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DE LUYEN THI VAO LOP 10 MON : TIENG ANH ERC ENSUE I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: (8.0 points) (ID : €2755) Mark the letter Aj B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Avenjoyed B. invited lasted D. decided Question 2:A. bread B. heat C.mgan D. teach (ID : 2756) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the Question other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3:A. decide B. receive C. enter D. become Question 4:A. parenting B. happiness C. comfortable D. successful (ID : 2757) Mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 5:After the match, he admitted thathe has played badly. A. After 1B. admitted C. has played D. badly Question 6;The cake looks delicious, but it is too hot for me to eat it A. looks B. but C. too hot D. eatiit Question 7:Small classes offer better educational opportunities than large one A, Small classes B. better C. opportunities _D. large one (ID : €2758) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 8:"Tom is late again? “I wish he on time more often,” A. will be B. were . hasbeen D. are Question 9: When we heard the news, we were A delighting 8, delightful . delighted D. delight Question 10:If rice paddies are polluted, rice plants A. will die B. would die ©. won't die D. wouldn't die Question I1:Are all the students used ___their summer vacation in the countryside? ‘A. to spend B. spend to spending D. spending Question 12:Duc Hai seems to be well-qualified __the last position. Ain B. by C. for D. of y — H6a - Sinh — Van - Anh Question 13:Dessert is any sweet food eaten at end of a meal Ax B. the Ga D. an Question 14:1 can’t remember ___ time I have spent on this homework A. how many B. how much C. how often D. how long Question 15: bad weather, they tried to get to school on time. AcIn spite of B. Because C. Accordingto ——_-D. Though Question 16: Could you lend me some money to me over to the end of the month? Achand Bitide C. get D, take (ID : €2759) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 17:"I suggest we go on a picnic on the other side of the river.” Act's a nice day! B. Have a good trip. C. Great idea! D. Congratulations! Question 18: That’s a beautiful drawing,” --“ A. It’s very kind of you to say so! B. Congratulations! CIs nice of you! D. Well done! (ID : €2760) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions, Question 19:Maths andEnglish are compulsry subjects on this course Av effective 'B. required separated D. difficult Question 20: I think he lost heart after losing the first game A. felt disappointed B. felt nervous felt very worried —D. felt very sad (ID : e2761 ) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 21:The UFO stayed in the sky for about thirty seconds, and then it wemt away. ‘A. disappeared B. appeared C. vanished 1D. tumed up Question 22:We spent an enjoyable evening boating in the river. Acunpleasant B. boring . comfortable D. nice (ID : €2762) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet t0 indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. THE STAR There are millions of stars in the sky. If you look (23) the sky on a clear night, itis possible to see about 3000 stars, They look small, but they are really (24) big hot balls of buming gas. Some of them are huge, but others are much smaller, like our planet Earth, The biggest stars are very bright, but they only live for a short time, Every day, new stars are born (25)__old stars die, All the stars are very far away. The light from the nearest star takes more (26) four years to reach the Earth. Hundreds of Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! years ago, people used stars, like the North Star, to know which (27), to travel in, Today you can still see that star. Question 23: A. at Bo up Con D.to Question 24: A. very