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International Wushu Tournament and Online Hero Wushu Competition 2022

日 期 / Date: 2022年10月15日至16日 15 - 16th October 2022
地 点 / Venue: 武吉加里尔柏威年广场 Pavilion Bukit Jalil
主 办 / Organizer: 吉隆坡东北北武术协会 Kelab Wushu Dong Bei Bei Cheras Kuala Lumpur
联 办 / Co- Organizer: 东北北太极拳武术学院-总院 Dong Bei Bei Taijiquan Wushu Academy (HQ)
支持单位 / Supporting Unit : 马来西亚武术总会 Wushu Federation of Malaysia
协办单位 / Partner: 吉隆坡武术总会 Wushu Federation of F.T. Kuala Lumpur
武吉加里尔柏威年广场 Pavilion Bukit Jalil
文轩教育机构 VE Educational Centre
双虎武团 Twins Tiger Wushu Club
北少林武术学院 Persatuan Seni Mempertahankan Diri Sao Lim Kuala Lumpur
东北北武术青少年与青年团(武青团) Dong Bei Bei Wushu Youth
(1) 参加方法 /Competition Method:
1.1 只限馆内会员/学员与受邀团体均可组队参赛。
Only for members / school students and invited organization to register for this tournament.
1.2 本次赛事将区分位 线上模式(Online Video),线下模式(Physical Competition)
This competition will be divided into Online Mode(Online Video) and Offline Mode (Physical Competition).
1.3 个人报名参赛仅限3项个人项目及各1项集体/对练项目, 请在(4.2)竞赛项目里选择。
Limited max 3 Individual registration event and 1 group and pair events , please refer to (4.2) Competition events.
1.4 运动员可以同时参与线上模式(Online Video)与线下模式(Physical Competition)
Athletes can participate in both Online Mode(Online Video) and Offline Mode (Physical Competition).

(2) 线上模式 报名费、项目费/ Online Mode(Online Video) Registration, Event Fee:

2.1 受邀武馆团体报名费 (不计人数) :无需报名费
Invited organization/ group (regardless of number) :No Registration Fee needed
2.2 个人项目费(包含手续费及个人项目费) :一项目 :One Event - RM75
Individual Event Fee (registration and event) :两项目 :Two Events - RM150
:三项目 :Three Events - RM225
2.3 集体项目/对练费 / Group Event / Pair Event Fee :每位 RM30 :RM30 per person
2.3.1 若无参加个人项目,只参加集或对练项目,需另付RM25报名费。
If there is no individual event, only group event/ pair event, team registration fee will be needed at RM 25.

2.4 线上模式时间 / Online Mode (Online Video) Time Frame

2.4.1 报名及付费(线上/线下) : 2022 年 9 月 1 日至 2022 年 10 月 1日 / 1st September - 1st October 2022
Registration and Payment (online/physical)
2.4.2 发送参赛作品 / Submission of video : 2022 年 10 月 2 日至 2022 年 10 月 15 日 / 2nd October - 15 October 2022
2.4.3 作品成绩公布/ Result Announcement : 2022 年 10 月 30日 / 30th October 2022
2.4.5 奖状与奖牌发放 / Medal and Awards : 另行通知 / To be announced
2.4.5 参赛作品要求 / Video Requirements :
2.4.6 所有参赛作品必须为近期所拍摄,以往的比赛视频不得参赛。
All videos to be taken recently, and videos that have been used for any previous competition are not allowed.
2.4.7 参赛作品必须是横向拍摄的 MP4格式,视频文件大小不超过 400MB。画面清晰,图像稳定。
Videos must be in MP4 format shot horizontally, and the video file size not exceeding 400MB. The quality must be clear and stable.
2.4.8 参赛作品严禁违背社会公德,严禁植入广告和违反相关法律规定的内容。
Videos are strictly prohibited from violating social morality, contaning advertisements and containing content that violates the law.
2.4.9 每个参赛项目只允许发送一个视频。视频不允许加上特效或剪接,必须一镜到底拍摄。
Only one video is allowed per entry. Not allowed to add special effects or editing, and must be taken in a single shot.
文件名称必须清楚注明英文姓名和组别 / The title of the file must clearly indicate the English name and group.
例如 / Example :GBM Xiao Hua B002 .mp4
备注 / Remarks:GB M Xiao Hua B002.mp4
( GB = Group B , M=MALE , Xiao Hua = Name ,B002 = 套路/Competition Event)

(3) 线下模式报名费、项目费 / Offline Mode(Physical Competition)Registration, Event Fee:

