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QuickStart Guide
Everything you need to know to get started with QuerySurge™
and Your Data

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© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.

22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Welcome to QuerySurge

Note: The purpose of this QuickStart Guide is to provide you with the ability to get up and running with your data and
databases/files. If you do not have access to your data, then your best bet is to go through the QuerySurge™ Tutorial.
The Tutorial comes complete with sample data and sample SQL queries, along with data models and schemas.

QuerySurge is the smart Data Testing solution that automates the data validation and ETL testing of Big Data, Data
Warehouses, Business Intelligence Reports and Enterprise Applications with full DevOps functionality for continuous
testing. By analyzing and pinpointing any differences in the data, QuerySurge ensures that the data extracted from
source systems remains intact in the target and complies with transformation requirements. QuerySurge is an essential
asset to every data testing process.

Challenges QuerySurge Can Solve

• Your need for data quality at speed. Validate up to 100% of all data up to 1,000 x faster than traditional
testing. more »

• Your test automation issues. Now you can automate all your data testing, from the kickoff of tests, to
performing validation, to automated emailing of results, and updating your test management system. more »

• Your ability to test across platforms, whether you use a Big Data Lake Data Warehouse, traditional database,
NoSQL document store, BI reports, flat files, JSON files, SOAP or restful web services, xml, mainframe files, or
any other data store. more »

• Your need to integrate for Continuous Delivery. QuerySurge integrates with most Data Integration/ETL solutions,
Build/Configuration solutions, and QA/Test Management solutions. more »

• Your ability to analyze your data, with our Data Analytics Dashboard & Data Intelligence Reports. more »

Additional Features & Benefits

• Integration with leading Test Management Solutions. QuerySurge offers integration with Micro Focus ALM,
IBM RQM, and Microsoft DevOps (formerly TFS & VSTS). Now you can store all your data tests and receive all
your results in your favorite test management solution. more »

• Query Wizards — fast and easy with no SQL coding needed. The smart Wizards provide both novices and
experienced team members with the ability to easily and quickly validate their data with no SQL coding required.
more »

• DevOps and Continuous Testing. Dynamically generate, execute, and update tests and data stores utilizing API
calls. more »

• Proven ROI. Making a business case for QuerySurge is easy. QuerySurge returns 1,287%. more »

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
QuerySurge Modules™

QuerySurge™ is a test tool that automates data warehouse and ETL testing. QuerySurge™ verifies data completeness
and correct transformation logic, ensures data quality, and provides regression testing of up to 100% of all data.
QuerySurge™ has five different modules:

1) Design Library
Use the QuerySurge™ ‘Design Library’ tools to create collections of powerful tests across your data warehouse
❑ Create test QueryPairs between any two points (Source, Staging, Data Warehouse, Data Mart) in your
❑ See query history for all your queries
❑ Run QueryPair executions as you build queries to ensure they produce the required results
❑ Make your design flexible with Reusable Query Snippets - libraries of query fragments that you can use
to modularize your queries, helping to speed up the process of bulk QueryPair updates.
❑ Run the Query Wizard, which provides information for (1) row count compares, (2) full table compares,
and (3) column compares without writing any SQL code.

2) Scheduling
Schedule your tests for a specific time, day, or location, or run tests when an event, like an ETL process,
completes, for maximum productivity.
❑ Mix-and-match test QueryPairs in QuerySurge™ Test Suites to meet specific project execution goals
❑ Build groups of QuerySurge™ Test Suites to test specific mappings, ETL logic, or data warehouse sources
❑ Build QuerySurge™ Scenarios for scheduling your execution runs at specific dates and times
❑ Use the execution API for event-based scheduling

3) Run Dashboard
Visualize and track the real-time progress of your running Scenarios on the QuerySurge™ ‘Run Dashboard’. A
graphical display helps you follow the flow of your queries, and you can drill-down to see test details and
data failures.
❑ View query execution progress live via graphical run-status displays
❑ Drill-down into data as QuerySurge™ executes to examine results as they become available during
❑ See real-time statistics for each QueryPair executed and the Scenario execution as a whole
❑ Alert your team about the status of executions via custom email notifications
❑ Export detailed results in Excel, CSV, or XML formats to share with team members and other project
© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
4) Reporting
Get a comprehensive audit and share detailed results with others. Use QuerySurge™ reports to share both high-
level and detailed views of your testing with team members, managers, and business stakeholders.
❑ Choose from a wide selection of configurable reports within the QuerySurge™ ‘Reporting Center’
❑ Built-in reports range from high-level summary reports to lower-level detailed reports with a complete
audit trail of test modifications
❑ Configure reports for specific date ranges, asset types, or specific executions to get a view into the
results that you need
❑ Export your reports as Excel or PDF files to share within your organization or to archive for future audit

5) Administration
The administration module provides access to the control features of your QuerySurge™ installation. Here, you
can create and manage user profiles, database connections, Agent configuration, data archiving, and automated
email notification options.
❑ Create and manage QuerySurge™ users and Agents
❑ Manage QuerySurge™ data storage with the included storage tools
❑ Create and manage connections to source and target data stores
❑ View QuerySurge™ server information, including configuration settings and application licensing details
❑ Create automated email notifications to send results to your team at the end of a test run

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Important Terms

A pair of SQL queries with one query that retrieves data from a source file or database and
another SQL query that retrieves data from a target database, data warehouse, or data mart.

