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Government Affairs Department


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Course


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May 2022



I. Cover/Title Page 1

II. Table of Contents 2

III. Insights on Internship Journey 3

IV. Daily Journal 5

V. Daily Time Record 9

VI. Reflection Papers 10

VII. Webinars’ Program Designs 39

VIII. Reactions Papers 45

IX. Case Study PowerPoint Presentation 50

X. Case Study Rating/Scores 54

XI. Case Study Defense/Presentation Documentation 55

XII. Mock Interview Insight 58

XIII. Personal Information Sheet 60

XIV. Curriculum Vitae 61

XV. Vaccination Card 62

XVI. Phil Health ID/MDR Form 63


Insights on my Internship

An internship is very vital for every graduating student; it will give us an idea of
what is going on in the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic hits us around the 2019
internship session switch, and it becomes in-campus training. Even though it became
in-campus training, it taught me lots of lessons and gave me another chance to meet
some of my classmates face-to-face. On the campus, I learn new things and get refresher
courses. And given the opportunity to experience in-campus training as our internship
program is once in a lifetime, because it opens up my perception of what I really want
to become in the future or what career I would choose, even though it lasts only five
days, I am so thankful that I’ve experienced in-campus training amidst this COVID-19
During my first day on my OJT, I was so excited because we are the very first batch
who will be going through training. When I arrived there at exactly 8 a.m., our
instructors were already preparing for the place where we would be deployed. I was
assigned to the registral department, so my job is to scan and record all the previous
student documents. My classmates are very happy with the tasks that were assigned to
them. Some of them are filling, covering books, encoding, and sorting modules.
Everyone is enjoying the moment as in-campus trainees. On the last day of our OJT, I
was able to try all the activities in the training. Our internship taught me a lot of lessons,
not only as a student but also as a person. It helped me to grow as a person,
become responsible for the task given and taught me the importance of life. Even
though our internship was affected by COVID-19, it has become more meaningful
and allows me to learn not only academic lessons but life lessons. No matter
what hardships we experience along the way, challenges that will bring us down,
and stressors that will block our way, we all need the will and strong determination to
continue and archive our goals.

Day 1:







1. OJT Orientation

A. Webinar Details

1. Date of Orientation
JANUARY 27, 2022

2. Venue of Orientation

3. Orientation Speaker/s
Cliest P. Felicilda
Andy steven S. Belisario
Jhona D. Landong
Rene Timothy Malferrari Jr.
Emely D. Pepito
Ryan Boyd Origines

B. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?
The internship orientation is a very important part of OJT before you will be
deployed to your position. This will allow you to understand the basic things to do
in your respected areas. The orientation helps you to understand the roles or
guidelines to follow on how to interact with your leaders and colleagues in the work
place. During our webinar about internship orientation, it was started by the proper
OJT etiquette that was discussed by Sir Andy Steven Belisario. He said that you
should be on time and don't be late for your OJT because this is part of your credited
hours that you give for your internship and also an indicator for someone who is a
good employee for the future. Second, we need to dress up properly.That is
appropriate for our corporate attire. We need to consider this because we are judged
by our appearance and if you don't do this, you don't take your internship seriously.
He also said that we need to be mindful that we are still in a pandemic zone, so we
have to take precautions. We need to practice social distancing, wear face masks,
and wash our hands regularly. And also be friendly and courteous with your
leaders and co-league. Smile and say hello and good morning as appropriate
interactions for them. Sir Timothy presented our calendar of activities, which
included all of the dates, periods, and webinar topics for the duration of our
internship. During the orientation, they also discuss the students' expectations about
their internship, like
creating and filling systems, collecting and analysing data, conducting research
projects, and etc.Maam Pepito also talked about the mock job interview. This helps
us learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies and

improve our communication skills. These are the things that I learned from my
internship orientation.

C. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

2. Goal Setting

D. Webinar details

4. Date of Orientation
January 28, 2022

5. Venue of Orientation
Zoom meeting__

6. Orientation Speaker/s
Madel M. Duff
Ernest tim D. Rivera
Ryan Boyd Origines

E. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The webinar is about goal setting. career planning and coaching. This webinar really helped me
to understand how important goal setting is. This is part of the guidelines on achieving our goals
in life. Our first speaker, Madel M. Duff, will discuss the goal, your choice of end result, or final
results of a plan that you want to achieve. We want to share our dreams so that you can have a
route. To attain our purpose, we need to have a desire and resolution, make a plan and by no
means surrender to attain the desires that we set. Our second speaker, Sir Ernest Timothy D.
Rivera, gave an explanation of approximately the zero-primarily based thinking to determine our
most essential aim, to become an expert in our very own area. In attaining our goal, there may
always be a failure, but additionally, there’s an option to any hassle. We want to apply the right
way to the proper trouble. Our third speaker, Sir Ryan Boyd Origines, talks and supplies us with
inspirational messages. While dreaming and pursuing our purpose and dream in life, we want to
plan and manage our time, to become more responsible, to dream big in order to become a hit in
life, and to achieve our goals sooner or later.
Making plans is critical in achieving our goal because it allows us to be a few steps prepared
before achieving our purpose because we can already realize how to deal with a certain state of
affairs just by making plans. It undoubtedly helps us to become aware of our goal in advance, to
see the issues that may prevent us from achieving it and what we can do about them.

F. Portfolio

Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

3. Technical Writing

G. Webinar details

7. Date of Orientation
January 31, 2022

8. Venue of Orientation
Zoom meeting__

9. Orientation Speaker/s
Analou Cahilig
Kharem Alim
Genelyn Macapayag

H. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?
Technical writing in English serves as an essential tool in communicating or conveying
one's ideas, views, observations, instructions, and suggestions in a more logical and
technical manner. Professionals need to have good technical writing skills in the
preparation of reports, presentations, and documentation.
During our webinar, Sir Kharem Alim discussed the history of writing and when it
began, stating that the first writing was discovered 5.550 years ago in Mesopotamia,
followed by Egypt (2350) bc in the small ivory tablet, China (1300–1050) bc using Oracle
Bones, and Meso America (900) bc found from Mexico to Costa Rica. The most
important thing to remember about writing is that proper spelling is essential because
misspelled words have a different meaning. Good reading comprehension means you
need to understand what you read. Sentence and paragraph structure should be one
main idea that is related to the series of sentences. and lastly, knowledge of different
types of writing.
Sir kim also taught us about common Genre's of writing the technical writing and
creative writing. Technical writing conveys specific information about technical subject
while creative writing is a fiction-poetry and short story, play and novel. For the part of
Maam Genelyn Macapayag her discussion is about the do's and don't in technical
writing For example for don't" do not use abbreviation, do not use slang, do not use
archaic term, and don't use construction. Do's in writing" write in a clear plain style,
use active voice, use consistent tenses, adhere to the word limit, and use the right tone.
She also share way's to improve your technical writing skills one recognize writing as
required and marketable skills, accept that improving writings start with basic skills,
consider using writing improving app, develop personal writing process and accept the
fact that improving once writing abilities will require continues improvement over

time. And for the last speaker maam Analou Cahilig she talks about how to love writing
she said that good writing is often about letting go of fear and affectation just write
what ever come up in your mind in that way you can improve your self. Writing is
always be part of us for our daily use from school to work and personal activity.
Writing is the painting of the voice you can express your creativity .
This is how important to develop our writing skill because this is one of our asset as a
graduate of public administration especially in our field of profession.

I. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

4. Functions/Branches of Government

A. Webinar Details

1. Date of Orientation
February 15, 2022

2. Venue of Orientation
Zoom Meeting

3. Orientation Speaker/s
Andy Steven S. Belisario
Renato S. Sulatan Jr.

B. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The title of this webinar is the function or branches of the government, our first
speaker are Sir Andy Steven S. Belisario and Renato A. Sultan Jr. They discuss and
explain about the three branches of the government, the executive branch, the
legislative branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is the lawmaking
body, The Congress made the law, Executive branch, the law enforcing body the
president implements the law, Judicial Branch The law of interpreting body. The
court system interprets the laws and decides legal controversies. The relationship of
the three branches of the government is interconnected. The executive branch is the
one who carry out the laws And those laws are created by the legislative branch, The
one who hears the case in the judiciary branch. Balance of power also exists so that
one branch will not overpower the other one. Example, If the President vetoed the
law, The Congress can overturn it by voting 2/3 Both the upper and the lower
chamber. If the law has been signed by the President, And it seems it is
unconstitutional, The Judicial Branch can struck Down the law as unconstitutional.
Oversight Also happens Where in certain committees on both the upper and the
lower chamber sometimes call officials of the executive to attend hearing to answer
some inquiries and issues. All officials appointed by the president is confirmed by
the Congress. The legislative branch is authorized to make the law, alter and repeal
them through the power vested in the Philippines Congress. This institution is
divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives. The executive branch
carries out laws. It is composed of the president and the vice president, who are
elected by their red popular vote and serve a term of set six years. The Constitution
now grants the President authority to appoint his cabinet. This departments form a
large portion of the country’s Bureaucracy. The judicial branch evaluates law. It
holds the power to settle controversies Involving rights that are legally demandable
and enforceable. This Determines whether or not this has been a grave abuse Of this
creation and the part end instrumentality of the government. It is made up of a
Supreme Court in the lower courts.
Each branch of the government can change act of the other branches as follow:
The president can veto laws passed by Congress.
Congress confirm or reject the president’s appointments and can move the president
from office in exceptional circumstances.
The justices of the Supreme Court, Who can overturn unconstitutional laws, Our
appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Philippines government Seeks to Act in the best interests of its citizen through
this system of checks and balances.
The Constitution expressly grants the Supreme Court the power of judicial review as
the power to declare a treat, International or executive agreement, law, presidential
decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance or regulation unconstitutional.
Legislative department, This branch enacts legislation, confirms or Reject
presidential appointments, And has the authority to declare war. This branch

includes Congress and several agencies that provide support service to Congress.
Another department is the “executive department” departmen This branch carries
out and enforce laws. It includes the president, Vice president, the Cabinet,
Executive department, independent agencies, and other boards, Commission and
committees. And also the “Judicial department” This branch interprets the meaning
of laws, Applies law to individual cases and decides if law violates the Constitution.
The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
may be established by law.

C. Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

5. Environmental Management

D. Webinar Details

4. Date of Orientation
February 23, 2022

5. Venue of Orientation

6. Orientation Speaker/s
Janice T. Olorocisimo

E. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

In this webinar, entitled Environmental Management our speaker is ma’am Janice T.

Olorocisimo, who Discussed and explained how important our environment and how
to make it safe and to save our nature, especially in managing our garbage’s. It is our
collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we
all live. Environment plays an important role in a healthy living and existence of our life
on Planet Earth. Earth is at home for different living species and we All are dependent
on the environment for food, air, water and other needs. Therefore, it is important for
every individual to save and protect our environment. According to Ma’am Janice, The
waste what that were generated per day is more than what landfill can accommodate.
This is why some waste are left collected different places. That I collected. Where’s
gossip land, water and air pollution, and any form of pollution is harmful to all
Organism That, therefore, we should practice 5rs To manage waste in the environment
and help make our surrounding clean and tidy that direction that product the following
shows the application of 5S, That labeled them corresponding when with radios which
should recycle repaired Or recovered. A significant part of the process is implementing
the steps known as the 5Rs. They refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle.
Improper solid waste dumps are spreading different disease in the study area. And
inefficient municipal solid waste management system may create serious negative
environmental impact like infectious diseases, Land and water pollution obstruction of
drain and loss of biodiversity. Environmental laws plays a huge part in protecting
humans, Animals, resources and habitats. Without this laws, There would be no
regulations concerning pollution, Contamination, Hunting, Or even responds to disaste,
Environmental law works to protect land, air, water and soil. Negligence of these laws
result in various punishments like fines, community service and in some extreme cases,
jail time without these. So to help our environment, let’s participate and follow the rules
and regulation under RA9003.

F. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

6. Bureaucracy

G. Webinar Details

7. Date of Orientation

March 08, 2022

8. Venue of Orientation
Zoom Meeting

9. Orientation Speaker/s
Ana Ninfa B. Caballero
Timothy Malferrari Jr.

H. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

What is bureaucracy? This is a system of government in which most of the important

decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. Our speaker is
sir Timothy and ma’am Ninfa B. Caballero. This webinar is all About bureaucracy.
Max Weber is one of the most important theorists in modern organizational theory
and is considered the father of the modern bureaucratic model. He was a German
sociologist and political economist, Who argued bureaucracy was the most efficient
and rational model private businesses and public offices could operate in. According
to Max Weber, a human community that successfully claims the monopoly of the
legitimate use of physical force within a given territory. Bureaucracy is a system of
government in which important decisions are made by state officials rather than by
elected representative.
The speaker also discussed about bureaucratic red tape. Red tape is a derisive term
for excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered
redundant or broke attic and hinders of prevent action or decision-making. It is
usually applied to government, but can also be applied to other organizations like
corporations. Red tape is defined as a lot of officials, forms and procedures that are
involved before something is accomplished. An example of red tape is when you
have to file out. Tons of annoying forms just to get a driver License. Time
consumption regulations or Bureaucratic procedures. Bureaucrats implement laws
that Congress write, Make and enforce their own rule, They Settle disputes through
A process called administrative adjudication, Which make them kind of like courts.
Bureaucracy don’t just enforce the rules, they make new ones, called regulations.

I. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

7. Policymaking and Legislation

J. Webinar Details

10. Date of Orientation

March 11, 2022

11. Venue of Orientation

Zoom Meeting

12. Orientation Speaker/s

Atty. Rheo Ringo P. Laure

K. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The title of our webinar is Policymaking and legislation, our guest speaker is Atty.
Rheo Ringo P. layer. Atty. Laurie discusses and explain well about policy, Policy
occurs or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business,
or individual. Outlines what a government minister hopes to achieve and the
methods and principles it will use to achieve them. Policy formulation refers to the
development of a specific policy option within the government when the range Of
possible choices is made narrowed by excluding infeasible ones and efforts are made
By various actors to have their favored solution ranked highly among The
remaining few. A police established and carried out by the government goes
through several stages from inception to conclusion. These are agenda building
formulation adoption, implementation, evaluation and termination. Before a policy
can be created a problem must exist that is called to the attempt of the government.
It’s also provide guidelines to Consistenc, accountability, efficiency and clarity, and
how an organization operates. Policymaking also, the formulation of ideas or plan
that are used by an organization or a government as a basis for making decision.
Also, policymaking process involves a link series of actions or events. It focused on
the way in which policy is made, rather than on the substance of policy itself and its
consequences. In general, there are four main stages of the policymaking process,
which are initiation, formulation, implementation and Evaluation. The institutions
or participants of policymaking process include political leadership, citizen
participation or interest group, Legislature and legislators, bureaucracy and
judiciary. Policy making is important because policy choices and decisions Made by
those in power affect nearly every aspect of daily life, including education,
healthcare, and national security. Among other powers, the legislative branch make
all laws declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and control. Taxing
and spending policies. Powers of Congress, As one of the three coequal branches of
the government is ascribed significant powers by the constitution's. all legislative
power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of
the government that can make new law or change existing laws.

L. Portfolio
Attach here evidence, records, and other documents related to this segment.

8. Labor Code

M. Webinar Details

13. Date of Orientation

March 13, 2022

14. Venue of Orientation

Zoom Meeting

15. Orientation Speaker/s

Earl Guen Q. Padayao

N. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The title of our webinar was Labor Code, Mr. Earl Guen Padayao, Discusses and
explains about labor code. The Labor Code of the Philippines is a decree instituting
a Labor Code thereby. Revising and consolidating labor and social laws to afford
protecting to labor, promote employment and human resources development and
ensure industrial peace based on social Justice. The Labor Code of the Philippines
stand as the law governing employment practices and Labor Relations of the
Philippines. it was enacted on labor day of 1974 by president Ferdinand Marcos in
the exercise of his then exact legislative power. It prohibits termination from
employment for private employees, except for just or authorized classes as
prescribed in Article 282 to 284 of the code. But in this webinar, our main topic is
about DOLE's SENA, DOLE's SENA Helps workers in booking non get separation
pay and other benefits. Single Entry approach (SEnA) Is an administrative approach
to provide a speedy, impartial, inexpensive, And accessible settlement procedures of
old labor issues or conflict to prevent them from ripping into full blown disputes or
actual labor cases. SEnA is very important In all employees specially when they are
abused by their employer or the employer terminate them without any valid reason.
To get their benefit or their separation pay and the SEnA will settle the both parties.

O. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

9. Human Rights

P. Webinar Details

16. Date of Orientation

March 21, 2022

17. Venue of Orientation

Zoom Meeting

18. Orientation Speaker/s

Atty. Krissi Shaffina Twyla A. Rubin

Q. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

In this, Webinar entitled Human rights, dignity and equity for humanity, Our
speaker is atty. Rubin, She explained And discuss About human rights. In this
webinar we tackled about The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of
discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
Human rights are inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of
residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religions, language or any other
status, we are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.
These Rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible. Human rights are
needed to protect and pursue every individual's humanity, to ensure that every
individual can live in a life of dignity and a life that is worthy of human being. Why
“should” anyone respect them? Fundamentally, because everyone is a human being
and therefore a moral being. It is important to teach student not only student but to
all human being, especially to the people who do not know about the rights of
human, the knowledge and respect of rights that students gain from this, combined
with the understanding, respect and tolerance for difference can empower them to
tackle prejudice, improve relationships and make the most of their lives. I learned a
lot of rights Human rights are about equality, dignity, respect, freedom, and justice,
we have also freedom from discrimination, the right to life, freedom of speech, the
right to marriage and family, and the to education. These Rights are ours and we
always remember that we have all the rights but we need to be responsible in life,
like respect others then they respect you too so that we can have that rights.

Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.



R. Video Presentation Title

President Rodrigo Duterte’s First and Last State Of the Nation Address (SONA)

S. Reflection (Reflect on the learning that you gained from the video presentation)
What did I learn from the topic?
I learned that president Rodrigo Duterte’s first state Of the Nation Address (SONA)
focus on solving the problems in our community, like War on drugs, the “Oplan
Tokhang” first-hand have agreed that rehabilitation, welfare and income-generation
programs remain the only feasible solution to eradicate drug use in the Philippines. The
government can promote economic equity with these programs by alleviating Filipinos
for extreme poverty. The west Philippine sea and china, the Bangsamoro basic law
(BBL) and the federalism. On his Last State Of the Nation Address president Duterte
open his speech, addressing and stressing the toll that the pandemic has taken on the
Philippines as the virus “Snuffed” out dreams of prosperity and had the world living in
a troubled time. He mentions hopes for a vaccine and thank Frontline who risk their
lives to respond to those most affected by the virus.

What is this significant?

I think that president duterte’s administration is trying their best to solve the issues
and problems that we are facing right now, enduring their and exerting more effort to
fight corruption and other problem such as COVID 19 pandemic. President Duterte is
very manly and well said for the coming changes in our country. My reaction about
duterte's SONA 2016 is that I feel proud because Our President is doing his promises
with for the people like curfew hours, people who are using drugs were killed, and the
most in the Philippines is getting higher Change is coming. The first SONA highlighted
the urgency for change for the benefits of the Philippines. This includes war on illegal
drugs and criminalities. The President also talked about plans to increase spending and
basic education and intensified Education Department alternative.

How will I apply my learning in real-life situations?

I see that Avoiding of illegal drug’s and corruption is the best way to apply for
our self, specially his fifth state of the nation address in order to combat COVID19
pandemic we should follow the health protocols and always wear face mask. We have
to help each other for then can we truly prevail.

T. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

11.Volunteerism/Voluntary Management

U. Webinar Details

19. Date of Orientation

March 30, 2022

20. Venue of Orientation

Zoom meeting

21. Orientation Speaker/s

Ma’am Blaine Palma

V. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

In this webinar, Our speaker is ma’am Palma. She explained about volunteerism. For
me, volunteering makes a significant contribution to the global economy. Volunteering
helps build a more cohesive, safe, stronger community, and increases the social work
between communities and neighborhoods. Volunteering promotes People to be more
active in civic engagement and concern about Citizenship. Volunteering increased self-
confidence. And also can provide a health boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem,
and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community which provides
a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of
pride and identity. It is important to volunteer or share your expertise because this way
you can expand your knowledge and you can also share it with other people. Sharing
your skills, expertise with others is a good thing because you can inspire other people
through this, and it also can make you know more and find more skills. Having lots of
knowledge about things is a good thing so that you can help others, that to do about
things and to be a great successor. Volunteerism is the practice of providing time and
skills for the benefit of other people and causes rather than for financial benefit. In an
employment-related contexts volunteerism is concerned with the method and tools
employers use to support employees that want to volunteer. But according to our
speaker ma’am Palma, volunteering is hard work, but it is fun getting experience.
Different things like cultures, traditions, and learning through different personalities of
other types of people. It is humbling, to experience serving and helping with the best of
your ability people you never thought you’d be helping, like government officials, tribal
groups, mayors, and many more. And what she loves about volunteering is that you
can be part of making the world a better place, even in just making someone smile. It is
a Selfless act, To be a volunteer, Thinking of others needs more than your own.

W. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

12.Local Governance

A. Orientation Activity

1. Date of Orientation

March 31,2022

2. Venue of Orientation
Zoom Meeting

3. Orientation Speaker/s
Mr. Pablio L. Benitez Jr.

B. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What did you
learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The prime duty of the government is to serve an d protect the people it ensures the
autonomy of local government the three branches of the government the first one legislative
which make the law they have Congress,senate,house of representative.The sew one
executive carries out the law president ,vice president, cabinet judicial evaluates the
law ,Supreme Court other court in article X local government the territorial and political
subdivision provinces and cities ,municipal barangay, autonomy region in Muslim.
The webinar it will help us to know the power of president and their rules power of control
national government department of secretary .The local autonomy the president shift exercise
general supervision over local government units to ensure that their acts are within the scope
of their prescribe power and function the direct supervision province,highly urbanized cities
and independent components cities.Indirectly through the city and municipality with respect
to barangay enactment of RA 7160 of LOC. The constitutional mandate to ensure local
autonomy refers to decentralization. The power to create and broader their own source of
revenue and the right to a just in national taxes and an equitable share in the process of
utilization and development of the national wealth with their respective areas operative
principle of decentralization their provinces with respect of components barangay shall
ensure that the act of their efforts,device and resources commonly benefits to them .
The capabilities of LGU especially the municipalities and barangay shall enhanced by
providing them with opportunities to participate actively in the implementation on the
national progress and projects LGU shall share with the national government the
responsibility in the management and maintenance of ecological,distance with their
territorial an d ensuring the accountability of LGU to their respective constituents shall be
strengthened in order to upgrade continually the quality of local leadership improved
coordination of national policies and programs and decentralisation contribute to the
continuing improvement of the performance of the LGU and the quality of community life.

C. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.

13.Leadership and Management

22. Date of Orientation

April 12, 2022

23. Venue of Orientation

Zoom meeting

24. Orientation Speaker/s


Jennyleigh A. Mangubat
X. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What
did you learn that you think will be useful in your OJT?
In this webinar our speaker is ma’am Jennyleigh A. Mangubat, Discuss and explain
the difference between leadership and management. Leadership is an important
function of management, which helps to enhance productivity and to achieve
organizational goals. In fact., Leadership is an essential part and a crucial
component of effective management, which helps to maximize efficiency and
achieve organizational goals. While management help in achieving group goals, it
arranges the factors of production, assembling, and organizing the resources
integrates. The resources in an effective manner to achieve goals. It directs group
efforts toward achievements of predetermined goals. Leadership is about getting
people to understand and believe in your vision and to work with you to achieve
your goals, while managing is more about administering and making sure the day-
to-day things are happening as they should. Leaders set the goals, while managers
follow them. Leaders Set goals, Transfer the company’s mission goals and vision to
the entire organization. Leaders think ideas. And also they look for an answer to
“why” and “What”. Managers fell away. Managers keeping employees aligned with
the core company goals and values. They think of execution. Managers look for an
answer to “when” and “how”. A very big difference between leadership and
management and often overlooked is that leadership always involves leading a
group of people, whereas management needs only be concerned with responsibility
for things (for example IT, Money, advertising, equipment, promises, etc.) In this
webinar I’ve learned a lot, like the Difference about leadership and management
making it difference. Therefore, there are a few gay differences between leadership
and management. Managers tell their employees what to do. It is a manager's job to
delegate tasks to their team Members. Managers follow their supervisors. Orders
managers tend to work under someone in a supervisor or executive leader position.
Therefore, the managers primary responsibility to complete the task and the REACH
goals based on the leaders vision. Leadership skills can be practiced at any level,
regardless of the title you have. They are important skills to have because a good
leader is able to bring out the best abilities in his or her team members and motivate
them to work together in achieving a shared goal. A good leader is about being
organized and keeping the team on track and focus to avoid Delays. You can
practice leadership skills by trying some of the suggestions listed above, such as by
volunteering for a new project at work and gaining new skills in the process.
Teaching another person to improve your communication skills and working
undertaking advantage of your strengths and improving your weaknesses. In this
webinar I’ve learned a lot because this is very important, especially in our working
place to improve our leadership and Managerial skills, ma’am mangubat is a good
speaker because she explained it will.

Attach here evidence, records, and other documents related to this segment.

14. RA 6713

J. Orientation Activity

10. Date of Orientation

April 13, 2022

11. Venue of Orientation

Zoom meeting

12. Orientation Speaker/s

Ms. Leah Jan D. Dolomente

K. Reflection
Cite important topics that were discussed during the OJT Orientation Seminar. What did you learn
that you think will be useful in your OJT?