3.1 受邀武馆团体报名费 (不计人数) :无需报名费
Invited organization/ group (regardless of number) :No Registration Fee needed
3.2 个人项目费(包含手续费及个人项目费) :一项目 :One Event - RM75
Invidudual Event Fee (registration and event) :两项目 :Two Events - RM150
:三项目 :Three Events - RM225
3.3 集体项目/对练费 / Group Event / Pair Event Fee :每位 RM30 :RM30 per person
3.3.1 若无参加个人项目,只参加集体或对练项目,需另付RM25报名费。
If there is no individual event, only group event/ pair event, the team registration fee will be needed at RM 25.
(4) 竞赛事宜
注:线上模式(Online Video)和线下模式(Physical Competition)采用相同条规如下:
Competition Matters for both Online Mode(Online Video)and Offline(Physical Competition)is the same as below:
4.1 竞賽年龄分组 / Competition age categories :
4岁或以下 19岁至24岁
Group A Group I
4 Years Old or Below 19 - 24 Years Old
5岁至6岁 25岁至29岁
Group B Group J
5 - 6 Years Old 25 - 29 Years Old
7岁至8岁 30岁至39岁
Group C Group K
7 - 8 Years Old 30 - 39 Years Old
9岁至10岁 40岁至49岁
Group D Group L
9 - 10 Years Old 40 - 49 Years Old
11岁至12岁 50岁至69岁
Group E Group M
11 - 12 Years Old 50 - 69 Years Old
13岁至14岁 70岁至79岁
Group F Group N
13 - 14 Years Old 70 - 79 Years Old
15岁至16岁 80岁或以上
Group G Group O
15 - 16 Years Old 80 Years Old Above
Group H
17 - 18 Years Old
Group W
18 Years Old or Below
12岁或以下 19岁或以上
Group Y Group Z
12 Years Old or Below 19 Years Old or Above

***Group W, Y 和 Z 是集体/对练
***Group W, Y and Z are for Group Event / Pair Event

4.2竟赛项目 / Competition Events :

竞赛基础类型 / JiChu Competition Routine
长拳 - 手型手法(第一级) 南拳(组合三)
A001 A010
ChangQuan-ShouXingShouFa (level 1) NanQuan – Zhu He San
长拳 - 步型步法(第一级) 基础长拳
A002 A011
ChangQuan-BuXingBuFa (level 1) JiChu ChangQuan
南拳 - 手型手法(第二级) 基础南拳
A003 A012
NanQuan-ShouXingShouFa (level 2) JiChu NanQuan
南拳 - 步型步法(第二级) 基础刀术
A004 A013
NanQuan-BuXIngBuFa (level 2) JiChu DaoShu
长拳 (组合一) 基础枪术
A005 A014
ChangQuan – Zhu He Yi JiChu QiangShu
长拳 (组合二) 基础剑术
A006 A015
ChangQuan – Zhu He Er JiChu JianShu
五步拳(组合三) 基础棍术
A007 A016
Wu Bu Quan (Zhu He San) JiChu GunShu
南拳(组合一) 基础太极拳(16式)
A008 A017
NanQuan – Zhu He Yi JiChu Taiji Quan 16 Form
南拳(组合二) 基础太极剑(16式)
A009 A018
NanQuan – Zhu He Er JiChu Taiji Jian 16 Form
竞赛初级类型 / ChuJi Competition Routine
初级长拳 (三段) 初级剑术
B001 B005
ChuJi ChangQuan (SanDuan) ChuJi JianShu
初级南拳 (五段) 初级棍术
B002 B006
ChuJi NanQuan (WuDuan) ChuJi GunShu
初级刀术 初级太极拳(24式)
B003 B007
ChuJi DaoShu ChuJi Taiji Quan 24 Form
初级枪术 初级太极剑(32式)
B004 B008
ChuJi QiangShu ChuJi Taiji Jian 32 Form

1st International Competition Routine
国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 长拳 国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 棍术
C001 C006
1st International Competition Routine- ChangQuan 1st International Competition Routine - GunShu
国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 南拳 国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 南刀
C002 C007
1st International Competition Routines - NanQuan 1st International Competition Routine- Nan Dao
国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 刀术 国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 南棍
C003 C008
1st International Competition Routines DaoShu 1st International Competition Routine – NanGun
国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 枪术 国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 太极拳(42式)
C004 C009
1st International Competition Routine- QiangShu 1st International Competition Routine- Taiji Quan (42 Form)

国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 剑术 国际规定竞赛第一套路 - 太极剑(42式)

C005 C010
1st International Competition Routine- JianShu 1st International Competition Routine - Taiji Jian (42 Form)