B. too C. much D. so Question 25: A. but B. so Cand D.or vestion 26: A. that B.of C. over D. than Question 27: A. direct B. direction C. director D. directed (ID : €2763 ) Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or, Doon your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Ainsley Harriott ve always been a bit of an entertainer and played the funny man. I was a part-time comedian for years, so I learned how to stand in front of audiences. It made me sure of myself. I like being liked and I love making everyone smile ve lived in London all my life and have just moved to a larger house with my wife Clare and our two children, Jimmy and Madeleine. We spend a lot of time just singing and dancing around the house, 1 grew up with music because my dad is the pianist, Chester Harriott — who's Il playing, by the way. My working day is divided between television and writing cook books, though TV takes most of my time, I spend about five days, fortnight working on the cooking programmes I appear in, I eat all sorts of things at home but I only buy quality food. When I'm cooking, I experiment with whatever is in the fridge ~ it’s good practice for my TV series. I'm a football fan and enjoy going to matches, but I’m home-loving person really. 1 don’t like going to the pub but we do go out to eat about twice a month. There’s nothing better than a night at home playing with the children, I rarely go to bed before midnight. Late evening is when fresh thoughts on cooking usually come to me, so I often write or plan my programmes then. When I eventually go to bed, I have no trouble sleeping! Question 28:What is the, 7s main purpose in writing the text? A. to describe howhiellives B. to say what makes him laugh C. to talk about his cooking ideas 1D. to explain how he started in TV Question 29:What would a reader learn about Ainsley from the text? A. He isa very good musician B. He likes to plan the family meals C. He is nervous about performing on stage D. He enjoys spending time with his family Question 30:What does the writer say about himself? A. He loves going out and meeting people. B. He is very similar to his father. C. He enjoys being popular D, He should go to bed earlier. Question 31:What does he say about his working life? Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! A, He would like to appear less on TV. B, He gets his best ideas at certain times C. He prefers being a comedian D. He should practise cooking more. Question 32:The word “home-loving” means, A. fond of going out 8. fond of staying at home C. fond of spending time with IL WRITING: (2points) (ID : €2764 ) Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with nds D. fond of cooking, the given words or using suggestions: Question 33: “Did.you eat chocolates?” Maria said to Peter. =>Maria asked Question 34: This is the first time I have ever met such a beautiful girl =>She Question 35: They began living in this house for 12 months =>They have .estion 36: People speak English in almost every corner of the world =>English (ID : €2765) Combine two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways. Question 37: The footballer has been banned from playing again, He took drugs. (who) Question 38:The man wanted to get some fresh air in the room, He opened the window, (order) Question 39: Mike graduated with a good degree, However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed.(Although) => Question 40: She didn’t know the whole story. She was angry. (known) => THE END—~ Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! HUONG DAN GIAI CHI TIET Thye hign: Ban Chuyén mén Tuyensinh247.com Question 1 A Question 11] C | Question 21 D | Question 31 B Question 2 A Question 12 | C | Question 22 B | Question32 | B Question 3 Cc Question 13 |B | Question 23 A | Question 33 Question 4 D Question 147) | B | Question24 | A | Question 34 Question 5 Cc Question 15 [A | Question 25 ©) Question 35 ‘Question 6 D Question 16 | B | Question 26 D | Question 36 ‘Question 7 D Question 17 | C | Question 27 B | Question 37 ‘Question 8 B Question 18 [A | Question 28 A | Question 38 ‘Question 9 Cc Question 19 | B | Question 29 D | Question 39 Question 10) A Question 20 | A | Question 30 © | Question 40 Question 33. if Peter had eaten chocolates Question 34. is the most beautiful gir! I have ever met. Question 35. lived in this house for 12 months Question 36. is spoken in almost evety/comer of the world, Question 37. The footballer who took drugs has been banned from playing again Question 38. The man opened the window in order to get some fresh air in the room. Question 39. Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of the unemployed Question 40. The whole story was not known by her, so she was angry. Question 1. A Kién thire: Cach phat am du Giai thieh: Budi /ed/ duoc phat am-1a/7U.!Khi dong tir 6 phat am két tha 1a /s/, lp, If? Af) /kI va nhiing dong tir e6 ied” tir phat am @uéi la “s”. E.g: watched, washed... ‘Dui /ed/ duoe phat am la /id/: Khi dng tir c6 phat am két thie la /t/ hay /d/. E.g:wanted, needed, Dui /ed/ duoc phat am 1a /d/ véi nhiing trudng hop cén lai enjoyed /in'dgoid/ lasted /la:stid/ invited /in'vartid! decided /dr’sardid/ Phin gach chn cia dip an A duge phat am 1a /d/, c6n Lai phat am 1a /rd/ Chon A Question 2. A Truy cp trang htt GDCD tt nha thite: Cach phat am “ea” Giai thich: bread /bred/ mean /mi:n/ heat /hi:t/ teach /ti:tf! Phan gach chan ciia dap an A duge phat 4m 1a /e/, c6n lai phat am La /iv/ Chon A Question 3. C Kién thite: Trong am tis c6-hai am tiet Giai thichy decide /dr'sard/ enter /"enta(r)/ receive/n'si:v/ become /bi’kam/ Cau C 6 trong am roi vao am tiét thir 1, con lai roi vao am tiét thir 2, Chon C Question 4. D Kién thite: Trong am tir c6 3 am tiét iii thich: parenting /'peorantin/ comfortable /"kamftabl/ happiness /"heepinos! successful /sak’sesfl/ Cau D cé trong am roi vao am tiét thir 2, con lai roi vao am tiét thir 1 Chon D Question 5. C Kién thite: Cau gian tiép Giai thich: Thi hign tai hoan thanh khi chuyén sang ¢4u gin tiép duoc bién déi thanh thi qué khu-hoan than, has played =>had played ‘Tam dich: Sau tran dau, anh dy 43 thi nhan ring anh dy choi té. Chon C Question 6. D Kién thire: Cau tric “It is too + adj + for sb to do sth” Giai thich: Itis too + adj + for sb to do sth EX: This doll is too expensive for her to afford. Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! eatiit =>eat ‘Tam dich: Cai banh nay nhin thi c6 vé ngon, nhung né qua nong khién t6i khéng thé &n duge Chon D Question 7. D Kién thite: Dai tir thay thé Giai thich: Classes (cae 6p hoc) la dah tir s6 nhiéu nén dai tir thay thé cho né phai la\sé nhiéu one => ones Tam dich: Céc lop hoc nhé thudmg dura ra cae co héi hoc tap tt hon so véi céc lép hoc 1én Chon D Question 8. B Kién thite: Cau tric voi “wish” Giai thich: Cau trixe voi “wish” ding dé dién dat mét mong mudn 6 hign tai, ching ta ding cau tric S+ wish + thi qua khér Eg : I wish I knew the answer to this questio{(at present i don't know the answer) 1 wish I didn't have so much work to-do . (I do have a lot of work) Tam dich: “Tom lai muén nifa rdi” — “Ti ude cau ay dung gid hon.” Chon B Question 9. C Ki Giai thich: thite: Te loai A delighting (v): lam vui suéng delighted (Ved): vui ming B delightful (adj): tha vi D.delight (n): svi mimg Tam dich: Sati khi nghe duoc tin ttc, chiing t6i da rat vui Chon C Question 10. A Kién thire: Cau diéu kign loai I thich: Cau digu kign loai I con duge goi la cau digu kign c6 thu 6 hign tai, Dign ta digu kign cé thé xay ra 6 hign tai hode tuong la Cau trite: If + $ + V (hign tai), S + will + V (nguyén mau) 7 | Truy cap trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hge Toan — Ly — Héa — Sinh — Van — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! EX: Ifyou come into my garden, my dog will bite you If itis sunny, I will go fishing Tam dich: Néu canh dong lia bj 6 nhiém, cay lia sé chet. Chon A Question 11.C Kién thire: Cau tric “be used to + V_ing” Giai thich: Be used to + V_ing: quen.véi Viée gi ‘Tam dichs Coyphai tat ci hoc sinh déu quen véi vige dinh-ki.nghthe &’néng thén khong ? Chon C Question 12. C Kién thite: Gidi tir di kém “well-qualified” Giai thich: To be well-qualified for sth: trinh 46 phi hop cho Tam dich: Trinh d6 cia Dire Hai co ve pha hgp cho vi tri cudi cng, Chon C Question 13. B Kién thire: Cum tir Giai thich: At the end of sth: cudi cua edi gi Tam dich: Trang miéng 1a 46 ngot bat ki duoc phuc vu vao cuéi bita an. Chon B Question 14. B Kién thire: Ti hi vé sé Luong’ Git th "How much" duge ding khi ban muén héi vé sé Iuong ciia danh tir khéng dém duge. Vi chii thé ciia cau héi 1a danh tir khong dém duge nén nhang su vat nay duge do dém theo don vi nhu lit, kg, gig, nim EX: How much time do we have to finish the test? How much money did you spend? Tam dich: Téi khéng thé nhé duge t6i da 1am bai vé nha trong bao lau. Chon B Question 15, 4 Kién thite: Lién tir Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! Giai thich: A.In spite of +N: mc ké B Because: béi vi C According to: theo nhur D.Though + clause: mic dit xu, ho van 6 ging dén trudng ding gid. Question 16. B Kién thiter Phrasal verb Giai thich: Tide sb over: gitip d6 ai vuot qua giai doan khé khiin (dic bigt 1a kh6 khan vé tai chinh) ‘Tam dich: Anh cé thé cho t6i muon it tién dé giup toi vuot qua nét thang nay dugc khéng? Chon B Question 17. C Kién thire: Ng6n ngt giao tiép jai thich: “Toi dé xuat ching ta nén di da ngoai 6 phia bén kia bo song.” —“ A. That la mét ngay dep troi! C. ¥ tudng tuyét voi! B. Chic ban co mét chuyén di tat dep. D. Xin chic ming! Chon C Question 18.4 Kién thire: Ng6n ngtt giao tiép Giai thich: “Bite tranh dep qua” —“ A. Ban that t6t bung khi. n6i vay. C. Ban that tirtét B. Chute mitng! D, Lam t6t tam! Chon A Question 19. B Kién thire: Tir dong nghia Giai thich: compulsory (adj): bt budc A ceffective (adj): c6 higu qua C.separated (adj): riéng 1é B required (adj): duoc yéu clu Difficult (adj): kho khan 9 | Truy cap trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa — Sinh — Van — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! Tam dich: Toan va tiéng Anh la cac mén hoc bat bude trong khéa hoc nay. Chon B Question 20. A thire: Tir déng nghia G thich: Lose heart: nan chi A felt disappointed: that vong B felt nervous: lo ling C felt very;worriéd: rat lo Ling D.felt very sad: rat buén ‘Tam dich: Toi nghi anh éy da nan chi sau khi thua tro choi dau tién, Chon A Question 21. D Kién thire: Tir trai nghia Giai thich: Go away: bé di A. disappeared: bién mat C. vanished: bién mat B. appeared: xuat hién D. turned up: dén, xuat hién Tam dich: Bia bay 6 lai trén bau troi tam 30 gidy, va sau do roi di Chon D Question 22. B Ki Giai thich: thite: Tir trai nghia enjoyable (adj): tha vi A. unpleasant (adj): khd ebiu C. comfortable (adj) thoai mai B. boring (adj)! chan D. hice (adj): tir té Tam dich: Ching t6i di danh mét budi tdi thi vj boi thuyén trén s6ng. Chon B Question 23. A Kién thite: Phrasal verb Giai thich: Look at sth: nhin vao cai gi If you look (23) the sky on a clear night, itis possible to see about 3000 stars. Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! Tam dich: Néu ban nhin vao bau troi trong mét budi dém trong lanh, c6 thé 1a ban dang nhin vao 3000 ngéi sao, Chon A Question 24.4 Kién thire: Cach str dung “very, too, much, so” Giai th A. very: rit (+ adj) C. much: nl B. too: qua (+ adj) D, so: rat (It is s04., that: qua ... dén ndi ma) They look small, but they are really (24) big hot ballsjof burning gas ‘Tam dich: Ching tréng nho, nhung ching thyc sy 1a nhting qua bong tra cia khi ga rét lon Chon A Question 25. C Kién thite: Li Giai thich: n tir A but: nhung B.so: vi vay C.and: va D.or: hoae Every day, new stars are born (25) old stars die. Tam dich: MGi ngay déu co nhimg ngéi sao mdi duge sinh ra va cé nhitng ngéi sao cii mat di. Chon C Question 26. D Kién thite: So sanh hon Giai thich: More than ..: nhiéu hon. The light fram the nearest star takes more (26) foiir years to reach the Earth, Tam dich: Anh sang tir ng6i sao gan nhat cing phai mat nhiéu hon 4 nam dé t6i dugc Trai Dat. Chon D Question 27. B Kién thite: Ti loai Giai thich: A direct (v): huéng dn, diéu hinh C director (n): gidm dée diéu hinh B direction (n): huong Dadirected (adj): duoc dinh huéng Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! Hundreds of years ago, people used stars, like the North Star, to know which (27), to travel in. Hang trim nim trudc, loai ngudi da ding nhiing ngéi sao nhu 14 sao Bac Dau dé nhan biet Dich bai doc Co hang trigu ng6i sao trén bau trai, Néu ban nhin Ién bau trai vao mét dém tri trong, 6 thé thay khoang 3000 ngéi sao. Chung tréng nho; ihumg- chung thuc su 1a nhiing qua bong khi dét ong rat lon. Mot sé thi rat lon, nhung mét s6 khéc thi nho hon nhiéu, nhu hanh tinh Trai dat caching ta, Nhimg ngéi sao lon nhat rat sang, nhung chéing chi s6ng trong mét thoi gian ngdn. Méi ngay, nhimg ngéi sao moi duge sinh ra va nhing ng6i sao ci sé mat di, Tat ca cac ngéi sao rat xa. Anh sang tir ngéi sao gan nhat phai mat hon bén nam dé dén Trai dat. Hang tram nam trude, ngudi ta da sir dung céc ngéi sao, nhu Sao Bac Dau, dé biét nén di theo hung nao. Ngay nay ban van cé thé thay ngdi sao do. Question 28. A Kién thire: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Mue dich chinh ctia tac gia khi viét doan vin nay lagi? A. dé miéu ta cudc séng cia 6ng ay. B. dé ni vé nhiing diéu lam Gng Ay cudi C. dé néi vé nhing y tuong néu An ciia ong dy. D. dé giai thich vi sao Ong ay bat dau céng viée trén TV. Chon A Question 29. D Kién thite: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Negudi doc ¢6 thé biétiduoe diéu gi vé Ainsley sau khi doc doan, yan?” A. Ong & B. Ong Ay thich lén ké hoach cho cae bita an cua gia dinh, yy 1d mét nhac si gi C. Ong Ay lo ling vé viée biéu trén san khau. D. Ong ay yéu viée danh thai gian cing gia dinh. Thong tin: We spend a lot of time just singing and dancing around the house. ‘Tam dich: Ching ti dinh rét nhigu thoi gian chi dé hit va nhdy maa quanh nha. Chon D Question 30. C 12 | Truy cép trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Van — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! thite: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Tac gia noi gi vé ban than éng ay? A. Ong dy thich ra ngoai va gip g6 ban be. B. Ong dy rit ng, bd, C. Ong Ay thich duge néi tiéng. D. Ong dy nén di nga som ‘Thong tin: [like being liked and Tlove making everyone smile. ‘Tam dich: T6i thich dude moi ngudi yéu thich va tdi thich Lim moi ngudi cud. Chon C Question 31. B Kién thite: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Tac gia noi gi vé cudc séng céng viéc cia éng ay? A. Ong ay muon xuat hién it hon trén TV, B. Ong ay nay ra nhitng y trong déc dao vio mét khoang thai gid nhat dinh trong ngay. C. Ong Ay thich lam dién vién hai hon. D. Ong Ay nén tap nau in nhiéu han; ‘Thong tin: Late evening is when fresh thoughts on cooking usually come to me ‘Tam dich: Téi mudn 1a khi nhiing suy nghi mi mé vé ndu Sn thudng dén véi toi Chon B Question 32. B Kién thite: Doc higu Giai thich: Tir "home-loving" nghia la A. thich di ra ngoai B. thich 6 nha C. thich danh thoi gian voi ban bé D. thich ni Chon B Dich bai doc Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Vin — Anh — Sir = Dia - GDCD tot nhat! TGi da luén luGn la mot nghé si giai tri va dong vai ngudi din dng hai hude. Tdi la mot dién vién hai ban thoi gian trong nhigu nam, vi vay t6i da hoc duge