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Author: Entropico
Title: [ENT] A boy for a Boar 3
Summary: A story of two men, animals and a feral boy.
Keywords: beast, ped, MM, m/goat
Part: 3
Entropico's Eroticos (c) 2015
This text contains sexually explicit material and could be offensive.
If you dont wish to read this type of literature, or youre under age:
--------------&gt; PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!! &lt;--------------------
The story is written for fun. No human/animals were used or abused.
The author DO NOT support or condone any described actions.
Non-consensual sex, harming and abuse of children is evil and wrong
while writing and reading is harmless (and protected by Free Speech).
According to the information on ASSTR: the US Supreme Court ruled on
April 16, 2002 that adult material depicting minors but that WAS NOT
made through the use of any actual minor is PROTECTED FREE SPEECH.
Reading/writing a detective story does not mean you are a murderer!
REMEMBER: DO NOT mix fantasy with reality. NEVER.
Please consider even a small donation to or!
Any comments will be appreciated. We write for you and for your joy.
My email is:
More stories of mine can be found at ASSTR.ORG and NIFTY.ORG:

After our last fucking session in the barn, I was totally powerless.
Alex also shown some signs of tiredness, but we have managed to
complete feeding of the stock. As I learned, my friend raised not
only pigs, but also a horse, a cow and some goats. The last ones
gave me a familiar nice thrill, when I poked to their large balls.
One thing that turns me on constantly is a view of such a
magnificent male gear. There was also a dog, but I could not see
him. Alex explained, that he used to wander in nearby woods and
sometimes he did not return for a few days. It seems he was only
partly domesticated and wilderness called to him. Well... another
interesting possibility.

After completing our duties, we had some time for our breakfast.
Continuous fucking made us really hungry. Alex took over the
kitchen and soon he served delicious scrambled eggs made. The
weather was warm and we both stay naked. We also did not use
a bath after our visit to barn so we smelled animal sperm like two
freshly used sows. I could not say it was not arousing.

After eating, Alex stood up to wash dishes. I admired his slim

body, his firm buttocks and soft moves. He has really a grace
of a cat. It was not difficult to get hard by seeing him,
especially when he was nude. I went to him and hugged him from
behind, trying to not disturb him. My semi-hard friend has
quickly found a suitable place between his hips. I did not want
to start something but my lips moved to his neck as if driven
by their own will. I kissed him delicately and started to
bite his ear.

"I have dishes to wash, tiger", Alex murmured softly, "And you
are NOT helping me that way"

"Damn, I could not resist your sexy ass..."

"Really? Does it turn you on?", he laughed, moving his ass up

and down.

"Gosh", I sighed, "If you'd continue, those dishes will not

be washed"

He stopped and turned around, still in my embrace. I felt his cock

brushing against my leg. It was like an electric impulse.

"Hey tiger, cant fuck now" he laughed "Right now I am powerless...

I shot three times today and its only a quarter past nine..."

"I bet you will find some strength, stud" I whispered to his ear,
touching his maleness "Forget about those damn dishes and lets
go to bed. I want your body next to me. Right now!"

We climbed upstairs. Our bed was still a mess, but we did not
care. He started to kiss me, but I quickly cut it and pushed my
friend in his chest. He fell on the mattress, his cock lovely
standing and throbbing. I lay beside him, feeling his warmth.
My hand moved directly on his crotch, holding his hard tool.

I sniffed Alex's chest. The scent of the pig's sperm was strong.

"You smell like a one horny boar", I laughed. I felt his shaft
growing in my hand

"Rather like a used sow, actually. Is it a problem for you?",

he grinned

"Not a fucking chance. It makes me hot."

"Me too. Fuck, there is something about animal's sperm.

Once you sniff it or taste it... its like a drug."

"Sure. I have an idea... Those boars are cumming a lot...

What about collecting this in a cup and the using it to wash
our little Porky? He deserved some Deonshire cream and what
could be better for him than a fresh pig cum, full of proteines?"

My idea must have been inspiring him, because I felt his dick
hardening even more.

