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Geotechnical properties of Tanjaro formation

in sulaimani city

Project Submitted as part requirement

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Civil Engineering


Lenya Ayub Kaka Hama

Roza Azad Ahmed
Ainda Nariman Hameed
May 2022

Geotechnical properties of Tanjaro formation

in sulaimani city

Project Submitted as part requirement

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Civil Engineering


Lenya Ayub Kaka Hama

Roza Azad Ahmed
Ainda Nariman Hameed


Assist. Prof. Dr. Younis Mustafa Alshkane

May 2022

I hereby declare that I carried out the work reported in this report in the

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sulaimani, under the supervision of

Dr. (Younis Mustafa Alshkane). I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge,

no part of this report has been submitted here or elsewhere in a previous

application for award of a degree. All sources of knowledge used have been duly


Lenya Ayub Kaka Hama Roza Azad Ahmed NAME OF STUDENT


This is to certify that the project titled “Geotechnical properties of Tanjaro

formation in sulaimani city” carried out by Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, (give

the full names) has been read and approved for meeting part of the

requirements and regulations governing the award of the Bachelor of

Engineering (Civil) degree of University of Sulaimani, Sulaimanyah, Iraq.

Signature Signature

Name Name


Board of examiners

Signature Signature Signature

Name Name Name

First examiner Second examiner Chairman of the board


 Our parents
 Our teacher
 Our frinds



Geotechnical properties of weak rocks such as Tanjero formation influence on the

stability of Civil Engineering structure and earth works. Tanjero formation consists of
marl and alternation of sand and silt layers. There is little information about the
geotechnical properties of Tanjero formation in Iraq especially in Sulaimani city. Usually,
the materials of this formation are not properly used as back fill materials and in
construction works, the owner of projects get rid of theses material during the
excavation of the foundation of structures in this formation. In this research an attempt
has been made to find out whether these materials can be used for backfill materials or
not. To achieve the aim of this study, some of geotechnical properties of Tanjero
Formation have been studied such as: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Linear Shrinkage ,
maximum dry density with optimum moisture content, Direct Shear strength parameters
and Unconfined Compressive Strength.

In addition In this experimental study, we used normal Tanjaro Formation, And then we
want to know its Geotechnical properties without and with additive.

Detective Liquid Limit of cohesive soil using Casagrand apparatus.

To classify soil, cumulate various soil properties with strength estimate swelling
potential of soil.

To determine the samples of soil which the limit between plastic state and semi-solid

To determine the plasticity Index of soil, which is the numerical difference between the
liquid limit and plastic limit

To obtain relation between water content and dry unit weight by using the standard
proctor compaction test.

To determine the maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content.

Determine the maximum load per unit area.

Determine the shear stress.



1 Introduction 2

1.1 Background 3

1.2 Significance of the study 7

1.3 Aim and objectives of the study 7

1.4 Methodology 8

1.5 Report outline

2 Literature review 11

3 methodology

3.1 Overview of the experimrnt

3.2 Procedures of design

3.3 Instruments

3.3.1 Instuments of Direct Shear

3.3.2 Instuments of Unconfined Test



4 Results and discussion

4.1 Standard compaction test

4.2 Spesfic gravity test

4.3 Unconfined test

4.4 Direct shear test

5 Conclusions and recommendations

5.1 conclusions

5.2 Recommendations

6 Refrences




1.1 Raparin location (study location) 5

1.2 Tanjero soil in Raparin location 6

3.3.1 Instruments of Direct shear test

3.3.2 Instruments of unconfined test




UCS Unconfined compressive strength kpa

Lo Initial length of the specimen

lf Final length after take a sample out a sample from oven

w Moisture content



uu Unconsiladated undrained

e.g For example

Etc. And similar others

Kg Kilo gram

No. number

1/2in Half inch

N Number of blows

in inch

ib pound

In/mm Inch per milimeters

kpa Kilo pascal

kN Kilo newton

min minute

mm milimeter

g/ft^3 Gram per cubic feet

lo Initial length



1.1 Background

Soil is a natural body of solids (minerals and organig matter ) ,liquids and gases that
occur on the surface of the earth ,occupies space ,and is characterized by one or both of
the following : horizons or layers . soil develops slowly over time and is composed of
many different materials , and its mixture of minral materials (sands ,gravels and fines)
used as base for construction soil has an important role in enginnering , soils are used to
make building materials such as cement and brick , and the engineering structure like
building , bridge , highway , tunnel , dam , tower are found below or on the surface of the
earth geotechnical properties of soil influence the stability of civil engineering structure .
most of the geotechnical properties of soil influence to each other . and ther are three
basic type of soil :(sand ,silt and clay) in this research we study tangero formation
materials which is type of soil cosist of (clay , sand , silt , marle , and lime ) we explained
all these types as follow :

Clay soil : clay is the smallest particle amongst the other tow types of soil , the particles
in this soil are tightly packed toghether with each other with very little or no airspace this
soil has very good water storage qualities and makes it hard for moisture and air to
penetrate into it , it is very sticky to the touch when wet , but smooth when dried . clay is
the densest and heaviest type of soil which dose not drain well or provide space for plant
roots to florish .

