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(Averrhoa bilimbi L.) EXTRACT

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Cabucgayan National School of Arts and Trades

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

For the Senior High School
Capstone Research

Submitted by:

Lovely Mika Azores

Althea Masbang

Christhian Earl Mocorro

Jairelle E. Navalta

Mary Relativo

Chapter I


Oxidation of metals is one of the usual problems that we encounter not just in our
households but also in different work places even before. Corroded objects is causing
bothersome for
a lotof  people because those materials cannot be efficiently as it used to be. Nowadays, a lot 
of rust removing agent is merchandise in the market, somehow most of them contain harsh
chemicalsthat can be hazardous to our health. So to resolve the matter, the researchers cast
about for the basic all natural ingredients of a rust remover to provide a non-
toxic, cheaper and moreaccessible for all.Once a metal is corroded, the only option to save the
metal is to completely destroy the rust. However, prolonged exposure and contact with the acids are
proven bad for the health and alternatives are being used as a replacement to the commercially sold
rust remover.
Baking soda or Sodium Bicarbonate helps to regulate pH keeping a substance neither
tooacidic nor too alkaline. When baking soda comes in either an acidic or an alkaline
substance, itsneutral effect is to neutralize pH. Beyond that, it has the ability to retard further
changes in
pH balance known as buffering. This dual capability allows baking soda to do such as neutral
izeacidic odors as well as maintain neutral pH. It is a simple reaction, but one that has far-
reachingeffects for a number of cleaning and deodorizing tasks

The bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) belongs to Oxalidaceae. It is closely allied to Averrhoa
carombola which is commonly known as Starfruit. Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi) is a
multipurpose, drought resistant evergreen tree with various therapeutic potentials. Bilimbi
is an attractive, long lived perennial evergreen tree widely cultivated in the gardens and
fields. It has a short trunk soon divides into a number of branches. The trunk is stout,
Corky brown. The branches bear compound imparipinnate leaves mainly clustered at the
apex alternate 10 to 25 inches (30 to 60 cms) long with 10 to 35 alternate or downy sub
opposite leaf lets, ovate or oblong with rounded base and pointed tip, medium green on upper
surface and pale on the lower surface 0.75 to 4 inches (2 to 10 cms) long and 0.5 to 1.2 inches
(1.25 to 2.25 cms) wide(2,3) (Kumari 2017)

The fruit is also widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of a wide range of

ailments. It is also a potential source of pectin. Carambola fruit juice has been shown to

contain active constituents such as vitamins, amino acids, ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, tartaric

acid, citric acid, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Assessment of the physicochemical

properties of carambola fruit juice from ripe and unripe fruits showed that the pH of the fruits

increased with advance in maturity, being 2.4 for green mature, 2.7 for half-ripe, and 3.44 for

ripe fruits. A. carambola is a very good source of oxalic acid, with oxalic acid contents that
can be as high as 1wt% of wet mass (representingabout74% of the total acid content

depending on the level of maturity of the fruits) (Borel, 2014). The pH of the fruit slightly

increased with the advancement in maturity. Ripe fruits were significantly less acidic (pH

4.82) than green young fruits (pH 3.43) and half ripe fruits (pH 3.56) (Patil et al, 2010).

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Star fruit (A. carambola) fruit

extract as an alternative bleaching stain remover.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Star fruit (A.

carambola) fruit extract as an alternative bleaching stain remover.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. To determine how fast can the alternative bleaching stain remover remove the iron

stain in terms of time in minutes.

2. To determine which concentration is most effective as an alternative bleaching stain


3. Compare the effectiveness of A. carambola fruit extract as an alternative bleaching

stain remover from the commercial product.

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study lies in its exploratory nature as it attempts to unveil the

effectiveness of the A. carambola fruit extract as an alternative bleaching stain remover. This

study is innovative in the sense that it will help the community to be resourceful in using the

A. carambola fruit. Also, to inform the citizen to use a bleaching stain remover in a cheaper

price than a commercial product. By conducting this study, the citizen can save time, money

and effort in finding the best scientific solution to their laundry problems.
Scope and Limitation

This study would like to find out the effectiveness of the alternative stain remover

product from Star Fruit (A. carambola) extract, its quality in terms how fast can it remove

iron stains in terms of time in minute. This study is only limited in the analysis of

effectiveness and effect of the product to the stain and to the cloth. This study will only limit

to the use of Star fruit (A. carambola ) extract.

