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M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 1

The Spanish Flu & The New Coronavirus

Make as many words of 4 letters or more from the word
you are given.

Rules :
You can only use the letters the number of times they
appear in the word

What you write must be a real English word – you can’t

make up your own ‘new’ words

So for example, if you were given the word HORSE

You would have 1 H, 1 O, 1 R, 1 S, 1 E and you could make

(that’s not a real English word)

You will have 2 minutes

1.1 Vocabulary

Match the words with their meanings –

draw a line from each of the words 1 to 6
to the correct meaning A to F.

1 influenza A to monitor the location or path of something

2 pandemic B a time when someone stays alone at home or in a hospital to prevent

the spread of disease
3 neutral
C a global outbreak of a disease
4 deadly
D very dangerous, possibly fatal
5 quarantine
E a type of lung infection caused by a virus
6 track
F not involved in either side of a conflict or dispute
1.2 Listen to the audio and complete the paragraph with the
words you hear.
1.3 Now read the passage again and answer these questions – choose the correct answer.

Reading comprehension
1.4 Vocabulary - Match the words with their meanings – draw a line from each of the
words 1 to 10 to the correct meaning A to J.

1 respiratory tract A passed on from one person or place to another

2 reminiscent B strictly or harshly

3 transmitted C the passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs, through which air
passes during breathing.
4 diagnose
D affected with a disease-causing organism / virus
5 symptom
E treatment using drugs
6 severely
F to identify the nature of (an illness or other problem) by examination
7 life-threatening
G to remind one of something
8 infected
H advised and authorized the use of a medicine or treatment for someone
9 medication
I a physical or mental feature which indicates a disease
10 prescribed
J capable of causing death
1.5 Read this passage, then we’ll answer
some questions about it.
1.6 Look at the passage, then decide if these statements are TRUE of FALSE.
Write a statement from the passage which helps explain your answer.
M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 2

Climate change and Coronavirus

2.1 Vocabulary - Match the words with their meanings – match the words 1 to 10 to the correct meaning A to J.
The first one is done for you as an example.
A the spray produced when people cough or sneeze, and which can spread diseases like COVID-19
1 asymptomatic __C__
B a sudden occurrence of a disease
2 carrier _____
C showing no symptoms of a particular disease
3 contagious _____
D a substance used to protect humans and animals from a disease
4 droplets _____
E describing a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans
5 isolation _____
F a person or animal that transmits a disease to others, whether suffering from it themselves or not
6 outbreak _____
G a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in animals
7 screening _____
and humans
8 vaccine _____
H describing a disease that can pass from person to person, usually by direct contact;
9 virus _____
I separation of infected people from healthy people for serious contagious diseases
10 zoonotic _____
J testing of people for the presence of a disease
2.2 So now that you know the words and their meanings, let’s look at some sentences using them. Below are 10
sentences – choose the correct word, from the list on the left of the page, to complete each sentence. The first is
done as an example.
1 Health care personnel wear protective clothing to guard against the disease carried in _droplets_ when
infected people sneeze or cough.
carriers 2 There was another ____________ of the disease in 1993 but the cause was uncertain.
droplets 3 She had no idea her husband had coronavirus because he was ____________.
outbreak 4 They now conduct __________ for all incoming passengers to detect any who may be carrying the disease.
vaccine 5 A ____________ for cholera was invented in 1879.
zoonotic 6 People who have no symptoms of a disease may still be ____________.

7 To protect yourself from ____________ diseases it's best to avoid bites and scratches from animals.

8 Travellers arriving from the infected area were immediately put in ____________.

9 Like all diseases caused by ____________, the common cold cannot be cured with antibiotics.

10 Patients who are ____________ are kept away from others to prevent the spread of disease.
2.3 Read this passage, then we’ll answer
some questions about it.
2.4 Now answer these questions about the passage you have just read. Choose the correct answer 1, 2, 3 or 4.
M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 3

Life after COVID 19

Lesson 3

1 2 3

______________ _____________ ______________

4 5 6

______________ _____________ ______________

7 8 9

______________ _____________ ______________

10 11 12

______________ _____________ ______________

3.1 Watch the
short film

“MAN 2020”
3.2 Let’s look at some other COMPOUND NOUNS.
Can you match the words in column A with the words in column B to make compound
nouns. The first is done for you as an example.

