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Perforator Flaps: History, Controversies,

Physiology, Anatomy, and Use in Reconstruction
Michel Saint-Cyr, F.R.C.S.(C.)
Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able
Mark V. Schaverien, M.R.C.S. to: 1. Understand the history and controversies surrounding perforator flaps. 2.
Rod J. Rohrich, M.D. Describe the anatomy and understand the theories surrounding the physiology
Dallas, Texas of perforator flaps. 3. Understand the uses of perforator flaps in reconstruction.
4. Understand the future directions of the perforator flap concept.
Summary: Perforator flaps have the advantages of reduced donor-site morbid-
ity, versatility to accurately replace the components required at the recipient site,
a longer pedicle than is achievable with the parent musculocutaneous flap, and
freedom from orientation of the pedicle. Their development has followed our
understanding of the blood supply from a source artery to the skin, which has
been achieved because of landmark studies by Manchot, Salmon, Milton, Taylor,
and others. Many articles now attest to the safety and reliability of perforator
flaps. This review aims to outline the history and controversies surrounding
perforator flaps and to describe the anatomy of the “workhorse” perforator flaps
and their use in microsurgical reconstruction. These flaps include the deep
inferior epigastric artery, the anterolateral thigh, the thoracodorsal artery, and
the superior and inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
123: 132e, 2009.)

erforator flaps represent the latest descen- Haertsch,13 Barclay et al.,14 and Cormack and
dant in a line of evolution that began with Lamberty.15 In 1987, following reappraisal of the
the random pattern flap.1–3 The early ran- works of Manchot and Salmon,16,17 Taylor and
dom pattern flaps were constrained by rigorous Palmer published their work defining the vascular
length-to-width ratios to ensure viability4 until territories of source arteries, which they termed
1970, when Milton revealed that their survival was angiosomes.18 Knowledge of these vascular terri-
dependent on the inclusion of a pedicle contain- tories has proven invaluable in flap design.
ing a large vessel.5 The axial pattern flap concept The perforator flap era began in 1989, when
was introduced by McGregor and Jackson in 1972 Koshima and Soeda described an inferior epigas-
in their description of the groin flap,6 and was the tric artery skin flap without rectus abdominis mus-
anatomical basis for the deltopectoral flap de- cle for reconstruction of floor-of-the-mouth and
scribed by Bakamjian.7 In the 1970s, the works of groin defects, noting that a large flap without mus-
Manchot were discovered and translated,8,9 reveal- cle could survive on a single muscle perforator.19
ing that many axial flaps were based on vessels that Kroll and Rosenfield suggested that perforator flaps
he had already described. Musculocutaneous flaps combine the reliable blood supply of musculocuta-
that were introduced by Ger10 and Orticochea11 neous flaps with the reduced donor-site morbidity of
rapidly became popular because of their reliability a skin flap.20 The reduced donor-site morbidity often
and wide arcs of rotation. In 1981, Pontén re- leads to faster recovery and reduced postoperative
ported that greater length-to-width ratios could be pain. Perforator flaps have the additional advantages
achieved in flaps from the lower leg if the deep that they can be tailored to accurately reconstruct
fascia was included.12 The anatomical basis for the defect, including flap thinning for resurfacing
these fasciocutaneous flaps was later described by shallow defects, there is freedom of orientation of
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center.
Received for publication February 12, 2007; accepted June Disclosure: None of the authors has any commer-
8, 2007. cial associations that might pose or create a conflict
Copyright ©2009 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons of interest with information presented in this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31819f2c6a

