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Vocabulary Worksheet

Name: ___________________________ Class:______

Unit 1 Lesson 1
A Fine, Fine School

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 1

Vocabulary Worksheet


Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 2

Vocabulary Worksheet

Target Vocabulary

Vocabulary Words Definitions

principal the leader of a school

soared flew upward
strolled walked slowly
worried uneasy or anxious
proud pleased with yourself or someone else
announced made known
fine very nice
certainly surely

Example Sentences
1. The sun shines and the air is clear. It is a __________________day for the
school yard sale.
2. Colorful kites __________________high in the sky at the school’s cultural fair.
3. Students and their families __________________for miles to raise money for
4. Each day, a different student __________________school news over a
5. These young actors feel __________________of their terrific performance in a
school play.
6. We __________________should turn off lights when not using them. This
surely saves energy.
7. A __________________who gets to know the students will be a better leader.
8. This boy is __________________. He is afraid rain will ruin the class field trip.

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 3

Vocabulary Worksheet

Complete each sentence with the corresponding vocabulary word.

1. The ____________________ gave a speech on the last day of school.

2. My brother shouted so loud, that his voice ________________ up to the

others apartments on top of us.

3. I ___________________
certainly prepared my show and tell, so I feel confident that I

will do O.K.

announced to
4. My mom ___________________ the complete family the beautiful news:

she’s having another baby!

5. Today was a ________________

fine day. We had fun in our online classes,

and at the end we stayed playing some fun games!

Write a complete sentence with the given words. Remember to start with capital
letter and finish with a period.

• proud
Answers may vary.
• worried
Answers may vary.
• announced
Answers may vary.

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 4

Vocabulary Worksheet

Unit 1 Lesson 2
The Trial of Cardigan Jones

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 5

Vocabulary Worksheet

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 6

Vocabulary Worksheet

Match each word to its definition by writing the letter of the

definition on the line.

A. Made someone believe or agree to

1. G stand something

B. Used a finger to show where something

2. C murmur was

3. H honest C. The sound of people speaking very softly

4. B pointed D. Having done something wrong

5. D guilty E. A meeting in court to decide if someone

has broken the law

6. F jury

F. The group of people who make the

decision in a trial
7. E trial

G. The place where a witness in a trial sits

8. A convinced
while being questioned

H. Telling the truth

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Vocabulary Worksheet

stand murmured honest pointed

guilty jury trial convinced

Use the words above to fill in the missing words in the story below. Make sure

to reread your story to make sure it makes sense.

One day Thomas Turtle was invited to play baseball with Hope Hippo. He

went into his room to get his baseball glove and couldn’t find it. “Oh no!” he

thought. “I bet my sister Tina stole it when she was playing in my room last week.”

Thomas ran to tell his mom, Trudy, about his sister stealing.

“Mom,” Thomas said. “Tina stole my glove. I know she’s guilty!”

“Honey, are you positive she stole it? Are you sure you didn’t lose it?” His

mom asked. “No Mom. I just know she did it! I’m convinced!” Thomas said.

“Well, why don’t we ask her first? Maybe she’ll know where it is. If not, we can

have a little trial to decide if she did it or not,” Trudy replied. Trudy went off to

find Tina and Thomas got the living room ready. He set up stuffed animals on a

bench to be the jury, or the people who make the decision. He even set up a

witness stand where he could ask his sister questions about the glove. When Trudy

came back with Tina, Thomas showed them his pretend courtroom. “Now,”

Thomas said as he pointed to his sister. “You must answer my questions.

He began to question her about being in his room the week before. “So,
where did you take my glove and why did you take it?” he asked her. “I promise I

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Vocabulary Worksheet

didn’t take your glove. I’m being honest I never played with your glove. In fact, I
didn’t even see it in your messy room.” As Thomas was talking to his sister, Trudy
disappeared, but neither of her children noticed because they were arguing. A few
moments later, Trudy returned with her hands behind her back. “Look what I
found!” she said to Tina and Thomas. “What is it?” they both asked at the same
time. Trudy pulled the object from behind her back. “Your glove!”
Thomas yelled, “I bet you found it in Tina’s room!”
“No,” mom replied. “I found it under your desk. It was underneath some
dirty clothes and trash. From now on, you need to look before you accuse your
sister of stealing.”
“Sorry,” Thomas said to Tina. “You were telling the truth. I should have
believed you.”
“It’s okay,” Tina murmured quietly. “I forgive you.”
Then Tina and Thomas ran off to play baseball with Hope Hippo. ☺

Write a complete sentence with the given words. Remember to start with capital
letter and finish with a period.

• convinced
Answers may vary.
• guilty
Answers may vary.
• pointed
Answers may vary.

Mrs. Hanan Ahmed 9

Vocabulary Worksheet

Word Bank
Convinced Guilty Honest Jury

Murmur Pointed Stand Trial

Directions: Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that fits the
1. The judge asks for silence when he hears a murmur in the courtroom.
2. A witness pointed to a map to show where the crime took place.
3. Members of a jury hear the facts of the case and make a decision together.
4. In trial, people in a courtroom review what happened to figure out the
5. Jurors tell the judge whether they think the accused person is guilty or
6. The lawyer made the jury members believe her. They were convinced.
7. When people take the stand in court, they sit down and answer questions.
8. People in court are asked to be honest and tell the truth.

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