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ID NO: 0983


JUNE :2021
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study.....................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives of the study........................................................................................................4

1.3.1 General objective.....................................................................................................4

1.4. Researchquestions..............................................................................................................5

1.5. Significance of the study..................................................................................................5

1.6. Scope of the study..............................................................................................................5

1.7. Limitation of the study.......................................................................................................6

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................7

Review of related literature..............................................................................................................7

2. 1 The Concept of reading.....................................................................................................7

2. 2 Ways of reading................................................................................................................7

2.3 Importance of reading.......................................................................................................8

2.4 Extensive Reading............................................................................................................8

2. 4. 1 The concept of extensive reading..........................................................................8

2. 4. 2. Historical perspective of extensive reading..........................................................9

2. 4. 3. Characteristics of extensive reading......................................................................9

2. 4. 4. Features of Extensive reading.............................................................................10

2. 4.6.Factors Affecting Extensive Reading...................................................................11

2. 4. 7. Roles of English teachers on promoting students reading habit..........................11 of students on extensive reading...............................................................11

2. 5. 1 Intensive reading................................................................................................12

2.. 5. 2 Extensive reading.............................................................................................12

2. 5. 3 Skimming...................................................................................................12

2. 5. 4 Scanning.....................................................................................................13

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................14

3. Research Methodology..............................................................................................................14

3.1. Research Design...............................................................................................................14

3.2. Subject of the study..........................................................................................................14

3.3. Population of the study....................................................................................................14

3.4. Sample Size and sampling Techniques...........................................................................14

3.5. Data Collecting Tools......................................................................................................15

3.5.1. Questionnaires...............................................................................................................15

3.5.2. Interview.......................................................................................................................15

3.6. Data Collecting Procedures..............................................................................................15

3.7. Data analysistechnique and procedure.............................................................................16

CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................17

4. Proposal annexes........................................................................................................................17

4.1. Field research plan...........................................................................................................17

4.2 Budget breakdown............................................................................................................18


APPENDIX A................................................................................................................................20

APPENDIX B...............................................................................................................................23



1.1 Background of the study

English language is an international language which is used as means of communication in the

It is a medium off instruction in Ethiopia high schools and higher institution. Reading is the
process of getting knowledge from, written texts. According to Barber (1993; 28) reading is
believed to be

the most essential part of the for foreign language learners because learning any subjects require
a considerable amount of reading. This indicates that reading is vital for students to pass the
exam and to understand any text to be read. In human life reading is a means of getting
knowledge and an information. That is used to achieve academic and social goal.

D.B.Rao (2008:8) stated that reading is one of the basic idea or basic elements of language
learning. Basically there are four techniques of reading

Skimming , scanning, intensive reading and extensive reading of these reading techniques ,
extensive reading is the most dominant techniques to have better understanding about
academicals and non academicals texts and it has a number of significance for readers. In
relation to this idea, Gerllet (1981:4) stated that the objective of extensive readin habit is reading
longer text for personal pleasure and satisfaction. When the readers use extensive reading, they
can get world understanding from it.

According to Grobe and stole (2002:259), extensive reading exposes learners to longer quantities
of materials with in their linguistic competence. This idea is especially in vocabulary acquisition
to its definition Beniko Mason and Stephen K (1997). From these two researchers, can notice
that extensive reading has a power to motivate us o understand whatever we read.

Extensive reading is areading as much as possible for your own pleasure at adifficult level at
which you can reading smoothly and quikly without booking up words or understanding to

English as you go, in other words, instead of spending a half hour decoding atiny part of one
book (also known as intensive reading) you read many simpler books that are at or slightly
bellow the level at which you read fluently. This lets you get used to reading more complex
sentences with easerain forces the words you already know and helps you learn new words from

1.2 Principles of extensive reading

Vocabulary,according to the studies carried out by Magubhai and Elleg(1983) Cunningham and
Stanorich(1998) and Elleg (1992) reading helps to improve an English second language learners
vocabulary list by reading abook or any printed text.Aperson an exposure to know the meaning
of the word by refering to the context of the text or by refering to dictionary. The reader will be
tempted to use the particular word in his oral or written communication-Saragieta(1978) carried
out research on the merits of reading in acquiring second language.

They found that extensive reading results in substntaintial increase in the vocabulary of the
learner which is acquired by grasping the meaning of the world in context.They mentioned
reading is vital for increasing learners selection of vocabulary in context. Which can not be
acquired even by reffering to the dictionary. Classroom activities do not provide through scope
for the acquiring of vocabulary in context.

