16 27-28 -8 8-64
Save As: Fighter: 9
13-14 -1 2-20 29-30 -9 9-72 Morale: 9
15-16 -2 3-24 3 1-32 -10 i0-80
Treasure Type: Special
The statistics above apply only to elementals mental form, they do appreciate the effort (+1 Alignment: Lawful
encountered on their own Planes of Exist- bonus to Reaction Rolls, instead of -1 pen- X P Value: 1,600
ence. O n the Prime Plane, their abilities are alty). In any event, they will not normally Helions are intelligent giant-sized creatures
very limited (Expert Set, page 49). One aster- attack nor help visitors except in special cir- made of fire. They are native to the Elemen-
isk (for X P calculation) applies only to ele- cumstances. Though most are Neutral- tal Plane of Fire, and are rarely encountered
mentals encountered on their own Planes. Lawful (ruling) and Chaotic (renegade) elsewhere. Helions are extremely good, and
Elementals are the dominant life forms on elementals do exist. Some are even good or shun violence.
the Elemental Planes, and refer to themselves evil. A helion appears as a 20’ diameter ring of
as “people.” Size may range from 1 to 32 Hit Elementals live in towns and cities on their flame. It is immune to poison, normal weap-
Dice, and the rulers are much larger (50 Hit own planets. Both the planets and the build- ons, all 1st and 2nd level spells, and to all
Dice at least, and possibly over 100. ing materials are made entirely of pure ele- attacks based on earth.
Their system of rule is similar to that of mental material, in solid, liquid, or gaseous A helion can detect invisible at will, and
human Dominions (though other features are form. In the universe of its own Plane, each can use detect magic, dispel magic, wall of
not). elemental race occupies thousands of planets. fire, and earth to fire 3 times per day. It can
An elemental’s normal form is a blob-like The elemental races are far older than also control fire completely, changing it to
shape. It can create “arms” as needed, to a humankind, and more civilized in many solid, liquid, or gaseous form at will (Saving
maximum of 1 per Hit Die, but can only ways. They have art forms for all six senses. Throw applies for fire-type creatures).
attack with one blow per round. The elemen- Some elementals become clerics or magic- A helion attacks by forming a ring around
tal’s material form is held together by its life users in much the same ways as humans. its opponent. If its Hit roll is successful, it
force. The younger the elemental, the less However, an elemental must be an adult of 9 wraps around the victim, who then cannot
material it can hold together. Thus, aging or more Hit Dice before this knowledge can move. The helion may squeeze for 2-16
effects can change an elemental’s size. Its be learned. Many of the spells of the elemen- points ofdamage (per round), but rarely tries
normal life span is 30 to 35 Hit Dice. tals are entirely different, and some cannot be to damage opponents in this way, preferring
Small elementals are created when a large cast by humans except when in elemental to negotiate peaceful terms. It will, however,
elemental splits itself. When this occurs, the form. defend itself if attacked.
“parent” elemental divides into a number of Helions are famous philosophers and
parts equal to its Hit Dice; each new elemen- negotiators. Their enemies are the efreet and
tal has 1 Hit Die. This does not occur fre- the haoou, and they fear water-type creatures
quently, and the elementals are very secretive and attacks.
about the details of the process. The Sun Brothers (see module X2) are dis-
Elementals usually distrust creatures from tant relatives of helions who dwell on the
the Prime Plane (-1 penalty to all Reaction Prime Plane.
Rolls). They can recognize such visitors by
smell. However, when visitors appear in ele-


Horde -
Armor C ;lass: 3
Hit Dice: 3’ to 21*
Move: 150’ (50’)
Attacks: 1 bite or special
Damage: Varies by Hit Dice
No. Appc:axing: 2-8 (10-1,000)
Save As: See below
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Special
AlignmerIt: Lawful
XP Value Varies by Hit Dice

Hit Bite
Dice Damage
4* 1-6 125
5* 1-8 300
6* 1-8 500
7’ 1-10 850
8* 1-10 1,200
9* 2-12 1,600
io* 2-12 1,600 telepathy, speaking directly to the minds of made of ice. It is native to the Elemental
11*-12* 2-16 1,900 others. It is incredibly intelligent, and can Plane of Water, and almost never found on
13*-16* 3-18 2,300 easily handle dozens of conversations at once. the Prime Plane. Although the hydrax are
17*-2‘O* 4-24 3,150 Each horde is very Lawful and always dan- Lawful in behavior, most are evil.
21 * 5-30 4,500 gerous. A horde creature sacrifices as many A hydrax has 6 legs and 3 claws, equally
“The hor,des”are life forms native to the Ele- bodies as needed to reach a goal, and thus the positioned around a crab-like body. Hydrax
mental Plane of Earth. Each single life force Morale of a body is 12. The creature is are immune to normal weapons, all 1st and
has hund reds of separate insect-like bodies. immune to all mental effects (charm, hold, 2nd level spells, and to all attacks based on
The size (,f the bodies ranges from 3 to 21 feet sleep, etc.), but the bodies are susceptible to fire. A hydrax can detect invisible at will, and
long; the length corresponds to the Hit Dice. blows and damage-causing attacks of most can cast detect magic, web, dispel magic, ice
Details on the individual bodies are given types. Because of its disregard for individual storm/wall, and water to ice 3 times per day
above. bodies, a horde normally does not bother to (all as if a 9th level magic-user).
One h orde life force can control up to attempt to save them; in play, it simply fails The hydrax use tools made of ice, and
10,000 €lit Dice of bodies. Replacement all Saving Throws voluntarily. However, if build cities and devices of all sorts. Their ene-
bodies can be created at the rate of 1 Hit Die 10% or more of a horde’s bodies are lost in a mies are the undines and the kryst, and they
per turn. Unlike insects, there is no “queen” single activity (an encounter with enemies, fear air-type creatures and attacks.
body; the life force is widely spread, occupy-
L for example), the creature will either resolve
ing all th e bodies evenly. The life force can the problem peacefully (negotiating, avoid- Invisible Stalker (Sshai)
only cont rol bodies within a volume 100 miles ing, etc.) or call other hordes for assistance. The race of “invisible stalkers” (a human
across; if ‘ taken outside that range, a body The hordes’ enemies are the kryst and the term) live on the Elemental Plane of Air.
becomes a mindless thing, dying in 1-10 undines. They fear fire-type creatures and They call themselves the “sshai.” All details
days. Eac:h planet in the realm of the hordes is attacks. given in the Expert Set (page 52) apply on
occupied by 1-100 life forces. both the Prime and Elemental Planes, except
Each iindividual life force has its own they are much faster speed on their home
name. AI1 the bodies of a single life force will Hydrax* Plane: 360‘ (120’).
respond to the same name, and this can cause Armor Class: 2 On their home plane, the sshai are much
confusiorI in dealing with a horde creature. Hit Dice: 5** to 12** like dopplegangers; they can use ESP at will,
The creature itself can only die if all of its Move: 60’ (20’) and can shapechange to nearly any form
bodies are destroyed. Swimming: 180‘ (60‘) native to their plane. They usually appear as
The hcirde creatures do not consider any Attacks: 2 claws or special air elementals, djinn, or haoou. Their true
other life forms to be intelligent. When more Damage: 1-10/1-10 or see below form is nearly identical to that of an air ele-
room is 1needed, a horde will simply try to No. Appearing: 1 (1) mental, though that race can tell the differ-
take it, \vithout regard for other creatures; Save As: Fighter, double level ence. Sshai are occasionally hired by the
thus, the:y are considered evil. The horde Morale: 9 djinn and the haoou as spies or guards.
creatures often grapple with each other in this Treasure Type: Special Sshai may have 1 to 12 Hit Dice, though all
war for living space. Alignment: Lawful are about man-size in their true forms. Some
A hord e creature can use ESPand telekine- X P Value by are known to use spells. They prefer negotia-
sis (up to 20,OO cn) as often as desired, up to Hit Dice: Variable tion to combat, and have few enemies. They
once pe r round. It communicates by A hydrax is an intelligent crab-like creature fear earth-type creatures and attacks.


Kryst Pasha: See Djinni, Greater. sometimes raid civilized areas for food.
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 9* Plasm
Normal -
Giant Undine*
Move: 240’ (80’) - Armor Class: 4
Attacks: 3 spikes Armor Class: 0 -4 8**+
Damage: 1-12/1-12/1-12 Hit Dice:
Hit Dice: 6* 12* Move: 90’ (30’)
No. Appearing: 1-6 (10-1,000) Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) Swimming: 240’ (80’)
Save As: Elf: 9 Attacks: 2 claws 2 claws Attacks: 1 fist or 1 coil
Morale: 9 Damage: 2- 1212-12 3-1813-18 Damage: 2-16 or 1-10
Treasure Type: Special No. Appearing: 1-10 1-4 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Alignment: Lawful Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 12 Save As: Fighter: 16
X P Value: 1,600 Morale: 9 11 Morale: 9
The kryst are intelligent beings made of crys- Treasure Type: Special Special Treasure Type: Nil
talline rock. They are native to the Elemental Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
Plane of Earth. XP Value: 500 1,900 X P Value: 2,300
A kryst looks like a group of 12 golden crys- A plasm looks like a human- or giant-sized An undine is an intelligent creature made of
tal spikes, all projecting outward from a cen- skeleton made of elemental matter. There are water. It is rare even on the Elemental Plane
tral point. It is immune to poison, normal four types of plasms, one of each element. A of Water, its home, and is almost never
weapons, all 1st and 2nd level spells, and to plasm is made of a combination of elemental encountered on the Prime Plane. Undines
all attacks based on air. A kryst can detect material and ectoplasm (solid ether). It can- are Chaotic in behavior, but (similar to djinn)
invisible at will, and can use detect magic, not safely exist on any Plane except the Ethe- have very good intentions and despise evil.
dispel magic, haste, or air to earth 3 times per real, and is sometimes encountered within a O n its home Plane, an undine normally
day (all as if cast by a 9th level magic-user). wormhole. O n any Plane except the Ethe- has a form like a featureless transparent
The kryst communicate by telepathy (120’ real, a plasm automatically loses l Hit Die snake. It can easily change shape, sometimes
range) or, if mental contact causes poor reac- per round from Energy Drain, vanishing using a form with many tentacles to handle
tions, by written messages. when dead. objects. Once per turn, it can swim quickly in
A kryst can attack by ramming opponents A plasm feeds on its element, and regener- the form of a revolving coil, moving at 480’
with its spikes, and can attack up to 3 times ates damage when feeding at the rate of 1 (160’) rate for up to 10 rounds.
per round. point per round. Any magical attack based Undines are immune to poison, normal
The kryst have a widespread and complex on its element will cause a plasm to gain Hit weapons, all 1st and 2nd level spells, and to
society in their own realms, peacefully living Dice and hit points. For example, a fire ball all attacks based on fire. An undine can
with and helping the earth elementals. They cast at a fire plasm by a 9th level magic-user detect invisible at will, and can use detect
welcome visitors, and are eager to gain new would cause it to immediately gain 9 addi- magic, web, dispel magic, ice storm/wall,
knowledge of all types. They fear and wage a tional Hit Dice (9-72 hit points). and fire to ice 3 times per day (all as if a 9th
never-ending war against the hordes, and Plasms are immune to poison and normal level magic-user). An undine’s web is made
seek to unite all other creatures against them. weapons, and are only slightly damaged by of ice strands, which function in the same
The kryst are also enemies of the hydrax, magical weapons. Each blow from a magical way; however, flame merely melts the web,
though they rarely encounter them. They weapon inflicts only its magic damage (“plus- rather than burning it, and trapped victims
fear water-type creatures and attacks. ses”), ignoring normal weapon damage and take no damage from the melting.
Medusa strength bonuses. For example, a sword +4 An undine can attack with one “fist” (arm-
would inflict 4 points of damage on a plasm. like extension) per round. If the blow hits, the
Medusae are native to both the Prime A plasm can only be damaged by magic
Plane and their original home, the Elemental undine may choose to coil around the oppo-
weapons (as given above) and by attack forms nent, squeezing for 1-10 points of automatic
Plane ofEarth. The details given in the Basic based on elemental dominance.
Set (DMR page 34) always apply to medusae constriction damage each round. An undine
Once per turn, a plasm can “spend” 10 of can coil around any creature of giant size or
encountered on the Prime Plane. its hit points to create an acid cloud based on
O n the Plane of Earth, a medusa is an ugly less, and the victim cannot move, attack, nor
its element. This cloud is a 30’ diameter concentrate.
writhing mass of 10 ’ long tentacles connected sphere, which inflicts 20 points of damage to
to a small lumpy spherical body. Several eyes O n the Prime Plane, an undine appears
all within it (except the plasm); each victim identical to a water elemental. While in
on foot-long eyestalks also protrude from the may make a Saving Throw vs. Dragon
body; the mouth has many teeth. The tenta- water, it is invisible, and regenerates damage
Breath to take 1/2 damage. The cloud lasts at the rate of 3 points per round. When out of
cles are used both for movement (180’ per for 1-6 rounds. A plasm normally saves this
turn) and combat. The medusa can attack water, however, it does not regenerate, and
attack form to use when fleeing. instead takes 1 point of damage per round
with 10 tentacles per round; each hit requires
a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis (lasting 2-8 from drying. An undine is not as limited as
Salamander an elemental; it is not blocked by a protection
rounds if failed). A paralyzed victim is drawn
to the mouth and bitten for 2-16 (2d8) points Though rare on the Prime Plane, frost and from evil effect, and is not forced to remain
of damage per round (no Hit roll required flame salamanders are common predators on within 60’ of water.
while the victim is paralyzed). their home Planes (the Elemental Planes of Undines live far from the realms of the
Elemental Plane Statistics: AC 4, HD 8**, Air and Fire, respectively). All details given water elementals, but occasionally visit them.
MV 180‘ (60 ’), NA 1-4, Save F4, M L 9, TT in the Expert Set (page 55) apply on both Their enemies are the hydrax and the hordes,
(V)F, A L C, XP 1,750. Planes. They have limited intelligence, and and they fear air-type creatures and attacks.