Performs the actual query tasks. Agents execute queries against source and target data stores and returns
the results to the QuerySurge™ database.

Design-Time Run
Allows you to execute a QueryPair test to make sure that it behaves as expected. This is not intended for
actual test execution purposes.

Query Snippet
A reusable piece of SQL code that can be embedded in one or more queries. The purpose of a Snippet is to
minimize the number manual changes needed in different SQL calls when they contain the same code.

Test Suite
A collection of QueryPairs used for execution. This feature allows you to group your QueryPairs by execution
purpose, independent of your ‘Design Library’ organization.

A collection of Suites that are scheduled for execution.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Query Wizard
A tool that allows you to generate QueryPairs automatically, requiring no SQL coding. It is a fast and easy
way to create QueryPairs for both manual testers who do not have SQL skills and testers who are skilled at
SQL and want to speed up test authoring. The Query Wizard generates tests that can cover about 80% of all
data in a data warehouse automatically. 1

Project Widgets give you a real-time view into your project progress at all levels, from QueryPair
development to execution and results.

Command Line Integration

Provides you with the ability to schedule Test Suites to run using Windows Task Scheduler or integrate with a
continuous build system.

A recent poll conducted by RTTS on targeted LinkedIn groups found that 80% of columns in data warehouse tables have no transformations.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
QuickStart Guide

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Getting up to speed with QuerySurge™

In addition to this guide, we recommend the following for getting up to speed with QuerySurge:

• Complete the QuerySurge tutorial: QuerySurge Tutorial (Included with QuerySurge installation)
• View webinar and event recordings: QuerySurge Webinars and Events
• Utilize the QuerySurge Knowledge base: QuerySurge Knowledge Base
• Get certified in QuerySurge: QuerySurge Certification programs

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
First and Subsequent Logins to QuerySurge

Upon QuerySurge installation, a project administrative user has been created for you, or an Administrator has already
provided you with your own login credentials.

Note: If you have already logged into QuerySurge, this section will provide a review

1. On the installation machine, launch a supported browser (Click here for supported browsers)
2. In the URL field type ‘http://localhost/QuerySurge/’
3. QuerySurge will launch.

4. If your QuerySurge install is local, enter your credentials or use the credentials admin/admin. If you are
using a Cloud trial, use the credentials clouduser/clouduser. Click Login.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Creating connections to your systems

When you create a QuerySurge Connection, the Connection Wizard will guide you through the process. Different
types of QuerySurge connections require different types of information.

For connections that the Connection Wizard does not handle explicitly, you can set up a connection using
QuerySurge’s Connection Extensibility feature. Typically, you will need the following information (check with a DBA
or other knowledgeable resource in your organization, or consult JDBC driver documentation); the details depend on
the Connection you plan to set up:

• JDBC Driver Class

• JDBC Connection URL (which may contain some of the common items below)
o Server Name or IP address of the Server (e.g., or
o The port for your database
• Database login credentials (Username and Password)

Document links to configuring the most common connections

• Connecting to Oracle
• Connecting to SQL Server
• Connecting to IBM DB2
• Connecting to Excel
• Connecting to XML files
• Connecting to Delimited flat files
• Connecting to Teradata
• Connecting to all others

Launch the Connection Wizard

1. Log into QuerySurge as an Admin user.

2. To configure a Connection, select Configuration > Connection in the Administrative View tree (at the left).
3. Click on the Add button at the bottom left of the page to launch the Connection Wizard.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
4. Click the Next button.
5. Provide a name for your connection in the Connection Name field.
6. Select your Data Source from the dropdown

Note: The required JDBC driver may not be bundled with QuerySurge, so you will need to install the driver on your
Agent(s). See Adding a JDBC Driver to your QuerySurge Agent in the knowledge base for instructions.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
7. Provide the appropriate Driver Class for the JDBC driver you are using.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
8. Provide the connection information to your database. This includes the Connection URL (which may contain
the Server name or IP address and the port), the login credentials, and an optional Test Query that will run to
verify the Connection details.
9. Click the Next button.
10. Click the Test Connection button if you entered a Test Query.

Note: You must have an Agent running with the driver for this Connection deployed to all agents or your test connection
may fail.

