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Introduction to Futures Studies

[ Technology Development in 2050]

Student name: Muhammad Shafiq

Roll number: 13494

Submitted to : Maam ghazala shafi

SNO Table of content Page

1. Introduction
(1.1) ( 2050 scenario )
(1.2) ( Significant of the study )
2. Motivation

3. Discussion

4. Practical Applications

5. Conclusion

6. Recommendation / Future work

7. List of Abbreviations & key terms

8. Appendix / Attachments / Additional information

9. Reference

Executive summary :
Technology is just the thing that change the economy situation of the country other things obviously matters
at economy but technology may be a major part that effects economy. Many countries within the world are
doing research in development of technologies in future. once we speak about future its all about most
advance technology that may change a lifetime of personalities. In future a rustic that may develop and
upgrade technology in their weapon industry that country will consider a superpower.

Countries are going to be doing research continuously at future technologies. the longer term is coming and
before you're thinking that. the long run always like its running late. Human imagination works harder that
human enterprise, but at any given moment, scientist and engineers are redesigning future technology and
therefore the world around us in big and tiny ways.
In future technology change everything e. The vision of things to come back for laborers will normally scale
from a skeptical perspective on the robots taking our occupations , through to the best world of the
annihilation of dreary undertakings utilizing man-made reasoning. Ancient and modern human civilizations
have both benefited from and been impeded by the technological innovations, inventions and engineering
applications used within societies to perform specific tasks. For societies to thrive and evolve, technological
innovations became necessary, while at the identical time the culture, ideals and aspirations of human
societies have shaped how those civilizations have created, benefited from, and been impeded by,

As technological systems are invented by humans and reflect the very essence of a population’s needs and
culture, human societies/civilizations and their technology became inseparable from each other.

Ocean thermal energy can take us to 100% renewable energy

Ocean thermal energy may be a largely untapped resource and one amongst the planet largest renewable
energy sources. it'll pay a vital role within the future energy mix being one among the only a few constant
energy sources, available day and night year-round.

In 2050 robots have right to

We see a line of robots within the centre. The widespread development of robots and computer science have
necessitated the creation of a legal framework to guard them to control the rights of intelligent robots.
Subsequently, this code is consistently updated and improved so robots have improving rights in our

AI in 2050

Artificial intelligence is broadly defined because the theory and development of computer systems to
perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. in line with The Economist, 47% of the work done
by humans will are replaced by robots by 2037, even those traditionally related to university education. The
conclusion is that the foremost difficult jobs to switch require a high level of creativity and human
interaction, and have an occasional percentage of repetitive activities. These are going to be the last to get
replaced, but there'll even be new jobs created that may become necessary to observe and coordinate
intelligent machines and systems.
Array of things -Using Data to enhance societies
Array of Things could be a network of sensors that collect data which is employed by scientists or
policymakers to implement appropriate changes and solve various problems during a city. All the gathered
data reveals various patterns.

Internet for everybody We can’t seem to measure without the web , but still only around half the world’s
population is connected. they need taken a special approach by launching their own network of shoebox-
sized microsatellites into low Earth orbit, which rouse a modem plugged into your computer or device
when it flies over and delivers your data.

Electric Car batteries

This is on the grounds that the progression of lithium particles called particles starting with one anode then
onto the following to charge the unit and hold the energy prepared to be used doesn't occur flawlessly with
fast charging at lower temperatures.

By doing so, we will being to imagine new creative and social processes, and hopefully, work with AI to
put the muse for a much better future.

Array of things -Using Data to boost societies

Array of Things may be a network of sensors that collect data which is employed by scientists or
policymakers to implement appropriate changes and solve various problems in a very city. All the gathered
data reveals various patterns.

Internet for everybody

They have taken a unique approach by launching their own network of shoebox-sized microsatellites into
low Earth orbit, which awaken a modem plugged into your computer or device when it flies over and
delivers your data.

