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Explore Our World: Level 4 – Units 1–4

1. Look. Listen. Write the letter. TR: 4.3

Example: C (She is eating fruit.)

1) _____
2) _____
3) _____
4) _____
5) _____
6) _____


____ 2. Your hand is at the end of your arm, and you have five __________ on it.
a. toes b. fingers c. elbows

____ 3. You have lots of muscles, two shoulders, two legs, but only one __________.
a. stomach b. knee c. bone

____ 4. There’s a party on the weekend to __________ my birthday.

a. dress up b. celebrate c. dance

____ 5. I always wrap __________ before I give them to people.

a. balloons b. invitations c. presents
Complete the sentence.

6. On the weekend we didn’t eat at home and we didn’t eat in a restaurant. We went on a
______________ in the park.

7. In winter I sometimes go _________________. You can go very fast on the ice.

8. My cousin Sabrina is __________________ than me. I’m eleven and she’s only nine.

9. I had a big ___________________________ with nine candles. It was delicious.


a. Yes. On Saturday we went hiking in the morning, and then we watched a movie in
the evening.
b. No, I didn’t. It was too cold.
c. Yes, I did. It was great. My team didn’t lose. They won!
d. I stayed home and texted my friends.
e. Yes, I did. But I don’t eat too much junk food.
____ 10. What did you do yesterday?
____ 11. Did you go swimming yesterday?
____ 12. Did you do anything special last weekend?
____ 13. Did you watch the baseball game on TV?
____ 14. Did you have some chips after school yesterday?

Complete. Use the correct form of the best word from the box. Not all of the words are used.

dance eat have watch wear

15. Last weekend, it was my brother’s birthday and we _____________ a party at home.

16. There was a parade in the town center. I _____________ it. It was interesting.

17. The party was great. Everyone _____________ to the music.

18. I _____________ fruit and vegetables every day last week.

Look. Answer the question.

Monica Elena Luis

19. Did Luis stay at home on the weekend? What did he do?

20. Did Monica eat at home yesterday?


21. Did Elena go fishing on the weekend?


22. Did you do any of these activities last weekend? What did you do?
Read. Write T for True or F for False.

The Festival of Yi Peng

In Thailand, the festival of Yi Peng usually happens in November. On the first day, there is a
parade and people wear beautiful costumes. People make lanterns and light small candles inside
them. On the night of the festival, there are thousands of lanterns in the sky. People also put up
lanterns in their homes and gardens. And on the last day, there are fireworks.

____ 23. People make lanterns for the Yi Peng festival.

____ 24. There is a parade on the second day of the festival.

____ 25. There are candles inside the lanterns.

____ 26. People put up balloons in their homes during the Yi Peng festival.

____ 27. There are fireworks on the last day of the Yi Peng festival.

Read. Match.

Carnivals in Rio and Venice

Many cities around the world have carnivals. Many are small, but millions of visitors go to
see the carnivals in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and in Venice in Italy each year. These carnivals usually
happen in January or February. In Italy it’s cold then, but in Brazil it’s very hot. For the carnival in
Venice, people dress up and wear beautiful masks, so you can’t see who they are!
There are no cars in Venice because the city is built on the water, but there is an amazing
parade of boats with candles. In Rio de Janeiro it’s different: the parades are in the streets and people
play music and dance. The music is loud, and they play all night. There are parties on the beach, too.

a. in the streets and on the beach.

b. when it is cold.
c. people wear masks.
d. in Venice.
e. have carnivals.
____ 28. Many cities in the world
____ 29. In Venice, the carnival happens
____ 30. In Rio, people have parties
____ 31. There are no cars
____ 32. For the carnival in Venice,
Read. Complete with the best word from the box.

boats dance masks visit

Carnivals in Rio and Venice

Many cities around the world have carnivals. Many are small, but millions of visitors go to
see the carnivals in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and in Venice in Italy each year. These carnivals usually
happen in January or February. In Italy it’s cold then, but in Brazil it’s very hot. For the carnival in
Venice, people dress up and wear beautiful masks, so you can’t see who they are!
There are no cars in Venice because the city is built on the water, but there is an amazing
parade of boats with candles. In Rio de Janeiro it’s different: the parades are in the streets and people
play music and dance. The music is loud, and they play all night. There are parties on the beach, too.

