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 According to Johann Huizinga, play is
activity that is free, stands outside ordinary
life, it is serious, regulated by rules that
evolve during the process of the activity, and
results in no material to be gain.



1. Agon- Competition

By allowing competition, it creates tension. Some games are

almost only played in this form, like Chess.
With Agon, players test their mastery and knowledge of the
game against each other, or in teams, and the reward is at least
bragging rights, and/or a sense of one’s superior mastery over
2. Alea- chance

By adding chance, it immediately creates replayability and tension.

Now the player does not have full control, and has to consider chance
and take risks, which leads to tension, and sometimes adrenaline rush.
It can also present itself simply as exploration and discovery, because
the exploration of unknown content is by itself chance taking, and has
an unknown outcome for the player. Slot machines rely almost purely
on this element from the four.
3. Mimicry — Simulation

Simulation, or role-playing, allows the player to take on a role

which normally he does not possess. It is to provide a way for
imagination and creativity to flow, be it by narrative, fantasy,
allowing the player to create. But this only works if the player
is willing to suspend his disbelief — accept that he is a racing
driver in a high competition race, a sniper in a warzone, a
mayor running a town. It is important that there is no friction
to suspend this disbelief.
4. Ilinx — Vertigo
Ilinx, or vertigo, has a very important role. It causes disorientation,
temporarily distorts perception, and is a very powerful way of
creating anxiety, adrenaline and fear. It is related to sensory
stimulation and arousal. Examples are Super Hexagon,
and Amnesia: The Dark Descent spectacularly delivers it too.
In Amnesia: The Dark Descent, when the monster is nearby, the
screen gets distorted and it gets hard to move, the character
starts to black out, and combined with an exploding heartbeat it
takes the player into a sudden distortion of perception, provokes
anxiety, fear and adrenaline.
1., SYMBOLIC PLAY = Using objects, actions or ideas to represent other
objects, actions, or ideas, e.g., using a cardboard tube as a telescope.

2. ROUGH AND TUMBLE PLAY = Close encounter play which is less to do

with fighting and more to do with gauging relative strength. Discovering
physical flexibility and the exhilaration of display and it’s friendly and
positive. This type of play can burn up a lot of energy.

3. SOCIO-DRAMATIC PLAY = When children act out experiences, e.g.,

playing house, going to the shops or going to a restaurant.

4. SOCIAL PLAY = Any social or interactive situation where the expectation

is that everyone will follow the set rules - like during a game or while
making something together.
5. CREATIVE PLAY = Allows children to explore, try out new ideas and use
their imagination. They can use lots of different items, altering
something and making something new.

6. COMMUNICATION PLAY = Play using words, gestures, e.g., charades,

telling jokes, play acting, etc.

7. DRAMATIC PLAY = Play where children figure out roles to play, assign
them and then act them out.

8. LOCOMOTOR PLAY = Movement for movement’s sake, just because it’s

fun. Things like chase, tag, hide and seek and tree climbing fall into this
9. DEEP PLAY = Play which allows the child to encounter risky experiences
and conquer fears, like heights, snakes, and creepy crawlies. Some find
strength they never knew they had to climb obstacles, lift large objects,
10. EXPLORATORY PLAY = Using senses of smell, touch and even taste to
explore and discover the texture and function of things around them. An
example of this would be a baby mouthing an object.
11. FANTASY PLAY = This is the make-believe world of children. This type of
play is where the child’s imagination gets to run wild, and they get to
play out things that are that are unlikely to occur, like being a pilot or
driving a car.
I2. IMAGINATIVE PLAY = Play where the conventional rules, which govern
the physical world, do not apply, like imagining you are a bee or
pretending you have wings.
Control of the physical and affective ingredients of the environments, like
digging holes or constructing shelters.
Play which uses sequences of hand-eye manipulations and movements, like
using a paintbrush.
Play exploring ways of being, although not normally of an intensely
personal, social, domestic or interpersonal nature. For example brushing
with a broom, dialing with a telephone.
Play that allows the child to explore ancestry, history, rituals, stories,
rhymes, fire and darkness.
While fun is highly subjective, it is possible to design
experiences that more objectively create fun. And
although not all games can benefit from all four
elements, it is possible to almost always design with at
least one in mind. So next time you are not sure whether
it’s fun or how to add more fun, remember:
Agon, Alea, Mimicry, Ilinx.