Electric Car batteries

Be that because it may, fast charging of lithium-particle batteries can corrupt the batteries, analysts at Penn
State University within the US say. The battery plan they need thought of is self-warming, utilizing a dainty
nickel foil which makes an circuit that warms in under 30 seconds to warm within the battery. The fast
cooling that may be required after the battery is charged would be finished utilizing the cooling framework
planned into the vehicle.
Digital tracker that track our health
In Star Trek, where many of our ideas of future technology germinated, masses can walk into the med bay
and have their entire body digitally scanned for signs of illness and injury. It intends to use this data to
supply a 3D digital avatar of a patient’s body – referred to as a digital twin – that may be tracked over time
and updated with each new scan.

Artificial eyes
In January 2021, Israeli surgeons implanted the world’s first artificial cornea into a bilaterally blind,
78yearold man. Likewise in 2020, Belgian scientists developed a man-made iris fitted to smart contact
lenses that correct variety of vision disorders. And scientists are even functioning on wireless brain implants
that bypass the eyes altogether.

Apple smart watches

The influx of smartwatches from Apple and other international electronics giants is forcing the
watchmaking industry to undertake an uncomfortable but little questionIt appears that, through an
‘unfortunate’ combination of circumstances, many high-tech gurus have come to view the wrist as the new
El Dorado for the latest wearable technology.

Smart Cities
A smart city uses information and communication technology to improve operational efficiency, share
information with the public and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare.

Humanity is being liberated from the requirement of having a job to earn a living and a job to attain
selfrespect, as evidenced by the historic shift from human labour and knowledge to machine labour and
knowledge. This is the beginning of the shift from a job-based economy to a self-actualization economy.

The Self-Actualization Economy is now in full swing. We've come a long way, despite the fact that the
change isn't complete. For the first time in human history, humanity is debating what sort of civilization it
desires and what we, as people and as a species, want to become. Movies, global cyber games, UN
Summits, VR News, flash mob cyber teach-ins, and thought leaders delve deeper than ever before into the
meaning of life and the conceivable future.

As the globe grew increasingly conscious in the 2020s that growth alone was no longer sufficient to
increase wages and jobs, thinking leaders began to argue for new economic assumptions more forcefully.
Attempts to reduce worldwide unemployment, such as modifying tax credits, expanding labour union
power, improving STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, promoting job
sharing, and cutting work hours, all helped, but only somewhat. Something much more fundamental was
taking place. The AI revolution is replacing knowledgeable brains in the same way that the industrial
revolution replaced muscles.

As the number of unemployed people grew owing to no fault of their own but due to new technology, many
people began to advocate for a universal basic income. However, the cost of living was still too high for
national budgets at the time. Basic income systems did not become financially sustainable until the
mid2030s, when the cost of living began to fall and government income began to rise.

When we talk about the future, we're talking about cutting-edge technology that will transform people's
lives. A country that develops and upgrades technology in its weapon business will be considered a
superpower in the future. Countries will continue to conduct research into future technologies.

Technology has revolutionised the world today, but it is not enough; the world is swiftly advancing toward
the most advanced technological breakthroughs. Technology is the only factor that affects the country's
economic status; other factors, of course, play a role, but technology is a significant factor. Many countries
around the world will conduct technology development research in the future.

The future is approaching, and it will arrive sooner than you think. These new technologies will alter how
we live, how we care for our bodies, and how we avoid a climate catastrophe. The future has a habit of
being late. Human imagination is more powerful than human business, but scientists and engineers are
constantly reshaping future technology and the environment around us in both large and tiny ways.

Technology will impact everything in the future, including life style, transportation, communication, and
much more, because our way of life will change dramatically between now and 2050.
Workers' future visions will range from scepticism about robots taking our jobs (leaving us trapped indoors
for all eternity, living entirely on Amazon Prime supplies), to the perfect world of man-made reasoning
eradicating dull tasks. People will be free to think, make, and act (yet never expecting to leave their house).

In the year 2050, the cosmos will have evolved significantly. If you haven't resigned by then, the working
world will be a very different place than it is now.

The world is changing so quickly that new technology is being developed that will not only change our way
of life but will also change the environment. It is possible that technology will be developed that will change
climate according to human needs.