Spelling, according to Wapoye (2009) reading improves ones phonological awarness.

Knowledge of phonology, graphem, phonome and morpheme. By reading aperson can beld
the word sound together, matching other sounds together and then catagories the two sounds
together to form meaning. This means the person is aware how the grapheme and phoneme are
combined phonologically. This leads to understanding the world, knowledge of the meaning
from the contexts and the spelling of the word. The more frequent that particular word appears
the more familiarized the person be with the spelling.

Writing skills, Reading has a special relationship with writing. Whatevers rememberd and this
helps in writing. Reading has many geners that help us to learn the structure of aparticular
language. By a reading alot.The reader will be more familiar with the targeted language.

Vocabulary will be expended and so will the grammatical structures. Rules of grammar will be
automatically acquired. Reading again and again will read to the curiosity. If trying to combine
sentence of words together and writing them down.

Fluency, Wolf and Katzir- cohen (2001) mentioned that fluency is an important part of reading
comprehension. Samuel (2002) defined fluency as the ability to read connected text rapidly,
smoothly, effortlessly,and automatically with little attention to the machanics of reading.

Dowhower (1987) has proven through his research that fluent readers are able to read atext
faster, more accratly and better undrstanding. In an other word fluent reading allows readers to
make connections among the ideas in the text and between the text and their background

In the end, fluent readers can recognize words and comprehend at the same time. By fluently
reading the readers can automatically recognize the meaning of the word with the help of the
background knowledge and link it to the context of the text.

Fluency, By frequently reading books in a target language a person can improve his proficiency.
Reading again and again helps a reader to be familiar with the language structure and the rules of
the grammar. Reading materials from other geners helps the reader to comprehend the situation
from different context. Forexample, what do you say during afuneral or what to say in
ashopping complex? The reader will be tempted to use the phrases found in the books or
reading materials and when the phrase is repeated the reader will then be proficient.

But, might be constraints during extensive reading habit the study about factors that affect
students extensive reading habits at school particularly on grade 11 english students.

An extensive reading habit is very necessary to get world understanding and pleasure. This time
is the time when human beings are getting sufficient information through reading because the
important of information that develops human mind is printed in written forms. Laughers (1989)
research suggests that learners need to be familiar with at list ninety five percent of the running
words in a text if they want comprehend and thus perhaps learn from the text.

Green and oxford (1995) in a study of the effect of learning strategies on language proficiency
found that reading for pleasure was most strongly related to proficiency. The problem most
students have that contributes to their poor performance in texts and examinations is lack of
proper reading habits. Today, many students prefer to watch movies and other shows on
television, listening to audio-CD, watching video-CDs, among others. At bordede secondary
school english students have not good habits in extensive reading.

When they took reading course, each student score very low grade and the researcher heard
information from the students. They inform their low grade to the researcher before the research
title is selected. So the researcher has background knowledge about students’ problem in
extensive reading habit. So the researcher initiated to conduct a study on this topic.

From the past to the present day there have been distinictive reason for poor reading habit among
sinior students the perliminary observation by the researchers released that students have low
enthusiasm towards reading and the majority of these students do not know how to read, and thus
they are faced with reading challeges aimd examination (the act of looking at or considering
somethings carefully) periods. The majority of parents, guardians and teachers campain about the
rate of the poor reading habits of students to day and this notion was to support or give strength
to something by the official reporter of the west African examinations council (WAE.C. 2008).
The net outcome of students failure to read properly is the poor performance of most students in
final examination. From the above it may be the case that one of the key issue standing up to
read but rather their total absence of enthusaism for reading from the affirmation above. The
study was carried out to investigate the reading habit among students and the effect on their
acadamic performance in senior students specifically among students of senior students.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this study is to find out factors that affect students’ extensive reading
habit: the case of grade 11 english students at bordede secondary school.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this study are:

 To identify the main factors that affect students extensive reading habits
 To encourage students to challenge factors that affects their extensive reading habit.
 To assess the interest of students in extensive reading

1.4. Researchquestions
1. Do students have interest in extensive reading?

2. Do students have problem with extensive reading, to what extent?

3. How can students solve problems related with their extensive teading?

4. What are the major factors that affect students extensive reading habits?

1.5. Significance of the study

The anticipated outcome of this study was helped everybody to have understanding of students’
about extensive reading habit. It was helped to develop positive attitude among reading habit. It
was helped to develop positive attitude among students towards reading in second language
learning. It was helped teachers to support their students to develop extensive reading habit. It
also helped for teachers to identify common problems of student’s in extensive reading habit. It
also helps that researcher who wants to conduct research on this topic.