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

the pedicle, and a longer pedicle is harvested than • Where the flap is harvested based on direct
with the parent musculocutaneous flap. There is septal or fasciocutaneous vessels, the suffix -s is
hyperperfusion of the skin paddle,21 which may al- added to the flap vessel abbreviation (e.g., an
low the capture of the adjacent two angiosomes,22 anterolateral thigh flap harvested as a septocu-
explaining how a single perforator can capture such taneous flap is abbreviated to LCFAP-s).
large territories. • The perforator flap nomenclature in correlation
to the angiosomes of the body is used according
to the descriptions by Taylor and Palmer.
NOMENCLATURE AND • When multiple flaps are based on musculocu-
CONTROVERSIES taneous perforators of the same source artery,
Ever since their conception, there has been the muscular origin of the cutaneous vessels is
debate over what constitutes a true perforator flap abbreviated and italicized to indicate the ana-
and how a perforator should be defined.23,24 Pur- tomical origin of the flap (e.g., LCFAP-vl for
ists state that a muscle perforator flap is the only the vastus lateralis muscle).
real perforator flap because of the additional ef- • In the case of flaps based on source arteries that
fort and time needed to dissect the perforator out have numbered segmental origins, such as the
from between the muscle fibers to reduce the do- posterior intercostal or lumbar arteries, the num-
nor-site morbidity.25 A variety of terms have been bered source vessel requires notation. The cor-
used to name perforator flaps, including anatom- responding vessel number is added after the flap
ical location (e.g., anterolateral thigh flap), arte- abbreviation (e.g., PIAP-8 flap to indicate the
rial supply (e.g., thoracodorsal artery perforator eighth posterior intercostal perforator).
flap), or muscle of origin, and this has led to con-
fusion in the literature. In an attempt to introduce DEEP INFERIOR EPIGASTRIC
consistency, a standardized nomenclature has been PERFORATOR FLAP
agreed on that describes all perforator flaps accord-
ing to the main artery of origin (Table 1)1,2: Background
The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
• Cutaneous flaps are divided into either cutane- flap, first described by Koshima and Soeda in
ous flaps or musculocutaneous perforator flaps. 1989,19 was described for reconstruction of the
• Cutaneous flaps include all flaps previously de- postmastectomy breast by Allen and Treece in
scribed as axial, septocutaneous, and fasciocuta- 1994.27 Although breast reconstruction remains its
neous (Mathes and Nahai types A and B fascio- primary indication, the deep inferior epigastric
cutaneous flaps26). The suffix -s is added to the artery perforator flap has been described as a free
flap vessel abbreviation to indicate fasciocutane- flap for reconstruction of defects in the head and
ous and septocutaneous flaps. neck28 and lower limb,29 and it may also be thinned
• Perforator flaps are the true musculocutane- in one stage.30 For breast reconstruction, the deep
ous perforator flaps (Mathes and Nahai type C inferior epigastric artery perforator flap offers dis-
fasciocutaneous flaps26), in which the source tinct advantages to patients compared with the
vessel to the skin arises from and passes transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap in
through the underlying muscle. Flaps are terms of decreased donor-site morbidity and
named according to the source vessel, and the shorter recovery periods. The deep inferior epi-
suffix AP signifies a true musculocutaneous gastric artery perforator flap has proven reliability
perforator flap. and a low complication rate,31–33 although its har-

Table 1. Nomenclature of the Commonly Used Perforator Flaps

Common Name New Nomenclature Source Artery Muscle of Origin
DIEP DIEAP Deep inferior epigastric Rectus abdominis
TAP TAP Thoracodorsal Latissimus dorsi
ALT LCFAP-vl Descending branch of the lateral Vastus lateralis
circumflex femoral
S-GAP SGAP Superior gluteal Gluteus maximus
I-GAP IGAP Inferior gluteal Gluteus maximus
DIEP, deep inferior epigastric perforator; DIEAP, deep inferior epigastric artery perforator; TAP, thoracodorsal artery perforator; ALT,
anterolateral thigh; LCFAP-vl, lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator–vastus lateralis; SGAP, superior gluteal artery perforator; IGAP,
inferior gluteal artery perforator.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2009

