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Quarter I, Week 1

Name of Learner: ______________________________

Grade Level: ______________________________
Section: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________

Week 1

Title: The Bounties of Allāh to Mankind

Background Information for the learners:

Do you realize how lucky you are as a learner? Allah gave you
parents to guide and protect you. He gave you friends and classmates to
be with you. Allah gave you people to guide and guard you. What do you
think are the other beautiful things Allah gave you? Are you happy you
have all these things? How do you show your gratefulness for all these
wonderful things Allah gave you?

Allāh created everything for the benefit of mankind. He created the

earth and prepared it as our dwelling place even before we were created.
He loves us so much that he made all things on this place. Because of
that, we have big responsibilities to protect the earth, our home.
Protecting our planet is a Divine Trust that our Merciful Allāh gave us.”
How then can we be responsible for the bounties Allah gave us?

1. We can protect our earth by not cutting down trees on the hills
and mountains to protect our rivers and lakes from drying up.

2. We can help maintain balance in the ecosystem. If there is

drought, our crops and plants will die because of lack of water,
and this will affect our food supply.

3. We protect the animals and birds because they are creations of

Allāh that help us live.

4. We have to protect our rivers, lakes and oceans because they are
the habitats of all kind of fishes and marine creatures which are
part of our food supply.

5. We always see to it that the air is clean to help us live longer.

All of these things around us are bounties of Allāh (swt) to

mankind. As a young Muslim, it is our duty to know that we
should always thank and appreciate Allāh (swt) for all blessing He
provided us.

Learning Competency with Code

 Demonstrate gratefulness to Allāh by appreciating His

blessing to mankind as cited in Sūraĥ-an-Naba (REMC,
Column 7, Grade VI, #1.p.42)

Activity A. Read with Love

Read Surah an-Naba with the correct tajwid. Invite your
mother or father to listen as you read. Be able to answer the
questions below.

Surah an-Naba
In the Name of Allah
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1. What are they talking (one another) about?
2. About the Great News
3. About which they are in disagreement.
4. Nay, they will come to know!
5. Nay, again, they will come to know!
6. Have We not made the earth as a bed,
7. And the mountains as pegs?
8. And We have created you in pairs (male and female, tall and short,
good and bad, etc.)
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9. And We have made your sleep as a thing for rest.
10. And We have made the night as a covering (through its darkness),
11. And We have made the day for livelihood.
12. And We have built above you seven strong (heavens).

What are the blessings sited in Surah an-Naba?

How do these blessings affect us as Muslims?

Activity B. Write and be grateful!

Write a simple essay about how grateful you are for the beautiful
things Allah gave you. Show here your love and concern for all these
blessings and share your responsibilities to protect and maintain the
blessings He gave you.

Activity C. Read and Think

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Read the story “The Bounties of Allah to Mankind”. In your
study notebook, answer the questions below to be able to know more of
how you show your appreciation to Allah’s goodness and blessings.

1. Why do you think Allah created everything?

2. Do you appreciate His bounties given to mankind?
3. How will you show that you are grateful for the blessings?
4-5. How are these blessings touch the life of a Muslim? How do those
blessings touch you?
6-7. Is protection of the earth our responsibility to demonstrate how we
appreciate His blessings? How can we protect our earth?
8-9. How do you think every Muslim live as guided by the blessings of
Allah? Are you happy with our blessings?
10. How does Allah emphasizes His love for His creations?
11-13. What do you think are the top 3 most beautiful things Allah
gave you?
14. What are the responsibilities given to you today by your
family to help protect yourself from sicknesses?
15. What are your responsibilities to your fellowmen to help them
protect the environment?

Activity D. Paint and Scribble!

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You are Allah’s precious child. You are His masterpiece.
Draw yourself or cut your picture and paste it inside the oblong at
the middle. At your sides are small circles. Draw inside those
circles all the beautiful creations of Allah you adore most. In the
squares name the things you do to demonstrate how grateful you
are to receive blessings from Allah. Enjoy your work.

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Write beautiful phrases as your expression to
thank Allah for His bountiful blessings to mankind.

References for learners:

Unit I: Reverence to Allah the Creator: Lesson 1, The
Bounties of Allah to Mankind; pp.1-6; The Divine Information
(Surah an-Naba) pp. 46-52 Islamic Values Education 6

Answer Key

Activity A.

Rubric for Phrase Reading

10 7 3 Pupil
Fluency Recites with Recites with Reciting is
good rate good rate choppy and
and and does not
intonation intonation flow;
observing about half of Does not
correct the time observe
tajwid observing correct
correct tajwid
Decoding Sounds out Attempts to Does not
unknown sounds out attempt to
words unknown sound out
successfully words unknown

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Activity B
Rubrics for Essay:

5 4 3 1
Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
Content Piece was Piece was Piece had Piece has no
written in an written in an little style or style nor
extraordinary interesting voice; gives voice; no
style and style and some new information
voice; voice; information organized
Very Somewhat but poorly
informative informative organized
and well- and well-
organized organized
Grammar & No spelling Few spelling A number of Plenty of
Spelling or or spelling or errors
grammatical grammatical grammatical
error error error
Word Accurate and A few errors some No accurate
choice vivid choice in the choice unclear choice of
of words of words words words

Activity C. Possible answers to the questions:

1. Allah created everything because of His love for mankind.
2. Yes, I appreciate all the beautiful bounties He gave to mankind.
3. I will protect all His creations from harm.
4. It made him happy knowing that Allah gave all these to mankind.
5. It made me feel thankful.
6. Yes.
7. We can protect the earth through sharing responsibilities.
8. Every Muslim should live happily and peacefully together through
Allah’s blessings.
9. Yes, I am happy with our blessings.
10. Allah emphasizes His love for his creations by making them
all excellent and important to mankind.
11. (your own choices) parents

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12. Siblings
13. The air we breath
14. Not going out to avoid infections
15. Following rules/ laws/ regulations

Date of Development August 8, 2020

Grade Level 6
Learning Area Islamic Values Education
Learning Resource Type Activity Sheets
Week of the Quarter/Grading Week 1/ Quarter 1
Learning Competency Demonstrate gratefulness to Allah
by appreciating His blessing to
mankind as cited in Surah an-
Writer Benhar V. Nasil
Teacher I
Mateo Jagmis Memorial ES
Division of Puerto Princesa City
Illustrator Irish P. Tayabas
Teacher I
Tiniguiban Elementary School
Division of Puerto Princesa City
Layout Artist/Illustrator Shiela Lampago Gabayan
Teacher III
Manuel Austria Memorial ES
Division of Puerto Princesa City
Language/ Content Editor Mary Hope J. Gabinete
Principal III
Tiniguiban Elementary School
Division of Puerto Princesa City
Title of the Passage The Bounties of Allah to Mankind

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