Chapter II

2.1 Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola)

2.1.1 Definiton

An ‘Oxalidaceae family’ member- Averrhoa carambola, well known as Starfruit, is

an age old plant (Kumar & Arora 2016). It has a bushy shape with many branches producing

a broad, rounded crown. At the base, the trunk reaches a diameter of 15cm (Dasgupta et al,

2013). It bears large indehiscent yellowish-green berry fruit of 5 to 8 cm long with a

characteristic shape resembling a five pointed star, and each cell of the fruit contains five

arillate seeds (Saghir et al, 2013).

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.1 Star Fruit (A. carambola) (a) fruit and (b) tree

The carambola fruit is a large berry with a length of 7.13 cm (young) to 10.17 cm

(ripe). The diameter of the fruit was more for ripe fruit (5.45 cm) than that of the green young

fruit (4.08 cm). The fresh weight of the green young fruit was found to be 29.12 gm, which

increased gradually to 41.03 g and finally to 59.91 g in half ripe and full ripe fruit,

respectively. Similarly an increase in dry weight and pH was also observed. The dry weight
ranged from 1.28 g for young fruits to 2.57 g for ripe fruits. The pH of the fruit slightly

increased with the advancement in maturity. Ripe fruits were significantly less acidic (pH

4.82) than green young fruits (pH 3.43) and half ripe fruits (pH 3.56). No significant change

in moisture percentage was observed with ripening of fruits, the values being 95.60, 95.90

and 95.71 per cent in young, half ripe and full ripe fruit, respectively (Patil et al, 2010).

Carambola supposedly has its origins in the local region, found on the islands of Java

up to the Philippines. From the Malay Archipelago, it spread to other parts of the world. The

juice of the fruit, being acidic, can be used to clean metal surfaces (Thulaja, 2016). Acid type

carambola tarnish and rust, occasionally used for cleaning and polishing metals. Fresh juice

of the fruit is used to remove stains from clothing and other particles. Unripe fruit of

Averrhoa carambola contains potassium oxalate, which is used in dyeing (Manodeep et


2.1.2 Economic Production of Star fruit(A. carambola)

Plant management involves the propagation of balimbing from seeds, which may take

20-25 days to germinate, and growing it preferably in a rich loam soil. Meanwhile, it takes

about 4-6 years for a seedling tree to fully blossom and bear fruits. If grafted, it may only take

2-3 years. Varieties such as Fwantung, Arkin, Kembangan, and B11 are among the superior

cultivars selected for growing in the country.(Barion, 2012)

Though growers can expect fruiting all year round, recommended harvesting time is

from May to August when the heaviest crop comes in. There are no known serious diseases

for the plant, but oriental fruitfly is considered as its most mortal enemy. Wrapping and

bagging the fruits are done to address this issue. (Barion, 2012)
2.1.3 Star fruit(A. carambola) Extract Content

Oxalic acid has been identified as the principal acid in the carambola (Averrhoa

carambola  L.) and the bilimbi (A. bilimbiL.). While quantitative levels have been reported

for carambola, oxalic acid has only been reported qualitatively for bilimbi. Levels of 9.6

mg/g in ripe carambola and 5.0 mg/g in green fruit. These levels represent seventy-four

percent (74%) and forty percent (40%) of total acid respectively in the fruit. Oxalic acid

levels in ten selections and cultivars. They ranged from 0.39 mg/g in sweet cultivars to 6.79

mg/g in sour carambola cultivars (Joseph and Mendonca, 1991). The oxalic acid content of

star fruit (A. carambola) increased from 0.63 to 1.04 % for young and ripe fruits,

respectively. In the present study a significant decrease in chlorophyll content was observed

in ripe fruits as compared to young and half ripe fruits, which was indicated by golden yellow

colour of the fruit (Patil et al, 2010). The high concentration of oxalic acid in this fruit is

responsible for its toxicity (Borel et al, 2014).

