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Compare and contrast Stanford-Binet and Weschler Scales.

(Venn Diagram)

The Stanford-Binet Scale The Wechsler Scale

1. The Stanford-Binet test reflected 1. Wechsler test reflected verbal

Results of
mostly verbal abilities. most of and nonverbal abilities.
the earlier
2. The Binet scale depends upon using 2. The Wechsler Intelligence
a Mental Age concept of intelligence. subjects Scale for Children is a point scale.
that the
3. The Stanford-Binet does not mean IQ
3. The WISC is composed of
include any test items designated from twelve subtests, each supposed
the Form
as measuring a particular skill. L-M were to tap a specific ability, and it
similar to
4. At 6 years, the Binet standard the mean
yields a separate verbal and
IQ scores
deviation is unusually small, and at from the performance intelligence
12 years of age it is unusually large scales of quotient.
the WISC.
4. The WISC standard deviations
are the same size at each age

Find 2 examples of Culture-fair Intelligence tests and identify the following:
Name of author
Brief description of the test

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