Competition, Chance, Simulation,

Classification of games

 1. Tag games

Tag is a playground game involving two or more players'
chasing other players in an attempt to "tag" and mark them
out of play, usually by touching with a hand. There are many
variations; most forms have no teams, scores, or equipment.
Usually when a person is tagged, the tagger says, "Tag, or Out”
 2. Relay games

Relays are team races where one person in the team

completes a specific task or set course, then tags
the next person who completes the same task. They
then tag the next person and so on.
The game continues until all the team members
have completed the task, and the first team finished
  3. Social games

may refer to tabletop, other face-to-face indoor or

outdoor games, or video games that allow or
require social interaction between players as
opposed to games played in solitude, games played
at tournaments or competitions or games played
for money.
4. Games with equipment

equipment or apparatus used in playing a game.

 5. Games without equipment

No material needed

Luksong Tinik (Jumping over thorns) Luksong Baka (Jump over the
6. Ball games
Ball games (or ballgames), also ball sports, are any form
of game or sport which feature a ball as part of play. These
include games such as football, cricket, baseball, basketball,
and American football. Such games have diverse rules and
histories and are of mostly unrelated origins. Ball games can
be defined in several broad types, and generally try to
measure how well a player can hit a ball.
 Sports is an activity that may contain one or more elements of
play and game but more specially, has the components of
competition, physical prowess, skill and superiority.
Sport is highly organized, it is an institutionalized
game, patterns and it is a social institution.
Categories of Sport:
1. Competitive

is a kind physical activity that consists of rules, competition,

challenge, entertaining and uncertainties"
 2. Combat
A combat sport, or fighting sport, is a competitive contact
sport that usually involves one-on-one combat. In many
combat sports, a contestant wins by scoring more points
than the opponent or by disabling the opponent. Combat
sports share a long pedigree with the martial arts.
3. Expressive
Expressive aggression describes the situation when an
individual is committing aggressive behaviors because it
gives them pleasure. The individual is typically not
intending to hurt the other people involved. A common
form of expressive aggression is wrestling and contact
sports like football. An individual participating in these
sports is committing aggressive behaviors towards others
and is deriving pleasure from it. They are typically not
intending to actually harm another person.
4. Conquest

to acquire by force of arms.

the invasion and assumption of control.
To win in any sports or competition
Games and sports have become a necessity today. These are essential for
the physical and mental welfare of the people. It helps to improve the
immunity of the people. It keeps people healthy and fit. People who are
into game and sport tend to feel fresh, social and active.

They contribute to not just the development of the body, but also to the
development of the mind. Everyone is aware of the fact that a healthy
mind dwells in a healthy body.

With the help of game and sport, it is possible to acquire the spirit of
discipline and brotherhood.
The main difference between Game and Sport is that a game requires more
than one person and tests the abilities of various people whereas a sport
pays attention to only one person’s skills and performance and thus
tests the abilities of a single person.
1. A game tests the skills and talents of more than one person, whereas sport tests the skills
and talent of a single individual.
2. The performance of a game depends on the performance of all the players involved, whereas the
performance of a sport depends solely on the skills and talents of an individual participating.
3. The participants of a game are called players while the participants of a sport are called sportmen.
4. A game is played for recreational purposes, with a friendly attitude. On the other hand, a sport is
played with a competitive attitude.
5. A game usually focuses on the mental strength of the players. On the other hand, sport focuses
mainly on the physical strength of the participants.
6. A participant of a game cannot take independent decisions with regards to a game, whereas a
participant of a sport can take all decisions by himself in regards to a game.
1. Board Games: As the name suggests, board games are played on a flat surface called the “board”.
They are one of the popular tabletop types of games which use elements like dice or playing
pieces. The movements of these pieces happen as per a set of rules which the players must
abide by! The game involves plenty of strategic thinking and a bit of luck! The simplest board
games are Ludo, Snakes and Ladders and the complex ones are Advanced Squad Leader, So Go
2. Card Games: Card games are played with a set of playing cards as the main tool. Each deck
comprises of 52 cards split into four suits called the Hearts, Spades, Diamonds and Clubs. The
cards have numbers from 2 to 10 and the most valued cards are Ace, King, Queen and the Jack.
Different kinds of games are conducted with cards like Poker, Rummy, Solitaire, etc. Card games
are usually played for gambling and earning money than for mere entertainment purposes.
3. Strategy Games: Strategy games like Chess, Chinese Checkers, Game of Go etc. involve high
intellectual thinking and situational decision-making skills. They can either be tabletop board
games or online games. The earliest known strategy game is a type of chess, but has more
complicated rules than the current version. Typically, these games are played on a particular
concept and use abstract logic to making the winning moves. The position of the pieces on the
board change according to the partner’s movements and patterns.
4. Pencil and Paper Games: Paper and Pencil games are one-player or
multiplayer games which are played solely using a paper and a pencil or
pen. They are economical and can be played anywhere without the need
for additional equipment like boards or dimes. Different kinds of games
are designed for kids and adults like Sudoku, Join the dots, Tic-Tac-Toe,
Pictionary, Bulls and Cows etc. The challenging part of playing these
games is that you are not allowed to erase anything once it is on the