Without technology, life today and in the future would be unremarkable, because technology will play a
significant part in every facet of human life in the future.

The technological discoveries, inventions, and engineering applications utilised inside society to complete
specific jobs have both aided and hampered ancient and modern human civilizations. Technological
advancements have become required for societies to exist and evolve, but human societies' culture, goals,
and aspirations have affected how those civilizations have created, profited from, and been hampered by
Human societies/civilizations and their technology have grown interwoven since technical systems are
produced by humans and reflect the very essence of a population's needs and culture.
Everything will have altered in the future, including transportation systems, communication systems, and
our level of living, because new technology will be able to change humans' lives.

1.1) 2050 Scenario: If Humans Free---The Self-Actualization


The transition to the Self-Actualization Economy has begun. Although this

transition is not complete, we have come a long way. For the first time in
history, humanity is engaged in a great conversation about what kind of
civilization it wants and what we, as individuals and as a species, want to
become. Movies, global cyber games, UN Summits, VR News, flash mob
cyber teach-ins, and thought leaders probe the meaning of life and the possible
future as never before. The historic shift from human labor and knowledge to
machine labor and knowledge is clear: humanity is being freed from the
necessity of having a job to earn a living and a job to achieve self-respect. This
is initiating the transition from the job economy to the self-actualization
As the world became increasingly aware in the 2020s that growth by itself was
no longer increasing wages and employment, thought leaders began to call
more loudly for new economic assumptions. Attempts to reduce the global
unemployment situation such as changing tax credits, increasing the power of
labor unions, improving STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics) education, promoting job sharing, and reducing work hours
helped but made only marginal differences. Something far more fundamental
was happening. As the industrial revolution replaced muscles, so the AI
revolution is replacing knowledgeable brains. As the numbers of unemployed
continued to increase due to no fault of their own but due to new technologies,
many began to lobby for a basic income for all. But the cost of living back then
was still too high for national budgets to afford. It wasn’t until the mid-2030s
that the cost of living began to fall enough and government income began to
increase enough that basic income systems became financially sustainable.

1.2 ) significant of the study

Now today the world has been changed by technology but it is not enough the
world is moving rapidly towards most advance technology developments.
Technology is only the thing that change the economy situation of the country
other things obviously matters at economy but technology is a major part that
effects economy. Many countries in the world will be doing research in
development of technologies in future. When we talk about future its all about
most advance technology that will change a life of human beings. In future a
country that will develop and upgrade technology in their weapon industry that
country will consider a superpower. Countries will be doing research
continuously at future technologies.
The future is coming and sooner than you think. These emerging technologies
will change the way we live, how we look after our bodies and help us avert a
climate disaster. The future always like its running late. Human imagination
works harder that human enterprise, but at any given moment, scientist and
engineers are redesigning future technology and the world around us in big and
small ways.
In future technology change everything e.g., life style, transportation system,
communication system and much more because in future till 2050 our way of
living is totally change from now.
World is moving so fast invent new technology that not only change our way of
living but also change environment, may its possible develop technology that
will change climate according the need of human beings.
Now a days and future without technology life is noting because in future
development of technology play a significant role in every aspect of human’s
The universe in 2050. In the event that you're unfortunate enough not to have
resigned by then, at that point, the functioning scene will be an altogether
different spot to how it is today. The vision of things to come for laborers will
in general scale from a skeptical perspective on the robots taking our
occupations (leaving us for all time caught inside, living totally from Amazon
Prime supplies), through to the ideal world of the annihilation of dreary
undertakings utilizing man-made reasoning. This will leave people allowed to
think, make and act (while never expecting to leave your home
Ancient and modern human civilizations have both benefited from and been
impeded by the technological innovations, inventions and engineering
applications used within societies to perform specific tasks. For societies to
thrive and evolve, technological innovations have become necessary, while at
the same time the culture, ideals and aspirations of human societies have
shaped how those civilizations have created, benefited from, and been impeded
by, technology. As technological systems are invented by humans and reflect
the very essence of a population’s needs and culture, human
societies/civilizations and their technology have become inseparable from one
In future everything will have been changed transportation system,
communication system even our way of living standard will also change
because new technology will be able to change humans live


