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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Proposed Partnership Areas .................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Technical Cooperation ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.2. Capacity Building ................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3. Strategic Partnership ......................................................................................................................... 4
4. Resource Requirement............................................................................................................................... 5
5. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

1. Introduction
Though the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) government and ERC have put
remarkable effort to reach to the implementation of Mojo – Moyale Railway Project,
integrating efforts with strategic partners like Kenya is an indispensable. This partnership
would help regard the project as regional project and hence to contribute for the integrated
implementation of the LAPPSET program seamlessly.

This proposal is prepared by the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) to solidify the good
relationship with Kenyan partners LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority and Kenyan
Railway Corporation (KRC). The Idea was lighted out during the meeting with LAPSSET
Corridor Development Authority in Addis Ababa Ethiopia followed by initiation letter. The
management team in ERC has supported the proposal and showed their commitment for
the achievement.

2. Objectives
1. To harmonize planning, design, construction, operation and maintains of
sustainable railway project in two countries
2. To capacitate young Engineers in two countries in planning, Design, construction,
operation and maintenance of railway Industry
3. To harmonize the working condition for railway projects in both countries
regarding cross border issues.

3. Proposed Partnership Areas

3.1. Technical Cooperation

Since LAPSSET corridor is enormous program that integrate and benefit the whole east
Africa countries integrated regional task force of experts need to be set up and assigned
to work on: -

 Integrating the preliminary Engineering design and feasibility study report Mojo -
Moyale Railway project in Ethiopia and Mayale-Lamu Railway project in Kenya
which have been carried out separately by each country;

 Forging a strategic framework for the future cooperation and the way forward
regarding railway transport;

 Identifying and working on feasibility study and preliminary Engineering Design

on other possible regional projects on the LAPSSET Corridor;

 Working on logistic and investment frame work for the whole corridor.

3.2. Capacity Building

As the modern railways sector is in continuous dynamics, our countries have to

strengthen their human resources’ capacity with the recent technological
improvements. Moreover, both countries must have sufficient and knowledgeable
human resource to design, construct, operate and maintain their railway network
infrastructure and services with the state of art. In line with this, ERC proposes to
partner with LAPSSET Corridor Authority and KRC in: -

 Facilitating access for Kenyan Engineers to peruse their Masters and Phd studies
in Ethiopia in African Railway Education and Research Institute (ARERI, AAU, etc);

 Facilitating on-Job training for Kenyan railway operations staff in the Addis Ababa
Light Rail Transit(AALRT) and Addis Ababa- Djibouti Railways;

 Coordinating experience sharing visit to Kenya Railway Corporation(KRC) officials

and experts in undergoing railway projects and railway operation platforms;

 Providing short course programs to Kenyan Railway Engineers, Managers, and

Experts in railway projects formulation, project financing, project management
and contract administration in the Ethiopian Railway Academy;

 Arranging similar access to Ethiopian Railway officials, experts, and staff in the
Kenyan Railways.

3.3. Strategic Partnership

Since Ethiopian and Kenya share the biggest border line to having strategic partnership is
essential in planning, design and implementation of any project in the future.

4. Resource Requirement
In order to provide qualified sustainable and seamless services the joint team needs to be
composition of well-qualified, experienced and competent personnel. At minimum, the
following professionals who have undertaken at least one relevant assignment should be
part of the study.

1. Project Manager
2. Railway signal and communication Engineer
3. Crossing Structure Engineer (Tunnel, Bridges culverts etc.…)
4. Civil Engineer – Railway background
5. Locomotives (Diesel and electric) and rolling stock (freight and passenger) Engineer
6. Railway Electrification Engineer
7. Railway Operation Expert
8. Geologist
9. Geotechnical Engineer
10. Hydrologist
11. Transport Economist
12. Environmental Expert
13. Transaction Advisory expert familiar with PPP and DBOT

From the Ethiopian Railways Corporation, the following seasoned professionals, who have
performed remarkably in ERC, had been proposed.

No. Profession Name

1 Project Manager Ashenafi Wondimu ( Water

Resource Engineering
2 Transport Engineer Daniel H/Michael (M.Sc in transport
Engineering, B.Sc in Civil Engineering )

3 Geotechnical Engineer Addisu Kebede (B.SC in Civil


4 Social Expert Abreham Terefe (Sociologist)

5 Environmental Expert Tadele Dagafu (M.Sc Environmental
6 Bridge, Tunnel and Structures Nigisti Mergaya (M.Sc in Railway design
Expert and construction)
7 Hydrologist
8 Financial Annalists

9 Locomotive (diesel and Electric)

and rolling stock (freight and
10 Railway Electrification Kumneger Hussen (M.Sc) in Railway
11 Railway Operation Expert Yeshiwond Molla (M.Sc) Railway
12 Railway Signal and Communication Ababe Teklu (M.Sc in Railway Electrical
Engineer Engineer)
13 Route Selection Engineer

5. Conclusion
 The cooperation between ERC with Kenyan partners like LAPSSET Corridor
and Kenyan Railway Corporation is essential for harmonized implementation
design, Construction, operation and maintenance of sustainable railway
network between two friendly countries.
 The partnership will help to build local capacity in both countries that can
execute regional railway projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and beyond.

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