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GOVERNMENT OF DHRA DESH deocluctable al source under the Income Tax Act, 1961, and
ABSTRACT due1o Government; any other amounts
to Andhra Pradech
sh Revised Pension (3) Excess
payments due
to erroneous
pay fixations.
dues from the pensionary heed Pen The Government have also been
Rules 1980- Recovery
of Govemment benefits -0rden receiving innumerable
disciplinary cases in respect ofproposals
cation in the matters relating to
Issued WING-PEN. 1) DEPAT Caused to Government from the recovery of
pension consequent on the death of retired
Dated: 12.07.19 ovee
l o s s
loyee befor conclusion of the
G.O.Ms.No. 85
disciplinary proceedings pending against him.
Read the followinmey
The Government after careful consideration
5. hereby issue the following orders,
G.0.Ms.No.433, Fin. and Plg. (Fin. Wing. Pen. ) Dept.,dt. 2.12.197
.1. (a) When a Govenment servant dies before
PM/1/1(23)/98-99/38, dt. 28-07-1998 conclusion of the disciplinary
2 From the A.G., A.P. proceedings:
Generally death abates all further proceedings. As such when
Pension Act, 1871 all assignments, sevant dies before conclusion of the disciplinary
Under Section 12 of the
Under agreem proceedings, the procedings under
e kind made by the person entitled to any 9 of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980
sales and securities of any pension, also abates. If any loss
inciuaimg consent for pDanisappropriated
see mentioned
or allowances ned inin Section
Section 11of
Il of the said Act
the said ACt including consent Payx misappropriated amount
amount by by the
the deceased
deceased Government Servant isis established, i
recove hacases,
uch a cases, the disciplinary
Government Servant established, in
made byy a pensioner
in respect of any money no payable at or before makino proceedings will
will not
not automatically abate and
abate anditit isis open
on account of any
such pension for
or giving or assigning any further i ttherthe
heren Government to bring the legal representatives on record and conclude
are null and void. In the G.O. read above, it has been clarified that any crest therein,cciplinary proceedings
agre.Unerein,isciplinary proceedings for
for the
the purpose
purpose of
ot recovery of the same.
recovery of the same.
by Pensioners for deduction from the sums of Pensions which had already fal greement (b) When
disciplinary proceedings are concluded as per the procedure and
due on the date of the agreement is of no effect. Deductions can however be made the Government Servant dies before receiving punishment:
have fallen due on the date of any agreement,
only from sums as When disciplinary proceedings are concluded as per the procedure and
2. to 9
According Rule of the AndhraPradeshRevised Pension Rules, 190 GovemmentServanuPensioner dies before
the State Govermment themselves reserves the night of withholding or withdrawing is-4ppropriated amount due to his negligence or misconduct while he wasinservice
punishment andaylosor
the pension or gratuity or both and order recovery from the pension or gratuiy a esablished, the same can be recovered from terminal benefits admisitbleto the
the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government, if inay kgal heirs. The recovery in such cases shall be from the terminal benefits ie.
Departmental or Judicial Proceedings the Pensioner is found guilty of grare Retirement Gratuity/Commuted Value of Pension/Encashment of Leave.
misconduct or negligence during the period of his service, subject to certain oher6
Instances have also come to the notice of the Government where
conditions. of increments without cumulative effect (minor punishment) was ordered while the
3. is in
Instances have come to the notice of the Govemment where the Govemnen
service but due to retirement, the orders for stoppage
dues other than those provided under Rule 9 of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pensinof increments could not be implemented. In such cases, it is hereby clanifliedtha
of punishment
Rules. 1980 are to be recovered from the Govemment employees and the consequta he amount equal to the increments can be recovered from the Retirement Gratuiy
need to categonise various Government dues for the purpose of recoveringandthe employee after giving a notice to him and after considering his
adjustung from the Gratuity/ Commutation Value of Pension/PensionunderRulke epresentation, if any.