As we all know that future is all concerning new technologies. once we place
confidence in 2050 it feels like it's associate age from currently and that we
imagine a totally completely different world however, during a reality, it's simply
thirty years from currently and that we will already grasp what is going to be
attainable to possess by that point. we've a great deal of environmental, social
issues and let’s see however might solve them by 2050. most are waiting however
technology modification in 2050. Thousands of researches ar occurring in future
development of technology. Technology could be a motivation for person as a
result of everybody use technology in numerous, alternative ways somebody use
technology greatly whereas others use technology in tiny scale however everybody
uses. Technology development in 2050 it’s not associate initial stage we are able to
say that this can be the analysis of technological trade. Its most likely attainable
that peoples visit another planet’s technology minimize the gap from one plant to a
different in 2050. It’s not one issue a great deal of things can are develop in 2050
by uses of technology. several things that’s human solely imagine this stuff can
become a reality in 2050. once we analysis concerning future technology our data,
data and thinking is increase several things that we tend to don’t grasp then we all
know that each one. though in past there are peeress wherever technology has
modified our lives, there ar some that ar thought-about as revolutions for
humankind. The technology employed in the sector of artificial intelligence is one
such fine Example currently a days robots ar being employed by peoples and
industries everywhere the planet for numerous functions. {they ar|they're}
additionally employed in places that are otherwise thought-about harmful for
humans there by protective US. Technology is unquestionably a boon for
humankind. it's all the a lot of necessary for the political economy of the country.
fashionable technological advancement s atomic energy to come up with
electricity, similar robots and different technological advancement have served
pretty much as good servant to US.
In 2050 we are able to assume that life are fully modification through technology
all issue are done solely on your finger movements. a great deal of data is gathered
once we study technology

Ocean thermal energy can take us to 100% renewable energy

Ocean thermal energy is a largely untapped resource and one of the world largest
renewable energy sources. For instance, right now Blue rise is working on creating
an energy breakthrough by generating utility scale electricity through ocean
thermal energy conversion. It will be able to outcompete fossil fuel-based
generation and other renewables that requires storage and grid balancing. It will
pay a crucial role in the future energy mix being one of the very few constant
energy sources, available day and night year-round
Drone solution for discovering untouched places

Deep in underground mines, so. me zones are inaccessible. But company like
Incognita started to work on builds drones that fly drive and climb and use laser
technology to scan zones, and create a 3D map of them, with this advancing aerial
robotics technology we will be able to push human reach to any space untouched
by manmade infrastructure

In 2050 robots have right to

Predicted by: land Pearson land has been a full-time futurologist for over twenty
five years chase and predicting developments across a good vary of technology,
business, society, politics and also the setting like iron man . we tend to see a line
of robots within the city centre. Their placards ar plastered with slogans written in
computer code. The widespread development of robots and computing have
necessitated the creation of a legal framework to guard them to control the rights of
intelligent robots. afterwards, this code is continually updated and improved
therefore robots have rising rights in our Society

AI in 2050

Artificial intelligence reworking however we tend to style and build. By 2050, the
consequences of AI adoption are wide felt across all aspects of our daily lives.
because the world faces variety of pressing and sophisticated challenges, from the
climate crisis to housing, AI has the potential to form the distinction between a
dystopian future and a livable one. By trying ahead, we're taking stock of what is
happening, and successively, imagining however AI will form our lives for the
Artificial intelligence is broadly speaking outlined because the theory and
development of pc systems to perform tasks that commonly need human

in step with The social scientist, forty seventh of the work done by humans can
replaced by robots by 2037, even those historically related to university education.
These jobs are lost as "artificial intelligence, robotics, technology and alternative
socioeconomic factors replace the requirement for human workers." Editorial
knowledge & Content Manager explored this idea 2 years past and the way
automation can have an effect on architects. The conclusion is that the foremost
tough jobs to switch need a high level of ability and human interaction, and have a
coffee proportion of repetitive activities. These are the last to get replaced, however
there'll even be new jobs created which will become necessary to observe and
coordinate intelligent machines and systems.