1-h Air pollution

=====strike 11
3.3 Complete these sentences with the most suitable compound nouns from the last exercise.
3.4 Watch and listen
M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 4

The War in Ukraine

Lesson 4 – Anagrams
Unscramble the letters on the screen to
make the names of school subjects

2 For example
would be

5 maths

4.1 Vocabulary - match each verb on the left with its definition/ meaning on
the right.

1 take over A produce a loud, high pitched sound

2 dominate B begin to have control of or power over

3 resolve C rule or control by strong or superior power or influence

4 rush D end a problem, difficulty, conflict, or issue

5 ring out E hurry or move very quickly

4.2 Vocabulary - choose the correct definition for the vocabulary terms as
used in the sentences.
1 Relations between Russia and Ukraine have been tense for years.

tense means... a. simple or uncomplicated

b. forbidden or not allowed
c. serious and under stress
2 There have been many efforts by international leaders to provide supplies to
Ukraine since the war started.

efforts are... a. attempts to achieve something

b. chances to stop something
c. suggestions to change something
3 After hearing sirens, many people started to evacuate the city quickly.

a siren is... a. a device used to make someone’s voice louder

b. a dangerous device that explodes loudly
c. a device that makes a loud sound as a warning signal
4.3 Watch the video again, then answer
the questions in your own words.
1 What happened 30 years ago with Ukraine?

2 What is the main reason for the war between Russia and

3 What have European and American leaders done to try to

prevent a war?
5 What did many Ukrainians do on Thursday (February
24, 2022)?

4 What are sanctions?

4.4 Grammar – choose the correct past simple / past participle verbs that fit the
text below.

took | rushed | dominated | rang | resolved

1 30 years ago, Ukraine became its own country. Before then, it had been __________ by Russia.

2 Unfortunately, the meetings between global leaders and Vladimir Putin have not __________ the conflict.

3 Russia __________ over a part of Ukraine’s country called Crimea 8 years ago.

4 As sirens __________ out in Kyiv, Ukrainians __________ to leave big cities for safety.
4.5 Grammar - Write the correct past perfect or present Grammar – past perfect and present perfect
perfect form for each sentence below. In the video, the reporter talks about the history of Russia and
present perfect Ukraine.
Example - In the past few weeks, many countries
have sent (send) financial and military aid to Ukraine.
__________ He says…”30 years ago, Ukraine became its own country. Before
then, it had been dominated by Russia.”
1 Volodymyr Zelensky _________ (be) the President of
Ukraine for over 2 years. This is an example of the past perfect, which we use to refer to
something that happened or existed before another event in the
2 Putin _________ (work) as a Russian intelligence past. We often use time expressions such as “before then...”,
officer before he became president. “until...”, “after...” etc. with the past perfect. Use the structure
subject + had + past participle.
3 The situation _________ (be) quite tense on the
border of Russia and Ukraine in the days before the
Later in the video, the reporter says… “There have been lots of
invasion. efforts in the past few weeks to stop the situation from getting
4 Many people _________ (evacuate) their homes since worse.”
the invasion began. This is an example of the present perfect, which we use to refer to
5 The USSR _________(occupy) Czechoslovakia until the something that started in the past and continues or exists until now,
or still has an effect in the present. We often use time expressions
Velvet Revolution in 1989. such as “the past few weeks / days”, “recently”, “since”, “for”, etc.
6 I _________ (do) a lot of research about the war in with the present perfect. Use the structure subject + have / has +
past participle.
Ukraine over the past few days.
M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 5

