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Hi everyone

We would like to thank all the people who have supported and helped us to carry out our
project to protect the Sanctuary of Santa Clara-Tarapoto.

thanks to you we have managed to protect the place from hunters and increase tourist visits to
the Sanctuary.

This project was carried out due to the need to protect wild animals and their natural habitat,
we met with the inhabitants of the Belen community to learn about their various
environmental problems and the care of their mangales and rivers, we held talks to
community members about the importance to take care of the flora and fauna.

We carry out various trainings with the sponsors for the community members to be tourist
guides, we did a lot of publicity for tourists to visit this Sanctuary and with a sum of money
have a real experience with free animals in their habitat.

This project Sanctuary of Santa Clara in Tarapoto, is an organization created by community

members and environmental activists for the protection of places at risk of their flora and
fauna, whose purpose is to keep the place free of hunters and that the animals live free in
their habitat. , promoting the place as a tourist area, where visitors with a sum of money of 20
soles can live a real experience in a free environment and see wild animals through walks and
by boat guided by knowledgeable experts.

For this project to continue and grow, we thank the people who visited the place, also all the
sponsors who supported us and the people who follow us on social networks.

If you want to support us share this page and visit this place This way you will help this place to
be better preserved.

Estefani Oré

Jenry Pariona

Resources Manager

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