5. Guessing Games: Guessing games are fun party games in which the
players must find out information using certain hints. The opponent can
help the player guess the word using pictures, enactment or giving them
clues. Popular among these games is Guess Who? In which the players
must guess who the person is based on the descriptions. Others include
Dumb Charades, Guess the Animal, Guess the Object (by feeling with
hands), Hangman (guess the word) or Cup and ball game where you have
to guess the position of the ball.
6. Online Games: nline games are typically video games that require a technology device like a
computer, gaming console or smartphone with an active internet connection. Some of these can
be downloaded and played as offline versions when the network is down. These games can
range from basic board games like Ludo, Chess, Card games to highly realistic shooting games
and multi-player role-playing games. Users have the option to choose from Player versus
Environment (the software) and Player versus Player, along with customization of themes,
colours and graphics.
Some of the popular online video games in 2020 are Minecraft, Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto, Super
Smash Bros etc.
7. Lawn Games: Lawn games are outdoor fun activities that are typically played in groups. There are
many types of games in this category, in which some of them use props like rope, balls, bats etc.,
while the others are just player-centric. Dry seasons like summer and spring are considered to
be the best times for enjoying these games. These games also lower our stress levels and
improve social bonds, along with giving you fun. Some of the popular lawn games include – Ball
games, Tug-of-War, Ring Toss, Hopscotch, Catch the Theif, Volleyball, Badminton
Some of the top educational games are Bingo, Puzzles, Blocks, Quizzes, Memory Games, Flashcards
8. Educational Games: Educational games are special activities designed to offer educational value to
the player. They are available for all age groups, starting from 8 months to adulthood. The games
act as tools of education to expand the conceptual knowledge and sharpen thinking abilities.
They also make learning enjoyable using creative and engaging puzzles. Some of the top
educational games are Bingo, Puzzles, Blocks, Quizzes, Memory Games, Flashcards etc.
9. Role Play Games: Roleplay games use pretend toys like dolls to encourage creativity and
imagination in children. These activities use fake versions of real-time objects like doctor’s kit,
engineer’s tools, kitchen sets, classroom set up etc. to engage children in meaningful activities.
They also open up the learning possibilities and offer freedom of self-expression. Pretend kinds
of games can be single-player or group plays depending on the theme.
10. Outdoor Games (Sports): Outdoor games or Sports are types of games to play outside the home
and involve groups. They are physically very demanding and needs special skill in the game to
compete with the other group. While sports are often played for entertainment, professional
sports involve commercial benefits and reputational issues. Sports are played in fields and use
equipment like a bat, ball, net, wickets etc. depending on the game. These athletic activities
require physical fitness and mental stability to gain a winning edge.
Sports is made up competition, tradition, community, and the
human spirit. Sports bring together billions of people from
around the world and all walks of life on Earth to celebrate
the games, the athletes and teams, and nations.

The sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity

or games which through casual or organized participation,
aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills
while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some
cases, entertainment for spectators.
1. Air Sports = Air sports include a vast domain of aerial activities done as
sporting events.
2. Athletics = Athletics refers to sports events that test the athlete’s
endurance, strength, and speed. It involves competitive running,
walking, jumping, and throwing.
3. Ball Sports = Ball sports are those games that use a ball in play. This
includes various categories, including ball-over-net, ball-and-bat, and
ball-and-stick games.
4. Board Sports = These types of sports are played with a specific board
used as primary equipment. Examples of this type are surfing and
5. Combat Sports = Combat sports are also called fighting sports. It is a
competitive contact sport that involves one-on-one combat. It covers all
martial arts and ancient fighting events, whether they use brute force or
specific weapons.
6. Cycle Sports = Cycling, or cycle sports, includes all competitive physical activities
that use bicycles. They can be carried out as a race or a performance that shows
tricks through using bikes.
7. Gymnastics = Gymnastics is the performance of systematic exercises that
requires and shows balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and overall
physical conditioning. These are often done by using different apparatuses, such
as rings, beams, and bars.
8. Ice Sports = Ice sports, as its name suggests, include sporting events that are
performed in an ice field. They are mostly held during winter sports competition.
9. Indoor Sports = These are those games that do not require an open field to be
played. They can be carried out at home or in a specially structured indoor
setting. Most table-top games are indoor ones. Some outdoor sports were
developed to be played indoors, too. Examples of these are indoor cricket and
indoor soccer.
10. Mind Sports = A mind sport is a game based on a particular intellectual
ability to strategize and win competitions. It does not need arduous
physical exercise and movement of the body. Therefore, it requires more
mental than physical skills.
11. Multisport Race = This refers to the events that consist of components
upholding different sports. It mixes a group of disciplines, usually
athletics, that are performed consecutively. Examples of this type the
triathlon, tetrathlon, pentathlon, and so on.
12. Motorsports = This is the general term referring to the various
competitive sporting events that utilize motorized vehicles for racing or
non-racing competitions.
13. Racket Sports = Racket sports encompasses all games that involve
hitting a ball or another object through the use of rackets. These types
of sports showcase and improve the agility and speed of the players.
14. Strength Sports = The focus of this type of sport is an athlete’s muscular
strength and capability. A strength athlete trains and competes by
showing his muscle build or power. Examples of these sports are
weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding.
15. Target Sports = This refers to competitive games that involve throwing
or shooting a piece of equipment to hit a target. It enhances focus and
concentration and promotes patience.
16. Water Sports = Water sports covers all sporting events played or
performed in water.
Individual and Dual Sports