Averrhoa carambola is a also a good source of potassium, copper, as well as folate

and panthothenic acid. The Ascorbic acid levels of the star fruit is believed to be responsible

for its sweet or sour taste. For a sweet fruit, the ascorbic acid level is around 10.40 mg per

100ml of juice. For a sour fruit, the ascorbic acid lever is about 15.4 mg per 100ml of juice

(Singhal et al, 2012).

The preliminary phytochemical screening (colour test) of ethanolic and aqueous

extracts of A. carambola fruit showed the presence of phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids

and saponins . The total phenolic content (TPC) of the fruit extracts was measured using the

Folin–Ciocalteu colorimetric method, based on the principle of reduction of

phosphomolybdic acid by phenols in the presence of aqueous alkali. TPC in aqueous and
ethanol extracts ranged from 74.93 to 80.31 mg GAE/g and 90.92 to 99.55 mg GAE/g (dw),

respectively. The average TPC of aqueous A. carambola fruit extract was calculated as

77.00 ± 2.89 mg GAE/g, while ethanolic extract exhibited 97.16 ± 4.29 mg GAE/g of extract

(dw) (Khanam et al, 2015).

Star fruit is a good source of Vitamin C, however, Vitamin C only slightly contributes

to TAC. This is consistent with present results. In SPE fractions, FRC 2, which mainly

contains peaks eluted after 30min, accounted for around 80% of TAA. FRC 1, which mainly

collected polar organic acids prior to 30min including Vitamin C, accounted for less than

20% of TAA. FRC 3, which may mainly collect those more non-polar components,

accounted for less than 5% of TAA. (Leong and Shui, 2006).

Extraction of Averrhoa carambola fruit was done in different solvents. The results of

the Averrhoa carambola analysis of these medicinal plants showed the presence of alkaloids,

phenols, flavonoids, protein, tannins, steroids and glycosides. The hydroethanolic extract

showed better result of phytochemical analysis than other solvents. The total antioxidant

activity in fruit of Averrhoa carambola determined by ferric thiocyanate and thiobarbituric

acid method showed low absorbance value, which indicated the high level of antioxidant

activity. The present study reveals that the selected fruit would exert several beneficial effects

by virtue of its phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity which could be harnessed

as drug formulation.

2.2 Oxalic Acid

Oxalic acid is an odorless, colorless powder or granular solid that is slightly soluble in

water. It occurs naturally as the potassium or calcium salt in many plants and vegetables,
such as spinach, Swiss chard, rhubarb and beets. Oxalic acid is also the product of the

metabolism of many molds. The chemical is a relatively strong acid, also known as

ethanedioic acid, ethanedioic acid, ethane-1, 2-dioic acid, or oxiric acid. Oxalic acid is used

as an analytical reagent. It is also used in textile finishing; in metal, wood or equipment

cleaning; in bleaching straw (hats) and leather; in removing paint, varnish, rust or ink stain; in

dye manufacturing; in chemical synthesis; and in the paper, ceramics, photographic and

rubber industries. In veterinary medicine, oxalic acid has also been used in vitro as a blood

specimen anticoagulant. Oxalic acid is also used a calcium-chelating hardwater inhibitor in

persticide formulations that are applied to growing crops or to raw agricultural commodities

after harvest. (Wagner, 2005)

Oxalic acid , HOOC-COOH, or ethanedioic acid, mol wt 90.04, is the simplest

dicarboxylic acid. It is soluble in the water, and acts as a strong acid. This acid does not exist

in anhydrous form in nature and is available commercially as a solid oxalic acid dehydrated.

