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My future profession - an architect

I. Why did you decide to become an architect?

II. Read the following words using transcription from the dictionary and pay attention to
the stress:

designing, architect, convenient, sufficient, knowledge, cumulative, engaged, urban,

rural, gridiron, radial, client, plumbing, supply, estimated, achievement.

III. Choose the proper English word:

быть задействованным a) to find b) to be engaged c) to interconnect

водопровод a) building b) plumbing c) supplying
внешний вид a) interior b)exterior c) decoration
снабжение a) property b) supply c) stability
потребность a) requirement b) exterior c)settlement
населенный пункт a) building b) knowledge c)settlement
удобныйa) cumulative b) convenient c) different
городскойa) rural b) urban c) street
достижениеa) rule b) requirement c) achievement
простота a) possibility b) simplicity c) technology

IV. Read and translate text.

The need for shelter is one of the most fundamental requirements of existence.
Architecture deals with designing and planning buildings. A man who designs buildings
is called an architect. He makes buildings beautiful, useful and convenient to live in.
An architect today must be an engineer too. Therefore architects must have sufficient
knowledge of engineering and of building materials to create strong and practical structures. In
their work architects use the cumulative knowledge of centuries. Modern architects and builders
design and construct new houses with attractive exterior and convenient to live in, as well as are
engaged in planning of urban and rural settlements. By town planning an architect must take
into consideration different street patterns: gridiron, radial, ring and functional.
The first and foremost aspect of this profession is translating the ideas generated by the
clients into a reality. It is making their dream come true. Apart from interior decoration and
exterior designing, an architect must know rules and regulations for construction of a building.
He must also plan out the plumbing needs, electrical supply, and many other aspects related to
the site. All these must be made within the estimated budget of his client.
Modern architecture is characterized by simplicity of line and design. Great possibilities
are open to modern architects and builders by using present-day achievements in science and
technology. Modern houses, as well as office buildings, must be planned so as to be convenient
to live and work comfortably.
Becoming an architect is no doubt a very satisfying and most rewarding career.


sufficient – достаточный
cumulative knowledge of centuries – накопленные веками знания
to be engaged in – быть задействованным
street patterns – модели улиц
foremost – самый главный
plumbing – водопровод
supply – снабжение
site – рабочий объект
estimated budget –предполагаемый бюджет

V. Complete the sentences:

1. Architecture deals with designing and planning …
a) cars
b) buildings
c) devices

2. A man who designs buildings is called an ...

a) bricklayer
b) carpenter
c) architect

3. In their work architects use ...

a) estimated budget
b) the cumulative knowledge of centuries
c) exterior

4. Great possibilities are open to modern architects by using the present-day

achievements ...
a) in philosophy
b) in medicine
c) in science and technology

5. Modern architects and builders design and construct new houses with attractive
exterior and convenient to live in, as well as are engaged in planning of urban and rural.....
a) construction
b) settlements
c) street patterns

VI. Find in text English equivalents of Russian word combinations:

Привлекательный внешний вид, потребность в убежище, проектирование зданий,

основная потребность, жизненная потребность, простота линий, достаточное количество
знаний, строительный материал, накопленные веками знания, городское поселение,
схема улиц, воплощение идей, практичная структура, электроснабжение, огромные
возможности, внутренняя отделка, иметь дело с, профессия, приносящая

VII. Say if the following statements are true or false, if the statements are wrong, make
the necessary corrections:
1. The need for shelter is one of the most fundamental requirements of existence.
2. A man who designs buildings is called a builder.
3. Architects have no need to know about building materials to create strong and
practical structures.
4. Architects use the cumulative knowledge of centuries in their work.
5. Modern architects and builders design and construct only houses with attractive
look and convenient to live in.
6. The architect must plan out the plumbing needs, electrical supply of a building.
7. There is only one street pattern in town planning.
8. Modern houses must be planned so as to be convenient to live.
9. Becoming an architect is no doubt a very boring career.

VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most fundamental requirement of existence?

2. What does architecture deal with?
3. What does an architect deal with?
4. What knowledge must an architect have and use in his work?
5. What is the architect's work?
6. What possibilities are open to modern architects and builders?
7. What do buildings reflect?
8. What will architects enjoy?
9. Why is becoming an architect a very satisfying and the most rewarding

IX. Put questions to the words in bold type and answer them:

1. The architect makes buildings beautiful, useful and convenient to live in. 2. The
earliest examples of architectural skills are found in Egypt. 3. Later on people learned to make
primitive dwellings. 4. Architecture is connected with the history of social progress, culture of
the life of the people.

X. Replace the underlined words with the words below.

a) deal with, b) drawing, c) restore, d) enable, e) site, f) implement, g) occupy, h)

supervision, i) relate to, j) comply.
1. They have chosen to dwell in a flat-roofed house. 2. There is a business reason to
renovate old building. 3. All buildings in the area were designed to make possible for architects
to perform easy and rapid reconfiguration of interior spaces in accordance with the user's
concrete requirements. 4. His sketch of the structure was very good.5. The designers decided to
put partly that plan into effect. 6. Architecture career is connected with imagination and
flexibility of the mind. 7. The construction teams have begun excavating the construction area
in order to connect underground services. 8. Landscape architect jobs concern the style of land
upon which our homes and companies are placed. 9. The money will be spent under the
committee's guidance. 10. Residential construction practices, technologies, and resources must
conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice.
XI. Read and translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the
meaning and use of the Modal Verbs and their equivalents.

1. Architects may work on a variety of projects. 2. The architect has to consider what
kind of design the building should have in relation to the site. 3. They will be allowed to begin
work inside the house when the outer shell is complete. 4. Architects must design structures that
satisfy their clients' needs while conforming to the laws and regulations of the areas in which
the structures will be built. 5. All construction preparations may have been completed last
week. 6. The architect must consider the climate, the surrounding buildings, and the slope of the
site. 7. The Ancient Greek style of architecture could be clearly seen in the Roman arches that
they constructed with significance placed on key elements. 8. He can't have finished that job
yesterday. 9. The architect might have to revise the plans to meet the client's expectations. 10.
The consulting engineers are of the opinion that a steel frame ought to be used in the interests
of the speed of construction.

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