The Republic Act No. 6713, Also known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials
and employees. In this webinar, Our speaker is Maam Dolomente Leah Jan explain and discuss about R.A
no. 6713. Declaration of policy. It is the policy of the state to promote a high standard of ethics in public
service. Public officials and employees shall at all times Be accountable to the people and shall discharge
their duties with outmost responsibility, integrity, competence and loyalty, Act with patriotism and
justice, lead modest lives and uphold public interest over personal interest.
Ma’am dolomente Discuss about professionalism, political neutrality, responsiveness to the public
components, commitments to the public service, professionalism, justice and sincerity, Political
neutrality, responsiveness to the public. R.A 6713 an act stablishing a code of conduct and ethical
standards for public officials and employees to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being
a public trust granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service enumerating prohibited. Act and
transaction and providing penalties for violations thereof. It is also bears the 8 th norms of conduct.
Commitment to public interest, Professionalism., justness and sincerity, political neutrality,
responsiveness to the public, nationalism and patriotism, commitment, democracy and simple living.
Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties with the highest degree of
excellence, professional exam, intelligence and skills. They shall enter public service with outmost
devotion and dedication to duty. Also ma’am. Dolomente, that a code of ethics is important because it
clearly lays out the rules for behavior and provides the groundwork for a preemptive warning, while a
code of ethics is often not required, many firms and organizations choose to adopt one Which helped to
identify and characterize a business to stakeholders. Ethics in the communications field is important
because if the public views someone as not trustworthy, it can compromise a professions reputation. A
satisfying life also develops as a result of developing trusting and caring relationship with others, and
that comes from making ethical choices. The Code of Conduct and ethical standards for public officials
and employees enjoying all public servants to Respond to letters, telegrams, or other means of
communication sent by the public within 15 working days from receipt thereof. The importance of
ethical behaviors makes society better when we help make society better, we are rewarded with also
making better own lives and the lives of our families and friends.

L. Portfolio
Attach here evidences, records, and other documents related to this segment.


1. Leadership webinar
(Title of the webinar)

March 03, 2022

(Date of the webinar)

Hon. Jeen Elleen Grace Y. Clarin

Mr. John Emmanuel C. Dulangon
(Speaker/s of the webinar)

All of us can be a leader. We are not born leaders. Before we become leaders, we are all
members whose role is to follow the rules of the leader. Leaders are not born, they are made in
a way that all of us can be. Leadership skills can be thought to anyone who is willing and
given an opportunity to lead an organization. It is important have someone to continue
the goals of a company. There are some qualities a great leader should have: Be strong
when you are week – This is very important for developing a leader. You need to give
them the opportunity to grow strong and they will learn from their own experience in
leadership especially when a leader is weak, he has no choice but to become strong
According to the discussion of Cons. Jeen Clarinthat says. Servant -Leadership is all
about making the goals clear, and then your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to
help people win. As we can see, servant leadership takes work. It does not come
naturally ,particularly f people attracted to power and position. The servant leadership
model has the power to transform your team and eventually ,your customers
experience .However , It control the impulse to lead by force instead of serving
selflessly. While it is not a model for the faint-headed, the positive impact on your team
and your bottom line make it worth the effort.
A servant lead feels responsible for helping people learn and grow, feel
purposeful,motivated,energized, and contribute at their highest level. Its not about you;
its about your people. It is about inspiring people to do noble work that calls forth the
very best they have to offer.


(Title of the webinar)

March 9 2022
(Date of the webinar)

Mr. Ernest Tim D. Rivera

Mr. Clifford Baguio
(Speaker/s of the webinar

The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life. Also, their
usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the
computer in every office whether private or government. Mankind is using computers
for over many decades now. Also, they are used in many fields like agriculture,
designing, machinery making, defense and many more. Above all, they have
revolutionized the whole world. An operation, in mathematics and computer science, is
an action that is carried out to accomplish a given task. There are five basic types of
computer operations: Inputting, processing, outputting, storing, and controlling.
Although even basic computers are capable of sophisticated processing, processors
themselves are only capable of performing simple mathematical operations. CPUs
perform very complex tasks by executing billions of individual operations per second.
When we think of computer operations, we’re usually thinking of those involved in
processing. The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) in the processor performs arithmetic and
logic operations on the operands according to instructions that specify each step that
must be taken to make the software do something.
Reflecting on the past can be helpful in noting what we should be pleased about and
perhaps in suggesting how we might improve further upon something that has been
successful, making it somehow still more effective or beneficial. Reflecting on the past
can also help us to identify mistakes and failures, and, if we are honest and fortunate,
suggest how we can overcome or avoid at least some of them in the future.


