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Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre

Savar, Dhaka.

75th Foundation Training Course


NAME OF THE MODULE: Bangladesh and Bangabandhu Studies

MODULE No: 01 DATE: 24.05.2023

Code No. …………………


Code No. …………………

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre

Savar, Dhaka.


75th Foundation Training Course

NAME OF THE MODULE: Bangladesh and Bangabandhu Studies

MODULE NO: 01 DATE: 24.05.2023



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Name: Prottoy Hashem

Roll No: H-743

Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
Savar, Dhaka.

NAME OF THE MODULE: Bangladesh and Bangabandhu Studies

Module No: 01

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Module Director
Assignment on
Socio - Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh : It’s Transformation,
Importance and way Forward

Submitted By
Prottoy Hashem
Roll: H-843
75th FTC
Date of Submission: 23 May, 2023
Socio-Cultural heritage encompasses the physical artifacts, intangible attributes, and natural
elements passed down from past generations and preserved for the benefit of future ones. It
encompasses tangible elements like buildings, artworks, and books, as well as intangible aspects
like folklore, traditions, language, social norms, values and traditions. Sociocultural factors
generally impact individuals' emotions, values, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and social
interactions. They include elements such as social classes, religious beliefs, wealth distribution,
language, business practices, social values, customer preferences, social organization, and attitudes
towards work.

Bangladesh, part of historic Bengal, gained independence in 1971, yet its roots trace back over
four millennia. Its culture draws from faith, ethnic origins, creativity, and a deep connection to life
and nature. The country's geographical allure and resources have attracted diverse visitors,
fostering a rich and colorful cultural heritage. Bangladesh today proudly embodies a harmonious
blend of indigenous traditions and influences from afar.

The amalgamation of diverse influences over time has given rise to a distinctive and vibrant
cultural trend of Bangladesh. The pre-Aryan inhabitants of Bangladesh consisted of Australoid,
Dravid, Mongoloid, and Negrito races, each with their distinct social and cultural identities. The
economic foundation relied on agriculture and cottage industries, while both matriarchal and
patriarchal systems were prevalent. The cultural history can be traced from the Pal Dynasty, with
significant Buddhist influence seen in places like Mynamari, Pharpur, and Mohasthangar.

During the Middle Ages, the arrival of Muslims brought a new cultural trend, with Pirs, Falirs, and
Darvishes influencing the local population. Bengali language and literature flourished, and Islamic
culture developed. The colonial era brought Portuguese, Dutch, French, and English influences,
leading to the emergence of an aristocratic culture influenced by English language and literature.

Under the Pakistani rule, Bangalees embarked on a quest for their identity, finding solace in the
non-communal rural tradition. The language movement sparked a liberal, pragmatic, and secular
attitude among the people, which eventually led them to have their thought on individual freedom,
ultimately resulting in the country’s independence. Later on, Post-independence socio-cultural
features such as the development of a national identity, innovative ways of reviving the age old
cultural traditions, women's empowerment, religious pluralism, socio-economic capability, and
the influence of modern western culture can be seen in the country.
The emergence of multi-channel TV and satellite broadcasting in urban Bangladeshin the late 80’s
has led to the cultural domination by electronic media, raising sociological concerns. Cable
television and the availability of the internet have exposed Bangladeshis to foreign movies,
cultures, and ideas, resulting in significant impact and increased openness to change. Globalization
and westernization have influenced the way of life, with a shift towards Western clothing,
language, and customs. Westernized celebrations such as Valentine's Day, Friendship Day, and
international festivals have gained popularity among the younger generation.

The socio-cultural changes that have occurred in Bangladesh after gaining independence hold
immense significance, primarily due to the emotionally-driven nature of its people as the values
ingrained in the society have a profound impact on the collective emotions of the mass people. In
addition, cultural heritage plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development by
encapsulating wisdom and customs linked to the preservation of the environment, traditional
farming methods, and the resilience of communities.

Increasing globalization and Western influence have led to rapid social changes, eroding the
nation's distinct patterns of cuisine, dress, customs, and values. While there are some positive
impacts, the dominance of Western cultural symbols and consumerism has raised concerns of
cultural violence, erosion of traditional values, and societal conflicts in Bangladesh. Moreover,
The widespread adoption of digital media and devices and its impact on the general population
will significantly shape the socio-cultural landscape. The rapid development of information and
communication technology serves as a significant determinant of the country's socio-cultural
landscape. Bangladesh, despite being a developing country, is not immune to this digital influence,
as technology becomes increasingly integrated into different sectors, impacting fields covering
media, art and regular tradition, gradually shaping the digital culture of the nation, converting the
age old traditions a remake version as well as westernizing it.

Preserving the true essence of being Bangladeshi involves valuing every aspect, no matter how
small, and recognizing that heritage listing is not merely a competition. Preserving the authentic
essence of socio-cultural heritage among the general population will empower future generations
to uphold the distinctiveness of their country.

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