11. Click the Save button.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Congratulations! You’ve created a QuerySurge Connection

Note: You must have an Agent running with the driver for this Connection deployed to all agents or your test connection
may fail.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Additional Get Started Topics
QuerySurge™ Email Notifications

QuerySurge's notification feature allows users to create custom email notifications that will be automatically generated
when certain criteria are met. These notifications are highly customizable and can be adjusted to apply to a wide range
of situations. Click here to get started with Email Notifications

QuerySurge™ API

The QuerySurge™ API provides users with the ability to control multiple services from the command line and automate
them through scripts. Click here to get started with QuerySurge Base API

Creating and Editing QuerySurge Users

QuerySurge provides the ability to create and edit users within the built-in global administration portal. To launch the
portal, click here. (For trials, use credentials gadmin/admin). Click here to get started with creating and editing
QuerySurge users

How to Edit Your User Profile

QuerySurge allows logged-in users to edit their general profile and security settings. Click here to get started with editing
your user profile

QuerySurge Recurring Schedules

QuerySurge has always had the concept of scheduling. Users were able to create a Scenario with the option of executing
the Scenario immediately or choosing a future date and time for the Scenario to run. With the release of QuerySurge
9.2, we've introduced the concept of Recurring Schedules. Users can now create Scenarios that execute on a recurring
basis, which had previously only been achievable with external scripting tools via our APIs. Click here to get started with
creating a recurring schedule

QuerySurge Data Staging Feature

QuerySurge users may need to stage external data in QuerySurge to use the data during test execution. Click here to get
started with data staging

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
Troubleshooting Common Issues

Below are the most common issues that users see when performing a trial. If you have an issue that is not listed here,
feel free to utilize the QuerySurge knowledge base, or contact us directly.

Issue # Issue Summary

Issue 1 QueryPairs are not running or get stuck on ‘LOADING’

Issue 2 “Driver class not found” error when testing connection

Issue 3 “SQL Server with Windows Authentication” error when testing


Issue 4 “Data types do not match” error

Issue 1:

QueryPairs are not running or get stuck on ‘LOADING’

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050

• If a QueryPair or Scenario is not running, it is most likely unable to find an available Agent. A QuerySurge™
Agent is responsible for establishing contact with your connections and executing queries. If all your Agents
are busy or unavailable, your QueryPairs will not run and will wait for an Agent to become available.
• To check if an Agent is available:
o Hover over the ‘Agent Status’ icon in the bottom panel to see a quick view of the Agents’ status

o Click on the ‘Agent Status’ icon in the bottom panel within QuerySurge™ to bring up the ‘Agent
Activity’ window
o Click on the ‘Administration’ menu then choose ‘View Agents’ to open the Agents grid
o Agent Status Icons:

Description Icons

No Agent(s) online.

Agent icon appears gray

on bottom when offline.
Idle Agent(s).

Agent icon appears yellow

on bottom when idle.
Agent(s) Executing Scenario
or ‘Design-Time Run’.

Agent icon appears red on

bottom when busy.

Issue 2:

“Driver class not found” error when testing a connection

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050

• This message will usually be shown if the JDBC driver is not installed or installed incorrectly. See the
document below for documentation on installing drivers:
o Adding a JDBC Driver to a QuerySurge Agent on Windows
o Adding a JDBC Driver to a QuerySurge Agent on Linux

Issue 3:

“SQL Server with Windows Authentication” error when testing connection


• This following article describes the setup for SQL Server Windows Authentication for non-Azure SQL Server
o Setup for SQL Server Windows Authentication

Issue 4:

“Data types do not match” error


• If the data types of the source and target columns do not match, QuerySurge™ will return an error. This
error message should display which columns are affected. This is especially common in situations where the
source and target connections use different database technologies. To resolve this, you will need to cast

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
your columns in either your source query or target query to match its corresponding column. For more
information on casting, please refer to the documentation for the specific database technologies that you
are using.

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050
About RTTS (developers of QuerySurge™)

RTTS is the premier professional services organization that specializes in

providing software quality for critical business applications. We offer the most
comprehensive suite of quality assurance services, and we've helped 400+
organizations drive positive results from their software development projects.

RTTS was founded in 1996, and has cultivated partnerships with the world's leading test tool vendors, including IBM, Microsoft, and
HP. We are headquartered in New York, NY and our satellite locations are in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Phoenix. Many of our
consulting and education services are also offered through the cloud, so that no matter where you are, RTTS will ensure application
functionality, performance, scalability, and security for your organization. For more information, please visit

About QuerySurgeTM

RTTS’ team of test experts developed QuerySurge™ ( to address the unique testing needs in the data
warehousing and data migration spaces. It has been implemented on projects ranging
from large data warehousing and ETL processes to data migrations, database upgrades,
integration testing, data load testing and system patch testing.

QuerySurge™ is the only automated software tool built specifically for ETL testing. It can
verify as much as 100% of all data from source systems, through the ETL process, to the
target data warehouse and data marts. QuerySurge™ has increased test coverage and
reduced test cycle time for numerous Fortune 500 organizations, helping them to
mitigate risk and meet business requirements. For more information, please visit

Click here to contact us

for more information

© 2022 Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc.
22 West 38th Street, 11th Floor • New York, NY 10018 • (212) 240-9050

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