Ielts-Writing-Task-1 - PH M Lý Nhã Ca

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Content Y/N Feedback

Task Achievement

Does the report contain at least 150 words? Yes

Has the author paraphrased the question in the Yes


Has the overview presented the most noticeable No Your highest proportion is not
feature of the pie chart(s) (e.g. the highest proportion, correct. As a percentage of the
the main difference/similarity, etc.)? definite job rather than no reason
Has the report covered the significant features (the Yes The numbers are stated in detail,
biggest/ smallest proportions, or differences/ but further analysis is
similarities)? recommended for categories such
as accompany/join
Coherence & Cohesion

Has the information been grouped into paragraphs Yes


Is the report presented in a logical order? Yes

Are there at least 3 transitional expressions used Yes But the introduction and the
correctly (e.g. First, Besides, Overall, etc.)? overview should be divided into 2
Lexical Resource

Has the question been paraphrased properly? Yes

Does the author avoid repeating vocabulary? Yes

Does the report contain vocabulary specific to pie Yes


Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Are the sentences grammatically correct? Yes Im not sure

Has punctuation been used correctly? May be

Nguyễn Quỳnh Như

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

Write at least 150 words.

The pie charts demonstrate the main causes that people came to and from the UK in 2007. Overall, there
is a significant difference between immigration and emigration. The percentage of ‘no reason stated’ in
emigration is very large, while the percentage of no reason stated in immigration is the smallest.

The proportion of formal study was a large majority, at over a quarter of peoplewhile the formal study in
the figure for emigration was just 4 %. In terms of the definite job, it were similar, at 30% for immigration
and 29% for emigration. In contrast, the total percentage of looking for work, no reason stated and other
of the emigration is greater than the immigration.

Regarding the remaining categories, the percentage of looking for work in emigration is almost twice the
immigration’s job search rate. The proportion of the accompany/join in both aspects is relatively stable,
they are almost the same rate.

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