9 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension
Rules, 1980. . Accordingly the following Notification will be published in the Andhra
4. The Governmment after careful examination of the matter, hereby orderthatradesh Gazette.
the amounts due in respect
of the following categories shall be treated as Govermnenl
dues and shall be recovered from the
Gratuity admissible. NOTIFICATiON
() Dues pertaining to Government accommodation including
licence fee, if any; aear In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution of India and of all the powers hereunto enabling, the Govemor of Andhra
makes the following amendments the Andhra Pradesh Revised
Advance, e payment
relating toofbalance
over of House Building Conveyance any andesh Rules,
Pay and Allowances leave salary, and arrears of
hereby 1980. or to
or inconension
(c) Amounts specified in
Rule 9, after sub-ule
sub-rule (7) of Rule 9 of
Rules - in (6) the
(6) the follow Pension Rules, 1980. the Andhra Pradesh
desh Revised
i) In the said
added namely:
shal CBy order and in the name
of the
Governor of Andhra
Govemment before
servant dies
the disciplinan Pradesh)
"7(a) When a further discin.
proceedings, generally
death abates all proceedings.
As such, S.P.K. NAIDU
conclusion of disciplinarySuch,
dies before
Govemment Servant
Andhra Pradesh Revised Pensiceedine
Principal Secretary to Government
Rule 9 of the
proceedings under the Govemment amounth1980
ules, 1980 a
abates. If any loss caused
or misappropriated
amount by deceager
established, in such a cases, the discinline dece
Government Servant is
will notautomatically abate
and it is open to the
record and conclude
to proceeding
cions-Sanction of
isciplinary proceedings foring the lega Pen Consolidated Pension
to Pensioners
ales of Pay, 1999 retired in the
representatives on
the purpose scale - Enhancement of Minimum Pension pre-revised
of recovery of the Acsistance Sanction of Dearness Allowance -Orders Enhancement
same. -
- of Financial
When disciplinary proceedings are concluded as per the pro Issued. -
(b) ure and FINANCE & PLANNING (F.W. PEN.-)
dies before
Govermment Servant/Pensioner receiving punishment
order and a DEPT.
caused or mis-appropriated the
Government amount due to his ny ls
loG.. (P) No.156. Dated: 16-09-1999
misconduct while he was in service, is established, the same can be o negligence
terminal benefits admissible to the legal heirs. The recovery in sucha recovered Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.75, F&P (FW-Pen.-) Dept., dt. 07-03-1990.
be from the terminal benefits, i.e., Retirement Gratuity/Commuted v
Pension/Encashment of Leave.
Value o G.O.P)No.239, F&P (FW-Pen-) Dept., dt. 04-06-1993.
3 G.0.P)No.303, F&P (FW-Pen-) Dept., dt. 02-09-1994.
(c) In cases of punishment of stoppage of increments without cumulative efan
which could not be implemented due to lack of service or other-wise the ama G.O.Ms.No.565, G.A. (Spl.-A) Dept., dt. 25-12-1997.
equal to the increments stopped, shall be recovered from in Retirement Gratit 5. G.O.Ms.No.39, G.A. (Spl.-A) Dept, dated 31-01-1998.
of the employee. Gratuity G.O.P)No.118, Fin. & Plg. (FW-Pen-D) Dept., dated 03-07-1998.
Provided that the consultation with the Andhra Pradesh Public 1. G.O.P)No.l14, F&P (FW-P.C.) Dept., dt. 11-08-1999.
Commission shall not be necessary for taking action under this sub-rule.
8 G.O.(P)No.115, F&P(FW-PC-D Dept., dt. 11-08-1999
(i) In Rule 46 after sub-rule
(5) the following shall be added namely: ORDER:
(6) Recovery and Adjustment of Government dues:
In the Govermment Order 4th read above, orders were issued
(1) It shall be the duty of the Head of the Office to ascertain and laying
terms of reference of the Pay Revision Commission which include matters
Government dues payable by a Government Servant due for retirements.
assess the relating
to Pension. In the Government Order Sth read above orders were issued
(2) The Government dues as ascertained and assessed by the Headof Ofie Sri R.K.R. Gonela, IAS (Retd.) as Pay Revision Commissioner.
which remain outstanding till the date of retirement of the 2.
shall be adjusted against the amount of Retirement
Govermment Serval The Pay Revision Commission submited its report to the Govermment on
Gratuity becoming payabie 21-07-1999 and recommended, Inter-alia, that:
(3) The expression 'Government dues' includes:
(1) The Minimum Pension be fixed at Rs.1,275/- a month.