vest requires a high level of surgical expertise with Anatomy

a significant learning curve. Contraindications in- The deep inferior epigastric artery, which is the
clude a history of previous abdominoplasty or ab- most significant artery supplying the skin of the an-
dominal liposuction, multiple abdominal scars, or terior abdominal wall, provides a pedicle that is 7.5
active smoking. Acoustic Doppler examination to 20.5 cm in length and 3.3 ⫾ 0.4 mm in diameter,
may produce a very high proportion of false-pos- with two accompanying venae comitantes.37 It forms
itive results because of its relatively high sensitivity two main branches in the majority of cases, with the
locating very small perforators.34 Computed tomo- lateral branch giving off a lateral row of perforators
graphic angiography has been used for deep in- in the lateral third of the muscle and the medial
ferior epigastric perforator35,36 flap presurgical im- branch giving rise to a medial row of perforators in
aging, and a high concordance with surgical findings the medial third of the muscle and an umbilical
and a reduction in operating time have been re- branch.38 Several studies have noted that dominance
ported (Figs. 1 and 2). of the lateral branch is more common and that the
lateral division gives rise to more perforators, which
have a shorter intramuscular course39,40 than the me-
dial branch. There are generally 5 ⫾ 2 perforators
concentrated in the periumbilical region. Blondeel ad-
vises that the use of medial perforators is imperative if
zone IV is required.41
The superficial inferior epigastric vein is larger
than the deep inferior epigastric vein, suggesting
that in normal physiologic conditions venous drain-
age occurs predominantly through the superficial
system.42 The deep and superficial systems are con-
nected by the venae comitantes of the arterial per-
forators. The superficial inferior epigastric vein has
multiple lateral branches to the outer parts of the
flap but fewer medial branches of smaller caliber.
Blondeel et al. found that in 36 percent of flaps
studied there were no branches crossing the mid-
line. Severe diffuse venous congestion was encoun-
Fig. 1. Preoperative pelvic computed tomographic angiogram tered in 2 percent of flaps in a clinical series, and in
demonstrating large bilateral periumbilical perforators originat- all these cases a particularly large superficial inferior
ing from the medial branch of the deep inferior epigastric vessels. epigastric vein had been noted during flap harvest.43
DIEP, deep inferior epigastric perforator.

Surgical Technique
Standard abdominoplasty markings are made
with a flap approximately 12 to 18 cm wide at the
midline and extending laterally to the anterior
superior iliac spines, and a two-team approach is
used. Most authors prefer the pedicle to be con-
tralateral to the side of the reconstruction, as this
aids flap insetting, with the thicker central adipose
layer used for the medial and inferior portions of
the breast. If large perforators from the internal
mammary artery and vein are found, these may be
prepared for anastomosis; otherwise, the internal
mammary vessels are harvested through the third
interspace or by means of excision or partial re-
section of the third intercostal cartilage. The su-
perior and inferior skin incisions are made and
Fig. 2. Periumbilical perforator flap for breast reconstruction the superficial inferior epigastric vessels are iden-
demonstrating good correlation with preoperative computed tified first. If these are found to be of sufficient
tomographic angiography. caliber, they are followed down to their origin