Sandy soil: it consists of small particles of weathered rock , sandy soils are one of the
puorest types of soil for growing plants because it has very low nutrients and poor water
hplding capacity , which makes it hard for the plants roots to absorb water , this type of
soil is very good for the drainage system . sandy soil is usually formed by the breakdown
of fragmentation of rocks like granite limestone and quartz .

Silt soil : which is known to have much smaller particles compared to sandy soil and is
made up of rock and other minral particles , which are smaller than sand and larger than
clay , it is the smooth and fine quality of the soil that holds water better than sand . sillt is
easly transported by moving currents and it is mainly found near the river , lake and other
water bodies . the silt soil is more fertile compared to the other three types of soil .

Marle : is used to designate soft , carbonate – rich , fine – grained soils, which pose
concerns about both subsidence and stability . marl is typically used as base course ,
fore highway pavement and as a sub-base or backfill for the base coarse ,

Lime: is one of the basic building matrerials used mainly as lime mortar in consruction ,
the broad category of lime is non-hydrauclic lime is called as quick lime , fat lime or
white lime or as lump lime , hydraulic lime sets under water and non – hydraulic lime

dose not set under water , in construction , the dominate use of lime is in soil stabilization
for roads , earthen dams, airfields , and buildings foundation.

Study Area

Figure 1.1: Raparin location (study location)

Figure 1.2 :Tanjero soil in Raparin location.

1.2 The significance of the study

In this study we check the suitability of tangero formation materials for backfilling ,
backfilling is an important part of the construction process, backfilling happens after
excavation , when the soil is compacted back in to the trench or foundation , if tanjaro
formation was suitable for filling , it can be useful we don’t have to dispose them in
unused land which have bad influence for environment .

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study

The aim of this study is to check the suitability of tanjaro formation matrials as filling
materials , to achive the aim of this study the following objective should be performed :

1. Determine the geotechnical properties of tanjaro formation such as shear strength

parameters and compressive strength .
2. Determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of tanjaro
formation .

1.4 Methodology

In this experiment study, we will take the example of the Tangero layer and perform

several tests in the laboratory (standard compression test, specific gravity, direct shear

test, unconstrained compressive strength) to better understand the properties. , and we

explained each test. we made as follows:

Specific gravity test The specific gravity of a given material is defined as the ratio of the

weight of a given volume of material to the weight of an equal amount of distilled water.

In soil mechanics, the specific gravity of soil solid (which is often referred to as the

specific gravity of soil) is important for calculating the weight-volume ratio.

Standard compaction test To build highways, airports, and other structures, it is often

necessary to compact the soil to improve its strength. Proctor (1933) has developed a

laboratory compaction test method to determine the maximum dry unit weight of soil

compaction that can be used to specify field compaction. This test is called the Standard

Proctor Compaction Test and is based on compaction of soil fractions that pass through

the No. 4 Sieve.

Direct shear test: Geotechnical engineers utilize the direct shear test  to measure the

shear strength characteristics of soil or rock material, as well as discontinuities in soil or

rock masses. When a material is exposed to shearing, its shear strength is defined as the

highest resistance it can endure. The Direct Shear Test, which may be done on

undisturbed or remoulded samples, is one of the most frequent and simplest methods for

determining the strength of a soil.

Unconfined compression strength The greatest axial compressive stress that a right-

cylindrical sample of material can resist under unconfined conditions—the confining

stress being zero—is known as the unconfined compressive strength (UCS). This

information is then utilized to compute the clay's unconsolidated undrained shear strength

in unconfined condition.



In this chapter , I will review the relevant literature in this area of study and provide the

studies that been conducted before in them. The discussion of this chapter would include

reviewing the literature regarding the studies done on tanjero formation.

Tanjero formation is an upper cretaceous (compaian-maastrichtian) until, which crops out

within the imbricated and high folded zones in northeastern Iraq. It stretches as narrow

northwest-southeast belt near and parallel to the iranain border. The formation mainly

consists of alternation of clastic rocks of sandstone , marl and calcareous shale with

occurrence of very thick conglomerate and biogenic limestone. On the basis of main

lithological distribution, tanjero formation has been subdivided into four beds according

to petrography, organic contents and diagenetic processes.

In our study we find the (compressive strength , specific gravity , shear strength , and

compaction of the soil ).

in the recent years , several researches have tried to find geotechnical property of tanjero of those reasearchs is the paper that was published by professor kamal H

Karim about (Basin analysis of Tanjaro formation in sulaimaniya NE-Iraq) ,and another

one is geotechnical property of tanjero formatin of slemani city by (elham , niga , avan ,

may 2020) it their research they did several test and the test were,(liquid limit , plastic

limit , linear shrinkage , standart proctor compaction , direct shear , unconfined

compression ), I which they did tests we didn’t have done in our research . other research

about geotechnical property of tanjero such as (sediment logical study of tanjero

formation – dokan section nort of Iraq).

