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2022-2023 Educational Year Spring Semester English

Literature II Midterm Exam

1. What are the reflections of 19th century on David Copperfield and Wuthering
Heights? Compare two works within the frame of reader response criticism by
focusing on the main characters and the vital events to provide examples. (400-500
words) (50pts)

The 19th century had a significant impact on British Empire in terms of colonialism,
rapid developments in technology and science. In the line with these developments in
society, the perception of the Industrial Revolution was also reflected in literary
works. The novels David Copperfield and Wuthering Heights are set in England
during the Industrial Revolution. The themes of this period, such as labor exploitation,
child labor, strict moral and cultural values, inequality, gender roles, and poverty,
were reflected in the works. In the following paragraphs, I will examine the works in
the context of the characteristics of the period.

Charles Dickens, one of the greatest writers of the period, addresses the striking
problems and differences between the lower and upper classes in his novel ‘’David
Copperfield’’. Our main character, David, struggles against society by having to work
under difficult conditions as a child laborer without being paid enough. The novel
highlights the challenges of urban life and how industrialization disregards human
labor and life. In addition, Dickens depicted the limited freedoms of women at that
time, the submissive female model and the oppression of the patriarchal system with
female characters such as Dora Spenlow, Agnes Wickfield and Clara Copperfield.

Written by Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights is a literary novel incorporating both the
Victorian and Romantic Movement styles. The work was widely criticized in the
Victorian era due to the characters and subject that violate the rules of society. The
novel reveals the different social status of the characters and the conflicts created by
these differences. Even when our main character, Catherine, is choosing the person
she will marry, social class and social pressure are an insurmountable obstacle for her.
In fact, these social pressures cause the death of the main character. Although the
biggest movement of the period was realism, the author's use of gothic and
supernatural elements was seen as a violation of the rules of society. Because the
characters do not stop loving each other even though they are excluded from the

As expressed, in Victorian literature, ‘’realistic novels’’ were popularly written. The

writers of that period, leaving their emotional worlds, create more real-world works.
Predetermined social rules, laborers working like a machine, low salaries, gender
inequality, social classes were the major problems of the period and it became
impossible not to be reflected in literary works. Both Charles Dickens and Emily
Bronte provided guiding works for us to analyze the period.
2. Compare Catherine Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights, Nora Helmer in A Doll’s
House and Lily Briscoe in To The Lighthouse from the feminist perspective by
highlighting the conditions and role of the women in their societies. (400-500 words)

Victorian women were submissive, as required by the patriarchal system, and had
limited freedoms due to social pressure. In the Victorian era, women's domestic roles
were exalted and women's qualifications limited to good "mother", "wife" and
"housewife". This ideology is also known as the ‘’angel in the house’’. Writers who
had a feminist thought at that time; they included characters such as Catherine
Earnshaw, Nora Helmer and Lily Briscoe in their works as a rebellion against this
limitation in women's love life, education life, working life, and their rights and
freedom of thought. In the following paragraphs, I will examine the female characters
that I have just mentioned by examining the period in which they lived in the context
of feminism.

As a result of the social pressures of that period, Victorian women wanted to improve
their living conditions by marrying an upper-class man. However, Catherine
Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights did not care to be seen as a sinner and chose to live
her own life the way she wanted. In this environment of social expectation and
pressure, which forces her to marry someone of her level, Catherine Earnshaw's love
for Heathcliff predominates. She goes after her love and passion, contrary to the
female model determined by society.

Nora Helmer, the ideal example of a submissive woman in her era, is an excellent
housewife, mother, and wife. The ‘’angel in the house’’ adopts the characteristics
brought by the patriarchal society. Over time, she questions her experiences and
perceives that there is something wrong with gender roles. This is where a rebellion
begins. Nora abandons her husband and children, leaving marriage and home, where
her individuality is restricted. I am sure that breaking this cycle that has been going on
for centuries is a painful process. However, this rebellion of Nora to achieve self-
discovery and freedom strengthened the women of that period.

At a time when women are responsible for carrying out traditional duties, Lily Briscoe
is a feminist trying to break down stereotypes. Lily, who wants to take painting as a
profession, encounters many obstacles. Although she wanted to express herself freely
through art, it was decided by the society that men should do this too. This is not
women's job. Still, Lily is determined on her way to freedom and does not give up
easily. I am sure every woman who was very creative and wanted to realize herself
suffered at that era.

In general, these three female characters we have discussed lived in the same era, their
challenges for freedom were similar, but their dreams were different from each other.
In the light of feminis, all of them questioned their lives and took action for
themselves. Similar struggles still continue in some parts of the world. I think
embracing feminism is very important for a world where women do not have to fight
for their freedom.

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