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

from the common femoral artery and a superficial

inferior epigastric artery flap is performed instead.
Superficial inferior epigastric artery flap harvest
has the advantage of staying superficial to the deep
fascia and therefore results in minimal donor-site
morbidity. Disadvantages include anatomical
variability,44,45 and some authors report that only
zones I and II are reliably perfused.46 Often, only
the superficial inferior epigastric vein is present of
sufficient size, and this is dissected for several cen-
timeters for use as a backup for additional venous
drainage if venous congestion is present after
anastomosis of the deep inferior epigastric vein.
Dissection then proceeds from lateral to medial.
The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap
may be raised on more than one perforator from
the same perforator row with atraumatic longitu-
dinal separation of the rectus muscle fibers. If no
suitable perforator is found, the contralateral por-
tion of the flap is raised. When a suitable perforator
is found, the perforator is dissected off the rectus
sheath and “unroofed” following intramuscular dis-
section and ligation of all intramuscular branches.
As with all perforator flap dissections, maintenance
of a bloodless field is crucial for safe deep inferior
epigastric perforator flap dissection. The segmental
intercostal nerves run medially, superficial to the
pedicle, and care must be taken to preserve them.
Dissection then continues until a pedicle of suffi-
cient length and caliber is obtained. This can occur Fig. 3. (Above) Large avulsion injury of the ankle and heel skin
at the lateral edge of the rectus muscle when a very in an 18-year-old male patient following a motorcycle acci-
cranial perforator is chosen. Sensory nerves that are dent. (Below) The defect was resurfaced with a 36 ⫻ 12-cm
found with the perforators can be harvested and single perforator– based anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap anasto-
anastomosed to an intercostal nerve.41,47 The anas- mosed to the posterior tibial vessels.
tomosis is performed and the flap inset, with deepi-
thelialization depending on the amount of native
breast skin that has been preserved. Zone IV is rou- femoris muscles, and iliac crest.58 – 60 An adjacent
tinely discarded by many authors.32 flap can also be harvested and anastomosed to a
branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery,
ANTEROLATERAL THIGH FLAP including the groin flap or medial thigh flap, ac-
cording to the mosaic flap principle.61 The
Background LCFAP-vl flap can raised with or without fascia,
The anterolateral thigh perforator [lateral cir- can be thinned as either a one- or two- stage pro-
cumflex femoral artery perforator–vastus lateralis cedure to resurface shallow defects,62– 64 and can
(LCFAP-vl)] flap, first described by Song et al. in be combined with vascularized fibula for use as an
1984,48 is a versatile and reliable flap49 –51 that has osteocutaneous flap65 It can be used as a flow-
achieved popularity in head and neck surgery52,53 through flap to reconstruct defects of both soft
and in reconstructive surgery of the hand and tissues and major vessels in the extremities,66 and
upper and lower extremities54 –57 (Figs. 3 through as an adipofascial flap.67 It can also be pedicled
5). The chimeric principle allows the composition proximally for coverage of defects at the peri-
of the flap to be tailored to accurately match the neum, lower abdominal wall, and greater trochan-
requirements of the recipient site, with multiple ter, and distally for coverage about the knee.68 –71
components raised on different perforators from The anterior or lateral branch of the lateral cu-
the lateral femoral circumflex axis. This includes taneous nerve of the thigh can be included to
the vastus lateralis, tensor fasciae latae, and rectus provide sensation (Figs. 6 and 7). Primary closure

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2009

of the donor site can be achieved if the width of

the flap does not exceed 8 cm; otherwise, skin
grafting or a V-Y local advancement flap can be
used.72 Flap harvest is associated with little or no
donor-site functional deficit.73,74 The major weak-
ness of the flap is that most series have been de-
scribed in the Asian population, where it tends to be
approximately 7 mm thick,75,76 approximately half
the thickness of the flap in the Western population,77
and one-stage thinning of the LCFAP-vl flap in the
Western population has resulted in high rates of
partial or complete flap necrosis.78,79 In the Western
population, acoustic Doppler examination has a low
accuracy related to body mass index.80
Fig. 5. Follow-up at 6 months postoperatively after flap thinning
using liposuction. The patient had full range of motion and was
The perforators to the anterolateral thigh flap able to wear his regular shoe.
originate from the descending branch of the lateral
femoral circumflex artery. This lies in the intermus-
cular septum between the rectus femoris and vastus patella, with the perforator that is most consistently
lateralis muscles along with the motor nerve to the present is located around the midpoint, which he
vastus lateralis, along a line drawn between the an- termed perforator B.77 Wei et al.49 and Yu and
terior superior iliac spine to the superolateral border Youssef80 have reported a learning curve, and with
of the patella.81 The length of the pedicle is typically experience a perforator can be found in almost
8 to 16 cm, with a vessel diameter of larger than 2 all cases.
mm. Septocutaneous perforators are found most
commonly,49,82 and therefore in the majority of cases
flap harvest requires a careful dissection of a suitable Surgical Technique
intramuscular perforator within the vastus lateralis Doppler examination is usually used to iden-
muscle. Yu, in a series in a Western population, tify the perforators preoperatively, with the flap
found one to three cutaneous perforators in pred- usually designed about perforator B. A longitudi-
icable locations approximately 5 cm apart and 1.5 nal skin incision is made on the medial side of the
cm lateral to the line connecting the anterior supe- flap and dissection is carried out at the suprafascial
rior iliac spine and the superolateral corner of the level. We advocate entering the intermuscular sep-