(a) dues
pertaining to Government accommodation including arrears of hoen
fee, if any;
(2) Merger of Deamess Rlief with Basic Pension and extension of
the same percentage of increase as is recommended in respect of the basic pay of
(6) dues relating to balance of House employees be given to the pensioners who retired prior to 01-07-1998 on their existing
Building or Conveyance
Advance, over payment of Pay and Allowances or leave salary,
or any
and arears of nobasic pension. In so far as the pensioners who retired prior to 01-07-1986 are
tax deductable at source under the Income Tax Act, 1961, and any other amous Concerned, this increase may be given on their existing basic pension increased by
due to Gover
due to Government; the
weightages as giver helow
Note 3 The pensioner or family pensioner will have to produce a certificos she
nrocedure detailed in
from the Head of Office, duly countersigned by
the Audit authorities i.e.,
is in a different District it
committees constituted to Sub-Rule 3 of Rule 37 needs
consider the retirement modification to omit
Officer or Pay and Accounts Officer (if the payment The on Medical the
be got countersigned by the District Treasury Officer or Pay and Accounts Officer may 3. following notification will be Invalidation.
Pension / Family Pension
published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee.
showing whether he/she has drawn any Anticipatory NOTIFICATION
if so for what period it has been disbursed. The Head of Office shall stop pavmen 4. In exercise of
of the Anticipatory Pension once he issued such certificate". Constitution of India and allpowers
by the proviso to article
hereunto 309 of the
under the heading '(c) sanction of Anticipatory Gratuity' after provisions Pradesh hereby makes the enabling, the Governor of Andhra
the following "Note" shall be added, namely: Pension Rules, 1980 issuedfollowing amendments to the Andhra
in G.O.(P) Pradesh Revised
dated 26.03. 1980. No.88, Finance &
"Note: The Pensioner/ Family Pensioner will have to produce a certificate Planning Department,
5. The amendment
from the Head of Office. duly countersigned by the Audit Authorities i.e., Treasurv hereby made shall be
effect from the 27th April, 2002. deemed to have come into
fficer or Pay and Accounts Officer (if the payment is in a ditterent District it may
force with
be got countersigned by the Distriet Treasury Officer or Pay and Accounts Officer AMENDMENT
showing whether he/she has drawn any anticipatory grauity and if so for what period 6. Orders relating to an amendment to Rule 37 of the
it has been disbursed. The Head of Office shall stop payment of the anticipatory Pension Rules, 1980 issued in Andhra Pradesh Revised
G.0.Ms.No.35, Finance
gratuity once he issues such certificate". Department, dated 10.04.2000 are hereby cancelled. and Planning (FW.Pen.I)
(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh) (By order and in the name of the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh)
Secretary to Govt. Pri. Secretary to Govt
Pensions- Amendments to Rule 37 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980 Pensions Administrative Reforms Amendment to Sub-rule (7) of
Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980 Recovery of Govemment dues of Andhra
Issued. -
from the
FINANCE (PENSION-I) DEPARTMENT Pensionary benefits Orders Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.814 Dated 23-09-2002.
G.O.Ms.No.995 Dated: 21-12-2002
Read the following:-
G.O.Ms.No.35. F & P (FW:Pen.I) Dept., dt. 10.4.2000. Read the following:-
2 1. G.0.Ms.No.85, F & P (FW.Pen.I) Dept., dt. 12.07.1999.
G.O.Ms.No.202, GA (Ser.A) Dept., dt.27.04.2002.
. G.O.Ms.No.203, GA (Ser.A) Dept. dt.27.04.2002. 22. A.P. Vigilance Commision's letter No.464/VC-A2/2002-2.
ORDER: dated 10.07.1999.