AI and therefore the “Internet of Things” area unit dynamic however we tend to
live, and successively, society at massive. creator Bettina Zerza has explored
however knowledge and intelligent systems can dramatically form our cities. She
provides the instance of small sensors and concrete technology which will record
air quality, pollution and soundscapes, similarly as urban infrastructure at massive.
however individuals move, wherever emissions area unit worst, and the way
economical town processes area unit represent simply some of those concepts.

How we tend to move is already undergoing widespread transformation. Transit is

being reimagined on the road and within the air, from transportation reworking to a
lot of usercentric quality services, to rethinking regulative and structure structures.
watching the evolution of transportation, there are new innovations and shifts
within the establishment each fifty to seventy years throughout the last 2 centuries.
From ships and trains to cars and airplanes, these advances have modified the
approach we tend to communicate, trade and connect with each other.

Construction has been one among the foremost difficult sectors for computing.
British international infrastructure company statesman Beatty revealed their
predictions for 2050 in their Innovation Paper. The report outlines a series of
conclusions: robots can add groups to make advanced structures victimisation
dynamic new materials, whereas components of a build can self-assemble. Drones
flying overhead can scan the location, causing directions to robotic cranes and
diggers and automatic builders with no would like for human involvement. The
result's a human-free construction method, one wherever the role of the builder
moves to “overseer” and that they area unit remotely managing comes.
Looking to the longer term, particularly as so much as 2050, there's heaps of
dialogue regarding the "singularity" moment in computing. The Singularity is
usually outlined because the purpose at that exponential technological
advancements cross the edge of “strong AI” and machines possess a broad
intelligence that exceeds human levels. there's a really robust probability it'll
happen by 2050.

Artificial intelligence can still inspire discussions on the precariat of labor, our
shared ethics, concepts like universal basic financial gain and concrete intelligence,
as we tend toll|also|additionally|further|furthermore|in addition likewise moreover
yet as however we style. quite productivity gains, we will rethink the approach we
tend to live and the way we tend to form the engineered setting. By doing
therefore, we will being to imagine new inventive and social processes, and
hopefully, work with AI to put the inspiration for a much better future.

Array of things ( AOT )-Using Data to improve societies

Array of Things is a network of sensors that collect data which is used by scientists
or policymakers to implement appropriate changes and solve various problems in a
city. The idea here is simple. All the gathered data reveals various patterns. The
information is then uploaded on a portal that’s available to everyone: students,
companies, public institutions. Finally, software developers can use it to create new
applications and come up with solutions for existing problems.
For example, if i have asthma, the sensors from the city could show the areas with
the most polluted air so I can avoid them. Want to go for a quiet stroll through the
park? The sensors will be able to tell me how many people are there and then I can
choose when it’s best to go for a walk.

Internet for everyone

We can’t seem to live without the internet (how else would you read, but still only around half the world’s population is
connected. There are many reasons for this, including economic and social
reasons, but for some the internet just isn’t accessible because they have no
connection Google is slowly trying to solve the problem using helium balloons to
beam the internet to inaccessible areas, while Facebook has abandoned plans to
do the same using drones, which means companies like Hiber are stealing a
march. They have taken a different approach by launching their own network of
shoebox-sized microsatellites into low Earth orbit, which wake up a modem
plugged into your computer or device when it flies over and delivers your data.
Their satellites orbit the Earth 16 times a day and are already being used by
organizations like The British Antarctic Survey to provide internet access to very
extreme of our planet.
Electric Car batteries ( charge in 10 minute )

