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वरिष्ठ पलि
ु स अधीक्षक /पलि
ु स अधीक्षक
जनपद -मथुरा

उतर प्रदे श पुलिस

आवेदन संख्या: 985/ दिनांक :

Pushpanjali Hospital and Research Centre
Delhi Gate Agra Uttar Pradesh -282002
No Sec-Dated

Subject-Verfication of the Human Organ Transplantation Case.

Kindly refer to your Office Letter No.PHRC/HAC/RT/2023/02
Dated 19-04-2023,on the subject noted above.

The Antecedents of recipient Shri.Charadndeep Singh Sethi S/O Harbans Singh Sethi R/O House No.02
Wood House Near Holy Gate Mathura Uttar Pradesh -281001 and donor Mr.Invinder Singh Sethi S/O
Harbans Singh Sethi .
R/O House No.02 Wood House Near Holy Gate Mathura Uttar Pradesh -281001.Have been got verifed
through Concerned Police Station .On Verfication It.Reveals that recipient is Brother of donor. The
Above –Said recipient and donor is resident of above address and nothing criminally adverse have been
found against him in the record of local Police .

3.Recipient is Brother of donor.
4.Not relates to this office .
5.Not related to this Office . For Superintendent of Police
6.Nothing Criminally adverse against the Donor. Mathura

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