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Class – 5, Subject- SST

Chapter 21. The United Nation
QA Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:
1) The UN was formed in the year _________.
a) 1950 d)1945

b)1947 c)1960

2)Which of the following is not an agency of the UN?


c) APO d) ILO

3) ___________ is a permanent member of the UN.

a) Russia b) India

c) Japan c) Germany

4)The international Court of Justice has _____ Judges.

a) 15 b) 12

c) 9 d) 20

5) The secretary –general is elected for a period of_________ years.

a) ten b) two

c) five d) three

6) The international court of Justice is located in the ___________.

a)Geneva b) London

c) Netherlands d) New York

B. Answer these Question.

1. When was the UN formed?

Ans The UN was Formed on 24 october 1945.

2. Name the Six organs of the UN.

Ans The six organs of the UN are:

1 General assembly
3 security council

4 trusteeship council

5 economic and social council

6 International court of justice

3)Name the agencies of the UN . Explain the functions of any two in brief.

Ans The agencies of the UN are following:

UN Agency Function

a) (UNICEF) The united nations international children’s Emergency fund --- It work for Child Right
around the world.

b) (UNESCO) The united nations Educational Scientific and cultural Organization __ It works to improve
the health and welfare of the people around the world.

c) (WHO) World Health Organisation --- it works to inprove the health and welfare of the people
around the whole.

d) (FAO) Food and agriculture Organzation--- it aims at solving problems related to food and agriculture.

4. Who are the permanent members of the security council? What are the functions of this body.

Ans The five permanent members are USA, United Kingdom , france ,Russia and china. The function of
this body are maintaining international peace and security in the world.

5. Discuss the principles and objectives of the UN.

Ans: Principles of the UN:-- 1. There should be mutual support and respect among all the nation.

2. The members will not interfere in the affairs of another country.

3. The members should settle disputes by peaceful means.

Objectives of the UN :- 1 To maintion international peace and security.

2 To develop friendly relations among nation.

3 To ensure equal rights for all nations.

4 To promote respect for human rights and freedom for all.

6. What is india’s in the UN ?

Ans India’s rolein the UN are India has sent peacekeeping forces to different countries of the world such
as congo and sudan. The WHO has helped india fight diseases and prevent them. The FAO has improved
agricultural practices in india by providing better quality seeds, pesticides and fertilisers

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