C2H2O4*2H2O, mol weight 126.07. the commercial product is packed in polyethylene-lined

paper bags or flexible containers. Anhydrous oxalic acid can be efficiently prepared from the

dehydrated by azeotrope, such as benzene and toluene. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006)

Oxalic acid is used in various industrial areas, such as textile manufacture and

processing, metal surface treatments leather tanning, cobalt production, and separation and

recovery of rare-earth elements. Substantial qualities of oxalic acid are also consumed in the

production of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other chemical derivatives. (John Wiley

& Sons, Inc., 2006)

Oxalic acid and oxalate salts are poisonous. Oxalic acid is found in many plants,

e.g., sorrel and rhubarb, usually as its calcium or potassium salts. Oxalic acid is the only

possible compound in which two carboxyl groups are joined directly; for this reason oxalic
acid is one of the strongest organic acids. Unlike other carboxylic acids (except formic

acid), it is readily oxidized; this makes it useful as a reducing agent for photography,

bleaching, and ink removal. Oxalic acid is usually prepared by heating sodium formate with

sodium hydroxide to form sodium oxalate, which is converted to calcium oxalate and

treated with sulphuric acid to obtain free oxalic acid. (Encyclopedia 6th ed.)

2.3 Bleach Production

Colored substances conatin molecules with chromophores, areas of the molecule

those have double bonds between carbon atoms or oxygen atoms. A good sample is beta

carotene, and the section goes into more detail on how molecules become colored. Bleaches

attack these chromophores in one of two ways.

Oxidizing bleaches like sodium hypochlorite break the molecules at the double bond.

These result in either a shorter molecule that does not absorb visible light, or a molecule

whose chromophore is either shorter or non-existent. A shorter chromophore will absorb light

of a shorter wavelength than visible light (such as ultraviolet light), and so does not appear


Pure chlorine gas will bleach colors, in laundry bleaches, sodium hypochlorite or

calcium hypochlorites are actually used, and they work by releasing oxygen, not chlorine.

The chlorine remains in solution, either as sodium chloride (table salt), or calcium chloride.

These bleaches are made by bubbling chlorine gas through a solution of sodium

hydroxide (lye) or calcium hydroxide (Quellen, 2007)

Modern sodium chlorate or sodium hydprochlorite-making processes (commonly

knoswn as “bleach”) takes salt and water through an electrolytic process. The electrolytic
process requires a significant amount of DC power. Bleach production plants, equipped with

rectifiers, can generate potentially damaging harmonic currents if not mitigated or controlled

(Dionese et al, 2010).

Sodium hypochlorite (soda bleach) solutions can be prepared by reacting chlorine

with solutions of caustic soda, soda ash (sodium carbonate), or a combination of caustic soda

and soda ash. Soda ash processes produce less stable sodium hypochlorite solutions. For that

reason, only the caustic soda processes will be discussed in this handbook. Potassium

hypochlorite, another bleach product, can be produced with the same equipment for

production of soda bleach solutions. As previously stated, chlorine will react with a caustic

soda solution to produce sodium hypochlorite according to the following equation:

Caustic Soda Sodium Sodium +

Chlorine + + Water
Hypochlorite Chloride

Chemical 2 NaOH
Cl2 + NaOCl + NaCl + H2O

Molecular 2 (40.00)
70.91 + 74.45 + 58.45 + 18.02

Factor 1.00 1.13 1.05 0.82 0.25

Table 2.1 Equation of producing Sodium Hypochlorite with chlorine and caustic soda

From the molecular weights of chemically pure materials, one pound of chlorine plus

1.13 pounds of caustic soda will produce 1.05 pounds of sodium hypochlorite. These

calculations do not include any excess alkalinity needed in the resultant hypochlorite solution

for stability. Since commercial materials are not chemically pure, the foregoing calculations

must be revised to take that into account. For practical purposes, chlorine can be assumed to

be 100% pure. Dry caustic soda is about 98% pure. The value of 1.13 divided by 0.98 gives a
factor of 1.15 pounds of commercial caustic soda to react with one pound of chlorine. Since

the strength of caustic soda solutions is given as actual concentration of sodium hydroxide

content, the theoretical factor 1.13 will apply in calculations with caustic soda solutions.