1.6. Scope of the study

This study was delimitated to the assessment of factors that affect grade 11 english students ’
extensive reading habit at bordede preparatory school. The researcher limited to bordede year
english students because they took the students failed the exam as the researcher got information
from them. As a result, the researcher assumed that they gave deep information about the course
to conduct this research. The researcher inclined to conduct research on extensive reading
because extensive reading can be the base for other skills like, speaking, writing and listening. So
extensive reading can help the reader to enhance the ability of speaking writing and listening.
That means, if someone has the habit of extensive reading, he/ she would know a lot of words,
and these words was helped to the ability of writing, speaking, and listening skills.

1.7. Limitation of the study
Some problems hindered the researcher during conducting this study. The major problems were:
unavailability of sufficient reference materials on the topics, financial problems to run the study
in general and sufficient time to conduct the study.



2. 1 The Concept of reading
Different authors define reading in different ways according to their understanding. For example:
Brown L(1989) explains that extensive reading is carried out to achieve a general understanding
of a text. Another auther, Eskye (1998) stated that reading can be understood as an active
purposeful and creative mental process which readers engaged themselves in the constructions of
meaning from the provided by the text readers read different material to get knowledge. Long
and Richards (1971) identify extensive reading as <<occurring when students read large amounts
of high interest materials, usually out of class, Concentrating on meaning reading for gist and
skipping unknown word>>.

2. 2 Ways of reading
Readers materials in deferent ways based on the purpose of writers such as Gerllet (1981), Dount
(1990) and other identified about four ways of reading : skimming, scanning, intensive reading
and extensive reading. These major ways are discussed as follows: skimming is a ways of
reading different materials. Gerllet (1981) defined skimming as reading quickly to group to
general theme or general idea and he defined skimming involves knowing which part of text
contain most important information and reading only those ,more than must kinds of reading,
therefore, it requires knowledge of text structure. The readers should know of the text thus way
help recorder to hold the central points of the material quickly.

On the other hand, scanning is the second way of reading: according to Gerllet (1981) scanning
is quickly going through a text to find particular pieces of information when people read material
they look first at the table of contents, the publication and index very quickly to get particular
information. In addition to this, D.B.Rao (2008) explains it as skill in which is used to identify
the piece information n the text. He further state that teacher should take the responsibility of
asking relevant question so as to assist their students practices. The third ways of reading is
intensive reading. As Gerllet explains the ways readers read materials, like document, poetry,
novel and others then, do dig out both open to view /knowledge and messages of them. This kind
of reading is used to develop the readers read written materials, poetry, novels and etc,
theyshould understand the way to develop their accuracy and fluency. The last ways of reading
does extensive reading, the way of reading for word wide understand.

2.3 Importance of reading
Here some points are discussed about the importance of reading in relation to extensive reading.
Reading plays an essential role in daily lives. Most people read design; mars label and so on
medicine bottles direction for operating new appliance. The readers read to fill out forms to fill
their income, to apply for jobs and to request circuitry. The ability to perform such use full
activities is called as reading or funfundentsdents. All elementary school subjects such as :
mathematics, sciences, social studies and spelling requires students toreach.

As it is indicated reading articled to ones day to day life people who have awareness on the
importance reading get message from different materials when they read purpose fully .

2.4 Extensive Reading

2. 4. 1 The concept of extensive reading

As the researcher has tried to explain the ways of reading habits in the previous section, reading
classified as: skimming, scanning, intensive reading. Grant(1987) state extensive reading is <<
the act of reading materials such as, novels, longer text letter, magazines and newspapers for
pleasure at intermediate speed. This way of reading helps readers to develop the readers’ fence
and over all understanding relevant information. In this methods reading, the reader reads variety
of materials the reader can get extensive reading to get world information.

As Getachew (1996) indicates <<in approaches the wanted or amount information desired on the
basis of purpose of >> not all the ways reading mentioned above are merely exclusives but, they
are also interdependent. He also explains the concept of extensive reading as the follow. In fact
the objectives of extensive reading larger tasks basically, materials such as in novels, short
stories, and magazinesforworldwide understanding. So extensive reading in which a second
language learners are exposed to a large quantity of information wide range of habits and various
subjects and outlookas well as writing style for enjoyment. To achieve to all these advantages
understanding all the values of extensive reading and reading and reading those variety of
reading materials is very important.