Fast-charging of electric vehicles is seen as key to their take-up, so motorists can

stop at a service station and fully charge their car in the time it takes to get a coffee
and use the toilet – taking no longer than a conventional break. Be that as it may,
fast charging of lithium-particle batteries can corrupt the batteries, analysts at Penn
State University in the US say. This is on the grounds that the progression of
lithium particles known as particles starting with one anode then onto the next to
charge the unit and hold the energy prepared for use doesn't occur flawlessly with
fast charging at lower temperatures.
Nonetheless, they have now viewed that as in the event that the batteries could
hotness to 60°C for only 10 minutes and, quickly cool again to surrounding
temperatures, lithium spikes would not frame and hotness harm would be kept
away from.
The battery plan they have thought of is self-warming, utilizing a dainty nickel foil
which makes an electrical circuit that warms in under 30 seconds to warm within
the battery. The fast cooling that would be required after the battery is charged
would be finished utilizing the cooling framework planned into the vehicle. Their
review, distributed in the diary Joule, showed they could completely charge an
electrical vehicle quickly.
Digital tracker that track our health

In Star Trek, where many of our ideas of future technology germinated, human
beings can walk into the med bay and have their entire body digitally scanned for
signs of illness and injury. Doing that in real life would, say the makers of Q Bio,
improve health outcomes and alleviate the load on doctors at the same time. The
US company has built a scanner that will measure hundreds of biomarkers in
around an hour, from hormone levels to the fat building up in your liver to the
markers of inflammation or any number of cancers. It intends to use this data to
produce a 3D digital avatar of a patient’s body – known as a digital twin – that
can be tracked over time and updated with each new scan.
Artificial eyes

Bionic eyes have been a mainstay of science fiction for decades, but now
realworld research is beginning to catch up with far-sighted storytellers. A raft of
technologies is coming to market that restore sight to people with different kinds of
vision impairment.
In January 2021, Israeli surgeons implanted the world’s first artificial cornea into a
bilaterally blind, 78-year-old man. When his bandages were removed, the patient
could read and recognize family members immediately. The implant also fuses
naturally to human tissue without the recipient’s body rejecting it.
Likewise in 2020, Belgian scientists developed an artificial iris fitted to smart
contact lenses that correct a number of vision disorders. And scientists are even
working on wireless brain implants that bypass the eyes altogether.

Apple smart watches

Be not suspicious towards all, but be cautious and firm.” Democritus
The influx of smartwatches from Apple and other international electronics giants is
forcing the watchmaking industry to undertake an uncomfortable but no doubt
salutary exercise in perspective.
By encroaching on what we have always regarded as ‘our’ turf, Silicon Valley is
sowing discord in Watch Valley.
And in the background, a bigger question about the future of the watch looms: what
will watches be like in the future, in 2050 and beyond.
Will new communication technologies feature in their design? Will some sort of
‘hybridization’ eventually take place. Or will luxury mechanical timepieces continue to
coexist with cheaper‘connected’ watches, as they do today
After all, streaming has not killed off cinema (although it has decimated video
rental stores), any more than the internet signaled the demise of paper – as we at
Europa Star well know!
In launching its watch, Apple barely attempted to hide its indifference to the
venerable mechanical watchmaking industry. According to the New York Times,
its senior designer, Jonathan I’ve, did not mince his words when speaking about
Switzerland’s future as the Centre of watchmaking. It appears that, through an
‘unfortunate’ combination of circumstances, many high-tech gurus have come to
view the wrist as the new El Dorado for the latest wearable technology. But while
archrival Samsung modestly christened its new wrist-mounted gadget the ‘Gear’,
Apple bypassed the simple ‘wearable’ to glorify its offering with the title ‘Watch’.
technologies and data analysis. The value lies in how this technology is used rather
than simply how much technology is available.

Smart Cities
A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve
operational efficiency, share information with the public and provide a better
quality of government service and citizen welfare.

The main goal of a smart city is to optimize city functions and promote economic
growth while also improving the quality of life for citizens by using smart
technologies and data analysis. The value lies in how this technology is used rather
than simply how much technology is available.


4.Practical Applications

The purpose of adopting new technology during a geographic point is to supply solutions to issues or
inefficiencies. whereas some solutions area unit obvious, others need a little—or a lot—of investigation.

