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CS10-8L: Computer Programming Laboratory

Machine Problem #4: Debugging

Name: Score:

Section: Date:

● To familiarize the students with the MATLAB interface.
● To enable the students to use some basic operations.

1. Save your file as Surname_Firstname_MP4. Ex. Isip_Cheryl_MP4

2. You will submit a zip file containing the following and send it to BB.

a. PDF file of Machine Problem 4 provided with the screenshot of your answers.
b. MATLAB script with .m extension.

3. Your program must have comments for each section.

Header Comments:
This demo program shows how good a MATLAB program is
Written by: Cheryl Isip
Date: August 27,2021
Time: 2:20pm
Program: BSIE
Course: CS10-8L
Section: B20
School: Mapua University

4. You’re not allowed to use conditional or repetition statements.


1. Keeping in mind there are 86400 seconds per day, write a program that calculates how many seconds there
are in a week, if a week is 7 days. Print the result on the screen.

Note: Your result should be in the format of just a number, not a sentence.

In the editor window, take a screenshot and paste your output:

Prepared by: Cheryl Mari M. Isip, Mapua University

CS10-8L: Computer Programming Laboratory
Machine Problem #4: Debugging

In the command window, take a screenshot and paste your output:

Prepared by: Cheryl Mari M. Isip, Mapua University

CS10-8L: Computer Programming Laboratory
Machine Problem #4: Debugging

Prepared by: Cheryl Mari M. Isip, Mapua University

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