In the G.O. Ist read above, orders ORDER:
were issued amending the Rule 37 of the
Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980 Under Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980, State
regarding Invalid Pension providing
the procedure to be followed
duly constituting the Medical Authority or Medical Govermment reserves themselves the right of withholding or withdrawing apension
Board/ District/ State Level Committee or Gratuity, or both, either in full or in part, or withdrawing a pension in full orin
of Officers. part, whether permanently or for a specific period and of ordering recovery from
2 In the
G.Os 2nd and 3rd read above, orders were issued
the scheme of dispensing with a pension or
Gratuity of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused
to the
compassionate Appointment of Son Daughter / Spouse of the Govermment and to the local authonity if in any Departmental or judicial proceedings,
Govemment employees who retire on medical
Invalidation and accordingly suggested the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct or negligence during the period
to anamendment to Rule 37 of Andhra Pradesh Revised
Pension Rules, 1980 and of his service. Through G.O.Ms.No.85, Finance & Planning (FW.Pen.l)
988 989
Govemment have introduced a new sub-rule (7(a)(by the Retirement Gratuity on
Department. dated 12.07.1999, account of Govermment dues or local
continuance of disciplinary proceedings in respect loss sustained by the authority dues or
and (c) to the said Rules regarding
the purpose of recovery of any loss caused
Retirement Gratuity payable
servants due to
negliance and the net amountof
of deceased Govermment servants for to the retired
Government servant".
or amount misappropriated by
the Government servant while in service. (By order and in the name of the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh Vigilance Commission Andhra Pradesh)
2. In the reference 2nd read above.
of the procedure laid down and S.K. ARORA,
have expressed serious doubt of the practicability
of dues to Govermment occasioned on account Prl.
the legality of such action for recovery Secretary to Govt
his pension and Gratuity. The rule deals
of the deliguent officer after his death from
with a situation where a Govermment servant
dies before the conclusion of disciplinary GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH
the amount misappropriatiated by the
proceedings where the loss caused or ABSTRACT
Government Servant is established. There cannot be a question of loss or
Pensions Drawal of Anticipatory Pension /
misappropriation being established where the
Government servant dies before the
by the pensioner Revised amendment to
Gratuity Certificate to be produced
rule further provides for the note 3
under Rule 51 of A.P. Revised
conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings. The Pension Rules 1980- Orders -Issued.
heirs on record to conclude disciplinary
competent authority to bring the legal
proceedings: Clause (b) of sub-rule (7)
deals with a situation where the FINANCE (PENSION-D DEPARTMENT
servant dies before G.0.Ms.No.79
disciplinary proceedings are concluded but the Government Dated: 05-02-2003
imposing penalty or receipt of the order of penalty. Disciplinary preceedings can Read the following:
be considered to be complete, the moment, orders on findings and penalty thereon 1.
dies before this stage, it cannot G.O.Ms.No.787, Fin. (Pen.) Dept., dt. 13.09.2002
are pased and issued. If the Government servant
be said that disciplinary proceedings is concluded. The amendment to rule seems 2 From the P.A.O., O/o.P.A.O.,
Hyd., LrNo.PAO/Admn/U.L/2002-03-
to have been issued on the basis of "incorrect understanding of the legal position". 504, dt.31.12.2002.
Therefore, the Government after careful consideration have decided to amend the
relevant nule in accordance with law, as personnel action dies with person.
In the G.O. Ist read above, Government have issued an amendment to note
3 Accordingly. the following notification will be published in the Andhra 3 under rule 51 of Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980 regarding drawal
Pradesh. of Anticipatory pension/ Gratuity Certificate to be produced by the pensioner and
NOTIFICATION insisted for the countersignature of the Treasury Officer/Pay and Accounts Officer
4. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the concerned on the certificate to be produced by the pensioner.
Constiuion of India and of all the powers hereunto enabling, the Govemor of Andhra 2. The Pay & Accounts Officer in his letter 2nd cited, has expressed the difficulty
Pradesh, hereby makes the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Revised for countersigning his signature on the certificates to be produced by the pensioner
Pension Rules, 1980 and as amended from time to and stated that in his office only Deputy Pay and Accounts Officer Asst Pay &
ime Accounts Officer are the passing authority of claims but not the Pay & Accounts
5. In the said rules in rule 9, for sub-rule (7), the following shall be substituted
Officer whohappens to be Head of Department. As such he has requested th
Government and Proposed to insist the countersignature of the Treasury Office
namely Asst. & Accounts Officer/ Deputy Pay & Accounts Officer concerned on ti
Eventhough a Government servant has retired from service and was not certificates to be produced by the pensioner instead of the Pay & Accounts
before his retirement chargesheeted or called upon to explain why a pecuniary loss stated in the
caused to the Government (or a local authority) due to his negligence, while he 3. After careful consideration keeping in view of circumstances
a revised amendment
was in service, should not be recovered from him, the Government if they are satisfied reference 2nd read above, Government have decide to issue
to note 3 under Rule-51 of Andhra Pradesh
Revised Pension Rules, 1980.