As issues arise, you may naturally look for solutions. make certain you solid a good web and appearance into all
potential solutions. Then, once you've got known the simplest technological answer, communicate this along
with your employees! allow them to grasp that you’re considering a brand new technology, and make certain to
get it out for them however it'll solve a retardant.

This would possibly seem obviously evident; but, it's likewise vital to ensure the innovation you're conceivably
death penalty can assist with addressing the problems initially recognized. One methodology for guaranteeing
this can be to request input from key partners. as well as partners from all levels acknowledges surprising
problems, hunt down arrangements and ultimately facilitate with the inevitable modification.

Acquiring understanding from key partners soon within the dynamic cycle enjoys another benefit: you may
create 'diplomats' for the new innovation the least bit levels of the organization by requesting their feedback.
divulge heart's contents to these representatives the advantages and expected results of the innovation in order
that they will uphold the work to totally different staff presently.

regardless of mode of delivery, the principles underpinning planning effective approaches to learning, teaching
and assessment area unit a similar. However, there area unit many key further problems to contemplate once
developing blended and on-line activities and resources. These apply whether or not your aim is to boost
aspects of what you are doing within the schoolroom, or to alter preponderantly or absolutely on-line learning.

Start tiny. If you're fully new victimisation technology in your teaching, there area unit easy ways in which
during which to boost your module whereas turning into accustomed to on-line tools before incorporating them
a lot of absolutely into your teaching. as an example, begin by victimisation Associate in Nursing asynchronous
discussion as an internet issues forum before moving on to weakening a subject-related discussion.

Practical uses of technology will contribute to a better level of cost-effectiveness in clinical follow. To be
specific, computer-assisted adjuncts to assessment, therapy, and documentation will save valuable practitioner
time. However, there should be Associate in Nursing awareness among the sector of the out there resources and
therefore the potential areas for development.

This technology are going to be used for various, totally different functions however the aim to develop is that
human’s life are going to be very easy once these policeman

5. Conclusion

In 2050 a lot of technologies will have been developed. These technologies are
very advance and their functionality is amazing. The world in 2050 will be
completely changed people’s way of living, way of walking, way of
communication each and everything will be change in 2050. The thinking of
peoples has also changed.
Technology advances can make huge financial and different advantages, however
can likewise prompt huge changes for laborers. IT and computerization can change
the manner in which work is led, by increasing or supplanting laborers in explicit
assignments. This can move the interest for certain kinds of human work, disposing
of certain positions and making new ones. Data Technology and the U.S. Labor
force investigates the cooperation’s between innovative, monetary, and cultural
patterns and distinguishes conceivable close term improvements for work. This
report underscores the need to comprehend and follow these patterns and foster
procedures to illuminate, get ready for, and react to changes in the work market. It
offers assessments of what is known, notes open inquiries to be tended to, and
recognizes promising examination pathways pushing ahead.
The committee expects important innovations to come in the area of artificial
intelligence (AI) and robotics. Several decades ago, humans were unable to
converse with machines using ordinary speech; now it is done routinely. Machines
are learning to effectively translate from one language to another, a task once seen
only in science fiction. We are moving from an era where machines were blind,
unable to recognize even simple objects, to an era where they can distinguish faces,
read street signs, and understand the content of photographs as well as—or better
than—humans. They are being put to work reading X-ray and MRI images,
advising doctors on potential drug interactions, helping lawyers

6. Recommendation / future work:

We are simply starting to comprehend the full worth that the Internet can bring to
the upcoming scene. All things considered, everything we are familiar the Internet
says to us that its future won't be just with regards to new innovations yet
additionally about engaging individuals.
The Internet might be many years old however we are currently toward the start of
the excursion. For quite some time now the Internet Society has been home to a
worldwide local area of individuals who trust in a center arrangement of qualities
for the Internet.

All through this task, it has been certain that individuals are taking a gander at the
eventual fate of the Internet from the perspective of these fundamental beliefs that
are as substantial for the future as they were 25 years prior:

The Internet should be worldwide, open and secure. Furthermore, on the grounds
that we live in an associated world, choices about the Internet's future should be
comprehensive and multistakeholder.