Bangkok’s public
transport mess
REBUS puzzles.

re + bus

5.1 Vocabulary - Match the words with their meanings – draw a line from each of the words 1 to 12 to the correct
meaning A to L.
1 accessible A doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results:
2 gubernatorial B possible to approach, enter, or use:
3 navigate C the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people:
4 reckless D to successfully find a way from one place to another:
5 confusing E being the most basic or most important thing on which other things depend:
6 common F relating to a governor
7 prioritise G continuing for a long time:
8 fundamental H difficult to understand:
9 alternative I an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that
other people do:
10 disability
J to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with
11 prolonged
them first:
12 discrimination
K treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way
from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality,
L something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and
offering the possibility of choice:
Despite Bangkok having the most extensive public transport
network in the country, its buses, trains and boats are
becoming less accessible to many people, especially the poor
and physically challenged.

As we get closer to the Bangkok gubernatorial election on May

22, consumer rights groups are urging candidates to refrain
from solely constructing electric train routes. They want them
to focus on plans to make the capital city's transport systems
more accessible and convenient for all.

Bangkok's inconvenient ride

For many people who live and work in Bangkok but do not own
a car, taking a long journey in crowded public transport systems
during rush hour is an unavoidable difficulty they must endure

Monchaya Krutchu, a company employee, says she has to

spend more than two hours navigating congested streets to
return to her home in Nong Chok district from her office at
Ratchadamnoen Avenue, the city centre.

5.2 Reading Page 1

"If I had a choice, I would much prefer driving my car to Calls for affordability
work rather than riding on public transport, even if I am
stuck in traffic," Ms. Monchaya said. "But [sitting in a car] As fuel prices are on the rise and people's cost of living is
is more comfortable compared to being jammed inside skyrocketing, Ms. Monchaya says public transport fares
an old crowded bus with no AC.“ have become costly even for middle-class workers like
her. She has to spend more than 4,000 baht per month,
In her opinion, the city's public transport systems, or about one-third of her salary, on travel alone.
especially public buses, are poorly managed and
maintained. Many bus lines have old buses with no air She urges candidates for Bangkok governor to prioritise
conditioning, and some drivers are reckless. keeping public transport affordable as the way to relieve
the burden on people.
She added that changing between buses is inconvenient
and can be confusing for non-regular travellers, as there
is limited information at bus stops.

"Even if there are subway lines and sky train systems that
are faster and more reliable choices for travelling in
Bangkok, the fares are expensive," she says.

"Connections between the lines are also inconvenient,

and each line operates individually without a common
ticketing system." 5.2 Reading Page 2
Saree Ongsomwang, secretary-general of the Foundation
for Consumers, says fares on rapid transit systems
effectively shut out lower-income people from the

"Public transport is a fundamental service that should be

accessible to everyone. However, based on our survey,
only 20% of Bangkok residents regularly use public
transport services.

"They mainly use buses for travelling within the city.

Passengers on rapid transit systems make up just 3% of
Bangkok's population," Ms. Saree says.

When compared with the national average minimum "It is clear that our rapid transit systems are more
wage of 331 baht per day, a single train ride can cost expensive than the rapid transit systems in many
over 30% of the daily wage, which is well over the developed countries and way too costly for many low-
acceptable rate of 10%, she says. income people," she says.

