Task1 Rain

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C&C practice 

THE RAIN GOD was merciless for two weeks. It rained so much that the sky
seemed to have become as inexhaustible with water as the seas. At night water
leaked through our ceiling, which we soon discovered was full of holes. Mum had to
sacrifice her basins and pots used for cooking to catch the water that dripped down.
In our room there were so many containers that it became almost impossible to
move about. Some of them were near the bed, some in the middle of the room,
some on the cupboard. We had to move the clothesline and Dad’s boots. One night
as I slept the rain dripped on my head: it seemed the rain was corrosive and ate
through new places in the zinc roof. I had to move my mat. Sometimes it rained so
much that the containers filled up and overflowed, and the floor covered in water.
The first time that happened I woke up thinking I had wet the mat. My amazement
bordered on horror when I thought I had pissed so much in my sleep. I got up and
quietly tried to clean the urine. Mum woke up. I felt ashamed. Then, I realised the
trick the rain god was playing on me.  The rain swept down so badly that I could no
longer sleep on the floor and had to share the single bed with my parents. When
more holes opened above us we had to keep moving the bed round the room. It got
so awful that we couldn’t find a place that wasn’t leaking. We ended up settling for
having the water drip on our feet. Dad complained to the landlord, but he merely
threatened to increase the rent further if he fixed the roof. We couldn’t afford the rent
as it stood so we had no choice but to settle for being soaked through at night.   
Sometimes in the morning we would wake up and find slugs, worms, and millipedes
crawling about the room. Little snails appeared on our walls. In the containers we
found tiny fishes. Dad was convinced that an enemy was trying to poison us. He
became suspicious of the whole compound and warned me not to take anyone’s
food or play with their children. We became quite lonely.  The rains made the days
short. I was ill a lot of the time. At first Mum went hawking with polythene over her
basin of provisions. But as the weather got worse, she stayed at home, and she
made very little money. Dad returned in the evenings covered in mud, his clothes
stinking, his eyes mad. He developed livid cuts and boils all over his body. His feet
became raw and twisted. It was a rough time for load-carriers.   
Our street turned into one big stream. Water flooded into our rooms from the gutters.
Sometimes it rained so much the compound began to stink because of the water that
flowed past the pail latrine. During that time children fell ill, and many people caught
strange diseases and had to be rushed home to their villages for special herbal
treatments….. The noise of the falling rain penetrated our bones, our silences, and
our dreams.   
At TIFF, 'Monsoon' director Sturla Gunnarsson discusses India's giant baptism of
rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_Ua5RCtHQ  
Compare and Contrast how the writer and filmmaker show the significance of
rain and its impact on both communities. 
Text 1 is an extract “The rain” written by Doris Lessin and text 2 is a short video on
Monsoon directed by Sturla Gunnarsson. Text 1 has shown the significance of rain
by showing the difficulties faced by the community due to leakage in the roofs
whereas in Text 2 the significance of rain could be depicted through fun in India.
Both shows the significance of rain through different perspectives where one
community is destroyed and other is very grateful. The filmmaker and the writer have
shown their significance using tone, mood, camera angles, imagery, diction, and
background music.
 In text 1 the tone of the writer is sad as it discusses about the destruction in their
houses and the diseases spread due to rain whereas in text 2 the tone by the
filmmaker is joyful as it shows that how people are so grateful of the rain and how
there are enjoying monsoon. The writer has used diction to signify the rainy season
in a sad tone which shows that how families are impacted due to floods and leakage.
Through the word “Corrosive”, the writer has descripted the water dropped on her
head as very harmful. The phrase “ate through new places” depicts that how much
that how the water has corroded the roof from which the water is dropping from
different places and it is an example of personification. The reader is easily able to
understand the destruction in their house through rain. In addition to, the phrase “rain
penetrated our bones…” shows description of the rain water that how much the rain
was fearful. Henceforth, due to the fear and the destruction in the house the writer
has chosen sad tone to show up the emotions of the characters. On the other hand,
text 2has the tone of joy due to the fun people were having fun in the monsoon. The
filmmaker has used dialogues, background music, camera angles to depict the tone
of joy. As the speaker in the film talks about the first rain in India, he uses the words
like “Giant Baptism” and “Warm rain” where he discusses that how Monsoon season
is in India, these words describe the joyfulness and gratefulness among Indians
during the rain. The joyfulness among the Indians could be seen on the time frame of
0:45 where a long shot has been taken to show the children dancing. Through, this
time frame, the viewers could see the happiness and can get inspired to do such
things which make the person energetic. During the whole short film there is a
background music going on in which tabla and harmonium is played to show the
happiness and great fullness after the monsoon. Therefore text 2 has used the tone
of joyfulness to signify the rain.
 Both of the texts have some differences but it has the same context of signify the
rain in different communities through different perspectives. Both of the text have
used point of view to depict the rain in both the communities. The text 1 has used
“we” which signifies that how the whole family was struggling with the same problem.
The writer shows that how they have helped each other to recover from the rainy
season. This could be examined where her “mom went hawking with polythene over
her basin of provisions”. This shows the poor conditions of the family and how they
had to survive in a such a harsh weather. The word “Polythene” shows that how she
had very bad conditions and had to carry something to sell goods so that they can
survive the monsoon. As well as, in text 2, the video shows that how the monsoon is
celebrated in India. Most of the Indians believe in God so at the time frame of 1:39,
the filmmaker shows that how the Indian’s are deepened to the god who gives them
a special force. As the speaker says that the best thing, he like about India is their
believes in God and where he says “God like force” which represents the faith in

In conclusion, both texts have the same point of view in explaining the monsoon in 2
different sectors whereas the tone sued to signify rain in those sectors is different as
in Text 1 has the tone of sadness whereas in text 2 the tone used is joyfulness. Text
1 has discussed the struggles during the rainy season and how they have helped
each other throughout the monsoon. Text 2 has discussed the fun through in dance
in the rain in India and how they have faith in the God which gives them power. The
writer and the filmmaker has shown rain in 2 different sectors through the use of
imagery, camera angles, diction, music, tone and mood.

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