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BP No.: 2005140483 Date of Birth: 11/28/1991 Email Address:

ID No.: 02005140483 CRN No.: 021168271246 Cellphone: 09056241311

Outstanding Loans

Gross Loan Required Monthly Outstanding

Loan Type Contract No. Loan Status Date Granted Ideal Balance Arrears
Granted Installment Balance
Emergency Loan 0030003608023 Current 06/29/2020 20,000.00 655.56 15,886.47 15,886.47 0.00
Multi-Purpose Loan and
0008000240355 Current 05/10/2021 95,508.00 2,183.31 94,150.71 93,188.52 962.19
Consolidation of Debts
Regular Policy Loan 0090005726188 Current 11/12/2020 6,274.95 0.00 6,673.43 6,673.43 0.00

* Ideal Balance refers to the balance of the loan if the required monthly installment is paid on time.

* Arrears refers to the required monthly installment already due but not yet paid.

* Note to Members who are qualified to and availed of the Loan Moratorium due to Covid-19: The Outstanding Balance and Arrears reflected in eGSISMO are yet for adjustment
to reflect the extended loan term. However, the Interests, Redemption Insurance and Fire Insurance premiums that were deferred during the period of moratorium shall be
collected from renewal or full payment of the loan, or processing of claim benefit.

* Errors and Omissions Excepted

* For Home Office reconciled Housing Statement of Account, please email for your appointment.

* For Branch Office requests for Housing Statement of Accounts, please proceed to your respective handling branch.

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