"Damn, that is hot..." he murmured, closing his eyes. I bet he

visualized my fantasy. Our little Porky, all covered with
animal's cum, carefully massaged with a white lotion. We massage
the feel the thick jelly right onto his skin... And he will
bask in the horny boar scent. I caressed Alex's cock, savoring
his arousal. His dick stood proudly, hot and stiff. A quiet
moan came from Alex's lips.

"Shall we play?", I asked with a wide smile

The play was our invention from the days of our foster house.
One of us had to talk continuously and describe something,
while the other would make him good. Once the first lost his
concentration, the petting will stop. The subject of the
speech was a choice of the moment. Sometimes is would
be something neutral and sometimes something ultimately
hot. True experience or wildest fantasy.

"Tell me about your experiences with any of your hot studs

on farm I demanded, moving my hand up and down, owning him,
claiming my power over his arousal."

"Damn your fingers are magical", he hissed

"Don't you dare to break the rules", I threatened slowing my

moves, "A story is to be told. A true story."

"Oh... anything for you... just proceed with what you

doing...", he whispered and started to talk, "As you could
see, I own some goats. Most of them are females and I have
them for delicious milk, but there are also three bucks here.
One is an alpha male, very dominant. I had seen him constantly
trying to mount everything that moves, including the other males"

"Did he succeed?"

"Yes, a lots of time. He is aggressive and the two other males

rarely object him. Man, you must see this. Male on male, fast
and eager fuck. Four balls swinging in unison."

I felt Alex's dick pulsing in excitement. I changed the tempo

to award him for such a good story and started to play with his
foreskin. He moaned deeply and closed his eyes, but continued
to talk.

"One day I felt so horny I would go and offer my hot ass to any
male in vicinity. I came into their stall, hot and naked.
I never tried anything with goats, but I hoped my human hips
will be appealing for them."

"I bet they were. I know how they influence me", I murmured.

My own dick ached for some petting but I concentrated on Alex.

My own pleasure would soon be fulfilled.

"I bent forward on the stall wall. The prime goat immediately
came up behind me and started sniffing my ass. The goats are
obsessed with aromas. The stronger, the better. And they
stink by themselves, too."

"Stinky billy goats make you horny?", I whispered into his ear,
"Do you like their masculine smell? Are they dominating you?
You feel like a small goat bitch?"

"Fuck yesss..." Alex mumbled. "I know it is perverted but

I love it."

"Tell me about it", I demanded

"Fuck, this is sick. I love their smell. So strong, so potent.

It makes my legs weak. I am so addicted, I could go down and
take my place as a mating toy at once."

He was telling the truth. I could feel his dick becoming rock
hard. I feared he will cum prematurely, so I slowed down my moves.

"What happened next?"

"I felt him standing behind me. He started stamping his feet
on the ground and rested his head on my back. And finally he just
leaped straight up on his hind legs and crashed down on me.
I felt his prick on my hips.

It was slim and wet. I looked under my belly and saw it. Red and
glistening. And then the goat moved on my back and mark the
target. Fuck, he went all in at once. It was like a stabbing
a steel rod in me. He made a few moves and came almost instantly.
Fuck, he spurted like a horny teen. I felt it gushing through me."

"Did he stay in your ass for long?"

"Nope. Goats are not dogs, they don't knot. They are silver quick.
But after he slid off from me, the two other closed. One of them
gathered his courage and took the place. Fortunately, my ass was
well lubricated. He jumped on me and held me tight. I could feel
him on my back, one front leg each side of me. He strained me
like a fresh inexperienced female and hit me. His penis entered
my ass quickly and deeply. Again, he got me in one quick dart
and ejaculated straight away. No longing thrusting back and forth,
just three or four moves and I could feel the cum he had left in me.
I bet he was afraid of the alpha male."

"I wish I could been there I whispered", mesmerized by the idea.