2. 4. 2. Historical perspective of extensive reading

Harold palmer(1917) in Britain Micheal w(1926) in idea were the first to pioneer the theory of

extensive reading as approach to foreign language to achieve and reading in a particular palmer
choose the term <<extensive reading>>.

caldron and report (1929) on<<modernforeign language study introduced the reading method
recommended the inclusion of extensive reading in its method. Also Dupes research (1997) in
French supported the theory that extensive reading is more pleasurable and beneficial for
language activation than grammar instruction and practice. Natal (1998) argued the case for
extensive reading program citing research studies that should expressive gains in reading ability
mention and attitude over all linguistic competence.ss

2. 4. 3. Characteristics of extensive reading

Day and Bam ford (1980) state for wards nine characteristics identified in successful extensive
reading programs.

i. student read as much as possible

ii. A variety of materials on arrange of topics is suitable

ii. Students select what they wants to read

iv. The purposes of extensive reading are usually related to pleasure

V. Reading is its own reward.

vi. Reading is individual and silent

vii. Reading speed is usually faster than slower

viii. Teacheroriented students to you of the program and

ix. Teacher is arole Medias of reader

2. 4. 4. Features of Extensive reading

The following are the feature of extensive reading

The teachers need to be well informed about the books and reading materials that would appeal
to their students.

Guided extensive reading needs to be conducted in relied in formal class room atmosphere where
the teacher focused on keeping students read for pleasure. The reading materials should be
within the students' level of competence. Students are giving to the opposite to choose the books
that they would like to read. The program needs to be conducted on a regular basis. The features
of guided extensive reading (GER) program seem to correspond with most of the day and Bam
ford (2002) top nine principles for teaching extensive reading. <These include the felt that the
reading materials should be with the learners> level of competency that they be allowed to
choose what they want to read that the teacher and the guide students. That rending is individual
and silent that purpose of reading is for pleasure as day and Bam ford have mentioned. These are
among the conditions and methodology necessary for its success. The researcher share day and
Bam ford view that reading is its own reward and he shares their view that the teacher should be
arose model of the reader. Extensive reading has some distractive features. one of those features
is opportunity of more information from reading material out of the class room according to the
reader purpose and goal. There are various types of reading materials such as: news papers,
magazines, novels and e.t.c. Another important feature of extensive reading is the availability of
learning in their own program and interest. The third feature of extensive reading that can be
considered is linguistics competence of the reader is major feature in understanding of whole
reading. The whole success of reading strengths, the efficiency of extensive reading of the
readers satisfaction in <<while reading encourages the reader for extensive reading.

2.4.5. Advantages of extensive reading

Extensive reading has the following advantage:

 The students may develop a reading habit.

 Gain more confidence in reading
 students to improve their attitude toward reading and become more motivated read.
 Improve over all language competence
 Increase reading Comprehension
 Build Background Knowledge
 Acquire incidental grammatical Competence
 Expand fight vocabulary
 Be more prepared for further academic course because they have reads large quantities

 In addition to that extensive reading has other importance in terms of providing general
knowledge according to some writers like Wallace (1998:87) states as follows
 Students require the reading speed and skills he or she will need for particular purpose
when he or she in leaves school so pure professional competence depended on effective
reading. In addition to this our general knowledge depends on reading the more students
read the more background knowledge he or she acquires more books she or he find and
they understand.

2. 4.6.Factors Affecting Extensive Reading

An extensive reading program may be costly and time consuming to set up if materials are not
available. it may be difficult to get support from administration.

2. 4. 7. Roles of English teachers on promoting students reading habit

2. 4.7.1.Roles of teachers on extensive reading

The teacher give recommendationon reading materials based on students’ interest. The teacher
gives in choosing appropriate level of water fall beginning with easy book. The teacher guides
students setting specific goals for amount of read. of students on extensive reading

The students assume total responsibility for developing reading ability of the students without
dictionary. The students usually choose their own materials and move along at third own pace.
but most push themselves in order to show greater progress. Generally it discussed in the
proceeding sections, the term reading is defined as an << an active purposeful and creative
material process in which the readers remove themselves in the construction of meaning from
provided by the text and relevant prior knowledge>>. When the researcher see extensive reading
as a general term. it as a way of reading in gathering wide information, knowledge and for
entertainments in the next chapter main analysis would be presented detail.

2.5 Types of treading

The type and techniques of reading are Skimming, Scanning, Intensive and Extensive

2. 5. 1 Intensive reading
Brown (1989) explains that intensive reading calls attention to grammatical forms, discourse
markers, and other surface structure detail for the purpose of understanding literal meaning
implication rhetorical in- class analysis led by the teacher of vocabulary and grammar points
inshort passage.