that the loss in due to him, shall recoup the pecuniary loss besides all Government
dues (or local authority dues) from the Retirement Gratuity. For this purpose, it notification will be published in the
4. Accordingly, the following
shall not be necessary to get the consent of the Government servant or the consent Pradesh Gazette.
of the members of his family in the case of a deceased Government servant, as the NOTIFICATION
case may be. In such cases, it shall be indicated in the sanction clearly the amount 5. In exercise of the powers
conferred by the proviso to
article 309 of the
of Retirement Gratuity admissible, a stated amount which shall be deducted from Govermor of Andhra
hereunto enabling., the
Constitution of India and of all the powers
PRADESH In exercise of the powers
conierredby the proviso to Artide
of cia, the Governor of
ABSTRACT Consttamendment
to the Andhra
Andhra Pradesh 309 of
hereby makes the the
of P'RC 2010- Payment
of tlhe balance af ing Pradesh Revised Pension follow-
PENSIONS Recommendations
Finance and
Planning, Rules, 1980 issued
25% of the fhull pension to the family pension
beneficiary or to the legal
Dept, dated the 26th
March, 1980
heir in where the pensioner died
before the finalization of tho AMENDMENT
have abated Orders Issued. In rule 9 of the said rules afte
enquiry and the further proceedings sub-rule (7), the
FINANCE (PENSION-) DEPARTMENT added, namely:- following shall be
Dated: 02-05-2011 u(R When a Government servant dies before
G.O.Ms.No. 76 conclusion of the discinli.
Read the following: nary proceedings, the family pension
led to receive the balance of beneficiary or legal heir is enti-
1. G.O.(P).No.88, Fin& Plan. Dept., dt.26.03.1980. or
sion, as the case may be, and the hurther part of the full pen-
2. G.O.Ms.No.438 G.A. (Spl.A) Dept., dt.07.07.2008.
proceedings shall abated."
order and in the name of the Govermor of
26.11.2009. Andhra Pradesh)
3. G.O.Ms.No.598 G.A. (Spl.A) Dept., dt.
In the Government Order 2nd read above, orders were issued consti-
Principal Secretary to Govemment (FP)
Government appointed Sri
tuting Ninth Pay Revision Commission and
C.S.Rao, LAS., (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner. In the Government GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH
Order 3rd read above, the terms of reference of the Pay Revision ABSTRACT
Commissioner were laid down.
Revenue Department- Village Administration- Village Revenue
2 The Ninth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Assistant-Obsequies charges to the families of deceased Village Revenue
Government on 05.12.2009 and recommended, inter alia, as follows in respect
Assistant Enhancement of obsequies charges from Rs.5000/- to
of pensioner benefits: to pay the balance of 25% of the full pension to the fam- Rs.10000/- - Orders - Issued.
ily pension beneficiary or to the legal heir in cases where the pensioner died
before the finalization of the enquiry and the further proceedings have abated.
3. After careful consideration, the Government have decided to accept G.O.Ms.No. 550 Dated: 06-05-2011
the above recommendation of the Pay Revision Commission and hereby Read the folowing
order that the balance of 25o of the full pension shall be paid to the G.O.Ms.No.101, Revenue (VO) Dept., dt27.01.19922
Family Pension beneficiary or to the legal heir in cases where the pension
22. G.O.Ms.No.96, Revenue (VO) Dept. dt. 01.02.2001.
er died before the finalization of the enquiry and the further proceedings 3. G.OMs.No.128, Revenue (VA.) Dept, dt. 05.022008
have abated. 4.