The degree of hardness in water for dilution will influence the ratio of chlorine to

caustic soda. Some caustic soda will be consumed by reacting with the hardness salts of

calcium and magnesium in the water. The exact ratio of chlorine and caustic soda will depend

on the available water quality and the amount of excess caustic soda desired by the bleach

manufacturer. (Occidental Chemical corp., 2000)

2.4 Iron stains

Many stains may be removed from clothing and household furnishings, increasing

their quality and prolonging their useful life. A stain is a chemical reaction between the

staining agent and the fibers and finishes of a fabric. There is no single product or method

for removing all stains, because the chemical makeup of each stain and agent is unique.

Rust stains on clothing are often the result of old water pipes or the presence of

dissolved iron in the water. The stains may also appear on dishes, sinks and plumbing

fixtures. On white clothing, rust shows up as unsightly brown, yellow or bright orange spots.

Before attacking the spot, be sure the stain is iron rust and not rust-colored stains resulting

from tea, coffee or makeup. (Dyer, 2017)

A non-phosphate cleaning composition, having enhanced rust removal properties at

ambient temperatures, comprising oxalic acid and an activating amount of ferrous ion. We

have also found that the use of this formulation removes rust better than formulations not 10

containing the activating amount of ferrous ion. (Rahfield et al, 1989)

When iron start to corrode, it forms rust, a substance that often causes unsightly

brownish stains. If you accidentally brush up against a rust surface, you’ll be rewarded with a

serious laundry stain. To have their optimum corrosion resistance, stainless steel surfaces

must be clean and have an adequate supply of oxygen to maintain their passive surface layer.

Rust staining can occur and has been reported as anything from a slight brown

‘bloom’ on the surface to severe surface pitting or rusty scour marks on items such as

handrails. These effects usually due to surface contamination with contact with non-stainless

steel items. Iron contamination can be costly to remedy, and is avoidable. These issue have

been well documented and most publications and stainless steels deal with the problem.

(Appel et al, 2007)

Chapter III


3.1 Sample Collections and Preparation of Star Fruit( Extract)

3.1.1 Sample Collection

Star fruit (A. carambola) was collected at a farm in Dumarao, Capiz last September 8,

2017. The sample was brought to Dumangas Country Village, Tabucan, Dumangas, Iloilo.

The star fruit (A. carambola) was sliced into pieces and was blendered it to get its extract.

The extract was stored in a sealed container and refrigerated for further use.

3.1.2 Physical and Morphological Characterization

The physical and morphological characterization Star Fruit (A. carambola) were

determined based on its length (in cm), weight (in g), color, and texture and pH level. The

data for the length, weight, color and texture of Star fruit (A.carambola) was obtained from

getting the average of the ten (10) samples. The pH level of Star fruit (A. carambola) extract

was determined using

3.2 Production of Bleaching Stain Remover

3.2.1 Ingredients and Procedure

The ingredients for the production of bleach includes 25mL of caustic soda, 50mL

of soda ash, 50mL of chlorine, 250mL of star fruit (A. carambola) extract and 1 litre of

In a clean container, water was added and caustic soda was diluted in it.

Ingredients were mixed in an open environment to avoid inhalation of toxic fumes. Soda

ash was added gently followed by the addition of chlorine to the mixture. It was mixed

until a homogeneous material was achieved, then it was covered and kept for at least an

hour. The mixture was filtered to remove the unwanted substances and it was placed in a

container. The result of the mixture is called Sodium Hypochlorite.

Specific amount of Star fruit (A. carambola) extract was added to the Sodium

Hypochlorite mixture. The finished mixture was packed into a plastic container with

fitted lids.

3.2.2 Percentage Yield Determination

The percentage yield of Star fruit (A. carambola), before and after the

processing was determined based on the equation:

W original−W
Percentage yield= final
W original


W original = The original weight of Star Fruit (A. carambola)

W final = The final weight of Star Fruit (A. carambola) after extraction
3.3 Determination of the Effectiveness of the Bleaching Stain Remover

3.3.1 Staining of Cloth

The type of cloth that was used for the experiment was Peach Well, white

color. The iron stain was obtained from a rusty iron rod and was kept for 24 hours

before the actual experimentation.

