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1. How do you define succession, in your own words?

Succession is the transferring of inheritance.

2. What are the types of Succession and their differences?
a. Testamentary or testate succession is property distributed by will
b. Legal or intestate succession is when compulsory heirs assume the inheritance
c. Mixed succession is a type of succession made in a will designating an heir a
succession affected by operations of law a combination of the 2 former types of
3. What are the types of Wills and their differences?
a. If a person dies without a will, or with a void will or one which has subsequently lost its
validity (VOID WILL)
b. When the "Will" does not institute an heir
c. Partial institution of an heir
d. When the heir instituted is incapable of succeeding
4. What is the nature of Succession?
A succession is described as a form of acquisition wherein a person's property, rights, and
responsibilities up to the value of his inheritance are transferred to another person or persons
through his death, either by his will or by operation of law.
5. What are the elements of Succession?
a. Decedent Inheritance
b. Successors
c. Compulsory heirs
d. Voluntary heirs
e. Legal or intestate heirs
6. Up to what extent is the scope of Gross Estate?
The Tax Code of the Philippines states that the value of the gross estate of the decedent should
be determined by including the value at the time of his death of all property, real or personal,
tangible or intangible, wherever situated with certain conditions imposed upon the nonresident
7. What are the exempt transfers/exclusion from the gross estate?
The tax excludes “intangible” personal property with situs in the Philippines from the gross
estate of a non-resident alien decedent if there is reciprocity. Exclusive property of the surviving
spouse Property outside the Philippines of a non-resident alien
8. What is the procedure of establishing gross estate
A nonresident alien decedent is taxable only for the properties situated in the Philippines.
Moreover, interest income earned before or at the time of death shall likewise form part of the
decedent’s gross estate. Intangible properties with situs within the Philippines are excluded in
the determination of the gross estate if there is reciprocity.

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