"Then, the third one came. He was the smallest, but very well
endowed. He was also a more caring lover. He rammed my ass
quickly, but do not cum at once. Instead, he humped me for some
time. I could feel his massive ball sack slap against my own balls
and hips each time he pushed in me. Fuck, I was well soaked from
previous spurts and the wetness of the sound was making me crazy".

"Have you cum by yourself?"

"Not yet. When the third one left me, I caught my raging dick and
I was about to start wanking when I hear some rumble behind me.
I glanced there and I saw the alpha male bucking with the smaller
goat. Fuck, this was hot. His prick was semi protruded and was
spraying drops of sperm. And they fought. They fought for me.
For the right to breed my human, willing ass. Man, I almost came
instantly from the thought."

Frankly, I would feel the same. My dick was hard again, only from
listening to that hot description. And Alex shaft was pulsing
in my hand... I was on the verge of forcing him to his hands and
knees and riding his hot male cunt, but I somehow with a desperate
act of will, was able to restrain myself for a moment.

"The second goat took his chance, while those two ware battling.
I felt his tongue on my back, as he was trying to lick the sperm
of the others from me. Then he mounted me again. At first he did
not find my hole and his hot prick emerged between my legs. That
was bloody sexy. He rubbed his dick with mine and the touch of his
slimy cock was pushing me over the edge. He made a few more moves
frotting me and finally withdrew and hit my hole.

I listened to Alex, sharing with him emotions from the story. My

hand was sliding up and down his rock hard tool. Alex moaned

"Fuck yesss... do it, please.... I want to cum... "

"Story.... first..." I hissed, not knowing if I will be able

to control myself

"Ahhhh.. you are.... killing me..." he whispered, but continued

to talk, breathing heavily, "He came again in me, while the prime
goat forced the smallest to surrender. When he was satisfied,
he jumped off, but the prime male took his chance to claim his
prize again. I mean: he fucked me hard and rough... Man, I was
full of goat sperm and I was stinking like u cum bucket..."

I could not control myself any longer. The vision of Alex,

fully used by three billy goats, bending over the wall, totally
submissive and dripping cum was enough.

"On your knees, bitch" I growled, my voice full of tense and


Alex obeyed instantly. He turned himself and raised his pretty ass
towards me. I put my steel hard dick at his lovely hole and darted
forwards. His muscles protested, but my thrust was so powerful,
that they surrendered and allowed me in. Alex cried in pain and

I grasped his body tight and moved my lips to his ear.

"Don't you dare to cry, bitch. You gave your self to billygoats,
remember? You were used by them as fucktoy, so shut up and accept
your fate."

"Yesssss... I will... just please use me... Fuck me... I am

your little slut goatboy", he lowered his head in full acceptance
of his role.

He moaned quietly while I took advantage of my toy. For a few

moves, I humped him restlessly, balancing on the verge of cumming,
but then my orgasm came. I shouted loudly and sprayed my seed
deep in his ass. I felt him grabbing his dick and furiously
jerking. I was still spurting when he climaxed, too. Fuck, his
ass clenched on my shaft with immense power. The series of
flexing and relaxing was completing my orgasm. Alex was milking
me like a pro.

We fell on our bed, utterly exhausted, but satisfied. My hand

was heavy as it was made from lead, but I raised it and touched
the tip of Alex penis. It was now flaccid, but still covered by
his sperm. I took some and licked my fingers. It was salty.

Alex looked at me.

"I love you", he whispered

"I love you, too", I answered, "I always did. And I always will"

We spooned, with me on the back. I felt the spicy scent of sperm

on his body. Mine and pig's. He was emitting the incredible
mixture of male smells. I kissed his neck and traced his back with
my finger. He shivered and muttered something. He was fast asleep,
but I did not want to lose him now.

"Tell me about Porky. How did you come into having him on your farm"
I whispered in his ear.

"Its a long story."

"Come on. You promised me. Go on. I must have some time to regain
strength and fuck you once more."

"We cant just constantly fuck." Alex laughed quietly "Or can we?
Anyway... It all started three years ago. I got financial
problems and it was difficult to carry on. I have no job and what
can you do about this plot in the middle of nowhere? I was hardly
manage to produce food for me.