All in all, how would we arrive? How would we guarantee that the Internet of
things to come would one say one is that betters’ society, sets out freedom and
enables individuals? We accept that the way in to what's to come is to put
humankind at the focal point of the internet-based world. The proposals underneath
recommend potential ways forward with the goal that we will understand the
Internet's guarantee for all residents of the globe:

7. of abbreviations and key terms:

8. / attachments/ additional

For every one of the dollars spent by American organizations on R&D, there
regularly stays a tireless and upsetting hole between the intrinsic worth of the
innovation they create and their capacity to give it something to do viably.
During a period of furious worldwide contest, the distance between specialized
guarantee and authentic accomplishment involves particularly grave concern.
Drawing on their long investigation of the troubles directors have had in shutting
this hole, the creators distinguish about six key difficulties that supervisors
answerable for carrying out new innovation should conquer: their unpreventably
double job, the assortment of inside business sectors to be served, real protection
from change, the right level of advancement, the decision of execution site, and the
requirement for one individual to assume generally speaking liability. Bringing
innovative change into an association presents an alternate arrangement of
difficulties to the executives than accomplishes crafted by able venture
organization. As often as possible, in any case, the administrators liable for
shepherding a specialized advancement into routine use are vastly improved
prepared by schooling and experience to direct that advancement's improvement
than to deal with its execution.

Technology development procedure

Requirements - the main stage is necessities. This is the place where the allocated
engineer works with the client or client to characterize what is required. This might
be troublesome yet frequently it isn't. Additionally, the specialist might need to
foster his/her own rundown of prerequisites in view of existing information.
A ton of times clients won't know what to make into a prerequisite. This is the
place where the architect can add critical worth, adding to prerequisites that he
knows ought to be incorporated. The greatest thing to recollect in the necessities
stage is to guarantee you archive all prerequisites by composing everything down.
Research - when the prerequisites are set, the specialist moves into research stage.
This is the place where the designer explores advances that will accomplish the
prerequisites. This exploration could be through seller gatherings, website pages
(like, essential lab testing, or books. RFPs and RFQs should likewise
be possible during this stage if competitive offering is essential. Whatever can give
data about potential advancements that might meet the necessities. Toward the
finish of this stage, an innovation is picked.
Plan - this is the place where all the customary organization designing work is
finished. An organization engineer in this stage is sorting out how this new
innovation, explored and picked in the past stage, will squeeze into the current
organization biological system and furthermore be designed to accomplish the
prerequisites set in the primary stage. Network configuration charts, proposed
setups, and IP tending to, and so forth are the result of this stage.
Testing - when the plan is done, it's an ideal opportunity to test it. Generally great
plans self-destruct when initially gave a shot in the lab. Testing is frequently quite
possibly the main stage, yet it takes time. Be ready with a decent test plan with
recognizable objectives and a documentation plan for testing results. Make certain
to catch all setups from the lab since they are required in the following stage.
Normalization - this stage is the place where the last documentation is finished.
The graphs and setups made in the "Plan" stage were tried in the past stage. In this
stage, all of that data is concluded. In the event that this will be a reference plan for
a composed engineering, layouts are made. Out of this stage ought to be all
documentation that is expected to carry out the innovation.
Execute and Operationalize - in this penultimate stage the new innovation is
carried out. All the plan, testing, and documentation work meets up here to
introduce and empower the new innovation which will meet the client prerequisites
set in stage 1. Additionally, when introduced, all organization checking
frameworks ought to be refreshed to screen the new innovation (as proper).
Audit - the last stage is a survey of the actual cycle. Regularly during new
innovation advancement a few necessities aren't met. Or on the other hand, during
the interaction, new elements are observed that could be utilized later on. This
perhaps all feeds once more into another Requirements stage so the interaction can
start once more. It's likewise significant here to audit with the client that the
prerequisites were met and the new innovation is a triumph.
9. References:

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