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Class X

Holiday Home-Work
Geography Worksheet.

Note: Worksheet has to be done in the notebook.

Answer the following questions:
1. Which of the following was not an objective of Agenda 21:
a. Poverty c. Unemployment
b. Disease d. Environment Damage
2. Which of the following species has not been given full or partial legal protection
against hunting and trade:
a. Indian Elephant c. Great Indian Bustard
b. Black Buck d. Wild Indian Ass
3. Identify the correct reason for the following given statement:
“Land use data is available only for 93% of total geographical area in India.
a. There is no statistical department to collect data in the north-eastern states of
b. Some areas of Jammu & Kashmir and China have not been surveyed.
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above.
4. Read the statement given below and choose the correct option:
A. Assertion- Arid soils lack moisture.
R. Reason- The kankar layer inhibits the seepage of water in the bottom horizons.
a. A & R are correct. R is the correct explanation of A.
b. A is correct but R is false is correct.
c. A is false but R is correct.
d. Both A & R are false.
5. Match the following:
Column A Column B
1. Most valuable forest a. Protected Forest
2. Waste lands b. Unclassed Forest
3. One third of the total forest area c. Reserved Forest
d. Permanent Forest
6. Prepare a Mind Map on any one soil type found in India.
7. Explain Chipko Movement.
8. Discuss the complex processes of resource planning in India.
9. Write the steps taken by the government in order to conserve flora and fauna in India.

Q1. Which one of the following languages was declared as the official
language of Sri Lanka by an act passed in 1956?
a) Tamil b) Sinhala c) Hindi d) English
Q2. What percentage of the population of Belgium lives in the Flemish
a) 40% b) 80% c) 59% d) 70%
Q3. Name the continent in which Belgium lies
a) Asia b) Europe c) Africa d) none of the above
Q4. The headquarters of the European union are in __________.
a) America b) Brussels c) France d) Germany
Q5. Which government is also known as government of checks and balances?
a) Horizontal b) Vertical c) among different social groups d) among different
political parties
Q6. Which government is responsible for preservation of educational and
cultural rights in Belgium?
a) central b) state c) local d) community
Q7. Belgium amended the constitution ________ times in order to prepare
Belgian model of power sharing .
a) two b) three c) four d) five
Q8. Germans constitute ________ of Belgian population.
a) 1% b) 2% c) 3% d) 4%
Q9. Define ‘Majoritarianism’.
Q10. Define ‘ethnic’ and ‘coalition’ government.

Q1. The Treaty of Constantinople was signed in _________.

a) 1831 b) 1832 c) 1833 d) 1834

Q2. Who formed Young Italy and Young Europe societies ?

a) Mazzini b) Herder c) Louis Philippe d) Metternich

Q3. Who was the chancellor of Austria ?

a) Duke Metternich b) Mazzini c) Bismarck d) Cavour

Q4. Pick out the odd one out from the following regarding unification of
Italy .
a) Mazzini b) Duke Metternich c) Cavour d) Victor Emmanuel II

Q5. Who was the architect of German unification ?

a) Otto Van Bismarck b) Metternich c) Cavour d) Garibaldi

Q6. Who was declared emperor of unified Germany?

a) Kaiser William I b) Cavour c) Bismarck d) Garibaldi

Q7. Who was the Emperor of unified Italy ?

a) Bismarck b) Victor Emmanuel II c) Cavour d) Mazzini

Q8. What was the main objective of the Treaty of Vienna?

Q9. What was the unit of measuring cloth in Germany ?
a) Elle b) metre c) inch d) centimetres
Q10. Who said this-
“When France sneezes ,rest of Europe catches cold.”
a) Mazzini b) Cavour c) Duke Metternich d) Bismarck

Q.1 Which is the most common method of measuring economic development?

A. Profit loss
B. Income
C. Sales
D. Import-export
Q.2 Define Average income
Q.3  If women are engaged in paid work, what difference does it make?
A. Their dignity in the household and society decreases
B. No difference
C. No dignity
D. their dignity in the household and society increases
Q.4 Mention any two limitations of per capita income as an indicator of
Q.5 What may be development for one may not be development for the other.” Explain
with a suitable example


Q.1 Mention any two developmental goals of a landless rural labourer.

Q.2 Why is the total income of countries not used to make comparisons between them?
Q.3 What is the main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries?
Q.4 What is the advantage of per capita income? Mention any one.
Q.5 Which of the following statements about money are true?
a) Money cannot buy you a pollution-free environment.
b) Money cannot ensure that you get unadulterated medicines.
c) Money may also not be able to protect you from infectious diseases.
d) All of the above.

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