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hi guys today I will talk about Topic: Favorious toys of children

General purpose of the topic: to develop and maintain past and present toys.
for Specific purpose: to introduce our audience to some past and present children's toys. From the
process of research and research, we find that children's toys bring a lot of significance to their
Thesis statement: From seeing the value of toys in children's lives, choosing toys to form a growth
mindset for them.
to Attention getter: I will List toys that have been played with in the past and present.
reasons to listen to today's presentation Reason to listen: Toys have great meanings for the formation
and development of personality and children's childhood.
CONTINUED WITH THESE .Preview of main points:
1. For one thing, popular toys.
2.Second, toys with child development.
3. Finally, benefits.
A.For one thing, popular toys
1. Concepts
Children's toys are understood as any product or material designed and manufactured for use by
children from birth to under 16 years of age. Toys can be divided into three main groups: Toys for
intellectual development; Physical development toys; Skill development toys; and includes many
forms: toys in the classroom, in the playground area, outdoors, within the school premises, and in
each family
2. Kinds of toys
a.Toys of the past.
Toys of "intense" childhood
Not only do boys fall in love with colorful marbles, they also attract the attention of girls
Fly a kite
Surely the 8x 9x generations have all spent their childhood with kites. A place where village kids grow
up together.
North East South West- East West Southwest North
Once upon a time, the game East-West Southwest North was extremely loved by students.
Perhaps today we are so used to this that we can see children holding phones instead of looking for
toys like in the old days to play.
Lego building toys
Talking about the hottest children's toys today, it is impossible not to mention Lego sets. With Lego
sets, children will freely promote their imagination and creativity. Children can build constructions,
robots, vehicles, or even cities according to their wishes.
Rubik's Cube
This is also a favorite toy for children because it teaches them sharp thinking and the challenges of
having to time them to solve them.

B.Secondly, toys with child development

1. Criteria to choose the right toys
a.Toys designed must be appropriate for the age and developmental stage of the child
b.- Effects of toys on children (intellectual development, physical development, or skill training ...)
c.- How to use and play with each type of toy.
d.- Ensure standards on toy safety and safety for children when using, which is to minimize potential
hazards that may occur during use and ensure health and hygiene for children. okay
e.- Toys that show educational properties, that is, toys must reflect the following contents: they must
not be contrary to fine customs, traditions, and moral traditions of the Vietnamese nation; does not
encourage violent thoughts and content that is not suitable for the psychophysiology of preschool
f.- The design and color of the toy must be bright and beautiful, causing excitement to help children
develop color sensitivity later
2. Consequences of choosing the wrong toys for children
a.If the choice is wrong, it can cause the children to develop deviations and affect the child's
personalities. Choosing toys for babies is easy but difficult, easy in that the designs and designs are
rich and diverse to choose from, but it is difficult in how to choose a good and safe toy for children's
b.Affects health
Children should not be allowed to play with mobile phones too much when they are too young, it will
affect their eyes and brain.
For example, if children from 2 to 5 years old, choose Rollerball, they will easily eat it or suck it, which
is very dangerous.
1. Play with toys to help children strengthen their physical strength
a.Not only entertainment, toys also help children improve their physical health and exercise
2. Toys to help your child develop intellectually
a.Studies have shown that the period from 1 year old is a golden opportunity for parents to help their
children develop intelligence and enhance creativity in the best direction
3. Toys that help children explore the world around them
a.From the age of 6 months, babies have the ability to perceive things and things around them.
4. Stimulating children's senses:
a.Toys are carefully researched before production, from color, and sound to size, volume, and play to
ensure every detail is useful for children's development.
5. Provide children with new knowledge
a. Educational toys are carefully researched before production, from color, and sound to
size, volume, and play to ensure every detail is useful for children's development

A.Review the main points:
1. Today we first talk about past and present children's toys.
2. Second, we discussed how to choose toys for children's
3. Finally, chúng tôi đã đưa ra những lợi ích mà đò chơi mang lại
B.Restate the thesis: After all, we must definitely re-affirm that there are many meanings that toys
bring to the development of children's brain thinking.
C. Closure: There's no denying that toys play an important role in every child's childhood. Help
children have a memorable childhood with friends. Experience new things from simple to complex

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