5.2 Reading Page 3

Only those who earn more than 25,000 baht per month Disabled 'often overlooked'
can afford to use the city's electric train services
regularly, citing Thailand Development Research Institute Meanwhile, Sawang Srisom, head of project and planning
data. of Transportation For All, a network promoting equal
access to public transport for people with disabilities,
She says rapid transit systems are an efficient public says the lack of facilities and equipment to help physically
transport method if properly managed as they can serve challenged people is also a major obstacle.
as a better alternative to private cars, which will in turn
solve traffic congestion.
"People with disabilities are
However, she warns that as there are unsettled issues often overlooked. Back in
over the concession contract extension for the Bangkok 1999, when Bangkok opened
Mass Transit System Pcl (BTSC) to operate the BTS Green its first sky train, the BTS
Line for 30 more years, a wrong decision on this issue will Green Line, there were only
increase already expensive fares for BTS services. five stations with lifts
installed, so this train service
She is urging agencies to seek a solution by placing was largely inaccessible for
people's interests first. those who use a
wheelchair," Mr. Sawang

5.2 Reading Page 4

After prolonged court litigation at the Civil Court and
Administrative Court, the network finally secured a court
order obliging the BMA to install lifts at every BTS train
station in 2015.

As of now, he says all but two BTS Light Green Line

stations are equipped with facilities for people with
physical challenges.

"Despite major improvements to ensure equal access to

rapid transit systems for people with disabilities, we still
struggle to use other public transport, such as buses and
boats, as few of these services are designed for people
with disabilities," he says. Not only does Bangkok need more public transport
supporting the physically challenged, it also requires
major improvements to footpaths to allow people with
disabilities to safely navigate the city.

5.2 Reading "Inaccessibility is a kind of discrimination against

physically challenged people as it deprives us of our right
Page 5 to freely and safely travel. It is past time that we make
our public transport accessible for all," he says.
5.3 Check your understanding – choose the best answer to questions 1 to 6.
1. How long does Monchaya Krutchu, spend travelling 4. According to the Saree Ongsomwang, what should be
between her work and home, and back again, every the most important thing when making a decision about
workday? (Page 1) the new contract for management of the BTS Green Line?
1) 2 hours (Page 4)
2) 3 hours 1) Increasing company profits
3) 4 hours 2) Hiring more people to work for BTS
4) 5 hours 3) Pay rises for BTS staff
2. What does she say are some of the problems with 4) The interests of the travelers and commuters
public transport in Bangkok? (Page 2) 5. When the BTS was first opened, how many stations
1) Buses are poorly managed and maintained were accessible for wheelchair users? (Page 4)
2) Trains are too expensive 1) 4
3) There is no common ticketing system 2) 5
4) All of the above 3) 8
4) 12
3. What percentage of Bangkok residents regularly use 6. Which form of public transport is NOT mentioned by
public transport systems? (Page 3)
Sawang Srisom as needing improvement? (Page 5)
1) 20%
1) Trains
2) 30%
2) Buses
3) 50%
3) Boats
4) 75%
4) Taxis
5.4 Vocabulary – use the words from the box on the left to complete sentences 1 to 10 (Two words will not be

1 We need to make __________ changes to the way in which we treat our environment.
2 __________ use of the drug is known to have harmful side-effects.
navigate 3 The instructions are really __________. Could you help me with them, please?
reckless 4 The buses, trains and taxis in that city use a __________ payment system.
5 There weren't any road signs to help us _________ through the maze of one-way streets.
prioritise 6 The law has done little to prevent __________ and inequality based on race, sex or age..
7 Many public areas and buildings are now more __________ to people with disabilities.
disability 8 You have to __________ things in this job because you can’t do everything.

prolonged 9 He was found guilty of __________ driving.

10 She is deaf, but refuses to let her __________ prevent her from doing what she wants to do.
M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 6

Get organised
6.1 Vocabulary - Match the idioms with their meanings – draw a line between the idioms 1 to 7 and the correct
meaning A to 6.
A aid about someone who is active, lively, healthy and has a lot of energy and
1 a clean bill of health
2 as blind as a bat
B to lose consciousness
3 to be full of beans
C said about someone whose face is very pale because of illness, shock or fear.
4 just what the doctor ordered
D said when you examine someone or something and state that they are
healthy, in good condition, or legal.
5 black out
E Said about something unpleasant that must be accepted or endured.
6 white as a sheet
F nearly or completely blind or they are unwilling to recognize problems or bad
7 a bitter pill to swallow

