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How Is Colorblindness Transmitted?

1 Copy the data table below into your notebook. 7 Record the data about the beans you picked.

• Record the colors of the 2 beans in your

Number of data table.
Alleles for
• Record the sex of an individual who
Sex of Colorblind?
Trial Colors Individual Colorblindness (Yes/No) would carry this pair of sex chromosomes.
1 WB M 0 NO • Record how many X-linked alleles the
2 WW F 1 No individual has.
3 WW F 2 YES • Put the beans back in the cups they
4 WB M 1 YESV came from.
5 WW F 1 NO
• Determine whether the individual would
WB M 0 no
have colorblindness.
7 WB m 1 YES
8 WW F 1 No 8 Repeat steps 6 and 7 for a total of 10 pairs
9 WB M 1 YES of beans.
10 WW F 2 YES Analyze and Conclude

2 Label one plastic cup Mother and a second 1. Relate Cause and Effect How do human sex
plastic cup Father. chromosomes keep the numbers of males and
females roughly equal?
3 The white beans represent X chromosomes.
• Use a black marker to make a dot on each 2. Calculate Calculate the class totals for each
of 2 white beans. The dot represents the data column.
X-linked allele for colorblindness. a. How many females were colorblind?
• Place 1 marked bean 2
Number of colorblind females = ________
into each plastic cup.
Percentage of females who were
4 Place 1 more white bean 20%
colorblind = ________
into the cup labeled
Mother. b. How many males were colorblind?
5 Red beans represent 3
Number of colorblind males = _________
Y chromosomes. Place 1 Percentage of males who were
red bean into the cup labeled Father. 30%
colorblind = _________
6 Close your eyes and pick one bean from
each cup. This represents how each parent 3. Interpret Data How did the genotype of the
contributes a sex chromosome to a parents affect your results?
fertilized egg. Many physical traits like hair color and texture, eye color, and skin color are determined
by the genotypes that parents pass down to their children. In one sense, the term
“genotype”—like the term “genome”—refers to the entire set of genes in the cells of an
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activity in your workbook.

338 Chapter 14 • Lesson 1

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