3rd International Competition Routine
国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 长拳 国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 棍术
D001 D006
3rd International Competition Routine- ChangQuan 3rd International Competition Routine- GunShu

国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 南拳 国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 南刀
D002 D007
3rd International Competition Routine- ChangQuan 3rd International Competition Routine- Nan Dao

国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 刀术 国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 南棍
D003 D008
3rd International Competition Routine- DaoShu 3rd International Competition Routine – NanGun

国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 枪术 国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 太极拳

D004 D009
3rd International Competition Routine- QiangShu 3rd International Competition Routine - Taiji Quan

国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 剑术 国际规定竞赛第三套路 - 太极剑

D005 D010
3rd International Competition Routine- JianShu 3rd International Competition Routine - Taiji Jian

自选竞赛 / Optional Routines

自选竞赛长拳 自选竞赛南刀
E001 E007
Optional Routine - ChangQuan Optional Routine - NanDao
自选竞赛南拳 自选竞赛南棍
E002 E008
Optional Routine - NanQuan Optional Routine - NanGun
自选竞赛刀术 自选竞赛太极拳
E003 E009
Optional Routine - DaoShu Optional Routine - Taiji Quan
自选竞赛枪术 自选竞赛太极剑
E004 E010
Optional Routine - QiangShu Optional Routine - Taiji Jian
自选竞赛剑术 自选竞赛太极扇
E005 E011
Optional Routine - JianShu Optional Routine - Taiji Fan
Optional Routine - GunShu

传统陈氏太极类型 / Traditional Chen Style Taiji

传统陈氏太极自选 传统陈氏太极19式
Chen Style Optional Taiji Chen Style Taiji 19 Form
传统陈氏太极和谐13式 传统陈氏太极老架二路
Chen Style Taiji 13 Form Chen Style Taiji – LaoJia ErLu
传统陈氏太极老架一路 传统陈氏太极新架二路
Chen Style Taiji – LaoJia YiLu Chen Style Taiji – XinJia ErLu
传统陈氏太极新架一路 传统陈氏太极56式竞赛套路
Chen Style Taiji – XinJia YiLu Chen Style Taiji Competition Routine (56 Form)

传统陈氏太极38式 传统陈氏太极单刀
Chen Style Taiji 38 Form Chen Style Taiji Single BroadSword
传统陈式太极拳散手48式 传统陈氏太极扇子
Chen Style Taiji Shan Shou 48 Form Chen Style Taiji Fan
传统陈氏太极单剑 传统陈氏太极双简
Chen Style Taiji Single Sword Chen Style Taiji ShuangJian
传统陈氏太极双剑 传统陈氏太极春秋大刀
Chen Style Taiji Double Sword Chen Style Taiji ChunQiu DaDao
传统陈氏太极双刀 传统陈氏太极十三杆
Chen Style Taiji Double BroadSword Chen Style Taiji ShiShan Gan
Chen Style Taiji Spear

传统太极拳 / Traditional Taiji Quan

传统太极拳 (杨氏太极拳类) 传统太极短器械 (太极扇)
Traditional Taiji Quan (Yang Style) Traditional Taiji Short Weapon (Fan)
传统太极拳 (其它太极拳类) 传统太极双器械 (各种)
Traditional Taiji Quan (Other Styles) Traditional Taiji Double Weapon (All types)
传统太极短器械 (单刀类) 传统太极短器械 (其它)
Traditional Taiji Short Weapon (Single BroadSword) Traditional Taiji Short Weapon (Others)
传统太极短器械 (单剑类)
Traditional Taiji Short Weapon (Single Sword)
传统武术 / Traditional Wushu
传统拳术 (南拳类) 传统短器械 (双器械)
Traditional Quan (Nan Quan) Traditional Short Weapon (Double)
传统拳术 (长拳类) 传统长器械 (大刀类)
Traditional Quan (Chang Quan) Traditional Long Weapon (Da Dao)
传统拳术 (象形拳类) 传统太极长器械 (各种)
Traditional Quan (Xiang Xing Quan) Traditional Taiji Long Weapon (All types)
传统拳术 (其它拳类) 传统长器械 (棍类)
Traditional Quan (Other Style) Traditional Long Weapon (Gun)
传统短器械 (单刀类) 传统长器械 (枪类)
Traditional Short Weapon (Single BroadSword) Traditional Long Weapon (Qiang)
传统短器械 (单剑类) 传统长器械 (其它)
Traditional Short Weapon (Single Sword) Traditional Long Weapon (Others)
传统短器械 (单/双匕首类) 传统软器械 (各种)
Traditional Short Weapon (Single/Double BiShou) Traditional Soft Weapon (All types)
传统短器械 (其它单器械)
Traditional Short Weapon (Other Single Weapon)