Fig. 4. Intraoperative dissection and surgical anatomy of the anterolateral thigh flap. The septum be-
tween the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris muscles is opened in an inferior to superior direction. The
rectus femoris muscle is then reflected off the vastus lateralis medially, and this gives a clear view of the
descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery (DBLFCA) and all perforators originating from it.

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

Fig. 6. (Above) Photograph showing exposed hardware following wound break-

down of the lateral malleolus in a 56-year-old patient. (Below) The wound was rad-
ically débrided and covered using an anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap thinned at the
periphery only to allow better insetting. A sensate flap can be designed by incor-
porating the medial or lateral branch of the femoral cutaneous nerve.

tum distally between the rectus femoris and vastus

lateralis muscles to allow direct visualization of the
descending branch and location of the perfora-
tors (Fig. 4). One or more appropriate musculo-
cutaneous or cutaneous perforators are selected
and dissected through the vastus lateralis muscle
or its investing fascia and epimysium. Some au-
thors advocate leaving a cuff of muscle around the
perforator to minimize damage and spasm during
dissection. A visible pulse and an audible arterial
and venous Doppler signal must be heard before
completing the final skin incision of the flap. The
dissection continues until the descending branch
of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and its
vena comitans are isolated with careful preserva-
tion of the motor nerve. The lateral femoral cu-
taneous nerve is incorporated if a sensate flap is
required. Koshima advocates that the descending
branch should be transected distal to the branch
to the rectus femoris muscle, to prevent possible
Fig. 7. Appearance at follow-up at 8 months postoperatively, ischemic necrosis of the rectus femoris muscle, but
with stable ankle coverage and no infection. we have never seen this problem.68

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2009

THORACODORSAL ARTERY flow-through flap.85 An osteocutaneous flap can be

PERFORATOR FLAP raised with a segment of vascularized scapula,89 and
the flap may be thinned between the deep and su-
Background perficial adipose layers.90 There is versatility in the
The thoracodorsal artery perforator flap was first orientation of the flap design,85 and primary closure
described by Angrigiani et al. in 199583 and is a safe is achievable in flaps of up to 10 cm in width. For a
and extremely versatile flap with a long pedicle and sensate flap, a lateral branch of the intercostal nerve
a large flap cutaneous territory.84,85 It is indicated for can be included.
defects of the head and neck, trunk, and upper and
lower extremities, and has been described as a pedi-
cled flap for breast reconstruction86 (Figs. 8 through Anatomy
11). There is the potential for use of both the per- The descending branch of the thoracodorsal
forator and muscle flap to reconstruct two distinct artery is known to have the largest and most reliable
defects or as a chimeric flap pedicled on the thora- perforating vessels, and is found descending along a
codorsal vessels,87,88 and it can also be used as a line at approximately 2 cm behind the anterior bor-

Fig. 8. A thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap was used for resurfacing
the dorsum of the foot following radical wound débridement. In contrast to the
thin thoracodorsal artery perforator flap donor site, the anterolateral thigh do-
nor site was too bulky for an anterolateral thigh flap to be used.

Fig. 9. The thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap after harvest

demonstrating a pedicle length in excess of 10 cm, which allows anas-
tomosis well outside the zone of injury. The thin thoracodorsal artery
perforator donor site in this patient was selected because it offered the
best match for resurfacing the dorsum of the foot. When the anterolateral
thigh donor site is too thick, the lateral thoracic skin and subcutaneous
tissue can often provide a very thin thoracodorsal artery perforator flap
that is ideal for resurfacing dorsal foot defects.

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

Fig. 10. Two-week postoperative view of the right foot after resurfacing
of the dorsum with a thoracodorsal artery perforator flap with minimal
bulk and stable coverage.

