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$e“ Extsion : The —Stpaxation oF moleculas — tompounds based on Hruic capacity te access —the inbra-pavtide pore volume of chromatographic — wudin, which is_— dictated by Pe atlative size in olution «ok those =~ Compounds , has been commonly known as _—-Si7e- exclusion chromatography (s€¢) ox gel pernuation chromate gra phy (Gpe) . Conventionally , Huse two terms ~— have been applied fo | the analysis of biomolecules and polymers , respectively. Over tu move fhan — half-a- entuy histosy of size- based sepasations , thse has been a series of advanununts, —stasting Prom tha. eatvliest —S08E- gel particles and culminating within ta past Few years in the use of sub-2-pm ——pasHeles in alta hig - performance liguid chon atogsa phy (VHPLC) — which is’ sed bos protein and polymer size - based -sepasdHons. Avery consi dev able Inevease in Yesolution, —sensitivily, and eSHeieney with te quick owtvome and a smalley — amount expenditure of solvents = whith_—_ lowers fe wt and Wu — teclmology envisonmuat Friendly is shown. make SKM | Wreahon dhiemeko raph (AFC 1d commen ly bed Size haned S epevoken + chimgre thal ulalizes ja pee mobrix Sale as qr Lo Sepera re a en reve Ae! the porkel ws base Gye — tactinteen ‘adie Mnokvnx provides a Prod 6 eterakes pankieles haped 6% Sze, with orga pantrcles a oe and | Dwedd ev parheles rae ‘ows ™ ¢ \ t cathenn 7 mt ~ 1 4 Mook ub DLS \D ax ynockevh Te neq pre Scoevinw +5 Wearsune he Sze pankcles Ww hand on e princi ale Band Yor ey Pporldles Scobker Xe Lo vrove Taan Sw porkides \ Mourns (* the Size— haned Sepeval on. 4 porkides: | Vie Surfau plasmon ressnana: swA us modan Anabytiel Atohniqu that ua, AM interaction between steght Gnd @ mutal Surfas 2d Marre xh binding §—% = Auge motley to & surhaw The umventional «SPR seme 4 band m the kweksiehmann = Auduve, an which a tin dil ob Gold (Au) 2s cwatd m dhe Prim AD Shia Surg oe Plasmon. Gas Solid chvomalogsaphy (GSC) : a IF the Stationary phase used is aq solid, technique is velevred, b a gas-Solid chsomato gro) | Tu stpasation — mechanism is principally om ot the adsosphon . adsorbed are luld up are nok, Those compontnts move strongly longes than those which IF fw station avy phase is 0 liquid, te techni gue is veferced lo as qos - liquid chroma toaxaphy and the ~—Sepavation — muchanisms —_is principally one of postition ( solubilization of = fre_—liquid phase) . Gos chromatography hos developed into on of the most — powesFul — analyHeal tools available lo =the Organic chamist . This technique allows separation of extremly small quantities ct mabvial (6-10 grams), fiw chovactirization and quantitation — oF complex mixtuses can be aecom plished with this prouss . The intioduction oF ~— long columns, both rug pore and | Capillary , produas a grea be number of feoveHeal | plates increasing fe etficieney oF separation beyond Haat of any othex available Fechnique 4nis © Techni que is applicable = ovey wid range of temperatures [-H0 - 350 “C) making i possible fo chiomatograph ——matixials covering a wid range of volatiles. The labovatory uses. packed Colunans along with — megabore and —capillasy In this way the broadest vange of —chvornatosaphie problims can be addressed. | tei Fendency i au dialysis + Donnan dial ysis is tu prouss ot separating aotor ding fe feed gt sear jon- exchange membvane fe achieve = eqilibviurn . is different Fxom ovdinaxy diokysis in that ik sepasalis compounds based on tiuis, «ion compounds in a