4.3 竞赛/传统武术项目无时间限制。
Competition/Traditional Wushu Events has no time limit.
4.4 竞赛/传统太极项目不可少于1分钟或多于6分钟。
Competition/Traditional Taiji Events not less than 1 minute, not more than 6 minutes.
4.5 参赛运动员必须穿各类武术,太极竞赛服装或武馆服装及自备器械。赛会不对兵器长度进行限制(无限制器械过长/过短)。
Participants must wear their traditional taiji / wushu clothing or academy uniform during the tournament.
Please bring your own weapon(s) for participating events. (No limitation on length of weapon)
4.6 所有参赛运动员必须保管好各自的财物。若有遗失,运动员必须自行承担所有损失。大会将不会负起任何责任。
All participants must take care of their own personal belonging(s). The Organizer will not bear any responsibility for any lost item(s).
4.7 参与线下模式的运动员必须在比赛前30分钟到检录处报到,否则当选手弃权论。
All participants for physical competition must report to the check-in counter 30 minutes before the start of any event or will be disqualified.
4.8 报名表格一经递交,不能更改,如因特殊情况申请更改,需缴纳相应的手续费。
No alteration shall be made after form submission, if there is special circumstance and request for alteration, procedural charges will apply.
Procedure charges for every event alteration: RM 30
4.9 大会将采用竞赛及传统武术裁判制度与规则进行裁判工作。裁判的决定为最后决定,参赛队伍或运动员不得有任何异议。
The Central Committee will use the Competition and Traditional Martial Art’s Referee System and Rules during the tournament.
Referee’s decision is final. There is no Arbitration Commission and therefore will not accept any appeal during the tournament.
4.10 若有任何门派传统拳术/器械,根据名称不相同将另外设立新项目。
If there are any other traditional events, new event will be allocated for competition.
(5) 集体/对练项目:线上模式(Online Video),线下模式(Physical Competition)相同
Group/ Pair Events:Online Mode(Online Video)and Offline Mode(Physical Competition)is the same
集体拳术 集体武术器械
T001 T002
Group Wushu - QuanShu Group Wushu - Weapon
集体太极拳 集体太极器械
T003 T004
Group Taiji Quan Group Taiji - Weapon
拳术对练 器械与器械对练
T005 T006
Pair Event - Quan Pair Event - Weapon
Pair Event - Quan and Weapon
5.1 集体人数 :最少5人,最多10人
Group Event :Minimum 5 people, Maximum10 people
5.2 对练允许2至3人
Pair Event : 2 to 3 people
5.3 武术项目时间为 : 2 -3分钟。
Duration for Wushu Events : 2 -3minutes
5.4 太极项目时间为 : 3 - 4分钟。
Duration for Taiji Events : 3 - 4 minutes
5.5 运动员必须自备音乐(不可有伴唱)
Must bring their own music (without vocal accompaniment)
5.6 集体项目必须以一种套路为主。举例:若报名集体拳术,套路必 须以拳术为主,不允许混合器械。
Only one type of event is allowed in a group. For example, if QuanShu is chosen, no mixing with weapons is allowed.
5.7 参赛年龄组别以队员最高年龄者进行计算。
Age groups are calculated based on the eldest participant in the group.
(6) 录取名次 / Position Ranking and Awards :
6.1 个人项目得奖标准:
线上模式(Online Video),线下模式(Physical Competition)相同
Award for both:Online Mode(Online Video)and Offline Mode(Physical Competition) are the same.
6.2.1. 30%金牌奖及奖状一张 / 30% Gold medal and one award ceritficate.
6.2.2. 30%银牌奖及奖状一张 / 30% Silver medal and one award ceritficate.
6.2.3. 40%铜牌奖及奖状一张 / 40% Bronze medal and one award ceritficate.
6.2 所有参赛者将获得参加状一张,团体及队伍的参加状,大会将直接交给领队。
All participants will receive a certificate of participation which will be handed to the leader of the team.
6.3 不设金银铜颁奖仪式,可直接到奖牌处领取
There is no award ceremony, medals and awards must be collected at the award department.
6.4 全能系列 - 三项目加起来处于三 得最高分者 ,仅限线下模式(Physical Competition)
All Rounder Series - Combination of three highest scores of separate events, for offline mode only (Physical Competition)
(全能/总冠军 在赛事完毕进行颁奖仪式)
(There will be an award ceremony for All Rounder/Champion at the end of the competition)