Fig. 11. Thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) flap based on a direct cutaneous perfo-
rator from the descending branch of the thoracodorsal artery coursing anterior to the
lateral border of the latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle.

der of the latissimus dorsi muscle edge.91–93 Perfo- versus septocutaneous perforators, and the ratio of
rators are located within 8 cm of the neurovascular the musculocutaneous to septocutaneous perfora-
hilus, 4 cm inferior to the tip of the scapula, with the tors was 3:2.93
first perforator always the largest and most consis-
tent. In an anatomical study, Thomas et al. found
septocutaneous perforators from the thoracodorsal Surgical Technique
artery supplying the skin, in addition to the muscu- The flap is raised with the patient in the lateral
locutaneous perforators, in 60 percent of specimens. decubitus position. An incision anterior to the an-
The septocutaneous perforators originated as a sin- terior border of the latissimus dorsi muscle enables
gle branch from the thoracodorsal artery that was incorporation of either a septocutaneous or a mus-
identified near the lateral border of the muscle, culocutaneous perforator, and dissection continues
reaching the skin without penetrating the latissimus until the perforator cleavage line is identified on the
dorsi (Fig. 11). An inverse relationship was found muscle, which appears white because of the pres-
between the size and number of musculocutaneous ence of the lateral thoracodorsal nerve. If the per-

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2009

forators are small, a muscle-sparing technique can superior gluteal artery perforator flap for breast
be used. Care is taken to preserve the thoracodorsal reconstruction.95 Gluteal artery perforator flaps
nerve and the delicate venae comitantes, and the may be used for breast reconstruction in pa-
distal end of the thoracodorsal pedicle, close to the tients where the abdominal flaps are unsuitable,
origin of the muscle, is ligated and dissected toward including insufficient abdominal fatty tissue vol-
the axilla. The major branches of the thoracodorsal ume, abdominal incisions, or following prior
and subscapular vessels are then ligated up to the abdominoplasty. Advantages include low donor-
axillary artery and vein until the desired pedicle
length is achieved.


In 1993, Koshima et al. described the gluteal artery
perforator flap based on parasacral perforators,94 and
2 years later Allen and Tucker described the

Fig. 12. Superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap with su- Fig. 13. (Above) Lateral malleolus defect with exposed bone.
perficial inferior epigastric artery and vein anastomosed to the (Center) Freestyle pedicled propeller perforator flap based on a
internal mammary perforator (IMAP) artery and vein. SIEV, super- large distal anterior tibial perforator. (Below) Postoperative result
ficial inferior epigastric vein. at 4 weeks demonstrating stable wound coverage of the ankle.

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

site morbidity, a longer vascular pedicle than is positioned perforators are preferred, as they allow a
achievable with the musculocutaneous flap, avoid- longer pedicle.
ance of the need for vein grafts, an abundance of
adipose tissue even in thin patients, a hidden scar, Surgical Technique
and good projection of the reconstructed breast.96–100 Perforators from the superior gluteal artery
A flap width of up to 12 cm may be closed directly, and may be identified along a line drawn connecting
the flap length is usually between 24 and 26 cm. There
is also the potential for sensory reinnervation by anas-
tomosis of the nervi clunium superiores.

Three perforators usually supply the superior
gluteal artery perforator cutaneous territory, with a
pedicle length of 3 to 8 cm. The superior gluteal
artery usually emerges from the edge of the sacrum
approximately one-third of the distance along a line
from the posterior superior iliac spine to the greater
trochanter. Two to four perforators originating from
the inferior gluteal artery supply the cutaneous ter-
ritory of the inferior gluteal artery perforator flap,
with a typically longer pedicle of 7 to 10 cm. Laterally