Intensive reading some times called Narrow reading may involve students reading selection by
the same author or several texts about the same topic. When this occurs content and grammatical
structure repeat themselves and students get many opportunity to understand the meaning of the
text. The success of Narrow reading on improving reading coprehension is based on the premise
that the more familiar the reader is with the text, either due to the subject matter or having read
other works by the same author. The most comprehension is promoted.

2.. 5. 2 Extensive reading

Brown (1989) explain that extensive reading is carried out "to achieve a general understanding of
atext". Long and Richards (1971 & 216) identify extensive reading as " occuring when students
read large amount of high interest materials. Usually out of class concentrating on a meaning"
reading for gist and a kipping unknown words. The aim of extensive reading are to build reader
confidence and enjoyment. Extensive reading is always done for the comprehension of main
ideas not for specific details.

2. 5. 3 Skimming

Skimming is used when reading some general question in mind. Skimming is used in making
dicisions on how to approach text such as when determining if a careful reading is deserving.
Skimming is used to build student confidence and understanding that it is possible to gain
meaning without reading every word in a text.

Skimming is used for the initial survey and for review. Skimming is askill that astudent may
want to develop if they are planning to cotinue with acadamic studies. It is offer used in
reviewing for a test.

2. 5. 4 Scanning

Scanning is a quick reading focusing on locating specific information. Scanning involves quick
eye movements not necessarily linear in fashion, in which the eye wander until the reader finds
the piece of information needed. Scanning is used when aspecific piece of information is
required such as a name, date, symbol formula or phrase is required.The leader knows what the
item looks like and so knows when he has located what he has searching for it is assumed then,
that very little information is processed in to long-term memory or even for immidiat
understanding because the objective is simply matching skimming and scanning are sometime
refered to as types of reading at other times. As a skill skimming involves a through overview of
atext and implies areading competences, scanning more limited activity, only retrieving
information relevant to purpose, Brown ( 1994) suggested that perhaps the two most valuable
reading strategy for learners as well as native speakers are skimming and scanning( p, 283).



3.1. Research Design

For this study, the researcher used the survey research design. Survey research is a method of
collecting information by asking questions. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative
methods to analyze the data which was gathered from the students to analyze the data which was

gathered from the students by using questionnaires and interview. The researcher used the table
and percentage to analyze close-ended questions, Open-ended questions and interview questions;
the researcher used the quantitative data analysis method by using numbers and qualitative data
method by using words.

3.2. Subject of the study

In this study, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data were grade 11
english students at bordede peeparatory school whose total number is 31 students. From these
total students 21 students are, males and 10 students are females.

3.3. Population of the study

The population of this study will english studentes of bordede secondary school.

3.4. Sample Size and sampling Techniques

For this study the researcher used comprehensive sampling techniques because, the number of
students in the class was manageable, the total number of students are thirty one (31), and the
researcher used purposive sampling technique for interview. The researcher selected three
students from whole student’s high score, medium score and low score students because; The
researcher needed deep information about problems of factors that affect students' extensive
reading habits.

3.5. Data Collecting Tools

To conduct this study, the researcher employed two major data collecting method i.e.
questionnaires and interview.

3.5.1. Questionnaires

Questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of question and other prompts for
the purpose of gathering information from the respondents. For this study, the researcher used
the questionnaire that contains both open ended andclose-ended questions; because to give the

respondents free chance to write their idea, and to give chance to all grade 11 english students to
gathering information respectively. The researcher used open ended and close ended questions.

3.5.2. Interview

Interview is another research instrument conversation between two or more people where
questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewers.

Interview is used to collect data to get relevant information from the expected respondents. The
researcher interviews the students to gather data about the student’s extensive reading habits.
Interview was collected from the participants and it was held individually to let the participant
feel to speak their experience and believe about factors that affect students extensive reading

3.6. Data Collecting Procedures

To collect relevant data from the respondents, the researcher follows certain steps. Accordingly,
first questionnaires were distributed for students in their formal class, and the researcher gave
clear information for respondents regarding on the purpose of the questionnaire and requested to
read the questions carefully and to set the appropriate answer which expressed their idea.
Second, three students were interviewed and the interviews was transcribed in to interpretations
and analysis and collect the data.