The treasure lists in this section include all Percentage Dice are used for all rolls unless
CHARTS AND TABLES the items given in the Basic and Expert Sets, noted otherwise. The D M may always choose
plus several new items. a result from a Table, instead of rolling a ran-
All charts and tables are presented together dom result.
for easy reference. Refer to the detailed
descriptions once an item has been deter-
1. Treasure Types mined.
la. Group Treasure (In Lair, not carried)
Part 1: Coins Part 2: Gems, Jewelry and Magic


Type CP SP eP !T PP Type Gems Jewelry Magic
A 25% 1-6 30% 1-6 20% 1-4 35% 2-12 25% 1-2 P, Q R Nil Nil Nil
B 50% 1-8 25% 1-6 25% 1-4 35% 1-3 Nil S,T 5%1 Nil Nil
C 20% 1-12 30% 1-4 10% 1-4 Nil Nil U 5% 1-2 5% 1-4 2% Any 1
D 10% 1-8 15% 1-12 Nil 60% 1- 6 Nil V 10% 1-2 10% 1-4 5% Any 1
E 5% 1-10 30% 1-12 25% 1-4 25% 1- 8 Nil
F Nil 10% 2-20 20% 1-8 45% 1-12 30% 1-3
G Nil Nil Nil 50% 10-40 50% 1-6
H 25% 3-24 50% 1-100 50% 10-40 50% 10-60 25% 5-20
I Nil Nil Nil Nil 30% 1-8
2. Gems
J 25% 1-4 10% 1-3 Nil Nil Nil
K Nil 30% 1-6 10% 1-2 Nil Nil GEM VALUE
M Nil Nil Nil 40% 2-8 50% 3-30 d% Value Examples
L,N,O Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
01-03 10 gp agate, quartz, tur-
Part 2: Gems, Jewelry, and Magic 04- 10 50 gp crystal, jasper, onyx
GEMS, JEWELRY, AND MAGIC 11-25 100 gp amber, amethyst,
coral, garnet, jade
Type Gems Jewelry Magic Items
26-46 500 gp aquamarine, pearl,
A 50% 6-36 50% 6-36 30% Any 3 topaz
B 25% 1-6 25% 1-6 10% 1 Sword, Misc. Weapon, or Armor 47-71 1,000 gp carbuncle, opal
C 25% 1-4 25% 1-4 10% Any 2 72-90 5,000 gp emerald, ruby, sap-
D 30% 1-8 30% 1-8 15% Any 2 1 Potion
+ phire
E 10% 1-10 10% 1-10 25% Any 3 1 Scroll
+ 91-97 10,000 gp diamond, jacinth
F 20% 2-24 10% 1-12 30% 1 Potion, )I Scroll, +3Any but weapons 98-00 50,000 gp starstone, tristal,
G 25% 3-18 25% 1-10 35% Any 4 1 Scroll
+ Special
H 50% 1-100 50% 10-40 15% 1 Potion+ 1 Scroll + A n y 4
I 50% 2-12 50% 2-12 15% Any 1
J,K Nil Nil Nil
L 50% 1-4 Nil Nil 3. Jewelry
M 55% 5-20 45% 2-12 Nil
N Nil Nil 40% 2-8 Potions 3a. Jewelry Values
0 Nil Nil 50% 1-4 Scrolls JEWELRY VALUES

d% Value* Enc**d% Value* Enc**

lb. Individual Treasure (Carried, not in Lair)
01 100 10 46-58 5,000 25
Part 1: Coins 02-03 500 10 59-69 7,500 25
04-06 1,000 10 70-78 10,000 25
COINS 07-10 1,500 10 79-85 15,000 25
11-16 2,000 10 86-90 20,000 50
Type CP SP eP sp PP 17-24 10 91-94 25,000 50
P 3-24 Nil Nil Nil Nil 25-34 3,000 25 95-97 30,000 50
Q Nil 3-18 Nil Nil Nil 35-45 4,000 25 98-99 40,000 50
R Nil Nil 2-12 Nil Nil 00 50,000 50
S Nil Nil Nil 2-8 Nil
T Nil Nil Nil Nil 1-6 *All values may vary by up to 15 76 above or below
u 10% 1-100 10% 1-100 Nil 5% 1-100 Nil the given amount, i f the DM chooses to modify
V Nil 10% 1-100 5% 1-100 10% 1-100 5% 1-100 them.
**Optional Encumbrance (Enc) in cn.


3b. Types of Jewelry 5. Potion 6. Scroll

TYPES OF JEWELRY d% Type of Potion d% Type of Scroll

Value (in gp)
01-02 Agility 0 1-03 Communication
100-3,000 15,000- 03 Animal Control 04-05 Creation
ldlO 4,000-10,000 50,000
04-06 Antidote 06- 13 Curse (occurs when read; B)*
Common Uncommon Rare
07-08 Blending 14 Delay (S)
1 Anklet Armband Amulet 09- 10 Bug Repellant 15-17 Equipment
2 Beads Belt Crown
11-12 18-19 Illumination
3 Bracelet Collar Diadem
13-14 Clairvoyance 20-21 Mages (S)
4 Brooch Earring Medallion
5 Buckle Four-leaf Orb 15-16 Climbing 22-25 Map to Normal treasure (B)'
Clover 17-18 Defense 26-28 Map to magical treasure (B)*
6 Cameo Heart Ring 19-20 Diminution B) 29-30 Map to combined treasure (X)'
7 Chain Leaf Scarab 2 1-24 Delusion (X) 31 Map to special treasure (X)'
8 Clasp Necklace Scepter 25 Dragon Control 32-34 Mapping
9 Locket Pendant Talisman 26-27 Dreamspeech 35-36 Portals
10 Pin Rabbit's Foot Tiara 28 Elasticity 37-42 Protection from Elementals (X)
29-30 Elemental form 43-50 Protection from Lycanthropes (B)
31-32 ESP (B) 51-54 Protection from Magic (X)
33 Ethereality 55-61 Protection from Undead (B)
34-36 Fire Resistance (X) 62-63 Questioning
37-39 Flying (X) 64 Repetition (S)
40-41 Fortitude 65-66 Seeing
42 Freedom 67-68 Shelter
97 Treasure Finding (X) 69-7 1 Spell Catching
43-45 Gaseous Form (B) 72-96 Spells (see be!ow)*
46 Giant Control (X)' 97-98 Trapping
47-49 Giant Strength (X) 99-00 Truth
50-51 Growth (B)
* More information is given in this set
52-57 Healing (B)
58-60 Heroism (X)
61 Human Control (X)
62-64 Invisibility (B)
65-66 Invulnerability (X)
6a. Typeof 6b. Level of
67-68 Levitation (B)
Scroll Spell
69-70 Longevity (X)*
4. All Magic Items 71 Luck
or Spell
72 Merging
d% Type Druid M-U Level
73-74 Plant Control (X)
MAGIC ITEM TYPE 75-77 Poison (B) 01-70 Magic-
d% Use Table:
78-80 Polymorph Self (X) User 01-34 01-28 1
01-25 5. Potion 81-82 Sight 71-95 Cleric 35-58 29-49 2
26-37 6. Scroll 83-84. Speech 96-00 Druid 59-76 50-64 3
38-46 7. Wand, Staff, or Rod
85-88 Speed (X) 77-88 65-75 4
47-52 8. Ring
89-90 Strength 89-95 76-84 5
53-62 9. Misc. Magic Item
63-72 10. Armor or Shield 91-93 Super-healing 96-99 85-91 6
73-83 11. Missile or Device 94-96 Swimming 00 92-96 7
84-92 12. Sword 98 Undead Control (X) 97-99 a
93-00 13. Misc. Weapon 99-00 Water Breathing 00 9
* More information is given in this set Roll for only one type per scroll; then find
the level of each spell separately.


7. Wand, Staff, or Rod 8. Ring

d% Type of Wand, Staff, or Rod d% Type of Wand, Staff, or Rod d% Type of Ring

67-69 Staff of an Element (M) 01-02 Animal Control (B)

01-05 Wand of Cold (M) (X)
70-71 Staff of Harming (C) 03-08 Delusion (X)
06-10 Wand of Enemy Detection (M) (B)
72-78 Staff of Healing (C) (B) 09 Djinni Summoning (X)
11-14 Wand of Fear (M) (X)
79 Staff of Power (M) (X) 10-13 Ear ring
15-19 Wand of Fire Balls (M) (X)
80-82 Snake Staff (C) (B) 14-17 Elemental Adaptation
20-23 Wand of Illusion (M) (X)
83-85 Staff of Striking (S) (X) 18-23 Fire Resistance (B)
24-28 Wand of Lightning Bolts (M) (X)
86-87 Staff of Withering (C) (X) 24-26 Holiness (C)
29-33 Wand of Magic Detection (M) (B)
88 Staff of Wizardry (M) (X) 27 Human Control (X)
34-38 Wand of Metal Detection (M) (X)
89-90 Rod of Cancellation (B) 28-32 Invisibility (B)
39-42 Wand of Negation (M) (X)
43-47 Wand of Paralyzation (M) (B) 91 Rod of Dominion 33-35 Life Protection
36-38 Memory (S)
48-52 Wand of Polymorphing (M) (X) 92 Rod of Health (C)
53-56 Wand of Sec. Door Detection (M) (X) 93-94 Rod of Inertia (N) 39-40 Plant Control (X)
Wand of Trap Detection (M) (X) 95 Rod of Parrying 41-45 Protection, +1
61 Staff of Commanding (S) (X) 96 Rod of Victory 46-48 Protection, +2
97-99 Rod of Weaponry 49-50 Protection, +3
62-63 Staff of Dispelling
00 Rod of the Wyrm 51 Protection, +4
64-66 Staff of the Druids (DR)
52-55 Quickness
Roll to find the number o f charges in each: 56 Regeneration (X)
Wand: 3-30 (3dlO) 57-59 Remedies
SrafE 2-40 (2d20) 60-61 Safety
Rods have no charges. 62-64 Seeing
65-67 Spell Eating
68-69 Spell Storing (X)
70-71 Spell Turning (X)
72-75 Survival
76-77 Telekinesis (X)
9. Miscellaneous Items 78-81 Truth
82-84 Truthfulness
85-86 Truthlessness
d % Type of Miscellaneous Item d% Type of Miscellaneous Item 87-91 Water Walking (B)
01-02 Amulet of Protection from Crystal 44-45 Gauntlets of Ogre Power (B) 92-96 Weakness (B)
Balls and ESP (X) 46-47 Girdle of Giant Strength (X) 97-98 Wishes
03-04 Bag of Devouring (B) 48-49 Helm of Alignment Changing (B) 99-00 X-Ray Vision (X)
05-09 Bag of Holding (B) 50-51 Helm of Reading (X)
10-12 Boat, Undersea 52 Helm of Telepathy (B)
13-14 Boots of Levitation (X) 53 Helm of Teleportation (M) (X)
15-17 Boots of Speed (X) 54 Horn of Blasting (X)
18-19 Boots of Traveling and Leaping (X) 55-57 Lamp of Long Burning
20 Bowl of Commanding Water Ele- 58-59 Lamp, Hurricane
mentals (X) 60-61 Medallion of ESP, 30’ range (B)
21 Brazier of Commanding Fire Ele- 62 Medallion of ESP, 90’ range (X)
mentals (X) 63 Mirror of Life Trapping (X)
22-23 Broom of Flying (X) 64-66 Muzzle of Training
24 Censer of Controlling Air Elemen- 67-68 Nail, Finger
tals (X) 69-71 Nail of Pointing
25-27 Chime of Time 72-76 Ointment
28-29 Crystal Ball (M) (B) 77-79 Pouch of Security
30 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience 80-82 Quill of Copying (S)
(M)(X) 83-86 Rope of Climbing (B)
31 Crystal Ball with ESP (M) (X) 87-88 Scarab of Protection (X)
32-33 Displacer Cloak (X) 89-91 Slate of Identification (S)
34 Drums of Panic (X) 92 Stone of Controlling Earth Elemen-
35 Efreeti Bottle (X) tals (X)
36-38 Eggs of Wonder 93-94 Talisman of Elemental Travel
39-40 Elven Cloak (B) 95-97 Wheel of Floating
41-42 Elven Boots (B) \ I
98 Wheel of Fortune - /

43 Flying Carpet (X) 99-00 Wheel, Square


10. Armor or Shield 1Oc. Strength of Armor or Shield 10d. Special Armor or Shield

Chance d% Special d% Special

loa. Size lob. Type Scale, Banded, of power power
01-68 Human 01-10 Leather Lthr. Chain Plate Shield Str. SDecial 01-07 Absorption 51-60 Fly
69-81 Dwarf 11-17 Scale mail 01-70 01-60 01-50 01-40 +1 10 08-17 Charm 61 -66 Gaseous Form
82-91 Elf 18-30 Chain mail 71-88 61-81 51-74 41-67 +2 15 18-32 Cure Wounds 67-75 Haste
92-98 Halfling 31-39 Banded mail 89-96 82-92 75-88 68-84 +3 20 33-42 Electricity 76-85 Invisibility
99-00 Giant 40-50 Plate mail 97-99 93-98 89-96 85-94 +4 25 43-47 Energy Drain 86-93 Reflection
51-75 Shield 00 99-00 97-00 95-00 +5 30 48-50 Ethereality 9 4- 0 0 R e m o v e
76-77 Scale mail & Shield Curse
78-85 Chain mail & Shield
86-90 Banded mail & Shield
91-00 Plate mail & Shield

11. Missile or Device l l d . Number Found l l e . Extra Range

d% Item Name Weapon Class (Missiles only) (Device only)

Weapon Number ld4 +Weapon Range
01-37 Arrows Strennth Found Strennth Mult blier
38-59 Quarrels ~~ ~

60-70 Sling Stones +1 2-20 (2d10) 2 to 4 1 (nobonus)

71-72 Blowgun +2 2-16 (2d8) 5 to 7 1.5 (50% bonus)
73-80 Bow, Long +3 2-12 (2d6) 8 to 9 2 (100% bonus)
81-85 Bow, Short +4 2-8 (2d4)
86-87 Crossbow, Heavy +5 2-5 lld4.1)
88-92 Crossbow, Light
Missiles: If a Bonus is indicated, divide the Strength Bonus. Devices: Multiply each
93-00 Sling
number rolled by 2 (rounding up if neces- maximum range figure by the number given;
sary). All the missiles found have the same make a record of the new ranges.
l l b . Strength of Missile or Device

Weapon Class Weapon Chance* 12. Sword

A D Strength ofBonus
12a. Type 12b. Strength
01-40 01-70 +I 30
41-67 71-88 +2 25 Weapon Weapon Class Weapon Chance of
68-84 89-96 +3 20 d% Class Type C D Strength Bonus
85-94 97-99 +4 15
95-00 00 +5 10 0 1-65 C Normal 01-60 01-70 +I 40
66-84 C Short 61-81 71-88 +2 30
* Missiles use 1 1 c; Devices use 14a-e. 85-92 D Two-Handed 82-92 89-96 +3 25
93-00 D Bastard 93-98 97-99 +4 20
1IC. Missile Bonuses 99-00 00 +5 15

d% Bonus tvDe d% Bonus type

12c. Intelligence of Sword
01-04 Biting 58-61 Refilling
05-09 Blinking 62-67 Screaming
68-72 Seeking
d% INT Communication Powers Languages
10-14 Charming
15-21 Climbing- 73-76 Sinking 01-79 Nil Nil Nil Nil
22-31 Curing 77-78 Slaying 80-85 7 Empathy 1P Nil
32-34 Disarming 79-85 Speaking 86-90 8 Empathy 2P Nil
35-38 Dispelling 86-89 Stunning 91-94 9 Empathy 3P Nil
39-45 Flying 90-91 Teleporting 95-97 10 Speech 3P 1-3
46-52 Lighting 92-96 Transporting 98-99 11 Speech 3P+RM 1-6
53-57 Penetrating 97-00 Wounding 00 12 Speech 3P+RM+lE 2-8
If Intelligence is indicated, refer to the Expert Set, p . 59-60.
P =PrimaryPower
E =ExtraordinaryPower
RM=ReadsMagicon command