Sports can be enjoyable as well as a great way to get or stay in shape. Some
sports are individual sports, where one athlete competes on his or her own
merits. Other sports are dual sports, which require two athletes to compete
as a team to win together. Both of these are distinct from team sports, where
larger numbers of athletes work together. The main difference between
individual and dual sports is the number of athletes who compete on the
same side.
1. Individual Sports
Individual sports are those sports where only one athlete competes for his
or her own side. Many track and field, cross country, and swimming events
are individual competitions, where one athlete is solely responsible for
winning or losing. Golf is another sport where each athlete is on his or her
Skiing, snowboarding, and many other events you see in Olympic and
other international competitions are individual sports as well. Gymnastics
is a sport where athletes compete on a team but perform individually. Even
basketball can be a one-on-one activity.

2. Dual Sports

There are only a handful of sports that are strictly dual sports and don’t
have an option for individual competition. At the Olympic level, beach
volleyball involves two players per team. In professional
wrestling—which some would argue isn’t a sport—tag team matches
involve two-person teams where one competitor tags in or out of the
match. You can play two-on-two basketball as well.
Sports That Can Be Individual or Dual
There are certain sports that can be either individual or dual sports. The
most common example is tennis, where athletes can compete in singles
or doubles play, and many competitors take part in both at major
tournaments. You can also play other racquet sports like badminton and
racquetball in either format.
Table tennis, or ping-pong, gives players options for playing as
individuals or as duos. Billiards offers two-on-two options as well.
• Badminton

• Table tennis

• Tennis

• Billiards

• Darts
Pros and Cons of Individual Sports

Individual sports can be fun because you’re solely responsible for the
outcome. The performance rests on your shoulders, and you receive all of
the credit for your victory. Individual sports require a competitive spirit
and a self-starting nature. You’re on your own as an individual athlete, so
you have to compete without anyone beside you to take up the slack.
On the opposite side of the argument, if you lose, all of the blame falls on
you as an individual athlete. You also don’t have a teammate to lean on if
you’re struggling or having a bad performance. It’s easier to get
discouraged when you’re the only athlete competing.
Pros and Cons of Dual Sports

Competing in dual sports can be fun because of the camaraderie and

teamwork involved in working together as a team. Dual teammates
can encourage each other and play off each other to win. One
teammate can also bear the load when the other one is struggling or
having difficulty. Dual sports require cooperation, so if you get
along well with your fellow athletes, you’ll do well in a dual sport.
There are disadvantages to dual sports as well. You have less control
over the outcome when you’re relying on another teammate. You can
have your best individual performance and still lose the match or
game in a dual sport, which is an important factor to remember. You
can also find the burden of a game or match falling on you if your
teammate is performing poorly or has a bad attitude.
3. Team Sports
The category of team sports is even more broad. The most popular sports at
the college level—sports like football, baseball, and basketball—are team
sports. Teams play volleyball, hockey, and lacrosse as well. Relays in
swimming or track and field are team efforts. The dynamic of team sports is
even more different than individual or dual sports, because of the
cooperation and specialization of roles on teams.
Sometimes an individual or dual sport can cross over to being a team sport.
In large international competitions like the Olympics or the Davis Cup in
tennis or Ryder Cup in golf, you can compete as an individual or part of a
duo, but you’re also competing for your country’s team as a whole. In
gymnastics, athletes compete in individual events, but the team as a whole
receives a score.

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