Fig. 15. Photographs of a 42-year-old male patient with a

chronic unstable lumbar wound following multiple previous spi-
Fig. 14. Photographs of an 18-year-old quadriplegic patient nal operations. A suitable lumbar artery perforator was identified
with a sacral decubitus ulcer that was débrided and covered with by Doppler examination close to the defect and used to design a
a local pedicled parasacral perforator flap. pedicled lumbar artery perforator flap.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • April 2009

the posterior superior iliac spine and the greater maximus, with undermining as appropriate to har-
trochanter using a Doppler probe. Obliquely ori- vest enough tissue for a breast reconstruction. The
entated incisions are associated with contour de- flap is elevated from the muscle in the subfascial
formity, whereas horizontal flap designs produce plane and the perforators approached from lateral
a more favorable scar. For an inferior gluteal ar- to medial. A single large perforator is usually used,
tery perforator flap, the inferior limit of the flap but several perforators that lie in the same plane in
is marked 1 cm inferior and parallel to the gluteal the direction of the gluteus maximus muscle fibers
fold with the patient in the standing position. The can be used. During harvest of the inferior gluteal
patient is then placed in the lateral position and artery perforator flap, there is no need to expose the
the Doppler probe used to identify perforators sciatic nerve. The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
from the inferior gluteal artery. and the fat medially overlying the ischium must be
For unilateral reconstructions, the patient is preserved.100 Once the sacral fascia is encountered,
placed in the lateral decubitus position to permit a it must be opened, revealing multiple communicat-
two-team approach, or flap harvest can be per- ing arterial and venous branches, and branches must
formed in the prone position after the recipient be ligated carefully. Dissection continues until the
internal mammary vessels have been dissected. The pedicle is of sufficient length and diameter, with the
flap is divided down to the muscle of the gluteus artery usually the limiting factor. Part of the skin

Fig. 16. (Above, left) A 20-year-old male patient suffered an open Gustilo IIIB tibial fracture that was reamed and nailed. The
patient suffered anterior tibial skin necrosis that required stable coverage of his exposed intramedullary nail. An antero-
lateral thigh flap was initially planned but the perforators were too small to safely use. The anterior medial thigh (AMT) region
was explored for suitable perforators and a large myocutaneous perforator was selected passing through the rectus femoris
muscle (below, left). This perforator was dissected until a large enough artery and vein were obtained for microanastomosis.
(Right) The patient at 6-month postoperative follow-up was ambulatory, showed no signs of infection, and had stable
coverage of his tibia.

Volume 123, Number 4 • Perforator Flap Nomenclature

paddle can be designed to overlap both the superior CONCLUSIONS

and inferior gluteal artery territories to increase the Increased knowledge and a good understanding
number of available perforators from both systems. of vascular anatomy will ultimately drive new flap
Selection of the largest and most lateral perforator designs and options specifically tailored for the re-
will also yield the longest pedicle and facilitate mi- constructive defect. CPT codes commonly used in
croanastomosis. perforator flap surgery are listed in Table 2.
Michel Saint-Cyr, M.D.
Other Applications Department of Plastic Surgery
Morbidity at the recipient site can also be de- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
creased using the perforator concept. For example, 1801 Inwood Road
the internal mammary artery and vein perforators Dallas, Texas 75390-9132
can be used as recipient vessels to reduce morbidity
at the recipient site. This allows for a minimally in-
vasive free tissue autologous breast reconstruction, REFERENCES
especially when an superficial inferior epigastric ar- 1. Geddes CR, Morris SF, Neligan PC. Perforator flaps: Evo-
lution, classification and applications. Ann Plast Surg. 2003;
tery flap is used (Fig. 12). Pedicled perforator flaps, 50:90–99.
including propeller flap designs, incorporate the ad- 2. Blondeel PN, Morris SF, Hallock GG, Neligan PC, eds.
vantages of reduced donor-site morbidity without Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique and Clinical Application.
recipient-site morbidity, and avoid the risks associ- St. Louis: Quality Medical; 2006.
ated with microvascular anastomosis. 3. Hallock GG. Direct and indirect perforator flaps: The history
and the controversy. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2003;111:855–865.
As with free perforator flaps, pedicled perfo- 4. McGregor IA, Morgan G. Axial and random pattern flaps.
rator flaps can also be designed in freestyle fashion Br J Plast Surg. 1973;26:202–213.
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