13. Miscellaneous Weapon treasure and its amount, for later use. When
the total treasure is determined, you may
13a. TvDe of Miscellaneous Weapon
wish to convert the total value into an easier-
Weapon Weapon to-carry form of treasure (as explained on
d% Weapon name Class d% Weapon name Class page 26).
01-09 Axe, Battle C 48-51 Lance D
10-15 Axe, Hand B 52-63 Mace C
16-17 Axe, Hand, Returning B 64-65 Net B
2. Gems
18-20 Blackjack C 66 Net, Returning B In games for characters of level 9 and above,
21-22 Bola B 67-71 Pole Arm D use Table 2: Gems, instead of the one given in
23 Bola, Returning B 72-81 Spear* B the Basic Set. You may use this chart for
24-28 Club C 82-84 Spear, Returning* B lower level adventurers if you apply a -10%
29-40 Dagger B 85-94 War Hammer C penalty to the percentage roll (using a mini-
41-43 Dagger, Returning B 95-97 War Hammer, Returning C mum gem value of 10 gp).
44-46 Javelin B 98-00 Whip C When several gems are found together, you
47 Javelin, Returning B * or Trident, if desired may choose to make one roll for each group of
~~ 3, 5, or 10 gems found (depending on the
total number). This is quite useful for dragon
13b. Strength of Misc. Weapon 14b. Opponent for Strength Bonus treasure (Type H, Gems: 50% 1-100) as well
(Re-roll any duplicate results) as others.
Weapon Class Weapon of Unusual Gems:
B C D Str. Bonus d% Opponent Type Special: A gem of larger than normal size
01-50 01-60 01-70 +1 40 01-06 Bugs may have a value of 3-10 times normal. If a
51-74 61-81 71-88 +2 30 07-09 Constructs “special” gem is indicated, you may select
75-88 82-92 89-96 +3 20 10-15 Dragons any lower-value type and note its larger size
89-96 93-98 97-99 +4 15 16-24 Enchanted monsters and value. You may also use one of the follow-
97-00 99-00 00 +5 io* 25-36 Giants ing special types of gems:
37-48 Lycanthropes Starstone: Any gem of 1,000 gp value or
* Ifa Bonus ispresent, automatically use Table 14c 49-52 Other-planar creatures more, except for diamonds, may be found
(Talent). 53-58 Regenerating creatures with a star-like formation in the center. These
59-67 Reptiles (and dinosaurs) are often called by their individual names
68-70 Spell-immune creatures (Star Ruby, Star Sapphire, etc.) and are, as a
14. Weapon Bonuses 71-76 Spell users group, called starstones. A Starstone has
77-88 Undead twice the value of the normal gem type.
14a. Bonus Type
89-94 Water-breathing creatures Tristal: Corundum, a mineral, is the sub-

95-00 Weapon-using creatures stance of which ruby and emerald is made. It

Weapon Type may also be found in other colors, rare and
Sword Other Bonus Type 14c. Talent usually transparent: golden yellow, deep vio-
01-29 01-33 +1extra* vs. Opponent let, or brilliant orange, these gems are known
30-50 34-57 +2 extra* vs. Opponent (Re-roll any duplicate results) as tristals. A tristal may have any value from
51-64 58-73 +3 extra* vs. Opponent d% Talent d% Talent 1,000 to 100,000 gp.
65-72 74-82 +4 extra* vs. Opponent
01-05 Breathing 47-54 Healing
73-75 83-85 +5extra* vs. Opponent
76-00 86-00 Talent (14c)
06-12 Charming 55-59 Hiding 3. Jewelry
13-16 Deceiving 60-65 Holding In games for characters of level 9 and above,
*Add to weapon strength to find the total Bonus 17-23 Defending 66-73 Lighting
strength, and use Table 14b to find the type of do not roll 3d6 to determine the value ofjew-
24-25 Deflector 74-79 Silencing elry found. Instead, use Table 3a: Jewelry
26-27 Draining 80-81 Slicing Values. You may use this table for lower level
28-32 Extinguishing 82-85 Slowing adventurers if you apply a -10% penalty to
33-38 Finding 86-89 Speeding the percentage roll (using a minimum value
39-43 Flaming 90-94 Translating of 100 gp per piece).
44-46 Flying 95-99 Watching The value of each piece should be deter-
00 Wishing mined separately, except when large numbers
are found, such as in Treasure Types A (50%
6-36) and H (50% 10-40). When several
1. Treasure Types pieces are found together, you may choose to
slightly modified for higher level play, and make one roll for each 3 or 5 pieces, simply
Each monster is given one or two Treasure
differ from the charts in the D&D Basic Set, making each a different type.
Types. Types A through 0 are Lair Trea-
but are used in the same manner. After you find the value, select or ran-
sures, found in the monsters’ dens. Types P
through V are Individual Treasures, carried YOUmay either roll or select an amount domly determine a type for each, using Table
within the range of treasure given. Note each 36: Types ofJewelry.
by the creatures themselves. These charts are


All items are made of valuable metals, Emperor quality. since buyers must be found before the items
gems, and/or other treasured materials (such Medallion: Ornate gem-studded pen- can be treated as cash treasure.
as ivory, ebony, fur, etc.). Their values may dant.
vary by up to 15% above or below the Orb: Gem-studded globe held in the
amount given on the chart, if the D M chooses hand; often inlaid, engraved. VALUES O F SPECIAL TREASURES
to modify them. For example, a piece listed Ring: Solid fine metal with gems; may Item Value
as 20,000 gp could be given any value from appear identical to magical ring. Name Encumbrance in CD
17,000 to 23,000 gp. Scarab: Carved and engraved gemstone Book, Rare 2-200 cn 10-1,000
of large size and high quality, sometimes as a Fur, Typical: *
3b. Types of Jewelry
beetle. Pelt 10-60 cn 1-4
Some suggested types of Jewelry are: Scepter: Rod or wand of metal or rare Cape 50-120 cn 100-600
COMMON Types (Value 100-3,000 gp) wood, engraved and gem-studded. Coat 80-200 cn 300-1,200
Anklet: Leather strap adorned with Talisman: Engraved figure or symbol of Fur, Rich: *
gems. rare metals and gems; may be an amulet or Pelt 10-60 cn 2-12
Beads: Several baubles on a string. pendant. Cape 50- 120 cn 400-2,400
Bracelet: Ornamented wrist chain or Coat 80-200 cn 1,000-6,000
Damaged Gems and Jewelry Incense, Rare 1 cn/stick 5-30/stick
Brooch: Ornamental piece with a pin on You may modify the value of gems and jew- Ivory (Tusk) 100-2,000 cn l/cn
the back; silver or gold casting. elry if they are subjected to harsh treatment. Perfume, Rare 1 cn/vial 25-150hial
Buckle: Fastener for shoes, belts, or other Gems: Most gems will shatter if struck. Rug or Tapes-
item. Gems may crack or shatter because of normal try** 100-600 cn 2-20
Cameo: A gem or stone engraved, in fire or certain spells (fire ball, lightning bolt, Silk** 10-60 cn 1-8
relief. etc.) All effects are left to the DM’s choice; a Skin, Animal: 50-200 cn 1-10
Chain: Valuable metal for wrist, ankle, or cracked gem is worth 20-50% (ld4.1 x10) of Skin, Monster: 100-5,000 cn 10-1,000
neck wear. the original value, and a shattered gem might Spice, Rare 10-100 cn 4-16/cn
Clasp: Fastener to hold a cloak or dress. leave a small piece worth 5-10% (ld6.4) of Statuette 1-100 cn 1-1,000
Locket: Small case for holding a keep- the original. Note that the pieces may still be Wine, Rare 40-90 cn l-6/bottle
sake, often hung on a chain. of value to NPC Magic-Users, who may need
* “Ty pical” furs include beaver, fox, marten,
Pin: Usually gold or platinum, with a powdered gems for potions, scrolls, rare inks,
etc. muskrat, and seal. “Rich” furs include ermine,
small gem on the tip.
Jewelry: The gems found in certain types mink, and sable.
UNCOMMON Types (Value 4,000-10,000 * * Prices and encumbrances are for each square
of jewelry are subject to the guidelines given
SP) yard.
above. Note also that the value of Jewelry is
Armband: Chain or strap adorned by
in its fine craftsmanship, not the parts; any
gems, worn on the upper arm.
rough treatment can result in the loss of 10-
Belt: Leather with gems or engraved
metal, worn around the waist.
80 % of the value. 4. All Magic Items
Collar: Ornate metal with clasp, or The charts and tables in this booklet include
leather with gems, worn around the neck. Special Treasures all magical treasures. Some guidelines are
Earring: Usually found as a pair; small You may wish to place unusual but valuable given in the D&D Basic and Expert Sets.
metal clasp with gem or engraved stone. items as treasures, either mixed with or These charts are used in the same way as the
Four-leaf Clover: A traditional good luck instead of coins, gems, and jewelry. The fol- previous charts; percentage dice (d%) are
symbol, fashioned of metal and gems. lowing chart gives guidelines, which may be used for most random rolls.
Heart: Brooch or keepsake of fine metal, used to determine the values of such items. Descriptions: Most magic items are
often engraved or with gems. They should be selected, not randomly deter- explained in the Basic or Expert Sets. To help
Leaf: Engraved brooch or keepsake of mined, and should be placed in areas where you find the descriptions quickly, the follow-
metal, studded with gems. they might reasonably be found, with some ing notations appear on the charts:
Necklace: Engraved metal strap or thong logical reason for their appearance. (B) The item is described in the D&D Basic
with engraved metal and gems, hung around The value should be determined by the Set (Dungeon Masters Rulebook).
the neck. rarity of the items, considering the place at (X) T h e item is described in the D&D
Pendant: Ornamental piece hung from a which they are sold. For example, simple ani- Expert Set rulebook. If neither letter appears,
chain of fine metal. mal skins might be worth their weight in gold the item is described in this set.
Rabbit’s Foot: A traditional good luck (literally) in civilization where few animals
piece, made of fine metal, fur, and gems. roam. The price of ivory is often higher, espe- Range and Duration: If the range or dura-
cially in areas where tusked animals (such as tion of the effect produced by a magic item is
RARE Types (Value 15,000-50,000 gp)
elephants, seals, and sabre-tooth tigers) are not given, treat it the same as a magic spell
Amulet: Ornate pendant or keepsake,
unknown, or when carved or engraved ivory from a 6th level spell caster.
gem-studded, possibly engraved.
Tiara: Small crown or headdress, of royal is found. Insulation: Several items can detect, con-
quality (but less than kingly). To use Special treasures, simply replace trol, or otherwise perform actions within a
Crown: Gold o r platinum headwear, some or all of the coins, gems, or jewelry with given range. Any of these actions can be
studded with large gems; kingly quality. an equal value (or more) of Special merchan- blocked by a thin sheet of lead, 1’ of any
Diadem: Very fine and ornate crown, of dise. More value is often needed for fairness, other metal, or 10’ of stone.


Limitations: Several items are only usable becomes 18, and the user immediately gains Dreamspeech: If the user speaks to one
by a certain class, or by a spell caster. If any of all applicable bonuses. sleeping or paralyzed creature within 30 ’ ,
the following letters appear on the charts, the Antidote: The user becomes completely the creature will hear and silently answer as if
item noted may only be used by the class immune to certain poisons, and gains a +2 awake. The user will hear the responses by
specified. bonus to dl Saving Throws vs. Poison. The ESP, and will be able to understand the lan-
(C) cleric only weakest type of Antidote protects against the guage used. The creature is not compelled to
(DR) druid only poison of all creatures with 3 Hit Dice or less; be truthful. Dead and Undead creatures can-
(D) dwarf only stronger Antidotes affect the poison of larger not be affected, but cursed sleeping victims
(E) elf only creatures. Poisons avoided during the dura- are within the power of the potion. The effect
(F) fighter only tion of the potion (by successful Saving lasts for 1 turn only, and applies to only one
(H) halfling only Throws) have no effect after the duration sleeping or paralyzed creature.
(M) magic-user only ends. Elasticity: The user may stretch his or
(N) non-spellcaster only (dwarves, 1-4 3 Hit Dice Creatures or less her body, plus all equipment carried, to
fighters, halflings, and thieves) 5-7 7 Hit Dice Creatures or less, or potion nearly any form-flat, long, etc.-to a maxi-
( S ) spell caster only (clerics, elves, 8-9 15 Hit Dice Creatures or less mum of 30 feet long, or 1 inch thick. Items
and magic-users) 10 All poisons carried cannot be used or dropped unless
(T) thief only they are first returned to normal form. While
A potion ofpoison is treated as poison from a in “stretched” form, the user cannot attack
Random Determination: To randomly 7 Hit Die monster; the DM may adjust this if or cast spells, but takes 1/2 damage from
determine a magic item, roll d % and find the desired. blunt weapons (mace, hammer, giant-thrown
result on Table 4, All Magic Items. Then use Blending: The user may change color at boulder, etc.). The effect lasts for 1 turn only.
the Table indicated to find the exact item. will, to any color, pattern, or combination of Elemental Form: There are four types of
Rejecting Results: The DM may, at any colors. Only color can be altered, but all this potion: for Air, Earth, Fire, and Water
time, decide not to use any result obtained items carried can be affected. The user hid- (equal chances for each). The user may
randomly. A device may simply be too pow- den by this chameleon-like camouflage can change into the form of an elemental (of the
rarely be detected (10% chance) unless the appropriate type) and back to normal form as
erful, making things too easy for the charac-
observer can detect invisible things, or pos- often as desired, while the potion lasts. Each
ters. Wishes can cause many problems,
which may be prevented by simply not using sesses truesight (as the cleric spell) or a simi- change of form takes 1 round. While in Ele-
wishes in the game, or by strictly limiting lar ability. mental form, no special immunities are
their power. Generally, if you can foresee any Bug Repellent: “Bug” includes any form gained, but the special attacks of each ele-
game problems resulting from the introduc- of arachnid (spider, tick, scorpion, etc.), mental areusable (as given in the Expert Set,
tion of an item or spell effect- insect (ant, beetle, fly, etc.) or chilopod (cen- page 49). Note that a protection from evil
DON’T USE IT. tipede, millipede, etc.). After using this effect will not block a character using this
potion, the user cannot be touched by any potion. The user’s Armor Class and hit
Curses: Several items have unfortunate normal bug, and a giant-sized bug will ignore points do not change. The duration is 1 turn
effects, and may require remove curse spells the user unless it makes a Saving Throw vs. only.
to negate their curses. If not specified other- Spells. If the Saving Throw is successful, the Ethereality: The user can become Ethe-
wise, any remove curse spell or similar magi- potion does not affect that giant bug. The real once, at any time during the potion’s
potion adds a +4 bonus to any Saving Throws duration, and may therafter remain ethereal
cal effect (such as that produced by a ring of
remedies) will do. However, many items allowed against magically summoned or con- for up to 24 hours, returning to the Prime
require powerful remove curse effects for trolled bugs. Plane at will.
Climbing: The user may climb sheer sur- Fortitude: The user’s Constitution score
effective treatment (usually 26th level, plac-
faces as if a spider, with only a 5 % chance of becomes 18, and the user immediately gains
ing such treatments in the hands of higher
falling (checked per 100’ of climbing, at least any hit points added thereby. Points of dam-
level NPC spell casters). A wish may be used
at any time to remove a curse; treat the wish once per climb). age to the user are taken from the magically
Defense: T h e user gains a bonus to gained hit points first.Damage applied to the
as a powerful remove curse at 36th level
magic use. Armor Class, which lasts for 1 turn (only). user’s original hit points will remain after the
Roll ldlO to find the power of the potion: duration ends, until cured by the usual
5 . Potions Protection Bonus means.
The effects of a potion last for 7-12 turns 1-3 +1 6-7 +3 Freedom: The user cannot be affected by
4-5 +2 8-9 +4 paralysis of any sort, nor by hold person or
unless noted otherwise. If a character drinks
a potion while another is still in effect, imme- 10 +5 hold monster spells.
diate sickness results (no Saving Throw). The Giant Control: Up to 3 giants can be con-
sickness lasts for 3 turns, and neither potion trolled at once, but a Saving Throw applies.
Dragon Control: Up to 3 small dragons
has any further effect. A potion with perma- Roll ld20 to find the type affected:
(see page 30) can be controlled, but a Saving
nent effect (healing, longevity, etc.) is not 1-5 Hill 15-17 Fire
Throw applies. Large and Huge dragons are
included in this rule. 6-10 Stone 18-19 Cloud
not affected. Roll ld20 to find the type of
Control potions are extremely limited in 11-14 Frost 20 Storm
dragons affected:
effect, as described in the D&D Expert Set, Longevity: This potion will have no
1-5 White 15-17 Blue
page 61. Some added details are given below. effect on any creature forced to drink it. In
6-10 Black 18-19 Red
addition, age cannot be reduced to below 15,
Agility: T h e user’s Dexterity score 11-14 Green 20 Gold
and the change cannot adversely affect any