3.4 Staining Experiment

To determine the effectiveness of the bleaching stain remover, the produced

bleaching stain remover was applied to iron stain on a white cloth. Five (5) tests were

conducted; first was with 0% or the controlled variable, then 25%, 50%, and 75% of

Star fruit (A. carambola) extract. The time was measured if how fast can the different

concentrations of the bleaching stain remover can remove the iron stain. The

produced bleaching stain remover was also compared to the commercial bleaching

stain removal product to test which is more effective in removing stains.

The stained cloth was soaked in each treatment for five (5) minutes. After five

(5) minutes, the cloth was agitated to properly remove the stain. The time in minutes

was measured the moment the cloth was agitated.

3.5 Statistical Analysis

All data in replicate was subjected to One - Way ANOVA using SPSS version 20.0 at

0.95% confidence level.

Sample Collection and Preparation

Production of Bleaching Stain Remover from

A. carambola

Determination of the Effectiveness of the Bleaching

Stain Remover

Statistical Analysis

Fig. 3.1 Experimental Design

Chapter IV


4.1 Physical and Morphological Analysis

Based on the given data below, Star fruit (A. carambola) is acidic for it has as low pH
level which is 4.

Sample Length (cm) Weight (g ) Color Texture pH Level

Star Fruit 6.29 cm 27.60168 g Green to 4

(A. carambola) Yellow

Table 4.1 Physical and Morphological Analysis of Star Fruit (A. carambola) (Mean ± SD)

After measuring and gathering datas from ten (10) samoles of Star fruit (A.
carambola), the physical and morphological analysis of Star fruit (A. carambola) in table 4.1
shows that the length average length of Star fruit (A. carambola) is 6.29 cm, the average
weight is 27.60168g, the color is from green to yellow, it has a rough texture and a pH level
of 4.

4.2 Percentage Yield

The weight original weight of Star fruit (A. carambola) before the extraction was

382.7 grams, and after the extraction, its weight was 239.6664 grams. Using the equation:

W original−W
Percentage yield= final
x100, the value of percentage yield was 37.37538542%
W original

Weight before
Sample Weight after Extraction Percent (%) Yield
Star Fruit
382.7 g 239. 6644 g 37.37538542%
(A. carambola)

Table 4.2 Percentage Yield of Star Fruit (A. carambola) After Extraction Process
Treatment Star Fruit (A. carambola) (mL) Sodium Hypochlorite (mL)
A (0%) 0mL 100mL
B (25%) 25mL 75mL
C (50%) 50mL 50mL
D (75%) 75mL 25mL
E (Commercial
0mL 0mL

Table 4.3 Production of Bleaching Stain Remover from Star Fruit (A. carambola) Extract

In producing the bleaching stain remover, each treatment has a total of 100ml. In

treatment A, it is composed of 0mL of Star Fruit (A. carambola) and 100mL of Sodium

Hypochlorite. Treatment B with 25mL Star Fruit (A. carambola) and 75mL Sodiium

Hypochlorite solution.

As shown in, figure 4.1, treatment C (50%) was the most effective among the

concentrations which had taken 1:18.3 to completely remove the stain in the cloth. It is also

highly significant that it is more effective compared to the control variable (0%) with 2:40.3

time taken to remove the stain and to the commercial product with 2:45.6 taken time to

completely remove the stain. With the given data, it shows that the alternative bleaching stain

remover from Star fruit (A. carambola) extract is effective.



Time (minute)



0% 25% 50% 75% Control


Fig. 4.1 Determination of the effectiveness of Star Fruit (A. carambola) extract as an
alternative bleaching stain remover

The figure shows the time in minute that each treatment has removed the iron stain on

the cloth. Treatment A with 0% of A. carambola extract, removed the stain with 02:40.3.

Treatment B with 25% A. carambola extract with 02:18.8 times taken remove the iron stain.

Treatment C with 50% A. carambola extract has removed the iron stain within 01:18.3.

