English Assignment 2023

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A. Pears & Shields (2019, p. 245) stated that the act of reinstating someone else's ideas

or thoughts in your own words is known as paraphrasing. Also, it said that we must
always cite our source when paraphrasing.

B. According to Cambridge Online Dictionary (2022) "to state something written or

spoken in different words, especially in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning
clearer" is the meaning of the word "paraphrasing".

C. Based on Gahan & Caulfield (2022) putting another person's ideas into your own
words is called paraphrasing. Summarizing a source includes changing the phrasing
while at the same time safeguarding the first significance.

A. As reported by Freedman (n.d) summing up a message, or refining its fundamental
ideas into a section or two, is a helpful report instrument as well as great composing

B. As stated to the source "Summarizing" (2023) that summarizing is thought to be the

process of distilling information from a longer chapter, theory, or article into a shorter
version that includes all of the main points and facts.

C. According to the source "Academic Integrity" (2023) that summing up is the point at
which you take a more extended section, from a few sentences to a few passages or
considerably more, and repeat the fundamental primary thoughts as would be natural
for you. There are significantly fewer words in a summary than in the original source.

A. Based on the source "Synthesis in Research: Home" (2022) that a type of analysis
known as synthesis is concerned with comparison and contrast, classification, and
division. In its most basic form, synthesis entails combining two or more sources and
searching for common threads. In synthesis, you try to make your point by looking for
connections between different materials. The majority of advanced academic writing
is largely based on synthesis.

B. Referring to the source "Learn the Ropes: Synthesize Research Like a Pro" (n.d) that
combination is the joining of data in a significant manner, and it requires more than
basically setting statements from different sources into your paper. You need to
summarize the information, evaluate it, interpret it, and draw conclusions for your
readers in order to successfully synthesize your research findings.

C. As stated by the source "Synthesis: Home" (2023) that synthesis requires you to
combine all relevant ideas from your sources with your own thoughts and ideas to make
sense of them all.


"Academic Integrity". (2023). https://guides.centralpenn.edu/academicintegrity.

Cambridge Online Dictionary. (2022). Paraphrasing - an overview.


Freedman, L. (n.d). Summarizing.


Gahan & Caulfield. (2022). "How to Paraphrase | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples".

"Learn the Ropes: Synthesize Research Like a Pro". (n.d).


Pears & Shields. (2019). Paraphrasing - an overview, p. 245.


"Summarizing". (2023). https://www.vedantu.com/english/summarizing.

"Synthesis: Home". (2023). https://libguides.usu.edu/synthesizing_info.

"Synthesis in Research: Home". (2022). https://library.defiance.edu/synthesis.

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