ability scores or other abilities. 5’xlO’xl’ in size (though drawn much sure given, the DM should select a challeng-
Luck: This potion makes the user lucky. smaller), and up to 5,000 cn weight. The item ing monster with a similar treasure type, and
The player of the character using this potion may then be taken off the scroll and used! design the Map and monster lair accordingly.
may choose the result of any one roll of his, Magic items cannot be created, nor can any Note that the Map may be partially incorrect,
instead of rolling a random result (a Hit or living things, but all types of armor and omitting an important detail (such as the type
damage roll, Saving Throw, etc.). Other weapons (for example) are quite easily cre- of monsters, dangerous traps, etc.) or giving
players’ rolls cannot be affected, nor can the ated. The item will vanish on command of some false information; however, the treasure
Dungeon Master’s. The effect lasts for 1 the creator, or after 24 hours. The scroll can mentioned should actually be there.
hour, or until the luck is used. create one item per day at most. Mapping: This scroll is blank. When held
Merging: The effect of this potion is quite Curse: The curses given in the D&D and commanded to write, this scroll will draw
unusual. The user can permit others to actu- Basic Set are sufficiently nasty for this scroll. a map of an area chosen. The area must be
ally merge their forms with the user’s, includ- You need not increase their power for higher completely within 100’ of the scroll, and may
ing all equipment carried, as if all were level characters. be up to 10,000 square feet in size. The scroll
gaseous. A maximum of 7 other creatures can Delay: This is a scroll of one spell. When will function once per day.
merge with the user of the potion. The merg- casting the spell from the scroll, the user Portals: This scroll creates a pass-wall
ing cannot be forced; the user can, at will, states an amount of delay from 0 to 12 effect, identical to the magic-user spell.
prevent anyone from merging. Any other rounds. Thereafter, if the user carries the When placed on a surface and commanded to
creature merged with the user can leave the scroll, the user has complete control of the function, the scroll disappears, and a 5‘
merger by merely stepping out. Any creature spell when it occurs. If the scroll is not carried diameter hole appears, up to 10’ deep. Liv-
merged with another (including the user) by the user, the spell effect appears around ing or magical things cannot be affected. The
cannot attack or cast a spell, but may speak. the scroll itself, affecting the nearest creature hole will disappear after 3 turns or when com-
Damage to the user of the potion does not if a recipient is required. The spell cannot manded by the reader of the scroll. When the
affect those merged. affect the scroll, even i f it is a fire-type spell. hole disappears, the scroll reappears. The
Sight: The user can detect invisible things For example, an elf reads a delay lightning scroll may be used twice each day.
(as the magic-user spell) for 1 turn. This will bolt scroll, delaying it 8 rounds, and then Questioning: The user of this scroll may
negate blindness for that time. puts the scroll away. Eight rounds later, when ask questions of any non-living non-magical
Speech: The user can understand any and the lightning bolt actually appears, the elf objects; their answers will appear on the
all languages heard within 60’, and may may choose the range and direction by mere scroll. The scroll will display up to 3 answers
respond in the same tongues. A language concentration, as if casting the spell at that per day. The answers will be given as if the
must be heard to be used, unless already time. objects were living beings, but limited to sim-
known. Equipment: This parchment is inscribed ple observations, as if the objects could see,
Strength: T h e user’s Strength score with the names of 6 normal items (which the hear, and smell. The scroll cannot be used to
becomes 18, and the user immediately gains DM selects or randomly determines, using question living or magical things.
all applicable bonuses. the standard equipment list). When any Repetition: This scroll appears to be a
Swimming: The user may swim in any item’s name is read aloud, the item appears normal scroll of 1 spell, and the standard
liquid at the rate of 180’ per turn (60‘ per within 10‘ of the scroll, and the name disap- restrictions apply to its use. However, 1 turn
round), even if encumbered. The user cannot pears. The item will remain for 24 hours, or after the spell is cast, the scroll creates the
sink (or even be pushed below the surface) until the user commands it to vanish. The same spell effect a second time, centered on
unless the encumbrance is over 3,000 cn. The name reappears on the scroll when the item the scroll or affecting the nearest creature if a
ability to breathe water is not given. The vanishes. Any 3 of the 6 items can be created recipient is required. As with a normal spdl
effects last for 8 hours. each day. scroll, any spell cast from it is then gone;
Water Breathing: The user can freely Illumination: This scroll bears the draw- however, another spell may be written on the
breathe either water or air (as the magic-user ing of a flame. If the scroll is set afire, it will scroll i f i t is o f the same level, and the repeti-
spell) for 4 hours. burn with a clear light in a 60’ radius, lasting tion effect will again apply.
for up to 6 hours per day. The burning does Seeing: This scroll is blank. When held
not harm the scroll, but is nevertheless “nor- and commanded to write, it will draw pic-
6. Scrolls mal” fire (and can be used to light torches, tures of creatures within loo’, in any area
Communication: This is actually two for example). The flame cannot be extin- chosen by the user. Up to 4 different types of
scrolls, one stored inside the other. They are guished except by water or on command of creatures can be pictured. The scroll will
easily separated. If a message is written on the user; any wind, normal or magical, can- function once per day, regardless of the num-
one scroll, it immediately appears on the not even cause it to flicker. This item may ber of creatures pictured.
other. There is no limit to the range, as long already be lit when found. Shelter: This scroll is inscribed with an
as both scrolls are on the same Plane of Exist- Mages (spell caster only): This scroll is elaborate drawing of a 10’ square lit room
ence. The message may be up to 100 words in blank; it is used to identify magical effects. with two beds, a table and two chairs, food
length. If one message is erased, the other The user may hold the scroll and command it and drink for 2 on the table, and a pair of nor-
disappears as well. Each message must be to identify any one chosen magical effect mal swords on the far wall, each hung over a
erased before another can be written, and within 30 ’ . The name of the magic spell or shield. If the scroll is hung on any vertical
there is a 5% chance (not cumulative) that effect then appears on the scroll, along with surface, the room pictured may be entered,
any erasing will destroy the magic of both the level of the caster of the spell effect. The and the items used. The food and drink are
scrolls. scroll will identify one magical effect per day. pure and will nourish any living thing. The
Creation: The user of this valuable scroll Map: Treasure Maps are described in the swords and shields may be taken down and
may draw a picture of any normal item, up to D&D Expert Set. Based on the type of trea- used. However, none of the items can be


removed from the room. The user may ask a question of any living per use:
If the scroll is taken down, the room cannot being within 30’; the complete and true Air: lightning bolt, cloudkill
be entered or left, but remains in existence on answer appears on the scroll, read from the Earth: web, wall of stone
another dimension (not another Plane). If victim’s mind by a powerful version of ESP. Fire: fire ball, wall of fire
any creatures are in the room when the scroll Note that the answer is true only within the Water: ice (storm or wall)
is taken down, the air inside permits survival limits of the victim’s knowledge. The scroll
Web is described in the Basic Set; all others
for up to 24 hours. Any creatures so caught will display 1 answer per day.
are described in the Expert Set. All created
cannot escape by any means other than a
spell effects are treated as if cast by a 10th
wish. The food and drink are replenished 7. Wands, Staves, and Rods level caster.
each time the scroll is taken down. The room
All notes given in the D&D Expert Sets still When used on the Elemental Plane of the
can be created once per day, but will remain
apply. If desired, the D M may use a larger corresponding type, the powers are quite dif-
for up to 12 hours per use; if not removed in
number of charges: 3-30 (3d10) for a wand, ferent. Instead of the Powers given above, the
that time, the scroll will fall down by itself.
2-40 (2d20) for a staff. Rods are permanent following Powers are bestowed by the holder,
Spell Catching: This scroll is blank when
items, and do not have nor use any charges. as long as one or more charges remain in the
found. It may be used to “catch” a spell cast
at the user. It cannot catch spell-like effects, Staff of Dispelling: The touch of this item
nor device-produced effects (such as from a has the same effect as a dispel magic spell 1. Immunity to damage from the Plane
wand), but a spell cast from a scroll can be itself, and vision to 60’ range
from a 15th level caster, but will affect only
caught. There are four types ofthis scroll; roll 2. Movement within the Plane at the rate of
the item or magical effect touched. Any
ldlO to determine the capacity: potion or scroll touched is completely 120 feet per turn (60’/round)
3. Communication ability with any resident
1-4 1st or 2nd level spells destroyed, and any permanent magic item
touched becomes non-magical for 1-4 rounds of that Plane
5-7 1st to 4th level spells 4. If attacked by a resident of the Plane, -4
8-9 1st to 6th level spells (including armor and weapons). This may be
permanently harmful to intelligent swords bonus to Armor Class
10 1st to 8th level spells
(DM’s choice). Each use of the staff costs 1 Note that the staffdoes not itself provide the
The user of the scrolI must hold it up, like a charge. ability to breathe on the Plane; some other
shield; no other action is possible while using Staff of the Druids: Any druid carrying device or spell must also be used. However,
the scroll. The user must then make a Saving this s t a f f gains one extra spell of each spell when a staff is used along with a matching
Throw vs. Spells, with a +4bonus to the roll; level. The extra spells must be selected when ring of elemental adaptation or talisman of
if successful, the incoming spell has no effect, the usual spells are acquired (usually during elemental travel, all effects given above are
and is instead transferred to the scroll, morning meditation). Each day’s use of the extended to a 10’ radius around the user.
appearing as a normal scroll spell. The exact staff uses 1 charge. The staff is a +3weapon Except for the staff of elemental power,
spell caught will not be known until a read as well, and may be used as one (inflicting 4-9 each staffcan be used to negate effects relat-
magic spell is used to identify it. points of damage per hit) without using any ing to its Opposition (see page ZO), at the cost
The scroll can only hold one spell at a time; charges. of 1 charge if the effect was produced by the
the spell caught must either be used or copied Staff of a n Element: There are seven opposite staff, or 2 charges if a normal spell
into a spell book (magic-user spells only) types of these staves; roll d % to determine the was used. For example, a staffofair could be
before the scroll can catch another spell. Any exact type found: used to negate a wall of fire cast by any
type of spell (cleric, druid, or magic-user) can magic-user, at the cost of 2 charges.
01-21 Staff of Air
be caught, as long as the level does not exceed A summoned Elemental may be sent back
22-42 Staff of Earth
the scroll’s capacity. The scroll ofspell catch- to its home Plane, with the same cost of
43-63 Staff of Fire
ing cannot affect spells of levels greater than charges (1 if produced by the opposite staff, 2
64-84 Staff of Water
the given capacity, and it can catch a maxi- if conjured by spell), but the Elemental must
85-91 Staff of Air and Water
mum of one spell per day. be touched by the staff (possibly requiring a
92-98 Staff of Earth and Fire
Spells: Use Tables 6a and 6b to find the normal Hit roll).
99-00 Staff of Elemental Power
exact spell levels, or choose the spells if you If a staff is ever taken to the Plane of its
wish. Spell scrolls are good ways to introduce Each staff is a staff +2, and may be used as Opposition, it immediately explodes, inflict-
new spells in the campaign, and may thus be one without using any charges, striking for 3- ing 20 points of electrical damage plus 1-8
designed with the characters’ current spell 8 points of damage. Staves of two Elements points per charge remaining in the Staff. The
books in mind. Only druids can cast spells on gain all the powers of both staves, and the explosion fills a sphere of 60’ radius; all crea-
druid scrolls, though the spell name can be staffof elemental power has the powers of all tures within the effect may make a Saving
revealed by a read magic spell. four. Throw vs. Spells with a -4 penalty to the roll
Trapping: This scroll can create one trap. Each staff bestows the following powers to take 1/2 damage. The wielder of the staff,
The type of trap differs by the placement of when used on the Prime Material Plane: however, gets no Saving Throw.
the scroll. The scroll is destroyed when the +4 bonus to Saving Throws vs. attack Staff of Harming: This item functions
trap is created. If placed on a floor, a hidden forms based on that Element similarly to a reversed staff ofhealing, but at
Pit trap is created; if on a ceiling, a Falling Complete immunity to attacks by any Ele- the cost of 1 charge per creature harmed. It
Block trap appears. Otherwise, a Poison Dart mental of that type inflicts 2-7 points of damage if touched to any
or Gas trap will be created. The exact trap is Summon one 8 Hit Dice Elemental of that creature (no Saving Throw); a normal Hit
left for the DM’s design. The trap created is type per day (as the magic-user spell), roll may be required. This is in addition to
quite real, and not illusory or magical. each summoning costing 1 charge normal weapon damage (1-6 points), if appli-
Truth: This scroll is blank when found. Spell-like effects, each costing 1 charge cable. The staff can also create the following