G exactly what is required or wanted

6.2 Now you are going to complete the sentences below using the idioms we’ve just looked at.

a clean bill of health 1 Without her glasses, she is ____________________________.

as blind as a bat 2 Thanks, a strong cup of coffee in the morning is ____________________________.

full of beans 3 Joe looks ____________________________. He must be very ill.

just what the doctor ordered 4 he really loves his job – he’s always ____________________________when he goes to
blacked out
5 After losing his job, having his home damaged by floodwater was
white as a sheet _____________________________ for him.

a bitter pill to swallow 6 I ___________________________ right after the accident, and can’t remember
anything about it.

7 When he was finished the inspection, the mechanic gave the car
6.3 Listen to the conversation. Put these study tips in the order that you
hear them from 1 (the first) to 6 (the last).

Turn off your music. _______

Put your pet outside. _______

Turn off your instant messages. _______

Turn off your phone. _______

Have something to eat and drink on your desk _______

Take away the things that stop you working. _______

6.4 Now look at the sentences below. Are they TRUE or FALSE?

1 Tom doesn't know how to start studying. ______

2 Tom's mum thinks that music helps people study. ______

3 Tom puts the dog outside. ______

4 Tom's mum recommends having a sandwich on the desk. ______

5 Tom doesn't want to turn off his phone at first. ______

6 Tom needs the internet to study. ______

7 Tom's going to turn off his messages. ______

8 Tom thinks his mum has helped him. ______

6.5 Read the tips for keeping your desk tidy.
Seven tips for a tidy desk

1. Only keep things you really need on and near your desk.
Use a tray for any papers you have to read. Have a jar for pens and pencils and have a bin near your desk.

2. Don’t keep any drinks on your desk.

Go to the kitchen when you want to have a drink or, if you prefer, keep a drink on a small table near your desk.

3. Reduce the amount of paper that you use.

Try to keep as much information as possible in folders on your computer. Before printing a document, ask yourself, ‘do I really need to read this on

4. Scan your notes.

If you have a lot of paper (magazine articles, notes, worksheets, etc.), use a scanner and keep a digital version as a PDF on your computer.

5. Use your smartphone to take photos of things you need to remember.

For example, take photos of notes to yourself, the name and address of a place you need to visit or diagrams you need to study for school.

6. Get a noticeboard.
If you really do need to keep small bits of paper, use a noticeboard on the wall. Check it every day and throw old notes in the bin.

7. Clean your desk at the end of every day.

Choose a time to tidy your desk and do it! If you do it every day, it will only take five minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy
6.6 Are the sentences true or false?

1 You should put everything you will possibly need on your desk. ______

2 You should only have one pen or pencil. ______

3 It's a good idea to have a bin close to your desk. ______

4 It's better to keep information on your computer than on paper if possible. ______

5 If you have written notes on paper you should type them into the computer. ______

6 The camera in your phone can help you remember things. ______

7 A noticeboard is a good way to organise bits of paper. ______

8 You should clean your desk once a week. ______

6.7 Look at this list of things. Should they be in the Do or Don’t box??

1 take photos of things you want to remember

2 leave your desk untidy at the end of the day

3 use a scanner to make PDFs of magazine pages you

need to keep

4 check your noticeboard every day

5 keep a drink on your desk

6 keep a lot of paper on your desk

7 print as much information as possible

8 keep pencils and pens in a jar

M1 English Program - Introduction course May 2022

Lesson 7

Staying safe on the roads

Can you identify what is in the pictures?