4. G.O.Ms.No.192, G.A. (Ser.Wel.) Dept, dt. 23.042010.
4 The G.O is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address 5. From CCLA Ref.Lr.No.A2/875/2009 dated
2708.2010 along
Servants Association with Representation of the A.P. Village
5. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in the dt.02.08.2010.
dt. 18.0L20I1
Andhra Pradesh Gazette. 6. G.O.Ms.No. 352, Revenue (VA) Dept,
1190 and shall be
C o n c e r n e
exempted from
control orders treasury control and
ORDER Government have extended the facil
7. The Chief Commissioner of Land quarterly
In the reference 1st read
to the
nearest relative of Administration,
ty of payment of Rs.1000/-
as obsequies charges
obsequies ceremony. In the
ll the District Collectors shall take
necessary action A.P., Hyderabad
derabad /
the Village Servant to meet
the expenses
the amount

of obsequies charges has 8. This order issues with the
concurrence of accordingly.
reference 2nd and 3rd read above,
and Rs.20007- to Rs.5000/
vide their
U.O.No.9064/116/ Reve (Expr.
been enhanced from Rs.1000/-
to Rs.2000/- 11.04.2011.
'A1/Exp.Rev /2011, dated
have issued orders (By order nd in the name of the Governor
the Government of Andhra Pradesh)
2. In the G.O. 4th read above,
Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/-
charges from
enhancing the grant for obsequies to the nearest rel- ASUTOSH MISHRA
tor all categories of employees.
The amount is payable
the person lawfully in possession
Principal Secretary to Government.
ative of the Government Employee or
Employee to meet the expenses
of the body of the deceased Government
amendment has also been
on obsequies ceremony and an
control and quarterly control ABSTRACT
ing this item of expenditure from treasury S.R,
A.P.T.C. Vol.I 92 (C)-TR
orders to render relief immediately.
letter 5th read above, while Issued. Amendment -Orde
3 The CCLA, A.P., Hyderabad in his Servants Association, have
enclosing the representation of the A.P.Village FINANCE (TFR) DEPARTMENT
for enhancement of
requested the Government to consider the request G.O.Ms.No.92
Association, in their repre- Dated: 13-05-2011.
obsequies charges. The A.P.Village Servants
the enhancement of Read the following
requested to issue separate orders
sentation, have
the obsequies charges to the Village Servants
from Rs. 5,000/- to 1.
Lr.No.PM/1/PPs/2009-10/766, dt. 9-12-2009 of
General (P), O/o. the Accountant General Dy. Accountant
as the orders issued
Rs.10,000/- on par with other State Govt. employees, (A&E), Andhra
above, the designation of Pradesh, Hyderabad -500 004
in G.O. 4th read above. In the G.O 6th read
Village Servant' has been changed as Village Revenue Assistant'.
Lr.No.PM/III/RPR's80/2010-11/106, dt.10-5-2010 of Dy.
4. Government, after careful examination, hereby enhance the grant for
Accountant General (P), O/0. the Accountant General
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad -500 004
obsequies ceremony from Rs.5000/- to Rs.1000/- (Rupees ten thousand only)to
the Village Revenue Assistant in line with the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.192, 3 Finance (Pen.I) Department U.O.No.14498/79/A2/Pen.I/2010,
General Administration (Ser.Wel.I) Dept., dated 23.04.2010. dt. 8.4.2011.
5 The amount of Rs.10000/- shall be paid as Obsequies Charges to the ORDER:
nearest relative of the Village Revenue Assistant or the person lawfully in
In the references 1st and 2nd read above, the Accountant
possession of the body of the deceased Village Revenue Assistant to meet Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has suggested to enhance the validity peri-
the expenses on obsequies ceremony.
od of the Gratuity Payment Order (G.P.O) from 6 months to 3 years in
6 The expenditure sanctioned in Para-4 above shall be debited to the order to avoid hardship to the pensioners in particular and to avoid legal
sub detailed head of account '310-Grants-in-aid, 312-Other Grants-in-aid',
under respective Major, Minor and sub Head of Account of the District
2 As per Sub Rules (c) under TR.16 of A.P. Treasury Code, if a Gratuity

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