effects, with the costs noted. Each effect is the user falls, a command will stop the Rod ture, if desired (as can other magical forms of
identical to the reversed form of a cleric spell. suddenly, and the user may hold onto it. curing).
Note that the use of this staff is a Chaotic act. Rod of Parrying: This rod +5can be used If any dragon is created by a user of a dif-
cause blindness 2 charges as a melee weapon, inflicting 6-13 (ld8+5) ferent Alignment, the dragon will attack the
cause disease 2 charges points of damage per hit (but no Strength user immediately, fighting to the death.
cause serious wounds 3 charges bonus applies). It may also be used to parry When this occurs, it cannot be commanded
create poison 4 charges attacks, if the user chooses this ability at the to return to rod form.
beginning of a round. When attacked in
Staff of Healing: In addition to the cur- melee, the user’s Armor Class gains a +5
ing abilities given in the D&D Basic Set (2-7
points per touch), charges may be used to cre-
bonus while parrying; however, this does not 8. Rings
apply to missile fire. While parrying, no
ate the following effects: All guidelines and restrictions on rings given
other action is possible except a fighting with- in the D&D Expert Set still apply.
cure blindness 1 charge drawal (see Basic Set, page 60).
cure disease 1 charge Rod of Victory: This item makes the user Ear Ring: This ring has no effect when
cure serious wounds 2 charges lucky in war (when the “War Machine” mass worn. When removed and placed against any
neutralize poison 2 charges combat system is used; see page 16). The fol- surface (a door, chest, etc.), the user may
Snake Staff: In addition to the powers lowing bonuses apply to that system: hear any and all noises occurring within 60 ‘
given in the D&D Basic Set, charges may also 1. A +25 bonus applies to the Combat. of the door. Light breathing, heartbeats, and
be used, in either of two ways. U p to 5 Results roll (to a maximum total of 100). even faint breezes can be heard. The ring will
charges may be spent in any round to add 2. O n the Combat Results Table, if the dif- function 3 times per day.
bonuses to the snake’s Hit roll (+1bonus per ference in overall totals is 101 or more, the Elemental Adaptation: There are 7 dif-
charge spent). A charge may also be spent to result for “91-100” is used, limiting the ferent types of this ring; roll d % to determine
cure the snake while it is in combat. The user number of casualties. the exact type, or select one:
casts a curing spell (any), and spends one 01-21 Air 85-91 Air and Water
charge to transfer the cure to the snake. The Rod of Weaponry: This rod +5 is only
usable by a dwarf, halfling, fighter, or thief. 22-42 Earth 92-98 Earth and Fire
amount of curing is determined normally; no 43-63 Fire 99-00 All Elements
range limit applies. O n command of the user, it will elongate, and
may be divided into two weapons of the same 64-84 Water
Rod of Cancellation: Any intelligent
magic sword, and any +5 item may resist the size, each +2. Each of those may be similarly The wearer of this ring can, when in the
effect if the user makes a Saving Throw vs. divided into two + 1 weapons. The rod cannot appropriate Elemental Plane, freely breathe
Wands. This merely indicates successful be divided accidentally, and can be reassem- and see through the gaseous element (the
resistance, and the Rod then remains useful. bled simply by placing the parts together. equivalent of air on the Prime Plane).
A sword +5with intelligence gains a +2 bonus Each weapon, regardless of size, inflicts 1-6 Holiness: This ring is only usable by a
to the Saving Throw. points of damage per hit, plus magic bonuses cleric or druid. If the ring is worn while spells
Rod of Ruling: This item aids in ruler- (but not Strength bonuses). are gained (usually during morning medita-
ship. If a ruler carries it throughout his or her Rod of the Wyrm: There are three types tion), the cleric gains one extra spell of Levels
dominion, it adds a bonus to all Confidence of this Rod; roll ldlO to determine the type, 1, 2, and 3. (Extra spells apply only to spell
Level rolls, based on the percentage of resi- or select one: levels obtainable. For example, a 5th level
dents viewing it: cleric would not gain any 3rd level spells.) If
the ring is removed, the spells are forgotten
1-5076 +10 91-99% +40 (though this has no effect if the spells are
51-7576 +20 100% +50 Id10 Alignment Dragon AC Breath(s)
already cast). In addition, a cleric (but not a
76-90% +30 druid) gains a +1 bonus to any Turn Undead
1-5 Lawful Gold -2 Fire/Gas
When not on display, it must be kept in the 6-8 Neutral Blue 0 Lightning rolls made, including the roll determining the
ruler’s stronghold. The effects last for 3 9-10 Chaotic Black 2 Acid Hit Dice of Undead Turned. The ring does
months, but may be re-shown as desired. not affect Turn attempts not requiring a roll.
Rod of Health (cleric only): This item has Life Protection: This valuable ring will
all the powers of a staff ofhealing, but with- Each is a rod 4 , and inflicts 6-13 (ld8.5) negate the effects of 1-6 Energy Drain
out expending any charges. It can affect any points of damage per hit (but without attacks. If the wearer is struck by an Energy
one creature only once per day, whatever the Strength bonuses). Once per day, the rod Draining Undead (or effect), charges are
effect. may be turned into a small dragon of the drained from the ring, and no levels are lost.
Rod of Inertia: Only a dwarf, halfling, appropriate type. The created dragon has 30 If a single blow drains more Levels than there
fighter, or thief may use this unusual item. It hit points, and can only be affected by magic are charges remaining, the ring disintegrates;
may be used as a spear +3in all respects. O n (weapons, spells, etc.). It will understand and otherwise, it becomes a ring ofprotection +f
command of the user, it will stop, wherever it faithfully serve the user of the rod to the best when all the charges are used.
is, and cannot be moved by any means except of its ability; it can act as messenger, steed, or Memory: This ring can only be used by a
a wish. A second command releases it. If the guard, for example. It will fight to the death spell caster. It allows the wearer to recall any
Rod is in motion when stopped, it will con- unless commanded otherwise. It knows no one spell cast. The wearer must decide,
tinue its direction when released. For exam- spells. The dragon will return to rod form on within 1 turn of casting a spell, to recall it; the
ple, it may be thrown toward a door and command; if slain in dragon form, however, memory then reappears, and the spell is
commanded to stop, later released if an it will not return to rod form, and is forever instantly “relearned.” The ring can restore
enemy enters (a normal Hit roll is made). If destroyed. Spells can be used to heal the crea- the memory of one spell per day.


Protection e l , ‘2, ‘3, or +4): These rings Truthfulness: This item claims to be a to turn color: the chime then turns gold at one
are identical to those described in the D&D ring o f truth when worn, but actually func- end, the color slowly spreading to the other
Basic and Expert Sets. The bonus applies tions differently. When the wearer first tries end in the hour’s time. A third command
both to Armor Class and Saving Throws. A to determine the truth of a statement, the word causes the chime to stop ringing-but
ring +f may have an area effect, as described statement will appear to be true-but there- no; until 1 turn elapses after the command.
in the D&D Expert Set; however, only 10% after, the wearer will be unable to lie. Full and Eggs of Wonder: These strange items are
of all rings +f have this power, and no more completely true answers to any question must the size of chicken eggs, but may be of any
powerful ring can affect an area. be given as long as the ring is worn. It cannot color. An egg breaks when dropped or thrown
Quickness: Once each day, the wearer of be removed until a remove curse is applied by (to 60’ maximum range); in the following
this ring can move and attack at double nor- a 26th or higher level caster. round, a creature emerges from it and grows
mal rates for 1 turn. The effect is identical to Truthlessness: This item claims to be a to normal size, thereafter obeying the
the magic-user spell haste, but can be pro- ring o f truth when worn, but functions in a thrower of the egg to the best of its ability.
duced by command, not spell casting. manner opposite that of a ring o f truthful- (Note that the creature must be able to hear
Remedies: Once each day, this ring will ness-the wearer is unable to tell the truth, the user’s commands.) The creature will dis-
produce one remedy-a cure blindness, cure lying at all times. It cannot be removed until appear after 1 hour of existence, or when
disease, remove curse, or neutralize poison a remove curse spell, cast by a 26th or higher slain. To determine the type of creature
spell effect. Each effect is identical to the level caster, is applied. appearing, roll ld12; the Basic Set contains
cleric spell of the same name, and is treated as Wishes: This item is identical to that all the needed descriptions. The creature
if cast by a 25th level cleric. The ring pro- described in the D&D Expert Set, except that appearing is never determined until the egg
duces the effect desired when the wearer con- to find the number of wishes contained, roll breaks. The DM may add other creatures.
centrates and touches the recipient. ld10: 1-4 ‘1; 5-7 = 2; 8-9 = 3; 10 = 4. 1 baboon, rock 7 cat, panther
Safety: The effect of this ring is similar to 2 bat, giant 8 ferret, giant
that of a potion ofluck. If any Saving Throw 9. Miscellaneous Items 3 bear, black 9 lizard, gecko
is failed, the player of the character wearing There is no limit to the many types of items 4 bear, grizzly 10 lizard, draco
the ring may “change fate” by announcing possible; the devices and effects given here 5 boar 11 snake, racer
that his Saving Throw was successfull! The are a mere sampling. You may create others if 6 cat, mountain lion 12 wolf, normal
ring will negate 1-4 failed Saving Throws, desired, with nearly any powers. However, Lamp of Long Burning: This item is
and then disintegrate. when designing such items, keep the balance identical to a normal adventurer’s lantern. It
Seeing: Once each day, the wearer of this of the game in mind. If an item duplicates is made of metal, with a lower compartment
ring can see all things plainly for 3 turns, as if cleric powers, for example, it may cause cler- for oil, a handle, and shutters around the
the cleric spell truesight were cast. The ics to become less useful in the game. Keep body to protect the flame from wind. When
wearer need not be a spell caster. such items rare, and limit them by the use of filled with oil and lit, as a normal lantern, it
Spell Eating: This ring appears and func- expendable charges, lest they adversely affect will burn and shed light without using any
tions as a ring ofspell turning, with one extra your game. oil. If the flame is ever doused by water, the
effect if the user is a spell caster. After one Boat, Undersea: This item appears iden- lamp becomes non-magical.
spell is cast while the ring is worn, the ring tical to a standard riverboat (Expert Set, page Lamp, Hurricane: This item appears
“eats” all the remaining spells memorized. 43), and can be used as one. As it is magical, and functions as a lamp oflong burning in all
The ring cannot be removed after it has eaten however, its Armor Class is 4, and it has 40 respects, but only after its storm has passed,
spells (though spells can be restudied, and hull points. No rowers or sailors are required, as described hereafter.
safely cast) until a remove curse is applied by ifthe command words are known. It will obey It is always closed when found. When the
a 25th or higher level caster. This remedy commands to start, stop, turn to port (left), shutters are opened, violent gusts ofwind and
only permits the removal of the ring, and turn to starboard (right), stop turning (while rain come from the lamp, dousing the holder
does not affect its powers. A dispel evil cast by keeping the same speed), submerge, level off, (who gets no Saving Throw) and all others
a 36th level caster will turn the ring into a and surface. When underwater, the boat within 30’. This “hurricane” lasts for 3
normal ring of spell turning. radiates a water breathing effect, protecting rounds; each victim must make a Saving
Survival: The wearer can survive without all passengers and crew as long as they touch Throw vs. Spells, and all those failing are
air, food, or drink while the ring is worn, by it. The undersea boat can be fitted with grips knocked over from the winds. If this occurs,
using charges contained within it. The ring so that the passengers can avoid drifting every item carried (except for body clothing
contains 101-200 (d%+100) charges when away. and/or armor, but including caps, gloves,
found. By spending one charge, the user (The DM may wish to create magical boats treasure, etc.) is blown about, landing scat-
needs no food or drink for 24 hours. Survival which travel only on ice, sand, in the air, and tered within 60’. A successful Saving Throw
without air requires 1 charge per hour. The so forth.) indicates that the victim has fallen to the
ring turns black when 5 or fewer charges Chime of Time: This simple metal stick is ground in time, tightly grasping all items car-
remain. 3 inches long, made of a silvery metal. O n ried. The hurricane lamp may thereafter be
Truth: Three times per day, this item command, it will keep track of time, chiming used as a lamp o f long burning for the
allows the wearer to know whether a spoken every hour on the hour-but the chime can remainder of the day. It resets its Hurricane
statement is true or false. If the person or be heard by all within 60’ (regardless of every 24 hours, which must again be trig-
creature uttering the statement believes it to intervening walls, rock, etc.). If dampened gered before the lamp can be of other use.
be true, a “True” result will be obtained. By by a silence 1.5’ radius spell, the chime will Muzzle of Training: This item is a device
telepathy, the ring tells the wearer of its dispel the silence but be damped to 30 ’ range of leather straps with metal buckles, and may
powers as soon as it is worn. for that turn. A second command will cause it be fastened over the mouth of any animal or


monster with a bite attack. It will magically effect cannot be removed, but will gradu- Permanent magic items:
expand or contract to fit the creature, and the ally wear off in 1-4 months. Any permanent magic weapon: 6
victim can breathe, but cannot bite (or talk) Armor or Shield: 7
while wearing the muzzle. The muzzle will Pouch of Security: This item is the size of Ring or Rod: 8
lock in place with a command word (treat as a a large sack (capacity 600 cn). Any attempt at *Minor miscellaneous item: 10
wizard lock by a 15th level caster), and will stealing the Pouch causes it to scream “I am *Major miscellaneous item: Special
unlock and fall off with a second command. being stolen!” (in the Common tongue) * The DMIS judgment is required as to the value
The muzzle can be commanded as often as repeatedly for one hour. Its cries can be heard and frequency of such items in the campaign. A
desired. to 120 I . If its owner holds it and commands it “major” item might be identifiable, but only by
Nail, Finger: This item appears identical to be quiet, it will obey, but will repeat its making the slate useless for 1-4 days.
to the common iron nail of medieval carpen- cries if stolen again.
try, 1-4 inches long and very crudely made. It Quill of Copying: A quill is a large Talisman of Elemental Travel: There
may easily be overlooked if found with other feather which can be dipped in ink and used are 5 types of talismans. Roll id10 to deter-
construction materials, unless a detect magic as a writing implement. This quill may be mine the exact item found:
spell is used. When commanded to function, commanded to copy any spell on a scroll. It 1-2 Lesser Talisman of Air
it disappears. When the user next tries to will copy only one spell per week at most. The 3-4 Lesser Talisman of Earth
avoid the attention of an enemy (by hiding, original scroll must be burned, and the ashes 5-6 Lesser Talisman of Fire
invisibility, etc.), the nail reappears as a large mixed with rare ink (of 1,000 gp cost). The 7-8 Lesser Talisman of Water
glowing finger, pointing at the character for quill is then placed on a blank scroll, along 9-10 Greater Talisman (all Elements)
1-6 rounds. The finger nail may reappear with an inkwell containing the prepared ink.
Lesser Talisman: This item is an engraved
during each similar attempt thereafter (25 % Upon command, the quill starts to write, cre-
round amulet, and may be found on a chain.
chance for each), but a remove curse will ating two identical spells on the scroll instead
It is engraved with a triangle in the center,
cause it to vanish forever. of the single original. If the scroll burnt con-
and a symbol above it (one of the 10 symbols
Nail of Pointing: This item appears iden- tains two or more spells, only one spell will be
of the Elemental ranks). O n the Prime Plane,
tical to a common carpentry nail. If the com- copied, either the lowest level spell or (if both
the user may press the central symbol while
mand word is known, the user may cause it to are the same level) a randomly selected spell.
casting a conjure elemental spell; the talis-
point at any non-magical item named (door, The quill will not copy protection scrolls, nor
man will reverse the effect, sending the
stairway, gold piece, etc.); the nail then turns any other writing except spell scrolls.
wearer into the appropriate Elemental Plane.
into a finger of bones, and points toward the Unfortunately, there is a 25 7% chance per
While wearing the talisman, the user can
closest item of that type. It will continue to use that the quill will blot, spoiling the entire
breathe Elemental matter as if it were pure,
point at that item for 1 turn, and then returns scroll upon which it is writing. The blot can-
clean air, and gains vision (normally 120’-
to nail form. There is no limit to the range of not be removed from the parchment by any
1200’ range, depending on conditions).
the nail’s detection, but it cannot detect living means but a wish.
Greater Talisman: This item is similar to a
or Undead creatures of any type, nor any Slate of Identification (spell caster only):
lesser talisman in powers, but applies to all
magical item or spell effect. The nail ofpoint- This valuable device can identify magic items
the Elemental Planes. It is engraved with the
ing will function once per day. of most sorts. It is a piece of slate (stone) held
four triangle symbols of the Planes, meeting
Ointment: This white creamy salve is firmly in an ornate wooden frame, usually
in the center. The 10 symbols of all the Ele-
found in a small wooden box with a cotton about 3 feet square (though slates of many
mental ranks are inscribed around the edge.
swab. If the entire contents of the box are sizes are possible, both larger and smaller).
If the proper command words are known, the
rubbed on any part of the skin of the recipi- The user holds the slate horizontally and
wearer may also force an Elemental being to
ent, a magical effect is produced. All oint- places a magic item upon it. When the item is
obey instructions. This uses one charge, and
ments look, smell, and taste the same. lifted off, the name of the item appears on the
the talisman can expend up to 10 charges per
To determine the type found, roll ld6: slate. If an item has command words, one will
trip into an Elemental Plane.
1. Blessing: This salve gives the recipient a appear on the slate with each identification.
Wheel of Floating: This item appears
-2 bonus to Armor Class and a +2 bonus to The slate will only repeat itself when all the
identical to a normal wagon wheel, but
all Saving Throws for 1 turn. command words have been revealed.
enables any wagon upon which it is mounted
2. Healing: This salve cures 4-14 points of The slate is easily fooled by cursed or oth-
to float on water. One wheel offloatingallows
damage. erwise unuseful items. It cannot detect a
a wagon to be towed across a river or stream,
3. Poison: This salve seems to be ointment number of charges or a special ability. A
carrying up to 10,000 cn weight without sink-
of blessing, but forces the recipient to potion ofpoison will be mistakenly identified
ing. Each additional wheel allows 5,000 cn
make a Saving Throw vs. Poison, with a as some other type. Any cursed item will be
more weight to be carried, to the normal
-2 penalty to the roll, or die. identified as a normal item. (These guide-
maximum for the wagon of 25,000 cn.
4. Scarring: This salve seems to be oint- lines should be strictly followed, lest the mys-
Swamp travel is also possible, but at very
ment of healing, but instead inflicts 2-12 tery of such items found be ruined.)
slow movement rate unless some water-type
points of severe burn damage, which can The slate may expend up to 10 charges per
draft animal is available.
only be repaired by ointment of soothing, day; items require the following numbers of
A cursed wheel of floating will, when
a cureall spell, or a wish. charges per use.
reaching the center of any river or stream,
5. Soothing: This salve cures the recipient
become stuck at that point, and cannot be
of all burn damage, whatever the amount, Temporary magic items:
moved until a remove curse is applied by a
and whether magical or normal. Potion: 2 Missile: 3
15th or higher level caster. This allows pro-
6. Tanning: This salve causes all the recipi- Wand: 4 Staff: 5
gress to continue, but the curse will remain
ent’s skin to turn a bright color. The
until the wheel is destroyed.