33. There is a parade of ____________________ in the carnival in Venice.

34. In Venice, you don’t know who people are because they wear __________.

35. In Rio, people play music and __________ in the streets and on the beach.

36. Millions of people __________ Rio and Venice to see the carnivals.

Listen. Write T for True or F for False. TR: 4.4

____ 37. Laura stayed at home on the weekend.

____ 38. Hasan usually goes horseback riding on the weekend.

____ 39. Hasan was with his brother on the weekend.

____ 40. Hasan’s horse was big.

____ 41. You use your arms, your back, and your legs when you go horseback riding.
Listen. Answer the questions. TR: 4.4a

42. What did Laura eat in the restaurant?


43. When did Hasan go horseback riding?


44. What happened when Hasan got off the horse?


45. Speaking
Explore Our World: Level 4 – Units 1–4
Answer Section
1. ANS:
1) G (Did your cousins dance with you?)
2) E (This is a parade.)
3) A (This is a bone.)
4) D (They look very different.)
5) B (They got exercise.)
6) F (I stayed home.)


PTS: 6 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary

2. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
NAR: L4U1–4_MC1
3. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
NAR: L4U1–4_MC1
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
NAR: L4U1–4_MC1
5. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
NAR: L4U1–4_MC1
6. ANS:

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L4U1–4_SA1

7. ANS:
ice skating

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L4U1–4_SA1

8. ANS:

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L4U1–4_SA1

9. ANS:
cake / birthday cake

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary NAR: L4U1–4_SA1

10. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar
11. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar
12. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar
13. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar
14. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar
15. ANS: had

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_CO1

16. ANS: watched

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_CO1

17. ANS: danced

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_CO1

18. ANS: ate

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_CO1

19. ANS:
No, he didn’t. He went ice skating.

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_SA2

20. ANS:
No, she didn’t. She went on a picnic.
No, she didn’t. She had a picnic.

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_SA2

21. ANS:
Yes, she did (go fishing).
Yes, she went fishing.

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_SA2

22. ANS:
Answers will vary.
I went fishing/swimming/bike riding/stayed home.

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Grammar NAR: L4U1–4_SA2

23. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L4U1–4_TF1
24. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L4U1–4_TF1
25. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L4U1–4_TF1
26. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L4U1–4_TF1
27. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
NAR: L4U1–4_TF1
28. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
29. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
30. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
31. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
32. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading
33. ANS: boats

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading NAR: L4U1–4_CO2

34. ANS: masks

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading NAR: L4U1–4_CO2

35. ANS: dance

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading NAR: L4U1–4_CO2

36. ANS: visit

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Reading NAR: L4U1–4_CO2

37. ANS: F
<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4.mp3>

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_TF2

38. ANS: F
<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4.mp3>

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_TF2

39. ANS: T
<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4.mp3>

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_TF2

40. ANS: T
<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4.mp3>

PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_TF2

41. ANS: T
<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4.mp3>
PTS: 1 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_TF2
42. ANS:
She ate too much junk food.

<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4a.mp3>

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_SA3

43. ANS:
He went horseback riding on Saturday (after breakfast).

<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4a.mp3>

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_SA3

44. ANS:
The teacher gave him an apple to feed the horse.

<eow2e_ev4_ ame_4.4a.mp3>

PTS: 2 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Listening NAR: L4U1–4_SA3

45. ANS:
1) Ask What time did you go to bed yesterday?
Sample answer: I went to bed at [9 P.M.] yesterday.

2) Ask What did you do to be fit today?

Sample answer: I walked to school.

3) Ask Did you take a shower yesterday?

Sample answer: Yes, I took a shower yesterday. / No, I didn’t take a shower yesterday.

4) Ask Do you watch too much TV?

Sample answer: Yes, I do.

5) Ask What was the last party you went to?

Sample answer: I went to a friend’s birthday party a few weeks ago.

6) Ask Where did you go on the weekend?

Sample answer: I went shopping with my friends.

7) Ask Did you have fun yesterday? What did you do?
Sample answer: It was a boring day because it was a school day.

8) Ask What present did your parents give you on your last birthday?
Sample answer: They gave me some clothes.

9) Ask Does your family like to go hiking or fishing?

Sample answer: My family likes to go hiking but not fishing.
10) Ask Do you usually go swimming in the ocean in summer?
Sample answer: Yes, I always go swimming in the ocean in summer.

PTS: 10 REF: L4U1–4 TOP: Speaking

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