ionic compounds nitiqate across Du te its low chumical and erucgy consumption Donen dialysis less rnajow opportunities fo improve wlaninat removal ad = xesource —-Yoeove Fro ws ven ad + and —wastewakes. Unlike dlectrodialynis nanofiltsation , Keveise —osmosio, Donnan dials, seqyte dlectritity oy preaine sreients : does ok ionic —gontaminants and water. Ingtead, % Stpavate operates by establishing —_alectrochumieah g cee dialysis ocvess oan ion exchange wumbrone pe soa gradients Spontarwows ond selective ion atjennige ae Flow Frachsnatim (FEF): Try cA e Separadtnd — Aechnegue thet ams lamina firw % ¢ CONVICN, gous ko PRpANGAL -PoAkrdLs guys on ahser ge ond enavot. The sampe gnimducd any du cate 4 ee ca, and br portids ave seporrasid oud an their CaNtter fed Ahea ghrough JM stream aobility Shey flow | h jy e clive mM Se nen Mey \ u 0 a ‘on ‘Al milan mmelets an d oi Bpecies wor ; wlan Electyo rors | the \o a seperabion tedh nape tol- | uk vhees an elediic qed to Seperate | hanged Species Imoa Sawphe . The sen | ote in ected Trko | WKannrcw ory! Viedvte ed) & are Wed j CaUB ed poshales to Woe dows an | the a ode with ate te hg the Seperation q wh e Species Poece on en eleckrop bxede wre bs I Th oh wd e perd ent ow Site] dron “ae a tabevebulen | ond | f Do cenk adw Rece Avonces in Sepanahon Ledrine 7 | boned on other Spenah chanackershies 4 | Substances |oFe, th a Seporahen a qe « tht | Ap aned on the Stze 9 porrides ; he wrx une: oe Sec yarx tune ‘Ip amncd Porous 9 came po ahed mabe and | poakeles cane ceperate yo ie Tan ev ones “ue on. their alatik, +s poss \ Porough th e gots ef mah cua thes 4 cehneaunes (o ee J “Jy doel bo Separcke polriens | polymers 1 anal other Joa ie ecclieule | ‘Yo! Ke i Ayteation Chromed "6 a a 3 A akon Fedhnw = id Hu a 5epon | haned on Le Rare get i, subskonces MM % mukunes Ay Hic Wivlune cr pesoed vous ® Thonn padke § ath a Ay dwop ho Live leete 1 i Hre Bu drop hab parkel ty’ Wie i 6 aed 7 aye} \wlic ones has ty ok thew wha ht i od ser b one te \ dre Wo bie “allerial: hes bedhinge is Pret Common ined be Beperalte prokiens | dipids | J ond o ther fubrophre bce vnodleral es: 6 — cde lve oc Ussin (er) tt A & se pardon Kedhnuype hosed or the Chang properties 4 substances th Oo Mirkure -dn IEE e ixkune. t» poroed Frrough a yeh het Ran c PH qnadcent: and ie Erbeatances we cpr hated on Hew ceria pam ohidh \p He PH ak \ e Substance Jan pe Nek change Nw) echuniapie 6 rb ed kev prokeins } peptides eke * FROsK distitlation * VOtuuA distitlotion * Steam distitlation * OReoLropie distillation . D Jit + Solubility a8 A wmeans of Separation implies PHeripltoturg dhe covstituent of whorest from the solution + solvent pret thation - UW athieved by adding anotur wuserby solvent’ to he SoUction such tat the solubility of componut wy tab rest & weduced and the ape an pocecepteate Ane wixed solvent - ° Chemical reaction — preapitaton brougt by a chenucal Chemical eacton neactton - © Mass on densl "Te the analyte ond the wtuerent Mave diffttedt masses On devsity , then Separation & possible Usha Cehixifugatrdn "The sample & placed th O Centrifuge trbe and spun ad a Aragpr angular velouly , Measured wr evolution ped mtn Coupwd "The sawiplec coustituenrtt expuunce a curcbufirgal Pome Anak pulls them tovdaxd Ane boom 4 the condnifuge tube Tose species that exppurned The qsuates Cetaifugal fon drove the fastest sedimenration wate and ane fUish to neat the botlom of the Utbufuge tube -

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