Wheel of Fortune: This strange device is 10. Armor and Shields command of the user, become charged with
10’ in diameter, mounted on a stand or wall 1. Find the Armor size, using Table loa. magical electrical force. If the user is hit while
fixture and easily rotated. It is decorated with 2. Find the Armor type, using Table lob. “charged,” the attacker takes 6-36 points of
a black and white pattern of wedges, all inter- 3. Find the Armor Strength on Table 1Oc. electrical damage. The attacker may make a
secting at the center, where a green arrow is 4. Check the Chance of Special on Table 1Oc. Saving Throw vs. Spells to take 1/2 damage,
mounted; the arrow does not turn with the Use Table 10d to find the exact type. and if a weapon is used in the attack, a +4
wheel. Near the rim, each black wedge is bonus to the Saving Throw applies. The
adorned by a white skull, and each white Shield Size and AC: Human, dwarf, or armor or shield may be charged or neutral-
wedge by a red heart. If the wheel is spun elf shields are as “normal sized.” A halfling ized as often as desired, by using command
(easily done by any creature of 3 Strength or shield offers no protection to others, but a words, but can only cause damage (“dis-
more), it rotates for 3 rounds and then comes normal-sized shield may be used by anyone. charge”) once per day.
to rest, with the green arrow pointing at one A giant shield is double normal size, for a -2 Energy Drain: The armor or shield can
of the wedges, either black or white (at equal bonus to Armor Class. become “charged” on command, as
chances for each). However, a charmed crea- described under “Electricity” (above), but
ture cannot move the wheel, and any one Special Armor or Shield instead of inflicting damage, causes the loss of
user can spin the wheel only once per day. 1 of the opponent’s levels or Hit Dice (as if a
All special powers can be used once per day at wight). The same Saving Throw applies (pos-
If the wheel has spun freely for the 3
most, unless noted otherwise. When using sibly with bonuses), and if made successfully,
rounds, not touched or interfered with in any
armor and a shield that are both Special, only the Energy Drain does not occur. The item
way, a magical effect occurs, determined by
one effect can be used per round, unless can Drain 1 Level or Hit Die per day, but any
the result of the spin. The wheel cannot be
noted otherwise. number of Saving Throws may be made
affected by magic of any kind, including tele-
kinesis, and cannot be damaged in any way! Absorption: If the user is hit by a blow before this occurs.
Any wish used to affect the wheel will cause that would cause an Energy Drain, the armor Ethereality: The user may become ethe-
the wheel to vanish, whatever the wish. The or shield absorbs the draining effect, and only real on command, and may remain ethereal
wheel cannot be moved except by a creature the normal damage affects the user. Each for as long as desired. The user may return to
of 26 or more levels (or hit dice). The wheel energy drain causes the loss of one “plus” of the Prime Plane when a second command
weighs 20,000 cn. strength from the armor or shield. When word is spoken. Each command word may be
reduced to zero “plusses,” the item crumbles used once per day.
White Wedge (roll ld6):
to dust. The normal limit of one use per day Fly: When commanded, the armor or
1. Gold pieces (1,000) appear. does not apply. This Special power is not shield creates a fly spell effect on the user,
2. Gems (10 garnets) appear. under the control of the user; a character can- which lasts for 12 turns. The user may then
3. Jewelry (1 brooch) appears. not choose to suffer the Energy Drain and travel in the air at up to 360 ‘ per turn (120‘
4. One misc. magic item appears. leave the item intact. per round) by mere concentration (as the 3rd
5. One ability score rises by 1 point (maxi- Charm: When the user is hit by an oppo- level magic-user spell).
mum score 18). nent, the attacker must make a Saving Gaseous Form: This valuable armor or
6. Prime Requisite or Constitution rises by 1 Throw vs. Spells or become charmed by the shield enables the user to turn into a cloud of
point (maximum score 18). user (as the magic-user spell charm person or gas (as the potion ofgaseous form),including
Black Wedge (roll ld6): charm monster). If a hand-held weapon is all equipment carried (unlike the potion).
used in the attack, the attacker gains a +4 The user can remain gaseous for up to 6
1. One ability score drops by 1 point (mini-
bonus to the Saving Throw. Only one victim turns, and can return to normal form by
mum score 3).
can be charmed each day, but any number of mere concentration.
2. Prime Requisite drops by 1 point.
3. Constitution drops by 1 point. Saving Throws may be made before the Haste: When commanded, the armor or
4. Least valuable magic item carried disinte- charm is successful. shield creates a haste spell effect on the user,
grates. Cure Wounds: The armor or shield can allowing double normal movement and num-
5. All non-magical items, except for normal cure 112 of the damage the user has incurred. ber of attacks (as the 3rd level magic-user
It can only cure the user, not another crea- spell). The haste lasts for only 1 turn.
clothing, disintegrate.
6. Die (no Saving Throw). ture, and cannot affect poison, disease, or Invisibility: When commanded, the
any other damage but wounds. armor or shield makes the user invisible, as if
The D M may select or randomly determine Electricity: The armor or shield can, on the 2nd level magic-user spell were cast. In
the results of the spin. If desired, the wedges
may be numbered from 1-20 or 1-100, and a
chart may be made with more results.
Wheel, Square: This odd “wheel,” the
size of a normal wagon wheel, is useless on ENCUMBRANCE OF ARMOR OR SHIELD
roads and other flat terrain, as it is perfectly Armor Magical Item (by size) Normal
square. However, when mounted properly Type AC Hfg Dwf Elf Hum Gnt Item
on a wagon, it magically allows movement 70 80 90 100 200 100
through mountain and desert terrain where Shield (-1)
Leather 7 50 70 90 100 150 200
there is no road. A wagon with one square Scale 6 65 85 110 125 190 300
wheel can be pulled by 2 horses and moves at Chain 5 75 100 130 150 225 400
20’/turn; with two wheels, 30’1turn; with Banded 4 90 115 150 175 2 60 450
three, 40’/turn; and with four, the normal Plate 3 100 130 170 200 300 500
rate of 60’/turn is possible.


addition, the armor or shield can itself normal arrows shot by a longbow +1can harm If the Device is magical, the effect is cumula-
become invisible 3 times per day, on com- gargoyles (which are damaged only by tive; multiply each maximum range (deter-
mand of the user. magic). mined for the device) by five.
Reflection: If a light or continual light Lighting: The missile can create a light
Missile Bonuses (Missiles only): A magical
spell is cast at the user, the armor or shield spell effect (30’ diameter) either upon com-
missile normally becomes non-magical after
will automatically reflect it back at the caster, mand or when it hits a target. If a creature is
one use, whether or not the attempt hits a tar-
who must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or hit, the victim must make a Saving Throw vs.
get. However, if the missile has a Bonus, a
be blinded (as given in the spell descriptions). Spells or be blinded by the light (as if the spell
missed shot will not always destroy the
The item will reflect up to 3 spells per day. In had been cast at the eyes). The missile disin-
magic, unless noted otherwise in the follow-
addition, when the user is in melee against a tegrates when the light is created.
ing descriptions. Usually, if the missile is
creature with a gaze attack, the chances of Penetrating: This missile cannot be
retrieved after a missed shot, it may be
gaze reflection are the same as if a mirror slowed by underbrush, webs (normal or mag-
were held, but without the -2 penalty to the ical), or other forms of cover. The victim’s
user’s Hit rolls (which represents the awk- Biting: When the missile hits, it turns Armor Class is not modified by cover of any
wardness of holding the mirror). into a poisonous snake. In addition to normal sort.
Remove Curse: This armor or shield can- damage, the victim hit must make a Saving Refilling: This missile has no special
not itself be cursed when found. When com- Throw vs. Poison or die (or, at the DM’s effects when shot. If left in a container
manded, the item will create a remove curse choice, take extra damage; 2-12, 2-20, or 2- (quiver, sack, etc.) with other missiles of the
spell effect on the user (only) as if a 36th level 40 are recommended amounts). same type, it will magically create 1-20 more
caster (automatically removing one curse). Blinking: The missile will not hit any missiles (of normal type, not magical) each
NOTE: This item will function a total of friend of the user, “blinking” in and out of day.
three times, at a maximum rate of once per existence until it reaches an enemy. (If the Screaming: This missile’s effect occurs
day. After its 3 charges are used, no other spe- sight of the enemy is blocked by friends, a when it is shot, even if it misses the target. As
cial abilities remain, and it cannot be penalty may apply to the Hit roll).
it travels through the air, the missile produces
recharged; the item does remain magical, Charming: The victim hit must make a a loud cry, causing all within 30’ of its path to
regardless of charges. Saving Throw vs. Spells or be charmed by
check Morale. If the Morale check is failed,
the user (as the charm person or charm mon-
the victims will retreat in fear for 1-8 rounds.
11. Missiles and Devices ster magic-user spell).
Seeking: This bonus will only function
1. Find the type of missile or device on Table Climbing: This bonus only functions if
when the missile is shot at an object. It will
l l a . Note the Weapon Class. the missile is shot at an object. The missile
automatically hit any one target object within
2. Find the Weapon Strength on Table l l b , securely fastens itself to any object hit, and
range, as long as a path of travel is clear. It
using the column for the Weapon Class. then creates a magical 50’ rope, issuing from
may be used as a missile of Disarming, if
3. Check the Chance of Bonus given on one end. The rope will support any weight of
desired, or to sever a normal rope, pierce a
Table 11b. Check only once for each type climbers, and disappears 1 turn later or upon
sack, push a button, trigger a trap, etc. It will
of Missile or Device. command of the user. The missile cannot be
automatically miss any creature at which it is
4. Is the item a Missile or a Device? moved after it hits, and disappears when the
rope does.
Missile: If a Bonus applies, determine the Curing: This missile is obviously blunt, Sinking: When shot at a water craft of
type, using Table 1IC.Use Table l l d to deter- inscribed with a holy symbol. When it hits a any sort, this missile inflicts 11-20 (ld10+10)
mine the number of missiles found. If a living creature, it does not inflict damage. Hull Points of damage when it hits. (The
Bonus applies, divide the number found by 2 Instead, it cures 2-12 points of damage plus 2 Armor Class of the vessel is used, as if the
(rounding up); all the missiles have the same extra points for each “plus” of the missile. shot were a Ramming or Catapult attack; see
Bonus. Disarming: This bonus will only function the D&D Expert Set, page 43.)
Device: Check for Extra Range, using Table if the victim hit is holding a weapon or other Slaying: Use Table 14b to find one type of
lle. If a Bonus applies, use Tables 14a-c to item. The victim must make a Saving Throw Opponent. When that opponent is hit by this
find the exact type. vs. Spells or drop the item. A dropped item missile, the victim must make a Saving
may normally be recovered in 1 round Throw vs. Death Ray or die, instantly
New Weapons: The new missile fire devices (unless it falls into a pit or chasm, or if some- reduced to 0 hit points.
described in this set (blowgun and heavy one else grabs it, etc.). Speaking: This missile will miss any crea-
crossbow) are included in the Tables. If you Dispelling: When this missile hits, it cre- ture at which it is shot. It is used for commun-
do not wish to use these weapons, roll again if ates a dispel magic effect centered on the ication. The user may give the missile any
one is indicated. point of impact (a 20’ cube), as if cast by a message of 20 words or less, and then shoot it,
Extra Range(Devices only): Roll ld4, and 15th level caster. either naming a place within 10 miles or aim-
add the Weapon Strength to the result. Find Flying: This missile can be shot to a range ing at a target. The missile will automatically
the total on Table l l e , and multiply each 5 times greater than normal. If the Missile land on the floor or ground in the target area,
maximum range figure (for short, medium, Fire Device is not magical, use the following and will repeat the message aloud.
and long range) by the number given. Make ranges: Stunning: The victim hit by this missile
a note of the new ranges, for quick reference Sling Stone 200/400/800 must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be
during the game. Arrow, Short Bow 250/500/750 stunned for 1-6 rounds. A stunned victim
Combined Effects: If both a missile and a Arrow, Long Box 350/700/1,050 cannot concentrate, and suffers a -2 penalty
device have “plusses,” the total of the Quarrel, Light Crossbow 300/600/900 to Saving Throws, a -4 penalty to Hit rolls,
bonuses applies in all cases. For example, Quarrel, Heavy Crossbow 400/800/1,200 and a +4 penalty toArmor Class.