(Title of the webinar)

March 3, 2022
(Date of the webinar)

Nielson D. Bation,DM,SMRIBM
(Speaker/s of the webinar)

Data analysis organises, interprets, structures and presents the data into useful
information that provides context for the data. This context can then be used by
decision-makers to take action with the aim of enhancing productivity and business
gain. Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the
collected information and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications of
the findings. The steps involved in data analysis are a function of the type of
information collected. However, returning to the purpose of the assessment and the
assessment questions will provide a structure for the organization of the data and a
focus for the analysis.
The analysis of NARRATIVE (QUALITATIVE) DATA is conducted by organizing the
data into common themes or categories. It is often more difficult to interpret narrative
data since it lacks the built-in structure found in numerical data. Initially, the narrative
data appears to be a collection of random, unconnected statements. The assessment
purpose and questions can help direct the focus of the data organization. The following
strategies may also be helpful when analysing narrative data
The analysis of the data via statistical measures and/or narrative themes should
provide answers to the assessment questions. Interpreting the analysed data from the
appropriate perspective allows for determination of the significance and implications of
the assessment.


(Title of the webinar)

March 07, 2022


(Date of the webinar)

Mr. Kharim angelo R. Alim

Ms. Genelyn B. Macapayag
Ms. Analou L.Cahilig
(Speaker/s of the webinar)

Mr. Khurim Angelo R. Alim, the "Getting the Job Done" speaker, discussed how
writing is about more than simply letters on paper; it is also about communication
and remembering. Letters are a type of written communication in which one person
sends information or a message to another. A letter's title and greeting body The
conclusion and signature are included. As part of your job application, you send a
one-page document called a cover letter. Its purpose is to provide a brief outline of
your professional background and to introduce you. Two reasons for writing a cover
letter are to demonstrate the applicant's style and to explain the applicant's
qualifications for the post. I've discovered that when writing a letter, we need to
choose the right cover letter template, start with a header, greet the hiring manager,
and write an attention-getting introduction.
Ms. Analou L. Cahilig say that writing is fun, and all you have to do is learn to
appreciate it. The goal of resume writing is to attract potential employers' attention
and establish that you are a good fit for the job. It highlights your finest qualities and
accomplishments to a potential employer through an interview. Keep in mind that
your qualifications must match the job description as stated in your CV. Include your
strongest qualities and accomplishments in your cover letter to a possible employer.
Your CV is your first chance to attract the attention of a potential employer.
Ms. Genelyn B. Macapayag also discusses the benefits of mock interviews and how
they can assist candidates in reducing their anxiety and stress levels. Failure to
perform well in these interviews has no consequences, so candidates can rehearse
their responses and get the feedback they need. Unlike in real life, candidates can
repeat or retake their interviews. Mock interviews help candidates gain confidence.
After performing well in practice interviews, candidates acquire confidence in their
abilities and capabilities. The results are also shown during actual interview sessions,
which allows candidates to remain calm and composed under pressure.

Case Study/Score

My insight on Mock Interview

The mock interview was a great chance for me because it was the real process of how in
the real world interviews are conduct. In this interview I took a time to observe myself
how I actually did it for example my body language and how I behaved during the
interview. This was the first time for me to sit in front of the professional who asked me
question about my strength and weakness at first it was hard for me answer because I
was nervous as well but then it kind off give me an idea what I will be expecting in my
future interview process. Watching myself, though difficult at times, was very
enlightening for many reasons. I learned what my flaws were and I also learned that
there are things that I did well that I should be confident about.

Some areas that I need to work on is to provide specific answers for example when
asked about my strengths, values and where you want to see yourself in the next five
years or so. During the interview I was nervous but when the interviewee asked me
about my background from that on I kind off picked up and then I was on track but not
fully. I was asked question about randomly like what are my career goals and future
plans are because there was no job description given so it was fun to me and now I
know where I am standing and what are my flaws. This interview actually boost my
confidence to the top. But then always prepare yourself for the questions that you know
you will be asked for this way there will no issues of losing confident.

Vaccination Card

Phil Health

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