3.7. Data analysis technique and procedure.

After the data collected, the researcher analyzed and interpreted the data by using both
qualitative and quantitative analysis method, the data which was ggredred from the respondents
by using close-ended items were analyzed quantitatively using table and percentage and
interview were analyzed qualitatively through description.



4.1. Field research plan

The time required for the Research to complete is one of crucial activity carried out to conduct
the research effectively and efficiently and meet intended objective. The following table shows
the work plan through which the researchers will follow while doing the research.
Table 1: Work plan

No Activities May Jun July August

2 Preparation of research proposal 

3 Comments to the first draft 
4 Typing of final proposal 
5 Submission of proposal 
6 Proposal presentation 
7 Data collection 

8 Data organization 

9 Data analysis 

10 Research report writing 

11 Submission of first research report 

for comments
12 Typing of final report 

13 Submission of final report 

14 Presentation (Defense) 

4.2 Budget breakdown

Budget is among the necessary input to carry out research and hence to achieve the intended
goal of the research, therefore, to conduct this research the following will be the budget required
to accompany the study.

Material Quantity Duration Unit cost Total cost

Paper 60 Page 50 cent 30 birr

Flash 32GB NO 320 birr 320Birr
Pen 6 NO 10 birr 60 birr
Transport 15 days NO 40 birr 600birr
Printing 60 Page 3 birr 180birr
Photo copy 120 Page 1 birr 120birr
Contingency - - 300birr 300birr
Total= 1610birr

Barber (1993) learning style retrieved on Jan 25,2013
From htt://tttp://libraty education world- net / allal- 7hrm

Beniko and Stephen K(1997) from htt: // www. Google .com.
Brown (1998) Extensive reading: a simple technique with
Outstandingresults: EA education conference
Day and Bamford (1980) Extensive reading in the second language class room
Cambridge school press.
D.B Rao (2008:18) readersand researchdirector R.V.R collage of education
Counter5 2006(AP) India.
Dupe’s (1997) Extensive reading language a dairy study of a beginning learner of
Arkansas University
Eskye E.E (1998) reading and research INM Bright led international encyclopedia
Of linguistics. New York oxford university VOB
Galedon and Report (1929) Extensive reading in English as a foreign language.
Getache (1996) skills development methodology A school.A
boredede school press
Gerllet (1981) developing reading skills: practical guide to reading comprehension.
Exercise oravr.
Grant (1987) extensive reading and its role in Japanese high school.
Green and Oxford (1995) from htt://www.Google.Com. Oxford university press
Grobe andstole (2002:259) reading in the language class Room : London Longman
Long and Richards (1971) Extensive reading in English Habits and attitudes of a group of
Italian universitystudents
Michew W(1926) Effective reading Networks India : Mahatma Gandi university press
Nuttal (1996). Teaching reading skill ina foreign language Oxford: Heinemann.
Wallance (1998:87) Extensive reading New York: Oxford University press.

bordede school



Questionnaire for stst

Thank you in advance!

Instruction 1:show the extent of your agreement on each statement by selecting the numberwhich
consist your answer and tick under the number among the following five points scale. Please
give more attention to identify the difference between each numbers’ for it is crucial to give

1. StronglyDis agree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 My extensive reading interest is low
2 The school has adequate books for the student to read.
3 Lessons are given to as on how to improve extensive

4 My extensive reading problem extents limited
5 I havevocabulary problems when I read text.
6 My background knowledge of (exprience) has challenge on
extensive reading

Instruction 2: show the extent of your option on each statement by selecting the word which
consist your answer rand tick (√) under the number among the following four point scale

1. Always
2. Sometimes
3. Rarely
4. Never

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1 How often do you go to librarie to read no acadamic texts?
2 To what extent do your English teachers encourage you to
read different reading materials of getting pleasure and
3 To what extent do your familys encourage you on
providing extra read different reading material to develop
your extensive reading skill?
4 How often do you read materials written in English?

Instruction 3: Writes your answer on the provided space

1. Do you think reading non-academic books such as novels, short stories, poetry, news
paper and magazine are waste of time ?yes/no. How it is would you please write your


2. Do you have the habit of extensive reading? Yes/no if yes how if you say no why
3. Do you think reading extensively improve your vocabulary? Yes/no tick one and
explain a reason why?
4. What is the teaching and learning style? Do you think providing hand out assists/set
obstacle to extensive reading?



1. What is your attitude towards extensive reading habits?

2. What do you think the problems related to your reading?

3. What are factors nglishnglish students extensive reading habits?

4. What must be done to solve the problem of grade english 11 students study reading

5. What type of books or materials do you prefer?


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