cach dimg truée khan gid. N6 lam tdi chic chin vé bin than minh, Téi thich duge yéu thich va tdi thich lam cho moi ngudi mim cudi. T6i da séng 6 Luan Dén ca doi va vila méi chuyén dén mét ngéi nha lén hon véi vg t6i la Clare va hai dia con ctia ching tdi, Jimmy va Madeleine. Ching ti danh rat nhiéu thoi gian chi dé hat va nhay maa quanh nha, Téi 16n lén voi am nhac bai vi bé t6i la nghé si piano, Chester Harriott - ngudi van choi din, Ngay lam vige ciia t6i duoe phan chia gitta truyémhih va viét sich ndu an, mac dii TV chiém phamén thai gian cia Téi danh khoang nam,fgay, hai tudn lam viée dé tham gia cac chong trinh nau &n. Téi An tat ca céc loai 6 nha nhung t6i Chi mua thu phim chat Iuong. Khi t6i néu Zn, t8i thir bat cit thir gi c6 trong ta lanh - dé la cach thy hanh tot cho phim truyén hinh ciia t6i T6i 1a mot ngudi him m6 bong da va thich di xem tran déu, nhung ti that su Li nguoi yéu ngdi nha ciia h. Tdi khdng thich di dén quan ruou nhung ching t6i di an khodng hai lan mét thang. Khéng c6 gi tot hon mét dém 6 nha choi véi con cai, Toi hiém khi di ngo trude nia dém. Téi mudn 1a khi nhting suy nght méi mé vé nau An thudng dén véi tdi, vi vay t6i thudng viét hodc lén ké hoach cho cac chuong trinh cua inh khi d6, Cudi cing khi t6i di ngi, t6i khong bi khé nga! Question 33, Kién thire: Cau gidn tiép i thich: Thi qua khir don trong cu truc tiép chuyén sang cau gidn tiép bién di thanb thi qua kiir hodn thanh Cau trite: SI asked $2 if / whether $ + had + V(PII) ‘Tam dich: Marie héi Peter xem cau dy da dn s6 c6 la chua. Dap an: if Peter had eaten chocolates Question 34. Ikién tite: So sinh nhat, thi bign'tai hodn thank Giai thich: Céng thuic so sénh nhat: most + adj Thi hién tai hoan thanh ding ta hanh d6ng da xay ra trong qua khir, vin con tigp tuc 6 hién tai va co thé sé tiép tuc xay ra trong tuong lai, Céng thite: S + has / have + V(PII) Tam dich: Day 1a Lin dau tién t0i gap mot c6 gai xinh dep nhu vay. Dip s the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Question 35 Kién thite: Thi hin tai hoan thanh Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Hé Dia — GDCD tot nhat! Giai thich: Thi hién tai hodn thanh diing dé din ta hanh dng da xay ra trong qua khit, van con tiép tuc 6 hién tai va co the sé tiép tuc xay ra trong tuong lai Céng thite: S + has / have + V(PID) Tam dich: Ho bat dau song trong ngéi nha nay trong 12 thang. Dap An: lived in this house for 12 months. Question 36. Kién thire: Cau bi déng Giai thichy Cau tric cau bi déng 6 thi hién tai don: Cau chii ding: S+V+0 =>Cau bi déng: Stbe +P2 + by +O Tam dich: Moi ngudi noi tiéng Anh 6 moi noi trén thé gidi. Dép an: is spoken in almost every comer of the world Question 37. Kién thire: Ménh dé quan hé Giai thich: Dai tir quan hé "who" thay thé cho danh tir chi ngurdi "the footballer" (cdu thi bong da) Tam dich: Cau thi bong da nguéi ma da choi thudc bi cam choi lai, Dap an: The footballer who took drugs has been banned from playing again Question 38, Kién thite: Cau tric "in order to” Giai thich: in order to: dé ma Tam dich: Nguoi dan drig da mo cura sé ra dé cho khéng khi trong Linh la vao cn phong, ‘Dip An: The nian opened the window in order to get some resi air in the room. Question 39. Kién thite: Lién tir Giai thich: Although: mae da Tam dich: Mac di Mike tét nghiép v6i bing loai gidi, anh Ay vin that nghiép. Dép an: Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of the unemployed. Question 40. 15 | Truy cp trang http://tuyensinh247.com/ dé hgc Toan — Ly — Héa— Sinh — Van — Anh — Sir - Dia — GDCD t6t nhat! Kién thite: Cau bi dong Giai thich: Cau tric cau bi déng 6 thi qua khit don’ Cau chi dng: S + V_ed +0 =>Céu bi dong: S+was / were +P2 + by +O Tam dich: C6 ay da khéng biét ton b6 cau chuyén. Cé ay tire gidn, Daip dn: The whole story was not known by her, so she was angry.

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