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LAB # 1

COURSE ID: 111686

DATE: 2-3-23
1.Remote Health Monitoring System for COVID-19 Patients in

Problem: Our world today is fighting against a global enemy, Coronavirus disease

(Covid-19). The virus which causes Covid-19 transmits via droplets produced by an
infected person sneezing, coughing, or exhaling. If you are a healthcare worker or a
caregiver, you are at risk of catching the virus as you will be in close contact with the
patient. This is where the Remote patient monitoring or RPM IoT project idea finds its
application. RPM is a way of gathering medical data outside conventional healthcare
facilities. But it is not easy for all to set up an advanced Remote Patient Monitoring
system at home. And this IoT-based health monitoring system aims to provide an
affordable solution.  

Solution: This is a cost-effective and easy-to-build automated RPM system. The device

requires the person to stand near the non-contact temperature sensor. The caregiver or
the medical personnel presses the start button, and the device will collect and log the
measurements such as blood pressure, heartbeat, etc. (including date and time) into
Google sheets. Additionally, it can relay data to doctors, allowing for remote monitoring.
2.Wrong Posture Muscle Strain Detector 

Problem: Bad posture is an epidemic that affects millions of people. And it isn't as

essential or unimportant as some portray it to be. Poor posture leads to long-term
emotional and physical health problems.

Solution: This system can measure the limits of muscle stretchability and any strain
created by it. It generates an alert if the strain exceeds the set threshold mark (to
prevent further damage). The unit also saves the captured data on a smartphone by
linking in real-time via Bluetooth.

 3.Find Out When Someone Takes Your Stuff – IoT Home Security 

Problem: We have all fallen victim to thieveries at least once. It could be due to your
valuable items being left unattended, or it could be due to a break-in at your house.
Losing treasured items can be very infuriating to anyone. Wouldn’t it be great if we got
notified when someone tried to move our things from where we kept them?

Solution: This Arduino-based IoT project aims to solve the problem of losing your
valuable items in the hands of a thief. All you need is Arduino Uno, WiFi Shield 2 for
Arduino, relay, force sensor, resistor, jumper wires, warning light, and electric horn. You
need to keep the valuable item on top of the force sensor and set the threshold value for
the sensor. The system will make sound and light alerts when we pick up the asset.
Also, it will send a Gmail notification to you saying that someone lifted your item.

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