Teleparting: A victim hit by this missile if it misses the target. This type is sometimes lems later.
must ma ke a Saving Throw vs. Spells with a called a ‘‘boomerang” weapon. If it misses, it
+2bonus to the roll, or be teleported to a point Note: This section is not used for missiles;
returns at the end of the same round, and
1-100 mi les away, with the direction and dis- see Table l l c .
may automatically be safely caught by the
tance determined at random. Unlike the The typical weapon Bonus is an increased
character throwing it (unless the user is para-
effect ofthe magic-user spell, the victim can- strength against a specific opponent. How-
lyzed, confused, immobile, etc.). If it hits the
not arrivie in the air or w i t h a solid object. target, the weapon does not return by itself. ever, some weapons have a special ability,
Trans,orting: A victim hit by this missile called a Talent, which may be a spell or some
Intelligence: Unlike swords, Miscellane-
must ma ke a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be other effect. Swords are more likely to have a
ous Weapons are not normally intelligent. If
sent to a point up to 360‘ away, as deter- Talent than other types of weapons; intelli-
desired, Table 12c;nay be used, but a penalty
mined by‘ the user of the missile. The effect is gence is not necessary for Talent.
of -6% should be applied to the roll; only
identical to the magic-user spell dimension A weapon may have more than one Bonus.
swords should be able to attain 10 or greater
door, an( cannot cause the victim to appear intelligence. If one is indicated, check the same percentage
within a solid object. (See the spell descrip- again. A sword may have up to 3 different
tion in th e Expert Set, page 13). Bonuses; a Miscellaneous Weapon or Missile
Wounii h g : When this missile strikes a 14. Weapon Bonuses Fire Device may have two. When finding the
target cre,ature, it inflicts normal damage. In Weapon Classes exact Bonus or Talent, re-roll any duplicate
addition, it causes the loss of 1 hp per round Magic weapons must be made by a special results.
thereaftei until magical curing is a p p k d (a procedure, ussally performed by a Magic- Strength Bonus vs. Opponent: This is
potion, cu r e spell of any type, etc.). How- user working with a blacksmith or armorer. an extra number of “plusses” when the
ever, an y Undead creature or construct “Weapcn Class” is a measure ofthe difficulty weapon is used against a specific opponent
of their construction The Weapon Type (for example, a sword +1, +2 vs. enchanted
(golem, living statue, etc.) cannot be
wounded in this way, and only suffers the ini- charts give the Weapon Class for each monsters). The amount of the bonus may be
tial dama ge. weapon. Generally, Class A weapons are 1-5 ‘‘Plusses’’ greater than the normal
small and temporary magic items, the most strength of the weapon, as determined by
frequently found; Class 0 weapons are the Table 1+a.
12. swcx d s largest and rarest. Talent: Some weapons can create spell
1. Find t he sword type (Table !2a). Note the The DM may invent other new weapons, effects or have other useful abilities. All Tal-
Weaplon Class, which determines the as desired. Each new weapon must be given a ents are explained below.
column used in step 2. Weapon Class. The following notes will help Explanations of Opponents and Talents
2. Find the sword Strength (Table 1%). in that procedure:
Check the Chance of Bonus (a given per- Opponents (Table 14b)
Class A weapons are temporary items;
centag:e). If a Bonus is present, check You may add other opponents, if desired.
they normally become non-magical when
again; up to 3 different Bonuses may If so, be careful not to upset the balance of the
used once, even if the Hit roll ind‘icates a
apply to one sword. When the number of game.
Bonuses is known, use Tables 14a-cto find Bugs includes all normal and giant-sized
Class B weapons include dl hand-hur!ed
the exact types. forms of arachnids (spider, tick, scorpion,
missiles (javelin, spear, etc.) and small
3. Find the sword Intelligence, if any (Table etc.), insects (ant, beetle, fly, etc.), and chilo-
melee weapons.
12c). 1Use the details given in the Expert pods (such as centipedes).
Class C weapons are the larger hand-held
Set (I,ages 59-60) to find alignment, items, including short swords and normal Constructs includes all created monsters,
powers , details on Control Checks, and so swords. such as living statues or golems. Gargoyles
forth. If desired, the Ego may be deter- Class D weapons are the two-handed are also included.
mined by using id20 instead of Id1 2. items (including the bastard sword), Dragons includes all normal colors and
sizes, plus the chimera, hydra (all types), sal-
including a!l missile fire devices.
13. Mi!cellaneous Weapons amander, and wyvern.
Designing Special Weapons Enchanted monsters are those creatures
1. Find the type of weapon on Table 13a. Instead of randomly determining results, you which cannot be hit by normal or silver weap-
Note the Weapon Class, for use in step 2. may wish to select them with a theme or pur- ons.
2. Find the Weapon Strength on Table 136, pose in mind. For example, if you want to Giants includes ogres, all normal giants,
using the column for the Weapon Class. place a special weapon for a cleric, you could cyclopes, and other giant-sized humanoids
Check the Chance of Bonus (a percent- select a mace or hammer from the Miscella- (possibly a character who has consumed a
age). If a Bonus is indicated, check again; neous Weapons Table (13a), select a bonus potion of growth.).
a maximum of 2 Bonuses may be applied. against Undead (Table 14a), and give it a Tal- Lycanthropes includes all types of were-
Use Tables 14a-c to find the exact ent for deflecting Energy Drains (Table 14c). creatures, whether in animal form or not.
Bonuses. In this way, you can provide the tools the This includes all characters afflicted with
New Weapons: T h e new weapons characters will need for completing special lycanthropy.
described in this set (blackjack, bola, net, and adventure? in the campaign. Other-planar creatures are those who
whip) are included in the Tables. If you do Remember that the weapon will remain come from the elemental, ethereal, astral, or
not wish to use these weapons, roll again if after the crisis is solved. Though the weapon outer planes. All types are included.
one is indicated. If you do wish to add a tri- can be later removed from the game (by using Regenerating creatures includes all crea-
dent, do so in place of a normal spear. thieves, special damage, or various magical tures that regain more than 1 hit point per
Returning Weapons: This type of hand- means), you should avoid placing items day by rest or other means. This includes any
hurled missile weapon will return to the uscr which are too powerful, and may cause prob- creature wearing a ring of regeneration.


Reptiles includes all normal and giant- would cause an Energy Drain, the weapon talent, it creates normal missiles as it shoots;
sized forms of lizards, snakes, turtles, croco- may be used to automatically deflect the it cannot be supplied with missiles.
diles, and dinosaurs. blow. After the attacker hits, the user may Healing: The weapon may create one
Spell-immune creatures are those who are decide whether or not to deflect the blow. If cure serious wounds spell effect per day, cur-
immune to 1 or more spell levels, as specified used to deflect, the weapon absorbs the effect ing the user (only) of 4-14 points of damage
in the monster descriptions (such as haunts). of the Energy Drain; one “plus” is drained (as the 4th level cleric spell).
This does not include creatures that are from the weapon for each Energy Drain Hiding: The weapon may create one
immune merely to certain specific spells negated. If a n Energy Drain deflected invisibility spell effect on the user (only) when
(such as the Undead immunity to deep, reduces the “plusses” to below zero (such as a commanded to do so. In addition, the
charm, and hold). +1 weapon deflecting a spectre attack), the weapon can itself become invisible 3 times
Spell users include all clerics, elves, weapon disintegrates; the “extra” Drain per day.
magic-users, and other creatures able to use does not affect the user. If a Missile Fire Holding: The weapon may create one
spells (such as Paladins, Spirits, etc.). Device has this talent, it must be held in hand hold person spell effect per day, to 180’
Undead includes all types, both land and to deflect the blow (and is useless in melee range (as the 2nd level cleric spell).
water, from skeleton to lich. range). , Lighting: The weapon can create one
Water-breathing creatures are all those Draining: Upon command, the weapon light spell effect per day, to 120’ range and
able to breathe water, including characters can drain 1 level or Hit Die when it strikes an lasting for 6 turns (similar to the 1st level
under the influence of a potion or ring of opponent (as if a wraith), in addition to nor- magic-user spell).
water breathing. Note that aquatic mammals mal damage. The command may be spoken Silencing: The weapon may create one
(whale, dolphin, etc.) breathe air, and are not after the Hit roll is made. The weapon can silence 15 ’ radius spell effect per day, to 180 ’
included. drain 5-8 levels or Hit Dice in all, and then range (as the 2nd level cleric spell).
Weapon-using creatures applies only to loses this ability forever. Energy Drain can- Slicing: This talent applies only to edged
opponents with weapons in hand (not claws) not affect any creature that has Energy Drain weapons (sword, dagger, etc.). If any other
at the time of the melee. For example, a vam- powers (wight, wraith, spectre, etc.). If a weapon type is being checked, roll again. If
pire wielding a special sword would be Missile Fire Device has this talent, it may be the Hit roll is 19 or 20 counting the weapon
affected by the Bonus, but would not be applied to any missile shot, but each level strength but no other bonuses, the opponent
affected if it were attacking only with its bite. drained also drains 1 point of Strength (one struck must make a Saving Throw vs. Death
“plus”) from the device. If the device Ray or be struck dead with one blow,
becomes non-magical because of this loss, it instantly reduced to zero hit points. If the
Talents (Table 14c) loses the ability to Energy Drain, as well. Saving Throw is successful, the victim still
General Note: All Talents may be used takes triple normal damage from the blow.
Extinguishing: The weapon is cool to the
only once per day unless noted otherwise. touch. When used against a fire-using crea-
No special bonuses apply when the weapon is
Talents which duplicate spell effects are not used against Constructs or Undead creatures
ture (such as a red dragon, fire elemental,
actual spells, and require no verbal casting etc.) the Strength (number of “plusses”) of of any sort.
nor concentration. The use of a Talent occurs Slowing: When a successful hit is made,
the weapon is doubled. In addition, the
in the magic spells and items phase of a com- the weapon can cause the opponent struck to
weapon will douse a normal fire if thrust into
bat round. it. It has no effect on magical fire. If a Missile become slowed (as the reverse of the 3rd level
Fire Device has this talent, it applies to all magic-user spell haste) for 1 turn (no Saving
Breathing: The weapon can create either Throw). The user may decide whether or not
one water breathing spell effect per day, or missiles fired instead of to the device itself.
to use this effect after the swing hits.
one air breathing effect per day. Air breath- Finding: The weapon can create one Speeding: The weapon will, on com-
ingsupplies the user (only) with pure air for 1 locate object spell effect per day, to 120’ mand, create a haste spell effect on the user
turn, and can be used to counter the effects of range (as the 2nd level magic-user spell). (only). The user may then move at double
airlessness, poisoned air (such as a gas trap), Flaming: T h e point or edge of this normal speed, and attack twice per round, for
and so forth; however, it cannot negate the weapon will blaze with flames on command. 1 turn (similar to the 3rd level magic-user
effects of any breath weapon. The flames will not harm the weapon or the spell).
Charming: The weapon can create one user, but add a +2 bonus to Hit rolls against Translating: The weapon will, on com-
charm person spell effect per day, to 120’ hippogriffs, pegasi, rocs, and trolls, and a +3 mand, enable the user to understand any and
range (as the 1st level magic-user spell). bonus against treants and Undead monsters. all languages heard. The ability lasts for 6
Deceiving: The weapon may be com- The bonus applies both to Hit and Damage turns.
manded to change the appearance of the user. rolls. The flame may easily be used to light a Watching: The weapon may be com-
The size cannot be changed, but facial fea- torch, lantern, or other flammable item. If a manded to watch for any one monster type or
tures, equipment carried, etc. can all be mod- Missile Fire Device has this talent, it applies race. The weapon can then sense the pres-
ified. This is only an illusion; the real user to all missiles fired instead of the device itself. ence of the creatures specified, and will
remains intact. The weapon must be held to vibrate slightly if one or more of the named
Flying: This weapon can fly in the air and
create the disguise (unsheathed, in the case of creatures comes within 60’ of it. The vibra-
attack by itself. In battle, it must first be used
edged weapons), and cannot disguise itself. tion will silently alert the user. A specific crea-
normally at least once. If then commanded to
Defending: The Strength of the weapon fly, it will continue to attack the same oppo- ture cannot be named, only a race or monster
may be used normally (applying to Hit and type, and the weapon can only sense one race
nent for 3 more rounds, returning to its mas-
damage rolls), or as a bonus to the Armor or type per day, even if none are sensed.
ter after that time (or when commanded to
Class of the user. A Missile Fire Device can- Wishing: The weapon will grant 1-3
return). Its Hit rolls are made as if it were
not have this talent (roll again). wielded normally, based on the class and level wishes to the user (as explained in the D&D
Deflecting: If the user is hit by a blow that of the user. If a Missile Fire Device has this Expert Set).


The following scenarios are designed to fit any Campaign,

whether or not the D&D world given in these sets is used. They
will give the DM and players practice in dominion Tournament
rules, Unarmed Combat, and the War Machine. They should
provide several exciting games.

:n Dagger
trates the use of the
iments (page 6). Any
throughout the domin-
f Garette. NPC rulers
m, and PC rulers in the
. All other PCs are wel-
the County of Garette
red Dominions, chang-
eeded, or may change
I existing NPC domin-

tries to make a good

I, 14, 18, 25)

re (F 2, 2, 3, 4, 5)
? 5)

is (NM, AC 4, swords)
I a Baron, with escorts,
Niles Count Douglass

re (F 1, 1, 3)

IS (NM, AC 5, swords) Avenger; he will try to win by using a magic Check for his dominion.
sword +3.There is a 10% chance per contest The “title value” for the highest Noble is 2
Mark Baron Acres (F (a Count), for a base cost of 200 gp. Add 100
that someone will be rude enough to use a
detect magic spell near the “Paladin” (not gp for each other Noble (2, for +200gp), plus
C) counting PC actions), which would reveal the 50 gp per Name level escort (10, for +500gp),
re (F 2, 3) weapons’ enchantment; thus, the deceit will plus 50 gp per other Knight attending (6, for
probably go unnoticed. +300 gp); thus, the feast cost is 1,200 gp per
is(NM, AC 4,swords) Sir Goodson has one “squire” who is actu- day. The affair runs for 3 days, for a total visi-
qame Level characters ally a 7th level thief. The “squire” will tor cost of 3,600 gp. Add more for Noble or
toward the feast costs, actively practice his trade among the Tourna- Name level PCs attending.
ment crowds. Each other Knight brings 1-3 The single feast for the peasants costs 1 gp
squires (Fighters, levels 1 to 5). per peasant family in the dominion (300), or
a total peasant cost of 300 gp. Added to the
A Count draws 6 NPC Knights to attend costs visitor cost, the total expense is 3,900 gp, plus
the Lists (according to the chart on page 6, of Holidays: The three days of the Tourna- costs for PCs.
levels 10-21 (ld12+9): ment include only one Holiday for the peas-
Francoise de Gras (F 2 1, L) ants, of course. There are 300 peasant Field Lists
Sir John of Celtar (F 20, N) families within Sir James’ County; thus, he General Note: Sir James’ escorts do not fight
Sir Goodson (F 19, C) deducts 1,800 gp (1 gp per peasant, or 6 gp in any of the Lists unless an “extra” is needed
Sir Guy de Gax (F, 17, N) per peasant family) from his Tax income for for pairing off. If so, they must drop out
Madam Orimarr (F 15, L) the month, to account for the Holiday. before the last two pairings of any List. PCs
Madam Thrush (F, 13, C) Feasts: Sir James pays the following costs may compete as desired.
Sir Goodson claims to be a Paladin. but is an with cash, and thus avoids a Confidence


Archery List Unarmed List: Potions of giant strength ing Jousts will face each other for the Grand
The following NPCs enter the Archery and heroism. Prize and the XP award. If the same charac-
contest, all using longbows: Sword List: A shortsword +2 and a ter wins on both days, that character wins the
3 Peasants, with Hit rolls as if 7th level (human sized) shield +I Joust, and no third round is held. However, if
fighters (experts). this occurs, the winner will be challenged by
11 visiting Knights Jousting List Sir Niles’ 20th level escort. Other challenges
1 Noble, Count Sir Niles All NPC Nobles (except Sir James) and the and duels usually occur during the third day
(6) visiting Knights enter the Joust. Noble or as well.
Wrestling List Name level NPCs may enter as desired. All The Joust winner receives credit for the
Use the Unarmed Combat rules. All NPCs are AC 2 (plate and shield) except the victory (if the optional ranking system is
escorts (except for Sir James’) participate, Avenger (plate 4,AC -2; the 10% chance of used), the Grand Prize (described below) and
but no Nobles. Any Pin must be held for 2 discovery again applies per fight). PCs enter- 2,000 XP.
rounds to be scored as a win. Damage should ing the Joust must wear normal plate and
not be inflicted, as this is a friendly contest. shield at best, using a lance (D 1-10) from a Jousting List Prizes
Sword List war horse (either brought or provided; M V 1st Day: Jeweled scabbard for longsword
Ten men-at-arms compete, as d o all 40’/round). If any PC uses dishonorable (1,000 gp value)
squires. Any NPC damaged to 112 hit points magic, use the same base 10% chance of dis- 2nd Day: Jeweled helmet (1,000 gp
will check Morale and make a Reaction Roll, covery per fight. value)
Yielding if he fails either. If the number of entrants is odd, add one Grand Prize: The Golden Dagger (with
from the Name level escorts. Pair opponents jeweled sheath)
Field List Prizes randomly, and use normal joust rules. After This dagger +4 is called Carillion. It and
The wealthy Sir James, a Champion (hav- all have fought once, pair the winners, and the sheath are worth 3,500 gp merely
ing won 7 Jousts), offers the following prizes continue until someone wins. counting them as jewelry. When used to
for the victors of the Field Lists: In this 3-day Tournament, the winner of gently strike any other magic item, the
Archery: A silver arrow ‘2, Returning each day’s Jousting receives a Day Prize. O n dagger emits a clear musical tone to 30’
plus 500 gp. the third day, the winners of the two preced- range (a limited detect magic ability).