Chapter three

3.1 overview of the experiment /design
Restriction /limiting condition , sampling technique
In this chapter step by step we explanid all the test that we did for our sample
and the test were (direct shear, unconfined compression ,specific
gravity ,standard compaction ) and all the matrial and instrument that we
used are explained.

3.2 procedure of design /investigation

Direct shear test :
1. Check the inner dimension of the soil sample ,and put the parts of the
direct shear apparatues together
2. Calculate the volume of the sampler .weigh the sampler
3. Place the soil inside the sampler in three smooth layers (approximately
10 mm thick each before tamping if dense sample is required , tamp
the soil with appropriate equal number of blow in each layer for the
required density .

4. After completing three layer ,level the top layer and weigh the soil
sampler with soil .find the weight of wet soil and calculate the density
of soil to confirm the obtainment of required density .
5. Place the soil specimen inside the direct shear apparatus and put the
upper porous stone ,pressure pad and loading block on top of soil.
6. Adjast the dial gauges and provine ring to zero position after setting
up the specimen set up .apply the desired normal stress say 0.5 kg/cm2
,add water at the top of direct shear box set up and wait for at least 20
minute to ensure saturation and remove the shear pin.
7. Measure the final vertical dial gauge reading which measures the
deformation in vertical direction due to saturation .
8. Record the initial reading of the dial gaug and provide ring value
before starting the shearing .
9. Cheack all adjastments to see that three is no connection between two
parts except sand/soil .
10.Fix the strain controlled frame to the required strain rate. Start the
motor ,take the reading of the shear force in proving ring with respect
to the change in horizontal dial gauge reading and vertical
deformation in vertical dial gauge till failure.
11.The step from 1to 10 has to be reapeted for another two normall
stresses ( 1kg/cm2 and 1.5 kg/cm2)

Unconfined compression test :

1. 0btain a soil specimen for the test .
2. Measure the diameter and height of the specimen and take the moist
unit weight of the specimen.
3. Place the specimen centrally between the two loading plate of the
unconfined compression the top loading plate very
carefully just to touch the top of the specimen .set the proving ring
dial gauge to zero a dial gauge should be attached to the unconfined
compression machine to record the vertival upward movement of the
bottom loading plate set this dial gauge zero .

4. Turn the machine on,record loads and the corresponding specimen
5. Continue taking readings untl:
a-load reaches a peak and then decrease ,or
b-load reaches a maximum value and remains approximately constant
c-thereafter (take about 5 readings after it reaches the peak value) or
d-deformation of the specimen is past the 20% strain before reaching
the peak.
6. Use the reverse switch on the machine to bring the bottom loading
plate down .
7. Remove the specimen between the two loading plate .
8. Draw a free hand sketch of the specimen after failure . show the nature
of failure.
9. Put the specimen in a porcelain evaporation dish and determine the
moisture contain after drying it in an oven.

3.3 instruments /software
3.3.1 instruments of direct shear test
1. direct shear box apparatus and loading frame .

2. Two dial gauges ,proving ring weighing balance with accuracy of 0.01g

3.tamper ,straight edge ,spatula.

3.3.2 instruments of unconfined test :
1.unconfind compression test device .

2. specimen trimmer and accessories..

3.harvard mainature compaction device and accessories


5. balance

6. oven

7. porcelain evaporationg dish .

Chapter five


conclution and
5.1 conclusions
Based on the investigation in this expermintal study ,the
following conclusions can be made :

1- In the standard compaction test in the plot of dry uint weight and moisture
content we determined optimum moisture content = %13 by doing three trials.
2- In the spesfic gravity test our avareg result was S.G=2.59 by three trial.
3- For the unconfined test we did three trials on rate (0.5 mm/min) of unconfined
compession testing device and the avarge result was qu=226.66 pa
4- We determined the angle of friction by doing three trials of direct shear test then
plot in shear force , stress graph C= 39.197 Phi=36.507 .

5.2 recommendations
after finalizing this experimental study , the following
recommendations are suggested for future studies : of reinforced tanjero by plastic fiber .

2. study of reinforced tanjero by cement .

3. study of reinforced tanjero by cement and fiber .

4. study of reinforced tanjero with additive such as fly ash .


Kamal, H.K., (2006). Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Tanjero

Formation in Sulaimaniyah Area,NE Iraq.(KAJ) Kurdistan Academicians Journal, 2006,
Vol. 4, No.1, part A, pp. 19- 43.

Abdalla E.M., et al. (2020). Geotechnical Properties of Tanjaro Formation in Slemani

City. Iraq: 43.

Al-Zubaidi, Aqeel. (2016). Sedimentological Study of Tanjero Formation– Dokan Section
North of Iraq.Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 6. 33- 37.

Roy, Surendra & Bhalla, Sanjeev. (2017). Role of Geotechnical Properties of Soil on
Civil Engineering Structures. 7. 103-109. 10.5923/

Types Of Soil - Sandy Soil, Clay Soil, Silt Soil, And Loamy Soil (



Ural, N., 2018. The Importance Of Clay In Geotechnical Engineering. [online]

IntechOpen. Available at: <
zuM13ukarJ_o2XuUSZk2HatWIrVSsoIyNFPe6NMiY_MoM> [Accessed 22 February


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