Treatment D with 75% of A. carambol extract removed the stain in 02:05.0. Lastly, treatment

E, the commercial product namely Brand X has removed the iron stain in 2:45.6. The results

shows that treatment C with 50% A. carambola extract has removed the iron stain on the

white cloth the fastest and is the most effective among the treatments.

Based on the following data, A. carambola extract is an effective alternative bleaching

stain remover.


1. Instead of using A. carambola, future researchers may use A. balimbi fruit extract as

an alternative bleaching stain remover

2. Other parts of A. carambola like leaves extract can be used for other researches

3. Analyze the chemical compound of A. carambola extract to determine the bioactive

compounds present in the extract for profiling


Reflecting on amazing educational journey, the researchers consistently reminded of

scripture, Philippians 4:13, which states: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen

me”. The researchers believe their strengths was granted not so much in a direct manner but

through family, friends, classmates, and mentors who accompanied them on their trek in their

own special ways. For every person who had played a part, no matter how small or large.

Thank You!

Thank you Almighty God for all the blessing, enlightenment, guidance, and divine

assistance to finish this study. The researchers’ parents for their moral support, love and

being an inspiration in pursuing this study.

To Ms. Cindy Ysabelle Armada, for sharing her knowledge and valuable advices,

suggestions, assistance, constant encouragement, prayers and understanding all along in the

conduct and completion of the study. For the patience and understanding she extended.

Thank You!

To Mr. Paulo Cabanero and Mr. Alexander James Roth for their comprehensive

guidance, keen advices, concern, suggestion and support as well as their kind words and

continued encouragement for the improvement of this study. To the researchers’ classmates,

for the sharing of ideas and encouragement with the researchers. Thank you.

Thank You!

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Backgorund of the Study

 Bilimbi information
 Why do we need an alternative bleaching products ? social impacts
 Research Gap for instance unexplored or how will it contribute to the society


 Research like built questions


 realated studies studies prior relating to the current research and;

 5 Conceptual Literature(like how the relation

Links :

Definition of terms:

There are financial barriers to having effective bleach because it is required by every
household and has a high demand ; the prices need to be low and affordable for the general
public . Some bleach is cheap , but quality is being compromised and often do not give the
consumers satisfactory results . Other bleach offers the customers efficient outcomes bu t
are not budget-friendly . It is known that money is never easy t o earn and work for , given the
situation and economic status in the Philippines.

Baking Soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate. Baking Soda

has been
around since before the G
reat Pyramid of Giza was built, so it’s racked up quite a
story. If baking soda mixes with either an acid or an alkaline substance it has a
neutralizing effect on it. Baking soda can be helpful in terms of hygiene. It also serves
as an alternative cleaning
agent in doing household chores because it can easily wear
away dirt and stain. If mixed with vinegar, it can create carbonic acid which is more
bubbly and better to scrub with.

First and foremost, we would like to thank and show our gratitude to our Almighty
God for giving us the guidance and giving us what we all need to accomplish this
research paper. Through Him and His will, we are a step closer to our dreams.
We would also like to express our sincerest gratitude to our beloved research
teacher, Mrs. Rig
gie M. Villahermosa, for guiding and supporting us throughout this
whole school year. This research paper wouldn’t be possible without her guidance.
Also, her lectures have helped us to make this research paper better
We also want to show our appreciation
to our Advanced Chemistry teacher, Mr.
Orlando Villanueva for guiding us and assisting us with everything related to science.
His comments and suggestions really made a big impact into our experiment. Also, his
remarks made our research paper better and m
ore precise.
We would also like to thank, our adviser and our English teacher, Mrs. Olive
, for supporting us all throughout this project. Her motivational words is what keep
us motivated and close to greatness. Without her patience, this research paper could
not have been possible. Also, a big thanks to her for correcting our grammar and
ng us to choose the right words to put in our research paper.
And lastly, we would like to thank our class, 10
St, Albert the Great, for being
with us the whole time. Your support was truly appreciated. Thank you for walking with
us throughout this jour

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