Luckily, the goats and the sows can eat almost everything. Goats,
especially. At least I was no afraid of starving to death, coz
they produced milk."

"You mean: male's or female's milk?", I interrupted innocently

"Female's goat milk, you crazy asshole. Billy goats do not make
as much sum as boars. I am no chupacabra, I could not suck them
to death."

"Really? I thought you like to offer yourself as a natural

cum vessel."

"Ok, ok, you won. But these days I was not so eager to joke.
One day I got a visitor, who asked me to rent a room for summer
holidays for him and his son. I agreed happily before he even said
how much he is willing to pay. He was an older guy, in his fifties,
I guess. Nice and handsome. Elegant. You know: good clothes,
golden watch, new SUV. The boy was very young, I have even
supposed that the man is his grandfather rather than dad. I was
no suspicious at first, as the kid addressed the guy with love
and respect."

"He was not his son?"

"No. But that came out later. They stayed at the farm for a few
days, but that is not important. To be quick: one day I found them
near the lake, fucking furiously. Damn, what a sight it was! This
guy really knew what to do. They did it doggy style and it was the
most incredible view I ever had in my life. As you can suspect,
the man was dominant. But, strangely, at the same time he was
delicate and gentle. You should see the face of this kid. Pure
ecstasy and oblivion."

"Did they see you?"

"Yes. I was not hiding. When they have cum, I went out from
the trees. They were shocked. I saw a pure fear in the face
of the older guy. But the kid was smarter. He looked at me and
saw a huge bulge in my pants. Believe me, it was hard to hide it."

"I can imagine that"

"He told the guy, that it seems I liked the show. And he asked
if he could take care of me. Damn, he still addressing the guy
as 'dad'. The boy raised, and went to me, naked and innocent.
And he kneeled in front of me and unzipped my pants.
I was breathless."

"What about his... father?"

"He was speechless, too. And looked directly at me. I guess he

feared I will run and sell them out. Or maybe blackmail them.
But I did not. Instead, I received a best blowjob ever. And
the kid swallowed it all like a young cub."

"And then...?"

"We returned home. The guy explained everything to me. He was

a rich man. A CEO or something like this. Happily married.
A good citizen. Apart from his gay teen addiction. He looked
for some privacy with his newest lover and that is how he reached
me. He did not even suspect I am gay."

"Bah! You were far too old for him! Out of target."

"Perhaps. But we ended up in bed, making a hot threesome."

"Oh, fuck. You are one lucky bastard... You should call me that
day", I whispered thinking about the sweet underage boy between
two experienced males.

"Yeah. I wish I have done it. Anyway. Andrey and Ivan stayed
for a week more. When they were leaving, he thanked me again and
asked if he could suggest my place for some of his friends.
Could they get the same level of privacy and care? Certainly,
I agreed. Starting from that day I used to have five or six
visitors a year, which gave me financial stability. They were all
rich men aching for some secluded place where they could enjoy
their holidays."

"Have you ever benefited from this in more intimate way?"

"At first, not. And they were coming not only with boys. There were
girls of all the ages and once there were some twins. Believe me,
they were cute. Of course, I was interested, how they can maintain
so stable supply of sexual partners, but I dared not to ask."

"Yeah, if you happened to deal with rich bastards and you are not
one of them, its wise to not to state to many questions."

"You are right. Some of them looked as if they were from mafia.
But one day it changed. A visitor came. An older guy. His name
was Lev. He came with two teens, a boy and a girl. Both of them,
around fifteen, I guess. He stayed here for almost a month,
usually spending all the day in woods, all the night fucking those
kids. I came close to him, but not in a sexual way.
He was just a nice guy, plenty of interesting thoughts. I really
liked to talk with him."

Alex paused and contemplated his memories for a while, before he

continued to talk.

"One day he did not return from the forest. He did not show up for
dinner. In the evening I stared to be nervous. As well as the
kids, who stayed with me. Before it become totally dark, I took Rex

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