4岁或以下 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 19岁至24岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

4 Years Old or Below All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 19 - 24 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

5岁至6岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 25岁至29岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

5 - 6 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 25 - 29 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

7岁至8岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 30岁至39岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

7 - 8 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 30 - 39 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

9岁至10岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 40岁至49岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

9 - 10 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 40 - 49 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

11岁至12岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 50岁至69岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

11 - 12 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 50 - 69 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

13岁至14岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 70岁至79岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

13 - 14 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 70 - 79 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

15岁至16岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座 80岁或以上 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座

15 - 16 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up 80 Years Old Above All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up
17岁至18岁 - 全能冠军,亚军,季军各一座
17 - 18 Years Old All Rounder Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up

6.5 最佳总冠军 -以最多金牌为冠军,第二则为亚军,第三则为季军,仅限线下模式(Physical Competition)

6.5.1 若金牌数量与其他队伍一致则以银牌数量计算,若银牌数量与其他队伍一致则以铜牌数量计算
6.5.2 若金/银/铜牌数量一致则以人数较多者获胜
6.5 Best Overall Champion -The most acquired gold medals is the champion, the second place is the runner-up, the third place is the
second runner-up, for offline mode only (Physical Competition)
6.5.1 If the number of gold medals is the same as that of other teams, the number of silver medals will be considered.
If the number of silver medals is the same as that of other teams, the number of bronze medals will be considered.
6.5.2 If the number of gold medals, silver medals and bronze medals is the same, the team with the most participants win.
6.6 小学组杰出荟萃奖 - 以最多人数学校代表
Outstanding Primary School Award - Represented by the largest number of people in school
6.7 中学组杰出荟萃奖 - 以最多人数学校代表
Outstanding Secondary School Award - Represented by the largest number of people in school

(7) 咨询联络 / Enquiries:

7.1 联络人 / Enquiries : 011-2345 2185 - 秘书处 / Secretary
电子邮件 / Email : /
7.2 报名截止日期 / Registration Closing Date : 2022年10月1日 / 1st October 2022
7.3 收件名称 / Payable to : Dong Bei Bei Taijiquan Wushu Academy
银行名称 / Bank Name : PUBLIC BANK BERHAD
户口号码 / Account No : 3184-74-5135

(8) 裁判团 / Judges:

8.1 大会裁判团是由主办单位聘请合格受承认者组成。
The Judge Panel is made up of qualified and recognized persons appointed by the organizer.
(9) 参赛者咨询 / Further Informations:
9.1 大会没有提供膳食及饮料给所有参赛运动员,请运动员自备膳食。
Food will not be provided. Participants are advised to prepare your own meals.
9.2 请参赛运动员和代表队伍需自行处理个人保险。
Participants are advised to purchase your own insurance.
9.3 主办单位将会尽力协助维护参赛运动员的各方安全与设备。
The organizer will try their best to ensure the safety of participants.
9.4 只需领队教练为队伍报到,运动员可直接到检录处进行检录,请参阅(4.7)。
Only the team leader need to register on behalf of the team, participants can proceed directly to check-in for their events as in (4.7).
9.5 如果发现文凭有错误,请把文凭由领队拿至报到询问处修改,并在两小时后回到报道询问处取回修改好的文凭。
If there are to be any errors in the certificates, the leader of the team must bring it to the registration counter to notify the committee.
and collect the corrected certificate after 2 hours.
9.6 大会接收与承认自行复印的运动员参赛申请表格。
Photocopied registration foms are accepted.
9.7 参赛运动员和监护人必须自行承担负起任何伤亡的责任。
Participant and guardian will take own responsibility to any injuries or death before, during and after the competition.
9.8 若有任何自身贵重物品遗失,大会一概不负责。(请各位务必看顾好自身的财物)
The Organiser undertakes no responsibility for any type of risk concerning or affecting the participants/visitors,their personal belongings.
Participants / visitors are therefore responsible for taking care of their own belongings.
9.9 参赛单位在参加本赛事过程中,包括视频录制时所发生的一切安全责任由参赛单位完全自负,主办方不承担任何责任。
The participants are fully responsible for all safety responsibilities that occur during the process of participating in this competition,
including the process of video recording.
Participants must agree that the organizer will use the name, video, and images of the participating organization
for publicity and reporting in whole or in part without any restrictions, and the organizer will not provide any claims or compensation.

备注: 2022国际武术锦标赛暨网络武术英雄大赛委会整理修订
Remark:Edited by Committee of International Wushu Tournament and Online Hero Wushu Competition 2022

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