No. 1

7.1 Vocabulary – match the meanings with the words in the centre box.

the physical or mental power or

skill needed to do something: too blocked or crowded and
1 researcher causing difficulties

2 congested
the way you feel about
something or someone, or a someone who studies a subject,
3 ability
particular feeling or opinion: especially in order to discover new
information or reach a new
4 attitude understanding:

5 confidence
an official rule or the act of
controlling something the results of a particular action
6 consequences
or situation, often one that is bad
7 regulation or not convenient:
The quality of being certain of
your abilities or of having trust in
people, plans, or the future:
Drivers Think They Drive Better Than Others

Canadian researchers have found that most drivers think they are better than others behind the wheel. The team
from Ottawa University interviewed nearly 400 motorists of all ages. They all had to answer questions about what
they thought of their own driving skills. The question topics included how they react in different driving conditions,
including terrible weather and congested roads. They then had to rate the skills of others on the road. The results
were very similar across all age ranges – almost all of those interviewed believed their driving ability was better than
that of other drivers. Older drivers in the poll were more confident in their ability than younger ones. Unsurprisingly,
perhaps, males had the most confidence in their ability to handle a car.

Lead researcher Sylvain Gagnon believes the attitudes found in his survey could be dangerous. Mr. Gagnon said that
although confidence can be a good thing, it often has dangerous consequences. He stated: “If you think that you are
a better driver, then perhaps you start behaving differently behind the wheel and do not pay as much attention as
you should. This might explain why young men tend to have more accidents on the roads than other drivers.” It is
time for government road safety departments to start taking research such as this more seriously. Traffic accidents
are a huge killer throughout the world. Very few drivers really think about how deadly their car can be in an
accident. More regulation is needed as people buy more and more cars.

7.2. Reading, listening – listen to the speaker, and follow the text.
Drivers Think They Drive Better Than Others 7.3 Read the passage. Are 1 to 8 below true (T) or false (F).
Circle the correct answer.

Canadian researchers have found that most drivers think they are better 1 Drivers think they are better than other people who drive.
than others behind the wheel. The team from Ottawa University TRUE / FALSE
interviewed nearly 400 motorists of all ages. They all had to answer
questions about what they thought of their own driving skills. The 2 People had to answer questions and take a driving test.
question topics included how they react in different driving conditions, TRUE / FALSE
including terrible weather and congested roads. They then had to rate the
skills of others on the road. The results were very similar across all age 3 Some of the drivers had a race with each other.
ranges – almost all of those interviewed believed their driving ability was TRUE / FALSE
better than that of other drivers. Older drivers in the poll were more
confident in their ability than younger ones. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, 4 Men were those who had most confidence in their ability to drive.
males had the most confidence in their ability to handle a car. TRUE / FALSE

Lead researcher Sylvain Gagnon believes the attitudes found in his survey 5 A researcher thought his research could be dangerous.
could be dangerous. Mr. Gagnon said that although confidence can be a TRUE / FALSE
good thing, it often has dangerous consequences. He stated: “If you think
that you are a better driver, then perhaps you start behaving differently 6 The researcher said confidence behind the wheel can be a bad
behind the wheel and do not pay as much attention as you should. This thing.
might explain why young men tend to have more accidents on the roads TRUE / FALSE
than other drivers.” It is time for government road safety departments to
start taking research such as this more seriously. Traffic accidents are a 7 People who have the most accidents are not young females.
huge killer throughout the world. Very few drivers really think about how TRUE / FALSE
deadly their car can be in an accident. More regulation is needed as
people buy more and more cars. 8 The article suggested governments need more rules.
7.4 Vocabulary – use the words from the box on the right to complete sentences 1 to 7

1 Many people have a negative ____________ towards ageing.

2 The Government plans to increase ____________ in the banking industry to try to
reduce bank fraud.
3 Sylvian Gagnon is a leading ____________ in the field of traffic safety.
4 He's a good student, but he lacks _____________.
5 The ____________ to speak English is a skill prized by many employers.
6 If you make him angry, you'll have to suffer the ____________.
7 During morning and afternoon rush hours, many roads in Bangkok are very

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