2. The Arena of Garald the Blue

This adventure for character levels 8-24 illus- win three fights in a row, and freedom is Guards: AC 4; F5; hp 25 each; MV 60’
trates the use of the Unarmed Combat Sys- yours! There is a “catch,” however: Garald (20’); #AT 1; D 2-9; M L 9; AL N
tem. always fights the third bout himself, and he These guards are armed with longswords and
has never been beaten. daggers, and are responsible for security at
The Setting Garald’s nickname arises because of the the matches. Several always have daggers
definite bluish tint of his great hooked nose. drawn and ready to use. If a prisoner begins a
Garald the Blue is a renowned pirate and
H e is very sensitive to insults on this matter. spell, the guards will automatically win the
plunderer, who has formed a dominion for
If offended, he will wrestle the offender and Initiative. A total of 3-12 daggers will be
himself on a rocky isle off the coast of Vest-
inflict damage once a Pin has been achieved. thrown at the caster, and any single hit will
land. H e raids sea vessels. Though he always
If the victim breaks the Pin, he is returned to disrupt the spell, causing it to disappear from
avoids the ships of Vestland, Ostland, and
the dungeon. If the pin is not broken, Garald the caster’s memory and have no effect.
Soderfjord, he has nevertheless made a com-
has several plots reserved in his graveyard for Prisoners may try to escape by leaping for
fortable living through piracy.
just such occurrences.. . the railing around the pit. If so, roll ld20,
A castle, designed and constructed by
Garald, sits high upon a rocky promontory and make a Dexterity check. If the result is
on the southern end of the island. The castle Running the Scenario less than the prisoner’s dexterity, the attempt
is well stocked with provisions and all of the Players may choose to play a character from succeeds. The prisoner automatically loses
comforts money can buy. The castle’s dun- the list of prisoners provided, or may bring initiative on the next round, but may then
geon is well stocked with prisoners. their regular PCs on this adventure. In the climb from the pit onto the balcony. A half-
Garald has a hobby: he enjoys watching latter case, the D M should create an adven- ling or dwarf may only attempt this if aided
heroic adventurers battling with nothing but ture resulting in the PCs’ capture by Garald. by someone in the pit.
their bare hands. H e maintains his dungeon All matches occur in a 60’ diameter pit An iron portcullis leads to the dungeons
full of adventurers to satisfy his entertain- that is 15’ deep, with a railing around it. from the base of the pit.
ment needs. Every night, he watches 1-6 Garald and his audience watch from seats Restrictions
wrestling bouts. around the edge of the pit. This audience Use all of the Unarmed Combat rules given,
A real thrill for Garald occurs when one of includes 2-12 ladies, an equal number of ser- including all Options. As noted, prisoners
his prisoners wins two bouts in a row. The vants, and 11-20 fighters of Garald’s castle have no equipment. Spells may be
pirate has a standing offer to all prisoners: guard. attempted, but with little chance for success.


Wrestlers types, not monsters.

The following NPCs and monsters are kept in Teams
Garald’s dungeon for the bouts. Select or There is a 20% chance each night that Garald
randomly determine opponents for each will choose to watch teams of wrestlers rather
bout, using the following charts. than individuals. Characters (2-5) battle an
All character types are AC 9 for wrestling. All equal number of NPCs, or a single large
of the monsters except the centaur will monster.
attempt to kill their opponents. If a monster is If two teams of characters decide to make a
pinned, guards leap into the pit and drag it break, use the rules for climbing out of the
back to a cage. pit. Have the characters fight the guards as a
The centaur wrestles as an NPC. melee. If they win, they will escape. Garald
will use his bare hands if fighting an escape
Victory Bout: attempt.
Garald The Blue: F 30, AC 9, S 18, D 16
Variations STR DEX
d% Character Class/
The following variations should be tried Level
separately, and may then be combined.
01-06 Rudolf0 ftr/l4 18 7
Death Duels 07-1 1 Gruuda ftr/l0 17 18
The NPCs held in the dungeon represent the 12-16 Fritz thf/l9 13 18
finest wrestlers that Garald has collected. He 17-21 Hugo ftr/l2 17 14
occasionally “weeds out” the weaker ones by 22-26 Gandar dwf/l 1 17 16
having a fight to the death. There is a 5% 27-31 Carroll thf/8 16 14
chance each night that Garald will declare a 32-36 Edindol m-u/24 10 15
Death Duel. Only one match is held, but the 37-41 Badger hfg/8 17 16
wrestlers must continue until one or the other 42-47 Skyrrl ftr/9 18 14
is killed. Failure to obey means death. 48-52 Trialor ftr/23 17 11
Death Duels are always between character

Monster HD AC #AT Damage

53-60 Large Crocodile 6 3 1 2-16
61-68 Centaur 4 5 will wrestle
69-76 Giant Scorpion 4 2 3 1-10 (x2)
1-4 poison

77-84 Owl Bear 5 5 3 1-8 ( ~ 3 )

85-92 Fire Giant 11.2 4 1 1-4 poison

93-00 Amber Golem 10 6 3 2-12 (x2)


3. The Fall of the Black Eagle

This adventure is designed for use with the The scale of the map is 6 miles per hex.
War Machinemass combat system. Any level
character may participate. The Situation
The DM and players should organize the The tenuous trading route along the River
troops into Forces, and calculate their ratings Highreach is the economic lifeline of Specu-
(BFR, Troop Class, and BR). With that larum. Kelven, at the intersection of 3
information, you can play a series of battles branches of the Highreach, is the key to the
that should result in the defeat and destruc- river’s defense.
tion of the infamous Black Eagle Barony (of Baron Ludwig “Black Eagle” von Hen-
the D&D Expert Set). PCs may participate in dricks has long hated the yoke of restraint
the process if these scenarios do not conflict placed upon him by Archduke Stefan Kara-
with the Campaign (DM’s choice). If the meikos. The Baron now feels strong enough
Campaign requires the continued existence to challenge the Archduke. The town of
of the Barony as an evil force, use the sce- Kelven is the ideal location, since the Arch-
narios as a separate game, with no connec- duke must bring his army into the field to
tion to the Campaign. fight. In the open, the Baron feels that he
Use Map #1 in the Expert Set (page 32) to could win.
display and resolve the following scenarios.


The Sides Rules Guard (only) is in the territory of its liege.

The underlying conflict of this brief war is Use a “time unit” of one day for these sce- The Ducal Guard and Men of Kelven are in
between the Black Eagle Barony and the narios. (See the War Machine for its use.) the territory of their liege everywhere in the
Grand Duchy of Karameikos. These sides It takes the Leaders some time to coordi- Grand Duchy except in that Barony.
remain opposed in each of the following sce- nate their widely spread forces. To reflect O n Map #1, each force must begin each
narios, and allies join each. The following this, each side can move one force on the first scenario within one hex of the word identify-
chart aligns all the opposing forces involved: day, two forces on the second day, and so ing its home territory. The Black Eagle
forth. Guard starts anywhere within the Barony,
Black Eagle Specularum but the Ducal Guard’s home is Specularum.
Only Fort Doom and Specularum are
Black Eagle Guard Ducal Guard “strongholds” for these scenarios. When The Western Elves are those nearest to
Goblins E Men of Kelven their armies are out fighting, each stronghold Kelven; the Eastern Elves are near the right
Goblins NE Thyatian Mercenaries keeps a defensive force of 100 troops of the side of the map. “Goblins E” are the goblins
Orcs Western Elves same type as the Guards. Other towns, ruins, east of Kelven; “Goblins NE” are those
Bugbears Eastern Elves and estates on the map are “walled” (for the between the northeast branches of the river.
Were-creatures Gnomes War Machine defense factors). The goblins and kobolds north of the Lost
In Black Eagle Barony, the Black Eagle Valley (outside of the Grand Duchy) do not

The Troops The following three scenarios do not go
With the following forces, use the standard system for rating troops. together; each is a different version of the
whole war, involving different forces. Use the
War Machine rules for initiative, movement,
Category B. Eagle Men of Ducal Western Eastern Thyatian and combat. Any Optional rule may be used
Guard Kelven Guard Elves Elves Mercenaries if the players agree before starting. Each sce-
# of Troops 200 80 500 100 250 800 nario continues until one player surrenders
Level of Leader 15 4 18 5 6 16 or has no unrouted units in the field.
Leader abililty bonus 3 1 3 1 2 2 The Baron’s objective is to occupy and
% Name level char. 3 0 1 0 0 4 hold the town of Kelven.
Avg level-officers 6 2 4 2 3 7 The Archduke’s objective is to destroy the
Avg level-troops 1 1 1 1 1 1 forces of the Baron.
Weeks training 20 4 12 12 14 18 Scenario #1 Forces:
Train w/Leader 12 4 4 12 8 8
Months together 12 1 12 3 3 12 Black Eagle Duchy
Past Victories 4 0 6 3 3 8 Black Eagle Guard Ducal Guard
Past Routs 0 0 0 0 0 0 GoblinsE Men of Kelven
Weapons quality ex avg good good good ‘ good Bugbears Western Elves
# weapons/troop 2 1 2 2 2 2 Gnomes
Average AC 4 8 5 7 7 4
Scenario #2 Forces:
Demi-Hum force no no no yes yes no
Missile troops 50 40 200 50 50 200 Black Eagle Duchy
Magical troops 0 0 0 0 0 0 Black Eagle Guard Ducal Guard
Spellcasters 12 1 21 100 50 80 GoblinsE Men of Kelven
Mounted Troops 200 0 100 0 0 200 Bugbears Western Elves
Flying troops 0 0 0 0 20 ” 0 GoblinsNE Gnomes
Average movement 120’ 120’ 90’ 120’ 120’J 90 ‘ Orcs Eastern Elves
Scenario #3 Forces:
Use the “Quick System” for rating the following bodies of troops: For this scenario, the Eastern Elves are all
equipped with silver weapons. Thyatian mer-
cenaries start on the coast road, at the border
Category Gnomes Orcs Bugbears GoblinsE GoblinsNE Lycanth.
of the Grand Duchy. Lycanthropes begin at
# of troops 150 300 80 300 300 100 Wereskalot.
Leader Level 4 3 5 3 3 7 Black Eagle Duchy
Troop Level avg 1 1 3 1-1 1-1 4
Maximum damage/ Black Eagle Guard Ducal Guard
round 8 8 9 6 6 8 GoblinsE Men of Kelven
Archers Yes Yes no no no Yes Bugbears Western Elves
Spellcasters no no no no no no GoblinsNE Gnomes
Magical creation no no no no no Yes Orcs Eastern Elves
Flyers no no no no no no Lycanthropes Thyatian

The guidelines in this set are seeds for thought;
develop them as you wish. Remember that they are
suggestions, and not scribed i n stone. Use them or
change them to suit your own games. Be sure to
make notes of your changes, additions, and so forth,
so that your “house rules” can be applied fairly to
all your players.
Where to go from here? First, play the adventures
given in this set. They are carefully designed to give
you a few “warm-up” exercises using the new rules
for Tournaments, Unarmed Combat, and Mass
A whole fantasy world is unfolding through these
boxed D&D rules sets and adventures; you may use
it with confidence. You can be sure that an exciting
and challenging fantasy epic is unfolding, piece by
piece; the early adventures in the Grand Duchy of
Karameikos (of the D&D Expert Set) were just the
beginning-the “Threshold” of fantastic adventure.
That setting is greatly affected by the fall of Black
Eagle Barony described i n this set (Scenario 3, pages
61-62). The Grand Duchy becomes united, peaceful,
and therefore-from the adventurers’ point of
view-boring! This sets the stage for expansion;
your adventurers are ready to widen their horizons,
to move on and explore (and possibly rule) the conti-
A map of a larger area, including most of the
lands stretching north and west from the Duchy, is
given on page 32 of the Players Book. You can use
the map to develop your own campaign-or you can
wait and see what develops through the continuing
series of adventures. For this is the setting for the
entire line of D&D game adventures from TSR!
The first Companion-level game adventure, “Test
of the Warlords’’ (CMl) details the exploration and
development of the lands of Norwold, the area Take up your new weapons. Explore your added
directly north of the Expert Set map. Two great options of unarmed combat. Take command of the
empires are in conflict, and this is the beginning of armies of the realm; you must confront and defeat
an epic tale of men and magic but let us not say the powers of evil! Fortify your strongholds, develop
too much at this point. Continue with the series, your lands; broaden your horizons. Plan your
and discover the mystery, the answers, and what lies future, and achieve your goals. But most important
beyond.. .. of all -have fun!
Playing Game
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A Hit Points, maximum ... .........

Human Characters . . . . . . . . . .
Adventures .............................
Human Strongholds
Aging ........ ............
Armor, new ....................... J
Armor and Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jewelry .........
Artillerist . . . . . . . .................... P8
Lady-in-waiting .. ...
Bailiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8
Basic Force Rating (BFR) ..................... M
Battle Rating (BR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D13
C Magic-User . . . . . . . . . . . .
......................... P20

Chamberlain Marshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missiles and Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D56
Missile Weapons . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
............................... P12
Combat, Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D12 Paragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P2
Constructs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D22
D .......................
Potions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damage to Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D21 Provost . . .
Demi-Human Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . P29
Reeve ....................... P9
Dominions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D52
. . . . . . . . . . . . . D4
Sage .......................
Scrolls . . . . . . . . .
Events . . . . . . Senechal . . . . . . .


Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D11

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D6 T
Dwarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P30 Thief . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dynast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D2
........... D13
Elemental Magic
Elemental Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unarmed Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P6
Striking . . ............. P6
Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8 Wrestling ............. PC
Equerry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Ethereal Plane ............................. D18
Vortexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... D19
Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P17 Wands, Staves, andRods ........................ D51
G War machine ................................... Dl2
. . . . . . . . . . . P8 Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... m
Weapons ...................................... D27
Weapons, new ...... ............. P3
H Swords ...................................... P4
......................... P31 Missile Weapons and
Haste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D25 devices ............................ L
Herald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8 Wormholes ........ ...........
Hero . . . . . . .............................. P2 Wrestling .......... ...........

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